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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral wasn’t entirely certain how to explain himself to this woman, especially when he was supposed to make the impression that he was strong. To be a follower rather than a leader probably didn’t sound too good, but it was better than being hounded over. “Well the people who made me aren’t monsters”, he spoke, glancing to her, “The people we’re staying with who are fighting the Saiyans don’t seem to like killing them, though…but they seem to enjoy beating them to a pulp…” He was definitely feeling like he was making this whole freedom thing sound worse and worse to the Beastmen, especially if she enjoyed killing so much. With tensions already pretty high now that they were on their way again he looked to Yumi when she tried to argue for Vegeta’s past actions, frowning when she tried to raise a defence for him. “Us? There was only you and me…and I lived in the same building”, he spoke before looking away, “You had the excuse of moving away and doing your own thing. I was not allowed out or seen by the public”. While trying to ease his own tenseness he was finding the clinginess of the kid to be most distracting, generally disliking how much they were holding onto Yumi. “You should still try and toughen them up! If you can’t fight in an ambush we’re all going to get killed or captured…”

Shu was unsure about Takeshi’s plan but he was going to go along with it because he trusted his brother. He wanted Takeshi to keep him safe so he was going to trust him. “Ooh! Okay! Then fly away? Fly as fast as we can!” Maybe he should leave Takeshi to the flying fast and just hang on, especially since flying fast caused him to go out of control much quicker. He would probably shoot across the sky and beyond the location of the ship. Keeping close to him he looked back several times, making sure nobody was following them or trying to sneak attack whenever he took his eyes off the corridor. “Just maybe thought maybe there be easier and quick way out! Just maybe thought of being easier…” Moving quickly after Takeshi he frowned at the sight of the soldiers, staring at them as he ran past before up to Takeshi, feeling a little confused. “Ooh? Uhh, feel good? Uhhh, I-I guess? I don’t know…I mean, I should feel good, yes? That how fighters feel! Strong people feel good with fight! Yes?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Yumi's mouth pulled downward as Viral pointed out her leaving, looking down at the lift as she hefted her shoulders in a shrug. "I came to visit though as often as I could. You know me, I can't just sit somewhere forever and not go stir crazy. I had to get out and do things, train more, it's just who I am. And I wished I could have taken you too, but those scientists always told Vegeta that you had to be kept at home for one reason or another." Either Viral had some defect, he was ill, they wanted to run some training or something else, there was always a reason. Looking back at it she was fairly certain it was all lies to keep him in the building, maybe worrying he'd go rampant and kill again. Pursing her lips when Viral again criticized her watching Riley she glanced up at him, placing her free hand on her hip testily. "If it came down to that I'd hide him and help fight, don't be ridiculous. Besides, you're saying that like my involvement somehow changes the course of a fight." When there were so many other fighters among them, stronger fighters, her inclusion didn't much matter some days. Her style of fighting might be more refined than some but most opponents nowadays seemed to rely solely on tremendous strength, and it worked.

"Yeah we'll go fast, I wanna get this done sooner rather than later. World's nice and all but... There's nothing here, it's boring!" And they had already beaten the troops around, not even a single person to fight. Oh well, they could at least take a little bit of pride in having beaten those here, even if most of the soldiers were real pushovers. Shrugging at the mention of an easier way out Takeshi glanced ahead at the soldiers lying about, still out cold from the pounding they'd gotten earlier, courtesy of him and Shu. Even if they were child's play to beat there was still a bit of pride in winning. "I mean we beat them, that's something to feel good about right? We beat them and saved the Beastmen because of it," the older boy pointed out, smirking as he gave Shu a thumbs up, "And you helped, thanks you to we're saving all those people back there. I'd say that's a reason to feel good, you know?"

There likely was another way out, faster too, but they just returned to the hole put into the wall from before. Using that exit was a straight shot back to the shuttle, all they had to do was uncover it from the branches thrown all across; in hindsight using a bunch of random branches to cover a ship wasn't that good of camouflage, but then again it hadn't been found either now had it? As the back door of the shuttle swung open to let them inside Takeshi took one glance around, taking stock of the inside before letting out a sigh. "Jeez... No way are we fitting everyone inside of here," he commented, rubbing the back of his head as he stepped on inside. Before he even lit the engines he went to the communications panel, and with a bit of fiddling managed to connect to the ship above. If they wanted to move everyone at once they needed a second ship, no doubt about that.

"Where are they? Your people didn't abandon us did they?" Eris asked testily, frowning as she scanned the skies for some sign of those boys.

"Of course not, don't be stupid. They're probably just having some trouble is all. Shu can't fly the ship and Takeshi is... Well, Takeshi." To be sure though Yumi searched for any signs of Ki beyond their own, wondering if maybe more troops had showed up to fight. Nothing out of the ordinary however appeared and she could feel the boy's approaching, hopefully soon to silence Eris. Glancing at the sleeping Riley on her arm she smiled at him dotingly, brushing a bit of hair from his face and adjusting him carefully to make it more comfortable. "When we get back to the ship we'll help you all find some quarters for your own, until we get to Uuonoe anyways."

Their own quarters? They had those back in the base, why didn't the sound of this make her feel any better about it? Already she was suspicious about these people, now she was jumping to conclusions about being confined all over again. None of the others were panicking though, either too afraid to act out or too confused. "I want you to keep us all near one another, some of us don't do well being separated. We've always had our rooms side by side," she pointed out, looking at Viral expectantly, "I'm sure you can make that happen? Otherwise we'll just share rooms, I don't see it working any other way."

"Now Eris, I'm sure they'll do their best for us," the lion-Beastman said exasperatedly, having been trying to stifle his fiery counterpart since this began. Besides that fact if these people were strong enough to beat the Elites then they were the sort you didn't want to make an enemy out of; a former commander, the sons of the King, as he had learned, and their allies, no doubt all formidable fighters. Was he afraid? Of course, he had his pride but he wasn't a fool, he knew fighting these people would spell doom for them. Until things were established it was best to play things safe. Hearing the sound of engines not too far in the distance he lifted his head skyward, spotting two black silhouettes approaching from over the treetops. As they drew closer it became increasingly apparent they were both ships, one larger than the other, and hopefully with enough room for all of them.

As both shuttles settled down the smaller one's hatch opened, and after a moment Vegeta crawled out of it. "So there were more than we anticipated, that's good. I'm glad to see we were able to save so many," he commented, looking over the gathering of Beastmen thoughtfully. More than they had figured but not a bad thing, it would better their case for getting these people their own place to live. "I'm sure you're all confused right now, but we really should be moving along. If you can just split into two groups and get into these ships, we'll get you all settled in and off of this planet."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral stared at her for a moment before slowly looking away, sighing. She certainly was trying to turn the whole thing against him, as if it was his fault that he didn’t see her when she visited. The worst part was how he didn’t get to see her after some time in his life. The times he was most likely removed from the place was when Yumi was around as if figuring she was the right age for him to kill her, or maybe they were just trying to hide his existence from her and hope she forgot all about him. “They were aiming to send me to war and harvest me once they were done with me so you seeing me around would only remind you that I existed. The reason I was created didn’t matter to then anymore, but then again the Red Ribbon Army always intended to use me as a war machine”. He still didn’t know what to do about them or if he would try and find that man who forced him to kill Vegeta’s parents, but then again who knew when they’d head home again or whether he would ever be able to feel peace. Looking to Yumi when she tried to explain her method if they would ever have to fight, frowning before looking away. “Well if a Saiyan suddenly came flying in with a vendetta against me, throwing the kid would probably be quicker…”

Shu did wonder whether he did actually feel good fighting the enemy and whether he enjoyed fighting, he felt like he couldn’t understand himself with it. Maybe if he got into more fights and was able to understand the feeling some more. He was a little worried that Takeshi was doubting his Saiyan side and the enjoyment Saiyans got out of fighting. “Uhh! Y-Yeah, I guess! I mean…people saved! That good thing…and helped…I helped!” He was supposed to feel good about that, but back on the bottom floor he didn’t really do a very good job other than blast Viral away and nearly have a breakdown. He was pretty dangerous to the others so he did have a fair bit of doubt that he did do anything good, but he still tried to get over that doubt since it made the others upset.

Getting on the way to the ship and everything Shu felt there was definitely going to be a squash if they tried to get everyone in and was more worried that he was going to end up getting completely crushed if they even tried. He would probably end up broken if they even tried. Looking to Takeshi when he raised his doubts too he frowned, looking to the console again before squeaking when the ship suddenly rattled to life. Grabbing onto his chair quickly he raised his knees up, trying to relax but he just couldn’t. Looking to Takeshi he gave a nervous smile, trying hard to please him by not appearing as stressed as he could had been.

With the length of time it was taking Takeshi to go and get the ship Viral was feeling like he was starting to fade. There was others talking around him but his mind wasn’t into listening to any of it and was slowly wandering away. While he was stimulated before with talking to the others, being left to be quiet and to wait was turning his mind into mush. Staring out blankly half appearing to be pretty dead he blinked when he realised he was being talked to, his gaze moving over to Eris before he looked away again with a sigh as he rubbed his head. That serum that the scientist injected into him was having some nasty after-effects, even if it wasn’t controlling him anymore. The headache was persistent to the point that it was exhausting him mentally and making him feel like utter crap. More concerned with keeping it to himself he straightened himself out again, shaking his head lightly. “I highly doubt they’ll keep you in separate rooms if you don’t want to be in separate rooms…”

Trying to clear his mind again he looked up at the sound of ships approaching, slightly on the verge of falling over if he looked up any more. It looked like Takeshi but the other he wasn’t too sure, eventually groaning as the other ship opened up and out poked Vegeta. Of course he would be the one to pick them up, seeing how excited he was to meet other Beastmen. Already annoyed when he tried to take command he looked to the Beastmen slowly before looking back to the shuttles, feeling he was probably going to be better off going in the other just so he didn’t have to deal with Vegeta. “Yumi, you should take some in with Vegeta. I’ll go in the other with some…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

"You say that like I'd ever forget Viral, which I wouldn't. And now that we know that you'll never be a weapon for them, that's long gone. You're our friend, not a war machine." That being said he would always fight if he wanted to, and they would be right at his side to fight with him. She wouldn't ever let him think he was just some tool again, she'd do everything in her power to convince Viral he was so much more. Just like she'd never abandon Viral she refused to abandon Riley mostly on the principle and fact he was just a child, someone had to take care of him. If a fight did break out she'd be ready to set him aside, though she hoped for his sake it never happened. "Oh good idea Viral, or I have an even better one! I can throw Riley here at the Saiyans as a weapon, they'll never see it coming." Hearing Riley whimper in protest she smiled apologetically, bouncing him on her arm gently. "I was kidding, I wouldn't do that."

Now Shu was getting it, sort of. They beat some bad guys, saved the Beastmen and were now getting them off the planet, wasn't that all good? For someone who was stuck in a place like this Takeshi figured he'd know what it's like, and getting out was some huge thing for these people. Now that they had kicked some butt and done all that they could finally get the Beastmen off planet, with some help of course. No way was everyone fitting on the single shuttle as they quickly learned which meant calling back to the ship and seeing if they could send another one down. When that was all set to go Takeshi gave Shu a grin and thumbs up, letting him know everything was good to go. "Take it easy squirt, we're done with the hard stuff, now we're just going home," he reassured, reaching over and ruffling Shu's hair before taking a moment to get him strapped in, "Just hang tight, we're only flying a short way."

Yumi waited eagerly for the ships to arrive, keen to get not only themselves but the Beastmen off this world. No other opposition had been seen on their way up yet that didn't mean they were completely out of the woods, and they wouldn't be until they were back on board the ship proper. Watching the pair of ships come in for them she smiled reassuringly at the still uneasy Riley, helping to block his ears when the roar of the thrusters became louder as both vessels settled down for a landing. They knew who was in the first one but she was a little surprised to see Vegeta come out of the second, not expecting him to have come down. Nodding as they were given directions Yumi looked to Viral then, frowning when he told her to go off with Vegeta. "Don't be ridiculous. We started this together and we're going to finish this together." Which likely meant she needed to find someone to hand off Riley to, as uneasy as he seemed about that. Giving him a gentle smile she went over to the lion-Beastman, who unlike Eris took the boy willingly and whose presence didn't seem to make him panic. Thank goodness, she was worried about that. "Now then, ready to get in the ship?"

Takeshi glanced back into the hold of the shuttle as people began to file in, waving them towards the seats for them to get settled. Hopefully they didn't mind something of a bumpy ride as a flawless pilot he was not. He'd get them there in one piece which was good, but it might be slightly turbulent. Expecting just Beastmen to join them he was surprised to see Yumi and Viral wander in as well, and even more shocked when that Eris woman followed suit. Groaning inwardly at what was bound to be an awkward ride he turned and slumped slightly into his chair, letting out a sigh before "Why me...? There's two shuttles..." Now he was stuck with the two women who were having a cat fight over Viral earlier, just grand. Taking one more glance back to see if that was everyone he flipped the switch to seal up the shuttle, glancing across to the other ship and giving Vegeta a thumbs up. "Alright then, time to get going, everyone get settled in and hold on tight!" Giving the throttle a tentative push the ship slowly moved up, wobbling a little before it stabilized and got moving again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t really know what he was going to do once he got back to the ship, seeing how these Beastmen had been looking to him for the entirety of their way out and would probably want him to talk to them some more. He really didn’t want to talk to anybody even if they were his own kind, he just wasn’t mentally able to think or process proper discussion. Aito would probably talk to them or something like that, maybe Vegeta and then he could go elsewhere and try to relax. He hadn’t sat down since getting out of the control of the scientist and with his body feeling like it weighed a ton he couldn’t be more relieved to see the ships. Even if he wasn’t going to be sitting down for that long it was still going to be a relief to finally get a break. Feeling quite annoyed that Yumi was going in with him for some bizarre reason he let out a groan, looking away. “It’s not like we won’t see each other on the ship…but whatever, if you say so…” Heading to the ship he didn’t waste much time in getting in and settled down, slowly sitting down in an empty seat as he let out a sigh and rubbed his head. Once they got back he was sure Vegeta or someone would take care of the scientist, he certainly didn’t want to deal or be near the guy anymore. Looking back at the other Beastmen that wanted to come on this ship too he frowned when that woman decided she wanted to come on the same ship as he was, sighing lightly as he slowly rubbed his head. This was going to be a long trip if she started yapping to him again, he just didn’t know how to handle somebody like that.

Shu hoped he was going to be able to put some more faith into Takeshi on the ride into space, especially when he didn’t seem all that sure about how it at first. Looking back at the others as they started to get on the ship he looked over to Vegeta’s ship, watching as it was loaded up too. He wondered what they were going to do once they got back to the ship, but another thing he also wondered was where the Saiyan army had gone to and whether they had actually fled or were just waiting for them to start flying before they would chase after them. While it was a tough fight before he couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to come after that, as if the Saiyans were just wanting to make them feel comfortable before ambushing them. Rubbing his hands together he soon pulled his knees close to his chest, gasping when take-off was once again a thing. “Ah! Holding tight! Does me holding me count as holding tight? How many times you fly this now…?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Yumi figured handing off Riley and going with Viral was what he wanted: carrying around the child was annoying her friend so she'd get rid of him for a little while. No sooner had she done so did Viral seem bothered by her tagging along, furrowing her brow in confusion. So did he want her around or not? These mixed messages she was getting were making it awfully difficult to figure out what it was he wanted. While a good portion of the Beastmen went onto Vegeta's shuttle, with Riley and the scientist included, she and Viral went to join the brothers in the other ship. When she noticed Eris tagging along as well she very nearly turned and shoved the woman out of the shuttle, having to stop herself short and instead give the woman a silent glaring at. She waited for Viral to sit before promptly taking the spot beside him, smiling smugly as Eris had to sit across the aisle instead of beside her friend. "How are you feeling by the way? What happened earlier must be taking a toll on you," Yumi asked finally, looking to Viral and placing a hand on his paw, "You're not hurt from that are you?"

Going through the motions of shutting the ship, checking everyone was strapped in, all a bit tedious for Takeshi's liking. Taking off without getting everyone secured though would likely lead to some mishaps, so it was all necessary. Once both shuttles were prepped for launch he ignited the thrusters again and eased the ship back into the air, finding it wobble slightly as he tried to keep it stable. After some fiddling he managed to get it right, easing it forward with the throttle. "Uh... I've flown it maybe... Twice?" the older boy admitted with a sheepish grin, "But I'm getting better! See, we didn't crash now did we? Have a little faith in me buddy, we'll get there." Once clear of the trees he gave the throttle a bit more of a push, picking up speed until they were racing along the planet's surface. Until he saw the blip of their larger ship on the radar he'd keep going as he was, flying straight over the oceans. "I kind of hope we just put these people on Uuonoe, you know? I mean it's a lot of folks that are gonna need help," Takeshi said to Shu, glancing over and smiling slightly, "If we're gonna goof off we can't be watching these people right? Let's have the rebels do it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral would’ve certainly taken over the duty of flying the ship if he was in a better mental state than this, but as it was he had to trust Takeshi to do a fair enough job and not crash them all into the water or overshoot the ship. It wasn’t easy trusting somebody like that with this kind of work, it was a hardship he was going to have to undertake when Takeshi had proven time and time again that he didn’t handle responsibility very well. Slowly reaching up and rubbing his head he gasped lightly when he noticed Yumi was taking the seat right next to him, his eyes looking up and down her before he lowered his paw. If she was going to be sitting beside him then it was probably best to remove the idea that he was having trouble coping mentally. If there was one thing he didn’t want her to worry about it was his health for the hundredth time. Side-glancing to her as she started the whole pressing her worries onto him he looked to his paw quickly before looking away again, trying to ignore it to prevent feeling embarrassed. “I-I’m fine, it was just…’mind-controlling’ serum. I just need to get back to the ship. It’s just-…it should be you to say whether you’re fine or not. I could had killed you…”

Shu hoped everything was going to be okay, he would just have to trust Takeshi and hope that he was going to be able to keep the ship nice and stable. He was freaking out at every second he was in the ship, but so long as he tried to focus his attention on Takeshi he was able to take his mind off the harsh ride and how squashed he felt in a tightly packed ship. Staring at Takeshi when he mentioned how much he’s flown he sighed lightly, looking away slowly. “Twice is more than once, at least…” he smiled nervously, holding onto his knees tightly as Takeshi throttled the ship. This would probably not be so bad if he wasn’t taking the ship so close to the water, he wouldn’t mind it if the ship was taken just a little bit higher and out of the danger zone. Looking quickly to Takeshi he smiled a little, nodding quickly. “Y-Yeah! No need for us, I mean…what can we do? Not much! Then have time for fun and the treat you said…but first having of food, yes? I am really hungry! Maybe nap too, but napping hard because scary. No really sleep much last night”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Was it jealousy that was keeping her at Viral's side? That didn't seem right and yet Yumi couldn't find any alternative to her own behavior. Maybe it was just her being protective, refusing to let a Beastman who they knew nothing of cozy up to her friend. Maybe this was her way of protecting him, by keeping Eris from getting too close and upsetting her friend. "You seem tired, maybe you should rest when we get back? I'm sure we can handle helping these people if you want to," she offered, furrowing her brow when Viral turned the conversation on her. Biting her lip in thought she placed both hands in her lap, thinking about it for a moment before shrugging her shoulders. "You could have sure. And I could die in any fight we have, on any planet, you never know," Yumi thought aloud, looking back at Viral and smiling again, "But I don't think about it like that. I was scared for a moment there sure, but I knew you'd come around, you always do. Now I know I just need to be careful if you get like that, and you'll come back to us in no time."

Once they got moving at a decent pace, and more importantly the ship had been stabilized, Takeshi finally went about lifting them higher into the air. Unlike his acceleration before he made it a good point to take it nice and slow this time, climbing gradually until they were almost breaking the atmosphere. "Food and a nap? Uh... Yeah, we can do that if that's what you want buddy," the older boy replied with a nod, "And maybe after that we can play?" He'd slept perfectly fine last night, what was it that had Shu so uptight? Nervous about today? Whatever it was hopefully it had passed by now and they could relax come bed time. "What's scary about napping anyways?" Takeshi asked after a moment, frowning as he finally processed what Shu had said. Looking to his brother confused he continued, "I mean it's not like we're out in the jungle, you know? No predator's going to try eating you while we're on the ship, you're safe. So what's bothering you?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t like it when she was more concerned for him than anything else, she seemed even concerned with how that woman had been pressing against him too. Maybe that’s why she was quick to sit beside him, her way of trying to deny Eris a spot beside him. It was probably good for him too since she was pretty creepy to be close to. He didn’t know how to handle somebody like that, he hadn’t been near somebody who wanted to get that close to him, especially to be his mate. If the Beastmen were anything like him then they simply had primal instincts, he didn’t even know if they could feel love like beings with Ki could. It was probably not a concern for them anyway. While he was trying to not be concerned about that kind of stuff he also tried to not make Yumi feel concerned for him, feeling he should spare her the grief and concern she might feel about his condition. “I’ll rest if it means you settle down. I don’t feel that bad, after all…” he spoke, somewhat wondering if she was going to see through his white lies. Trying to turn it onto her he voiced his concerns, frowning when she took it pretty lightly. “And if I didn’t come out of it? The only reason I was able to resist was I was able to force myself to transform to use the regeneration I have in that form. If I didn’t try resisting immediately, you would be gone. I couldn’t let that happen again, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself”.

Shu tried to keep himself from freaking out as Takeshi brought the ship up higher, but he couldn’t help but hold on tight and push himself right back against the chair. He was scared but he was going to try and keep that to a minimum as he talked to Takeshi about what they could do later on. Nodding quickly he let out a nervous giggle, only looking out the window momentarily to see what was happening. “Yeah! Would like to play! Maybe play fight, I be strong too!” When questioned about his napping habits he shuffled on his chair uncomfortably, sighing lightly. “I know no predators…maybe, I mean! No predators! Still people are up when nap time and what if a bad happens? Sneaky people! Sometimes feel like falling down too, sometimes have weird dream too. Many things bothersome, you know? Mostly the dreams, though. They sometimes worse than night dreams…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
Avatar of GambolMuse

GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

"You resting would take a load of my mind, yes," Yumi said with a relieved sigh, smiling before placing her hand on her chest, "But please Viral, if there's more than just that bothering you, you'll tell me right? You've finally gotten better and I want you to stay that way, don't think you have to suffer silently. That's why you have your friends here, so we can help." He had to accept that, whether he liked it or not all of them were here to stay. Even Vegeta who he swore disowned him was invested in his well-being, the way he showed it just wasn't like how the rest of them did. "If it ever did get that bad, if I thought you were going to hurt us, I'd defend myself. I didn't this time because I was confident that you were still there, even if you had trouble with it," Yumi muttered, glancing at her hands and rubbing them together nervously, "I don't ever want to have to fight you, or any other of our friends. What we're going through with all this fighting is hard enough without having to hurt someone you care about, don't you agree? I want to avoid that if at all possible."

Shu might not be saying anything but one only had to glance at him to see how he was pressing himself into the seat. Was flying in the shuttle really this scary for him? On the way down it hadn't seemed bad, but then they had been sitting side by side hadn't they? "Play fight? Well sure buddy, if that's what you want to do. And you're already strong Shu and you know that, you proved it today," the older boy said, smirking over at his sibling, "You kicked a bunch of bad guy's butts and helped free all those people, that's pretty strong, you know?" He wanted to keep the conversation cheerful and happy for Shu's sake, but hearing about his trouble with sleep couldn't be ignored; dismissing the problem used to be how he handled it, but Takeshi was made to face he had to deal with it sooner rather than later. "Well uh... I don't know a lot about dreams or how they work, maybe you should ask Aito about that? And no one on the ship's gonna hurt you buddy," he added, reaching over and patting Shu on the shoulder, "I'm right there with you. Besides, you're so strong it'd be hard for anyone to do anything."

After breaching the atmosphere it was only a few moments to the carrier, and with the landing everyone was allowed out into the hangars. For the group it was another routine stop yet for the Beastmen, save for Eris and the lion, it was a wholly new experience. As some of the ship's crew tried to usher the newest passengers along they stood by idly, looking around the area to try and grasp where they were. It really did seem that some had never left those cells before given their mystified expressions. Judging by the way they wandered aimlessly too Vegeta assumed no one had really gone into detail as to what was happening now. He'd expect that of Takeshi and Shu yet he'd hoped to see a little more initiative on Yumi and Viral's part. Letting out a sigh he rubbed at his neck, ushering out the final few before closing his shuttle back up.

"So these are the Beastmen huh...? Sure is a lot of them," Aito mumbled as he entered the hanger, hands in his pockets as he shuffled along with June at his back. Letting out an audible yawn he stopped before the group, glancing around at everyone before smiling slightly. "Welcome everyone, welcome. Sorry for the..." the doctor paused, yawning and blinking sleepiness from his eyes, "For the confusion, I'm sure you're wondering what's going on about now. We're your friends and we've come to see you all have a chance at life, outside of this planet. From here we'll be returning to a world known as Uuonoe, and what happens after that is up to you. You're the masters of your own fate now." They seemed to have a grasp of language, however basic, as some of them nodded in response and a few even appeared to converse with one another. No doubt quite a lot of work was ahead of them and it would doubtless be some time until every single one of them truly settled in. "My name is Aito, by the way. I'm something of a doctor, so if any of you feel you need attention feel free to come see me. Otherwise welcome aboard!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral stared at her for a moment as she spoke, his gaze eventually sliding away before he sighed, slowly rubbing his head with his fingertips. “I’m not going to fall into that condition again, if that’s what you’re worried about”, he spoke, his finger moving to slowly scratch at his cheek, “But…fine. I’ll tell you if I feel worse later…” That should suffice for now, at least in his head it did. If his head was going to feel the same later or worse then he’ll tell her, even if he wanted to get over it himself. He was tired of needing the help of others to get over his problems and wanted to solve his own himself. He needed to be independent and to do that he would have to try and get over the problems he created for himself. Looking back to Yumi when she spoke about her previous plan when up against him, disliking how she was trying to take the noble approach and vow to never hurt her friends. “Look. Would you rather not hurt me and allow me to kill, or would fight to prevent that?” he asked as he turned slightly towards her on his seat, “If something like that ever happens again, I want you to hit me with all your might. Fight me without hesitation. I can only control my power when I focus hard enough, but there’s always going to be times where I lose my focus: that part of me is what turns me into a killer. Don’t let me turn into what the RRA wanted me to be, got it?”

It was a lot easier when he didn’t have to concentrate on what was in front of him, but unfortunately being in the front seat with Takeshi it meant he was seeing everything that they were rocketing straight towards. Shu didn’t know how to handle such speed that he had no control over and when he felt the desperate need to get close to Takeshi to feel that slight bit of control he couldn’t, not with Takeshi flying the ship in a completely separate seat. He would just have to put up with it for now and keep smiling to try and stay positive. “Uh huh? Ooh, everyone else did too, so not sure if I strong too or they all just not that strong, you know? Need to see how strong I be when fighting you or someone else, you know? Ooohh…saying what you say a lot…” He tended to notice when he was nervous he picked up on the way Takeshi used language, something he knew Takeshi didn’t like, especially when Takeshi said so many naughty things. Giving his legs a quick scratch as he continued to hold them he frowned when Takeshi mentioned going to Aito for help, looking to his shoulder before back to Takeshi. “Ooh, that mean you nap with me? Mister Aito is kind of scary, so maybe that be later too…”

As they soon arrived back it was a matter of waiting until the Beastmen had gotten off before Viral decided to move himself. In the brief time it took him to stand up and move to the ship’s doors he was very quickly feeling like he was drifting in and out of some hazy spell. It was a strange feeling, like sensing the gravity was different here to that on the planet in a split second and making him feel like he was going to float away. Of course he wasn’t going to float away, that was just his head playing up and making him drift out of focus again. Trying to shake off the feeling he let out a groan as he stepped out the ship, staring down at the floor momentarily before to Aito who was ready to give a speech by the looks of it. Watching him shuffle along he frowned when his first response was a yawn, finding it awfully distracting and messing with his head. Groaning under his breath he slowly moved to the side of the group, staring at Aito as he started his little speech. How much tiredness Aito was displaying was incredibly distracting, it wasn’t at all helping his focus as his words slowly turned to rabble. Struggling to even concentrate he soon found himself wandering away from the crowd, keeping off to the side as if trying to skulk away without anyone’s notice. Aito’s sleepiness was indeed distracting and even if he wanted to ask for help like Yumi suggested he sure as hell wouldn’t be able to give him any, he would just be bothering him with symptoms that were so trivial that probably only required him to wait for the effects to wear off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

"You're strong buddy, trust me. And I would really rather not fight you fight you, but if we wanna do that play fight like you said then I'm up for that." Takeshi smirked in amusement as Shu copied him, hearing the "you know" phrase come through a few times. He did it without thinking but it had been pointed out several times, and now hearing his brother he couldn't just ignore it. "You trying to copy your big brother, squirt? I should kick your butt for that," he teased, reaching over and playfully prodding Shu in the side, "And sure bud, if that's what you need. We can take a nap after lunch, then when we wake up we go and see the doc, how's that sound? No rush, but we should go. Then again... Vegeta can probably help too, would you wanna see him instead?" Their friend's old man was supposed to be way smarter than even Vegeta but so far he hadn't seen much. The guy was half asleep most of the time and the other half he was speaking in words way too big for them to grasp, it was hard to get a read on him. Viral seemed the same way too, the Beastman hardly ever looked pleased to see the doctor around. Then again Viral hardly ever looked pleased to begin with.

That was all she could really ask for, to be kept in the loop. Too often things went on that Yumi had no knowledge of and it was frustrating being absolutely clueless about them. While she knew the discussion about his struggles was hardly a pleasant one they needed to have it, she had to make her stance known. Hard as it might be to do sometimes she could never truly hurt one of her friends even if she might have to; Viral's words following that thought left her feeling terribly conflicted. Looking up at her friend's face as he turned to her she felt a pang in her chest, nodding somberly and casting her eyes down. "I'll never let that happen to you either. If hitting you is the only way to help that then I'll do it. But I'm always going to try calming you down first, that's a last resort." As their shuttle docked everyone filed out one at a time, with Yumi bringing up the back as she followed Viral out. Even without seeing his expressions she noticed how he swayed from side to side, only able to guess how he might be feeling. Every assumption she made wasn't a good one, yet she knew overreacting was only going to upset her friend.

Seeing as Aito was taking the initiative to get the Beastmen rounded up Vegeta figured he was done for the moment. Watching as they began to walk off with guidance from some crew he smiled slightly, proud to see their mission was a success. He didn't know how the operation on the ground had gone yet or whether or not there were any unexpected problems, though seeing the scientist bound and gagged being carried along certainly raised questions. So too did the young looking Beastman in one of their arms, something which he couldn't remotely explain; Beastmen aged but only to a particular point, at which the hormones in their bodies ceased to promote development. If this child was a true Beastman then he'd not be a child for long, but if he was a halfbreed like Yumi? Who knows what might happen with him. Come to think of it they weren't even sure what was to become of Yumi yet either, some tests would have to be done to check.

"Yet more tests to run, they never end," he muttered in exasperation, rubbing at his head tiredly. He could go and begin those immediately if he wanted, or he could linger and see to something else that required attention. Looking among his peers he noticed Viral wandering off from the others, looking almost dead on his feet as he shambled along. Noticing Yumi's concerned expression watching him hardly did any favors in absolving him of concern, he'd need some attention foremost. "Viral, hang on a second," Vegeta called over, holding up a hand as he approached, "I was hoping you could come with me if you don't mind? I was hoping to get a bit of a report about what went on. Also you seem like you could use a break. Why don't we go grab a meal together and chat?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t know how to handle being called strong when he didn’t really feel he could share the same thought, instead just giving Takeshi a smile when it was mentioned. He didn’t know if he had a good handle on his strength and knew how reckless he could be with it so to say he was strong was to say he was dangerous too. Playing around would help raise his confidence and hopefully give him a better handle on his strength, but only if Takeshi wanted him to. “Ooh! Not trying! Doing by accident! You say silly things a lot so Shu say silly things sometimes”. Disliking the sound of having to go and see the doctor after all he let out a long sigh which turned into a groan. “Okaaaayyyyyy, we go after! No think Mister Vegeta likes me though, he was really angry when we speaking last! I could tell”. While it was probably a misunderstanding Shu’s attention soon went to the fact that they were about to land, feeling oddly excited over it. While he liked going to all these planets and what not he still did feel relieved to be able to sit down. Once they were finally settled down he was quick to jump out of his seat, moving to try and drag Takeshi away too. “C’mon! They get taken care of, we do stuff now, yes?”

While it was probably supposed to be a celebratory event having all these Beastmen with them Viral still felt he had to leave. He couldn’t hang around much longer without feeling dead inside. It was probably irresponsible of him when he was the one who was supposed to show leadership to these Beastmen. Wandering off for now he barely heard Vegeta, looking over to him when he came into his view. Stopping a moment he stared at him, frowning at his suggestion before briefly looking back. He really wasn’t up to this, he should’ve been following Yumi’s suggestion; however, it was probably something he should do if Vegeta thought it was best to. “…Okay fine. I’ll go with you…” he sighed, giving his head a quick rub before he continued walking again, trying to keep himself balanced a little better, “I thought you would want to see the Beastmen first…since we just got here…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Takeshi had no idea Shu picked up on everything he said like that. Unless he wanted to get smacked by Yumi every waking moment of his life he'd probably best watch his mouth from now on, for his own sake if nothing else. Disembarking from the shuttle they watched the Beastman wander off and Aito address them, relieved to find they would indeed have time to themselves now. Just as well seeing as they had been put to work immediately after getting up today, they were long overdue for some play time. Blinking as Shu grabbed his arm and dragged him along the older boy let out a laugh, quite amused by his sibling's enthusiasm. "Yeah yeah, we do stuff now! We'll go and have some fun, alright?" First they should go eat, and after that they should grab themselves a nap. Takeshi still planned on playing with Shu as well even if his big plan for the little guy wouldn't happen until Uuonoe. Hopefully he didn't mind waiting a bit then. "What do you want for lunch? I don't know what we've got up on this tanker, but there's gotta be something good. Anything you're craving Shu?"

"Excellent, I'd rather learn everything now while it's fresh in your mind, thank you," Vegeta said as he waved his brother along. Seeing Shu and Takeshi leaving ahead of them he debated asking them as well, opting to after a moment's consideration; even with his state of being becoming disrupted as of late Viral was still more articulate and insightful than those two, he'd prefer an account that really covered a good deal of what went on. Glancing at Viral as he rubbed his head Vegeta frowned disconcertingly, keeping his words to himself for the moment however as he shrugged. "Father is seeing to them, and the doctors will be able to assist him. Unless something unexpected comes up I shouldn't be needed for a while," he pointed out, "At any rate as I said, I'd like to be filled in on what happened down there. I don't doubt once we return to Uuonoe we'll be questioned as to what we were doing, and what we witnessed. I'd like to pre-screen our reports then, I don't much care to give Korian every little detail if it can be helped. We did all of the leg work, I've no love for a man dictating orders behind a desk." If he'd wanted to he could have sent rebels along as well, yet they were still too vested in the war that was on hold. If they couldn't be bothered to put out a little for the cause then Vegeta figured they couldn't handle all the information either, turnabout's fair play.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu wanted to get up and go immediately without any wait, even though the main reason had to do with getting off the ship immediately. He would feel much better if he was able to get rid of this anxiety and get far away from the source. Smiling up at Takeshi as they exited he wandered out with him, having a look at the Beastmen quickly before to Aito. He didn’t know whether he wanted to talk to that guy about his anxiety or not, seeing how he did try Vegeta but nothing came of it. He thought Vegeta was seeing him like he was some sort of idiot the last time he went to him for help, he was definitely pretty embarrassed during that encounter. Maybe Takeshi would go a little easier on him and forget about his problems, then they could get on with their lives. He even tried to be brave that time and hide his worry, but it seemed that was pointless. Hoping this next little outing would make Takeshi forget about his problems he giggled as he pulled him along, smiling happily. “Yeah! Lots of fun! All the fun!” he giggled, having a quick bounce, “For lunch I want some steak! Maybe fruit too! Sounds like nice time for me! Sure we have those, yes?”

Viral wanted to continue with his venture to his room but with Vegeta wanting his attention he would have to go along with it and hope for the best. He wasn’t going to keel over just yet, in fact he hoped he was going to get better in this time and not have to go rest up. He really didn’t want to rest up, it was still an experience that was not very desirable and with his mind not functioning too well he worried he would just end up groggy and acting like an even bigger idiot. Maybe he just needed to wait to get this fully out of his system, he was lucky that he managed to get his own mind back after that. If that man was so confident that the serum would allow him to remain fully under his control permanently then he was lucky to break free from control altogether. He was doing pretty good otherwise despite the massive headache, dizziness and complete lack of concentration. Watching where he was walking at first he soon looked to Vegeta, staring at him before he let out a sigh. “So chances are you won’t be around if I keep you for too long, because you’ll have to go…” he spoke, knowing it was most likely going to happen like it has done in the past, “Either way…not much happened. They shot down some cannons, they blew the hole in the wall, they fought the soldiers…there was…some Elite…”He didn’t really remember much after that, but he didn’t think much else happened after that. He was still going to be giving this report like he was still in his right mind, although he did have his suspicions when Vegeta had picked him out. “When we get back to Uunoue they’ll be looking out for the Beastmen causing trouble…then want rid of everyone the moment one steps out of line…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Hard to say what brought about such a sudden change in Shu, but if the little guy was happy now then who was he to complain? Not that Takeshi really could at the moment as he was focused on not getting his arm yanked from its socket by Shu. Stumbling along after his brother the older boy grinned and let out a laugh, "Easy there squirt, we haven't even started and you're already bouncing all over the place! You're so crazy sometimes!" Steak and fruit, now there was a pretty decent sounding meal! "Hell yeah, I bet we've got loads of that. After we finish playing I'll cook us up plenty of good food, then we can go take a nap. By the time we wake up we'll probably be back on Uuonoe!" Takeshi didn't particularly care for a nap as he was far from tired, not to mention he was curious about the Beastmen, but Shu took precedence. They would be around later if he really wanted to go and see some of them. Easing up the tugging Takeshi brought Shu to a halt, smirking as he reached out and prodded his brother's forehead with two fingers. "Alright, hang on a second Shu. We want to play fight yeah? We should probably go to one of the training rooms then, which are that way," he explained with a thumb over the shoulder, "So lead the way buddy!"

"Well... Realistically I'll only be called away for an absolute emergency. Father's expertise far exceeds my own still and the doctors with him should be more than capable of assisting him. No, I don't imagine I'll be called away at all now that I consider it," Vegeta mused, sounding a bit dismissive of the notion entirely. Chances were unless it was a life or death situation he'd simply pass the job onto someone else, he needed to sit down with Viral and get this report; his friend's health was a subject of conversation quite frequently and now was a good a time as any to get a proper look at how it was progressing. "I see... So you breached the facility, dispatched the Elites and rescued the Beastmen. "We didn't expect much resistance on the world, being as isolated as it is. Hearing some Elites were present is a bit of a surprise but clearly there isn't much cause for concern." Without another word Vegeta briefly glanced at Viral, seeming to stare for a moment before looking away silently. There was some fatigue on Viral's face, had he done the majority of the fighting? Everyone else seemed fine so it was possible, then again considering Takeshi's penchant for charging in, and Yumi's unwillingness to let Viral endanger himself he doubted it. "Well then, we'll have to keep them out of Korian's jurisdiction won't we? Appeal directly to the locals and ask for some kind of shelter for them, we'll circumvent having to deal with that... Man, and provide for them all the same. I think we've got just as much pull as he does."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was dead set on taking Takeshi with him at a fairly quick pace, even though he wasn’t entirely sure where he was going in this place. He was never really good at this sort of thing, he was more of a follower than a leader so where he was going was being played completely on instinct. He would have to shove Takeshi out front if he was going to find out where they were going to go in the end, but probably when Takeshi told him he was going the wrong way. “I’m no crazy! You crazy for wearing shoes!” he giggled, bouncing on his toes, “Uuonoe no far! No far at all! Maybe kind of far, but not really! Not really sure how far planets are or how fast we go…” Trying to not think about it too much he squeaked when Takeshi stopped him, thinking he had gone the wrong way before he was prodded on the head. Rubbing his head quickly he stared up at him, tilting his head a little before giggling, bouncing on in the direction Takeshi had pointed in. “Okay! We go that way! To playtime!”

Viral let out a groan at Vegeta’s confident words regarding Aito, looking away momentarily before back at him lazily. He didn’t believe in such a thing, eventually Aito was going to ask for second opinions and just end up pulling him away from this. “You only consider the chances by percentages and other data…” He really didn’t want anybody to notice his mental condition and the longer Vegeta hanged out with him the higher the chances he was going to get called out for it. The last thing he wanted was for everyone to get all worried over him again, he just wanted this to pass. Staring at Vegeta lazily as he went over what was just said to him he barely took note of how Vegeta was giving him a silent staring at, frowning when he noticed before looking away with a grunt. He didn’t like it when he did that, it meant he was being analysed to see if anything was wrong. Disliking how he was looking he only looked back when Vegeta ceased staring at him and decided to move onto the subject of how they were going to deal with the Beastmen without Korian losing his top again. “Hmph, you have fair assumptions that people can handle fifteen more of me…” he muttered, rubbing his head, “Don’t even know how different they are compared to me…or how advanced they are…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Wha... Hey, wearing shoes is comfier than not wearing them, you know! You like no shoes, I like shoes, that's just how it is," Takeshi said defensively, puffing up a bit at that comment. His brother didn't skip a beat and kept on bouncing around like a little maniac, way too overexcited for what they were doing here. "It's a ways off, I don't know how long either. We'll get there though and that's all that matters right?" Not to train on his brother's parade but they had gone off in the wrong direction seeing as they were passing some living quarters now. Giving Shu a prod on the forehead he directed him the other way, smiling amused as he just kept on bouncing. "Jeez squirt, you're not gonna have any energy left for playing, you know?" Takeshi laughed, having to pick up the pace to stay alongside Shu, "You really that excited for play time?"

"Well empirical data usually helps me come to the best conclusions," Vegeta said with a shrug, "But I suppose they're not always completely correct. None of them appeared to need immediate attention in the hangar and I'm sure if any of you noticed anything we would have been told. More likely than not they're simply confused right now." As anyone would be when thrown into a new setting as they were. The fact they were heading directly to Uuonoe gave little chance for acclimating to the ship, the planet was only going to dishevel them further. "You contradicted yourself. Fifteen more of you, yet they could be vastly different or advanced, as you say. Just pointing that out. As for handling them I don't imagine there's going to be much problem in that regard. Father seems to do well with people, though recent events might suggest otherwise," Vegeta mused, recalling the spat with Krom back on Uuonoe a few days prior, "They seemed... Distant, even more than they were lost. Almost as if they were simply shambling along in life. Someone like that probably lacks the will to try and fight, or the confidence. As sad as it is to say I think they're simply husks for the time being until they learn to appreciate what opportunities they have."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“Shoes are dumb! Silly for wearing! Not get to feel all the goo!” Shu giggled, trying to tease Takeshi with his dislike over dirty stuff, “Feet all get dirty but no care ‘cause can just jump in puddles and splash-splash!” Takeshi really didn’t seem all that enthusiastic about getting dirty, maybe that was the reason he was so into wearing shoes. Everybody except the likes of T’charrl and him wore shoes so maybe they were the weird ones. Whatever way it was it didn’t matter, he was just going to carry on and not wear shoes. When he was directed the other way he did turn and started heading in the other direction, giggling lightly before looking back to Takeshi when he questioned his energy output. Bouncing, he quickly turned around and shook his fists. “I will have energy! Lots of fight and not changing…I am happy for the fun! Not have worry of bad happening…it good and good for me! Is that no kay or something?”

Viral stared at Vegeta before he groaned, disliking how much detail he was going into. He just wanted him to be done with him and go away. Wondering just how far away the dining hall was from here he frowned when Vegeta started to correct him, glancing over to him slowly before looking away again. He just couldn’t be bothered to talk to Vegeta about this kind of stuff anymore, his head felt heavy and all this talking was making Vegeta sound like he was drifting away. Rubbing his head briefly to try and regain focus he blinked a few times before looking back to Vegeta, trying to compose himself again. “…You say that as if that’s not what it feels like to be an artificial creature…” he muttered, looking a little unfocused still, “They’ve just not had the experiences of life to understand that they probably are not wrong to think like that. Just what are they going to do, anyway…other than be assigned jobs…told that they must limit themselves. The rebels will always be watching over them unless we take them for ourselves…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Walk in goo? But that would feel so gross between your toes..." Takeshi bemoaned, frowning as he cringed inwardly, "And all that dirt... There could be bugs, or even worse, crap. And I'd rather scrape that stuff off my shoes than the bottom of my foot, you know?" Sometimes it was okay to not wear shoes, like when you were bathing, or at the beach. The times where it was okay though were far and few between, normally things were so disgusting Takeshi would never dream of forgoing shoes. Maybe while they were having their little fight though he could take them off, even if it meant trying to move around in socks. Noticing just how overly excited Shu was about everything the older boy couldn't help but comment and wonder how in the hell anyone could be so hyperactive. "Oh yeah, I guess that's true huh? I told you that you'd be fine buddy, didn't I? And no it's all okay, it's more than okay. It's awesome that you're happy," he answered with a thumbs up, smirking proudly, "And we'll keep working at it, right? You won't have to worry about changing anymore."

There went Viral groaning again, he'd brought it up. Vegeta only wanted to make it abundantly clear that there was very little likelihood of his needing to be involved with the Beastmen just yet, given their father's experience and the number of medical personnel they now had. "Feeling alienated for being different is understandable. Seeming to be wholly detached from their current situation is another matter," he pointed out, glancing again at Viral as he spoke. There it was again, eyes unfocused and appearing to look at nothing in particular. Just how much energy had he expended on the ground? What had happened? "If anyone's assigning them jobs it won't be us. Nor do I expect we'll be telling them to limit themselves. We'd rather encourage growth, not stifle it," Vegeta explained before letting out a sigh, "I don't doubt you're wrong there either. Knowing Korian he'll try to put a watch over them every moment of the day. I'd like to bring them with us if that's the case, but we should see what it is they want. After being stuck in that facility they may wish to live out in the open, on a new world. Or they may prefer the familiarity of the ship, hard to say. We'll leave that decision to them."

"At any rate that's not a decision we can make just yet. There's more than we anticipated, and if I'm not mistaken I saw a child as well. After clearing them medically we'll have to speak with them and see if they know what they want for themselves." Given their limited life experiences it would more likely fall to others to decide, and while Vegeta loathed to dictate someone else's life he felt they were far better for that than Korian or the rebels. "How's your hunger been lately? Have anything of an appetite?" Vegeta asked, glancing back as they walked into the dining hall, "Since we only just left Uuonoe our stock is good, there's a wide choice of foods. Anything in particular you'd like?"

Here was the training room they'd be using, complete with some nice spongy mats on the floor if they ended up rolling around. Takeshi glanced around at the machines and moved about to make a little more space. Once enough was clear for them he kicked off his boots and grinned at Shu, walking over to the mats and waving him over. "Come on buddy, if we're going to wrestle then let's wrestle," he called, crouching down slightly, "I'm going to kick your butt, just so you know. No way am I gonna lose to a little squirt like you."
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