Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Blake Rogers

Fiesty ~ Hard-headed ~ Reckless ~ Harsh at times ~ Stubborn ~ Cold at times ~ Caring though she hates showing it ~ Protective but once again doesn't like showing it
Blake was once a pretty kind, sweet girl(surprisingly) that was until her mom died in a car accident and her father began to ignore her drowning himself in his work. This cause the girl to have to learn how to mourn on her own which ended up changing her into how she is today, although her old personality is still deep inside of her.

As time passed Blake kept doing reckless things to get herself in trouble at school and occasionally with the police. Her dad would simply act like he cared in front of the authorities but when it was just them he simply reprimanded her for dragging him away from work, not for getting in trouble which just drove her to keep doing the bad things trying to get a reaction out of him but it never worked. So now-a-days you can see her vandalizing walls with graffiti, stealing things from stores, picking fights with idiots, and many other things. None of them actually bring her joy minus the graffiti which she likes because she loves art.
Digimon Partner
None yet
She loves art and carries a small sketchbook with her wherever she goes


Butthead, Dumb Dog (Just a few Blake calls him when they clash)
Fiesty ~ Fierce ~ Hard-headed ~ Strong combat instinct ~ Stubborn ~ Wild at times(tends to like to bite, snap, and headbutt Blake) ~ Protective ~ Caring (the last two traits are rarely seen but it's obvious that despite Blake and Dorumon butting heads and clashing with eachother due to their personalities they have a mutual feeling of actually caring about eachother)
Blake Rogers
Evolution line

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Princeofhearts
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago




Khalil is the type of guy to babble a lot whenever he's nervous or angry. He does like to talk a lot but when it comes to being in groups he tends to stay quiet and mind his own business.

Khalil was born in a middle class family, they gave him anything he wanted just because he was the baby of the family. Well, he had a twin brother -but- he was the youngest out of him being that his twin was born first than him for like a minute and a half. Khalil always had the feminine features, even his parents were confused to know if he was a male or a female but he was pretty sure a male, he had everything a male had. Now, he's been going to school and pretty much doing what other students do everytime they go to school right? Plus, he's been helping out his mother with the noodle shop that they own now! It's pretty fun, and the food is delicious, make sure to stop by.


Digimon Partner::


Other: Khalil is a male but crossdresses and looks a lot like a regular female.



She has a lot of patience and is good at dealing with Khalil - although perhaps it is not patience as she does not seem to be annoyed by Khalil. Palmon is very nice, she is also quite the team player; she gets along with everyone pretty well, being nice and easy-going.

History(opt): [ will think of something soon]

Khalil Rose

Evolution line:

In-training; Tanemon

Rookie; Palmon

Champion; Togemon

Ultimate; Lilymon

Mega; Rosemon

Other: Palmon has a sweet personality just like her tamer, and they love the color pink!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Amora Hayes

Flirty ~ Bubbly ~ Outgoing ~ Cold/Evil ~ Fiesty ~ Sarcastic
Amora had a dark childhood, her parents always fighting and taking anger out on Amora. She was abused by not only them but also the random people when her parents brought home when the other parent was gone. That's where she learned all her habits and became hateful. She basically copied what her parents showed her life should be like minus the abuse unless she absolutely hates someone.
Digimon Partner
TBA/None yet


Generous, Kind, Helpful to those that are evil ~ Evil, Dark, Deadly towards those who are virtuous/good ~ Also flirtatious at times like her partner mainly in her mega form or champion form
Amora Hayes
Evolution line

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cheshire Cat
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Cheshire Cat Corporal / Bot Killer Squad

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

For humans

Eric Burns



Mentally weak and almost fragile phyisically. Appears to be nice at first glance but is cunning ang evil on the inside, he just chooses to hide it.

Eric always had a small hatred for other people ever since his parents dropped him off with his aunt and uncle and never returned. It was this hatred that inspired him to work through any mental abuse put in his way as he adopted the guise of a sweet, innocent person. He used this to secretly undermine those with a "happy life" by getting close to them and enacting a swift betrayal due to his jealousy.


Digimon Partner:

TBA/None yet


For Digimon


Batty (due to his bat-like appearance and it also meaning insane)

Mischievous and coniving. Constantly picks on his partner in hopes of bringing out the evil side he loves to see and matches his own evil personality.

History(opt): -
(to be added later, probably)

Eric Burns

Evolution line:

DemiDevimon - Rookie


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jurassic Weeb
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Jurassic Weeb Iris's Indomitable Thief

Banned Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Ryūko Drake
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: Ryūko is the laid back type, and may come off as not seeming to care and not worrying. However she cares deeply for her friends, especially Kuro, who she views as her closest friend. She is intelligent, but has slightly less common sense than most people. Ryūko is also an incorrigible nerd, and loves anime, manga, and video games.
History: Ryūko comes from a mixed family... well, with her being the mixed one in the family. Her father was a US Airman stationed at Yokota Air Force Base, and met her mother during his time stationed there. Her family moved to America when she was younger, but has only just recently moved back to Japan.
Crest: Courage
Digimon Partner: BlackAgumon "Kuro"
Crush/lover: TBA/None yet
Other: Quite obviously, does not use a minigun.

Name: BlackAgumon
Nickname: Kuro
Personality: Kuro is extremely loyal to his partner, and is quick to fight on Ryūko's behalf. Despite this, the BlackAgumon is skilled at quick thinking. Usually he is the quiet type, who listens and hears more than he lets on. Due to being treated differently by other Digimon because of his color and Attribute, he finds it hard to reach out to others.
Evolution line: Mokumon--> Koromon--> BlackAgumon--> BlackGrowlmon--> BlackWarGrowlmon--> BlackWarGreymon--> Omnimon Zwart/Omnimon Zwart D (Dark Digivolution)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

(Doing this for reference, if you wanna take a look at how Diogenes looks check him out in OOC.)

Name: Diogenes Dolorous (Real last name is Anderson.)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

personality: Diogenes is incredibly lazy, often wanting to do nothing more than rest. He is also incredibly Glum, some may call him depressed, as he occasionally makes a comment about life being too much effort. Despite that he is also laid back and relaxed, a good side effect of not worrying about anything, making him easy to talk to, and to vent to. he often comes off as cruel, but in reality its just disinterest, as he's disinterested in most things. He tends to be kinder than he lets on, but doesn't want anyone to know. (far from a stand-up guy though)

History: Born into a neglective family, Diogenes lived alone most times, and didn't have much to do other than rest. so he rested, and rested, until he didn't really care about the world around him all that much, he just wanted to do nothing.

Crest: Sloth

Digimon Partner: Syakomon

Crush/lover:TBA/None yet

Other: Loves the Sea, and reading.

Name: Syakomon

Nickname: Smiley

Personality: The red oni to Diogenes' blue, Syakomon tends to be incredible energetic, and incredibly demanding. Trying to make Diogenes do this and that all the time. Syakomon has a disarmingly cute appearance, but is often described as 'creepy' by others.

History: Being created in the Net Ocean, Syakomon was the runt of the group, in danger every day from larger sea-dwelling Digimon. until one day he realized he wouldn't get stronger here, so Syakomon made his way to a safer place, still in the Net Ocean. But not nearly as deep, and waited for a sign, a sign that he could get stronger.

Partner: Diogenes Dolorous

Evolution line: Bukamon, Syakomon, Gesomon, MarineDevimon, Leviamon.

Other: Syakomon wants to be a writer, and has a book idea called 'High tides, Higher Tempers.'
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