Akimi Tschida
Name: Akimi Tschida
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Codename: N/A
Genetics: Newtype
Personality: The male half of the Tschida twins, Akimi is far more laidback and reserved in comparison to his explosive-tempered sister. He is a particularly understated figure, carrying himself with a demeanor of quiet standoffishness and dry wit, although some have accused his low-energy nature of being representative of some sloth. However, the truth is that he simply doesn't like exposing himself to so much struggle or conflict, preferring to get things over and done with as quickly and easily as possible. Even on the battlefield, he has a certain composed air to him, attacking enemies with almost-mechanical efficiency and a dispassionate air. Frequently, it is he who has to convince his sister to retreat, possessing a far less prideful view of battle. Even when fighting against Zeonic forces, he is more restrained, although admittedly ruthless as well. His hatred for Zeon's actions has, much like his sister's, yet to subside.
Given his irregular upbringing and Newtype awareness, Akimi can be rather strange in regards to interacting with strangers and their ilk. Having spent of most of his childhood with his sister bouncing around orphanages and as a test subject for the Augusta Newtype Research Institute, he isn't particularly sure of how to interact with strangers. He views them through an experimental lens, treating them as little more than talking flesh bags that are to be observed for data. This dispassionate outlook has led to some decrying him as perverted and voyeuristic, but but it is simply the manner in which he views the world, unless it in regards to his sister. Akemi is essentially his only family and only friend, and he is utterly dedicated to keeping her safe, serving as a cool counterbalance to her fiery spirit. He will not hesitate at all to keep protect her, no matter what foe he must triumph over.
He also isn't too fond of his appearance, but he resigned himself to the fact many years ago.
Appearance: Standing at 180cm, exactly as tall as his twin sister, Akimi is somewhere above the average height for natives of Shangri-La, and definitely above-average for the female that people tend to perceive him as from time to time. Thanks to a quirk of fate, Akimi is viewed as being more feminine than his twin, especially given the presence of his ponytail, slender frame and youthful face. Generally soft-spoken and higher in pitch than most men, it does not come at a surprise that people have confused him for being the female of the pair, a misunderstanding that only worsens when he is standing next to his boyish-looking sister.
Slender, yet still fit thanks to his participation in the experiments (and prodding from the other Tschida), Akimi has an admittedly attractive appearance (although he'd prefer to have muscles, thank you very much). His eyes are a colder, icier blue than his sister's, set above a pretty nose and a thin line of a mouth. He doesn't really have any special markings or the like on his person, though there is a faded, almost-unnoticeable scar right next to his eye from accidentally running in a table corner in his youth. His pilot suit is maroon with silver highlights, baring patches for Londo Bell and the Augusta Newtype Lab.
Biography: The fraternal twins Akemi and Akimi Tschida were born in the space colony of Shangri-La in the year UC 0075, spending their first four years of life in peace as inhabitants of Side 1. It was a simple existence, even when taking into account their family's confinement to the colony's slums, but their very world was shattered with Zeon's proclamation of war. Mere weeks into the devastating conflict that would be later known as the One Year War, the older Tschidas became unfortunate victims of the conflict gripping the Earth Sphere, and the twins were left to their own devices, homeless and alone. They bounced from orphanage to orphanage, struggling to survive alongside their compatriots in Shangri-La's slums as the war continued to rage on. It was during this painful period that they slowly began to manifest signs of Newtype abilities, bringing them to the attention of certain Federation interests.
Said Federation interests being those of the burgeoning Newtype Institutes.
With the end of the War, the twins were removed from Shangri-La and brought planetside, where they found themselves as subjects with the August Newtype Research Institute. As some of the few natural Newtypes (and developing ones as well) that the Institute could successfully analyse, the two were treated rather respectfully and with caution, a far cry from the horrifying experiments that the Cyber-Newtypes, those that the researchers had created with the assistance of the data they provided, were forced to undergo. Indeed, their experimentation was, for the most part, non-invasive, and a greater focus was instead placed upon the differences within Newtype brainwaves and how the abilities would function with the assistance of psycommu systems.
Given their abilities, the twins soon found themselves testing a number of mobile suits for the Earth Federation, learning from a young age how to pilot the machines. By the beginnings of the Gryps Conflict, the then barely pubescent Newtypes were already familiarising themselves with the Federation's weapons, contributing their assistance to the military effort through the Augusta Institute's psycommu tests. It was after the collapse of the Titans and the transformation of Axis Zeon into Neo Zeon, however, that they first saw combat. With Haman Karn's proclamation of the First Neo Zeon War, Akemi Tschida immediately leapt at the chance to take vengeance upon those that had murdered her parents, dragging the more-reluctant Akimi along as well. Escaping the Newtype Lab's clutches during one of their rare tests in space, the two and their machines found themselves wreaking havoc upon Zeonic forces, ambushing any monoeye they could find (that wasn't unfortunate enough to be in the AEUG) in battles and skirmishes.
However, their fun would soon come to an end when the Earth Federation caught up to them. Had they been actual military pilots, instead of test subjects of the Newtype Labs, they would've been thrown through a military tribunal. Fortunately for them, they were too valuable in the amount of experimental data they could provide, and were instead whisked back to Augusta, where they were restricted far more than prior. As such, both of them were forced to stand by while the Second Neo Zeon War burned through the colonies, nor were they presence of the Axis Shock.
With the outbreak of another Zeonic rebellion, the Institute decided that it would be for the best that they were allowed back into combat, with the Federation assigning the two to Londo Bell, where they would have ample opportunity to test their machines and provide new data to the researchers planetside.
Model Number: ORX-005 [TR-5]
Codename: Gaplant
Unit Type: Prototype Transformable Mobile Armor
Manufacturer: Oakland Research Institute
Suit Appearance:

2 x beam cannon
2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in hip armor, hand-carried in use
2 x spread beam gun
1 x long blade rifle
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Codename: N/A
Genetics: Newtype
Personality: The male half of the Tschida twins, Akimi is far more laidback and reserved in comparison to his explosive-tempered sister. He is a particularly understated figure, carrying himself with a demeanor of quiet standoffishness and dry wit, although some have accused his low-energy nature of being representative of some sloth. However, the truth is that he simply doesn't like exposing himself to so much struggle or conflict, preferring to get things over and done with as quickly and easily as possible. Even on the battlefield, he has a certain composed air to him, attacking enemies with almost-mechanical efficiency and a dispassionate air. Frequently, it is he who has to convince his sister to retreat, possessing a far less prideful view of battle. Even when fighting against Zeonic forces, he is more restrained, although admittedly ruthless as well. His hatred for Zeon's actions has, much like his sister's, yet to subside.
Given his irregular upbringing and Newtype awareness, Akimi can be rather strange in regards to interacting with strangers and their ilk. Having spent of most of his childhood with his sister bouncing around orphanages and as a test subject for the Augusta Newtype Research Institute, he isn't particularly sure of how to interact with strangers. He views them through an experimental lens, treating them as little more than talking flesh bags that are to be observed for data. This dispassionate outlook has led to some decrying him as perverted and voyeuristic, but but it is simply the manner in which he views the world, unless it in regards to his sister. Akemi is essentially his only family and only friend, and he is utterly dedicated to keeping her safe, serving as a cool counterbalance to her fiery spirit. He will not hesitate at all to keep protect her, no matter what foe he must triumph over.
He also isn't too fond of his appearance, but he resigned himself to the fact many years ago.
Appearance: Standing at 180cm, exactly as tall as his twin sister, Akimi is somewhere above the average height for natives of Shangri-La, and definitely above-average for the female that people tend to perceive him as from time to time. Thanks to a quirk of fate, Akimi is viewed as being more feminine than his twin, especially given the presence of his ponytail, slender frame and youthful face. Generally soft-spoken and higher in pitch than most men, it does not come at a surprise that people have confused him for being the female of the pair, a misunderstanding that only worsens when he is standing next to his boyish-looking sister.
Slender, yet still fit thanks to his participation in the experiments (and prodding from the other Tschida), Akimi has an admittedly attractive appearance (although he'd prefer to have muscles, thank you very much). His eyes are a colder, icier blue than his sister's, set above a pretty nose and a thin line of a mouth. He doesn't really have any special markings or the like on his person, though there is a faded, almost-unnoticeable scar right next to his eye from accidentally running in a table corner in his youth. His pilot suit is maroon with silver highlights, baring patches for Londo Bell and the Augusta Newtype Lab.
Biography: The fraternal twins Akemi and Akimi Tschida were born in the space colony of Shangri-La in the year UC 0075, spending their first four years of life in peace as inhabitants of Side 1. It was a simple existence, even when taking into account their family's confinement to the colony's slums, but their very world was shattered with Zeon's proclamation of war. Mere weeks into the devastating conflict that would be later known as the One Year War, the older Tschidas became unfortunate victims of the conflict gripping the Earth Sphere, and the twins were left to their own devices, homeless and alone. They bounced from orphanage to orphanage, struggling to survive alongside their compatriots in Shangri-La's slums as the war continued to rage on. It was during this painful period that they slowly began to manifest signs of Newtype abilities, bringing them to the attention of certain Federation interests.
Said Federation interests being those of the burgeoning Newtype Institutes.
With the end of the War, the twins were removed from Shangri-La and brought planetside, where they found themselves as subjects with the August Newtype Research Institute. As some of the few natural Newtypes (and developing ones as well) that the Institute could successfully analyse, the two were treated rather respectfully and with caution, a far cry from the horrifying experiments that the Cyber-Newtypes, those that the researchers had created with the assistance of the data they provided, were forced to undergo. Indeed, their experimentation was, for the most part, non-invasive, and a greater focus was instead placed upon the differences within Newtype brainwaves and how the abilities would function with the assistance of psycommu systems.
Given their abilities, the twins soon found themselves testing a number of mobile suits for the Earth Federation, learning from a young age how to pilot the machines. By the beginnings of the Gryps Conflict, the then barely pubescent Newtypes were already familiarising themselves with the Federation's weapons, contributing their assistance to the military effort through the Augusta Institute's psycommu tests. It was after the collapse of the Titans and the transformation of Axis Zeon into Neo Zeon, however, that they first saw combat. With Haman Karn's proclamation of the First Neo Zeon War, Akemi Tschida immediately leapt at the chance to take vengeance upon those that had murdered her parents, dragging the more-reluctant Akimi along as well. Escaping the Newtype Lab's clutches during one of their rare tests in space, the two and their machines found themselves wreaking havoc upon Zeonic forces, ambushing any monoeye they could find (that wasn't unfortunate enough to be in the AEUG) in battles and skirmishes.
However, their fun would soon come to an end when the Earth Federation caught up to them. Had they been actual military pilots, instead of test subjects of the Newtype Labs, they would've been thrown through a military tribunal. Fortunately for them, they were too valuable in the amount of experimental data they could provide, and were instead whisked back to Augusta, where they were restricted far more than prior. As such, both of them were forced to stand by while the Second Neo Zeon War burned through the colonies, nor were they presence of the Axis Shock.
With the outbreak of another Zeonic rebellion, the Institute decided that it would be for the best that they were allowed back into combat, with the Federation assigning the two to Londo Bell, where they would have ample opportunity to test their machines and provide new data to the researchers planetside.
Model Number: ORX-005 [TR-5]
Codename: Gaplant
Unit Type: Prototype Transformable Mobile Armor
Manufacturer: Oakland Research Institute
Suit Appearance:

2 x beam cannon
2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in hip armor, hand-carried in use
2 x spread beam gun
1 x long blade rifle