Kai-mosa is an alternate planet, It is a world where man has developed technology called Soul tech. That harness the power of the user's soul to power various devices, armor and weapons. This world is filled with numerous mythological and fantasy creatures. Some have been tamed, to be used as pets or servants; While others are fiendish and will attack on site. The World is ran on the souls of humanoids, creatures and even the planet itself. There are huge cities, filled with people engrossed in their everyday life, to small colonies of naturalist. Who prefer to harness the power of their souls naturally without the help of technology. The world is ran by the Eleven Immortals who are self proclaimed gods that wander the land. Welcome to Kai-mosa the land of souls.
The Eleven Immortals each have their own mountain scattered throughout the land from which those devoted to them may visit and offer tribute it is also a perch from which they can effectively rule the realm.
The First Immortal has no name. His mountain contains nothing special on it. He is the god of gods, law, balance, and wind.
Anumus- The sand Dragoon. His mountain is covered in sand, containing only small oasis of water along the path. He is the god of earth, and Time.
Borin-The guardian of faith. His mountain contains several shrines as well as an abbey where a specialized group of monks prey and train in the arts of combating the undead. He is the god of faith, hope, protection, light, healing, and Thunder
Bariashuu-The dragon man. His mountain also nicknamed dragon mountain is infested with all different types of dragons. It is a dangerous to stray from the path to the shrine. for reasons unknown all that stay upon the path to the shrine are safe from the dragons. He is the god of fire, monsters, dragons, marriage, passion and the sun.
The shrine of the Immortal Isram The Musician rest at the top of the mountain. Isram is the lord of commerce, trade, craftsmanship and festivals.
Maelaph-The librarian. The entrance to his shrine rest at the peak, his mountain is nearly hollow. The inside a massive library filled with tomes and books. He is the god of knowledge, mystery's, artifacts, and quest.
Mia-The Divine Twin. Her mountain is covered in white flowers, it is said a new white flower blooms for every soul that dies at war. She is the goddess of war, fairness, women, and birth.
Nia-The evil Twin. Her mountain is littered with the dead remains of beast, thieves, assassins and murderers. She is the goddess of thievery, vengeance, murder and war
Neusu's shrine rest at the snowy top of the mountain. Neusu the Blind lady of winter. Some call her Frost, she is the goddess of winter, disasters, fate, luck, rage, love, and courage.
Sadya-The Huntress. Her mountain is covered in trees, and animals. She is the goddess of the hunt, Animals, travel, and nature or earth.
Sarael-The harvester. His shrine rest at the top, his mountain is hollow. Filled with catacombs, and souls. He is the god of death, souls, the harvest, life, and Famine.
The Pure, (purist)
They are what we would call normal Humans. They have Titled themselves as "The Pure" and believe they are above everyone else. They believe every other race possess unclean souls, and refuse to acknowledge them as equals. The Pure are the most dominant race on Kai-mosa. The pure mainly rely on Soul Tech to augment their powers, but there have been known to be some naturalist groups that broke off from time to time. They are a well rounded race able to do anything they set their mind too. Although not many are known to become specialized in a skill set.
Avg height 5.5/6.5
Avg lifespan 115 years.
They are a fierce race originally developed by "The Pure" as servants during the great Equals War's. Androids are machines that are made to appear as other races, and then supplied a synthetic soul. After the Equals war's when all the other race's came together, The Androids decided that they wanted rights as well. They started a war called the 5k war and won within 5 days. Killing thousands of purist each day, until their demands were met. It took the high council 5 days, but they had won their Independence. The androids although few, are now growing in numbers as they have found a way to harness soul energy and able to synthetically reproduce by merging their souls into a mechanical body they have built. Typically hate The Pure
Avg height: N/A (as they are able to build themselves to any specs they wish, though crazy builds might be rejected)
Avg Lifespan: 200's (there souls have been known to die out around this time, there are rumors are evil androids harvesting souls to extend their life; but no proof has been found.)
Cyborg, Android-Subrace
They are a mixture of several races, that wished to augment their bodies farther then normal. Replacing limbs and other parts for a soul tech replacement. Some choose to be like this others did not, but all are typically shunned as they are seen as abominations by most. Androids are typically more accepting to cyborgs then the normal races. You must pick a race to combine with this one, and use the original race as a template to create your Cyborg.
Avg height: Depends on race chosen.
Avg lifespan: Depends on race chosen
The Decaying, Subrace of all living.
These are considered almost an undead race. They are those that had somehow lost their bodies, and managed to either obtain another or solidify their soul form. Appearing the same as their original self except for a dark blue tint to their skin and cracks across their bodies. They are always in search for a new host, or sucking the souls out of any living thing they see. Most have not been able to control their hunger and tend to either die out or expose them self giving them a swifter end. Some more cunning have been able to hide there true form and control their urges. Living in normal society feeding off anyone or anything they see. Although the dark blue tint is not a dead giveaway for someone to recognize the decaying as there are several fades for dying skin, but the cracks do expose a decaying instantly. There is supposedly a sacred ritual that will return one's soul to normal, but no one has ever found it. (Soul Feeding takes full concentration and must be done regularly or you character will began to show signs of cracking and eventually die out. Most creature will avoid you and some will outright attack you on site. You are more likely to be attacked by creatures of good nature and avoided by those of evil nature)
Avg height: Depends on former race
Avg Lifespan: N/A (they live as long as the feed.)
Soul Elementals,
The story goes that there was once a small tribe of people that wished to rip off the bonds of their flesh and become one with the soul of the planet, but no one's sure where they came from or how they came to be. All people know is that they have been here since the beginning. Soul Elementals are souls that have chosen a predestined element, such as wind, fire, water, lightning and earth. Adapting their souls to this element they have actually fused and become one with it. Their bodies made up of the element they inhabit. It is not uncommon to see fire's shaped like men walking on the land, and nothing being burned as the walk. Now Elementals have been known to live forever they are not immune to normal attacks. Even though a man made of wind might be hard to see or man made of rock might be hard to cut with a sword. They can still both be harmed. Now the sword might not cut the stone man, but a hammer could easily shatter him and the man of wind, most likely will be spotted with the PPS used by most races, and naturalist can usually sense them.
Avg height: N/A
Ave lifespan: N/A
The Horned People,
These are a Majestic tall people, with deer like horns that sprout from there head, There race is very noble and refuses the use of soul tech. As they believe it corrupts the soul, and are able to call upon their souls and the souls of the things around them to empower themselves and call upon the souls of creatures and minions to do their bidding. They are also the most short lived race on Kai-mosa the oldest recorded being 80 years old, although you wouldn't know it from looking at them as there looks freeze at age 12 being fully grown and fully mature.
Avg height: 6.5/8.9
Avg lifespan: 60 years
Soul Weapons,
Soul Tech Weapons: Are typically ranged weapons that fire specialized blast, Depending on the weapon and the user's sole type. There have been rare accounts of Melee weapons. All soul weapons are typically in a compressed form, only when energized with the user's soul does it expand. Some have been known to inflict affinity's based on the mastery, type and alignment of the user's soul. Although due to the nature of Soul tech weapons they do not adapt to the users souls easily. Making it very hard to inflict affinity or maintain elements on. ( soul tech weapons are loud and noisy, except certain military grade weapons
Ancient Soul Weapons: Are weapons, not commonly used by the majority. It's more common to see "The horned people" or the Naturalist wielding these weapons. The majority of these weapons are Melee with some ranged weapons such as bows that fire off arrows consisting of soul energy. All Ancient Ranged weapons, require a more than average mastery of one's soul energy to effectively wield. Melee weapons require no soul energy mastery to wield, but can be infused with the owner's soul energy through meditation or practice. Allowing a person with a high mastery of soul energy, to infuse their weapons with strong affinity and elements. The weapons often change once wielded reflecting the owner's soul.
Soul energy(Magic) and Abilities,
All spells and abilities, use the characters soul, including the use of tech gear. While tech gear and weapons don't use a lot of energy compared to ancient gear, weapons and casting spells without the use of a soul tech catalyst. soul tech spells and abilities are typically cast or activated very quickly and with little concentration required, but they are also capped in power. They can be used many times before the user feels and soul fatigue and there is little threat of overuse and soul decay. Now Soul spells and abilities that use familiars, natural catalyst and ancient weapons are strong and have almost no cap in power, but a user can often push the limit to far and because there soul to go into decay. They also experience fatigue a lot quicker. (Now anyone can use a spell a million times and only feel fatigue, it's when you push things too far on one spell that will cause your character's soul to go into decay. typically a character feints before that happens, but it has been known to happen.
Soul Tech Armor(PPS): PPS or personal protective system, is a system that is built into everyone that uses soul tech, it is what gathers the soul energy and distributes it through the body. The Civilian PPS (which is what everyone starts with) Consist of digital contact lenses that scan your environment, identifies personal and creatures in the system also allows you to add them to your personal database., shows your vital signs, warns you of incoming attacks(this does not mean you can dodge every attack by the time the system warns you, you hardly have time to react before getting hit) it also distributes a medical attention to various parts of your body. (like adrenaline, maybe stop you from bleeding internally, help you recover from being unconscious it is not a substitute for a doctor and does not make you immortal.) Also augments your abilities helps you run faster, hit harder, hear and see farther. (Now this is all included in your stats. so don't expect anymore bonuses) PPS is invisible, so if someone is looking at you they wouldn't be able to tell. The contact lenses and hearing aids are all invisible, the system that navigates your body think of them like nanobots.
Soul Tech Armor(CPS) CPS or combat Protective system, is an upgrade from the normal PPS system, and cost quite of bit of money to obtain, but it adds a better medical system, the ability for your system to identify weapons that have been stored in system as well as add new ones to your personal database. It aids a aiming assist, to the contact lenses telling you how far away the enemy is what angle you should aim for, and if they're running how far ahead. Studies show that it has increased accuracy by 20%. It also includes a soul shield generator, that is worn like a belt. Able to deploy a full body shield with 1.5 post(this means you activate it at the beginning of your first post and halfway through your second you can enable it), that can withstand normal attacks for 4 post. (this does not mean your invincible. a normal attack is defined as someone striking you with a sword, now if that sword is infused with fire, you might not feel the sword blow but the fire will burn you as that is a special attack)
Soul tech Armor(normal): now this is armor you go out and buy at the store, it can look just about anyway you want. It is often compressed in six places, consisting of the chest or back, each wrist and ankle and the back of the neck. When activated the armor expands covering the body. Now if you do not want a helmet that is fine. Soul tech armor can be slightly constricting, it is not uncommon for nimble warriors to have armor that just expands to cover their forearms, shoulders, outside thighs, feet and head. Feel free when you purchase light or heavy soul armor to customize the look yourself.
Ancient Armor: These armors, often carry elemental or affinity protections based on the user's sole and armor. It is not uncommon to see wild looking, armors as the armor appearance reflects the user's soul. It is not uncommon for its appearance to change if there has been a huge change in the user's soul. Ancient armor appearance never changes when in or out of combat. when removed it does turn into normal looking armor, that you might see lying around any old dungeon.
Soul tech, and Ancient Shields(normal): The work just like the armor. For soul tech they compress into the wrist of the user's choice. for ancient, they reflect the user's soul until unequipped. All normal Shields are solid not to be confused with the CPS Shield.
Character sheet.
Gender: M/F
Race: what race you, choose from the list and copy/paste the info here along with restrictions and bonuses.
Alignment:I use the DND alignments so lawful good, chaotic good, good, true neutral, lawful evil, chaotic evil true evil.
Physical description: Picture works, but must provide a height and weight, and anything unique that's not in the picture also please explain the clothes they normally wear.
Personality: what your person like, are they normal or do they have issues. Please just don't list likes and dislikes.
You are able to create your own custom skills as long as you get it approved by a mod. You must give a description of the skill. Note skills are not like traits they are useable by everyone. Skills will have to be discovered in post, you might not realize you've stumbled upon a new skill until you are awarded it. You can also learn skills from books and trainers. Being introduced into certain skills and magics are very difficult and some can be harmful to one's soul or physical body.
Skills can get complicated so make sure to run them by the mods, before use.
Traits:Are something awarded to you by a moderator or earned under special circumstances. Leave blank until told otherwise. Traits can be good or bad. An example:
Charming:Your character is liked by all and is seen as an approachable friendly person. 20% discount on all goods. Other player characters will take a liking to you.
Now a bad trait could be for example:
Ugly:Your character may be beautiful but is considered to have an ugly soul or appearance to to the common folk and player characters. 10% markup on prices.
A magical trait could be as described:
Soul attunement :One has the ability to detect the alignment of another player or character by viewing the aura(color) of their soul.
This could be useful in quest or threads with other characters to help your character in the rp determine if there companion or a stranger is really a good person or if they are prone to lie. Doesn't mean an evil person and a good person can't get along they are just more likely to clash.
Class:. (currently there is none, so please make your own, but you must go into detail, and I don't expect full mages to run around with a great sword. Classes are not a set thing they can be altered and changed later on they do affect gear and spells; class stated can be merged and new unique ones can be created. This is just to keep people running around op with high powered soul spells and weapons.)
Job: This is what you do when you aren't out on the field battling, could be blacksmith, carpenter, anything you set your mind too, but please go into some details so that I know what type of bonuses to give for the job. Also if you want no job, you can put bum, begger or wanderer. Jobs can be determined later in roleplay and can be written out by mods if you would like. Jobs are how you earn credits and make a living. Some jobs require certain skills for example: A blacksmith, would need skill points in metalsmithing, Blacksmithing and weaponsmithing. Just to make a weapon from scratch, though the need of metalsmithing wouldn't be needed if one wanted to buy or already converted into ingots; instead of converting it themselves.
Soul Spells/Abilities: You must go into detail and number of use, and strain on the user soul when using.
Summons: can only pick this if it relates to your class. Erase this if your class doesn't have summons.
Weapons: What does your person use as a weapon. how many do they got and all that jazz. (your weapon cannot be special and have elemental properties in the beginning)You get one just one weapon free of charge at novice level, any other weapons must be bought.
Armor/soul tech gear: Please go into detail if your character wears any. Also do not load your character out with a bunch of fancy gear or your app may be denied. Novice equipment please.
You start out with one set of cloth clothes, any armor must he bought.
Head: Cloth Cap or Hood
Chest: Cloth Tunic or Dress
Gauntlets: Cloth Gloves
Rerebraces: N/A
Vambraces: N/A
Flauds: N/A
Greaves: Cloth Pants or Leggings
Boots: Cloth Shoes or Sandals
Vehicle/pet:Must be earned, tamed or bought. (Requires moderation to earn or tame)
Relationships/family:This is where you place any family or relationships to other player characters IF you can also place npcs here if you wish to, but that NPC does not belong to you.
History: pretty much tell me how you got here and why you're here, were you from and what's happened to ya and you got to be where you are.
Work sample: A paragraphs or two of you being IC, this is for others to see how you write. You can be denied if this turns out to be copy and pasted from another source.
The Plot.
There has been strange surge in soul energy through the world, those attuned through it without soul tech find themselves feeling more powerful than ever before. Those using soul tech find that their machines run better and faster. Their guns shooting faster and harder. No one knows why the planet is emitting so much energy, its radiation of soul energy causing the once calm and friendly beast to become hostile, the dimwitted humanoids to become feral and vicious. The once peaceful world has started to become hostile. Even the main races that rule the world feel the need to pick up arms and cause needless bloodshed. The immortals who ruled the world have been sighted at several areas where the flow of soul energy has been the strongest, performing rituals none have ever seen. People have gone missing, rumors have even said that the islands in the sea have begun to rise and float in the sky.
Though there is nothing special with our heroes, or champions are nothing more than a band of strangers brought together. Chosen only because the dead call to them, to rise up and save the living.
A single spectre. In the form of a teen girl appears before each one and tells and tries to persuade each and everyone to meet in "Hacochi" The flying Captial
Is a bustling trade hub, that is easily accessed from the sky, by way of shuttle, flying vehicles and pet. You can access from the forest floor, but it is very difficult and almost unheard of now. For one would have to travel through the forest to Pirca "The Shadow city" which resides almost directly underneath the capital, and is a slum for all kind of villainy.
They are to meet at the arena there and speak to Londi the arena’s owner and host of battles.
1. No being a rude OOC , IC is fine as long as your char is that way or upset no random tantrums your character must have a reason for being upset. No you don't have to run around going "ahhh i'm upset FU" but you can be like *He looked around feeling slightly irritated as the old man kept poking him with his cane.* then i can understand if your char yells profanity's at the old man.
2. Cursing, and killing other people char is allowed, but you must make sure its cool to kill the char. They must agree to it!!!!!, also no god modding and auto hits in fights that will get your char killed off and banned from the thread.
3. No power playing, no op techniques and spells. There will be leaders for each group the good, neutral and evil.
4. CHAR SHEETS must be kept up to date by you.
5. ALWAYS ASK!! Never assume something is ok.
6. Romance is allowed, cybering is not!! If you want your characters to make love....well put they made love. WE DO NOT NEED TO KNOW THE DETAILS!! THIS IS NOT A PORN SITE!! Also its banned because we will have underage persons attending this site.
7. I have implemented a second chance system, if you Character dies you go into limbo or a in between phase. Where you are the soul form of your character, until you are resurrected. When resurrected depending on who resurrects you and how much effort they go though can depend on, what you are resurrected as. (undead and even getting your body back) There is a way to resurrect yourself and that is to have your character travel to the other side and back and than you must confront a enemy (Role Player) and defeat them to gain your body back. When this is done you come back as a Decaying soul but be warned you will be attacked often!! If your a Decaying soul (note. The mods will decide if you post if worth coming back, if you really love your character you will put effort) If you char dies after the second time he is gone for good!!! (also people you can not kill another person's char without there permission)
Also Soul Mages/summoners and any Soul wielders i trust ya not to be Op Ass holes you know ya got a limit and if ya abuse it and we find you you will be punished!!
Same with warriors your allowed to take more punishment doesn't mean you invincible, if ya lose a arm and act like its nothing we gonna have a problem.
I will play both the narrator (DM-dungeon master) and a character to keep the group going. All Major Npc's, beast and bosses will be played by me. Minor enemies and the such the player can control. I will notify you before you start if a foe is going to be controlled by me.