Name: Dominic Savantez
Gender: Male
Age: 47
Birthplace: Las Angeles, California.

Personality: He is a very commanding and slightly aggressive man. He treats everyone in the group like they matter though. He will not tolerate anyone who is unkind in any way to his daughter. He can be very spiteful, but if he is against you it is unlikely you would know until he has dealt with you.
Occupation before the breakout: He was a con man, but tells everyone in the group he was a train conductor. Everyone believes him to an extent but some who are highly observant like Alex and Clara feel like something is up.
- An amazing talker, being a con man you kinda have to be.
- Can tell if someone is lying, he is amazing at lying and knows all about body tells so he can tell if a person isn't being straight with him.
- Highly charismatic, he has an abundance of charisma.
- Handgun aficionado, if it wasn't for his daughter Dominic would probably spend all of 'his hard earned cash' on handguns. He is a collector of them and knows way more than a lot of people would know about various handguns.
- That something will happen to his daughter.
- He is a very spiteful person and if someone angers him he will secretly try to take them down.
- Not necessarily afraid of death but that if he dies his daughter would be left alone.
Equipment: Of his collection he currently only has his favorite on him, an Obregan. The rest are in a safe near where his house was buried underground in case of emergency.
Group: San Clemente group.
History: WIP (daughter is 16 years old.)