Evelyn "Rain" Perry | 25 | 5'7" | Female
Anarchist and Steampunk TinkererArticle of Evidence 1:
Journal of Terrorist Known As "Rain"
Proof of Divergent Behavior Excerpt: This marks the final straw! Father's business has been shut down by the government. Why? Because of "concerns with safety of your devices" they said. Nonsense! Our projects are state of the art! It has to be the works of Venitech. Those bastards have got to have the right people in their pocket. They're the only ones still in business after this. There's nothing we can do about it! Nothing! I hate this. This is all their fault. I have to do something.
DAMN IT! I know Father didn't want me to do this, but I'm finished with them. Father, if you ever see this, I'm sorry.
Article of Evidence 2:
Mechanics Tools
Intended Use: Sabotage
Subject confessed to following crimes:
Destruction of the government steamship Anne Marie resulting in the deaths of Senator Victor Marts and crew
Sabotage of Government Facilities with the assistance of unknown entities
Attempted assassination of Paul Tykes, owner and founder of Venitech
Subject refuses to name any conspirators in spite of all coercion.
To Be Condemned to the Stone