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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Quentin Richards

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Nicknames/Codenames: The Grey Ghost

Genetic Type: Old Type


Dozens of years of nonstop war and conflict have turned Quentin into a hard man with a strong sense of morality and vindication. He refuses to harm innocent civilians and refuses to commit crimes against his fellow man without reason. He is a model soldier otherwise however brave, valiant, and respectful to a fault. Though he can be kind he has trouble really opening up outside of the common polite conversations. He has a deep distrust of spacenoids due to the many years he has fought against them and a strong paranoia about those around him after the Gyps Conflict and his part in it especially due to his history with the Titans.

Though he isn't a fond of killing, he tends to be a realist on the battlefield. He does not typically worry about murdering his opponents with ruthless efficiency and practice. He isn't the type of person who compromises with terrorists or other people but is fair enough to not gun down surrendering opponents or defeated enemies without provocation. He doesn't enjoy fighting anymore but he feels it is his duty to continue on with his efforts to defend Earth after the Gyps Conflict and the incident with the Delaz Fleet. He can usually keep a calm face and attitude though if pushed hard enough he can become frustrated or angry enough to lash out at the cause of it. It is this along with his respect for Bright and the late Amuro Ray that has led to him taking a larger role in Londo Bell.

He has a personal fear of letting anyone too close to him and has no ended up with a love life due to this fact. In fact he has all but sworn off relationships in general but a part of him still clings to the hope that he could one day settle down.


Quentin is an adult male of about average size and build with graying black hair with a unshaven chin though he doesn't have a beard. He has dark brown eyes and not noticeable scars on his face but his calloused fingers and scars on his chest tell stories of hard work done in his younger years. He typically wears his federation uniform though outside of it he wears brown or plain colored pants and shorts and typically sports a white shirt.

His flight suit is black and red sharing the colors of the old Titans uniform that he sported during the Gyps Conflict as soldier in Karaba. However the suit isn't the original since he has out grown the suit the logo from the Titans has long since been removed replaced by a Londo Bell symbol on the left arm and sides of the helmet.


Born and raised on Earth at a young age in America young Quentin was the son of a Federation soldier and a school teacher who were high school sweethearts. They were often apart but Quentin was cared for by his mother when she wasn't on her job and a family friend of his father's when she wasn't home. His younger years weren't very exciting mostly living in a quiet suburban town was easy and not a hard life for Quentin. However whenever his father had off time he would come and visit his family more often than not often bringing home tales of the sides in space. Quentin often dream of going with his father to space which was what would inspire him to eventually join the military.

Upon entering high school young Quentin was not a member of any clubs though he had good grades and was all around respected by his teachers for his studious nature and his great school spirit. He didn't have too many friends but he did have a good group of people he loved to be with and was generally happy with his life. However as tensions rose in outer space he and his friends all were scared to death of what would happen too everyone in their town. Quentin as soon as he graduated joined the military and through hard work and effort he managed to not only join the military but pass with flying colors though he had a reputation for being 'that guy' as he was more business like than the rest of his peers.

There was not much to say about Quentin until he was chosen to be a member of one of the initial pilots selected to test Earth's new mobile weapons called the GM and ball. He was selected due to his performance in training and his track record for reliability in the academy. His testing of the machines revealed he was highly capable of actually piloting the machines and was picked out to fight in a mobile suit team on the front lines of the war. After saying his goodbyes to his father he served in his unit with ability capable of fighting enemy pilots head to head and keep himself alive. Though his initial team was quickly ripped apart due to death and circumstances he and his captain both survived handily in the war. After participating in Operation Cemballo and earning a nickname there as the 'Grey Ghost' for eliminating a large number of enemy troops and surviving, more in part to luck than skill, he proceeded to fight with the main bulk of the federation forces at A Baoa Qu. Though many of his allies died in the battles and he lost many friends in the process he managed to keep alive and was promoted to squad leader for the final push against Zeon even at his young age.

After the battle Quentin retired from the military quickly enough unable to properly cope with the horrors he experienced in the final waning hours of the war. He sought assistance from his old war buddies, and professional soldiers. His father who was crippled during the war, losing his left arm in a gun fight with Zeon soldiers, was a source of support for the young man. Through this and some much needed rest he was able to recover with time despite hearing all of the horrors still happening in space. His wanderlust and excitement to prove himself had faded when word of the attack from the Delaz fleet reached him. Upon hearing about the massive and downright disgusting incident involving 'The Nightmare of Solomon' and the famed admiral of Zeon he intended to rejoin the fight despite his reservations about if he could handle it properly. He was swiftly approached by the newly formed Titans to join their army and he did so with a smile on his face.

During his tenure as a Titan soldier he was piloting a RGM-79Q GM Quel and was the head of his own unit for a time before being relegated to a riot suppression unit. He quickly found himself having more and more units placed under his command due to his time as a soldier in the one year war and with many units in the Federation being swallowed up by the Titans he felt more and more uncomfortable in his role. Though he did see first hand the terrors of Titans even involving himself in some questionable activities at times he held strong to his belief that he was doing this with purpose. He continued to serve in the Titans all the way until the battle of Jaburo where he learned of the gassing incidents. After surviving the battle he found his way to Karaba where he defected to their side and gave them many secrets involving the Titan's bases nearby. A primary reason for his defection to Karaba over the AEUG was due to not only his distaste for spacenoids but his respect for pilot Amuro Ray.

Leading a strike team for Karaba Quentin found himself destroying many Titan facilities and leading smaller groups of Karaba rebels in fights all over Earth in a series guerrilla attacks. It wasn't until things heated up in space did he join the main forces of the AEUG in space. During the Gryps conflict he often met soldiers he served with and did his best to spare their lives but he did end up killing many old friends. He served with Bright's forces for a time before the final conflict where he was placed as a reserve unit. Once the battle had finally come around he was chosen to lead some of his fellow Karaba soldiers as a commando unit taking out key targets in the battle though he ultimately once again lost the majority of units in an intense fight.

After the war he opted to stay with the Karaba forces and served with Bright and Amuro Ray for a time up until the formation of the Londo Bell forces where he and other war veterans were placed in a squad dedicated to rooting out pockets of resistance forces who continued to pursue war against Earth. He would not participate in many if any of the major battles during the Second Zeon War though he did enter a skirmish or two. He participated in the first defense of Earth against Char's Neo Zeon but failed to stop the initial drop barely surviving the battle his suit nearly destroyed. He would not participate with Amuro in the final fight and it would ultimately eat at Quentin wondering if his presence would've changed anything. He took Amuro's spot as a top member of Londo Bell for a time before letting others take over major roles. More recently he has been placed at the disposal of anyone who needed him the legacy of the Grey Ghost weighing heavier on it's bearer more and more.


Mobile Suit:

Type of Mobile suit:

Suit Appearance: This specific model was built especially for Quentin and sports a light black and white paint job. It was made for him due to his commissioned as the new commander of Bright's Commando Team.

List of Weapons:
Vulcan Gun Pod
3-Slot Hand Grenade Rack
Beam Saber
Beam Rifle
Shield with 2-tube Small Missile Launcher
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Akimi Tschida
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Codename: N/A
Genetics: Newtype

Personality: The male half of the Tschida twins, Akimi is far more laidback and reserved in comparison to his explosive-tempered sister. He is a particularly understated figure, carrying himself with a demeanor of quiet standoffishness and dry wit, although some have accused his low-energy nature of being representative of some sloth. However, the truth is that he simply doesn't like exposing himself to so much struggle or conflict, preferring to get things over and done with as quickly and easily as possible. Even on the battlefield, he has a certain composed air to him, attacking enemies with almost-mechanical efficiency and a dispassionate air. Frequently, it is he who has to convince his sister to retreat, possessing a far less prideful view of battle. Even when fighting against Zeonic forces, he is more restrained, although admittedly ruthless as well. His hatred for Zeon's actions has, much like his sister's, yet to subside.

Given his irregular upbringing and Newtype awareness, Akimi can be rather strange in regards to interacting with strangers and their ilk. Having spent of most of his childhood with his sister bouncing around orphanages and as a test subject for the Augusta Newtype Research Institute, he isn't particularly sure of how to interact with strangers. He views them through an experimental lens, treating them as little more than talking flesh bags that are to be observed for data. This dispassionate outlook has led to some decrying him as perverted and voyeuristic, but but it is simply the manner in which he views the world, unless it in regards to his sister. Akemi is essentially his only family and only friend, and he is utterly dedicated to keeping her safe, serving as a cool counterbalance to her fiery spirit. He will not hesitate at all to keep protect her, no matter what foe he must triumph over.

He also isn't too fond of his appearance, but he resigned himself to the fact many years ago.

Appearance: Standing at 180cm, exactly as tall as his twin sister, Akimi is somewhere above the average height for natives of Shangri-La, and definitely above-average for the female that people tend to perceive him as from time to time. Thanks to a quirk of fate, Akimi is viewed as being more feminine than his twin, especially given the presence of his ponytail, slender frame and youthful face. Generally soft-spoken and higher in pitch than most men, it does not come at a surprise that people have confused him for being the female of the pair, a misunderstanding that only worsens when he is standing next to his boyish-looking sister.

Slender, yet still fit thanks to his participation in the experiments (and prodding from the other Tschida), Akimi has an admittedly attractive appearance (although he'd prefer to have muscles, thank you very much). His eyes are a colder, icier blue than his sister's, set above a pretty nose and a thin line of a mouth. He doesn't really have any special markings or the like on his person, though there is a faded, almost-unnoticeable scar right next to his eye from accidentally running in a table corner in his youth. His pilot suit is maroon with silver highlights, baring patches for Londo Bell and the Augusta Newtype Lab.

Biography: The fraternal twins Akemi and Akimi Tschida were born in the space colony of Shangri-La in the year UC 0075, spending their first four years of life in peace as inhabitants of Side 1. It was a simple existence, even when taking into account their family's confinement to the colony's slums, but their very world was shattered with Zeon's proclamation of war. Mere weeks into the devastating conflict that would be later known as the One Year War, the older Tschidas became unfortunate victims of the conflict gripping the Earth Sphere, and the twins were left to their own devices, homeless and alone. They bounced from orphanage to orphanage, struggling to survive alongside their compatriots in Shangri-La's slums as the war continued to rage on. It was during this painful period that they slowly began to manifest signs of Newtype abilities, bringing them to the attention of certain Federation interests.

Said Federation interests being those of the burgeoning Newtype Institutes.

With the end of the War, the twins were removed from Shangri-La and brought planetside, where they found themselves as subjects with the August Newtype Research Institute. As some of the few natural Newtypes (and developing ones as well) that the Institute could successfully analyse, the two were treated rather respectfully and with caution, a far cry from the horrifying experiments that the Cyber-Newtypes, those that the researchers had created with the assistance of the data they provided, were forced to undergo. Indeed, their experimentation was, for the most part, non-invasive, and a greater focus was instead placed upon the differences within Newtype brainwaves and how the abilities would function with the assistance of psycommu systems.

Given their abilities, the twins soon found themselves testing a number of mobile suits for the Earth Federation, learning from a young age how to pilot the machines. By the beginnings of the Gryps Conflict, the then barely pubescent Newtypes were already familiarising themselves with the Federation's weapons, contributing their assistance to the military effort through the Augusta Institute's psycommu tests. It was after the collapse of the Titans and the transformation of Axis Zeon into Neo Zeon, however, that they first saw combat. With Haman Karn's proclamation of the First Neo Zeon War, Akemi Tschida immediately leapt at the chance to take vengeance upon those that had murdered her parents, dragging the more-reluctant Akimi along as well. Escaping the Newtype Lab's clutches during one of their rare tests in space, the two and their machines found themselves wreaking havoc upon Zeonic forces, ambushing any monoeye they could find (that wasn't unfortunate enough to be in the AEUG) in battles and skirmishes.

However, their fun would soon come to an end when the Earth Federation caught up to them. Had they been actual military pilots, instead of test subjects of the Newtype Labs, they would've been thrown through a military tribunal. Fortunately for them, they were too valuable in the amount of experimental data they could provide, and were instead whisked back to Augusta, where they were restricted far more than prior. As such, both of them were forced to stand by while the Second Neo Zeon War burned through the colonies, nor were they presence of the Axis Shock.

With the outbreak of another Zeonic rebellion, the Institute decided that it would be for the best that they were allowed back into combat, with the Federation assigning the two to Londo Bell, where they would have ample opportunity to test their machines and provide new data to the researchers planetside.


Model Number: ORX-005 [TR-5]
Codename: Gaplant
Unit Type: Prototype Transformable Mobile Armor
Manufacturer: Oakland Research Institute

Suit Appearance:

2 x beam cannon
2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in hip armor, hand-carried in use
2 x spread beam gun
1 x long blade rifle
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 25 days ago

The Newtype Twins

Akemi Tschida

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by swifttalon
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Ayano Mori

Age: 23


Nicknames/Codenames: Hebi

Genetic Type: Oldtype


Due to Ayano being a gearhead for most of her life, she has a tendency to get hung up on the technical side of a lot of conversations about the mechanics of mobile suits, choosing to believe in the raw statistics of machines rather than some "space magic" that people call Newtypes- despite seeing some of these instances for herself.

Out of talking about mechanics, Ayano tries to be relaxed as she can, not wanting to be a constant thorn in the side for her superiors. She certainly possesses the compassion for her team, as well as human life in general. However, she's a bit of a hothead, snapping back at anything that threatens her team or any of their suits- mostly the latter, especially her own GM III. The moment that she feels one of these is in danger, she fights her fiercest to defend them, even if its sometimes unnecessary.


Ayano stands at an average height with a slim build, a decent amount of muscularity showing through her olive skin from all of her mechanical work. Piercing gray eyes stare from under shoulder length black hair, usually kept in a ponytail. A couple scars riddle her body from miscellaneous accidents from working, but nothing especially noticeable or with any meaning. A tattoo of a serpent runs down her left arm, earning her nickname Hebi, or "Snake" from one of her old mechanic friends.

Her flight suit is in a pale blueish color and black, with light gray stripes up the arms. This is from her old unit in the Federation, thought her patches were replaced with Londo Bell's when she was transferred. A smaller version of her tattoo is also stitched on her arm.


Born and raised on Side 6, Ayano was only a young child when Zeon attacked the colony in 0080. Naturally, this left a distaste in her mouth regarding the faction. As she grew, the spacenoid fell in love with the technicalities of the mobile suits, and went on to become an engineer for the Federation. Overtime, she longed to use the mobile suits she had worked on for years, and began her training as a pilot, and showed a natural skill for the position. Years later, a transport carrying a set of Jegans in its cargo bay- which Ayano was tasked to maintenance and deliver, was attacked by a rouge faction, using outdated suits- both Zeon and Fed, marking them as thieves, pirates, or something. Ayano, one of the few members of the crew awake at the moment, jumped into a suit.

Things could have gone better, but also much, much worse. As the suits breached the cargo bay, Ayano, along with the three or four other members in Jegans, flew into the thick of battle. The rookie pilot was in the middle of her first skirmish, though against under-average opponents. Seeing no reason for killing, she attempted to simply incapacitate the attackers, rather, she attempted to. Immediately, a Jegan was shot down, exploding under the cargo ship. A bloodlust filled Ayano, and she charged the older GM-II, skewering the chest with a beam saber, incinerating the pilot. Before she knew it, the battle was over, the remaining enemies flying off, and her CO commanding the team back to the ship.

Seeing her skill in live combat, Ayano's superiors pushed her up the ladder some, taking her off of the mechanical team, and onto the combat one. The pilot saw several combat scenarios from the retaliation from the Neo-Zeon forces; a sore-spot for the spacenoid's history from her time on Side 6. Close to the end of the war, barely before the Axis drop, Ayano was added to Londo Bell, once again a rookie pilot on a team of aces.


Mobile Suit:

Type of Mobile suit: RGM-86R GM III (See Fully Armed Mode)

Suit Appearance: From a production run late in the series, Ayano's GM III uses the Jegan's upgraded shield with the twin tube launchers. The suit itself is mainly a slate gray/pale blue color matching her pilot's flight suit. The torso is black, with silver stripes up the arms, legs, and detailing on the shield. The same snake symbol on Ayano's flight suit is located on the chest, opposite side of the Londo Bell symbol.

List of Weapons:

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