I judged it by its cover at first. I assumed it would be a bad "black culture" movie trying and failing to be the next 'Friday,' or like a dumb party movie like 'Project X.' They marketed it that way.
It's hardly that way at all. It's about misfit geeks surrounded by black culture. It actually has a really good message about subverting stereotypes and being yourself.
I kinda like how it might have tricked some "party culture" people, like my brother, into seeing it. It had tits and ass and was funny, so I doubt those guys could dislike it all that much.
It's hardly that way at all. It's about misfit geeks surrounded by black culture. It actually has a really good message about subverting stereotypes and being yourself.
I kinda like how it might have tricked some "party culture" people, like my brother, into seeing it. It had tits and ass and was funny, so I doubt those guys could dislike it all that much.