Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Alexander Sky

Are we really sure about that? thought Alexander, before saying:

"It appears that powers are being openly used here. Guess we're not having that cliched X-Men scenario...yet." God must be personally interfering to make sure that fears and predjudices didn't matter.

"Well, at least we still have some coin," Alexander changed the subject. "Anyway, Kyle," he began to ask, "what's your life like? How'd you get those powers? For me, well...my powers came from survivor's guilt." Many people had died from the Martian Virus, after all.

"I'm not sure if we're going into an xmen senario or not. After that kid and I used our powers we got looks from several people in the crowd. The ref even had to step in and say that because powers weren't forbidden in the rules and because we hadn't cheated the kid could continue. Lost to you in the last round, but I wouldn't be surprised if we weren't allowed to use our powers, or even participate next year. It took decades before things really went down hill for the xmen." He paused for a moment. "We need a professor X."

"As for my powers, I fell down some stairs." He was going to stop there, but realized it sounded like he was trying to cover up abuse. "Really, broke my neck. I was in the hospital unable to move and it got ridiculous. the nurse had to bathe me, feed me, carry away my shit, wipe my ass, everything. I just wanted to be able to do something by myself. That's when the tv remote came to me. After that I got the healing, for obvious reasons, and when my cousin with super strength started to train me I got durability, again for obvious reasons. You?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>

"I'm not sure if we're going into an xmen senario or not. After that kid and I used our powers we got looks from several people in the crowd. The ref even had to step in and say that because powers weren't forbidden in the rules and because we hadn't cheated the kid could continue. Lost to you in the last round, but I wouldn't be surprised if we weren't allowed to use our powers, or even participate next year. It took decades before things really went down hill for the xmen." He paused for a moment. "We need a professor X."

"As for my powers, I fell down some stairs." He was going to stop there, but realized it sounded like he was trying to cover up abuse. "Really, broke my neck. I was in the hospital unable to move and it got ridiculous. the nurse had to bathe me, feed me, carry away my shit, wipe my ass, everything. I just wanted to be able to do something by myself. That's when the tv remote came to me. After that I got the healing, for obvious reasons, and when my cousin with super strength started to train me I got durability, again for obvious reasons. You?"

"Again," spoke Alexander, "I lost friends to the virus." Deciding to elaborate, he continued:

"I always wanted to be a hero, wanted to be the light in the grim darkness of our world. But, what I ended up becoming was a self-righteous asshole; I myself don't know if I've changed. I had a habit of making friends, then alienating them, and then the Martian Virus struck my hometown; I remember hearing about my family fearing for my life, or my friends dying. Just before my powers manifested, remember...wanting to go back to those times, as well as wanting to...pierce my delirium and reveal the truth behind things..."

"You're also right on how the situation may not have deteriorated yet. But, I didn't use my powers, so that might...I'm just being optimistic."

"As for a 'Professor X', that'd be convenient, but for now, we should assume we're thrown on our own resources."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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((Collab Post between TheUnknowable, Ceta de Cloyes, and Letter Bee))

@ the diner:

"Cool," said Derrin, glad that she had backed off. Talking about super powers made him nervous enough, but talking to a hot chick, especially one that was into you, was even worse. "No wonder you beat him so easily. He couldn't really effect you."

@ the convention:

"I didn't know you could get powers like that, but, now that I think about it, there's no reason you couldn't. At lease we have an Emma Frost, even if we don't have a Professor. Maybe we can form our own Xmen without one."

"Yeah," said Alexander. "Either way, we're going to need money, connections, and hideouts. We also need popular support; without that, we are nothing. Oh, and an encrypted website that's public, but unhackable." A smile.

"We're going to have fun working together."

"Sounds like I need to do some studying, then. I'm decent with tech, so I'll start looking stuff up when I get the chance. Besides, I can still get powers if I need them enough, so I bet if I study enough I'll get that level in Supergenious I was talking about."

Alexander blinked.

"You can? How? I thought once the infection has passed..."

Kyle pulled out his cell phone and brought up a youtube video about the virus. "I've seen a few videos, including this one, that suggest that not everyone loses the ability to get new powers when their symptoms go away. They call them "Carriers", and the carriers can infect other people. I checked on the FDA website, and it looks like they think that's a possibility. If that's the case, the guy that broke out of qurantene at the space center is probably on too, and he's still on the loose."

"So," spoke Alex, "another villain to fight, if he is a villain."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ceta de Cloyes
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Ceta de Cloyes Roziphontes

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"Well-" she began, but stopped just as quick as she uttered the first word. She had been about to launch into a detailed analysis of the different weaknesses and frustrations she'd observed about her powers, but she realized outlining them to a stranger was a terrible idea. "No," she finished softly after a moment of silence. "I guess he couldn't."

Now she was thinking, and a kind of lost feeling settled in her gut. This was a terrible idea, what was she thinking? She was going to get herself killed or worse. She shot a hurt look at Derrin, though it was nothing he did, more like she felt guilty for tricking him. She wasn't a girl, so what was she playing at here? She sighed and pushed her food away, appetite thoroughly lost. She wiped her hands on a napkin and made to leave.

"I'm sorry," she apologized hastily, "This was a mistake, I should've never got involved. Should've just kept my head down and gone to Canada like I planned from the start." She huffed, mostly talking to herself now. "I'm not needed, and I'm not wanted. Just how I like it." She muttered, lying to herself as she made to escape the restaurant.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

((Collab between Ceta, Letter, and Unknowable))

"Wait, don't go." said Derrin, trying to get out of his seat quickly. "Who said you weren't wanted?"

Vin hesitated, it was rude of her to just leave, but at the same time she felt her previous words were still true. "It's nothing," she said waving a hand as if to shoo the question away, "I just hear things y'know? My telepathy I mean, not always, it takes too much thought, but you start to get the patterns after a while. I think it'd be best if I just left." She wasn't sure, but running had worked out for her before. Somewhat, Okay, so she was a homeless thief now, it wasn't that bad.

...it might've been that bad.

"Is someone here hostile to us?" He didn't understand what was going on. "I guess they're a bit weary of us, but I doubt they hate us enough to try anything."

"What?" She asked, misunderstanding where his question had come from. "No, it's not that, just in general." She explained, "I don't mean to offend," she tried, "I just feel like it'd be best if I stayed out of- well, everything. I'm going to Canada, that was the plan at least. A small Canadian town where no one will find me." She wasn't sure why she thought that was a good plan, it sounded awfully lonely, and really she'd prefer to live in a big city and spend her life partying, but Canada sounded... safe?

"Do you have family there? Friends?" He wasn't sure why she'd run away to there. "From what I've heard, some small towns are worse than big cities. At least in the city there are other people like you, and still other people who understand what it's liked to be a bit of an outcast because of who you are." He paused and took a breath. "I guess what I'm saying is, if you want to go, I won't stop you, but I think that here you'll at least have friends and people who know what you're going through. Personally, if things get worse, I'd prefer to be with my cousin or others that were also hated for being a Super than in some city where they may or may not accept me."

Her powers were only obvious if she made them obvious, but despite her ability to conceal herself, he had a point. Better to be surrounded by friends- if that's what was even being offered here, than to be surrounded by enemies. "I... don't have anyone." She admitted after a moment. "Fine, I'll stay, but you asked for it." She said with a slight smirk.

"Asked for what? Are you saying I can't handle you?" Derring caught himself. "I mean, you being around. I wasn't...uh..." His voice trailed off.

Vin's smile wavered at his words, he had no idea how right he was. But that wasn't a conversation for now, so she decided to just roll with it. "Exactly," She said, not bothering to specify, "I need a place to stay. Got a room?" She asked with an innocent grin.

"Well, my roommate did move out when he found out I was a Super. "For his own safety" he said, so I've got a room if you need it." It'd take a bit of getting used to having a female roommate, though.


"Yeah, I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing that he's still missing. If he does start breaking the law, it could reflect badly on all of us. People tend to group others together based on similarities, and our powers could be just the thing to get us labeled as bad guys."

"Indeed," spoke Alexander. "We need to start organizing for our rights, and we need to do so on the Internet and locally."

"In that case, I'll introduce you to a few of my forum friends."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between three remaining players))

Vin smirked, but she inwardly forced herself not to frown in concern. She hoped Derrin wouldn't ask too many questons, or dig around in her stuff. She didn't have anything that would give away her real identity, but the boy's clothes and various sizes would no doubt draw suspsicion. She'd also have to put off returning to a male form for a while, until she worked up the courage to confide her full ability to him.

She'd have to do that soon, considering he was willing to trust her in his home. "Too bad for him, he's missing out. Lucky me though." She said cheerfully. "Are you finished?" She asked, "We can go to your place now if you're ready. Just need to pick up my stuff. I left it under the fire escape on that cornerstore down the street from where the pyro went nuts." It was a small bag, but it served her purposes.

"Sure." Derring said, running his card for their food. "Let's go." He got up and started walking back the scene of the crime.

Vin was quick to follow, plucking another handful of fries from a vacated table on her way out. "Do you think the police are going to kill him? The guy I mean, the pyro?" She was worried about the government's reaction to supers.

"He'll go to trial, I'm sure. Whether he actually killed anyone or not during that outburst, I don't know. If he didn't they'll probably lock him up in a cell with a sprinkler system or fire supressing foam or something for the next decade. He definately attempted to murder some people."

Vin wasn't concerned about the man, but more for herself, and others with powers. "It's just... if they start getting used to fighting violent people like us, what happens when they come up on someone whose not doing anything wrong? Will they care? Or will they shoot first and ask questions later?" She sighed, shaking her head, "Sorry, not the best conversation topic there is." She apologized, then scooped his hand into hers and pulled him along as she picked up the pace. "Come on, I wanna see you're place before dark!"

They rounded the corner to the fire escape she'd hidden her bags under, of which there were only two small black backpacks that held clothes and hygene supplies like shampoo and toothepaste. She threw one over her shoulder and snatched the other one by it's top into her off hand. "Where to?" She asked with a smile.

"Just follow me." he said, then lead her to his car. Once he was there he got in and drove her to his place on the other side of town.


Kyle pulled out his cell phone and brought up the forum where he'd been talking to other Supers, or at least people who claimed to be Supers, around the world. It wasn't as if you could test people over the net, and with editing software being so advanced even video wasn't really proof. "Here's the site I use." He held the phone up so that Alex could see the screen.

"I've been there," spoke Alexander, "but I'm suspicious of potential moles; do we have a technopath somewhere, one whose personality can be easily vetted?"

"Unfortunately, no. We could arrange to meet the ones in town personally if you want, and test them. Other than that, I don't know."

"Let's do the former, then, tomorrow," the 18-year old boy continued. "Also, I think that we've stayed in the convention long enough; perhaps it's time to go back home?"

"Yeah, it's getting late. We should go."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between three remaining players))

Several hours later at McDonalds, 8PM:

Kyle sat down at the table with his bigmac meal. "I contacted a local guy on the website that claims to be a super. He said he could meet us here if we want. He just got off of work and only lives a few blocks away."

"That's great!" Alexander said, while at the same time looking around the restaurant, looking to see if anyone was eavesdropping. Then, suddenly, everyone, including the staff, turned on their phones, as though starting a videochat; a few seconds later, everyone made to leave in an orderly fashion, just like in an evacuation. The 18-year old boy briefly wondered why that is so, before he drew these conclusions: 1.) The place was being evacuated, 2.) this place was going to be attacked, and 3.) the attacker did care about civilian lives...but not theirs'. Looking at the others, Alex gauged their preparedness; did anyone come to the same conclusions as he did?

Vin approached the McDonalds distractedly, thinking about how much her life had changed recently, and how it might be looking up. She was also aware she was risking a lot by getting involved, but before she could think too hard about it she noticed a large amount of people leaving the building. It was a bit odd, but she just thought it was a coincidence and entered the building as the last of them passed. "Some rush," she muttered. "That your cousin?" She asked Derrin, gesturing to the only people sitting down. She didn't even look at the counter, and didn't realize all the staff had left.

"Yeah, that's him" he said, looking around, then he looked at Kyle. "I thought that they might have recognized you from earlier and be fleeing from the Supers, but every other person has left, including the staff. That's not just a group of racists trying to avoid us. It wasn't a fire alarm, so what's going on?"

"We're about to be attacked," spoke Alexander, "by other Supers. Or at least, that's the best explanation." And with that, once the people have moved far away...it happened.

Out of nowhere, a gang of three appeared on the front parking lot, the first one conjuring up balls of plasma that he tossed at the window the group's table was near - Alexander countered by hardening said window, but all that did was stop the projectiles in their tracks...and cause the windowpane to melt anyway, creating an opening for the second Super to rush at the melting window at supersonic speeds!

Derrin grabbed his cousin's drink as the guy jumped through the window and threw it onto the floor, preventing the guy from getting traction. He then roundhouse kicked a trashcan at the fallen man. "Ok, we need to get out of here so we don't get cornered and won't be able to run."

Vin was surprised at first, but then she hardened her heart. It was to be expected, they were seen fighting one of their own, it was probably on TV by now. Regardless of if the guy was attacking people, it could still be viewed as a betrayal. Or maybe they were just the guy's friends, but she couldn't think of any other reason anyone would attack them. She was a bit slow to react, retreating a few steps so the boys were between her and them. She needed to figure out how to handle this, but luckily Derrin was a sensible sort and proposed they get out of there.

Fire suddenly leapt from her hands, but she was too hasty and hadn't managed to create the fire far enough from her skin. Palms seered, she hissed in pain, but ignored it and lobbed the ball of fire through the melted window at the other attackers and then another at the speedster. Hopefully fire was a good distraction. She retreated a few more steps in the direction of the other entrance, but didn't turn her back to them.

The Speedster slipped, but the Plasma-throwing Super and the third man were there now, the former using another power, the ability to throw globs of Sticky Foam, while the third man, who was, like the rest of the gang, clad in black leather clothing, stood in place and began to sing in a deep tenor voice, a voice that, when it reached people's ears, brought about a feeling of enervating terror.

Oh, and from the back door, two more people appeared; one of them held a Fallout-Style Tesla Gun, the other, meanwhile, had transformed into a lycanthrope in Army Surplus Body Armor that had been re-sized to fit his larger bulk.

Alexander pointed at the singing man, then spoke:

"Revelation; you are using a powerful mind-based ability in which you can influence others through music, with the weakness that should the person know that they're being influenced, said influence is cut by half. It also doesn't affect people who can detect powers." A smug smile, before Alexander drew his guns.

Of course, that still didn't change the fact that the group was outnumbered and surrounded.

Kyle shook his head after hearing Alex explain the situation and started calming down. Now able to at least will himself to fight, he lifted a handfull of ketchup packets with his telekinsis and tried to shove them into the singer's mouth to keep them from singing. Derrin also snapped out of it a bit and ran at the werewolf, screaming and tackling him into a wall to buy them room to escape.

The thing about scared people, they do stupid stuff, and right then, under the influence of unnatural levels of terror, Vin was a scared person about to do something stupid. Her voice took on a shrill, banshee-like quality, and a scream ripped itself painfully across the minds near her- and then it would be noticed that she wasn't actually using her voice to scream, but rather the psychic portion of her powers. Electricity zapped across her skin, shocking her though she didn't notice, and rapidly the sparks gathered into balls of electric light that launched themselves across the room in all directions.

She'd put so much distance between herself and the others that she hadn't heard Alex explain the power over the noise of her blood rushing in her ears. And then she was running for the only exit available to her- through the melted window and the first few who had attacked them, her skin still electrified if they tried to grab her.

In the absence of a miracle, Vin would be caught by a stream of sticky foam that covered her body; momentum would continue to swing her form through the window, but she would then roll across the floor, trapped in a cocoon that would keep her paralyzed. Before the other three can take advantage of it, Alexander would shoot at the Plasma-thrower and Singer's knees, bringing them down only to be blindisded by the Speedster, who would catch his hardened T-Shirt dead center and send him flying at the wall.

Derrin, meanwhile, would fare the best, as the Gadget-using Super and the Lycanthrope turned out to be weaker than he was, although he would find that the latter's claws would be proof against his invulnerability up to a point, as shallow cuts were inflicted on his skin; they would be deeper if not for his powers. Now Kyle was the only variable left...

Derrin just channeled the lightning from the gun into the lycanthrope and added some of his own lightning. He then pulled the gun from the tech guy's hand and threw the man across the room, javelin style at his buddies. He then tossed the gun to Kyle. "Hey Kyle, quit starring into space and fight." Sure, Kyle had silenced the singer for now, but that wouldn't take them out for long. At least now, if they tried to rush him, he could defend himself with something other than ketchup packets.

The tech guy's body would hit the Plasma-slinger and the Singer, while the Speedster would wheel around to attack Kyle from the back. Alexander was still unconcious, but merely bruised, while the Gadget-user, seeing his Lycanthrope friend knocked out, would draw a smaller gun and shoot a memory-alloy metal net at Derrin!

Kyle tried to turn around to shoot the speedster with the lightning gun, but he got knocked down instead. He fired quickly in the man's direction, knowing that at least he wouldn't hit Alex.

Meanwhile Derrin jumped sideways when the guy fired at him, but found his legs tangled in a net when he hit the ground.
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