Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DeadlyEssence
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DeadlyEssence Complexity at its Finest

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The war has spread like fire across all of the races. Elves have tried to pit Demons against the Shifters. Humans go tearing through random battlefields as they please, killing off all that they desire. The Nymphs are in a frenzy to fix the damages of the battlefield. All of the major cities have found themselves drug into the war and many citizens have left for the smaller towns in hopes for their own safety and the safety of their children. Some of the rural dwellers have moved to the city to prepare to fight for their race's honor. No one really knows why the war started, much less how it grew to such proportions they simply know that if they back down now their cities and their race will be eradicated.

The races have taken this nefarious opportunity to purge the mixed bloods. Blaming them for starting the whole of the war. Dozens of mixed bloods have been killed, sent to war. Others kill themselves. Those who are lucky have escaped their race's region and found a safe haven among other Pariahs. They have banded together but the Humans have discovered their location and the Pariah-Human treaty has been shattered - leaving the village open to attacks by the humans. Those uninjured search for a new home to relocate to.

Humans have begun experimentation on the various races - trying to uncover what a Dementor is, and their power limit. Trying to infuse humans with the gift of magic. Most do not live through the experiments, others die in agony only weeks later. Demons have their horns removed. Nymphs have their blood siphoned. Elves and Shapeshifters are injected with various chemicals and all the races have fallen victim to the various diabolical research plots. There are three known human laboratories, all of them double as prisons.

Though, as fate would have it Seers have tipped off the Nazuras and desperately they attempt to raise awareness of the possible greater evil at play. Rumors spread like wild fire. Consistently the word Dementors is thrown around. The magical community is buzzing with concern and curiosity. What is this new race? Has someone seen it? The Seers say there are three who will change the current course of the races. No one knows how they will be brought together, or what they will do but the Nazuras are hoping they are made known soon, before it is too late. Seers and Nazuras alike are in search of the foreseen three.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DeadlyEssence
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DeadlyEssence Complexity at its Finest

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The sun was beginning to set, coloring the dark canvas of the sky in oranges and pinks. Aria huffed it was when the sun started setting that the chill in the air became more noticeable. Winter was over, it was long and harsh and despite the cruelties of it alone the war raged on. Now, spring was creeping up, but at a snail's pace. The temperature were more manageable and Aria was thankful for that. She could put up with chilly, just not freezing.

The shifter demon mix watched as the rest of the village began winding down for the day. People closed the tents that they called their stores, and others gathered water from the main well to keep overnight for various uses. It was depressing seeing the change in environment, the downgrade. These shifters once flourished with a magnificent cities, they all inhabited one of the three main cities – but it fell to ruins as a result of the war.

Guards stationed themselves at specific spots around the village, others shifted into birds and took to the skies as scouts. Aria wanted to join them, she wanted to spread her arms out and let her flesh be replaced with beautiful feathers. She took a deep breath, in due time she would be sanctioned and she could go on official scouting missions. After her speculation she scurried to her thatch hut. It was really her Aunt's thatch hut, but her mother was no longer around. She hadn't been seen or heard from since the main city fell. Aria grimaced at the thought – she missed her mother. \

Once she entered she remembered how out of place she was. She felt like she didn't belong anywhere in this world. Medical supplies were strewn about the house, a patient lay in the make-shift bed pushed against the wall to the far right. Aria rolled her eyes – everyone else's work was through but not Aunt Yula. Just as every other member of the family Yula was a medic, Behk, Aria's mother had also been a medic. Aria however, was not gifted with the ability to take care of the sick or mend the wounded. This meant that her mother, who had tried to train her in traditional medicines had had an impossible mission from the start.

Aria found her way to the room she had claimed, it was the room furthest from the patients. She sat on her cot and shook her head. She couldn't do anything. Every morning over breakfast Yula encouraged her to find something she was good at – and the only thing she was good at was shifting – and she wasn't special when it came to that either. Without her mother, and without an actual place in this society she struggled with thoughts of leaving. She could leave tonight, find her place in the world, participate in the war, off the record. Was that even a thing? Would it even work? Surely she'd be recognized as a shifter, and the other shifters wouldn't attack her? Aria put her head to her knees as she thought. She could find her father. The demons would accept her, her natural form was a demoness anyway.

The sounds of a pained patient made it to Aria's room, and she could hear her Aunt rummaging around in the other room. The smell of funny herbs and ingredients managed to sneak in as well. Aria sighed, she would need more time to put a plan into effect. She scooted and laid down in the cot, it wasn't as comfortable as her old bed, but she didn't want to think of those times. She closed her eyes.

Not a minute had passed before alarms echoed throughout the village. The scouts had spotted something, surely it was the humans casing havoc and destruction for their randomized terror tactics. The guards armed themselves, the civilians sought protection in the only bunker-like building this town had. Aunt Yula came into the room to drag Aria off, she was supporting her patient on her other shoulder.. Aria pulled her arm free from Yula. “Go.” she said, knowing very well her aunt wouldn't listen.

“Missy, you are coming!” The voice of authority over-took the usual caring tone.

Instantly Aria started shifting, she could feel her body taking a new form – it was always freeing. She was becoming thinner and smaller. Soon her body took the form of a snake and she slipped out from a crack in the bottom of the thatch leaving her Aunt behind. Yula was an Felos shiftress, one who was never really able to master her powers and Aria knew that she would be able to escape. Yula would take her patient to the bunker rather than chase after her sister's daughter.

In the distance Aria could see a vehicle, obviously human, the camouflage clicked on the moment she spotted it. She couldn't see where the passengers were, but this whole thing must have been what set off the alarms, she couldn't contain her curiosity and desire to prove her worth to the whole of the village.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The cacophony coming from the streets was drilling itself into her skull. The heat in the leather working shop where she worked plus the noise had given her a major headache. I better stop for a while and cool down before I make this last delivery. I don't think I can handle going all the way to the crossroad with this headache. I might lose control of my powers and something happen that I regret. It is hard enough keeping control on a good day. Why did Axiter have to get sick an leave me all alone when I have all this work that needs done by week's end? He better truly be sick too. If I pass by hi place and find the bastard goofing off that will be the end of his apprenticeship with me. I am getting too old for this shit.

Smiling at her last thought, Mel wiped the sweat off her brow and tied the last package off. She went over to the water trough nearby and took a dipper out and poured it over her head. She felt sweaty and disgusting and wished she had time to cleanse herself properly before she left but this would have to do for now. Gathering the packages for delivery, she went out the door of the tannery and walked over to where the small horse and cart she had borrowed was hitched. She smiled at several people a she loaded her goods and tied them down. Once things were secure she decided that a few more minutes would not hurt and walked down the street to the inn to grab a drink before setting out.

It had been several years now since she had come to this village. It was made up of all the races and types of folk that had been either shunned and expelled from their society or had lost everything in the war and had nowhere else to go. She tried not to dwell too heavily on those times before she had gotten here and had lived with her elven mother. Knowing that her mother would rather throw her out than be acknowledged by the elven council for bearing a half breed was a bitter reality. No one here knew that she was a half breed except for the couple that had taken her in all those years ago and they had died in the last battle that had happened in the valley two days hence a few years ago. She was grateful that they had shown her as much love and affection as thy had, but wished they could have helped her with her shifter abilities. Even the few other shifters in this village were not of the same sort as her and could only give her basic instruction. While this had helped somewhat with control, she still was not able to do the things she knew she was capable of if she had been properly trained.

Pushing open the inn door, she walked over to the bar and ordered an ale. As she sipped it slowly, she looked around the room. It seemed like there were more and more strangers coming here these days. One face however, made her blindingly mad. She tossed the rest of her ale back and slammed the mug on the bar before walking over to where Axiter sat with a few of his buddies. When he saw her he turned pale and looked away. "You know what this means? You can collect what is owed you when I return." Without another word she turned on her heel and left. She glanced at the sky and saw that the day was more than half over and picked up her pace. She unhitched the horse and cart and took her seat. Setting out now would get her to the crossroad sometime in the late evening and she would have to stay the night but it could not be helped. She snapped the reins and headed East out of town.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 29 days ago

"Can you teach us today?" Were the soft words that filled the clearing, the group of five children sat uncaringly on the snow-coerced ground. The one that had asked was nearly bouncing on her bottom, hazel eyes were bright and filled with excitement. Wynn absently twirled a dagger in her hand as she eyed the group, her ears open for any other sounds. Sighing mock-exasperatedly, she rises to her feet and offers the children a nod a smile.

"For awhile, there's a storm headed this way. Essa? Are you wearing shoes today?" The questing was aimed at the smiling ravenette, at the frown and wrinkle of her little nose, Wynn and the other children laughed. The nine-year-old hated wearing shoes, something Wynn didn't understand but firmly advised she wear. The last time the girl had come to her, by the end of the day, her feet were cut and bleeding. Her mother had scolded her in the middle of the village -Wynn always followed them home to make sure they got there-.

"Let's go!" An excited shout had the other four turning and heading towards the path they'd arrived on. Wynn stayed back for a few moments and raised her head, sniffing the frigid air. This time of year wasn't supposed to have snow yet, this village was the only one that had it, rather odd that.

"Come on Wy!!" Were the words that jarred her from her search, she blinked and turned to follow the bouncing children. She was the onein charge of them while they were with her, so far they'd managed to remain safe. The silver-haired woman led them to their usual spot, a smaller clearing with a canopy of trees protecting them from the elements.

"Now, we're going to take turns and remain in this clearing while it isn't our turn. Fair?" She always started with these words, the children were usually well behaved, she'd only had one occasion where they'd wandered off.

That was the first and last time.

During the time, a family of grizzly bears had been wandering the forest. Needless to say, when Wynn was distracted, three of her charges had wandered off. Shaking the memories off when she received vigorous nods, she moved to a hollowed-out tree and tugged out her bow. Her quiver of arrows was hidden in another hollowed-out tree, turning to her charges, she shifts both in her hands and smiles softly.

They began to practice, each child taking a turn, the others waiting patiently. It was surprising how well they acted, usually kids their ages were running around and loud. The shifter was glad that they weren't, keeping a track of them would be impossible otherwise.

By evening it was colder then before, the children huddling in their cloak for warmth. Wynn ended their lesson, ignoring the weak protests, and led them back to the village. Once the children were safe within their homes, Wynn turned on her heel and paused, a familiar face standing just behind her.

"I hate to ask this with a storm coming-" Wynn shook her head and smiled at the Elder. She was always apologizing for asking her to hunt for them, Wynn always answered the same.

"I don't mind. What do you need?" She asked, arms coming out from under her cloak to stretch above her head. The Elder smiled and pulled a list from her own navy-blue cloak, taking it and scanning it, Wynn nodded. Colder temperatures meant easier prey, she handed the lost back and offered a smile. Bowing her head, she passes the elder woman with quick, quiet steps, the familiar heat unfurling in her stomach had a grin spreading across her lips. By the time she reached the trees, the heat had spread down her back, removing her cloak and dress she allows it to take hold.

Shaking out her from, Wynn took off into the forest, her ears flicking forward and back. The list of needed foods flashing though her mind as she stealthily moves through the snow-covered foliage. The light from the fading sunlight aiding in her journey, her nose scenting the air as evening drew closer.

Hopefully she'd find the food before the storm fully hit. @paragloan @DeadlyEssence
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