@CountDraculaMystique ignored Count Dracula for she was tired of the ills of US. She knew what was wrong in her eyes but there was absolutely nothing that she herself could do. She tried once..no three times when she was in college.
All of those pep rallys, meetings then the marching and protesting the health care system. She had a cold and she was foolish enough to do the protest in the cold which gave her a case of bronchitis the first week end. The nest weekend she hacked her way through it again in the rain, only to get double pneumonia. The third weekend she did go to because she was admitted to the hospital for double pneumonia and not really breathing nor able to talk sense. She had a 104 degree temperature and dehydrated so she spent $10,000 dollars a day for 3 days! $33,000 bill came six weeks later and she was glad that her father had kept her on his insurance. However, she was under 26 years old and by the law he had to keep her on his insurance until she graduated or turn 26.
Her next Protest March was for presidential campaign. After one weekend of it, she quit. In fact she did not get her breaks and was allowed to eat, just shout what she was taught at people. It was not something she wanted to do any longer.
She kept walking and ended up at the Gift Shop where she sat on a bench to dry up her tears and to compose herself.