+Anima OC
Name: Drake
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: In normal human form Drake stands at just under five and a half feet, with black hair and eyes. His complexion is pale, but never seems to burn or tan. His teeth are alightly pointed. When his +Anima is activated, his lower body transforms into that of a dragon snake, including his lower belly, and scales up his back.
Anima: Dragon snake
Marking: Scale-like markings on his back, legs, and stomach.
Abilities: Heat-detecting, enhanced agility, can unhinge his lower jaw to a degree
Personality: Drake is usually the quiet type, preferring solitude or small groups to crowds. He has a love of music and reading, and dreams of being an author. He has an active imagination, but is prone to worrying about people he cares about. It takes some time for him to warm up to others, but his loyalty is near-absolute. Drake absolutely detests the cold, and, deep down, is afraid of hurting others.
History: Drake was born the youngest child to a small-town family. His mother and sister were good people, but his father was an abusive drunk. When he was eleven, the three of them tried to escape. However his father attacked them, separating Drake from his mother and sister. Being singled out Drake's father caught him and attempted to strangle him to death. In that moment Drake became a +Anima, and constricted his father to death. Rattled by the event he ran away from his family, afraid they would see him as a monster.