Long ago it was decide that there needed to be a school to educate the young gods and goddesses. At the time most of the parents were too busy to teach the younger generation how to fulfill their duties. The elder gods were afraid that if the younger generation wasn't taught properly they wouldn't be able to fulfill their duties. All gods and goddess were welcome. The school grounds would be considered neutral safe ground. No one would be allowed to attack anyone else.
Long ago it was decide that there needed to be a school to educate the young gods and goddesses. At the time most of the parents were too busy to teach the younger generation how to fulfill their duties. The elder gods were afraid that if the younger generation wasn't taught properly they wouldn't be able to fulfill their duties. All gods and goddess were welcome. The school grounds would be considered neutral safe ground. No one would be allowed to attack anyone else.

1. This is my RP. What I say goes. If you disagree with something we can discuss it.
2. If you are unsure about something ask I will answer to the best of my ability.
3. If you have a suggestion let me know I welcome suggestions
4. No fighting in the OOC. I don't mind discussions and disagreements.
5. Use the mention button. It helps people know your talking to them. Especially me ;)
6. Internal thoughts are great but please make them appear different from your spoken words. I don't care if you use color or italics.

Long ago it was decide that there needed to be a school to educate the young gods and goddesses. At the time most of the parents were too busy to teach the younger generation how to fulfill their duties. The elder gods were afraid that if the younger generation wasn't taught properly they wouldn't be able to fulfill their duties. All gods and goddess were welcome. The school grounds would be considered neutral safe ground. No one would be allowed to attack anyone else.

1. This is my RP. What I say goes. If you disagree with something we can discuss it.
2. If you are unsure about something ask I will answer to the best of my ability.
3. If you have a suggestion let me know I welcome suggestions
4. No fighting in the OOC. I don't mind discussions and disagreements.
5. Use the mention button. It helps people know your talking to them. Especially me ;)
6. Internal thoughts are great but please make them appear different from your spoken words. I don't care if you use color or italics.