Human Character Sheet
Name: Jackel Howl (Nickname - The Engineer)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Home Town: Daiven (Moved from Drow, due to his dad needed to find work. Luckly though. There was work in the big city.)
Appearance: (I do have a picture of him But I'd rather redraw it better-er.) Jackel wears black fingerless gloves, a bright yellow coat that has a hood. But the under sleeves and sides of the coat is in the color of water proofing black. (Basically... I was aiming for Japanese engineering clothing.) A brown cloth hair band holding up his dirty colored blond hair. He also has a red neckerchief tied loosely around his neck. (Mostly used in snow storms, downfall and sandstorms. etc.) His eyes are slightly rough looking with a small nose and blue eyes. He also has deep navy blue jeans that lead down to his brown leather boots for road tracking. He carries with him with a backpack on his back. Bearing a tent kit, roll out bed sack, small burners, two pans with two knives and two forks and a red tool box strapped to the top of his backpack... Sometimes...
What You Wanna Be(Trainer, Breeder, etc.): Trainer
Pokemon(Max is 2 to start): Just a Furret.
Crush/Relationship: None, at the moment.
Family/Friends: His father called "Dallus Howl" His mother passed away. But his fathers only pokemon is a Herdier.
Other: Jackel came too with his Furret pokemon friend. When him and his farther saw a weak Furret laying under a rock.
Pokemon Character Sheet
NickName: Furfur
Species: Furret
Level: 5
Appearance: A normal Furret. (But Furfur has an extra tea colored ring in his back, near his head.)
Gender: Male
Moves: Scratch, Deference Curl and Foresight.
Friends/Family: Dallus Howl and his pokemon starter Herdier.
Trainer(optional): Jackel Howl
Other: Furfur has been trying in most times, to convince Jackel. That Furfur has seen another looking him. But Jackel can't really understand him sadly.