Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Starfall
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Starfall Capricious Jane Doe

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Was a joke. But budget just opened up for a new cook and some weirdo calling himself the Pastamancer got the job.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StrangerDanger
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<Snipped quote by Rain>

Rock-skin is basically the bane of all firearms, depending on its thickness, so you're basically shit out of luck regardless. However, I do know that a lot of assault rifles incorporate under-barrel grenade launchers, that would be a must for one inclusive weapon.

Not necessarily. Again depending on the thickness a battle rifle (Large caliber select fire weapon) can eat away at it something fierce. Ammunition is a large factor into the effectiveness. Velocities, weights, distances. Lots can be factored in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The hard as diamond part got you but not the black hole mention?

Yes it was stupid overpowered, but that was the point. The whole purpose was to throw something up so silly and overpowered but still within the rules to show the sillyness of it all.

I could have said up to sound barrier, and kept the diamond part, but that was waaaay to tame and not as funny.

Actually the black hole thing just made me laugh. Your character was human, he would die the moment he opened a black hole, where-as his opponent would probably survive considering his tier. Ultimately creating a black-hole was probably the weakest of that character's abilities.

Even with a joke character it's clear to me you don't really consider the implications of much. Pile on the power and maybe you'll win, right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by MelonHead>

Not necessarily. Again depending on the thickness a battle rifle (Large caliber select fire weapon) can eat away at it something fierce. Ammunition is a large factor into the effectiveness. Velocities, weights, distances. Lots can be factored in.

Battle rifles do tend to lose the auto-fire mode though, right? If something comes in at you in tight quarters and takes a lot to put down, being restricted to semi-auto would probably get you killed wouldn't it?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StrangerDanger
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Most battle rifles are just harder for the average person to control because of the larger cartridge. Some are relegated to semi-auto but those are usually purpose built platforms such as a marksman rifle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Most battle rifles are just harder for the average person to control because of the larger cartridge. Some are relegated to semi-auto but those are usually purpose built platforms such as a marksman rifle.

Hmm, just looked it up and there are battle rifles with full-auto and a built in grenade launcher, it probably would surpass the assault rifle then, presuming you could compensate for the worse handling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StrangerDanger
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Member Seen 8 days ago


In certain situations they could be.
It really again depends on the opponent. There is no optimal weapon or configuration, that's why there are so many.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


In certain situations they could be.
It really again depends on the opponent. There is no optimal weapon or configuration, that's why there are so many.

Depends on the context is the easy answer, that's why I started this discussion with the caveat that you don't know what you're up against, far more interesting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StrangerDanger
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Indeed indeed.

It may also come down to personal tastes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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The pasta man may have a joke ability, but he's fought in battles previously, so joke characters can be taken as a serious attempt to get the character into the roleplay.

Creating a black hole of pasta is logical, given his near unlimited control over pasta. His abilities make too much sense to be a joke.

EDIT: Or was it a different cheesy food based character who has fought here?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

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Gigliotti the Noodle Knight, and I loaned Braud Wurst the Meat Mage to Thebiddz.

We entered during Craptonofgames's reign of shit decision making.

I'm a deal with important stuff in the morning, right now I can barely type my arms are so tired.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Negatomsk
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Negatomsk God Emperor Blackspeed

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HEY YO @LeeRoy!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 3 days ago

I put off reviewing this character sheet because I didn't want to be "that guy" y'know. I didn't want to come back and just be the negative nancy, but I really can't put it off anymore.

Misc Info: Great.

Appearance: Love it.

Personality: Fantastic.

. . .

Man I'm just trying to work with you and not be an asshole, but you're making this real hard on me. I really am trying to work with you, but somehow you've posted a character that defies even more of the basic rules of the roleplay.

Okay, so I'm gonna lay this down politely and logically so I don't upset anyone.

The biggest and most problematic feature of this character sheet, from the first power and the first power alone.

This roleplay is segregated from the rest of the multiverse, I wanted to prevent any galaxy spanning empires from appearing and being a strange threat. I wanted to keep this roleplay small, compact, and having only the characters and their connected characters involved in this. It's to keep the scale of the roleplay simple so people aren't feeling disconnected from the other characters. Every character in this roleplay is contained within the confines of this plane, and a power that defies that is problematic.

If this weren't a gateway, and were literally just a digitized portion of hell, I would be okay with this. But as you stated in the sheet. It outright states that it bridges this plane of existence to the Hell. Which is not withstanding in this setting.

If I weren't trying to maintain a set of rules for everyone including myself, I wouldn't bring it up at all. But the rules apply to everyone uniformly, so giving even one allowance of severance from the rules would make the rules meaningless in the first place.

If you make it a duplicate portion of hell, I can accept it. But it CANNOT be a portal to hell.

That's just the first power, there's several more of these to go through. I suppose to clear everything up, I'll have to go through and review every one of these so they don't come into question later.


First of all, your naming conventions are solid gold. A+ work, gotta give you that.

But there's only one small problem with Hellectricity.

Repairing himself?

To what degree?

I need upper limits. Becuase if he can just auto repair himself at the cost of "Being Tired." I can't accept that.


Like fire.


I gotta be honest, I would be a hypocrite if I didn't let a character who used flame be immune to flame. Especially since it's not constant. So I have no major complaints about this, there's no range but we're all pretty competent people, we understand how it works.

I cannot in any way accept this. I hate being blunt about stuff like this, but with literally no description of what Hell Magic is, I can't in good conscience accept this.

I've got an android who would like to say hello. I can't say no to this, especially since it's a non-combative power with very little utility in this setting.

"Fused with a Nigh-Indestructable gate."

"Is likewise incredibly durable."

You're saying that he's Nigh-Indestructable. That's beyond high tier in scope, Nigh-indestructable and indestructable are reserved for objects, not people. Otherwise every high tier character would need an extinction level asteroid dropping on their head to kill them.

I don't know if that's what you mean, but Nigh-Indestructable doesn't have much wiggle room in the term of definition.

How does it enhance the abilities of the weapon? Just makes them better? Adds effects to them? I need specifics here.

Consuming your enemies, gaining their powers and knowledge? I cannot accept this in good faith.

Standard hammerspace, I can accept this.

Teleportation is above high tier, especially instantaneous teleportation. I cannot accept this as it stands.

Pure Violence.
Standard special fighting style.

Hard Drive.
Acceptable as is.

Hard Drive 2.0.
This is a contained roleplay, a vehicle that is used for space travel is redundant and I think you can understand him not bringing it with him.

This is as polite and simple as I can possibly make it, I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm not being rude. I'm being honest and contained within the rules and setting that is laid out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Negatomsk
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Negatomsk God Emperor Blackspeed

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well, this isn't as bad as I was expecting reading over it, and I suppose how reading the profile can make it look a lot scarier than I intended it to be, so I'll just address the concerns head on.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 13 days ago

Consuming your enemies, gaining their powers and knowledge? I cannot accept this in good faith.

Well, strictly speaking, that's almost what Niks do as well. :v
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 3 days ago

One at a time, since he can realistically only wear one suit.

This is a hole that he would shove folks into with no real limit on how many can fit. Since it's hell, I can safely say infinite.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Negatomsk
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Negatomsk God Emperor Blackspeed

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As I said before, I'm more than willing to take Consolidation off of table.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Enki

Enki Knight Project

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

One of my disappointments with this is the really restrictive world. When this was being talked about in the chat I was super excited about a connective thing where everybody's characters interacted but instead....

I mean okay what if your favorite character is a space pirate!... Well it's kinda hard to be one with no space. And also in the case of nega up there, say it was lower tiered.....and mostly like hellboy or some shit. But still got their powers from a direct connection to hell. The character no longer works here.

That and most of my characters can't just be duplicated and thrown in.

Like I said, it was exciting when being talked about but the end result was over hyped and pales to what it could have been.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah great you can be a space pirate and interact with all-

Except, space pirates fly around in space, and 95% of the characters here can't do that, so your special trait of being a space pirate is worthless. You're basically complaining that the RP isn't every setting ever all at once, but everything I've learned from RPing has been that small is beautiful, an adventuring party or a group, opposing armies fighting over a divided country, these things work in RP. Having everyone do whatever the fuck they want spread out over countless universes spreads an already too small player-base far too thin, and makes any interaction coincidental to the point of disbelief. Oh I just happened to be flying through this solar system too, how's it going?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Divinity
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Yeah great you can be a space pirate and interact with all-

Except, space pirates fly around in space, and 95% of the characters here can't do that, so your special trait of being a space pirate is worthless. You're basically complaining that the RP isn't every setting ever all at once, but everything I've learned from RPing has been that small is beautiful, an adventuring party or a group, opposing armies fighting over a divided country, these things work in RP. Having everyone do whatever the fuck they want spread out over countless universes spreads an already too small player-base far too thin, and makes any interaction coincidental to the point of disbelief. Oh I just happened to be flying through this solar system too, how's it going?

This is without a doubt the largest contributing factor to dead multiverse based RP's. It directly contributed to the death of the rp Multiverse at War that I was participating in just a little over a month ago here. Well that, and a roleplay based almost entirely around multiversal combat was doomed to that fate at the start. Combat apathy sets in, and eventually everyone wanders off for rp's with more substance.

This is why Corban's powers do not really matter. I was perfectly fine to reserve him to cute waitress for the duration of the rp.
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