The forest seemed to be quite again. Stahl assumed the two Eevee-like looking people had found what they were after and left. He slowly got down from the tree he had been hiding in, jumping down one branch at a time. For a moment he had thought about approaching the two Gijinkas, but he wasn't sure how they would react to him. After all, he was holding a massive sword in each hand. "Doublade" he thought to himself again. The term had popped up in his head by itself, just like the term "Eevee" when he first noticed the two creatures in the woods. But after all, nothing that had happened in the last hour or so appeared to make any sense, at least to Stahl.
He had woken up in this strange forest, the two swords sheathed on his back. He had no clue how they got there, but man were they freaking cool. As he got up he immediately tried them out on a tree. Although Stahl had never held a sword in his hand, the movements came naturally to him. Slash, Slash, turn and slash, and the tree was but a collection of wood and branches. I can definitely get used to this He thought, taking another look at his swords. But there were more unanswered questions: Where was he? Who were those two other people? Were there more of them? Just thinking about all this made Stahl's head hurt. He wasn't a big thinker, more of a doer.
Following the path the two Eevee-like people had walked, it didn't take long until Stahl was out of the forest. He could make out a building...and a group of people? Not too far away from him there seemed to be a congregation of sorts. He could barely make out the two Eevees he had seen in the forest...and a bunch of other weird-looking people. He decided to put his two swords away, he didn't need any sort of trouble at this point. Stahl took a few steps out of the forest, and when he got closer to the group he shouted. "Hey guys, do you have any clue where the heck we are?" Simple and to the point, Stahl thought. Just like he was.