No in fact, I'm CERTAIN you know who these 3 are, they are all from different realms and they are currently all dead, as in obliterated, dragged to the deepest depth of the obliteration zone, a stronger prison then any hell or underworld. These 3 brave fighters were keeping the many multiverses of heaven and hell in check, but not anymore. Now the balance has been torn and demons and angels, gods and devils of all the universes and realms have landed on our earth, humanity is nearly destroyed. The war between the divine and the infernal is killing people in the millions every day. The forces on each side are basically endless. The only loser in this war can be humanity and the spirit of the people.

Demon, Angel, Human, or maybe something in between, I know there are still some of you left who want this to end. I ask you, the independent warriors of this insane conflict to find the source of this unholy rift and end the war on earth somehow, I know it wont be easy, but you are all we have left. You can make a stand against them.
So for this RP you can choose to be
or some sort of mix of any of the two.
Give your character personality and fighting skills that would resemble something in Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, God Of War, Darksiders, Dante's Inferno, Asura's Wrath etc.
The factions are
Heaven/Paradise/High Gates Army
Hell/Inferno/Underworld Army
and on earth there are factions that sympathize with either side or are independent.
I will provide more info as this gets interest.