In the canopy of the Dark Forest...
So it's true. Orcs.
Yes, I see them. By the spirits, what foul-smelling cretins. What do we do?
Let them pass. Tell the elder.
Where do you think they're going?
We should warn the humans.
Yes, I see them. By the spirits, what foul-smelling cretins. What do we do?
Let them pass. Tell the elder.
Where do you think they're going?
We should warn the humans.
In a farmhouse on the Bracken fields...
Have you heard?
Heard what?
The elves. They say there are orcs in the woods.
What? You're full of it.
It's true. They say the orcs are moving south. They're coming this way, uncle.
What are orcs, papa?
You don't need to know that, sweetheart. Go find your mother.
Gods. As if the centaurs weren't enough trouble. What are the elves doing to stop them?
Hah, the elves? Nothing, uncle. They've done nothing.
Heard what?
The elves. They say there are orcs in the woods.
What? You're full of it.
It's true. They say the orcs are moving south. They're coming this way, uncle.
What are orcs, papa?
You don't need to know that, sweetheart. Go find your mother.
Gods. As if the centaurs weren't enough trouble. What are the elves doing to stop them?
Hah, the elves? Nothing, uncle. They've done nothing.
In the underdark beneath the Tall Mountains...
Can ye hear that?
Aye. I'm not bleedin' deaf, ye oaf. What do ye think it be?
I can't rightly tell, hones'ly. Sounds like somethin' be moving down there.
Drums. It... it be drums. Drums in the deep... go warn the others. Make haste, will ye!
Aye. I'm not bleedin' deaf, ye oaf. What do ye think it be?
I can't rightly tell, hones'ly. Sounds like somethin' be moving down there.
Drums. It... it be drums. Drums in the deep... go warn the others. Make haste, will ye!
A chill wind is blowing, like some great force gathering its breath. There are rumors going through the land of Brackenhorst. There's talk of orcs and goblins stalking the woods at night, something that the elves told the men in hushed whispers, huddled beneath the shade of the Dark Forest's edge. In turn, the men of the plains say they see lights on top of the old fortress, the Grim Spire, that cursed place in the foothills that was abandoned so long ago. Dwarves, masters of the Tall Mountains, have heard movement in the dark; shuffling and screeching, and drums in the deep. Even the centaurs are restless. Birdsong has left the air. Something is afoot.
One of the last remaining members of an order dedicated to the protection of the land has gathered a group of individuals to investigate this. People from all walks of life and different races have banded together, united in a common purpose, be they elves, dwarves or men. For their leader remembers the old tales and sees the warning signs that others have missed. Could it be that a terrible evil has returned? Or is there some other force driving these events, summoning dark servants out of hiding?
This unlikely band of heroes-to-be must journey far away from home, deep into the heart of darkness, to discover the truth and put an end to this menace before it can begin.
Hello there! Welcome to the Insidious Night, an old-fashioned fantasy mystery roleplay full of the familiar trappings and tropes we all know and love. The premise is simple, the setting straightforward and the plot uncomplicated. Evil may or may not have returned to the lands your character calls home and now is the time to investigate.
I am looking for a merry fellowship of five other players to join me. My selection process is based on merit, not the speed of your submission, so please don't pass this up just because you think one of the spots might be snatched away by someone else first.
Now I know the above isn't much to go on, which is why I want players who enjoy being kept in the dark. You'll have to fill in the gaps yourselves. I will provide more information about the world and the races that inhabit it so you can create a suitable character, of course, but let's not get ahead of ourselves: who's up for some adventure?