Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well.. I guess either they abandoned us or there was a mishap
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name of your tribe: Behrow

Leader of your tribe: Wulfbryht Pakras
Race and ethnicity of your tribe: Behsik-Khatoic peoples

Dialect or language of your tribe: Behrowish
Name of your tribe's camp and where you want it to be placed: The two small islands west of wavebreaker, the name of the camp is Khatgolme
Religion(s) of your tribe: Religion was a subject leading to many massacres and most dynasties have kept their own religions. The religion of the Pakras dynasty is Steibority, one in which they worship the holy god of the seas Begramm who as they believe made the great Behsik peoples, while Begramm's wife Tulesi made the Khatoic peoples. They lived in peace until Begramm and Tulesi had a fight, and their peoples fought violently, having split the land in two, and Begramm's rage was so strong the land they lived on split. Over the years, most believed that Begramm and Tulesi have died, and sought peace as to honor their gods. But as the Pakras now preach, the deities are alive and well to feed them with good harvest and game.
Background story(History) of your tribe: The History is largely debated, but many has taken source that indeed the two islands were first a united land, but then the rivalry between two peoples began because of religious arguments. The war lasted a long time and a sort of natural disaster flooded the lands and divided them, which brought them divine thoughts of their gods fighting each other, which later on inspired separatism. Khato and Behsi tribes fought until the lands were left devastated, many of their cultural legacy lost to fire. They rebuilt and grew strong in navy and trade, soon becoming prominent.
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