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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t know what would have happened to him if Takeshi wasn’t able to make everything better for him, effectively calming down his out of control emotions. While he wasn’t completely out of the woods yet he had at least found a moment of calm that he desperately needed at this time, clinging onto Takeshi as if that was the only way he could keep himself in this moment. Taking slow deep breaths like Takeshi told him to he slowly looked up, his hair being ruffled in the process. Takeshi sure did have a lot of faith in his ability to calm down when really he was still feeling bothered, probably needing to sit down and relax for a while to try and find his focus again. As his heart continued to beat pretty fast he looked to Takeshi’s hand, looking a little hesitant but as he reached out a little he gasped when Yumi suggested he remain where he was, his hand going around to hold onto his tail instead. Maybe he should stay put and watch as everything continued to happen around him, hoping that maybe he’d get a break from all of this anxiety. He didn’t know if the Beastmen were going to be calm or if they were going to attack yet, but he knew before they did anything he would have to try and calm down fully and recover mentally.

Viral continued to remain as threatening as possible to the man until he finally agreed, dropping him before following after the man to the main consoles. He was definitely angry that he had been used in such a way, it almost felt like he had been a victim of imprisonment despite having freedom of movement. It was torturous and he couldn't stop it, but luckily his weakened instincts also gave him control over the form he lost so much sense in before. He could still be angry about it but was definitely using this form with the advantage that it made him powerful and scary enough to force the scientist into submission. Following after the cowardly man he watched as he made a hasty unlocking of all the cells in the area, staring at the cells before turning back to the man, hissing. ”I’ll kill you if you dare try to leave…”

Turning around he watched as the cells began to open he felt paralysed by the sight of the Beastmen that emerged, almost as if he was in the middle of a dream. While it was probably not a big deal to the others it was to him, especially when he was the only one for the longest time. Maybe he wouldn’t feel so alone anymore, even if none of them wanted anything to do with him. Looking to Yumi as she tried to be friendly he growled lowly when Yumi was instead dismissed by one particular one, giving her an angry glare when she threatened Yumi. Not at all happy with Yumi getting unwanted attention like that he watched as the woman decided to approach him and the scientist, staring at her as she only proceeded to act like she was the one in control.

Disliking how the woman was completely straying from the other Beastmen he watched her carefully, looking ready to attack if she so much as made a move to the others. He wasn’t pleased with how she was acting so recklessly, the console could’ve easily blown up with that. Growling lowly at her he watched as she approached him, feeling confused at first he moved a foot back slowly as if contemplating on walking off. He didn’t know what she was up to, but when she touched his chest he quickly raised his paw to his chest, backing off a few steps as he very quickly became flustered. Not looking like he was handling this awfully well he opened his mouth to speak only for nothing to come out, his body instead beginning to glow until it was consumed in it and very quickly he shrunk down. When the light disappeared he was back to himself, his clothes slightly ripped but otherwise mostly in tact as he was left holding his chest looking a little rough and a bit tired.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Suffice to say the scientist was through with trying to attack them, having soiled himself and all but going into a panic attack. Nice as that was Yumi couldn't fully enjoy the moment as she was confronted by one of the Beastmen, a woman with apparently quite the ego to boot. Great, another Takeshi... she grumbled mentally, watching as the woman moved away towards the console and the scientist. While the rest of those rescued stood around and seemed to talk among themselves she was quick to take charge and move away, maybe she was something special among them? At the very least they'd completed what they set out to do, now it was a matter of convincing the Beastmen to come away with them. Before she could say anything though they had to get that woman to settle down, and when Yumi glanced over her shoulder and saw her putting a hand on Viral she tensed up, gritting her teeth at the display. Awfully friendly for someone who just met Viral, where was she getting off doing that?

He had to be the alpha male of his group, why else would the scientist be backing down like that? His stance and his form just screamed power and dominance, how exciting compared to the usual males she was lumped with. Smiling curiously as Viral backed off away from her she watched as he returned to his regular form, tilting her head to the side as he appeared exhausted for the endeavor. "What's wrong? If you're the alpha male then we're meant to be. I'm the alpha female, we need to mate to ensure our dominance over the others." To her it made perfect sense, every fiber in her being said they had to solidify their power by doing so. So why was this other woman coming over to them and looking so angry? Smiling in amusement she arched an eyebrow when Yumi stood between her and Viral, placing one hand on her hip. "Or are you already taken? Shame... To think you've been claimed by such a weak woman like her, it's a waste. Her frame is puny and she seems far too delicate, what good is she for?"

Takeshi felt his whole body tensing up as the Beastwoman went on and on about Yumi, watching their friend grow more red by the second. "You don't want to do that... You really don't want to do that..." he mumbled, fidgeting as he anticipated quite the retaliation. For a woman who apparently had been locked away her whole life this lady sure seemed to know a bit, and what she wanted too. After a tense moment of silence Yumi finally spat back with enough expletives to make even the Saiyan blush. Turning back to Shu he placed his hands over his brother's ears, watching as the women went back and forth calling each other all sorts of imaginative and colorful names. Come to think of it he'd always wanted girls fighting over him, yet now that he was watching it happen to Viral he wasn't so sure.

"He's not even my boyfriend or anything you idiot, don't get the wrong idea!" Yumi snapped, getting in the Beastwoman's face and having to get up on her toes to do so, "We're friends, and I don't let just any hussy get near my friends, got it? So back off!"

"I don't know what a boyfriend is, but if you're only friends then you have no problem with me mating with him," the woman retorted, smiling smugly as Yumi only grew more frustrated. "He doesn't seem to be too upset over it, so why don't you run along and be a good girl?" Oblivious to the Beastman walking up behind her she laughed when Yumi did back off, laughter which quickly turned to a surprised yelp and then incoherent shouting as she flailed in a large man's grasp.

"You don't just demand a mate, Eris, you have to court them," the lion-like man said patiently, ignoring the expletives still pouring out of her mouth. Looking to Viral and Yumi then, both of whom he towered over, he smiled slightly and set down the girl. "Sorry, she's always been one of the more... Outspoken members of our tribe. Tell me... Who are you people? And why have you let us out? Are we to go on a mission?"

Yumi shook her head in response, smiling up at the man in response. "Not exactly, we've come to set you free. You don't have to serve the Saiyans any more, we're going to bring you somewhere you can live on your own. No one will tell you what to do or where to go, you can live your own lives!" To her it sounded great, living by your own accord and not the will of another. Yet when she looked around at the other Beastmen for a response they all seemed uneasy, making her furrow her brow in confusion.

"They've never lived outside of this place, please forgive them," the man explained as he placed a hand on Eris' shoulder to keep her still, "I have been, many times, and I know what exists beyond these walls. But none of them do, save for Eris. I'm afraid even anything I say won't help you, this is the only life they know. Asking them to abandon this, where we're fed and sheltered, for the unknown... I don't see it working well." Not all of them could speak either and some were unruly if provoked, was it the best idea for them to leave? Even he was content to remain here, it was the only way he knew how to live. While he did appreciate that these people were kinder than the Saiyans, he knew full well the kind of people their masters were, they took care of them. "Where are the Saiyans? Have... You killed them?" he asked, looking to Viral for an answer, "You're... One of us. Tell me, what has happened?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t know how he was supposed to deal with the woman, so much so that it changed him back. Almost immediately he was feeling terrible like some sort of hangover was coming on. He definitely didn’t feel well enough to chase off this woman if she decided to advance on him. Quickly glancing to the others as if asking for help he raised his eyebrows at the word ‘mate’, looking to her again as he went a little red. “What? I-“ Unfortunately for him Yumi was quickly entering the scene and the woman took interest in her instead, his eyes quickly darting to Yumi who took not even a moment to start biting back to defend herself. Well this was immediately bad, mostly for him. Staring at Yumi as she could only throw up words that were just as bad as the ones this woman was throwing up as well.

Staring at the pair of them he soon let out an annoyed groan, holding his head momentarily as everything gradually became worse for him. This was unbearable and what was worse was it was centred around him for some reason. It would probably be a bad idea to mention to the woman that he couldn’t have children anyway so mating would be mostly pointless. He didn’t even know why he was thinking about these things, it wasn’t like he was actually considering mating with her either. Looking away as he tried to hide his embarrassment he quickly looked back when it seemed the woman had been snatched up, glancing to Yumi. That was probably more embarrassing for her than it was for him, but then again she was strongly against the idea that she shared a close relationship with him. He didn’t understand why she was so defensive of him when he could’ve stood up for himself, it just didn’t make sense to him.

Frowning, his attention turned to the larger Beastman this time, his eyes meeting theirs as he tried to explain that woman to them. This man certainly seemed more balanced than her, thankfully, but there was still the need to tell them that they were to come with them. Opening his mouth to speak up he groaned in annoyance when Yumi decided to take the reins instead of him. She was living in a fantasy with that if she thought it was that easy. Freedom to that extent was not something they would be able to have, they would end up completely unruly and probably cause havoc.

Staring at her as all the others copied his actions he sighed lightly, his attention going back to the man. He felt he could understand what it was like, his own memories of the outside world when he knew nothing else had been restricted heavily to small areas and visuals. Sharpening his gaze he straightened up his stance, staring up at the man when he was addressed. “We infiltrated the facility and crippled the forces here. The Saiyans aren’t dead, but they wish they were after we were done with them”, he spoke before moving forward, “I was a Commander during my time as part of the Saiyan army, but I broke free from their control! I’m the reason all of you exist. They tore me apart in every possible fashion to bring every single one of you alive, so forget those monsters. All of you are to follow me now; is that clear?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

"I see... So you've attacked our home and have come to try and make us follow you?" the lion-man summarized, frowning as he knit his brow thoughtfully, "We were created by you, that much might be true, but you were not our caretakers. All we know is this place and to leave it is unthinkable for many. Even I can't say I'd know where to go, having been outside plenty of times." What reason should they leave? As it stood life wasn't that terrible, and while he knew others had different lots in life this was theirs, they simply accepted it for what it was, their reality. Standing to full height as he straightened out his back he looked down at Viral with a straight face, "Whether what you say is true or not doesn't matter, we can't just leave. Myself and Eris are the only two who have ever been outside of this building, never mind off the planet. They're too young and inexperienced, it would be too much for them."

"If you stay they're just going to kill you! It doesn't matter whether you're ready to go or not!" Takeshi interrupted as he shouted across the way, "After what we did you're going to be in serious trouble, you don't have a choice anymore. Besides, you know what it's like outside, you really are just going to let them all live here forever?" This guy had to be kidding if he thought staying here was a better choice. The Beastmen would be punished right alongside the Elites knowing his old man and probably killed too. Refusing their offer and Viral's demands was just stupid!

Frowning at Takeshi's outburst the Beastman shook his head, letting out a deep sigh before turning back to Viral and Yumi. "Where would we go? We've no home besides this, none of us have any skills beyond fighting, and some can barely even speak. There is no place that would take us." They were known on some worlds for fighting alongside the Saiyans as well, and obviously these people were against the Empire. Whatever world they intended to go back to he was certain would refuse them outright for being with the enemy. "You've wasted your time coming here, I'm sorry to say. And knowing His Majesty he won't be too pleased to hear about this, I'm sure of that, but we'll face that when it comes. He's reasonable, he won't punish all of us too terribly. You should leave now before more Saiyans come..."

"Uuonoe! You could go to Uuonoe!" Yumi suggested abruptly, piquing the Beastman's curiosity as she smiled, "It's the rebel home world, and they take in almost anyone, even former Empire troops! It's a big world too and you could easily find somewhere to settle down. They could help you too, and you'd never have to fight for the Saiyans again."

"And if we enjoy fighting? I'm not looking to leave an easy life," Eris responded with a smile, "You can have your peace if you want it, this is too much fun to just give up. Then again..." Turning her gaze onto Viral once more she approached him, or tried to until the lion-man held her back. "Hmph... If the alpha is going to allow me to battle still I don't have any problem leaving this place. They rarely let me out and I want to fight more, it's so dull here! And that will give me a chance to prove I'm more than suitable to be his mate."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t care about what information he was going to end up having to dish out to these Beastmen, he wasn’t going away from this empty-handed. He had protested going to the Beastmen before because of a scenario like this, but since nobody believed him he was being forced into living up to their expectations. They would’ve been better off being left alone if it meant killing those monsters, but just because they were on the Saiyan’s side everyone was against them existing here. It certainly made him angry but if he had to do this job then he was going to do it whether he disagreed or not. He would be a failure if he couldn’t do this one thing and sully his reputation with them for good. Narrowing his gaze when the man tried to give a reason for them to stay there he was about to speak up when Takeshi suddenly butted in from afar, shooting him an angry glare before sighing heavily. If there was anyone who should’ve just stayed out of it, it was definitely Takeshi.

Turning his attention back to the Beastman he frowned when he was still denying the offer. To him it sounded like fear, like they were scared of the unknown while trying to justify it with not knowing what could be out there. Who knew they would all be such cowards. Growling in annoyance he quickly looked to Yumi who was doing a Takeshi, injecting into the conversation he was supposed to be having. It didn’t matter if she identified as a Beastman or not, she was still interrupting with her ideals. None of them knew what it was like to be like him if that was their idea of a happy living. Giving her a rather fed up glare he looked to the woman who was once again trying to stick her opinion into the conversation, narrowing his eyes when she only just mentioned the whole mate thing all over again. He just wasn’t getting a break despite being the one with the most experience with Beastman things, seeing how he was the first. “I wasn’t going to suggest settling down, anyway! These two are inexperienced and don’t know what they’re talking about. They don’t know what it’s like to crave battle. I want all of you to fight on my side! I don’t care if you want to live the quiet life, but if you’re all heavily protesting the thought of not being able to fight then I don’t see that as something you’d want”. Turning to the lion Beastman again he folded his arms, shifting his weight to one side. “You know what it’s like to be out in the sun. Why do you want to deny that to all of them?” he questioned him before looking to the other Beastmen, “How many are there and how many are still in production, if any…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Trying to have any kind of conversation with Eris around was always a hassle. The girl always had something to say without fail, even to their superiors, and more often than not it landed her in hot water. It was only because he was able to convince the Saiyans of her usefulness time and time again she wasn't punished for it, and he was doubtful these people were any more merciful. All the knew so far as they had come in and attacked those in charge and were now expecting them to follow, simply because they had another Beastman with them. "And what makes battling on your side any different? Why do we care?" the lion posed, frowning as he looked back at the other Beastmen gathered, "We fight because we're told, not because of anything we believe in. I know enough to understand that people fight for different reasons, as does Eris, but they don't understand that. All they know is battle and to simply fight and kill." It was all he knew as well, but at least he understood to some degree what the enemy fought for. Everyone had some justification for it and it was impossible in his mind to know who was right and wrong. All he knew was who held the power in their arrangement, and that was the Saiyans.

"And what will we do once we're out? So we fight for you instead of the Saiyans, who's to say our lives will be any better for it?" the lion-man asked, shaking his head and letting out a throaty scoff. "I don't know much outside of these walls, but I know that we live better than some under the Saiyans. Why should we give that up? Why should we fight for you instead?" He didn't care about causes, who was right or wrong and whatever reasons people had for waging war. None of that effected him or the others, they were simply fighting for whoever was in control. As it happened that was the Saiyans, not these people. "There are 15 of us in all, and none are being made. Nix was the last one to be created," he explained, nodding towards a smaller Beastman covered in black fur, "That's all I know. As the one in charge of commanding them here in our home I know every single one of our kind, and this is all that exists. Some were killed, others were sent away and died in battle, what you see is all we have left."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral stared at the lion-like Beastmen with increasing annoyance, seriously not feeling up to having to argue like this with the guy. He was feeling pretty terrible after what happened to him and it was definitely showing in his face, making him feel like he did when he was first removed from the collar’s influence. Having a debate with these Beastmen was just making him slowly but surely angrier and if he was going to snap it would probably end up being pretty soon. Giving him a pretty steady glare he was beginning to wonder just how smart these guys actually were. “What makes it different is I won’t kill you or anyone for that matter for simply underperforming! We don’t have anybody like that pathetic man who ruled over you because we’re not cowards!” Getting pretty annoyed he pointed to the other Beastmen. “Are you saying they’re not smart enough to learn for themselves everything new that’s out there?? Don’t treat them like simple lifeforms that can’t learn to think for themselves and discover that they either want to fight with me or not fight at all! Maybe one of them wants to learn hunt or cook, but you don’t believe they’re capable of learning more than being a simple animal!”

First they were saying they were wanting to fight, now they were saying they didn’t want to fight because it was all they were told to do. It was certainly getting irritating to the point that he felt he was just going to see them as a lost cause and forget about this whole mission. “First you want to fight…then you don’t because, what, food? What else have the Saiyans given you apart from that and a little cell for you to wander a whole five paces in?” If this guy had been to the surface before then what kind of logic did he have to feel he was better being in a cell? Growling in annoyance he looked between the newer Beastman and the lion-like one he folded his arms. “And what of those who were already living beings before being altered? They have been conducting experimentation like that before, reason why she smells like she does”, he spoke, briefly pointing to Yumi, “I want to know what you know about possible experimentations on already existing lifeforms”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
Avatar of GambolMuse

GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Viral could say anything he wanted to entice them over, it didn't make his words true. They had learned all their lives that failure meant death and accepted it as a fact of life, why should now be any different? At least the Saiyans were truthful in how they'd be treated; being given a life of their own, able to fight or not fight, it seemed too good to be true. Scowling when Viral questioned him, the Beastman shook his head angrily and threw a hand to the side to dismiss the very suggestion of his people being too dim. "That's not it at all! We're made for one purpose and we die for one purpose, that's all they know! For all I've seen outside of this facility I know little else, they've simply taught me enough to act as a go-to between us and them. We get by as we are just fine, there's no reason to change things now!" There was no reason to risk all of his people dying for betraying the King, something he knew would happen. Failure was one thing but betrayal another, even Elites weren't spared that fate. For soldiers as lowly as themselves? Agreeing to this was a death sentence.

Despite the arguments against it and the unease that came with leaving the Beastman found himself unable to outright deny it. Maybe a better life was ahead for his kind if they went with this. Yet should he risk it? He was meant to lead his own and this could be their demise if he wasn't careful. Furrowing his brow he listened to what Viral had to say, unable to argue how petty the arrangements he and his were given. While Saiyans and even regular soldiers lived in relative luxury they were confined to this section of the base, fed routinely but given little else. Having seen other worlds too he had some ideas of how people could live, and perhaps a few among them would enjoy that.

"They... They turned people into one of us?" the lion muttered in disbelief, blinking as he glanced over at Yumi. That would explain why she smelled so similar, and the others before her who smelled off. Some were like Saiyans, others similar to aliens they had fought and some still were unlike anything he'd smelled before. Furrowing his brow again the lion seemed to contemplate sharing anything, giving Viral an uncertain look before nodding. "Exceptional fighters captured from other worlds were turned into our kind, or executed, that was their choice. And any troops who failed the King were given a second chance to redeem themselves by joining the program and being changed. Only a small number of those who went into it survived, and fewer still didn't become savage and had to be put down. The few who did make it, unfortunately, died in the line of combat. What you see here still are those who are purely Beastmen, all of the hybrids are dead."

"I guess it goes to show only true Beastmen are strong enough for battle," Eris commented with a smug smirk, folding her arms as she looked at Viral, "You should know all about that, being a former Commander and all. We heard that worm going on and on about you, how you used to be some big leader in the military. I've been thinking, they say they keep us here to keep us safe and to take care of us... But you know what? I think they're really afraid of us." Soldiers came and went, often hurrying through the room as if they were at risk of being attacked. All of the rabid ones were long gone, no one here was going to attack unprovoked. Scoffing to herself Eris walked over to Viral's side, smiling as she leaned against him. "That's why you want us too, right? You know what we're capable of, and you don't want to be fighting us."

Jeez, this girl was giving Takeshi a run for "most arrogant" in their group. And why in the hell did she have to keep getting so close to Viral? Grinding her teeth silently Yumi refrained from getting into another shouting match, forcing a smile to her lips. "You're right, we don't want to fight you," she answered back, her nails digging into her palms as she spoke, "So that's why we were hoping you came with us. We're not your enemy and we can give you a chance for a better life, to do what you want. Or you can fight with us, whatever you want to do. That's more choice than these people will ever give you."

"N-Now wait just a minute! You can't take them all!" the scientist complained, "The King will have my head! I refuse to let you take them, you must leave at least!"

"Oh shut the hell up already," Takeshi grumbled, having moved over and smacked the guy in the back of the head. Glaring down at the now unconscious scientist he dusted off his hands, glad to have him out finally. He kept looking at everyone like they were insane, plus he was mumbling some stuff to himself, it was kind of weird. Reaching down he then grabbed the man by the back of the coat, holding him away as though he was dirty and shrugging before simply dumping him in a nearby chair, pushing it away as it wheeled off.

There really was no sound argument against joining these people was there? Yes it was hard to say they'd truly be better off now, but their situation wouldn't change at all staying here. If not for himself then at least the others he should allow to try a new life, his hesitation shouldn't hold them back. "Remaining here will likely result in some executions for failing to defend the base, or at the very least we'll be separated. Whether we want to or not leaving is our only option at this point..."

"So long as we get to fight I don't care who we're fighting for. And I guess I wouldn't hate a change of scenery," Eris interjected, glancing around the room before smiling, "There's one thing though... There's only fifteen of us left, and only fourteen can really fight. There's someone here who hasn't ever left his cell before, never mind been in battle." Glancing back over her shoulder she scoured the small crowd for the person in question, frowning when she failed to spot them. "Riley! Get over here! Come meet the new people, you runt!"

After a moment of apparent nothing a small figure pushed their way through the crowd, weaving through everyone's legs to answer the call. However the child didn't go to Eris but instead to the lion-Beastman, hiding behind his leg and grabbing onto the cloth of his pants. With paws very similar to Viral's he got a handful of material and hid behind the adult, just barely peering around with his blue eyes at the strangers before him. Who were these people? He knew all the adults were talking and some of them had sounded angry, plus there was fighting before which had stopped. Were they nice people?

"Riley, say hi to them already!" Eris snapped impatiently, rolling her eyes as the child jumped, "Oh for the love of... You're a Beastman kid, start acting like one. You can't be afraid of your own shadow!"

Riley shrank back slightly as he was snapped at, his eyes looking back at each of the faces inspecting him. Figuring he'd best do as he was told though he slowly eased his way out from behind the lion-man, pulling at his slightly oversized shirt as he stared at the floor. "H-Hi... I'm R-Riley..." he muttered meekly as he shifted around on his feet, "It's n-nice to meet you..." Jumping when Eris growled at him he turned and ran back, accidentally running into Shu in the process. Figuring he was safer with even a stranger than her he clung to Shu's leg, hiding his face against it as his ears folded flat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
Avatar of Mogtaki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was starting to wonder whether he would be better off handing the negotiation over to Yumi, just to save his sanity by just the little bit that still existed. He didn’t know why this guy was trying to speak for all of them when there really wasn’t that many of them. If one was going to end up protesting then they would’ve spoke up by now, but all he could see was a bunch of Beastmen too afraid to oppose this lion guy. “Tch! Ironic how you’re modelled after a symbol of nobility and courage on my planet and yet you’re the biggest coward of them all. You sound so afraid of change that you’d put the rest of their happiness on the line…pathetic”. He wasn’t going to pull any punches with this guy. If he was afraid of starting a new life then he was a coward. It was disgusting and pitiful to want to drag these people back into their cages because of fear.

While it was proving difficult to convince him of the outside world it seemed pointing out Yumi was starting to turn a few cogs in the guy’s head. Staring at him as he expected him to say something about it he frowned at what he got, ending in an angry growl. They couldn’t all be dead, he was willing to bet a lot of those who were made into hybrids like Yumi probably thought that was their only chance in life too. All of this was his fault, there was no benefit in any of this. Staring at the floor for a moment he looked up as the woman spoke up again, frowning at her words. It was hard to tell if people were afraid of him or just hated the fact that someone who was created rather than born didn’t have to go through all the effort and years of training to become a good fighter. Staring at her before tensing up when she leaned against him he quickly bounced away, giving her an angry glare before looking to Takeshi when he decided it was a good time to speak up.

He didn’t really want to fight them if he didn’t have to, it would be an awful lot of people to fight as well if they all turned on them. Frowning at him he shot the scientist a glare when he immediately protested only to be knocked out by Takeshi and wheeled across the place. Despite how the guy smelled they would have to take him with them or risk having simply more Beastmen made under the Saiyans, seeing how they weren’t allowed to kill him. Maybe he can get Takeshi to tie him to the chair and they’d just wheel him along. Turning back to the Beastmen he frowned, his eyes going to the crowd quickly to see who might be the one that couldn’t fight. Not really knowing why one of them wouldn’t be able to fight he was taken aback when it turned out that it was a little kid. Just what were the Saiyans thinking with making a kid? Even if he was once a child a group like the Saiyans would never have one wandering around in amongst other Beastmen without using methods to bypass the whole child part. Staring down at the child he watched how they reacted, waiting to see what they had to say which was quickly cut short when the woman got annoyed and the kid made a dash to Shu, his eyes going the woman again. “Why did they make one so small…and cowardly…”

Shu didn’t really want to be a part of the conversation, he was already feeling intimidated with the number of Beastmen there were and what might happen if things got out of hand. He was certain something bad could still happen, but when it did it was in the form of a kid running at him and clinging onto his leg. Gasping, he tried to shake his leg before letting out a squeak, going onto his hands too and furiously shaking his leg. “No no! Leave Shu! No touch!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

"We know nothing of what you're offering us. It's not cowardice, I'm putting their well-being before anything, especially false promises of new leadership and new lives. We don't know for certain if anything you're telling us is true or not." He didn't know what Viral was on about his own planet, whatever he was made after didn't concern him too terribly much. The more that their cause was argued the harder it became to refuse it; a better life, a safer life, with more opportunities and freedoms, how could anyone turn that down? Even if they didn't know what they were missing out on no doubt they would be awestruck to see what lie beyond these walls. If they were to leave now, which they may have to, there was just one more complication: one member of their group wasn't fit for combat, or much of anything, and yet they couldn't simply abandon them either. So what should they do?

Eris watched as Riley took forever to finally come out from the crowd, hiding immediately again once he was out and prompting her to snap at him. Just as she expected he ran off not a moment after, inducing a groan as she slapped her own forehead. "I don't know why, I've been wondering that since he showed up here," she grumbled, rolling her eyes as she folded her arms, "One day they just showed up with him, said he was the last one they'd be bringing in and that was that. They expect us to look after him and teach him, but the pup is useless. He doesn't know how to fight, barely speaks and he's afraid of his own shadow." Cowardly was a good word to describe Riley, so was useless and a waste of space. If they ever got into a situation that demanded each of them fight they might die, he'd be unable to help and someone would likely be killed trying to protect him. Just an utter waste of space really.

Riley whimpered as he hid against Shu, hating to be yelled at like that. Shu seemed nice at first and not to mention covered in soft fur, his first impression was it would be somewhere safe. Yet as he ran over and grabbed the boy's leg he found himself being shaken, trying to hold on in spite of it. When his head was pushed and Shu complained aloud he finally let go, looking up with teary eyes before beginning to cry. "I'm s-sorry! Please don't h-hurt me!" he whined, sitting on the floor and beginning to sob loudly. Why didn't anyone want him? He wanted his parents! Feeling someone's hands on him then he let out a yell and squirmed against their grasp, turning and seeing Yumi holding him. Now he was going to be punished for being loud again, he didn't want to be punished! Trembling against her he became confused when, rather than strike him, she began to rub his back. Oddly soothed by the gesture he sat in her arms and continued sniffling, his cries calming after a moment as a few silent tears still slipped out.

"Jeez, that kid's a bit loud," Takeshi mumbled as he rubbed at an ear, watching Yumi pick him up to console him. Weird too that Shu pushed him away like that, was he afraid of the kid? Sure he was a Beastman but he was just a little guy, smaller than Shu even, and according to that nasty woman he wasn't even remotely a threat. Weird that they had a kid down here, every other Beastman was an adult. Rejoining Shu he smiled slightly and placed a hand on his brother's head, lowering himself down and glancing briefly at Yumi and Riley. "He's kinda like you in a way, you're both little guys," Takeshi commented before snickering, "Though you're much less noisy than he is. Why'd you push him away though? He's not scary is he?"

Eris shook her head in disapproval at the display Yumi was giving, finding it to be completely idiotic. "The pup has to learn to grow up and mature, doing that's never going to help him," she snapped, annoyed further when she was outright ignored. Letting out a huff she then turned to Viral, putting on a smile again as she cocked one hip to the side slightly. "Well that's part of the problem, him. As much as I hate listening to him we can't just abandon him, and we have to raise him somehow. Do you have what we need to raise a pup like him?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“You know damn well what I’m offering you! You can see what I’m offering you just by looking at me!” Viral growled, raising his fists to his sides, “You would think that me being alive and stronger some mental control that you would stand no chance against is a sign that I am in better health than I was when I was under the Saiyan’s control…but no! Of course not! That’s not good enough for you! Are the condition the others are in not good enough for you either? Don’t excuse your cowardice, you are mad if you think these people would be better off under the Saiyans. They would rather see you dead and make more than let you live over one mistake!” This man was terrible at hiding his cowardice and what was worse was he was how he was putting many people on the line because he couldn’t understand leaving the Saiyans. They had already wasted enough time talking to this guy, it was no wonder that the Saiyans weren’t coming yet. “Are you wanting to fight me to prove my strength? Is that what you’re trying to say??”

Already at the end of his rope the kid was starting to irritate him even more, not because of the way they were acting but because they had become the centre of attention somehow. He didn’t care if they couldn’t fight, they all didn’t have to fight if they truly didn’t want to. Looking to the pair momentarily he groaned in annoyance, turning his attention to the woman again. “I don’t care if fighting isn’t their thing! We have plenty of fighters, one less soldier is not going to have us panicking…” He really didn’t care what the kid did, they could get adopted for all he cared. Watching as only further nonsense began to build up ending in the kid having a scream he sighed in annoyance, wondering if he might end up passing out because of this headache building up like crazy. Rubbing his head in annoyance he groaned at the concern that the kid would need someone to raise them. “The child doesn’t need to grow up to be a warrior if they don’t want to! They’re at the age where they can decide what they want to do…”

Shu was a little spooked and proceeded to curl up in a little ball trying to hide himself once he was rid of the strange clingy creature. He didn’t know how to handle something like that, he never really had a stranger cling onto him before and definitely found it too scary. When the kid started screaming for some reason Shu immediately became spooked, scooting across the floor at first before halting as he grabbed hold of his tail and held it close, not understanding at all what was going on. Having a tiny freak-out to himself he squeaked when Takeshi came over to him and placed a hand on his head, looking up to him as if unsure as to whether he was getting told off for it. “They scary! Holding onto me…don’t know whether gonna bite or scratch or drag me away!” he squeaked under his breath, “No like strangers holding me…no thanks…no thanks…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

"No... Fighting will get us nowhere. I know who you are and what you're capable of, I'm no fool. Fighting you won't end well for me," the lion answered, frowning as he looked back at the others. Then there was Riley as well, someone that needed to be taken care of; among the group there was almost a compulsion to see him cared for, like something innate inside of them demanded it. It was a natural instinct almost to raise the boy even with those less capable than others. Viral was right he supposed, if they went along with this abandoning the Saiyans then Riley wouldn't be forced to fight. If they stayed then everyone knew the boy would have no choice, and given his attitude he'd more than likely end up dead. "If you think he has that kind of freedom... If they all do, then I don't see any reason not to join you. Do you have a ship large enough to move all of us? If you arrived in those pods..."

"We have a big ship. Well... Big enough, we should be able to fit everyone," Yumi answered, pausing briefly to count heads to be sure, "It might be a little cramped, but it's not a long flight to the other one. And it's not all that far away either so we can go get it and bring it back in minutes." It might be a better idea though for them to walk there together instead of waiting around. There was no telling where Saiyans could be or if reinforcements were coming, having the Beastmen stay back could spell trouble. With Riley in her arms now and trying to soothe him she gave the child a patient smile, resting him on one arm as she brushed some hair from her face. "So if that's all settled then we can get going right? There shouldn't be any problem leaving since we beat most everyone we came across, and the only ones left are soldiers. I don't expect they'll try fighting us."

Shu's reaction to being hugged by a kid was a little over the top but Takeshi wasn't going to say that. If the little guy didn't want to be hugged then that was fine, no use in telling him to relax over it. Hearing that his brother was afraid of Riley nearly made him groan in disbelief though; the kid was harmless as said by the Beastmen and smaller than even Shu, what was there to be afraid of? "Well they're only coming up to your belly, I'd be amazed if they're strong enough to drag you away," the older boy joked, smiling amused as he removed his hand and ushered Shu to get to his feet, "I think we're leaving squirt, we should get ready. We're gonna be pretty busy trying to get all these people settled, you know? After we do though we'll have some fun, I'll treat you to something as a reward, sound good?" Maybe play or have a snack together somewhere, something to let Shu relax after today. Not that he got too terribly stressed out or anything, but he'd done well.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral narrowed his eyes, seeing the response the man gave only to be a confirmation that his doubt lay in how much courage he had towards the change of lifestyle. He wasn’t even being strict about what they will be doing once they were free, the guy was just creating that restriction through his inability to leave the people who had created him who were also treating him like crap. As the man spoke again it was clear that he had run out of excuses and had finally given into the fact that they needed to get out of here. Letting out a huff in annoyance he looked to Yumi as she took over, staring at her as it soon came to light what they would have to do. It would be a case of sending one of them out to get the ship and flying it back here and it certainly wasn’t going to be him or the other Beastmen. This was going to be some difficult journey and he really didn’t feel like he had to drag that scientist around just to keep him out of the hands of the Saiyans. Briefly rubbing his head he turned to Yumi, disliking how she was underestimating the facility. “There might be those who can outsmart us, there’s also the chance that the Elite I faced will wake up. You should never think strength is the only way to win when there could be an ambush waiting for us the moment we get back up that elevator”, he spoke quickly before briefly pointing in Takeshi’s direction, “Either you or Takeshi will need to fly back to the ship and bring it here. We’ll need to find a place to load everyone up…and that scientist. If we can’t kill him, we have to take him with us…”

Shu didn’t like how Takeshi was making it out to be no big deal, as if the whole being attacked by a stranger was not a big deal. He had always been taught to be wary of strangers no matter their size and right now with how edgy he was feeling he really couldn’t handle the physical contact of somebody he wasn’t familiar with. Giving Takeshi an angry huff when he did nothing but tease him he slowly stood up, backing away from Takeshi as he kept a hold of his tail. “Treat? I do a good?” he questioned him, feeling a little unsure about what kind of good thing he did to earn a treat when all he did was do mostly what he was told to do, “Only hit some people…hit Mister Viral…that enough for a treat? How do we get everyone onto ship? It so far and tiny!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Well I'd go and get the ship, but uh..." Yumi trailed off, giving Riley on her arm a bounce to finish making her point. A little difficult to travel with a child, and it might be just a guess but she figured he wouldn't enjoy flying too terribly much. That left Takeshi to do it then, provided he and Shu would even find it again. "If the Elites do come to again then we can fight them. We're going to have to go back through the place to get out aren't we? We can still fight, and we're in much better shape than they were." She doubted they'd be attacked again though, they'd already beaten the Saiyans once and they could definitely do so again.

Trying to reassure Shu was difficult when you didn't really get what the problem was. Freaking out over being hugged by some random kid was a bit unusual, a weird act in of itself bit still strange way to react. Teasing Shu over it a little bit Takeshi smiled slightly amused, watching his brother get up and back away. "Yeah, I mean you fought today and helped out, and you helped with Viral. I think that deserves some kind of reward don't you?" he asked, getting up as well and shrugging his shoulders, "Hell if I know. Getting to it isn't the problem, getting everyone on is. I mean the think isn't that big, you know? Maybe if we cram everyone inside then that'll work..." Then again Shu hated tight, confined spaces didn't he? He freaked out whenever they were in a vehicle back on Earth, safe to assume being crammed into that shuttle wouldn't go well either.

"Shu! Takeshi! We need you two to go get the shuttle," Yumi called over, pausing for just a moment to wipe some tears from Riley's cheeks, "We'll follow you out and back the way we came, but someone's got to go and get it. Think you two can do that?"

"Huh? Oh sure, no problem! We'll go get the ship and be back before you know it!" Though he supposed she had said they'd leave together hadn't she? Stopping himself from running off Takeshi grabbed Shu's arm instead, tugging him along back towards the elevator. As they moved along the other Beastman watched them as they passed, and in large the older boy tried to ignore it. Bunch of strangers to him and they weren't here to make friends with the locals, just get them out. Stopping at the lift he let go of Shu then and smirked, throwing an arm around his shoulder. "Tell you what buddy, if we run into anyone on the way out let's take care of them, yeah? If we beat... Let's say one more Elite today then I'll give you an even bigger reward, how's that sound?"

Well they should begin moving then as matters were settled, they were honestly leaving the facility. The lion-Beastman would be lying if he had said there wasn't some relief in this, knowing the others might have a chance at some kind of meaningful life. That hope however was overshadowed by trepidation of the unknown, and concerns about how they might be treated beyond these walls. They had always been lesser in the eyes of others, and while most simply kept their distance it wasn't uncommon for other races to strike them or shout at them, it was why some were so nervous and quiet. Could they be certain their treatment would be any better elsewhere? "Well come along then everyone, it's time to get going," the man urged gently, knowing to take his time with the others, "Follow those Saiyans to the lift, we'll be leaving here. Don't worry, we're not being separated, you'll all still be together."

"I guess that means I'm getting this thing," Eris muttered in disdain with a look to the scientist. Walking over she snatched him up from the back of his shirt, holding him at arm's length like one might a soiled diaper: her face was wrinkled in disgust that might suggest as much too. She would just as soon kill him to free up space and save them from having another mouth to feed, but these people seemed to want to spare him for some idiotic reason. "What planet are you taking us to? Is it nice?" she asked Viral in particular, keeping near him as the others walked to the lift, "And are we going to get to fight? The few I've been to we always fought, and we got to enjoy some of what those people had before we left. Did you know there's something called music? It's just a bunch of sounds but they are nice, it's strange. Kind of makes me resent these people for keeping us here." Shaking her head Eris then grinned, looking up at Viral and giving the scientist in her grasp a slight shake, "Think we can kill him when we get there? Or at least threaten to? I want to see him panic again, it was hilarious."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral stared at the kid on Yumi’s arm before he let out a groan, finding it to be most annoying that her excuse was the kid. She could remove them easily, but she was just making it awkward. Looking to Takeshi and Shu he was annoyed when it meant they would be losing two fighters over one. It was annoying that she was willing to sacrifice two fighters just because of some kid who didn’t know how to let go. Letting out an angry growl he soon huffed, rubbing his head. “Fine! I was hoping you would since it means more warriors…but if that kid is being a brat…” He was feeling pretty bitter about this lack of initiation from Yumi, especially when it was pretty obvious that the kid wasn’t going to leave her alone if they had to fight the Elite again or another group of them. He didn’t feel great at all and wouldn’t be able to fight at even fifty percent his original power, even challenging the Beastman was just a show of strength and that he had no doubts about their new lives.

While Shu was still feeling anxious he would still go ahead with this idea of getting a treat if they were able to get out of the place fine. The number of people didn’t help with his anxiety and even though he was going to see a lot of them they still made him nervous, especially the thought of having to fly with all of them in the little ship. “Oooohhhh…what am I going to do? Get squish? Ooooohhhh…get really squish…” he muttered, trying to think through it all before squeaking when Yumi shouted his name. Looking to her quickly his eyes soon went to Takeshi, frowning when he agreed. This meant he was going to have to spend even longer in the ship than usual, something he wasn’t terribly enjoying the sound of doing. Squeaking when he was suddenly grabbed he hurried along with Takeshi, looking back briefly before to Takeshi again as he let go. Staring up at him as he spoke he quickly looked to his hand again as he was given a half-hug. “…One more Elite? Bigger reward? What we do when we no find another Elite? No extra treat?”

Viral wasn’t sure where the best place to land the ship would be from here or even if it was safe to do so. The air defence here was still pretty unknown after flying out so far from the other island that they arrived on first. This was going to be a lot more complicated than he first thought which was definitely beginning to worry him. Briefly glancing at the lion-Beastman as he prompted the others to go he frowned at Eris, his eyes briefly going to the scientist before he turned away and walking on with the others. Feeling more concerned with getting away from here he briefly glanced at the woman again when she attempted conversation, disliking how close she was to him. Not really wanting to talk to her after all her nonsense he sighed lightly, keeping his focus straight. “A planet named Uunoue. Whether it’s nice or not is your decision…” he answered but soon she started to bombard him with words and only increasing his annoyance levels, “I said you can fight but under a few restrictions! Of course I know about music, I’ve had years to learn about music…” Groaning in response of her insistence to keep talking he gave her a sharp look when expressing her desire to kill the scientist. “We can’t kill him because he’s valuable! I don’t care about threatening him…so long as you don’t actually hurt him that much…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Well... Maybe? Unless you sit up front then maybe not. There might be another ship Vegeta can send down to help too," Takeshi pointed out, tilting his head thoughtfully as he pondered it. They had another shuttle didn't they? Even if it was only big enough to fit 3 or 4 people that made their trip up way easier. At the very least on their way back to the base it would just be the two of them, plenty of leg room in that case. Tugging Shu along to the lift he stopped briefly and tried to encourage him a little more, frowning when Shu questioned it. "Well... Okay, forget the whole Elite thing. You'll get a nice big reward whether we find another guy or not, okay? You did good today so you get a treat when we get back." Now he just had to figure out exactly what that treat would be. Fruit? Play? Nah, he'd done both of those plenty of times and they weren't anything special. Ushering Shu over to the side of the lift while the Beastmen came over he scratched at his head, trying like hell to think of a unique reward. "Hey Shu...? You like to bounce... Right?"

Eris was doing her best to try and be friendly with Viral and yet he just seemed to be getting more and more frustrated. Hadn't she been told that she needed to do more than just cuddle up to him? How frustrating that this was getting her nowhere. "There's plenty of scientists though, I don't get what makes him so special," she commented, frowning as she turned the man and examined him. He wasn't strong, nor was he particularly commanding, and he'd hid behind Saiyans more often than once when one of them got out of hand. What made him so damn valuable then? "Well... As long as I can threaten him that should be fun. It's always amusing to watch him squirm." Stepping onto the lift she set the scientist down for the time being in a rather compromising position, rear-end up and face down on the ground. To make it worse for the man she laughed as one of the others sneezed on him, shrugging when they seemed worried about it. "Don't worry, he can't hurt you anymore," she commented with a grin, nudging the man with her foot, "Isn't that right? Now you're the beta at best, you're nothing Mr. Glasses."

Yumi would have been happy to go get the shuttle if she hadn't inadvertently stuck herself with Riley. Now that she had him she wasn't just going to drop him, not when he started crying while with others. Watching the scientist be treated like trash she rolled her eyes but refrained from shouting at Eris, figuring it would only frighten the child. Yes he was a scumbag and deserved punishment but that wasn't how they did things here; back on Uuonoe, if the rebels saw fit to punish him in their custody then that was their business, but with them he'd just be kept under wraps. "When you two get the shuttle just be careful about where you land it," Yumi said more to Takeshi than Shu, he'd not be flying it, "And we've got to do something about those boxes they sent with us too, that'll free up a little bit of space." They still didn't know for sure if there was even enough room on the shuttle for everyone or not, probably a good idea to do that sooner rather than later. If it wasn't big enough then she wondered how they would manage to move all these Beastmen at once. Maybe there were more ships here they could 'borrow'?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu stared at Takeshi as he tried to think about the other ship, wondering if it might be better to get it too. His main concern towards riding in the ship was the space issue and if they had another ship then there would be more space to move around in the one he was going to be in. He may not be able to count out how many needed to go in the other ship, but he knew taking out some and putting them in another place made things easier on him. “Ooh! Ship ship ship…another ship! Yeah! We get other ship!” he squeaked, still feeling nervous but a little better with the possibility of that happening, “Don’t want to be squished, if must be squished then squished near you or Miss Yumi is best, probably…” He didn’t really want to be squashed at all but if it had to be squashed he would rather be near somebody he could hug at the same time. When it came to the possibility of a treat he had his concerns, namely surrounding the fact whether he could still get a treat if they couldn’t find an Elite. When Takeshi quickly thought that it wasn’t such a good idea to lay on the possibility of an Elite showing up he listened to Takeshi as he decided it was going to be a big treat anyway, his expression lighting up quickly. “Ooh! I like to bounce! I like to bounce…why?”

Viral really didn’t want to talk to the person who just wanted to pair with him because he showed that scientist up. She didn’t know anything about him other than the fact he could transform into a monster. “He knows stuff we don’t, so we’re going to get it out of him…” He thought that much would’ve been obvious to her but apparently not. She was certainly simple minded if she didn’t see that, but then again they all appeared to be with how they were all acting like children. Staring at her in some annoyance when she put the scientist down he moved back a step when he was only disgusted by the other Beastman’s actions, groaning in annoyance. This was going to be a long week, however long the weeks are nowadays. “You know we don’t have alphas, betas and all that where we’re doing…” Just wanting to lay down at this point he slowly looked over to Yumi when she mentioned the boxes, frowning before he simply sighed and rubbed his face. “We’re not dumping supplies! We’ll just find another ship or something…I’m not wasting those supplies for a little bit of space! This place should have plenty…either that or we can get Vegeta to get off his lazy ass and do something for once…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Eris didn't care whatsoever about the scientist, he was just dead weight and another mouth to feed. Setting the man down in a rather humiliating position she let out a sigh, giving Viral then a puzzled look. "No alphas or betas? How do you know who's in charge then?" she asked, frowning in disapproval, "I thought you were the alpha, no? So if you're no the leader then who is?" What a complete disappointment that was to hear Viral wasn't in fact the alpha. This already didn't make any sense and she was sure it would only get more confusing the further along they went. Oh well, so long as she was still allowed to fight she didn't particularly care. "Why would you dump supplies for us? And I doubt it would make all that much space anyways," Eris added in, smirking when Yumi shot her a frustrated glare, "Whoever this 'Vegeta' is should be working to help, not making you throw away perfectly good items."

"Vegeta will help if we ask, we just have to get in touch with him," Yumi said stiffly, adjusting Riley onto her hip as she stepped closer to Eris, "And don't talk about my friends when you don't know them, okay? He'll do whatever we need and then some, you know that too Viral." Yes he could be a little... Difficult, he always had been. If there was something you asked him to do and he had no personal vestment in it it was near impossible to get him to work on it. As the lift came up to the top she glanced around half expecting troops to be waiting for them, relieved to find not a single face around. Sighing with relief she put on a smile for the still unsettled Riley, patting his back as she stepped off. "We're almost out of here, just you wait. You're not going to have to be afraid anymore."

Takeshi wasn't sure how being squished against different people would make the ride any better. Definitely a better idea for another ship, provided there was another that could be spared. As the lift came to the top he stepped off alongside Shu, smirking when his brother asked him about bouncing. "You'll see squirt. I've gotta find someone to help me set it up, but you'll see when we get back." He'd seen something back on Earth before, some kind of weird bouncy surface that kids could play on. Even now he hadn't a damn clue what it was called but he felt like that sort of thing was right up Shu's alley. "Come on buddy, we gotta go get the shuttle for everyone. Kind of just wanna blast out of the place right here, you know? Probably would spook the Beastmen though..." Which meant walking all the way back, how annoying. Waving Shu along he smiled back at the others, flashing them a thumbs up, "We'll be back, meet us by the entrance!" he added before heading off with his brother.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral sighed, keeping his eyes off her. “I serve under the family that created me, but the rest of them just serve themselves while following basic rules like no killing or harming innocents. I’m sure you’ll be taught the basic rules before anything happens regarding freedom, anyway…” He didn’t want to have to talk about all of their silly rules when someone else could do that later, giving him the freedom to not have to bore himself to death by talking on and on about them all. “Basically don’t do what the Saiyans would do…even though there’s quite a few Saiyans where we’re going. They’re just not part of these Saiyans…” Maybe she would lay off him knowing that he wasn’t the alpha or held any position of power, he was just a servant like they had been. Finally looking back at Eris when she got off the subject he opened his mouth to talk about Vegeta but Yumi spoke first and told him off as well, groaning in annoyance. “He’ll do whatever he thinks is logical whether it makes people happy or not. If it’s not profitable to keep, he’ll get rid of it or throw it in a corner until it disappears…” It was fair to say he was still bitter over the things Vegeta did over the years and this experience was just fanning the flames. Once they finally reached the top he frowned at the obvious absence of soldiers, having slight worries that they might walk into a trap later on. It was highly possible that the soldiers hadn’t completely fled and were simply waiting for them to head to the bunker or a clear space before jumping them. Frowning, he soon glanced to Yumi and the kid in annoyance. “Why do you have to baby that kid so much? If they end up running off they’re probably going to be lost for good due to their cowardice…”

Shu had no idea what bouncing had anything to do with a treat, but he was hoping Takeshi wasn’t just pulling his leg and making him believe there was a treat at the end of this whole mission just so he would behave. He may be easily shaken right now, but he still could fight well so long as he didn’t have another emotional rollercoaster of a panic attack that might cause him to transform. Probably if he ended up being shot at or faced with sharp objects he might end up panicking, but that all depended on if he was going to try and act tougher than he actually was. Once they finally reached the top he looked to Takeshi and nodded, shaking his hands in front of himself quickly as if to try and shake away the nerves he was going through. All of his worst fears were happening today but he had to keep calm and keep going, hoping he wouldn’t end up flipping out again. “Okay! Blast out? Blast out down away from here”. Looking quickly to the others he bounced a few steps before running along with Takeshi, looking up to him quickly. “Thought you made entrance! Is that really entrance? Thought it was entrance only for a bit until we go to real one…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

So Viral fought for those who made them? But then the Saiyans made her and the rest, shouldn't they be fighting for the Saiyans then? "Fighting for those who made you... I'd sooner kill them then fight for them again," Eris muttered bitterly, glancing again at the scientist. She'd always harbored resentment and yet was unable to do anything about it, knowing full well she was at the mercy of Elites. The way they treated the Beastmen, the way they treated her: looking, laughing, prodding and touching, she was through with that. She'd stay her hand in killing the man if only because their new leaders demanded they not, though it didn't lessen the desire any. It was puzzling to hear as well that there were other Saiyans and not at all aligned with the ones here. Maybe that wasn't so outrageous considering those two boys, they were obviously Saiyans and yet working against the King. Clearly there was more to what was going on than she knew, and she hated being lost like this.

"I won't argue he does what's logical, but he doesn't just throw things aside. I've never known him to do that with anything," Yumi pointed out, furrowing her brow briefly in thought before looking at Viral, "That includes you. There was a time there where he was so busy he didn't ever see any of us, but I don't feel like he abandoned either of us then either. And now... Well he's always back at the base or wherever pulling strings and we're out in the field kicking butt, can't be helped that we do separate jobs." Vegeta was perfectly capable of fighting alongside them however and probably should sometime soon, didn't want to get all rusty. "I've had him for all of 5 minutes Viral, it's not as though I've been watching him all day," Yumi retorted with a roll of her eyes, "Anyways there's no one else here taking care of him, and someone needs to. I'm not going to just leave a child to themselves, especially not when there might be soldiers around still." Until they got on the ships and were off this world she had very little intention of releasing Riley, even if holding him was a little awkward.

"No no no no, I don't mean we really should blast out of here. It'd be quicker but it'd scare those guys probably, you know? We'll just go back to the hole we made earlier." There was probably a real entrance for them to use, multiple even, but they knew where this one was. Folding his hands at the back of his head Takeshi took the lead out of the room, retracing their steps through the now familiar corridors to the entryway. "Well yeah I made it, but why bother finding another when we can just use that one, you know? I mean we could look for a real door, but that could take forever. May as well just use what we made." Plus if they went for their own door then they'd have to somehow lead the others to it, or find their way from that point to wherever they had been before. Considering they had absolutely no idea where anything was here? Best to stick to the same route. Passing through the first room on the way back Takeshi casually glanced about at the still unconscious soldiers lying about, smirking in satisfaction at their handiwork. "Some of these guys you beat buddy, feels good doesn't it?"
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