Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil was trying his best to keep up, but even cracks on the ground were causing him to near fall over. He was trying his best to keep up but as he continued he was increasingly aware of his own failures and was gradually finding it hard to believe that he should be with them anymore. They were his first friends ever, but they had fallen out with him because of what he did. He couldn’t understand how this friendship stuff worked completely, but he did know if you were a terrible person to them you weren’t deserving of them. Running on after everyone else as best as he could he slowed down as well, although the sudden stop caused him to stumble over and fall against the wall with a nasty metallic scraping sound following.

It seemed that everyone had stopped now, but even then it felt as if everything was still running and that he should follow suit. He should leave them so they wouldn’t get into even more trouble than they already were, but the desire to have friends was causing him to hesitate. The sight of the Machina and what Nymira did to them only played over in his head as a possible scenario of what might happen if he overstepped his boundaries again or if they thought he was too much of a danger to exist around others. He was a Machina who could emote unlike those at the mansion, something that others seemed to fear whenever they found out.

Just what was he going to do? That woman was leaving and now all they could do was contemplate their next moves. They had lost a lot because of that whole mayor thing, even their transport. Twitching momentarily he slowly turned away, holding his head as he shook. “W-What’s happening?? W-What is s-s-syst-…can’t-…how did this happen…” he spoke in distress, trying to understand everything that was happening and what was happening to him, “Did I do that t-to-to-to the Machina?? I already destroyed the people…already destroyed…threat nullified…sys-system failing…”

The stress was hurting his mental state and his senses, his mind going into shutdown. He shouldn’t be having this much trouble understanding what life and death was and what it meant to the others, but what he saw before he went on the rampage was still trying to invade his mind and causing even more problems. He had seen all of this before, he knew he had even before he knew what existence was. Maybe it happened in the factory when he was trying to escape, but that was only half of the puzzle. He couldn’t understand any of it, he couldn’t understand anything that had happened or what was happening to him.

Quickly turning around to Ethan and Amuné he stared at them almost blankly as Amuné spoke, his feet shifting to stop himself from falling over. She was never going to forgive him for what he did, he had completely destroyed what little respect she had for him and somehow that realisation made him feel even more upset like it could never be restored. Those Machina were going to kill them if they stayed, just like he could had killed them all if he wasn’t stopped. Standing staring as he tried to recover from his system errors he soon slowly turned around again. “Go…go and find him. If you stay with me I-I might hurt you too…like those other Machina”, he spoke slowly, rocking on his feet a little, “I’m dangerous! Don’t be around me…don’t get close to me. Don’t know what happened, I don’t-…don’t…not…b-but-…what did this to me…” Sitting down fairly quickly as if he simply fell off his feet he held his head, not looking as if he was comprehending anything right now. “I’m dead, I’m dead…don’t talk to me…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 5 days ago

Wyth lifted his head and bared his teeth as Cecil caught up, and the girl didn't bother to correct him. Her feelings regarding the Machina were conflicted anyhow. What he'd done back at the ship, the way he'd killed those men...it was frightening. She remembered how he'd suddenly just grabbed her, refusing to let go as he wrought destruction upon those opposing them. It took conscious thought to recall that he'd not hurt her, not really, though she'd felt like he might. But he hadn't -- that was the important part.

Now, however, Cecil seemed like he was having a lot of trouble. He sounded scared and confused, feelings Amuné knew far too well lately. She caught him looking at her and hid her face against Ethan's side. As the Machina spoke again, the child ventured a peek at him, her expression shadowed. "Ethan?" she asked in a small voice, tugging at the man's sleeve. "Will Cecil be okay?" The Machina sounded a bit like he had when running low on power, and that was concerning. And...he sounded like he was hurting. He thought he might harm them, and he didn't like it.

That more than anything else prompted Amuné to add something else. "Um...tell him...tell him I’m okay? I mean, he didn’t hurt me or anything back there, and...well, what he did was wrong, and he shouldn’t do it again, but...People make mistakes, you know? And...um...he was more...protecting us -- or, well, if I think about it now it seems that way?” The girl groped awkwardly for the words to express what she wanted to say. “So...I’m not -- I’m not angry.” The last sentence she stated firmly, darting another glance at the distraught Machina. “I’m not angry, he just...really scared me, that’s all...." The last bit ended up muffled as she directed most of it into Ethan’s shirt.

((I was inspired by Mogget's post. <.<; ))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

What did they even do at this point? Normally Ethan had the answers, he'd suggest they go and make things right and to try and own up to their mistakes. But how did they fix this? People were dying back at the manor and they were powerless to stop it with their innocence now hanging purely on Bernadette's word. Could she actually clear them of their supposed crimes? He didn't know anymore, and lightheaded as he was from today's events it was tiring to even think. Sitting down against a wall he let out a long sigh and laid his head back, looking up to the sky as clouds silently drifted by. Just like those clouds they would have to come and go without a word if they hoped to avoid further trouble, though that may be easier said than done. They were in the middle of East Orosi and the guards would no doubt be alerted soon, getting out would be a nightmare.

"I don't know Amuné, I really don't..." It was the only answer Ethan could muster for the child's flow of questions, he wouldn't lie and said he knew anything. He liked to think Zander was innocent and hadn't done anything wrong, yet the situation in the office pointed to him and him alone. Yet they had fought together on the boat, they were comrades weren't they? Nothing about the situation they were in made a lick of sense no matter how you looked at it. The mistake in trying to find sanity in chaos, one supposed. Glancing at Amuné when she suggested ousting Zander he could only shake his head in response, smiling as he reached out and brushed a bit of dirt from her gown. "And if he's innocent? Then we've condemned an innocent man," he offered in return, "Just like we're innocent and being charged, he could be too. Until we know for sure we can't go turning anyone in." Maintain order in chaos, it was what guards were meant to do. It was what Ethan was trying so desperately to do. Yet so far today he'd done an awful job of that.

The idea of fleeing from a battle in such a way struck Nymira as peculiar; fleeing from the enemy only meant they would return later, or you'd suffer a loss and humiliation. Yes they were exhausted from today's events but they could still fight, they would have found a way to. While she was annoyed that they hadn't even tried to deal with the Machina she also understood there was little reason to broil about it now, what was done was done. As they stopped in an alleyway some blocks away her head swiveled hearing metal scraping against brick, frowning as she watched Cecil go down on his hands and knees. Of everyone in their group he had it the worst, and for reasons she couldn't even understand. It wasn't uncommon for warriors to have episodes after or during a battle, some people just couldn't handle it. But for them she knew the causes, and yet Cecil was a mystery.

Cecil really was having a hard time of things, barely keeping it together as he panicked. Again Ethan found himself unable to answer Amuné as he watched their friend break down, not wanting to lie and say everything would be fine. Clearly what had happened today had a deeper impact on the Machina then they thought, he was struggling with quite a lot now. Moving to go and comfort their friend he paused when Amuné voiced her concerns again, wanting to clear the air and try and help in her own way. "I'll let him know, don't worry," he answered gently, smiling as he gave her hair a small ruffle, pushing himself then to his feet with the wall as support. He was far from the type of person you usually came to for advice, and he knew his way of thinking didn't work well with everyone. Yet he had to try and say something, anything to help their friend.

"We're not abandoning you, or anyone, not while you're like this," Ethan began as he approached Cecil, making sure to keep a friendly smile all the while. When the Machina snapped at him to stop he did, though he maintained the smile as he listened to what was being said. The expression wavered slightly when Cecil collapsed again but he did his best to remain upbeat, figuring if he began to worry then it'd only make Amuné worry, and Cecil in turn worry even more. He had to keep it together here or panic was only going to get worse. "You're not dead Cecil, you're alive just like all of us," Ethan said as he knelt down, reaching out and placing a hand on the Machina's shoulder, "Well... You know what I mean. What happened today was an accident... Accidents happen. It doesn't make you a bad person if you make a mistake now and again." It might be a big mistake, killing people, but he had only been trying to protect them right? It was good intentioned, not like Cecil had done it purely out of cold blood.

The Varuna couldn't care less about this game they were playing, or the calculated moves to try and spread dissent. All he wanted to do was destroy and kill, his magic was suited for such and it was all he knew. Today had been hardly a cheap thrill as there was no challenge in his prey, just a handful of men with swords. Sneaking in through the aqueducts had its benefits though he'd been spotted quickly on the dry road; four guards stood little chance against his pets, they served only as lunch and nothing more. "Ssstill... That is three timesss those children have escaped. I wish to sssseee them dead," he hissed with disdain, getting to his feet and looking to the broken window, "Please... Allow me to sssseek them out, I wish to finish my job."

"No, let them go. It's more fun to watch the prey scurry, don't you agree?" the woman asked, laughing as the creature belched and spit out a corroded bone on the floor. Such a vile thing, these monsters, yet oddly adorable. "We'll let them have their fun for now, they're hardly a threat. Twice they've survived on pure luck and nothing more, it won't happen a third time. Until we see them again we'll focus on causing as much dissidence as we can, why bother chasing a few rats when you can smoke out the entire nest?" It was far more effective to kill the entire population than to chase down group by group, hoping you got them all. Besides, this way the populace did most of the work for them, it spared them the trouble of running to and fro chasing every lead. "It will be such a spectacular show, I cannot wait to watch."

It was safe to say not everyone was enjoying the "show" quite as much. Hunting down Magi was one thing, but involving the innocent commoners was another matter. The guards had no part in this war the Church was waging and yet nearly two dozen lay dead from today's events, and for what? A laugh? It was sickening that anyone would be so callous with lives this way, it was not something the Church should condone. Wrinkling his nose in disgust as he sifted through the remains of a few guards, Remus pulled free a patch from one of their shirts, shaking mucus from it and examining it closely. If he brought this forward to the guard captain he could potentially damn that Varuna, albeit doing so would completely contradict the Church's plans. If he wanted things to end in his favor he had to abide by their desires, however deplorable they might be.

"To cause deaths of innocent men and women... Is this worth it?" Remus sighed and got to his feet, taking the patch and pocketing it for later, a reminder of the real evils he was facing. Those children, the two parents he'd slain, they were not criminals, simply Magi trying to get by. Nor was the old man he'd taken to the Central Church a criminal yet he'd been prosecuted as one, and simply for having the ability to perform magic. By that logic he too was a criminal and yet his actions were condoned by the powers that be. Hearing the water bubbling up behind him Remus frowned and reached back, sending a spout of water skyward with one of the Varuna's creatures skewered by it. Turning as it fell to the ground along the canal he walked over, ignoring its shrieking as it tried to attack. Even now that fish was trying to attack him, though his was his most halfhearted attempt yet. Hard to operate when she was here, he supposed. Placing a foot on the creature's skull he began applying pressure, again ignoring its wails of protests before the bone beneath his boot shattered, the liquid surrounding the skeleton falling away as a result. This lot of people, they were the true criminals.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

To say Cecil was going to easily get over these events was probably a complete overstatement, his mind hardly in a good place right now. He was very quickly understanding his place in the world and if that was his purpose then he didn’t belong in it. He was going to cause misery and nothing could change that, even having friends. As Ethan tried to approach him he quickly shut him out, feeling it was going to be safer for everyone if they just forgot he existed and leave him here. While he was convinced he was going to cause them nothing but trouble it seemed Ethan didn’t carry that same idea and continued to press on despite his protests. Slowly looking over to him he soon looked away again, pulling at his hair. He didn’t understand why Ethan was still wanting to be with him, not after all that he did.

“I’m not alive…I’m not! I’m not like you or anyone you know”, he mumbled, slowly but shakily removing his hands from his head and dropping them down on his side as if they had simply shut off, “I’m-I’m made of metal. Someone programmed me…I just pretend t-to be one of you.” Looking to his shoulder when Ethan placed his hand upon it he slowly looked up to him, staring at him in distress and confusion. Ethan had it all wrong and while he didn’t fully understand what kind of combat he was built for he knew no matter what he did was built to kill.

“But…it wasn’t an accident. It wasn’t a mistake. That’s l-like saying what you do at night, the way you shut down at night…like that’s a m-mistake and accidental”, he spoke slowly, looking back down to the ground, “I’m made to kill. I’m made to do that, I-I was just-…just following my programming. I couldn’t help it, I could see I was doing it, but…I just did it. I remember touching something and it connected. I saw strange things and then m-my programming kicked in. I’m a combat Machina. I was built to kill others. I serve no other purpose!”

He was trying to explain it to Ethan but he didn’t know if he was going to understand. All that was going to happen was something like this would occur again, he was just going to kill once more and all of them were going to be angry at him again. It was an endless cycle and all that could be done to prevent that was for them to leave him to run out of power somewhere he couldn’t be found by those men. Since they were all tired he could probably leave them and go elsewhere before they could find him again. Pressing his hands on the ground he moved to push himself up, but he didn’t get anywhere. Trying again he looked to his hands as he tried to figure out what was happening. Despite his best efforts he was unable to get up, his motor functions doing their usual malfunctioning since being damaged. It left him feeling pretty lame now that his plan had been ruined, lowering his head in shame. “…I’m broken, anyway…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Golden Coffer Inn was slightly busy today. Geoffrey stood behind the bar, pouring mead into one mug, ale into another and tryig to figure out if the man at the table to the far left really wanted milk! Milk of all things. Trish and Bev we're waiting tables, taking orders back to the cooks, and bringing out smaller dishes for patron's to nibble on.

Geoffrey kept glancing at the doorway though, he didn't know why he kept doing it, but did anyway. He was waiting for Zander to get back from visiting the mayor's office. Time ticked by slowly after that, and in came the next bout of customers and orders and chaos. A few had talked about a group of young children being taken to see the mayor. Some whispered about the merchant, Lazlo, having gotten back his stolen goods and how he cheered about the children helping retrieve them.

Geo, could hear little else and took a small break to go check on his mother Olga. Telling Trish and Bev to hold down the fort, both girls waving him off and rolling their eyes at him. The two twin waitresses had a fun time teasing him about things. Taking the steps two at a time, he knocked softly on his mother's door. Placing his ear to the polished wood he grinned when he heard shifting and a soft thunk.

Entering slowly, grin plastered on his face, "I see you feel well. Throwing pillows at the door, really mother." He patted said pillow as he picked it off the floor. His grin stayed there when she told him to go do something about his cheery attitude. Definitely in a good mood. "I see Zander's glyphs are helping you with this odd poisoning going through your system. I told you old man Harv was really after you."

Olga muttered and shifted a little more, "Listen here you little sneak, I'll have you know I'm fit as a whistle..." She coughed. Geo didn't move, but watched intently. His ears trying to pick up any softer sounds. Ears perking, he turned to the open doorway. Shouts from downstairs, Bev shouting for Geo to come downstairs. Someone being told to stop moving he was bleeding.

Half the townsfolk knew Zander was staying with them, rashes and bumps and measel's gone instantly at Zander's harsh scowl. Tilting his head, he looked back at his mother.

"Go see what--- Zander!"


Zander brushed passed the waitress, not even muttering an apology. He didn't have time to explain to the wench that Olga's life was in danger. Where was Geo when he needed him!? Storming up the stairs, a few patron's yelling for him to slow down and explain his chest wound. He got to the door, and slammed it shut with force.

'Alive...." he was panting. His chest felt like it was on fire, he knew he was pale, his eyes trained on Olga with what looked like relief with a mixture of panic. Seals on each corner post, one above her head, and two more. One on each arm. He let out a strangled yell and lept for the paper. Tears finally breaking free, he tore down the two on the posts closest to the doors. With more worry he reached out for Olga's arms only to have his body give out on him.

"ZANDER!" Geo hollered at him. He was trying to attack his mother! Taking two longer strides he grabbed the older boy around the waist and lifted him away from his sick mother. "Zander calm down! It's me! ZANDER!"

Geo listened, and almost let him go in shock. His mother had gone pale at the words he spoke.

"Tampered seals... The mayor... They think I killed him... Not safe... they aren't safe anymore."

Geo dropped Zander, as he passed out. He had seen Zander like this once, when he had laid eyes on his sick mother, his panic and his need to be listened to. Stepping over his few time lover, he ripped down the seals and lit them in the candle fire. If Zander said they had been tampered with, he wasn't going to argue. Olga told him to take the boy to his room, to bandage the wound on his chest and to clean it. She felt alright enough to take over downstairs.

Nodding numbly, he moved Zander gently. Tears still leaked from his pale face, and Geo was scared. They would have to hide Zander. He just knew it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 5 days ago

Cecil was upset, and what he was saying upset Amuné. Sleeping was different -- they /had/ to sleep. He didn't have to kill, he'd done just fine up until then. It was a mistake because he'd done it when he didn't need to, and it was wrong. That's what a mistake was! Even if he was following his programming, people could learn not to act certain ways, and the girl was sure he could to. Besides, fighting was more than just killing. You could fight with words -- or to protect someone. And as much as the Machina had frightened her, she worried what would happen if he went off on his own. What if he needed help again? What if there wasn't anyone to snap him out of it if something like the mess earlier happened again? Even though they hadn't done it very well, they could find a way to get through to him better, couldn't they, so he could be stopped?

She pulled her knees to her chest, looking miserable. The child wasn't willing to say any of what she was thinking to Cecil, at least not directly. She wasn't angry with him, but she still didn't want to interact with him, at least not yet, and as for forgiving him for what he'd done...that might take a while. The mention of touching something and seeing strange things brought her head up, and her eyes focused on Cecil. "You saw things?" Amuné echoed, startled from her avoidance of speaking to him. "Like a vision?" She started to say more, but closed her mouth instead and bit her lip, glancing uneasily at Ethan. What did it mean, if the Machina had visions too?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Ethan couldn't argue that, Cecil really wasn't the same as they were. Flesh and bone, living breathing beings, that wasn't something you'd describe a Machina with. But then it wasn't fair to say he wasn't alive either. Clearly Cecil felt things and had thoughts, he wanted things and he was learning, that was being alive wasn't it? "Well... I mean so you're made of metal, it doesn't change that you go through things like a living person does, right?" he asked, smiling uncertainly, "And... People are kind of programmed too, if you think about it. We're taught things and we think a certain way, so... You're not that different from us. My mom always said that you can't get angry with people for being who they are, it's not fair if you do. And you're a good person even if you made a mistake."

Convincing Cecil that he wasn't a bad person or a threat to them was proving far more difficult than he'd anticipated. Everything said was sincere and with good intention yet none of it seemed to make it through to the Machina. "Okay, well... A soldier is trained to kill someone, but does that make them a murderer? Or are they protecting something they care about? You're like that, just someone who killed to keep people safe. Whether I agree with that or not doesn't change you did it to protect us, or am I wrong about that?" He knew he wasn't, or he liked to think he wasn't. Sometimes in the heat of a fight things happened you couldn't always control and you could only react, he looked at it now in that lens instead of Cecil maliciously killing in cold blood. "Maybe your purpose is to protect people? Why does it have to be something bad like killing?" Ethan suggested as he took back his hand, sitting in front of Cecil and crossing his legs. "Instead of looking at it like that, think about your purpose being keeping people safe? If... If it means killing someone then... Well, it's what you had to do. You're not a murderer though, you're someone protecting others. That sounds more like a hero to me."

He'd missed it before in the conversation but Amuné brought it up again; at some point on the ship Cecil had seen something. Might sound a bit strange just saying you saw something unless you understood what seeing meant, especially from Amuné's point of view. It was odd hearing it from the Machina since he didn't think they could have visions like that. Meeting Amuné's gaze he frowned, trying to make sense of what it might mean. Before he could ask Cecil about it further Nymira spoke up and interrupted him.

"As touching as all of this is we're still in trouble," the Dimuran pointed out impatiently, "Or have you forgotten? This should wait until later, once we're at least outside of town." Whatever Cecil was going through he would have to endure until then, sitting around in such a manner was a threat to their safety. With that blasted healer having all but abandoned them as well they were all but ready to depart, if not for one small matter. "We should retrieve our cart too if nothing else, we've already lost our weapons. Not to mention our funds are still on there." When given an incredulous look by Ethan she frowned at him, placing her hands on her hips in a testy manner. "What? You didn't expect me to carry that with me did you? I don't care at all about your people's money, it does me little good outside of your territories. If someone finds it then I'll simply get more somehow."

Must be nice to not worry about money at all, Ethan thought as he nodded his head. They should get the cart back but it wasn't going to be easy if guards were out looking for them. Given how much time had passed though it should be a good while before news had spread, with luck they could move about town without drawing too much attention. "We should get Zander too, leaving him here is a death trap for him." They owed the healer little and arguably not having him in the group might be easier, yet how could they willingly leave someone to their demise? Besides Ethan was optimistic after some time together that roughness would fade, just as he was sure Nymira wasn't always going to be difficult. He sure hoped so because working with her otherwise was quite a challenge.

"Cart first, then Zander, then we can get out of this place..." Ethan repeated as he got to his feet a touch unsteadily. He was beginning to feel better though it would take most of the evening to replenish his energy, even longer if they didn't get some food. Extending a hand to help Cecil up he got him to his feet, then offering a hand for Amuné to take. With luck Zander hadn't gotten too terribly far, though having no clue where he may have gone was slightly problematic.

Nymira wanted to argue to just abandon the damned healer yet refrained, knowing too well by now Ethan would idiotically defend the decision. His abilities could prove useful at the very least even if she had no use for the man himself. At least they could retrieve their goods before going on a wild chase for that insufferable Muran. "Your damn towns are like mazes, it's hard to say which way we should even go," the Dimuran grumbled as they cut back through the streets, making a point to circle far around the mayor's building. No movement from the guard yet was encouraging yet no reason to press their luck.

Word of the attack had yet to spread as they reached the stables, not terribly surprising it seemed. The mayor appeared to be the sort of man who cordoned himself off from the rest of his people and ruled from high atop his... Chair. A unlikable ruler if Nymira had ever seen one, thinking he could dictate policy and his people while being so detached. A leader worked with their people and fought alongside them, not sitting in a cushy chair behind a desk. If he was actually liked by his subjects then there would be mourning for his death as well, yet Nymira doubted there would be any of that either. Watching as the stable hands set up their horses again she let out a sigh, baffled by how the Muran governments seemed to operate. Detached from their followers and expected to follow for what reason? She didn't understand their culture it seemed, she had a lot to learn before she could return home.

"Hey thanks again for looking after the horses, we really appreciate it!" Ethan said as he climbed up onto Jorvind, helping Amuné up as well. With Nymira on the other and Cecil tucked away on the cart he gave their mount a kick in the side, easing their way down the street to search for Zander. There was no telling whatsoever where he might have gone, but he had a guess to start with inns. The healer had to be staying somewhere after all right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil felt like he was completely different from the people he had been initially fascinated with and desperately trying to fit in with before, now thrust into a world of uncertainty. He didn’t know where he was supposed to be in the world anymore or how he was supposed to fit in. He was a machine who pretended to be one of them which was probably the most depressing part; it was all just pretend and he couldn’t help it. He must’ve freaked them out a lot when they found out he could emote like they could, even if he didn’t know that it was the wrong thing for a Machina to do. They must’ve been so confused, maybe even scared of him, but that’s not what he ever wanted.

Looking up to Ethan as he tried to counter his argument of differences he frowned slightly, slowly looking down at the ground. He didn’t know what things living people did that was the same as the stuff he did, he needed to find that kind of stuff out by himself. So far he didn’t feel he had enough examples to support that, at least not what he had seen so far in his short life. Slowly looking back up to him he frowned at the mention of a ‘mum’, trying to understand after what he was taught about the concept of parents in regards to what he was telling him. “I’m…not…that different…” he muttered, lowering his head again, “To be angry at who I am…it is not fair…”

Trying to process it through his head he looked back up at Ethan who was trying to explain a way to justify what happened on the boat, trying to relate him to one of his own kind rather than just a machine. A ‘soldier’, that was a new word for him. Someone must’ve been an example of that, maybe somebody he had seen before. He hadn’t seen a dead person other than the ones he had created though killing those men, then there was also the whole thing that Nymira seemed to do. He didn’t think Nymira was a ‘soldier’, seeing how she titled herself differently. Having slight doubts that being a soldier was socially acceptable when he hadn’t seen or heard of any yet he looked to Ethan when he sat in front of him, raising his shoulders momentarily. “I don’t think it’s to protect someone…or-or protect at all. Why would those men be after me if I was a protector? I don’t know if I was killing them to protect or killing them because…because I wanted to…”

While he was confused over what his aim was at that time he glanced over to Amuné when he was asked a question about what he saw, gasping a little before looking down. “I-I-…what I saw…I don’t think it was a vision. I would say something malfunctioning in my memory banks”, he spoke lightly, feeling a little worried, “I don’t know what it was, but it felt familiar…b-but, I don’t know. It didn’t look like me and-…” Nymira quickly interrupted him with her prompt to get moving and how dangerous it was to remain there, staring at her before he sighed and nodded a little. He didn’t want to keep them in danger because he didn’t know what he was. Looking to Ethan’s hand before taking hold of it he pulled himself up to his feet, wobbling a little before trying once more to calm it down so they could get going.

Not particularly feeling like it was important he kept quiet about it for now, hoping to conserve energy to last until the cart. He was feeling nervous about returning to it since it meant he would have to sit near Amuné’s animal, something that would probably throw him off the cart when it went a high speed just to get rid of him. He was definitely feeling very vulnerable to everything right now whether it be breaking something or being attacked by a crazy animal, he felt like the whole world was out to get him right now. He really needed repairs on his head and to see what that chain he absorbed was, especially when it was the cause of his problems.

It didn’t take very long to get to the stables and get to their things, even if it wasn’t everything they owned. The soldiers still had weapons that belonged to them so that was going to have to be something they need to get back eventually. As everything was loaded up again and himself helped up into the back of the cart he carried the same nerves as before, worried that he might end up worse for wear by the end of this. He needed to get basic repairs and hoped Norman was going to be able to do them, just not anywhere near possible trouble considering how long Norman said it would take for him to get to them. The only way he would be able to get repairs was once they finally settled down and weren’t going to move for a long time, but otherwise he was going to have to suffer through this and hope he didn’t suddenly malfunction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Geoffrey left Zander in their shared bed, his wounds tended to, cleaned and his clothing being mended by Geoffrey himself as he sat on the small balcony overlooking the entry courtyard. Sewing was not his best, that was more Bev's job but she was busy with the late crowd working it's way in. Mostly they were farmers, a few rough looking types and perhaps a handful of guards. The latter looking relaxed and laughing loudly as they headed into the Inn's bar area.

Using his teeth, he pulled the string taunted, and bite down roughly making the string snap quietly in the air. His face partly turned to look into the room, where Zander lay breathing heavily and sweat bedding on his forehead. Both fist clenched tight once more made Geoffrey walk away from the balcony and into the room slowly. A ceramic basin of deep red color sit in a bedside table, cool water and a rag inside the basin.

Wringing out the excess water, he placed he gently, almost lovingly on the boys forehead. His eyes scrunching up in worry as he looked down at the clenched fists again. Paper stuck out from one edge wrinkled and with a few blood splatters from where Zander had most likely bleed on the it. It looked like one of his Seal Papers. When he went to touch it, a rough hand grasped his reaching arm roughly, "Don't..."

Zander's voice was hoarse from him crying earlier and is cry of utter panic when he attacked the Seals on Olga's bedpost.

"That drained!?" Geoffrey asked teasingly. "I thought you Demacite users didn't drain yourselves when using your powers." Zander told him to go do things to himself and Geoffrey laughed. "You sound like mom. Get some rest, the Queen of the Inn is up and about, so no ones going to get close to you. We'll figure out the next move when your chest wound heals faster."

Zander scowled at Geoffrey which made the younger man laugh and wink, "My belt... Need to put... away..." Geoffrey pointed to the other bedside table, and Zander removed his own made seals and placed the tainted on into the pouch. Placing his finger to the drying blood, he used it to swipe over the crystal clasp to lock it tight from intruders.

Geoffrey waited a few moments, watched Zander pass back out, and went back to the balcony. Sitting on the railing, his back against the building's outer wall, he placed a Thistle to his lips, and let out a tune to attract more customers. Kids from the city around, always asked him how to play it. He just needed to draw them in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 5 days ago

The way Cecil described what he'd seen, it certainly /sounded/ like a vision to the child Seer. Things she Saw could be familiar, even if she'd never seen them before, though it didn't happen often. Amuné put the thought aside and got to her feet when Nymira pointed out that they should go. "I still think we should go talk to the guard," she grumbled. Leaving town now meant that she wasn't going to get to listen to the minstrel that evening, something she could really use after such an awful day. However, Ethan's words made her plant her feet. "Get Zander?" she echoed, folding her arms. "Why do we need to get him? He's not nice, and he killed the mayor and he's using being a healer to hurt people, and that's wrong!" The man's reply didn't convince her. "He ran away!" she retorted, refusing to move. "If he didn't do it, why'd he run away like that?" Ethan had an answer to that as well, one that seemed possible if not likely. The girl looked down and scuffed a foot in the dirt. "He's still mean," she said in a petulant voice, her expression sulky, but she at least went to take the man's outstretched hand.

Wyth didn't look pleased at how close his girl was to the metal boy but the one she liked was in between them, so he limited himself to a soft hiss. The moorcat fell in behind the three so he could keep an eye on the metal boy, ready to lunge if he tried anything. Perhaps his girl had not been physically injured, but she had been distraught, and the boy was the cause. For that matter, he'd been acting with such cold violence that it was unclear if he would have hurt the kit, and simply hadn't gotten around to it. Nor was the boy any sort of creature Wyth recognized -- his shell was harder than the turtles that sometimes lazed on hot rocks near the creek back home, while he looked like the people-kits and smelled more like a metal beast, like the ones some of the farmers used in their fields.

Amuné had the feline get in the cart, but as Cecil started to follow the moorcat laid his ears back and snarled. "Wyth, stop that," she scolded, frowning at him. Instead the cat got to his feet and moved between his girl and the Machina. "No!" the girl went to grab his tail, knowing that it wouldn't do any good if Wyth really wanted to hurt Cecil, but it was a stronger signal than just words. "No, he's a--" Her gaze flicked to the Machina's face for a brief moment before she dropped her eyes, feeling guilty. She couldn't quite bring herself to say friend, not just then. "He's not bad. Don't hurt him. Um...I think maybe Wyth shouldn't ride in the cart right now...If you'll just...let us get down...." The last part was addressed mostly to Cecil, but she couldn't look at him. Between cat and Machina, she was embarrassed and ashamed and quite clearly unhappy. Still, they managed to sort things out, and Wyth ended up pacing along at the cart's side as the group headed to look for the stray healer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Ethan wished he could give Cecil all the answers, that he'd know what to say to help calm his nerves. What he actually knew of the Machina though was minimal at best and even then there was no telling if it were true; there was no reason to doubt Cecil, but without solid proof there would always be that little voice asking "What if?". Lucky for the Machina then he was rather adept at putting aside those doubts and giving people the benefit of the doubt, otherwise this escapade of theirs would be much more challenging. "Maybe you have something of theirs? Or... Maybe you know something and just forgot? They seem to be the bad guys, and bad guys don't chase bad guys, they chase good guys." That was an extremely simplistic view of things but it made sense, and Ethan hoped it would make sense with Cecil. None of them knew the reason for any of it of course and likely never would they find out, though if they did it doubtfully would change how they viewed their friend.

Nymira was right in they should keep a move on, sitting around too much longer risked their being attacked again. There was no way of knowing if any Machina had followed them down, keeping going was their best bet of staying safe. Before they got a move on Ethan tried to outline their plan of action to make sure everyone was in agreement: up until he mentioned Zander it seemed fine, but Amuné had something to say on the matter. Yes Zander was a little difficult, and sure he may not be the nicest person in the world, but was that any reason to leave him behind? Arguing he might be a killer too wasn't fair, Cecil had taken lives and they weren't abandoning him, so why should they leave the healer? Extending a hand for Amuné to take Ethan smiled amused as she grumbled her discontent again, starting to walk with a chuckle. "He's mean now but that will change if we give him a chance, just you watch. People can't change if they're never given an opportunity to."

Getting the cart back along with their horses was surprisingly easy, easing Ethan's fears that the town might be thrown into a bit of chaos with the attacks. From the looks of things on the outside word had yet to slip past the walls, which made sense; everyone within the manor was dead save for Bernadette, and Ethan assumed she had gone to alert the rest of the guards. While Amuné wasn't wrong in saying speaking to the guard personally might absolve them of suspicion there was also the chance they could be held for some time while an investigation took place. Yes running incriminated them, but they all had something they were traveling for and sitting in a holding cell for potentially days on end wasn't something they could afford. Their only hope was that this was resolved even if they left and they found the real culprits, otherwise it was going to be one sticky situation on their hands.

What was not easy, curiously enough, was getting Wyth and Cecil into the cart for the ride out. Before they had even begun moving there was a fuss in the back, causing Ethan to come over and see what was the issue. For some odd reason the moorcat wasn't getting in with the Machina now despite being fine with it earlier, he could only guess due to what happened on the boat. Making Cecil walk while he was so worn down was out of the question as was making Amuné walk, though the latter had a solution to their problem; Ethan and Amuné mounted their horse while Wyth walked alongside the cart, and with that they could be off. Their goal was to track down Zander and was not going to be remotely an easy task as they knew nothing of the town. There was their inn, the mayor's office and the docks, where else had they been though? Between Ethan's poor sense of direction and Nymira's plain unfamiliarity with the region they hadn't much hope to navigate the town. Another reason to get Zander back, he might actually know where to go.

For a short while they seemed to simply wander, asking the occasional passerby who could provide them with no direction. A breathless, bloodied boy running through the streets ought to stick out like a sore thumb yet no one questioned could provide any answers. There was always the possibility he had left town albeit that seemed unlikely; running away earlier Zander had shouted something concerning other people, Geoffrey and another if Nymira recalled correctly. It stood to reason he was wherever they would be found, and while having some names was useful it did them little good if they didn't know where those two were either. As Ethan was the one most vested in finding the healer again she was more than prepared to give up at this point, infuriated that they were wasting time chasing ghosts. Sighing as yet another resident couldn't give them so much as a direction she rolled her eyes at the closing door, shooting Ethan a glare.

"Play another song Geoffrey, please? We want to hear another!"

Hm... Geoffrey? Nymira's brow knit together as she turned her head in the direction of the voice, seeing a group of children gathered before some building. They all seemed to be fixated on something up above, and with a glance upward she saw a Muran boy sat on a balcony, something in his hands he was using to produce music. It wasn't abundantly clear if this was the selfsame Geoffrey that the moron was shouting about earlier yet it was the first time hearing a similar name, and she'd be damned if they didn't at least look into it. Slipping off of her horse Nymira walked over to the crowd of children and parents, pushing through some to get to the front of the pack. "You there! I need to speak with you!" she shouted up, ignoring the complaints of children as she interrupted their entertainment, "Your name is Geoffrey, yes? Do you know a man named Zander? We're looking for him, perhaps you can help?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil didn’t think anybody would want to take him seriously with his attempts at explaining the reason he changed so drastically in personality, even if they were trying to act like they understood and forgave him. They all saw him as completely different to when they first met him and doubted that he did it all out of his control. They would only forgive him for what he did, but he didn’t want that. To be forgiven was like saying he did it on purpose and later regretted his actions because he got told off. They would never understand or probably didn’t want to understand, they just wanted to get on with it and stop his complaining.

He didn’t mean to do it, he didn’t have control over his actions. He may had been a Machina with thought patterns akin to their own but that didn’t mean he didn’t malfunction. He didn’t even know if it was a malfunction and if it was it meant he wasn’t fit to be around them. He would have to shut himself down to keep out of trouble. He felt depressed too because he had been doing so well to please them like destroying those big slime monsters, he even got shown some sort of compassion akin to a display of friendship. He wasn’t getting anything anymore, though. It made him feel cold and empty inside as everyone was starting to shun him in one way or another. Even as he waited in the cart he cowered in the corner when Wyth only showed aggression towards him, holding his head as he hid his face.

As it all finally started to settle down again Cecil went from cowering in the corner of the cart to slowly but surely laying down on his side, his knees up close to his chest. He just wanted to take up as little room as possible and hide away, simply pretend he didn’t exist. Maybe Wyth would like it more if it couldn’t see him, it would probably make everybody happier if he was causing less trouble than what it was worth. Keeping quiet throughout the whole ride through town he simply listened to all that was going on around him, feeling blind to the usual hustle and bustle he enjoyed watching. He couldn’t face them, not while he was like this. Contemplating on switching off for the day the sound of Nymira shouting beyond the crowd’s chatter caught his interest. Turning his head slightly he soon slowly sat up, peaking over the side before up to the balcony. He didn’t know what was happening but it was catching a lot of people’s interest while apparently having a connection to the guy who ran off. Maybe once that was all over they’d all be able to carry on to where ever they were going, hopefully to the city where he felt a draw to go. He didn’t really know why he was drawn to such a place but even if they didn’t want him with them anymore he would still try to get there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Geoffrey grinned as more and more people gathered to hear his playing, pretty soon he'd have to set down the Whistle and go back inside to grab his flute. Ending the song with a mirth in his eyes, he could hear the mixed chatter from down below and would have patted himself on the back for the extra business he was bringing in. With his back to the wall, the doorway out to the balcony open he could sometimes make out Zander's loud snoring from the room. It added to the merriment he placed into the song.

Getting ready to head back inside for his flute to add more notes than with the thistle, he stared down at the Dimuran woman making her way towards the front of the group of children and adults alike. His grin stayed in place, he had met a few of her kind before. They were given great respect by his mother, whom always treated them with the courtesy of their people.

Upon hearing Zander's name, he flinched slightly. If these had been the people the guard had sent to collect Zander he wouldn't back down, but a nagging at the back of his mind told him they were not his enemy. HE couldn't place her face though, probably in need of healing or something and hearing from the townsfolk of a Muran who charged next to nothing for his services.

Opening his mouth to call down, he closed it with a clack. Deciding instead to motion for her to enter the Pubs entrance with a gesture he turned on his heel and headed back inside. Stopping in the doorway, he stared at Zander who still lay asleep and dead to the world around him. Calling over his shoulder to the audience who groaned at his retreating back, "Now now, you can't keep a respectable Dimuran waiting. It's wrong. Give me a few minutes, and I'll bring out the flute." Sighing he went over to tap the boy on the shoulder to awaken him.

"..Mmmm... get back in bed...." was Zander's reply as he rolled over and groaned softly at the motion. Sitting up slowly and letting out a pained hiss, he lifted his hand to his chest and felt the bandages. "I see, so it wasn't a dream then..." Rubbing sleep from his eyes, he looked at Geoffrey expectantly.

"Some Dimuran is out there askin' after ya," Geoffrey grinned. "Should I bring her up? Or turn her away? She don't look like she need much healin' done to her." Zander shook his head and laid back down. He didn't answer either question, causing some of Geoffrey's good mood to slip away. He hated when the older was in one of his "Holier than Thou" moods. It made him want to give him a swift kick in the backend to straighten up. "I'll bring her up then. Plus, knowing Mother she'll offer the woman a room on the cheaper side. Don' know why she likes them lot."

He ignored Zander's muttering with a put upon sigh and headed towards the door.

Olga looked out to see why the sudden melody had stopped, and why the crowd was dispersing. It was still early for her child to end his song unless Zander had pulled him away. She'd have to remind them of their deal for him staying for a few more days. Coughing harshly, she headed for the door to offer the adults small specials on drinks. She spotted Nymira quickly enough in a see of Murans.

"A Dimuran," Olga called out and bowed to the girl. She had the grace of someone of standing, possibly the daughter of a great warrior by the way her eyes cast left and right keeping a watch for danger. "Come, sit and have a meal. You look dead on your feet." Her eyes were gentle but her request firm. Her gaze locked with a Muran's on horseback and the cart behind them. "Allow your friends a small rest as well. My boy will be down swiftly. We don't keep our customer's waiting for anything." She held the door open for a few guests and coughed again.

Geoffrey headed towards the back and nodded to Bev to lead the Dimuran his way. The back room would allow for privacy, and was always filled with the scents of the kitchen. Keep the customer fed and happy was his mother's way of thinking. He agreed with it fully. The group behind her, that seemed to watch Nymira intently looked just as tired as Nymira.

Sitting cups down at the table, he left a jug of chilled apple juice and a smaller flagon of mead just in case. Straighting his shirt and pants, he waited for this woman who knew Zander was staying here. Speaking of the devil, Zander hadn't moved form his bed. He stared at the tainted Seal Paper with a look of utter loathing. This wasn't one of his. So whom had his parents taught the script too now?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

These children were in her way, they were trying to locate that infuriating healer. In the midst of song and yelling she managed to grab the attention of the boy on the balcony, seeing some kind of recognition wash over his face. So was he in fact here then? For a moment the children cheered and clambered for more song before finally dispersing and leaving just the group at the door, waiting patiently for that boy to return. When at last the door opened she expected to see Geoffrey, instead becoming a bit perplexed when a Muran woman instead ushered them in. Furrowing her brow she shrugged it off, glancing back briefly over her shoulder before following Olga inside. There were more people inside than she'd care for, and what's more Zander was nowhere in sight. They were already wasting enough time as it was coming back for him so where in the hells did he end up?

"I guess we're going inside, well alright then!" Ethan smiled as he swung a leg over the side of the horse, sliding off Jorvind's back and stumbling slightly, his legs still somewhat weak. Turning and helping Amuné down as well he ushered her towards the door, making rounds to the back of the cart for Cecil. Seeing the Machina sat down, curled up slightly and not at all looking at ease he reached out, tapping his foot to grab his attention. "Come on, we should all go meet with Zander. Maybe we can figure out what happened back there too," he said, giving the side of the cart a gentle slap and waiting for his friend before heading inside, following Nymira's lead. Unlike the majority of customers they were shown to their own room, a small space tucked away on the side all to their own. Provided with some drinks, drinks which Ethan wasn't so sure they needed, they sat down around the table to rest, and to wait.

Nymira supposed this was hospitality, ushering them in and providing them with drinks. This seemed much more like a defeated tribe's acts to appease a conquering force, so receiving such a treatment now struck her as odd. Were they expecting to be attacked if they didn't show some kindness? "Lovely as all of this is... We're not here to enjoy a drink, nor to have a meal. We've come to collect Zander," the Dimuran explained as she looked up to Geoffrey, "He was with us earlier and we'd like for him to travel with us, if he's able. I believe it's in his best interest he does too." She'd leave out of course that they were here to potentially save him from persecution, at least according to Ethan anyways. Frankly she couldn't give a single scale's worth of a damn whether he survived or not, her mission took precedence over some enigmatic healer; he carried himself highly yet had little to show for it, either he was a fool or a liar. Either way those who pretended to have power often fell at the hands of true strength, and she expected Zander knew that fairly well at this point. She may not like him, but if he wished to survive his best chance was coming with them.

"Uh... Just to be clear here too, we're not here to hurt him, or anyone. And he's definitely not in trouble," Ethan butted in, smiling as he leaned on the table for support, "We're just... Traveling together and helping out here and there, and he seemed like he'd be a good fit for us." Kind of hard to go into detail what they were doing when everyone's goals were so varied; his own goal hadn't even been brought up yet, and now wasn't the time to share that with everyone. Everyone else's goals could be seen as innocent enough while his flew directly in the face of authority by going against the Church. Without knowing who Geoffrey or anyone else present might be aligned with it was best for now he kept that to himself. "So uh... Where is he anyways? He ran off earlier and was in a real hurry to get here, is he still here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 5 days ago

Amuné did her best to ignore the Machina's expression. Her feelings were all mixed up regarding him, and it wasn't pleasant. She only half payed attention as Ethan and Nymira asked after the missing healer, speaking with various townsfolk. They didn't seem to be having any luck, and the girl was glad, though she didn't tell them. Maybe if they didn't find Zander they would get to leave without him. That would be nice.

Unfortunately, when Nymira talked to a man playing a song for a small crowd from the balcony of an inn, he recognized the name. The girl frowned. So much for leaving Zander behind. The man vanished inside, and soon a woman opened the front door for them. Amuné didn't want to go inside. She wanted to stay far away from someone like that. But Ethan was going in, and she didn't want to be left behind either. So she let him help her down and went inside, keeping her gaze on her shoes. Wyth stayed close by, ears flattening whenever Cecil got too close to his girl.

They were shown to a smaller room off the main area, one that was filled with smells from the kitchen, but Amuné didn't really pay attention to the wonderful aroma. She wasn't hungry, not after what had happened just a short while ago. She just slid into a seat and regarded her clasped hands in her lap as Wyth settled himself at her feet. The child ignored the pitcher of juice set on the table. Even if she'd wanted any, this was an inn and they'd have to pay for it, so she'd need to ask before having some. She'd heard the lady at the door coughing. Had Zander done that to her, like he'd killed the mayor? She hoped the woman would be okay. Amuné let the conversation wash over her for the most part, still sulking. Her only contribution was a grumpy comment of, "Well /I/ don't think he's a good fit."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil didn’t want to move, he was more concerned with trying to hide himself away and not bother anybody. That would be the obvious thing for someone like him to do, to pretend he didn’t exist as a person but as an object. If nobody bothered him then they were probably happy with him. Remaining in the cart all tucked away out of view he gasped when Ethan spoke to him, appearing a little impatient that he was staying back in the cart. He didn’t see a reason why he should go in, he didn’t have any business in that place. While the others were good at socialising and being normal enough to confront strangers he was the master of ruining things and making people edgy. Gasping when Ethan slapped the cart he raised his hands briefly before slowly making his way off the cart, letting out a groan in the process. Everything would be safer if he stayed in the cart, nevermind everybody else wouldn’t be upset by him being a bother.

Giving Ethan an unsure look he slowly followed him in, looking back briefly every few steps as they moved along. He didn’t understand this, he wasn’t going to be able to bring anything to the table regarding Zander. If he did do it and ran away then they should just leave him be, seeing how he had a place to go and somebody who knew him. He probably had people who have cared for him for a long time, otherwise he wouldn’t had gone straight to this place to hide away. Then there was Nymira, Ethan and Amuné too, they all cared enough to go and check him out. Cecil didn’t really know or understand why they wanted him along if only because they cared enough to check on Zander and spend so long trying to find him.

Following after everyone the distance between him and the group became greater as he took slower steps, his foot twisting around to stop him from falling over whenever he veered over to the side. Once they were eventually offered a place to sit and some strange liquids Cecil remained back, slowly moving around everyone until he was out of the way. This wasn’t his kind of scene, he shouldn’t be here and was probably placing everyone at risk being as wobbly and twitchy as he was. They should’ve just left him in the cart like anybody would’ve done with any other accessory like a Machina. He couldn’t sit at the table anyway, that animal would go for him if he did so much as get close. Why was he even here? If there was one thing nobody benefitted from it was having him in the room looking like he should be adding to the discussion but not actually doing such a thing or able to because he was going to glitch out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Geoffrey sat at the long oak table, running his hand through his slightly matted brown hair and let out a soft sigh. This was going to be great business turning away people who needed healing. Zander had kept his mouth shut about anything else that had happened in the small time they had been in Geoffrey's room. It was turning towards evening, business out on the floor would get louder, caravans coming in for a rest. He let out another sigh as the door to the private sitting room opened to allowed Nymira, Amune, Cecil and Ethan entrance. Each took a seat, and Geoffrey paid close attention to them even if he seemed to be focused on pouring out drinks from his seat. He wouldn't press them to drink, he knew better than that. He did however, take a sip from his copper goblet, just to show them it wasn't anything funny.

Listening intently, he nodded as Nymira spoke about travelling with Zander. Ethan stating no one was in trouble and he couldn't help but let out a chuckle when the young girl countered the other two. He couldn't let that pass, "No. I think Zander can be a right..." he mulled over the wording due to the lady and the young girl being present with a soft smile. "Pain. Yes, Pain would be the word I'm lookin' for. Though I must ask, are you his guard?"

The looks he got would have turned a lesser man out of his chair and for the door if he had to guess. "Forgive me askin'," Geoffrey quickly continued. "Just, Zander is a Starsion." He let it go at that, as if it explained everything. It didn't, but it wasn't his place to continue. If theses people journeyed with Zander, he slightly pitied them. He knew his way around a cure for just about anything, but his people skills were lacking from being locked up in the Church's Temple. Pampered. Shaking the thought from his head he took a closer look at the group.

"You look dead on your feet," Geoffrey grinned and couldn't resist the next blurp he let out. "So you lot didn't help Zander escape whoever threatened him then. He says the mayor's death wasn't his doing. Came tearing in here, knocked poor Bev down, ran into my mother's room and ripped down his Papers. Crazied look in his eyes, said someone tampered with one of them."

He stretched and stood slowly, "if you mean to leave, I'd suggest taking the back alley behind here, should have enough room for the cart and the horses. I'll fetch his royal pain from my chambers. If you do, however, choose to stay here. I'm sure we can cut a deal, since you're friends with Zander and all."

Rubbing his chin he moved towards the door and stopped with his back to them and his hand on the handle, "I'd suggest eating something. Specially your friend with the metal on him. Looks like he could use for a good rest. If me mom, Olga, bigger lady, graying hair and bright green lamps, happens to come in. I'd suggest taking whatever food she gives you." At this he pointed at Amuné, "She'll think the young'n will starve to death. Not like we don't have the gold to feed those in need."

He stood there for a moment, they were in a hurry, he didn't want to stop them. At the same time, he didn't want Zander to leave with them. He wanted to go as well, but his mother would never allow it. She was getting on in age, someone had to take over the Inn and Pub when she was gone. Sighing and casting a wistful glance at the group he nodded, bowed, and walked out to get Zander.

No sooner had he opened the door, than had Zander fallen inside, shock present on his face quickly covered by a blush at being caught eavesdropping. Geoffrey scowled, and pulled the slightly older boy into the room with a huff and lead him to a seat across from Nymira and Ethan. "I'd suggest you explain to them your name! Also why you thought it was polite to eavesdrop when it couldda had nothin' ta do wit' chu!" His slang came out think and heavy with slight anger. "Healers are respectable people, they don't skulk!"

Zander nodded along with the younger, eyes wide and slightly happy to see him in a tizzy. It reminded him of his only friend from back home, and he watched Geoffrey head out the door. Zander's eyes lingered there, on the same kind of oak door, staring intently at it and not looking at what he assumed would be scowls. His hoodie was cast off over his shoulder, a plain white shirt against even paler skin and a small huff passed his lips.

"I did annoy him," Zander asked to no one. "Quite a bit with that. Part of me wants to know why you bothered coming for me, but I think I know the answer." He cast his eyes towards Ethan and Nymira, panic was present there. His face; however, showed nothing. His left hand kept touching at the branded mark on his right shoulder for all to see in the sleeveless shirt he had on. His white hair matted down as well and looked silver in the pale lights illuminating the room. His chest wound, sealed but not fully closed made him take lighter breaths. "So, do I come as a free fellow? Or a prisoner for you?"

He wasn't pandering this time, the chest wound, the fear his magic had been tampered with, and the effects it would have on this town. He had healed children and the elderly, he spoke up to the group to tell them this. He had been here less than two weeks, the longest he had stayed in a town. Olga, Geoffrey's mother, had become ill from a poison slipped into her drink, that he had been trying to purge for weeks to no avail. He kept his eyes downcast at the table as he spoke and sighed at the end of this small tale.

"Olga," Zander finished up. "Should be able to get your weapons back to you. If you tell me which way you plan to head off for camping, or if you plan to stay the night here. I know of a few tonics that will make he horses look different, and the cart look more worn than it is now." He drank from Geoffrey's goblet without a second thought. He didn't touch the other drinks. They would still think him a murderer.

"I'm also sure," Zander said placing the drink back onto the table. "That you would like to get going sooner before word gets out that I killed the mayor. If people think that, those I healed... that blood will be on my hands..." He shook himself from that train of thought and looked at the other two, Amuné and Cecil. His eyes stayed on those two a little longer. Cecil looked dead on his feet, fighting off what would be sleep to anything but a Machina. The youngest, looked paler than normal, probably from the fright she had been subjected too. The death and the murder and the sudden loss of that smaller innocence that people overlooked.

Taking as deep a breath as he could he stood and bowed with his head almost touching the tabletop, "I am Zander Starsion. Though you are Magi, I pledge my life, until such a time as comes to pass, to keep this band of travellers from harms way. Whether it be in shame, or with what little dignity I can regain."

Zander was scared. His family trade, their secrets, had been used openly before, but NOT like this.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Negotiating with someone who ran off in fright wasn't going to be easily accomplished. Doing so through a third party, one who had no idea who they were no less, that only made it harder. "No, no we aren't his guard really," Ethan answered with a laugh, placing one hand on the table and drumming a finger against it, "We're more... Uh... Well we're just friends traveling really, trying to help out where we can. Sort of... A pilgrimage almost." It was a blatant lie yet Geoffrey wouldn't know that, and it was easier than telling him the truth of the matter. That Nymira was a Dimuran princess, that Amuné was searching for her parents and Cecil for where he was created. Come to think of it he hadn't even divulged his own reasons for traveling yet, not to anyone in the group. So long as the story stuck then they were on a pilgrimage, should be less attention if they kept to that.

"I don't know if we really have the luxury of time to eat, but we appreciate the hospitality," Nymira said dismissively, folding her hands on the table top as she frowned, "Nor do I think we'll be staying the night. As nice as it would be we really should be moving." Perhaps in the next town they would set in for an evening or two, get some proper rest that everyone sorely needed at this point. Staying in Orosi however seemed out of the question as it would no doubt be abuzz with word of the attack within the hour. Watching Geoffrey go off to fetch Zander she grabbed the flagon with mead and examined it, taking a sniff and wrinkling her nose in disgust. Similar to some ales that her people brewed but oddly sweet smelling, that she could do without. Just as she'd placed down the flagon she heard Geoffrey snapping at someone, glancing up to see Zander standing at the door, evidently having been eavesdropping. "If these people don't kill him, I just might..." she grumbled.

It wasn't such a bad thing Zander had been listening in when the conversation concerned him anyways. It saved them from having to repeat it later, no real problem there. Letting the other boy sit Ethan smiled reassuringly, not wanting to give the wrong impression at this impromptu gathering of theirs. "Free fellow of course. We're not the guard, we don't take prisoners," Ethan answered with a dismissive wave of his hand. Reflecting on what he'd just said his cheeks turned a light pink, his smile twitching as he held both hands up. "Uh... That's not to say we kill people, we just... Well we don't take prisoners." The last thing he wanted was to give Zander, or anyone else here reason to believe they might take a life. Giving that sort of impression with everything going on would only serve to condemn them further.

"I'm sure they realized that, they aren't children, Ethan," Nymira quipped exasperatedly, rolling her eyes at her companion. "You'll be free, though I wouldn't guarantee your tongue won't be cut from your mouth if you try being fresh with me again." A sort of good-cop bad-cop routine if there ever was one, and quite clear to see who played what role. Sighing to herself at the mention of weapons the Dimuran folded her arms beneath her breast, turning her head away in disdain. "Our weapons are still at the ship, with the exception of Ethan's who was taken by a guard. Not only is it ridiculous to expect this Olga to go get them, it's not worth risking life or limb for a simple tool. They'll be replaced, that's all there is to it." Her daggers weren't anything unique, and while she'd forged them herself she could easily recreate another set, given some time and the resources.

"We're going to be leaving here as soon as we can. And I don't think we'll need your tonics for any of that, thank you though." No one had really seen their cart, save for the handful of passerby that they saw along the way here. Even so it was an nondescript cart, no real notable traits save for those who rode on it. Making it worn down and ramshackle might even make it easier to spot out than the newer look it had now, no sense in complicating manners.

So that was his full name then, Zander Starsion. Ethan wished he could make some connection with the name, to some faction or to appreciate the significance of his family. All he understood was that it was somehow affiliated to the Church, and evidently was known for its talismans. "Well Zander Starsion, that's a two way street. You protect us and we'll protect you, that's the only way to do this sort of thing," Ethan said as he got to his feet, smiling as he extended a hand out, "Whatever happens here on out know we've got your back too, as long as you have ours." Yet another mission to add to their ever expanding list it seemed. His own goals were being pushed further and further back with each addition, but he hadn't a fiber in him to allow him to send away someone in need. His own goals would just have to wait for the time being.

"As lovely as this is, we really shouldn't be staying much longer. Need I remind you we're trying to leave this place?" Nymira asked, getting to her feet and placing her hands on the table, "I expect you to carry your own weight while we travel, healer, just as we all must. We're your ally but we are not your caretakers, be sure to remember that." Whatever weight that name carried she cared little, it wasn't known enough to register with Ethan and so she'd pay it little mind. Even if he was some kind of nobility so was she, and she had more to show for that than Zander and his rags.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 5 days ago

Starsion? Amuné's eyes widened as she jerked her head up to look at Geoffrey. That was a name she knew. As a healer's daughter, how could she not? They were -- or was it just the one Magi? -- famed healers, known for working the closest thing to miracles since the Saints walked the earth. "There's no way!" she burst out, her face showing marked disbelief. The moment it left her mouth she flushed and ducked her head again, clenching her hands in his lap. That meanie, a Starsion? Not a chance! The innkeeper's son was saying something about Zander panicking and ripping up Seals, but she was too focused on being angry at more evidence of the man's deception to really consider what the new information meant.

And then it turned out he was listening in! She agreed wholeheartedly when Geoffrey told him that healers were people of integrity and didn't go sneaking around. But something about his voice as Zander started speaking made the girl look up at him, though she kept her head down and didn't lift her face. He sounded...distressed, but resigned. Doubt crept into her mind. Maybe he was telling the truth after all. The girl didn't know anymore.

Of course Ethan immediately accepted what was said, and reassured him that everything would be fine. Amuné didn't really want to be leaving town. The guard would probably want to talk to them, wouldn't they? Besides there was that minstrel back at the place they'd bought rooms -- not to mention the fact that now they'd paid for something they wouldn't use. But there was no way to change the group's minds, particularly Nymira. She looked at Zander again, gray eyes shadowed and expression thoughtful, before her brows drew together in an irritable scowl. "You're still a dumb meanie," she informed him, and went to take Ethan's hand again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Zander shook Ethan's hand, reaffirming that he would still be apart of this group. He wasn't surprised Nymira or Ethan had heard of it. He wasn't shocked that Cecil seemed to be so out of it, and Zander wanted to offer something, but his reserves still were low. He knew better than to force magic when he was feeling this low. He was however, shocked when Amuné shouted about there being no way he was a Starsion. He looked at the younger child, held tilted to the side, as if truly seeing her for the first time. He brushed it off, unsure and unease on how the little one knew his family name.

Ancestors had carved it into history books, healers and preachers. Outstanding members of the Chruch of the Saints. Regarded much as the hands of the Saints by some with how they could turn a plague into a mild cough. He blushed when he thought of it, how some of his newer family members had dragged that name downwards. Shaking his mind from such thoughts, he nodded about the weapons, already imagining different Seals needed to strengthen a new branch to be used as a tool for his defense.

"You're still a dumb meanie." Zander let out a snort, and a smile slipped on his face. No, he wasn't nice to any of them. He hadn't seen a need to be. Ethan was alright on the eyes, so he would follow him. The others seemed to agree in that he was their leader on this odd Pilgrimage. Shaking his had he looked up as th door opened, allowing Geoffrey back into the room.

"Ma says o tell you lot," Geoffrey's voice was thick with something Zander couldn't place. "She packed you off with food, and I'm to take you to the next village. I do it all the time, so it won' look off if I'mma take you there. Show ya the way..."
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