Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 7 days ago

The New Frontier: A Marvel/DC One Universe RP
Inspired by Darwyn Cooke’s “DC: The New Frontier” and Superman: TAS.

In Character Info:

It has been four years since the first reports of beings with extraordinary powers began to appear in America’s newspapers. A red-blue blur in Metropolis, a Bat in Gotham, and a streak of red in Central City chief amongst them. Billionaire Tony Stark offered one explanation: advances in technology had allowed certain individuals the ability to augment themselves beyond the point of human limits. He was laughed at until he unveiled his Iron-Man suit to the world by way of example. Even then the individuals behind the acts of heroism remained nameless and out of sight. It took the bravery of one man – Professor Charles Francis Xavier – to offer an alternative explanation. “Mutants,” Xavier called them in an address to the United Nations. He was one of them. Children of the Atomic Age born with capabilities unimaginable to the human mind – the next step in human evolution.

Xavier’s confession was met with fear across America. With SHIELD Director Nick Fury still underground after his SHIELD-sanctioned space expedition led to the disappearance of Reed Richards and three others, America looked to another man for answers – Senator Robert Kelly. “The Mutant Registration Act” would curtail the worst excesses of the mutant strain until humanity could cure it. Congress would pass Kelly’s Registration Act with bipartisan support and within six months of it Senator Robert Kelly would become President Robert Kelly. At Kelly’s swearing-in he would come under attack from the mutant terrorist known only as Magneto and the first of America’s protectors would make himself known.

His name was Superman. A being from a world unlike ours that embodied the best humanity had to offer and powers unparalleled by any that would follow him. Leading a makeshift team of powered vigilantes Superman would thwart Magneto’s attempt on Kelly’s life and force the mutant into exile. Outed to the world, Superman would use the opportunity to decry the unfairness of the Mutant Registration Act and call on America to turn their back on the politics of fear. His call would go unheeded and Kelly – emboldened by the attempt on his life – would press on with his attempts to round up America’s mutants.

America’s richest man, Lex Luthor, would cease the moment and use his fortune to create the Justice League of America – spearheaded by none other than Captain America, the perfect recruiting tool for the Justice League’s cause, with an Asgardian god by his side. Masked vigilantes come from far and wide to stand shoulder to shoulder with America’s first superhero and a would-be photographer by the name of Peter Parker is sent to the Justice League’s unveiling. It would be a day that would go down as the beginning of a new chapter of American history – A New Frontier.


December 19th, 2011: The first reported of the so-called "Bat-Man" on Gotham's streets.

April 12th, 2012: Professor Charles Francis Xavier announces the existence of mutants to the United Nations.

May 24th, 2012: The Mutant Registration Act - known as "The Kelly Act" - is passed by Congress.

November 6th, 2012: Senator Robert Kelly (R) is elected President of the United States.

January 23rd, 2013: The attack on President Kelly at his inauguration by the mutant terrorist Magneto is foiled by Superman et al.

April 11th, 2013: Lex Luthor holds a press conference to announce the formation of the world's first super team - The Justice League of America.

February, 2016: Our game begins.


I. This is your game as much as mine. If I'm being a dick don't be afraid to tell me. I want your input on how this game is run, its future, and where it's going. God knows we've had enough turnover between comic book games in this section. I want to try something a little different in the hope it helps this one stick around for a while. Take ownership of this game, treat it as your own, and maybe it'll still be around in six months time.

II. Mainstream Marvel and DC characters only.

III. This is a One Universe game, not an Ultimate game, that means only minor deviations from the mainstream versions of the characters are allowed - these deviations have to be explainable by their having lived in a shared universe. For example, in the Frontier universe Hal Jordan may not have the strongest will or Stephen Strange may not be the strongest mystic.

IV. No smut. If you're interested in writing page after page of Green Arrow getting down and dirty with Black Canary there are places for you to do that. This is certainly not one of those places.

The New Frontier: DC/Marvel One Universe RP application:





Supporting Cast:

How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?:

Post References:
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 7 days ago


This space is to keep you updated about IC deaths, marriages, children, and bar mitzvahs. You know, all the important shit.


This space is for information/rosters about IC teams. For those times when you need to roll deep, homie.

Lex Luthor - Vandy Morden Man

Captain America - Blue Demon
Black Widow - Hexaflexagon
Thor - TimeMasterX
Zatanna - NPC
The Flash - Eddie Brock
Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) - Gowi
Aquaman - Hillan Vandy NPC
Ant-Man - Natty
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Frank Castle/The Punisher

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Affiliation: The Punishers


Frank Castle was born in raised in Brooklyn. Right out of high school he married his sweetheart Marie and signed up for the Marine Corps. He and Maria had two children Lisa and Frank Jr.

Castle was an exemplary Marine and soon joined Marine Special Operations Regiment, a special forces unit. Frank saw major combat in Afghanistan. On a routine mission in the Khyber Pass, Frank's entire squad were wiped out by a Taliban ambush. Frank, the sole survivor, proceeded to kill every Taliban soldier. Frank was wounded in the fight and sent home, awarded the Navy Cross for his actions and honorably discharged from the Corps.

A month after he was home, Frank and his family had a picnic in Central Park. Unfortunately, they were there at the same time as a botched mob hit. Frank and his family were caught in the crossfire. Frank was wounded, his family was killed. The two assassins who were responsible for their deaths were acquitted by a corrupt judge and jury. The assistant district attorney who tried to case was Adrian Chase, a survivor himself of criminal violence. As devastating as it was for Chase to lose the trial, for Frank it was so much worse.

That was when Frank Castle ceased to exist. Taking what little money he had, Castle put it all into weapons, gear, and a safehouse and proceeded to wage a one-man war against the Scargetti Crime Family, the employers of the two assassins responsible for his family's death. While effective at first, Castle soon realized soon that he could not do it alone. If this was a war, then he would need an army.

Rachel-Cole Alves, a fellow Marine who lost her new husband thanks to violence, was the first recruit. Second was Yorkie Mitchell, a British ex-pat Castle served with in Afghanistan. Together, the three tore through the Scargetti Crime Family like tissue paper. The NYPD began to look into the vigilante murders. The NYDA's office assigned Adrian Chase to the case. Castle was the prime suspect and Chase tried to reach out to him to talk some sense into him. Instead, Chase was recruited and the vigilante group gained a fourth member. Together, the four destroyed the last remnants of the Scargetti Family and stole five million dollars of their laundered money for operational cost. Now, the band of four are average New Yorkers by day and something else altogether at night. They are not agents for justice or truth. Frank Castle and his group deals in one absolute principle: the wicked should be punished. And they are the Punishers.

Supporting Cast:

Rachel Cole-Alves: Fellow Punisher, former special forces operator.
Michael "Yorkie" Mitchell: Fellow Punisher, ex-SAS commando and MI6 agent.
Adrian Chase: Fellow Punisher, New York ADA
Microchip: Hacker, Punishers ally.
Martin Soap: NYPD detective, Punishers ally.
Oscar Clemons: NYPD detective investigating the Punishers.
Barracuda: Hitman and former special forces operator.
Finn Cooley: Irish mobster and IRA member.
William Rawlins: CIA agent investigating the Punishers.

How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?: Castle doesn't roll solo anymore. He has a dope squad with him. #squadgoals. I want to set up each one with a unique character and voice. They'll work together and solo to deal with the corruption that's run rampant in NYC and America as a whole #lifegoals. If you're wicked and have profited off the suffering of others, you will be punished #murdergoals.

Post References:

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Clark Kent, AKA Superman

Neutral Good

Independent (2010-PRESENT)

Official records state that Clark Kent was born on a small farm in the city of Smallville around thirty years ago. The truth, however, is a little more complicated than that— Clark Kent is not human.

Superhero Associates & Wards
    Kara-El / Lana Kent AKA Supergirl - Clark’s cousin who appeared on Earth after being stuck in a sort of temporal purgatory for an unknown amount of years. Before SHIELD could arrive and apprehend her arrival he ushered her away to his “Fortress of Solitude” to safeguard her. Unbeknownst to him, SHIELD scientist Dr. Emil Hamilton has confiscated the spacecraft.

    Bruce Wayne AKA Batman - The polar opposite of Clark and the logical yet cynical side of him. Batman is Superman’s closest friend and most uncompromising ally in the war against crime. REQUIRES APPROVAL FROM BATMAN PLAYER.

    John Henry Irons AKA Steel - A prodigy who was once a close friend to Lex Luthor, John Henry Irons has used his mechanical genius to aid Superman in many ways including the development of his “Fortress of Solitude”. Irons is one of the few people in the world universe that Clark absolutely trusts. Irons is also one of the leaders in security technology in the United States with his technological firm, Steelworks, being centrally located in Metropolis.

    Reed Richards AKA Mr. Fantastic - Another individual on Superman’s short list of confidants and allies, Reed Richards has helped Clark figure out scientific lapses that John Henry Irons lacked the quantifiable skills for. But with Reed now missing Clark lacks the insight of the prodigal genius. REQUIRES APPROVAL FROM FANTASTIC FOUR PLAYER.

Other Friends & Allies
    Lois Lane - A pulitzer prize winning investigative reporter who currently works for The Daily Planet, the job that got her to coin the hero known as “Superman”. She’s fascinated with the Man of Steel for his ideology and his tenacity despite initially thinking it a bit naive and archaic. She has come to find herself siding with Superman in most cases, though she is worried that his vendetta against Lex Luthor could lead to bad consequences.

    James “Jimmy” Olsen - A twenty-one year old photojournalist and the protege of pulitzer prize winning investigative reporter, Lois Lane. Beyond that, Jimmy is a close friend and ally who has been in league with Superman since the Man of Steel’s debut; though at the time he was only a bumbling intern at the Daily Planet.

    Lana Lang - Growing up in Smallville, Lana Lang was Clark’s best friend and perhaps under different circumstances… they would’ve been something greater. When Clark left Smallville to travel the world and find himself she would enroll in a major university sponsored by STAR LABS before setting up shop in Jump City, California to continue studies in meta-biology.

    Chloe Sullivan - Another childhood friend from Smallville; Chloe has since also moved to Metropolis, following in her father's footsteps in the medical field.

    David Corporon - Former Police Commissioner of Metropolis and now Governor of Delaware; Corporon is a staunch supporter of Superman’s ideals and actions in and out of the United States. William Henderson replaced him as Police Commissioner. It is speculated Corporon will have a bid in the next Presidential Election as a Democratic Candidate.

Enemies & Rivals
    Lex Luthor - The clever businessman and inventor has nearly been ousted by Superman when his agenda has endangered innocent civilians. This extends to Luthor’s associates including his niece (Nasthalthia Luthor), assistant (Mercy Graves), and business partners (Metallo).

    BRAINIAC - A vicious anti-kryptonian AI invented by a now dead race of people that Superman has been wary of since discovering information about its existence.

    Magneto - In addition to stopping his assault on President Kelly, Superman has stopped his brand of extremist terrorism; though Superman has additionally fought with enemies of Magneto such as The Purifiers. REQUIRES APPROVAL FROM X-MEN PLAYER.

    The Kingpin - Expanding his criminal empire nearly a decade ago with the removal of Anthony Gazzo from Metropolis’ criminal underworld, the mysterious Kingpin intends to create a criminal empire even bigger than Gotham’s Roman Empire. He does this feasibly through his technological crime cartel called INTERGANG. Superman has come blow-to-blow with INTERGANG on many occasions. REQUIRES APPROVAL FROM SPIDER-MAN PLAYER.

I’ve loved the character of Superman for a very long time and whilst I’ve played in previous games as his cousin, Kara, I feel like I can finally push myself to play the Big Blue Boy Scout himself. Superman is a character that has tons of variations to his origin, manner, and method as we would expect from a character that is as old as he is. My variation on the mythos will be expansion of what I previously hinted at with Kara and Zod who I played in Ultimate DC in the past. Whilst keeping the theme of hope I will be writing Clark Kent as a man conflicted by his misgivings about Lex Luthor, the Government, and his ideals. He wants to trust Lex, but finds it hard given their past history; doubting that this Justice League is nothing more than another game of his. Other changes from the character is Clark Kent isn’t a journalist or copywriter but a night shift janitor at the Daily Planet. I want to play this Superman in this… conflicted world… I want to do good by him.

Also, well my Supes has a beard.


It had been a rough last few years for Clark Kent.

Following the Kryptonian invasion, Clark knew the consequences would be vicious and truthfully he didn’t blame the world for turning their back on their hope when they thought they had been betrayed by their hero. The fallout that had occurred following the attack was disheartening for Clark as many people who had called him a “savior” had done a complete 180; Superman was no longer their hero but now their enemy. The Man of Steel knew Luthor had been laughing all the way to the bank when it had happened— an alien starship sending soldiers exactly like his nemesis to destroy and conquer? It was too easy— there was no way Luthor would not have used all of his advantages to create the narrative he wanted to humiliate, discredit, and incriminate Superman.

And that’s exactly what he did.

The formation of the Justice League of America, in another light would’ve been exactly the correct response to the threats present. But in this case it was entirely funded by corporate interests and Lex Luthor’s wallet, a fact that Clark felt everybody ignored. It was probably the most brilliant career move in Lex Luthor’s entire life. A brave new world and Luthor was picking up the pieces. However, it wasn’t a simple game of embarrassing the Man of Steel— though the American entrepreneur probably thought it had been a nice bonus victory. The fact was that Luthor didn’t do things half-heartedly and with him organizing a group of superheroes dedicated to social justice there had to be something much more to it. Clark had smelled something wrong about it the day Luthor announced it— all the fanfare in the world couldn’t hide it.

It sank Clark’s spirits when he had to deny an invitation to the league by his own personal hero, Captain America. But it was just another clever tactic Luthor employed to distract him. Clark couldn’t accept being in league with Luthor, especially not after everything he had experienced at Luthor’s hands. The Justice League was Luthor building up to something and manipulating heroes for his own benefit. How could a man who willingly and deceptively armed supervillains, assassins, terrorists, and corrupt governments be the face of a new frontier of justice?

Eventually there would be no legal loophole or way to weasel out of his justice. But how? It had been three years since Luthor’s Justice League had been founded and Clark hadn’t found enough evidence to justify his feelings. The possibility that Luthor had gone the route of Tony Stark was something that seemed so unreal to the kryptonian. His feelings aside, there were many people who felt the same way about Luthor that he had talked to in the past to make sure he wasn’t being blinded by his past experiences with Luthor. John, Bruce, Kara, Lois, Diana, and many others looked at Luthor in the same light. Bruce had told him he would look into it, but even the World’s Greatest Detective had a plethora of other priorities.

Let it go, Clark.” Clark muttered under his breath as he stood at the center of the Fortress of Solitude, trying to calm his nerves.

Clark knew thinking about the same thing for three years expecting a different conclusion was the definition of insanity but he felt like distracting himself completely would make it easier for Luthor to do something he would’ve otherwise noticed. It was a conundrum in itself, for sure.

It was times like this that he wondered what Captain America or the Justice Society of America would’ve done in the same situation. Maybe it was a romanticization, but being a hero seemed so much easier back in the Golden Age of Superheroism; villains were simpler.

Kelex, I’m going back on patrol rounds. Update me if anything comes up.

“Of course, Kal-El.”

Leaving the Fortress of Solitude, Clark slammed all of his anxiety into a physical outlet as he zipped from his base of operations as he made for the stratosphere like he always did when preparing for his patrol. Once within the stratosphere the kryptonian stopped on a dime as he looked down towards the surface with a wide smile as his cape flowed behind him. Despite all of the anxiety he had with Luthor every single time Clark pulled himself up here he felt a blissful energy overtake him. Who needed therapy when you could just experience this kind of euphoric peace? He remembered when Kara had started to get used to her powers and he took her up to the stratosphere for the first time as a sort of introduction to the kryptonian abilities she was inheriting.

“Shut your eyes. Focus past the noise and listen closely. This may seem like a burden but it isn’t— this is the heartbeat of the planet.”

It took awhile for Kara, but she understood it. He was so proud when she donned her cape to follow in his footsteps. He never really thought much of legacies until Kara had arrived on Earth, but it made him start considering a lot of things that had happened in the past as well as start looking to the future. What would’ve happened if he had the courage… that he had now. Clark looked downwards in the direction of Jump City on the western seaboard of North America— where Lana Lang, now an important scientist, was studying meta-biology. He hadn’t seen her in som—

The scream cut through Clark’s mind, interrupting his train of thought. There was no thinking to the scream of terror— he had already made a beeline for it. Touching down in southern Russia, somewhere near the Kazakhstan border, the first conflict of the day begins. Clark’s brows narrow as he sees what had caused the scream: a Frankenstein-like monster stitched throughout his whole body with a massive bulk to him. A woman in a white labcoat is trying to scramble back as fear completely overtakes her. A reasonable sense of fear. Clark throws his arm out and speaks his words carefully hoping that what was before him spoke Russian.

Stop!, what are you doing?1

The words crack forward like lightning and the creature (mutant?) turns its head at the figure that stood behind him that dared to grab him. There was a grumble from its lips.



The concrete cracked as the creature slammed Clark’s face repeatedly, with each motion exponentially stronger than the last. Clark felt like he should’ve been used to this sort of reaction given his experiences with the likes of Solomon Grundy; but he really wasn’t. There really wasn’t much getting used to with the equivalent of a real life ogre throwing you around like a ragdoll when you were as strong as Clark was. A heavy breath left him as he shifted his energy and despite being face-down flung himself upwards back-first as quickly as possible.

The movement caused the creature to stumble and lose hold of his head, which was good… because that was enough of that.

A bit of a temper, huh. That’s okay. I’ve got one too.1 Clark grinned as he cracked his knuckles.

1: Russian
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Posting my CS here too, for convenience sake.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ErsatzEmperor
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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just a wee skeleton I'm going to put here. Don't worry. The sinews and flesh'll start returning soon...


"Go ahead. Pull the trigger. But after you do, bub... Then you're mine."
(Marvel Comics Presents Vol 1 #1)

LOGAN (born James Howlett)

‣ Alpha Flight
‣ Department H
‣ Weapon Plus (formerly)
‣ Team X (disbanded)


JAMES MACDONALD HUDSON - Wolverine's friend and handler at Department H, Hudson spends much of his time chiding his charge for his lack of cooperation and recklessness. Having taken Logan in during his time of need, he feels responsible for his reassimilation into society and his success at Department H. He is one of the chief minds behind Alpha flight, believing there to be a need for Canada to represent themselves on the world stage following the creation and success of the Justice League. He recommended Logan for leadership of the team. He is married to his colleague Heather Hudson.

HEATHER HUDSON - Heather played a significant role in nursing Logan back to health when her husband James returned home one night with a wild-man. The two share an unspoken attraction for each other, one that could threaten to destroy the two men's friendship were it acted upon. Heather works as a researcher for Department H, occasionally assisting Alpha Flight as Vindicator.

VICTOR CREED - A mysterious brute from Logan's past, he shares much of his abilities with the Ol' Canucklehead.

DEPARTMENT H - Headed up by a nameless director, Department H is a clandestine organisation, ran as a branch of the Canadian government. It's charged with superhuman peacekeeping in relation to Canada and their national interests. They are responsible for the formation of Alpha Flight.

ALPHA FLIGHT - Canada's premier superhero team:
Wolverine (Logan)
▹ Vindicator (Heather Hudson)
▹ Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier)
▹ Aurora (Jeanne-Marie Beaubier)
▹ Puck (Eugene Judd)
▹ Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)

‣ The main difference between this take and the mainstream character is his continued employ under Department H and leadership of Alpha Flight. In this timeline, Professor Xavier never approached Wolverine with an offer to join a team of mutants to retrieve his X-Men from Krakoa, the Living Island. Logan never left Department H, never became an X-Man, never came to know and respect the man called Professor X. Wolverine will be trying his best to make good with his friends and teammates.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 7 days ago

Just to make it official: @Byrd Man is co-GM on this here thing. If I happen to be elsewhere for whatever reason, his word is my word and what he says goes. He's not as considerate a lover as I am, that much is true, but what he lacks for in tenderness he more than makes up for in effort. So treat him nicely.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Just to make it official: @Byrd Man is co-GM on this here thing. If I happen to be elsewhere for whatever reason, his word is my word and what he says goes. He's not as considerate a lover as I am, that much is true, but what he lacks for in tenderness he more than makes up for in effort. So treat him nicely.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Is he a man, a mutant or something else?"
"A creature of the night."


| N A M E: |
Bruce Thomas Wayne aka The Batman
Gotham's Dark Knight
The Caped Crusader

| A L I G N M E N T: |
Chaotic Good

| A F F I L I A T I O N: |
The Justice League (Formerly/Temporarily)
The Chaste (Formerly)

| H I S T O R Y: |
1978-1983 | Born into one of Gotham's most influential and wealthiest family's, Bruce Thomas Wayne grew up living an entitled life. His father, Thomas Wayne was the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, a military defense contractor that included dozens of umbrella companies involved in all sectors of the economy both in Gotham City and around the world. This included Thomas' personal pride and joy, Wayne Healthcare.

Bruce's mother, Martha on the other hand spent her days fighting against the abuse of Gotham's children and against the trafficking of children around the globe. In her youth, Martha had a reputation as a notorious party girl, socialite, and debutante, frequenting all the most prestigious country clubs, night clubs, and soirees. Upon meeting Thomas Wayne however, Martha developed a social conscience and often used her family's wealth and status to champion causes and charities.

As such Martha headed a covert detection agency with help from a young officer James Gordon and the family butler Jarvis Pennyworth until his untimely death in 1984. Their goals were to stem abuse against children, in the hopes that those children would not grow up to turn into abusers and criminals themselves.

1984-1985 | With the death of his father Jarvis, retired MI-6 Operative turned stage actor, Alfred Thaddeus Pennyworth is summoned to the Wayne Family Estate as it was his father's will he would serve the Waynes as his replacement. While originally reluctant, Alfred complied with his father's wishes and left London for Gotham. Arriving at Wayne Manor, Alfred was accepted by Thomas and Martha with open arms but clashed repetitively with the family's young heir.

1986-1991 | At the age of eight, Bruce Wayne watched his parents murdered before his eyes. Thomas and Martha Wayne were walking home from the Monarch Theater one night with their son, when they were held up at gunpoint by a mugger who demanded the pearl necklace that Martha was wearing. When Dr. Wayne refused to surrender it, both he and Martha were shot dead in the streets.

The death of his parents traumatized the young Bruce Wayne. Taken back to the Gotham City Police Station by Officer James Gordon, Bruce was put in the care of one of the late Thomas' associates, physician and social worker Leslie Thompkins. Providing loving comfort to the traumatized Bruce, Leslie advised Gotham's child services to put Bruce in the care of Alfred Pennyworth despite the protests of the young Wayne.

Despite a rocky beginning, Alfred and Bruce eventually learned to understand each other. The former military man eventually began to get through to the spoiled boy and Alfred and Bruce began to bond. When Bruce was bullied at school, Alfred would be the one to tend to his wounds. Alfred taught Bruce how to throw his first punch and how to stand up for himself. By the time Bruce had graduated into secondary school, Alfred had changed the spoiled boy into budding young man more than willing to take care of himself.

But no matter how much Alfred forged the boy into a man he could not extinguish the fire that burned for justice. After witnessing the murder, Bruce swore revenge on criminals, an oath tempered by a strong sense of justice. Hardened by the death of his parents, Bruce devised a crusade on crime believing that Alfred could help him become a force for change.

1992-1995 | Despite his insistence that he be home-schooled, Alfred denied Bruce's whims and ensured he stayed enrolled in the prestigious Excelsior Academy his parents had intended him to learn at. His classmates at Excelsior were among some of the most gifted young minds in North America and the class was filled with numerous individuals who would go on to change the world. These individuals included the likes of Alexander Luthor, Anthony Stark and Oliver Queen1. It was here at Excelsior that Bruce developed a close friendship with a fellow Gotham heir by the name of Thomas Elliot. Bruce's rival in every way, Thomas excelled at strategic thinking and always seemed to be two steps ahead of Bruce.

During his late teens, Bruce took an interest in the occult, demonology and necromancy having known of such mystic arts due to his father's friendship with Giovanni Zatara1. Searching Gotham for another with this interest, Bruce eventually discovered Jason Blood1. However upon finding out Blood's true nature and his cursed existance, Bruce decided to abandon his quest to resurrect his parents or imbue himself with otherworldly powers. Deciding to leave Gotham, Bruce bid Alfred goodbye and headed out on his own.

1996-2011| At the age of eighteen, Bruce departed Gotham travelling the world in order to learn the skills necessary to start a war with the criminals of Gotham. Alfred put Bruce in contact with an old MI-6 Operative by the name of Sir Denis Nayland Smith. While Smith had retired he directed Bruce to Hong Kong putting the young billionaire in contact with Shang Chi1.

For the next fifteen years, Bruce backpacked across the globe learning anything and everything he could from various masters and specialists. After leaving Hong Kong, Bruce continued to travel across Asia eventually encountering an enigmatic blind man known solely by the name of Stick1. Like Shang Chi, Stick was a master martial artist, unlike Shang Chi, Stick was robbed of his sight. Teaching Bruce how to fight without his eyes, Stick taught Bruce how to enhance his senses and see the world through more than just his eyes.

Continuing East, Bruce hunted down humors of a legacy of hunters who were near perfect trackers. Eventually finding the home of the Kravinoff family, Bruce observed them and eventually gained their trust going on numerous hunts with them. Bruce discovered the secret to their abilities was in fact a concoction made with local herbs. This concoction prolonged the user's lifespan while enhancing both the body and the senses.

Departing Russia, Bruce made his way South in Europe where he made his way to the Italian home of one of his father's associates. As a boy, Bruce remembered being amused by the parlor tricks of Giovanni Zatara but after the deaths of Martha and Thomas, Giovanni departed Gotham. Moving to Europe, Zatara had met and wed Sindella, who gave birth to their daughter, Zatanna. However leaving Gotham had not allowed Zatara to escape further tragedy as Sindella died after giving birth to Zatanna. This led Zatara into a downward spiral as he become a depressed drunk.

Things changed for the better in Zatara's life when a Bruce Wayne arrived, requesting Zatara to teach him to become an escape artist and illusionist. While it was a struggle, the combined efforts of Bruce and Zatanna eventually led to Zatara agreeing to teach his skills to Bruce while he battling with his own alcoholism. By the time Bruce departed Italy, Giovanni had been sober for nearly six months.

Continuing South, Bruce found himself recruited into a band of mercenaries in Egpyt. It was here he learned the tactics of guerrilla warfare as Bruce was taught how to strike back against insurgent forces. During one penultimate firefight, Bruce and his allies found themselves ambushed leading to Bruce taking a bullet for his associate Marc Spector1. The two forged a friendship as they survived the ambush and helped patched one another up while Marc headed further into Egypt and Bruce made his way to Wakanda.

In Wakanda, Bruce honed his hunter skills, learning to track in ways the Kravinoff's hadn't been able to show him. It was also hear that Bruce discovered the mysterious metal known as vibranium. Learning about the properties of the metal, Bruce would years later incorporate the precious metal into his Batsuit armor and weapons.

Leaving Africa behind, Bruce made his way to Brazil where he learned to handle a wide variety of automobiles and motorcycles on the narrow and treacherous roads around Rio de Janeiro. It took a few years for Bruce to be able to handle any vehicle as he constantly modded, wrecked and rebuilt cars each passing day. Entering into the underground racing scene, Bruce eventually departed after hand delivering the organization heads to the police.

From Brazil, Bruce found his way onto Blackhawk Island. Enlisting help from the retired Blackhawks who still resided there, Bruce sought them out in order to learn how to handle aircraft. As some of the world's finest pilots, Bruce sought their instruction and experience. They in turn put him to work repairing the older vehicles in the hanger believing Bruce would not be ready to fly until he knew the place from the inside out. Upon mastering the art of flying, Bruce contacted Alfred and arranged his return to Gotham.

2012 | Returning to Gotham after fifteen years, Bruce began his crusade against the criminal underworld. Shot on his first outing, Alfred demanded that Bruce not take on the underworld single-handedly, instead encouraging Bruce to follow in his parent's footsteps. Due to his injuries, Bruce reluctantly succumbed to Alfred's request and turned his attention to the family company. Taking the reigns of Wayne Enterprises back, Bruce begins to take a page out of his mother's playbook and invests in Gotham developing jobs for the unemployed and seeing that the underprivileged are able to gain education.

His actions lead to Bruce becoming a target promptly Alfred to hire Bruce a protector in the form of Sasha Bordeaux.

2013 | After nearly a year of charity work and pushing Wayne Enterprises, crime has yet to recede in Gotham leaving a very devastated Bruce Wayne. Drunkenly stumbling into his father's study one night, Bruce found himself staring out the window defeated when a bat smashed through the glass. Seeing the Bat as a sign from his father beyond the grave, Bruce swore that he would become a Bat. Realizing that fear was his best weapon, Bruce fashioned a costume that would take him from man into a hellish monster in the eyes of the superstitious and cowardly criminal underworld.

2014 | Working in secret with Alfred and Lucius Fox, Bruce develops the Batsuit and rapidly expands his armory taking a new brutal brand of justice to the streets of Gotham. These develops include an improved 'Batsuit', a 'Batmobile' and eventually an aerial vehicle known as the 'Batwing'.

While working with the alien known as Superman, Bruce realized that he was a man among gods. Consulting with Lucius, the two devised a secondary Batsuit that would allow Bruce to work with his more gifted colleagues on an even footing. However under advice from Alfred, Bruce avoided using the suit in Gotham in order to not rely on it as a crutch or to incite escalation from his foes.

2015 | Having gained the attention of the largest crime families in Gotham, a hit is put on the Batman's head bringing the assassin's Deathstroke and Elektra1 to Gotham.

At the request of Superman, Bruce commissions Lucius to help him design a suit capable of taking on the Man of Steel himself should the alien ever go rogue. The suit was further designed to be able to take on some of the world's other mythic foes including the Amazon Wonder Woman, and the Norse God Thor.

2016 | Having become a thorn in the criminal underworld's side for nearly five years, a hit has been put out on the Batman's head. Fifty million for him dead, a hundred million for him alive.

1 Pending the permissions of those players

| S U P P O R T I N G C A S T: |
Alfred Pennyworth:
Bruce's loyal butler, father figure and confident. Former MI-6 Operative and Actor.

Alfred's loyal German Shepard. Given to Alfred as a puppy during his training with MI-6.

Sasha Bordeaux:
Bruce Wayne's bodyguard at the behest of Alfred. Originally Bruce believed that Alfred was trying to set him up with the lovely Miss Bordeaux until she revealed herself to be his new protector. Bruce often ditches Sasha in order to suit up as the Batman.

Zatanna Zatara:
A former flame of Bruce Wayne's, Zatanna and Bruce enjoyed a brief but intense romantic relationship while Bruce trained under her father in Italy. After departing Italy, Bruce and Zatanna fell out of contact but she still holds a place in his heart.

Lucius Fox:
The Chairman and former head of Research and Development at Wayne Enterprises. Lucius is also a confident of Bruce Wayne, although he refuses to acknowledge that he's away of the Billionaire Playboy's nightly activities. Lucius is the mastermind behind most of the Batman's equipment and tools.

Captain James Gordon:
An ally to the Batman and one of Gotham's few straight cops. James Gordon's career has been more entangled with the Waynes than he'd care to realize having assisted Martha Wayne with her social activities, been the responding officer to their murder and returned to Gotham months before the Batman appeared.

| N O T A B L E D I F F E R E N C E S: |
This Batman has nothing to prove by simply being a man. When in the company of Superhumans, Bruce does not shy away from utilizing more high tech batsuits akin to the 'Batman Beyond'/Batwing suit. Additionally he possesses bigger and more powerful 'Kryptonian Buster' Suits akin to the one used during the 'Night of Owls' and 'Endgame' arcs for taking on foes like the Hulk and Superman himself if the need should arise.

Batman has never been a member of the League of Shadows, as mentioned in his history, Bruce did travel the world to learn his numerous skills but he never joined the League merely training under various master martial artists.

Due to ingesting a similar concoction as Kraven the Hunter, Bruce ages at a slower rate and has an enhanced physical condition beyond those provided by his rigorous training regime.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
The standard Batsuit is a technological marvel that almost rivals the Iron Man Suit. Bruce's Batsuit can augment his strength by a factor of two, containing Vibranium in the gauntlets and boots in order to minimize harm and increase striking power. The cape is fire retardant and goes rigid to allow for gliding when passed with an electrical current. The Bat's boots contain Stark repulsor technology to boost Bruce's jumping abilities and aid his grapple guns. The grapple guns are mounted in the gauntlets and use OsCorp fluid wire technology that is also seen in the Spider-Man's webshooters.

| S T O R Y L I N E S: |
'One Night To Kill The Bat!'
Having made numerous enemies in Gotham and gained a reputation, an anonymous benefactor has issued a reward for the head of the Batman. Fifty Million for the Bat dead, a hundred million for him alive.

| S A M P L E: |
~I'm sure I will need to write one of these~

| R E F E R E N C E S: |
1. 'Fun On The Bleachers' - Mavericks: Valiant Heroics
2. 'Don't Forget The Eggs' - Maximum Comics: Dawn of Justice
3. '12% Of A Plan' - Maximum Comics: Dawn of Justice
4. 'A Knight in Blüdhaven' - DC Universe: Gods Among Us
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Divine Darkness Numb

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When did Killer Moth become relevant let alone popular enough for two people to apply as him? :P

Batman: Bad Blood may have helped with that. (Quite a few villains were killed in that one sadly.)

And he reoccured on the Teen Titans series.

<Snipped quote by Byrd Man>
Is there ANYONE over 35 here? No? I'll just be in the geriatric corner by myself then...

*shyly raises hand...
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

Batman: Bad Blood may have helped with that. (Quite a few villains were killed in that one sadly.)

And he reoccured on the Teen Titans series.

Oh right and he had the Beatle like suit.

Gowi also always made Killer Moth a large thorn in his Batman's side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I made him a lightly reoccuring con artist/robber, yeah, but I never made him in his major rogues gallery or anything?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I made him a lightly reoccuring con artist/robber, yeah, but I never made him in his major rogues gallery or anything?

Oh no? Huh I thought he was bigger lol
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Gowi>

Oh no? Huh I thought he was bigger lol

The biggest thing I did with him was make him own ACE chemicals...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Nothing good ever happens at ACE Chemicals.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 7 days ago

Gowi, I'm putting the finishing touches on a Superman sheet so I'd suggest you start working on a sample post. (If you haven't already)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gowi, I'm putting the finishing touches on a Superman sheet so I'd suggest you start working on a sample post. (If you haven't already)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gowi, I'm putting the finishing touches on a Superman sheet so I'd suggest you start working on a sample post. (If you haven't already)

App off! Bonus points if you make it rhyme.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Not going to lie, I think Morden is such a better writer than I am that I'm doubting myself here. I'm still going to come up with a cohesive sample post, but the intimidation is pretty strong.
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