Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Character information

NAME: Copper Mathew Bullurd
GENDER: male
AGE: 18 years
A constant 'strong' but stoic expression makes Copper seem permanently in deep thought, perhaps befitting of his character. he isn't particularly tall or athletic looking, 5'10 with no noticeable muscle. His light brown hair curls slightly, especially when the humidity is higher. His eyes float between a deep green and light grey, more often then not depending on the day rather than any particular emotion he might be feeling.


An intellectual mind that's overactive; a tormented soul

While he is very bright many times this leads to over thinking and then worrying to much about things that don't happen. He cares about people a lot. He's the hero type who wants to save everyone. Between trying to be the best leader and trying to work through his own problems he builds up quite a bit of stress. To deal with this he 'puts on a brave face' and 'deals with it', in other words he internalizes it along with anything else that goes wrong. He gets worked up about the really little things due to his 'staying strong' with the big things.
An unremarkable journey

Eve since a very young age it had been clear that Copper was not like other children. Of course that's a parents take on their child regardless of merit or circumstance. In this case the point was only proved further.

Copper was an only child for most of his youth, just him and his mom. A life made up as they went along. His mom had a fair job, but a long one. A nurse's job is never done. He tried his best to ensure that she had nothing to worry about from him. He kept good grades and was never in trouble. All in all the kind of kid that is expected to be quiet and do well. It was a role he filled perfectly.

Middle school marked a big change in his life as well as everyone else's. It was the start of The war and the end of humanity though nobody knew it yet. It was when mom told him she was going to have another baby. It's a moment he'll never forget.

10:20 AM, Math. Everyone was struggling through times tables and division all along with god damn letters in math. The principle comes in, she looks frantic, or scared perhaps. Everyone is working on a math packet, only he is finished. With no friends he listens in. Its an attack on the capital, somethings crashed on the reflection pool in front of the Washington monument. The math teacher turns on the tv to the news channel. Nobody does anymore work that day.

It was all downhill from their. Sure it started out normal. Everyone went back to school, everyone tried to live.

The war shook things up though. Big cities evacuated, little cities evacuated, communities broke up. Bombs and explosions every where and the death toll just kept climbing. Mom's last gift was a recorder. That was the last time she came back. "Don't use it until your birthday" she said. "I need to go rest, be good kiddo" she said. "sleep tight" she said, "see you tomorrow".The next day she was gone without a trace.

-makes audio "logs" (it's a diary)
-always has a pencil and some paper on hand(in a pocket)
-Eves drops
-has a tendency to talk to himself


FEAR(s): He's terrified of ghosts, even though it's silly and there are real horrors about. Losing the people he loves doesn't come up as often but still permeates his thoughts, despite already having lost many, many people it still kills him on the inside to watch people die. His nights are plagued with nightmares. He is constantly worrying.
TALENT(s): Between undying persistence and a passion for science he's managed to stay alive and perhaps know more about the horrors than most. He is good a planning ahead.
WEAKNESS(es): Besides the fact that he's not physically strong, the whole losing his family has kinda screwed him up big time. He'll do almost anything to keep the few he's got left with him.
He often has nightmares about losing people and the day the horrors came. He isn't very good at conveying himself either, all in all not a very good leader.
POWER: The ability to talk to the dead, they don't just talk about what he wants though. Often the dead are extremely morbid and beg to be helped even though they are already dead. Additionally they don't stop talking just because Copper doesn't want to hear them. They never stop.


He whatched his sister fall apart mentally before she simply walked off. He couldn't stop her. He couldn't save her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character information

NAME: Sharlene Keri Robbinson

GENDER: Female

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

AGE: Eighteen

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Sharlene is a mixed race young woman. Her mother is Puerto Rican and her Father is Welsh and African American giving her a caramel skin tone all year round. She had almond shaped dark brown eyes. Her hair is naturally curly and also dark brown, but she likes to bring some lighter browns into it during the year with highlights. Her 5ft 6 body is relatively athletic, keeping in shape playing both basketball and volleyball through out her high school years. Her personal style is very fun and flirty, and she takes good care of her appearance. She wears makeup and gets her hair and nails done fairly often.


PERSONALITY: Outgoing. Absent Minded. Over Dramatic. Silly.

If you're looking for a time filled with those deep in your gut laughs, Sharlene is your girl. She is always looking for fun, even during the most mundane events- like grocery shopping. Very friendly and outgoing, wanting everyone to join in and be having a good time. She's an amazing party host. However, life isn't always fun and games and when it hits Sharlene she breaks down and becomes very dramatic and over reactive about everything. Every problem is always world ending. Sometimes it is hard to take Sharlene seriously because she always has a hint of a smile on her face, and tends to laugh at inappropriate times, giving her an often bad reputation.

HISTORY: Born to Antwon and Slyvia Robbinson, Sharlene is the oldest of two daughters (Her younger sister is named Mercedes). She grew up in a middle class household, her parents both maintaining basic office jobs. Life really had no hardships for Sharlene, she was a very well rounded kid, attending public school and being involved in many after school activities. School was often a challenge, as she often had her head in the clouds- but she got a long with good grades and handfuls of friends and acquaintances with good things to say about her. She was voted most contagious laugh and had dreams of going to a school for dance once graduating.

QUIRK(s): Has a tendency of leaving her belongings everywhere, so if you find her jacket, socks, or hat in your possession, it won't be a surprise. She'll come back for it- eventually. Sharlene also has a habit of tapping her nails on hard surfaces when she's bored in a conversation or nervous about something that is to happen in the future.


FEAR(s): Drowning. Being left behind. Insects.

After going on a camping trip with her family; Sharlene developed the fear of insects, as they often invaded her personal space every chance they got. While on the trip she had an incident at the lake with her sister, and has been afraid of swimming and large pools of water ever since. Another fear she has, which doesn't really have a concrete beginning to it is, being left behind. She feels often that she is just a good laugh in all of her friends and loved one's timelines and will be left behind and alone at the end of the day.

TALENT(s): Dancing. Making friends. Imaginative.

With a creative and imaginative mind, Sharlene found it easy to make friends on the playground when she was little. She was able to think of a make believe world and make it come true for everyone to enjoy. As she got older those skills became basis for jokes and entertaining stories. Besides sports, Sharlene really loves to dance and has been attending dance classes ever since she was a little girl.

WEAKNESS(es): Air headed. Not a good leader. Dependent.

Sometimes people are just sheep. Sharlene fit in that category, needing someone to often tell her what to do, and how to do it. If her head wasn't always in the clouds or trying to be playful she might have the determination to do something with out a guiding hand; but until then she will grab a hand and blindly follow.

POWER: Can become invisible, but only at night.


EXTRA: Hasn't been kissed nor received her driver's license yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Character information

NAME: Steven Carson Williams


SEXUALITY: Pansexual

AGE: 17

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Steven is a Greman-Russian American. His father was a German man and his mother was an American born Russian., that is where he gets his white skin, and grey eyes from. He stands at 5'9 and a half, with dark black, straight hair. He has a runners build, lean but not super muscular more like a skinny runner that just started. He has tattoos all over his body and a lip piercing. He likes the greaser style of dressing but makes it modern, leather, hats, joggers, rolled up or ripped pants, graphic, band and muscle shirts, and colorful socks. He always has his hair styled and looks comfortable in whatever he wears.


PERSONALITY: Steven is a laid back kind of fellow. He is that friend in the group that is just there for the ride and adventure and does not really care where hey are going. He loves to get down and party with some good people. He loves other people, just being around people makes him happy. But he has a tendecy to be simplistic. The grey area of the world does not play a huge role in his life, most things to him are black and white. In Steven's eyes the world is driven by choice so it seems easier to say yes or no to things rather than trying to find a third. Most of the time his simplicity is a turn off to most but those that stick around find him fun and thrilling. Being this way makes him harsh, most of the time he will say the first thing on his mind and not even take into account how others might feel about the situation. Overall he will give you a good time but it comes at the cost of his lack of perspective and care for others feelings.

HISTORY: Steven Carson Williams, is the youngest of five. Coming from an all boys family, he had to deal with the jock, the player, the bully, the nerd, and he was the black sheep. Unlike his brothers he was the 'bad boy' as his father says, or the 'odd ball'. He was not really interested in sports, or school or anything of that sort but loves to get out and trying new things, seeing new places. When he was in middle school he went to Mexico by himself and got into so much trouble when he made it back home. As he got older his father would often say he was stubborn and when he put his mind to something he was gonna do it. Steven did get into a lot of fights, simply because he was not one to talk behind your back and would say whatever he had too, to your face. Steven did enjoy learning, just not school, he loves to read and find out about the world. Steven was by no means a straight F student, he had good grades just did not think that the educational system was worth really applying himself too. Despite his fight, his father made him do Track and swimming all throughout high school and even wants him to do it in college. Steven can't wait for college, he does not know what he wants to do yet but is excited for the atmosphere.

QUIRK(s): He has a tendency to scratch his neck were the bird is, whenever he is about to lie to someone, or when he is mad about something but is trying to cover it up. Also he is brutally honest, so asking him if you look fat in that dress is a bad idea.


FEAR(s): Steven has four major fears; pregnant women, clowns, being confined, and commitment. He does not like pregnant women because his mother died when she was pregnant when he was about 5. She died in a nasty car accented and he saw her body after, it was so mutilated and he stomach had been split open so you cold see the baby. This ruined the image of pregnant women for him, now does not like even being in a room with one, or being touch by one. Clowns creep him out. He watched the movie "It" when he was a kid and now the red nosed white faced creatures are the devil to Steven. He even fought a clown at his 10th birthday party. He does not like to be told that there are boundaries or that he cannot do something, it goes against his very being and terrifies him. Lastly his fear of commitment comes after his first girlfriend, she broke his heart and now has wounds.

TALENT(s): Steven is talented when it comes down to people, problem solving, and strategy. He is very charismatic and good with others. His warm smile and bright eyes act like a beacon to others. He has a good understanding of others and how they think. His problem soling and strategical skills, root from his simplistic thought process. Choosing the best solution no matter what the cost is something he is good at, and finding a path to get there is something else he excels in. Steven can weigh the pros and cons of each situation without bias, unless his life is involved, and deciding form there.

WEAKNESS(es): Steven has a tendency to be stubborn and inconsiderate. Once he has his mind made up it becomes his way or the highway. Steven likes to think that his way of thinking and doing things is the most logical and when someone else throws out an idea of lesser standards, he just dismisses it. His inconsiderate attitude comes from how others peoples feelings just don't fit into his black and white world. If you ask he will answer truthfully no matter what, even if he does hurt someone in the process.

POWER: Steven can release pheromones that have different affects, whether it be makings someone attracted to him or making them sad, or happy. But it comes at a cost of his own blood. He has to convert his blood into the pheromone, so the stronger the pheromone the more blood he needs, the father the reach and the longer the affect last, the more blood he needs.


EXTRA: Steven usually does not stay in his relationships for long, most of the time they for a week or to the longest being a month. Its all because of that first girl he dated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Character information

(Just assume there's an eyepatch in there, image was hard enough to find.)

NAME: Valix Magdalene White
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Homosexual
AGE: 15
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Small and scrawny, but very agile. Blonde hair, green eyes, and an eyepatch covering one eye.


PERSONALITY: Valix White is a very kind and loving person, and tends to do the right thing most of the time. She can become friendly with someone very quickly, and trusts the ones she's closest to with her life. She does not like conflict, and stays out of it most of the time, mostly staying neutral with anything unless it's about death, in which case she is against someone dying. She believes that everyone deserves a chance to renew themselves of bad deeds, and doesn't believe that people should die based on what they've done.
HISTORY: She was abandoned at birth by her biological parents, and was left to be raised by a single college student. While she was with the college student, she learned a lot about how to care for people, and was taught that no matter what, everyone deserves a second chance. When she was about 7, her caretaker died, and she was left wandering the wastelands until she was found unconscious by a small group.
QUIRK(s): Valix is a mute, and she really appreciates jokes of all calibers.


FEAR(s): Abandonment, the dark, becoming blind, and betrayal.
-After being abandoned twice in her life, the last thing she wants is more of that.
-Childish fears aside, she associates the dark with death, and since she doesn't like death, she doesn't like the dark similarly.
-She's already half blind and mute, she doesn't need to be more disabled, and she's afraid of permanent darkness.
-Nothing is worse than someone jamming a knife in your back.
TALENT(s): Has impeccable literary skills, and is very good with navigation despite the eye patch.
WEAKNESS(es): She is mute, half-blind, small, and easily trusts others.
POWER: Her powers are a little bit... strange... she can gain full control of other people's powers for a short time, allowing the person to use the powers without drawbacks, or she can even cut them off entirely. The downside is that she becomes completely blind while this is happening, and since she's afraid of the dark and being completely blind... it's not a pleasant experience.


EXTRA: Nobody really knows if she's lost an eye, or if she just wears the eyepatch because it looks cool. Either way nobody has ever seen under her eyepatch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kkbird123
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kkbird123 A Fabulous Bird

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

NAME: Brinley Newman (No middle name)
GENDER: Female
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Brinley is a Indian-American, alike to both of her parents. She has frizzie hair from her mother, and dark brown eyes from her father. Her hair is worn in a lose pony tail, or a sloppy braid. Shes quite scrawny, and has no distinguishable muscle. However, she can run long distances, and she makes up for what she lacks in her brain.


Brinley has always been a bit different from her family. She had a constant curiosity of engineering things. Her curiosity however, often landed her in trouble. She would often find herself pushing the limits, trying new things. She is also has a thick skin, and can take criticism fairly well. However, she can be a bit controlling when it comes to her hobby (engineering). Her excessive control and stress sometimes gets to her, and she has trouble controlling her outburst. Overall, her personality can be viewed as dramatic and excessive, even if she may not realize it. (7 sentences sorry, maybe make an exception?)

Brinley comes from the average family, what you would except. They used to live in New York. They had just moved in about 3 months before the attacks occurred. When the aliens arrived, they had raided New York. Brinley and her older brother escaped the apartment they were in, but they left behind the rest of their family.
After their escape, they had wandered around for the first few days. A group of survivors formed a larger camp, full of many refugees. They stayed there for about a month, but with the camp growing so large, tensions grew. A large break out of violence occurred, and the camp had to be split up. In the incident, her brother was shot and killed by a group of members. The camp had been arguing about what to do with the escalating population, but the outbreak could have never been predicted. After that, Brinley was relocated to another camp about 1 year ago, to protect her from any conflicts and grudges against her family.
So far, Brinley has been okay in the new camp. She doesnt like to talk about her family to much, as she feels its her fault. But its only a matter of time before this camp breaks into violence aswell.

QUIRKS: Brinley has a habit of collecting buttons. She belives that some day she could use them, but she probally wont ever. If she comes across a unused coat, or a corpse, she will loot it of buttons. So far, she had collected about 1 tin worth of buttons, and is hoping to expand her collection.

FEAR(s): Starving to death, getting lost, or being trapped alone. Brinley has a deep fear of dying alone, and living through slow painful deaths. She also has a fear of everyone turning against her, or her past camp hunting her down.

TALENT(s): Brinley is great at repairing itmes. Thats been her job in the shelter so far, fixing broken beams, repairing faucets. This comes from her fascination of engineering.

WEAKNESS(es): Brinley's fear easily takes over, especially when shes alone. It can make her think irrationally, leaving her to make poor choices (example: choosing to over eat instead of rationing, excessive aggressiveness).

POWER: Levitation, but with the risk of heart expansion. (Heart grows really big and messes with your BP)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Always
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Always Squish Chicken

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Character information

Alexis (Lexy) Sandra Dremle
There are many ways to describe Alexis. She is 5"2 feet tall. A slim and skinny posture, that doesn't show much bone, other than ofcourse a few in her arm. Athletic, wouldn't be the word to describe her, but girly, nor nerdish also wouldn't be one either. She is looks simply average by her body type, and hard to judge. Her legs and her torso are 50' 50 in hight, meaning there equil. She is a natural redhead, and has hazul colored eyes. She has slightly paled colored skin, and burns easily.


What is Alexis like? She is many things. Hard to classify all together. Well for starters she is a bit of a nerd. She is smart, and studied as hard as she could. She was, for the most part, a straight A student, other than the recasting class called math she struggled in the most. She never got any of the equations at all. Math was like trying to read a book in a foreign languaish; impossible, and boring. She was better at all of her other classes though, especially science. Science was one of her favorite subjects, at least as long as it didn't involve a lot of math in it. She found it so interesting how the world was made and such as, and made her very interested to find out more. It wouldn't be a surprise to find her reading a book about it on her free time, nor a surprise to see her reading a book in general. Reading was like another demention, an awesome detention for her.
Nerdy? Maybe a little, but don't count your hopes on that, because your definitely going to catch her talking to someone a lot, whether it is allowed or not. She can be one of the biggest chatter boxes ever and will talk to anyone about anything. She is very optimistic, and also notmvery realistic. She tries to believe her hopes not the truth when it comes to bad things. She is a slight joker and a bit of prankster. She knows how to pull the best pranks known to man, and isn't afraid to pull them off. Her interest in building things also helps her out in this area. She is also very friendly at the same time and supporting of one. She is also the type not to complain if she gets somewhat dirty doing something, and is more of a hands on person.
Calm and hard to anger also. Even when angered she won't ask for a fight. In fact, she isn't a huge fan of fights, and will try to avoid one as much as possible. Though if shes mad at someone for some reason, she might pull a few extra mean pranks on them, and also will refuse to talk to them for a while.

HISTORY:(8 sentence minimum)
Alyssa was a straight A student in school. Her father, Garrett Dremle, was so proad of her. Her mom would of been proud of her, if she didn't die on the day she was born, November 5th (year?). Her dad, and her step mom, who she called mom, took care of her since then. They were an average middle class family. She doesn't know much about her real mom and was curios, but her dad never wanted to talk about it.
All was fine till the attacks happened. It all started when she was in class one day. They were in the middle of a lesson in history class when an announcement saying, " Sorry for the interruption, emergency dissimile is to be taken in place. We have notified parents. No one is to leave alone, stay in groups. (Something among those lines) The teacher imediatly stopped the lesson as the announcement came on. She eyed the class and told them they could talk quietly as she walked out of the room to call the principal.
No one knew what was going on at the moment, it was just confusion and a jumble mess. There were a lot of rumors and such as, but none made much sence.
The teacher came back into the room a few minutes after, her face was pale. She understood why, but she wouldn't tell the class. She described it as, "something terrible." But wouldnt give any further explanation on the topic. They sent the students off home. Many of the parents had rushed to the scene, giving kids, and the kids who didn't have rides home, rides. Everyone was panicked, very very panicked.
One of these parents included Alexis' they drove home and locked themselves inside. But this panicked soon slowed down, though there was a lot of worry in the air around her. She soon figured out what was going on, but life carried on despite this fact, just that everyone was more catious from this point on.
They attacked other places till they came to where she lived, new York. When it all happened, there was one word to describe it chaos. Everyone was running everywhere,and many died. Alexis' was one of the few to make it out alive but it was at a price. She never saw her family again.

She tends to assume a lot of things, and also she has a habit of fiddling with her hands a lot and basicly talking with her hands. She also tends to pace back and forth when she's thinking.



Alexis' first fear is claustrophobia, the fear of small spaces. It is a completely irrational fear, but it is a big fear for her. She also has a major fear of cats, since when she was little and she saw one meow the way it did. It was a weird fear but it was there. She also has a minor fear of bees and anything else that could sting her, such as wasp. Her final fear is death. The death of her friends and also strangers, but also the thought of her during also scared her.

Alexis' talents consume of quite a few things. One of these being is that she is very good at building. Her next talent, as said before, is pranking. She is also okay a drawing, though she is not even close to the best drawer in the world.
Alexis has a few weeknesses such as the fact that she is can't run a long distance and that she talks way to much. She isn't very quiet often and can get herself into risky situations at times. She also gets in the middle of a lot of things. She also would rather die then killing someone.

POWER: She can defy gravity, but it causes her severe pain in her joints to do so. The longer and the more extension of power it used, the more pain she endure for a bit of time.


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