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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral stared at Yumi for a moment before letting out a groan, waving his paw quickly. “All Humans look the same to me. I don’t need you talking to me about reproduction either so don’t bother getting into that!” Despite finding himself increasingly annoyed at Yumi he had no choice but to let her take off with him, holding him in a pretty uncomfortable fashion but it was going to be the only way he’d have more freedom of movement. Looking down at the trees briefly before back to Yumi he let out an annoyed sigh, already starting to wonder why he was bothering to talk to her at all if she was going to be this annoying. Somewhat wishing that he went for the idea of a jetpack device at this point he simply sighed, pointing in the direction he had been flying the ship in originally. “Just keep going in that direction before it’s decided I might as well swim by myself”.

Shu didn’t like the thought of people not liking trees as much as he did, especially when his idea of liking trees stemmed from the fact that they were necessary to live for many. The others didn’t want to have them to live so they built ones using stone, but still kept them around so they must’ve liked them. “But everybody does like trees! There always tree somewhere where people live if planet has trees! That mean people like trees”. He saw no reason to not like trees if everybody typically had trees somewhere. Asking Takeshi what he meant by a certain string of words he squeaked when Yumi suddenly yelled out, looking over to her quickly before up to Takeshi who tried to retaliate. He didn’t know what was meant by any of it but Takeshi sure did get in trouble. Tilting his head a little he turned his attention back to Takeshi, still feeling confused but otherwise okay with what was being said. “Not a good word? Teach me good words then!” Having little problem with not saying a particular word he gave Takeshi a little smile. “That a weird thing to say when you not going to do it! Kick their butt anyway! Yes?” he smiled, kicking his legs a little, “What we do if some Saiyans are like Miss Yumi, though? Do we still kick their butt? What that make them, anyway?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"Wow Viral, that's racist. Didn't think you had that in you," Yumi joked, barely able to suppress the laughter that followed, "I won't go into detail, don't worry. I don't like thinking about it anymore than you do." In fact she liked it even less considering she was a woman, being the one to actual do... That. Viral could complain all he wanted but it wasn't as though he as a man was ever going to have to go through that miserable experience. Giggling when Viral all but told her off she relented, deciding it was best she not anger him and actually force him to go on his own. Keeping him in her grasp she had barely gotten up before she overheard Takeshi speaking crudely towards Shu, irritating her and prompting her to shout at him for being an idiot. With that out of the way perhaps they could focus on travel now? Looking to Viral for direction she nodded when given some, a smile spreading across her face as she began flying. "Thank you for flying Air Yumi today, our arrival time should be in... A few minutes," she began, giggling before she looked down at her friend again, "Want some peanuts? Or I can sing, there's no television on this flight." It might be driving him insane but the joking around was helping her nerves a little, she'd keep it up for her own sake.

"Well people need trees to live, they make air for us to breathe. That's why there's trees, it's not really so people live in 'em. I mean monkeys live in them, and you live in them, but... I mean how many people did you see in the city living in trees?" He supposed there was nothing inherently wrong with trees or anything like that yet they just weren't what he imagined someone calling a "home". After using a cuss word as he often did he found himself chewed out by Yumi, both by swearing and for being an idiot and trying to argue back. Rolling his eyes as she backed off he let out a sigh, smiling slightly amused as Shu kept questioning him. "Just use butt, okay? What I said is an adult word, you don't need words like that, you know? Butt works just fine. And yeah we're going to kick their butts." Anyone involved in this thing deserved to get their butt kicked, from the scientists doing the work to the Saiyans making sure it got done, everyone was guilty and had this coming. Seeing Yumi moving away he started following after her and Viral, not wanting to fall behind and get lost on this planet. "You mean people who are turned into Beastmen? Uh... I mean we're here to save them aren't we?" Takeshi asked uncertainly, furrowing his brow as he thought about it, "I mean... They didn't ask for this, right? So we save 'em, normal Saiyans we fight."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“I’m not a Human! How can I be racist??” Viral growled, getting rather annoyed with Yumi; at this point she was getting as bad as Takeshi with all these dumb statements of hers, “You just like trying to make me feel uncomfortable…and then you wonder why I don’t like your world!” He was definitely becoming rather restless with all these jokes, beginning to wonder whether he was going to end up not wanting to go with them anywhere again when a mission required him. They would probably end up joking around the Beastmen and ruining everything with them and their possible acceptance of freedom. Feeling like he would be better in the water and in direct danger than be flying with them he looked up at her when she started speaking again, letting out an annoyed sigh, almost contemplating dropping out of her grasp. “I swear I will kick you in the head if it’s the only way to get you to drop me if you do anything like that…”

“Ooh! Monkeys? Am I monkey because I do?” Shu squeaked, wiggling around in Takeshi’s grasp in excitement, “Air for breathing and living! Trees real important! They only no live in trees because they make stone jungles and smells that are funny outside, so they stay inside!” He didn’t really like the smells of the city and it was awfully noisy with a lot of people who could end up being mean and try to attack him. He didn’t find that kind of security anywhere other than in a tree where he could hide in the leaves away from the scary people. “Ooohhh…adult word? When am I adult to say adult words? Next year?” he squeaked, not really understanding what made him different from an adult compared to Takeshi other than the year gap. Staring down at the water as they passed over it his attention was quickly taken back to Takeshi, giving a quick nod. “Yes! I mean no! I mean…maybe they ask to be them? I don’t know how they make them. Maybe they want big ears? I don’t know. We no know much about them, really…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

Yumi allowed herself another giggle when Viral became angry with her, thankful that this was working to distract not only herself but only him from what was coming up. "I would never try doing that, but I might accidentally cause it," she responded coyly, looking ahead as she smiled in amusement, "I can't be responsible for how you react, that's not fair." The laughs had helped settle her nerves and she could very clearly she see was riling up Viral, much as she'd like to continue joking now wasn't the time. At any rate they should be focusing on where they were going and finding the facility, it was their whole reason for being on this planet. Before she could get serious though she had to slip one final joke in there, giggling even when threatened by her friend. "I'll stop, I'll stop. Being a little silly now and again is good for you though! Being serious all the time is exhausting, don't you think?" It wouldn't hurt anyone to laugh or crack a smile now and again would it?

"I mean... Kind of? You're a Saiyan, but you were raised by monkeys, and you're... Kinda human? I mean you're a bit of all three, you know? So I guess it's okay that you lived in trees yeah?" Holy crap the little guy got excited over that, Takeshi had to readjust his grip as Shu began squirming about like some spastic kid. He wouldn't argue with his brother over the cities being noisy or smelly, there was a reason he had his home way out in the middle of nowhere instead of closer to East City. He still hated going into cities, though the one on Uuonoe didn't have as many problems as those on Earth did. Maybe it was just a human thing then, even Kortal hadn't been terribly bad with its cities. "Uh... You don't really need to say them, they're kinda bad words. I just say them because... I don't know, I'm bad?" Takeshi offered lamely with a small laugh, "You're... What, 16? So uh... I mean I think you're an adult when you're 18... Which means I'm not an adult either..." Maybe it was best they just ignore that whole conversation, if Shu started cussing because he thought it was okay then Yumi would not be pleased with him. As for the Beastmen and those involved in the project? "How should I know? I mean we can ask them when we get there, I'm sure they'll be happy to tell total strangers," Takeshi remarked sarcastically with a roll of the eyes, "We'll find out when we meet them I bet, we'll have to."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral wasn’t getting into any of this funny business at all, finding it rather difficult to find anything funny just now. He was too tense and knew he had to act seriously or he was going to end up having problems with concentrating and coming up with suitable planning. Even if Yumi was joking because the event they were having to undertake was going to be terribly hard and possibly stressful, he couldn’t personally find himself joking around under these circumstances. Even if he wasn’t fighting he probably wouldn’t be joking around, he just wasn’t that kind of guy. There wasn’t much he found funny and would probably be scolded if he was to admit what he found funny. He was just too much of a shut in to find amusement like that, he barely even knew what the reference was other than something annoying from the television. Groaning when Yumi spoke again he was somewhat thankful that she was shutting up with the stupidity, but her criticism of him was pretty obvious. “I’m not always serious! If there’s nothing I find fun then I’m not going to be having fun, now am I?? Who gives a damn at a time like this, anyway? We can’t be getting distracted either, we might get ambushed hard and end up in a really bad position…”

Shu was certainly getting a little confused over Takeshi’s specifications, finding such a method of calculating what he was to be most strange. “All three?? Ooh! Part of many people? Many people! It better to live in trees, anyway! Safe, but not as fluffy as pillows”. He did remember when he was first introduced to pillows back when the people took him in, then he got to have Takeshi’s blanket and that was just pure fluff to him. It was certainly a nice change when he had to expect rain all the time, but it was still a nice home. He didn’t really mind the weather all that much unless it was cold. “Ooh! Say bad words because you bad? You no bad!” he squeaked, simply getting confused now on Takeshi’s stance on these bad words after Yumi chewed him out about it, “Not an adult? Ooh! You be bad then!” Giggling a little he did try to get serious again seeing how Viral was making an attempt to be serious just in case something bad happened. “Ooohhh, well I don’t know! It hard to understand what we supposed to do…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

Okay, maybe saying Shu was all three wasn't exactly correct. Takeshi didn't know much about the whole baby making business but he knew it took two parents; a Saiyan and a human had made him, just as a Saiyan and a human had made Shu. Only difference between them was Shu spent his life living with monkeys, so he was more monkey-like. Otherwise things got really complicated and disturbing if you tried to describe how Shu somehow had different pieces of three peoples all together. Shuddering inwardly at the very idea of it Takeshi pushed that into the darkest recesses of his mind where he'd never think about it again, hopefully. "No, I don't mean I'm a bad person buddy, that's not it. I mean like I behave bad, you know?" the older boy said, sighing before looking ahead at Yumi, "At least she thinks I do, get it? Bad boys use bad language, good boys don't. You're a good boy, I'm a bad boy." Didn't get much more simplified than that, if Shu still didn't get it then he didn't know what the hell he could say. Laughing when his brother called him bad Takeshi freed one hand just enough to poke Shu in the side, sticking his tongue out for good measure. "I mean I know what we gotta do, I just don't know that stuff, you know? We'll find out what's going on when we get there, for now we just gotta find the place."

Though Yumi had stopped cracking jokes and being arguably crude she was still giggling, trying her best to suppress it and not agitate Viral further. Commenting on his lack of amusement at her antics she pursed her lips when he began arguing back, letting out a sigh before smiling slightly at her friend. "I'm not trying to distract you, I'm trying to help you and the boys keep relaxed. Being alert is fine, but there is such a thing as being too wound up." They were like a wire sometimes, too taught and ready to snap at the slightest move. While it wasn't such a bad idea to be aware of your surroundings when going into a fight too much caution could make you paranoid. Geoffrey had said something to that effect ages ago, about finding a balance between caution and relaxation, shame she couldn't recall the exact words now. How was he doing, she wondered to herself? Or the others they had met? Maybe once they were finished here a tour of their former battle sites wasn't a half bad idea, she missed some of those goofballs.

As Viral had requested she cut her antics and for a few minutes the group flew in relative silence. Aside from the wind rushing around her ears Yumi couldn't hear anything at all, even the ocean and forests below proving to be silent. What she initially took for being peaceful she now found a bit eerie, perhaps due to expecting a fight. Yet there was nothing. No animals calling out, no waves, the lack of any kind of vehicles was something unusual for them at this point too. For all her hypersensitive senses there wasn't a single thing she could pick out. For a few moments Yumi began to doubt the accuracy of their coordinates, worrying they might in fact be moving away from the facility. Should they double back? It would be a real hassle, but it'd be even more of a hassle to travel halfway across the world only to have to turn around.

"Hey Viral... Maybe we should try a different direction?" Yumi asked as she voiced her thoughts, "I don't mean to say you were wrong, just... It could be anywhere really." Glancing down at her friend for an answer she missed a sudden flash from an island ahead, only looking up when she noticed a sudden energy flying towards them. Gasping at the beam coming their way Yumi hoisted herself and her friend higher into the air to evade the attack, darting then to the right to avoid yet another. So much for not finding anyone! Drawing closer to the island she could see a handful of troops moving into the air, and what looked like cannons on the ground. So that's what was firing at them, just lovely. "Hang on, we need to get down there!" Lowering their altitude quickly she darted by a group of soldiers, looking back over her shoulder at Shu and Takeshi, "We got the cannons, get those guys!"

Takeshi was becoming fairly bored, flying about without a single thing to do. It must be equally boring for Shu who couldn't do anything other than watch the water race by, in fact he swore he could feel his brother's restlessness. Like Yumi he had begun to question their path right up until the first beam was fired, veering down closer to the water to avoid being knocked out of the sky. Cursing as another was fired at them he used his Ki to dash away, reappearing where they originally had been in the air. Well they found the bad guys anyways, though there was a serious lack of buildings on the island. "Ready buddy? Let's go kick some ass!" he exclaimed, taking Yumi's orders and flying up towards the soldiers. "Hang on one second buddy, this might scare ya a bit." Meeting the soldiers in mid-flight he threw Shu suddenly up over his head, taking the surprise to kick the nearest enemy away before catching Shu on his back, quickly placing his arms under his brother's legs. "Like before, I fly and you shoot!" Takeshi called, backing off a bit to distance themselves from the soldiers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t particularly know what he was supposed to be making out of all this other than the fact that Takeshi was making him out to be much more complicated than he thought he was. To be part of three different types of people just sounded incredibly strange and not possible and he was the one who knew basically nothing about how people are born. He knew two people were involved but he didn’t understand how they came about to be babies. Listening to Takeshi try to explain and justify why saying such words was alright for him he only grew further confused, not seeing him as a bad boy at all or any different when considering his stance as a good boy. “Ooh! Not always good! Sometimes do bad and you no do as bad! You just silly and strange”, he giggled, “We find out what we do when we get there then! Will try to be good and hit the baddies but not too mean too, yes?”

Viral saw no benefit in trying to joke around the situation, they could easily be shot out of the sky at any time just because they were talking too much. They may end up having the same problems that often came when a team of soldiers were distracted by nonsense only to get ambushed, especially when Viral was hoping they would be ambushed out in the open like this. They had to eventually attack them, it was all the people the Saiyans wanted after all so they could end up popping up at any time. “I’m not wound up, I’m just cautious considering I’m hanging in the air above deep water right now…” They had nothing to worry about, they could fly. If Yumi so much as got hit she would probably drop him and he would be placed in an even more vulnerable spot than he currently was.

Feeling pretty fed up he looked up when Yumi decided to give her doubts about his decisions, frowning before looking ahead again. “I’m positive this is the right direction, just…just pay attention!” He could see the attack happening before Yumi with her variety of concerns could, trying to make her move. Luckily she did move but that was too close. Growling in annoyance he stared ahead, counting how many were attacking and just what they had to attack. He would have to wait until they got closer to the base before he could do anything and for that he had to hope Yumi was good at flying.

Shu didn’t know how much longer they were going to go until they found someone, luckily they did eventually but it was the enemy that made the first attack. Squeaking, his tail quickly tightened around Takeshi and soon he was getting himself ready to start attacking. “Ah! You said a bad word again!” Making sure he was going to be holding on tight he watched the water below for a moment before gasping as he was thrown into the air, waving his arms around a bit before he was caught again in a brief moment of confusion. That was confusing, but now that he was back with Takeshi he looked around quickly before nodding, giggling as he charged up his Ki. “Shoot shoot! Bang bang!” Throwing little Ki blasts out in front of him he was getting all excited about being useful for once, even if he was just blindly shooting and hoping he might hit the cannons Yumi called out at.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

Funny thing to be cautious about seeing as Viral had said he'd swim if need be. Yumi kept that comment to herself though knowing it was only going to agitate her friend. For the most part she'd just pay attention on flying and keep an eye out for the facility, hoping it was going to pop up soon. Something did after a moment albeit it wasn't what she was expecting; narrowly dodging a concentrated energy blast Yumi looked ahead to see another coming their way, dodging that as well. From way up ahead she could see soldiers rising to meet them, and large artillery on the island shooting at them. If this wasn't the right direction then those were extremely out of place. Making a decision as to who handled what Yumi took off towards the island, leaving the brothers behind to handle the soldiers. Shouldn't be too hard for the two of them, they had dealt with much more imposing enemies before right?

Takeshi saw the beams coming yet still had to really try and dodge them, using his Ki to dart about. "Now is really not the time buddy!" the older boy shouted, dashing back up to avoid a low firing beam. Sounded like Yumi wanted them to handle all the soldiers coming their way, and while an easy enough job he'd much rather hit the island. Watching as the others darted ahead he sighed and relayed the order to Shu again, prompting the little guy to begin firing off shots like no tomorrow. For every one shot that actually hit something about five completely whiffed, with a few landing in water and even one or two colliding with one another. "H-Hey buddy? Uh, you're doing great and all," Takeshi began, pausing as a soldier came charging at them with an energy blade. Springing up with his Ki he kicked the man's arm below himself before hitting him square in the jaw, sending him careening down into the water below. "But you should try aiming! You'll hit more stuff, you know!"

Picking up speed on their approach Yumi had to make it a point to avoid soldiers coming up to meet them, her priority being the massive cannons on the ground. If they didn't get rid of those there was a serious risk of their shuttle being shot down, never mind what it might do if someone was hit with it. "When we get there I'm dropping you off, then I'm going for the far cannon. You might hit the ground running so be ready." Once they finished with those, which there only looked to be 5 cannons in all, they could really focus on getting the soldiers beaten. With the ground quickly closing in on them Yumi lowered them further and decelerated just enough to not turn Viral into a pancake on impact, counting down from three before releasing her grip and letting him go. As soon as she was relieved of him she raced across the ground, pushing harder with her Ki and knocking soldiers around her off their feet as she went for the farthest installment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

There wasn’t much Viral could do in a position like this, not until he was down on the ground again and able to move. The air really was a big weak spot for him, he couldn’t do much even if he jumped. He was definitely suited for the ground, flying wasn’t something he would surely need other than for things like this. At least now he could get into the fray and start fighting like he wanted for so long, seeing how long it had been since his last serious battle. Swaying to avoid the men flying he looked up to Yumi when she decided to go over the planning again, not much caring about how he landed but rather how hard he got to hit the enemy. He wasn’t going to kill them, he would just get in trouble again; however, he was going to hit them hard and make them wish they didn’t mess with him. Getting ready as Yumi made the countdown he prepared himself, throwing his legs forward as she let go as he landed pretty heavily on the ground before vaulting forward. Using the momentum in his favour he bolted forward, startling the soldiers close to him as he ran for a cannon.

Shu was having a great time throwing his attacks around, especially with the knowledge that he couldn’t kill anyone with his attacks. He wasn’t great with Ki control and they were often very erratic and wild, but with little shots he could still do a proper attack and help his brother and friends. He was trying hard to be helpful, so much so that he was making Takeshi concerned with how he was handling the attacks. Halting his attacking he squeaked when Takeshi went for an attack instead, trying to hold on as he kicked out before he looked down curiously for a second. “But they no get near when I’m firing everywhere!” he spoke quickly, “They only come now because I stop!” If there was one thing about this attack it was the strangeness of it already. He didn’t quite understand why they were not really trying to attack them seeing how many men they had against only the few of them. While he didn’t expect there to be an easy time with this, the start of everything up to now already felt like it was going to be an easy time. Nevertheless he started charging up his attacks again, simply rapid firing at whoever came close to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

If the whole object of this fight was to just put on a show then Shu was doing a fantastic job so far. What he was struggling with just slightly was actually bringing down any of the enemies. For as intimidating as it may be having him shoot off erratically it didn't do much good against so many soldiers, with Takeshi having to even kick one back to keep him at bay. "Yeah, well, if you run out of energy and we don't beat any of them what happens next, hm?" he asked, giving his brother a scrutinizing look before glancing back up. The soldiers weren't wasting any time with their little chat and were coming right back in for it, in a group of five this time. Rolling his eyes exasperatedly Takeshi moved back and let Shu do his thing of firing off everywhere, which with how close the enemy was this time around he was actually hitting them. Heck, the little guy was pelting the enemy with shots now, and while hardly the most impressive of blasts he was knocking them out of the air all the same. Laughing at how absurd it was, Shu fending off hordes of bad guys, Takeshi raised an arm himself and began firing off occasional blasts as well, the two of them acting like a bug zapper to a swarm of flies.

As soon as she released Viral on the ground Yumi rushed for the furthest cannon, opting to work her way back and throw off the soldiers stationed there. It was easy enough reaching the platform, and by using bursts of Ki she could even keep the enemy at bay as she hurried over. Landing on the platform where the cannon was positioned she was greeted by no less than five soldiers, blasters primed and aimed right at her. Not wasting a single second she ran in to do her part, dodging and swiping at blasts that came her way. Reaching out for the first soldier she pulled him closer and jumped up, seeming to use his body as a springboard as she kicked off his back and propelled herself at the second, tackling him to the ground and smashing his weapon. Rolling away to avoid another blast she then sprung up off the ground and kicked the weapon up in the air, spinning her body and kicking again, catching a soldier square in the chest and knocking him back into the cannon itself with a resounding thud. More soldiers began to come up onto the platform now which she tried to answer by firing off Ki blasts of her own, catching a handful of them in the chest and sending them back down in smoldering heaps.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was hoping Takeshi was pleased with him, he was certainly trying hard to help out and was happy to try his best so long as he was doing it correct. He was certainly not trying to have fun with hurting others, but with the way things were going he was still going to try and enjoy what time he had with his brother. “No going to run out! Lots of energy!” He didn’t see himself running out anytime soon, especially when he felt completely find while doing so. The only reason he would get tired is if he stopped breathing as he fired at these guys. As the larger group started coming their way he quickly charged up more Ki and threw it straight at the group, feeling quite pleased with himself when he hit them out of the sky. “I did it! See how good that was? I get them out of way, we go forward! It good!”

Viral was finally in his element and could act how he wanted to act and move where he needed, so long as he didn’t step over the line and end up killing someone. Throwing his fists at the closest soldier they barely stood a chance, flying off against their peers in a violent crash. Even as they fired their Ki at him he slid across the platform to dodge it, darting inbetween their lines as they tried to keep up with him. They didn’t know how to handle him at all, they could barely track Viral through normal means and looked panicked whenever he got near them. While it was a place where Beastmen were made, it was his reputation that scared them the most. Snatching a blaster right out of the hands of one of the men he kicked them away, only to spin around and throw the blaster at the head of an attacker who was very close to successfully hitting him. He didn’t have time to play around with these guys, he had to get rid of those cannons. With one great leap he practically flew straight over them, projecting his feet forward to where he landed right at the cannoneer, throwing his leg around and smacking both the soldier and the end of the cannon. The cannon twisted around from the force before simply snapping off its station, the panic from the surrounding soldiers being pretty evident as they remembered why Viral had a reputation within the Saiyan army.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

What Shu was doing might not be the most effective, but if the little guy wasn't going to run out of energy it wasn't all bad. Somehow too with all the erratic firing he was managing to actually hit the enemy and knock a good few many out of the air; Shu's attacks were hardly concentrated enough to kill anyone, but they were good enough to stun people and put them out of commission for a bit. With more enemies converging on them Takeshi freed one arm and began taking aim himself, firing at anyone who got too close to them, which wasn't a lot. Shu's rapid firing was managing to hold the enemy at bay even as they tried circling around, and the two began moving forward to get closer to the island. "You're doing awesome buddy, keep it up and we'll win in no time!" the older boy laughed, loving how enthusiastic his sibling was being. Glancing down at the island he saw one of the cannons being trained on them, focusing his Ki into his palm and firing off a blast, catching its attack at the barrel and causing an explosion that ripped open the very tip of the weapon. "Fire that now jerks!"

It was somewhat worrisome how the others were faring yet Yumi didn't have the luxury of time to check on them. Shu and Takeshi would be fine, she told herself repeatedly, and she knew Viral could fight and handle himself. They would have to because she was neck deep in soldiers herself at this point. Running for the cannon she was met with another small group of soldiers, keeping her momentum up as she slid away beneath them and sprung up, driving the operator of the cannon off his seat with a shoulder charge. Turning then she kicked at the barrel of the cannon and managed to bend it in a 90 degree angle, ruining the weapon entirely. With the soldiers coming at her still she ducked beneath the barrel to avoid a blast, using it then to vault herself over and kick the same man in the face. Being grabbed from behind by one of the soldiers she saw another coming after her, stomping on her captor's foot and ducking as the two soldiers hit one another, kicking the latter in the back and knocking them both off the platform. The final soldier present she handled with a quick series of punches, throwing him into the cannon itself to knock him out for good measure. She had one down, and a quick look showed Viral destroyed one as well. They were getting there, just three more to go!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was having to keep himself from firing off attacks that would just be considered pointless just in case he was wrong and would end up weakening himself, but so long as Takeshi was happy then he was going to be feeling happy in return. Having the men being taken down and out of their path he felt pretty happy, looking to Takeshi for approval before looking back to what was ahead of him. He hoped that was going to be the hardest part of the task, just so he might be able to feel a little less of the stress of showing his brother he was capable of fighting well. Looking down at the scene below he gasped when the cannon was coming close to being fired at them panicking at the thought that they might get blasted out of the sky; however, Takeshi soon alleviated his worries by firing down at the cannon and blowing it out of commission. Sighing lightly he looked around for Viral and Yumi, seeing them attempting to get to the rest of the cannons with hopefully very little problems.

Viral was nearing a fairly big part of the battle where he knew they would start getting out the weapons suited for him now that they had been alerted to his presence, especially when they probably had loads of them to spare inside. Turning to the soldiers once he had taken out the canon he watched as a few backed off hastily, but even with their nervousness towards him he wasn’t going to take that as a time to try and be smug about their fear. He had to get moving before they decided to do something about him. Quickly ducking down he suddenly made a dash around the mass, hanging down low as he pushed his way through the soldiers, getting down low enough to trip them up along the way. Having to make sudden stops to avoid Ki blasts and blasters being fired at him he dashed to the side, watching where he was heading before managing to get at a good angle for driving his claws into the side of the cannon. The cannon was hit completely off and swung around a bit before collapsing, but there was no time to celebrate the hit as he immediately had to duck as a shot was fired at him. He was going to have to be careful, if they were firing at him then those blasters were probably built to counter him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

They knocked out two cannons so far, three if you counted the one Takeshi just put a blast down the barrel of. Only two left to go and their biggest weapons would be out of commission for good. While the brothers worked on those in the air she and Viral could focus on the ground with ease which was proving to be extremely helpful; numbers wise they were grossly outnumbered, but it was fairly obvious these soldiers were either green or too intimidated to really fight, it wasn't much of a battle. Leaving the destroyed cannon behind Yumi jumped off of the platform and raced to the nearest cannon still in operation, using a little Ki to jump all the way up to where it was. Almost as soon as she reached the top was she knocked onto her back by a large alien, rolling to her side to avoid being stepped on by him. Throwing a Ki blast up to try and make him back off she gritted her teeth when he simply blocked it with his arm, again trying to crush her like a bug beneath his massive foot. So much for all of the soldiers being easy to deal with.

Throwing herself back Yumi rolled on her shoulders and then over onto her knees, jumping up to avoid a low kick from the massive man. Taking a kick at his chest she frowned when he stumbled back but didn't move otherwise, surprised how sturdy he was all things considered. An Elite? She thought only Saiyans could be Elites but perhaps she was wrong. "Tch... Alright, just you and me then," she mumbled, rolling one shoulder before dashing in and throwing a hard jab at his chest... And watching as he didn't even budge. Eyes widening in surprise she gasped as two large hands grabbed her sides and lifted her up overhead, throwing her then down off the platform towards the ground. Catching herself in mid-air she looked up and saw the man jumping down at her, darting away with Ki to avoid his landing on her. Charging up two attacks she fired each off at him only to watch as they were deflected away carelessly into other troops, wondering how she was supposed to fight him.

"Hah, these guys don't stand a chance! We're wiping the floor with 'em!" Takeshi laughed, feeling awfully proud after blowing apart a cannon like that. If this was all they had for defenses then this place was going down in no time! Shu seemed to be doing pretty well and having fun with it rather than shrinking away from the fighting as he did so that was good too. As the third cannon was knocked out of commission he flew them closer to the island now, trying to block off a group of soldiers rushing to stop their friends. Throwing a single Ki blast at the ground before them he managed to block their path, landing on the other side of the crater and smirking as they seemed to be uneasy about fighting him and Shu. "Hey buddy, we're going to wrestle with these guys now okay? Means you gotta get off my back," Takeshi explained, releasing his grip on Shu and getting him down on his own feet, "Tell you what, you knock out more than me and I'll take you to more games when we're done, okay? Show me what you can do!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was trying not to waste time but the amount of blasters he was having to dodge now was starting to get ridiculous as he tried to move to the next cannon. They knew how to deal with him even if they were afraid of him. While there was no long ranged attacks he could perform that wouldn’t end with them being vaporised he could still move and try to get the last cannon out and meet up with Yumi so they could fight together. Having to back off several times he had to quickly start moving, keeping down low and out of the way, throwing punches to whoever was in his way as he pushed his way through. It wasn’t long before he spotted Yumi as well so at least she was heading in the right direction. Trying his best to dodge the blasters he stopped suddenly when he noticed the large man Yumi was trying to take down, staring at her try to knock him down but otherwise failing. Trying to move quickly now he bounced up out of the way of oncoming attackers, springing on their head before throwing a forceful kick for the Elite’s head.

Shu was sure he was going to please Takeshi like this, he was trying hard and definitely hoped he would end up possibly receiving praise for being a strong fighter after everything was done. “Yeah! I do real good, right?? Bang in the face!” he giggled as he threw a Ki attack. If Takeshi was happy then he was going to be happy, he just hoped he wasn’t going to end up having to rest after all of this blasting. Once the platform’s equipment was gradually being destroyed he stared down at the soldiers, watching them starting to scatter some more as Takeshi blasted part of the ground he kept a hold of him before squeaking at the prompt to get off his back. Looking to the ground now that they had landed he moved off once Takeshi let him go, patting down his trousers before turning around quickly. “Ah! Why not take me to more games, anyway?? It’s mean when I’m not tall like these guys!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"Right in the face! He never saw it coming!" Takeshi laughed as he reveled in Shu's enthusiasm, finding enjoyment in it as much as his own. He didn't know why the little guy all of a sudden enjoyed fighting but he wasn't going to knock it. After swatting the flies that were the soldiers in the air they could move to the ground where more troops were mobilizing, trying to reach Yumi and Viral. Opting to cut them off instead the brothers landed before them and cut off access, unnerving the lowly soldiers with just their presence. At least Takeshi thought it as much, and he couldn't help but feel smug for it. Trying to, as usual, make it a competition with Shu he sighed when his brother questioned it, turning to him and pointing at the soldiers. "I'm just trying to make this a game buddy, you know? See who can beat up more bad guys, that's all!" Takeshi argued, "And being tall has nothing to do with it. Little guys like you can beat anyone if you try, it's not about size. You're probably stronger than each of them put together!" That incited a few shouts of dissidence and some angry glares but he ignored them, they weren't important right now. "Come on, let's make a game of it, whadda ya say?"

Just plowing through a bunch of fodder would be too easy, of course there was an Elite present. Just her luck too that she ran into him, but she wouldn't back down from it. Yumi had been playing the support role for much too longer and she wanted to be on the front lines again, and what better way than to fight an Elite? That was the idea anyways, she was finding doing so was more difficult than she'd imagined. After failing to hit him a few times she watched as a Ki blast was batted away like nothing, frowning and charging back in to keep fighting. Ducking beneath a swinging arm she spun on a heel and kicked the man in the back, making him stumble but hardly knocking him over. Jumping up she delivered another kick but instead found her leg grabbed and her body yanked hard, being thrown away and rolling a few times before catching herself, her hand digging into the ground to stop her momentum. He was just too solid for her to strike down, at least how she was going about it. Maybe a different technique? Figuring she'd try more pressure point oriented attacks she got to her feet and prepared to assault the man again... Instead watching as seemingly out of nowhere Viral came charging in, his foot colliding hard with the man's head, knocking him clean off his feet and several meters away before hitting the ground.

"Agh!" One second he'd been facing off against the small woman and the next he was face down in the dirt, head throbbing and having absolutely no idea how or why he was in such a state. Growling in frustration the Elite pushed himself to his knees, giving his head a shake before rising to his feet. "Who's the pipsqueak that hit me...? I'll crush you!" he shouted as he turned to face Yumi, stopping short when his eyes settled on Viral. Him? Here? But why?! He was supposed to be long gone, this didn't make sense. Come to think of it there were two powers nearby too, powers that seemed fairly strong in their own rights as well. Casting his gaze away briefly the Elite's eyes widened spotting the crowned Princes as well, realizing the gravity of the situation now. Not only was a former Commander here but so were the King's own sons, he couldn't beat all three of them. He had to get back to the facility and raise the alarm, prepare for an attack. "Men, hold them off! Your sacrifices will be remembered!" he shouted as he rose into the air, looking somewhat panicked before turning and trying to fly off.

"Hey, get back here! Don't run away from us!" Yumi hollered after him, almost taking off right after him before remembering herself. Instead of darting into the air immediately she rushed over to Viral, placing her hands once more on his sides before promptly shooting off and giving chase to the Elite. Hopefully Shu and Takeshi realized what was going on, she hadn't the time to yell to them lest they lose this man. "Where does he think he's going? We'll find him no matter what!" If he wasn't staying there then there was no way that... The facility! That had to be where the man was heading, he would never have left if their target was back there. But then he had to know they were following him too right, so why was he doing that? What was waiting for them there?

Aw jeez, Takeshi had just been getting cozy with the idea of him and Shu competing for most butts kicked when Yumi and Viral flew off. It took a second for him to realize why that was, and when he noticed another power running away he figured they were chasing someone. Not wanting to be left behind and get totally lost he rolled his eyes, grabbing Shu by the hand and slowly rising up into the air. "You guys uh... Sit tight, we'll be back to kick your butts later!" he declared with a laugh, waving slightly before hurrying after their friends, adjusting Shu so one arm was wrapped around his sides. No one chased them, big surprise, they seemed to lose their fighting spirit pretty quick after their boss left. They could just barely see Yumi and Viral up ahead once they were going, and whoever they were chasing was still a ways off, but this had to lead them somewhere, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was not going to have anybody harassing Yumi while he was able to stop it. The soldiers trying to shoot at him were pointless targets when Yumi was in trouble. It was a bad thing Viral had no regards of whether they were an Elite or normal soldier, otherwise he may as well had knocked the head right off a normal soldier with his kick. Falling to the floor again he glared at the temporarily downed man, his eyes going to the other soldiers who backed away from him fearfully before his attention moved back to the man. Flexing his claws as the man got up and turned towards him he delivered a strong glare, staring at the switch from anger to panic in his eyes. Grinning lightly upon seeing his expression change so quickly he gasped when the man decided to bail, glaring at him as he flew away before his eyes quickly went to Yumi. Grunting when she lifted him into the air he looked back down to the ground, letting out a groan before looking to Yumi. “Can you not think of this like a revenge tactic and think of it as finding the base?? We’re still going to have those soldiers after us and that cannon, by the way! Why didn’t you just leave me down there to deal with them??”

“Ah! But you would win! You always wanna win!” Shu squeaked, finding it hard to believe he might win at a game like this against Takeshi, “Size mean everything! It hard to hit the head when they really tall…” He felt he was at a disadvantage with this game but he was going to have to play it, it seemed. Already wondering how he might end up winning this game he raised his fists only for one of them to be grabbed as Takeshi took off again, wondering what was going on as he was now being carried away like luggage. “That game didn’t last long! What happening now?” He was pretty confused and a little worried that he might be missing out on something important, but upon looking ahead he noticed they seemed to be following some soldier. Well that was certainly different but it must’ve been what they needed to do, even if they were now at the mercy of the soldiers they left behind and the remaining cannon that might be used against them. “What we gonna do about all them?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

There was a lot going on right now yet Yumi felt she was making the right decision. It was clear to anyone involved that most of the people they were fighting were your standard fare of soldiers, essentially just thrown at whoever to try and wear them down. If they wanted to find this facility, or even get some directions for that matter then they had to question the Elite. Grabbing hold of Viral again she made haste in taking off after the man, hoping the boys caught on and hurried after them. "I'm looking for answers, not revenge Viral! He'll lead us to the facility!" she answered back confidently, trying to speed up some to get closer. "And what, how will you join us if he flies away? If we all took off you'd be stranded, unless you want to swim. We broke most of the cannons, we should be fine." Now wasn't the time to question it anyways as they were speeding away and doubling back now would ruin everything. Regardless of where this man was heading he had to know where the place was, there could only be a handful of places on this world they could hide. One way or another he had their answers and Yumi was determined as anything to get them.

"Just cuz I wanna win doesn't mean I will, you know? You could just as easily win too," Takeshi continued, rolling his eyes as a soldier barked at them for ignoring the fight. "You can jump up high, just jump up and kick them, isn't too hard now is it? Here, I'll show you..." Or he would have until he noticed Yumi and Viral leaving them behind for some reason. When he figured out they were chasing someone he figured they ought to join as well, grabbing hold of his brother and taking off. "We're after some guy I think, looks like they found someone who knows something." Or someone really pissed off Yumi and now they were looking for blood, which was completely possible given how she could be. "Eh? Oh that stuff, yeah hang on." Stopping in mid-air Takeshi turned himself and Shu around, smirking as he began gathering Ki up in his hand. Two cannons left? They could easily level those. "I got the cannon on the left, you get the one on the right, ok? Fire on three. One... Two... Three!" Both he and his brother let loose large blasts towards the remaining fixtures, causing the soldiers down below to scramble for cover. As the cannons were erupting and falling to pieces Takeshi turned and hurried after their friends, not wanting to get too far behind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t believe it was wise to be running after this guy to recklessly, they could’ve found out where the place was without taking him by stopping the guy in the air and interrogating him. All he was doing was hindering her by getting carried along like this. “We’ll have to fight him, anyway! Why not just shoot him out of the sky and make him tell where it is?? All this has done is made us flying targets to those guys!” he told her off, looking down as he dangled, “If staying behind meant I was going to be able to stop them from shooting at us, I would be fine with that! We can communicate so why should it be a big deal??” He really didn’t agree with how vulnerable he was being made to be out in the air like this and would gladly take being the one left behind if it meant he wasn’t purposely placing Yumi in a state of high risk. By all means this whole thing could end up being a trap and they were all falling for it carelessly, none of them were going to be prepared for it either because of the way they were all flying.

Being carried off like this was pretty confusing to Shu, seeing how they were fighting pretty well and were making progress. If they weren’t going to fight here and destroy stuff then they better have a good excuse for flying away like this. Staring at Takeshi for a moment he looked ahead to see what was going on, seeing the guy not too far ahead. “Ooh! Nasty guy! Scared guy! Weird how they fly away like that!” Feeling a little worried that they might end up getting hit out of the sky he kept a hold of Takeshi when he decided to sort out the problem himself, watching as he charged up an attack as he gave instructions to do the same. Panicking a little when he realised it was going to involve numbers he raised a hand and started charging up an attack, only letting it go when Takeshi had fired. The numbers definitely made him panic for a moment when he had to think on when three was, but at least it wasn’t hard to fire an attack off immediately after. Shutting his eyes immediately after the blasts hit he pulled back and held onto Takeshi, peering over at the damage they managed to cause before giggling. “They no catch us now!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 15 days ago

"How do we know he'll talk? We should see where he goes before we try taking him down, otherwise we might never find the place!" Though Viral could be right too and for all they knew this could be a wild goose chase. What if they tried evacuating the facility while they were chasing this man? There was no easy way for them to make a decision here yet she knew turning back at this point was the equivalent of just giving up. "Communicating isn't the problem Viral, you'd have to swim to catch up with us. Unless you have a bird form you haven't shown us yet?" Nothing against swimming but it paled in comparison to speed with flying, Ki assisted of course. Not wanting Viral to get the idea he was a burden or somehow useless Yumi put on a smile, reaching down to adjust her grip while keeping her eyes trained on the Elite. "Listen, as soon as he lands we'll fight him and get what we need. With how you were doing down there you can probably take down the facility on your own, but for now we just need to be patient, right? And besides..." she paused, glancing back at the sound of numerous explosions, "It looks like the cannons were taken care of for us."

Takeshi figured this might be slightly overkill but damn if it didn't look cool. On the count of three both boys released a blast and watched as the island was promptly shredded by it, soldiers avoiding the worst of it while being thrown about from the concussive waves, thrown each which way as a result. When the dust settled one would find two large craters and several cannons missing, water spilling into the gaping holes where earth used to be. "Hell yeah, nice shot buddy!" the older boy laughed, clutching Shu as he darted ahead to keep pace with their friends. No one was chasing them after that light show and they were hot on Yumi's trail, soon they'd find this place and spring the Beastmen free. As the island behind them vanished over the horizon and endless carpet of blue stretched out before them and the chase continued for what felt like an hour. Minutes had passed really, and spotting a large patch of green further along Takeshi swore he saw the Elite go for it, with Yumi and Viral stopping just short.

And when they reached the others he could finally see why. Not only was the island they arrived at larger than the others, by a wide margin, but this was what they were looking for. Several circular buildings stood on the surface, some precariously on high rises, others just barely poking out above the trees around them. There were several windows on each building but all seemed completely black from the outside, providing no visibility for them out here. "Jeez look at that place... There's gotta be at least a dozen buildings down there..." Takeshi mumbled as he drifted a bit closer, trying to spot out anyone down below. Not a single person was outdoors and the Elite was nowhere to be seen, by now he no doubt raised the alarm and everyone was getting ready. Putting his free hand on his hip he frowned with displeasure, itching to go right on inside and fight. "Man... Well there goes the chance of a surprise attack! Guess we just go in the front door."

"Or... We don't be idiots about it and we think of something else," Yumi pointed out with narrowed eyes, admonishing Takeshi for a moment. Slowly descending to the ground she set Viral back on his feet and waited for the brothers to join them, looking up and away at the building high above the hill. From down here they could move through the trees and be relatively hidden, but she'd bet anything there would be troops out here to greet them. "Just because they know we're here doesn't mean they know where we're coming from. We can still surprise them if we're smart about it." Which meant of all people here Takeshi was not making the plan for them. Looking instead to Viral she gave him an expectant glance, knowing he could come up with some way to do this.
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