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Funny, he'd always imagined that hell would have nicer drapes.
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A Different Kind of Biker Gang
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Eliza Marks




Experiment Tier:
Test Subject (hopefully)

Enhanced Trait 1:
Speed. Eliza’s tendons, ligaments and muscles were augmented to handle moving at an alarming rate. She can reach running speeds of up to 65 kilometres an hour (roughly 40mph) although this was her fastest speed ever recorded and occurred during a life-or-death situation. It also left her nearly immobile with soreness for a week. She generally won’t exceed 55km/h, though she works herself hard in an effort condition and train herself to go even faster.

Enhanced Trait 1 Downside:
This augmentation of speed required that her legs be amputated just above the knee. (During initial testing of her speed, it was discovered that while her muscles and tendons were fine, her flesh and bones were not strong enough for such speed and force. Her first test runs resulted in essentially grinding the bones in her feet, as well as her tibia and fibia, into sludge.) While her prosthetics are cool, they leave her unable to swim or climb ladders with any efficiency, as well as leaving her with phantom itches and pains that tend to drive her nuts. Another important downside to her prosthetics: They make her extremely easy to spot, to the point where any venture onto the surface is an extremely risky one. As they are one-of-a-kind and designed specifically for her abilities, every SWAT or Seeker out there knows that where they find the legs, they find the girl.

Enhanced Trait 2:
Enhanced processing. In order to handle all that speed, Eliza’s brain needed to be able to process her sensory information fast enough to keep up. In this way, when she runs, she sees things as if she is moving normally and everything else is very slow. This helps her make quick decisions and dodge attacks that would otherwise be difficult to avoid.

Enhanced Trait 2 Downside:
Over-stimulation. Eliza’s processing power comes with a downside: She can’t really turn it off. Sure, she isn’t always operating in bullet-time, but while she does see in normal time when she’s not worked up (the extra processing power is triggered by adrenaline) it can be disorienting. A lingering issue manifests itself in recurring migraines and difficulty focusing on one thing. She also has a terrible habit (one that she had never had in her life before testing) of losing track of time. She can also fly into a panic far easier, as her brain is accustomed to outputting far more adrenaline far more often than needed.


(Pics work fine, but if you do use one put a small desc. in such as height, weight, any distinct features)

(Put 'See appear' or 'see pic' if it is the same as above)


Mainly, her state-of-the-art aluminum running prosthetics (longer than pictured), complete with rubber pads on the bottoms for grip, wicked-sharp edges and blades running down their length, able to extend and retract seemingly at will. She also carries a narrow steel pipe, a folding knife and a length of thin, strong wire tied between two wooden dowels. While at normal speed, such a thing could be used to strangle someone, at high speeds it is effective enough to cut flesh and score bones.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Eliza Marks-Bennett




Experiment Tier:
Test Subject (hopefully)

Enhanced Trait 1:
Speed. Eliza’s tendons, ligaments and muscles were augmented to handle moving at an alarming rate. She can reach running speeds of up to 65 kilometres an hour (roughly 40mph) although this was her fastest speed ever recorded and occurred during a life-or-death situation. It also left her nearly immobile with soreness for a week. She generally won’t exceed 55km/h, though she works herself hard in an effort condition and train herself to go even faster. In fact, she's raised her top comfortable speed by 5 kilometres since her escape, and has improved greatly upon her agility. Aside from running, Eliza can also move the rest of her body abnormally quickly, which becomes very useful for balance and reaction time.

Enhanced Trait 1 Downside:
Amputated legs. This augmentation of speed required that her legs be amputated just above the knee. (Unbeknownst to Eliza: During initial testing of her speed, it was discovered that while her muscles and tendons were fine, her flesh and bones were not strong enough for such speed and force. Her first test runs resulted in essentially grinding the bones in her feet and lower legs into sludge.) While her prosthetics are cool, they leave her unable to swim or climb ladders with any efficiency. Hardware malfunctions are becoming increasingly common; her artificial knees require maintenance that, while she does do her best to take care of them, need specialized attention. Another important downside to her prosthetics: They make her extremely easy to spot, to the point where any venture onto the surface is an extremely risky one. As they are one-of-a-kind and designed specifically for her abilities, every SWAT or Seeker out there knows that where they find the legs, they find the girl. And as they are impossible to hide beneath pant legs, her only options are long, billowing skirts (which tend to get caught in the sharp tips of her "toe" and make running difficult) or to try and stay out of sight. As a result, any and every venture into the public eye is incredibly risky.

Enhanced Trait 2:
Enhanced processing. In order to handle all that speed, Eliza’s brain needed to be able to process her sensory information fast enough to keep up. In this way, when she runs, one could say she sees things as if she is moving normally and everything else is very slow (of course when asked, Eliza says she notices little difference; she feels as if no more time has passed. She really can't put the sensation into words). This helps her make quick decisions and dodge attacks that would otherwise be difficult to avoid. This also grants her the ability to make very quick decisions, a skill which lends itself well to strategy and improvisation.

Enhanced Trait 2 Downside:
Corner-cutting. To allow for this processing, her brain ignores things like colour and sound in favour of processing important signals such as simple sight of objects and movement. For example, while she stands still, she perceives the world normally. While running, her vision fades to black and white and her senses of hearing, taste and smell shut down entirely. However, she will see objects and movement very clearly, and can even read words on the go. (This effect can be considered the same as a human under extreme stress. This commonly happens to police officers, firefighters, soldiers, and regular people experiencing things like a shooting or a car accident. It is the brain's way of protecting itself - sacrificing unnecessary senses to put that power toward processing important ones faster. Normal humans would only experience this for a few seconds, and their judgement would be heavily impaired and instinctual; Eliza's has little effect on judgement, but a lot on sensory reception.)
This augmentation also lends itself to over-stimulation issues such as frequent headaches and disorientation. Think of moderate-to-severe ADHD that comes and goes. For example, at high speeds, taking in information all at once is useful; during a conversation, it can be very difficult to understand the other person when the brain is trying to drink in every ounce of information in the room.
Another fun side effect is insomnia!


(Pics work fine, but if you do use one put a small desc. in such as height, weight, any distinct features)

Eliza keeps her clothing simple, light, and streamlined; all in an effort to maximize her speed and comfort while running. She wears


Mainly, her state-of-the-art aluminum running prosthetics (longer than pictured), complete with rubber pads on the bottoms for grip, wicked-sharp edges and blades running down their length, able to extend and retract seemingly at will. She also carries a narrow steel pipe, a folding knife and a length of thin, strong wire tied between two wooden dowels. While at normal speed, such a thing could be used to strangle someone, at high speeds it is effective enough to cut flesh and score bones.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Oh wow, I didn't expect to be pouring my heart into this character XD

This is still VERY WIP but if you want to check it out go for it.

Good grief it's not even near complete and it's already so long. Whoops XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

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Good grief it's not even near complete and it's already so long. Whoops XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

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”Don't worry about me. I'm not dying until every goddamn person on earth knows my name.”
“I've seen that kid stare down sorcerers twice her size and power without so much as a blink. All I know is, I'm glad she's on our side.”

The Basics

Dakota Anne Zahn

Gearhead - Used jokingly and sparingly by those who frequent her workshop or often use her services as a mechanic/handyman. Also a jab at the literal meaning of her last name, being "cog".
Dakota - Her first name is usually what she goes by.

May 7, 1998



Pansexual until proven otherwise


Due to her haircut and near-flat chest, Dakota is practically androgynous at first glance; her working clothing only adds to the effect, generally consisting of work clothes such as bulky coveralls, thick work gloves, heavy boots and eye protection. While she's not working, she opts for less heavy clothing such as green cargo pants/kapris, old lace-up boots and an oversized tan jacket, once her father's. One article she never goes without is an old army-green hat with the logo of a Canadian oil company sewn onto the front.
Noticeable traits include a permanent notch in her left eyebrow and a small barcode tattooed behind her right ear. (More on these in History)


  • Reverse engineering - If given a foreign object (a salvaged enemy weapon, device, etc.) Dakota can analyze its composition and determine its uses and properties.
  • Boisterous - Dakota is confident and blunt, making her an excellent negotiator (she's kind of intimidating and comes across like she knows what she's talking about, even if she doesn't).
  • Mechanic - Dakota works as a mechanic and weaponsmith for the Griffins, repairing equipment and weapons, engineering needed upgrades, and reverse-engineering enemy technology. It has made her an invaluable part of the Griffins.
  • Capable - Dakota can do just about anything assigned to her and dutifully follows orders.
  • Fighter - Dakota knows how to fight, and capably holds her own. She's often underestimated for her size, which normally works out to her advantage. Due to a history of manual labour, she's a lot stronger than she looks.
  • Connected - If you need something, Dakota is your guy. She can trade or gamble for just about anything, and makes a good negotiator.
  • Hard working - Dakota tends to go on days-long streaks of non-stop working, often forsaking food and sleep in favour of finishing her project.

Digging Deeper

  • Working with her hands
  • Figuring things out
  • Solving problems
  • The sound of weapons cocking
  • The feeling of shooting
  • All-nighters
  • Winning
  • Cursing
  • Gambling

  • Water
  • Losing
  • Being unable to figure something out
  • Distractions
  • Mornings
  • Mentalists
  • People who can't keep up with her
  • Tough customers (people who won't haggle/negotiate)

  • Picking at her fingers (her fingertips are often bloody or bandaged)
  • Rubbing her tattoo
  • Shaking her leg
  • Pacing

  • Tinkering
  • Crafting (she likes to make things out of waste material)
  • Collecting parts (she insists that one day she might need them)
  • Sketching
  • Gambling

  • Drowning
  • Losing her freedom
  • Going blind
  • Losing her mind
  • Being forgotten

The first thing one would notice about Dakota is energy. She's a firecracker in every sense of the word, and combined with her undiagnosed ADHD, she seems to practically vibrate with energy. She can't sit still and avoids sleep as much as she can, claiming it a waste of valuable time. For her, multitasking is a necessity, and organized chaos somewhat of an art.
Her temperament is similar to her overall buzzing demeanour; she doesn't half-ass anything, be it work or emotion. She feels every emotion deeply, be it bursting with joy, seething with anger, or giddy with happiness. One emotion she rarely gives into is despair, preferring to convert her sadness into anger. Often, she replaces unshed tears with angry grumblings and violent outbursts - although, the victims of these outbursts are rarely anything other than foliage. Or enemies. Or stubborn projects. More often than not, however, she channels her more negative emotions into her work, as her father taught her.
Fiercely loyal and straightforward, Dakota takes no shit. Her blood boils when people are treated unequally, and despises nothing more than being controlled or limited. She'll stand her ground against an army if she has to, and having such a hard time backing down has often become trouble for her. She's the type to rebel against the gun to her head, regardless of how much smarter it would be to cooperate.


TL;DR Canada sucks now. :(

Dakota was born in Newfoundland, situated in a town built around an oil refinery. Her father was a mechanic for the refinery, one of many charged with the nigh-impossible task of keeping the old machinery in working order. Her mother died in childbirth. Luckily, after her mother's death, Dakota's father did not become distant, but instead embraced her and adored her, both as a beloved child and a living remnant of his wife. From the time Dakota was first able to wield a wrench, she was working with her father. She was one of many child workers, popular with the mechanics for their ability to fit into small spaces and for running tools and equipment back and forth. This was when Dakota began wearing her hair short, having learned the hard way that long hair and active machinery don't mix.
In their precious spare time, Dakota and her father worked on small inventions; tiny robots, low energy lights, often little commodities to make life in the Mundane ghettos a little more fun for a child. This tradition continued on throughout Dakota's adolescent years, but as she got older, Dakota became increasingly aware of some of her father's other habits.
In order to maintain a better quality of life for his daughter, Dakota's father had been systematically stealing from the refinery and selling the stolen items on the black market; it was never much, just some parts here, some crude oil byproduct there (used in homemade ammunition by small rebellion forces), occasionally even housing smuggled goods for a profit. He never wanted to get Dakota involved, but she had no love for their 'employers' and insisted on helping whether he liked it or not.
Eventually, the company got wise to the small yet steady losses and, although they were stealing what was already trash, had Dakota's father arrested. They would have taken Dakota as well, but her father insisted she had nothing to do with it. The last she saw of her father was him being hauled away in a police van, and to this day, she doesn't know what became of him.
After the loss of her father, Dakota fled the refinery, took her father's savings and bribed an oil rig shuttle boat for passage into Maine. From there, now a wanted escapee, she bribed and snuck her way to the west coast, hoping that the rumours that flew about Griffins and revolution were true. She was fifteen when she ended up in the Redwoods, and since has proven herself a valuable member of the Griffins for her mechanical skills and knack for smuggling, trading, and negotiating.

Other Stuff

Theme Song
Lone Digger - Caravan Palace
Let's end your time to lay low
Your knees are bending, so
It's time to get up and let go
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Name: Aaron Bachmeier

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Germany

Normal Appearance:

Appearance After Soul Link:

Personality: Growing up deaf made a quiet soul out of Aaron, an observer who preferred the edge of the room. He kept to himself, keeping few friends and largely valuing his time alone. A scholarly boy and taking particular interest in medicine, he cares for (and finds fascination in) the well-being of those around him. His anger and upset are set to an eternal slow burn, tending to take to the cold-shoulder, going so far as to remove his hearing aides around those who’ve angered him. However, Aaron has a forgiving soul; he can’t stay angry for long.

Bio: A scholarly boy from a young age, Aaron filled his silent world with books. He taught himself languages, theories, techniques and principles; he took a particular interest in medicine and home remedies, and filled his bookshelves with anatomy and medical journals, setting his sights on becoming a surgeon.



Name: Mitchell (the most recent modernization of his spirit name, which is unpronounceable)

Butterfly Form:

True Form: Mitchell’s true form is of a yokai called an Enenra. He is a being made entirely of black smoke, which perpetually curls and moves, its movement resembling the smoke on a blown-out candle, or possibly steam. The smoke, however, moves much more slowly than real smoke and trails in the wake of his every movement, dissipating as it goes. The smoke concentrates into the upper body of a young man with pointed features, his skin pitch black and eyes like burning embers. His skin has a near-shimmering quality, resembling his butterfly form’s wings or charcoal in the sun. His hair is the same shimmering, pitch black as the rest of him and its length constantly changes. It tends to average out at roughly eye-level-length, and always floats around him as if underwater. His movements are trailed in smoke, and he travels by dissipating in one place and rematerializing in another. [insert example gifs]

Class: Combat

Fighting Style: In combat, Mitchell takes almost complete control over Aaron, resulting in a now-tangible form of Mitchell that greatly resembles his true form with one blue eye. He uses his method of dissipating and rematerializing to confuse

Weapon: His body and some magic

Magic: Black magic (Darkness and Decay)
- Darkness: Mitchell can use darkness to trick and confuse the enemy. He can make one person perceive a dark room or, with added concentration and effort, actually banish the light from a room. With this power comes a mild control of illusion, nothing more than a few fleeting shapes in the dark; like movement in the corner of your eye that, when you turn toward it, is nothing. These illusions resemble the shapes people’s brains create in darkness while trying to discern patterns, often when they are stressed or afraid. Of course, darkness is not always evil. He can use it kindly to grant sleep to insomniacs or create a dark, quiet place to calm down; even to play a harmless prank on someone.
- Decay: Mitchell uses “Decay” to weaken enemies. He can make them feel drained and disoriented, as if they’d fallen ill or gone a long while without sleep. He can cause plants to wither and die when he passes through them, but is not powerful enough to do lasting, permanent damage to animals or humans.

Personality: Mitchell is very opposite to his charge in a number of ways. He is bitter, cynical and nihilistic to a fault, jaded and judgemental.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Name: First and last
Age: Somewhere in highschool
Length of Stay: How long have you been here and how long do you have left
Illness: What have you been diagnosed with.
Incident: What caused you to be put in here
Appearance: detailed description, picture also required. Anime picture only.
Personality: both how they act normally or at their own home if those two are different.
Likes: three
Dislikes: three
Sexuality: Whatever floats your boat
bio: Include at least a paragraph!
Extra: Anything that has happened at the home
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

He darted forward, as the fist came down on the poor girl, and snatched her, just far away for the fist to come down a couple inches away from her, missing entirely. The Drakken stumbled, unbalanced from not meeting resistance, and Valence moved back a little farther.

The brute, naturally, growled at him, and demanded his Bride back. To which Valence replied that he didn't see him holding his Bride; he only saw her trying to beat up one of the candidates. He suggested- was he trying to ruin her, so that no one else would want her? The beast growled even more, but ceased when Valence's Drakken guardsman stepped up behind him, lending support to Valence. He relaxed even more when he saw the chestplate- bearing the same insignia as Valence's forehead- appear on the left side of his vision. The brute was a brute, but it did have a lick of intelligence.

The Lord glared at Valence, as he slipped an arm around the small Gem's shoulders, claiming her. And that Lord knew- Lord Sasqet or somesuch- that he wasn't going to be taking on Valence in a good ol' one versus one battle, and the confidence that infused Valence suggested that he might be a bit more than the brute could swallow. So he stepped back, glaring, promising death and destruction.

Valence was thrilled, personally. A little bit of dread, too, but thrilled. He just caused a feud between two different Drakken families- how this'll turn out! But he didn't know what he was going to do with the little one.

He turned his head to look at her, smiling warmly down at her.

"Greetings, Lienna. Let me tell you what's in store for you..."

He leaned down, and whispered in her ear, "Act surprised and horrified, or people will become suspicious. I'm part of people who wants to see you and every other Gem back with their families, but we can't really do that right now. So you either come with me, and work with me again these people, or I let you go and someone else claims you. Or the brute claims you. Or you announce me to be someone who is not a Drakken- because I am not- and I die here and now, and you'll probably die shortly afterward. Nod yes for coming with me, or shake your head no for staying. If you're coming, you'd best follow me right now."

So he stretched back up to his full height, smiled at her, and withdrew his arm. He glanced back at his guard, and gestured for him to approach. He whispered it to him- if she follows, protect her and make sure she isn't claimed, if she stays or walks away, follow me, and then glanced at Lienna with another smile.

And walked away.

Some horned fellow was talking to her before leaving so Rynek dipped in quickly, not caring to look after the fellow. His loss. Within a moment, Rynek was on her. Figuratively, of course; he was leaving the physical getting-on for at least when she had answered some important questions. Bending down to her level, he eyed her suspiciously, stroking his chin all the while. He cirled her once before pausing and frowning, his eyes squinting in distrust. "Question one - which is more preferable? Death by a questionable amount of sex or a long life filled with shitty sex? Question two. If I gave you a knife right now, what would you do with it?"

Lienna couldn’t help but look away when the Drakken delivered his blow but, to her surprise, none came. Instead, she was unceremoniously yanked away, causing a sharp pain in her arm as it was wrenched from the brute’s grip

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