// Character number 1 "Ender Ulf Ving the Old Knight" //
// Description of Ender //
Nothing is really known about who Ender is under the helmet. Some people say he vowed as Demonic Leader of Knights, but then gave up on it.
Only Ender knows what is undearneath his helmet, but he's too shy to even show a single inch of his face.
Usually, all Ender does is just sit on a cliff and watch what happens in the enviroment. A lot of the times... He saves his friends from attacks. This reveals that he's caring and a good-hearted person on the inside.
\\ Appearance \\
Very demonic armor. That's it. He's also 6 foot 7 inches tall, looks to be a muscular build.
\\ Personality \\
Ender... really likes being ominous and menacing. Some of the things he says are actually really good advice. He is evil on the outside, but very caring on the inside.
\\ Stats \\
HP || 275
ATK || 65
DEF || 35
\\ Attacks \\
Slash/Slice [Pretty basic attack.]
Dark Blast [Ender readies a blast of demonic energy, and then releases it in an AreaOfEffect attack around him, like a sphere. Can be spotted when he says "Settle down..."]
Head Splitter [Ender raises his sword, and swings downwards with force. Has enough capacity to break a helmet.]
Issen [AKA Critical Attack] || [Ender, if attacked, on the right time, will dodge the attack like it was nothing, and a flash of light will appear, as massive damage is dealt.]
Anguish [Fire] [ATK:21] [Weight:Heavy] || A simple heavy fire sword Ender uses for a good time now. Although heavy, Ender still manages to hit his enemies quickly. [Magic Ability: Hellfire || Ender jumps up and does a helmbreaker on the floor, first making lava, then several pillars of hot rock. The area is a bit small, and is easy to dodge for the most part.]
Zauganuto [Pure Darkness] [ATK:22] [Weight:Normal] || The original blade. Not much is known about this blade. [Magic Ability: Black Death || Ender charges his sword up, and swings it really fast, causing multiple waves of darkness go after and home in on the enemy.]
Leviathan [Normal] [ATK:20] [Weight:Heavy] || A gigantic sword previously wielded by Ender's father. Ender uses it and swings it pretty quick, but due to it's weight, it's not easy to swing. Watch for the magic attack. [Magic Attack: Hellfire || Ender smashes the sword into the ground that is in front of him, causing a ring of fire to quickly spring out of nothing.]
\\ Character number 2 "Void The Great" \\
|| Description ||
Large amounts of info is unknown about this thing, as people suspect he's simply a shadow monster. The fact they are made of shadows helps the evidence a bit. All that is know is about this thing acts like it's Legion and that it's made of shadows.
Although a hard opponent, due to being made of shadows, otherwise "darkness" Due to this fact, they are very hard to hit. Light works well on exposing the creature.
|| Story ||
In an experiment in a unknown Lab, a scientist accidently used the wrong substance on the dark matter that makes up of this figure, and so, the dark matter absorbed the substance, and out came this thing, apparently, it says it's imperfect. While being a shadow creature, it obviously stuck in the shadows of the lab, and ate the leftovers of the other experiments, surviving off of those, then, it had enough power to escape, but almost did not survive through the sun that covers the lands. Currently lives in forests and caves, tending to the shadows.
|| Personality ||
Acts like a friendly monster, in that all it wants is friends, and is easily saddened.
Acts like Legion, in that it states they are many. Unknown as to why they act like this.
|| Weapon ||
Shadow || Void can use their arms to make them bigger, or extend, to attempt to punch the opponent.
|| Weaknesses ||
Light is a big no-no for Void. That's why Void sticks to the shadows and fights in dark areas with almost no light. If revealed in strong light, it's Weak Form is brought out, allowing Void to be attacked easily. Will avoid Light at all costs.
The effect this thing has on low light cannot really be canceled out, and can be seen easily, revealing it's location.
|| Affiliations ||
|| Stats ||
HP || 30
ATK || 45
DEF || 50 due to being darkness.
// Description of Ender //
Nothing is really known about who Ender is under the helmet. Some people say he vowed as Demonic Leader of Knights, but then gave up on it.
Only Ender knows what is undearneath his helmet, but he's too shy to even show a single inch of his face.
Usually, all Ender does is just sit on a cliff and watch what happens in the enviroment. A lot of the times... He saves his friends from attacks. This reveals that he's caring and a good-hearted person on the inside.
\\ Appearance \\
Very demonic armor. That's it. He's also 6 foot 7 inches tall, looks to be a muscular build.
\\ Personality \\
Ender... really likes being ominous and menacing. Some of the things he says are actually really good advice. He is evil on the outside, but very caring on the inside.
\\ Stats \\
HP || 275
ATK || 65
DEF || 35
\\ Attacks \\
Slash/Slice [Pretty basic attack.]
Dark Blast [Ender readies a blast of demonic energy, and then releases it in an AreaOfEffect attack around him, like a sphere. Can be spotted when he says "Settle down..."]
Head Splitter [Ender raises his sword, and swings downwards with force. Has enough capacity to break a helmet.]
Issen [AKA Critical Attack] || [Ender, if attacked, on the right time, will dodge the attack like it was nothing, and a flash of light will appear, as massive damage is dealt.]
Anguish [Fire] [ATK:21] [Weight:Heavy] || A simple heavy fire sword Ender uses for a good time now. Although heavy, Ender still manages to hit his enemies quickly. [Magic Ability: Hellfire || Ender jumps up and does a helmbreaker on the floor, first making lava, then several pillars of hot rock. The area is a bit small, and is easy to dodge for the most part.]
Zauganuto [Pure Darkness] [ATK:22] [Weight:Normal] || The original blade. Not much is known about this blade. [Magic Ability: Black Death || Ender charges his sword up, and swings it really fast, causing multiple waves of darkness go after and home in on the enemy.]
Leviathan [Normal] [ATK:20] [Weight:Heavy] || A gigantic sword previously wielded by Ender's father. Ender uses it and swings it pretty quick, but due to it's weight, it's not easy to swing. Watch for the magic attack. [Magic Attack: Hellfire || Ender smashes the sword into the ground that is in front of him, causing a ring of fire to quickly spring out of nothing.]
\\ Character number 2 "Void The Great" \\
|| Description ||
Large amounts of info is unknown about this thing, as people suspect he's simply a shadow monster. The fact they are made of shadows helps the evidence a bit. All that is know is about this thing acts like it's Legion and that it's made of shadows.
Although a hard opponent, due to being made of shadows, otherwise "darkness" Due to this fact, they are very hard to hit. Light works well on exposing the creature.
|| Story ||
In an experiment in a unknown Lab, a scientist accidently used the wrong substance on the dark matter that makes up of this figure, and so, the dark matter absorbed the substance, and out came this thing, apparently, it says it's imperfect. While being a shadow creature, it obviously stuck in the shadows of the lab, and ate the leftovers of the other experiments, surviving off of those, then, it had enough power to escape, but almost did not survive through the sun that covers the lands. Currently lives in forests and caves, tending to the shadows.
|| Personality ||
Acts like a friendly monster, in that all it wants is friends, and is easily saddened.
Acts like Legion, in that it states they are many. Unknown as to why they act like this.
|| Weapon ||
Shadow || Void can use their arms to make them bigger, or extend, to attempt to punch the opponent.
|| Weaknesses ||
Light is a big no-no for Void. That's why Void sticks to the shadows and fights in dark areas with almost no light. If revealed in strong light, it's Weak Form is brought out, allowing Void to be attacked easily. Will avoid Light at all costs.
The effect this thing has on low light cannot really be canceled out, and can be seen easily, revealing it's location.
|| Affiliations ||
|| Stats ||
HP || 30
ATK || 45
DEF || 50 due to being darkness.