♔ Crowned ♕

Once upon a time, there lived a queen and king... No, no, that mustn't be right-- wait, yes of course it is.
Though, that is not where the story starts, not where it start at all in fact. No, the tale begins within the Season of Growth,
for it is written long since the history of the Magnolia Kingdom, that when the nation first settled a leader was chosen by young maidens of the upper class. Suitors would gather to win the hearts of the women, for one would be the destined queen. After a grand ball, the girls would announce their chosen man the next morning. This man would now be her current companion, as the journey to the throne begins. The games are then ensued, though these seem more like trials than games, as the men are put to tests in order to appeal to the standard of the land. A good man of Magnolia is charming yet athletically advanced in sword fighting, horseback riding, and other means of physical training. Logic is just important as athletics, as the people stand by a man who is also a strategic thinker. A man with rhetoric and art both on his side is also encouraged. The games will put to test all these standards.
Throughout the test the girls can chose to withdraw their support of their own companion if she is displeased with his performance within the games or is in disgust with his character as a human being. She is then allowed to choose one of the different men. If the man she chooses will be already taken, he must make the decision to leave his current maiden for the one now picking him. When the games end, votes are casted by nobles in account of the suitor’s achievement and the maiden’s support and bond of her companion. Though the chemistry between the two is only weighed upon their feelings publically, even if they are acted out as real in front of an audience though fake in private. After the Season of Growth, comes the Season of Harvest that is when the voted king and queen become husband and wife- marriage. This tradition is practice when a king does not bear a son, thus in memory Magnolia’s history, the Season of Growth begins again. That is where our story begins…
Though, that is not where the story starts, not where it start at all in fact. No, the tale begins within the Season of Growth,
for it is written long since the history of the Magnolia Kingdom, that when the nation first settled a leader was chosen by young maidens of the upper class. Suitors would gather to win the hearts of the women, for one would be the destined queen. After a grand ball, the girls would announce their chosen man the next morning. This man would now be her current companion, as the journey to the throne begins. The games are then ensued, though these seem more like trials than games, as the men are put to tests in order to appeal to the standard of the land. A good man of Magnolia is charming yet athletically advanced in sword fighting, horseback riding, and other means of physical training. Logic is just important as athletics, as the people stand by a man who is also a strategic thinker. A man with rhetoric and art both on his side is also encouraged. The games will put to test all these standards.
Throughout the test the girls can chose to withdraw their support of their own companion if she is displeased with his performance within the games or is in disgust with his character as a human being. She is then allowed to choose one of the different men. If the man she chooses will be already taken, he must make the decision to leave his current maiden for the one now picking him. When the games end, votes are casted by nobles in account of the suitor’s achievement and the maiden’s support and bond of her companion. Though the chemistry between the two is only weighed upon their feelings publically, even if they are acted out as real in front of an audience though fake in private. After the Season of Growth, comes the Season of Harvest that is when the voted king and queen become husband and wife- marriage. This tradition is practice when a king does not bear a son, thus in memory Magnolia’s history, the Season of Growth begins again. That is where our story begins…
Firstly, the roleplay will strongly have themes of the middle ages and of the setting of fairytales, though there will be no magic nor mythical creatures. Our tale takes place right at the start of the Season of Growth, with the grand ball. Here your characters will find their suitor or maiden, depending on which one you will choose to be. Though there will be drama and broken hearts, no one will die, as this roleplay will not be dark nor grim. But with power or love at a question, there is sure to be ties of conflict or secret alliances. The games will also serve a good part of the roleplay as the men will be given many challenges, some putting them up against each other face to face.
Our maidens will be princesses, sisters really. As it is tradition that the Season of Growth begins when the late king bears no son and instead daughters. The mother of these princesses had long been dead since the birth of her youngest biological daughter as she died in childbirth. The eldest child was adopted by the royal family to encourage common folk and nobles in the adoption of orphans. Whereas the middle child, like the youngest, is of pure royal blood. As for the suitors, they can be men of different crafts, though of course no criminal of scum is permitted to be a suitor. If you are unsure if your character would be fit for a suitor due to his career choice, then feel free to private message me. As for faceclaims, they must all be real people, I encourage faceclaims that are medieval-themed, but it is okay if they are not. The character spots are listed below:
The Maidens:
The Eldest Sister- @beyond visions
The Middle Sister- @HushedWhispers
The Youngest Sister- @Zran
The Suitors:
Suitor 1- @Keksalot
Suitor 2- @Raijinslayer
Suitor 3- @McHaggis
The Maidens:
The Eldest Sister- @beyond visions
The Middle Sister- @HushedWhispers
The Youngest Sister- @Zran
The Suitors:
Suitor 1- @Keksalot
Suitor 2- @Raijinslayer
Suitor 3- @McHaggis
1.) As GM, of course I get final say and authority on matters when the time calls for it.
2.) Remember to take hold of common roleplay etiquette such as no godmodding, controlling other characters without permission, no Mary Sues, so on and so forth.
3.) This will be a high casual roleplay, quality will be expect far more than quantity, but five hundred words per posts is appreciated.
4.) Keep all language, romance, and even violence within the roleplay and within the OCC PG-13.
5.) Once you finish your character, send me a private message of it for approval. Only approved characters go in the character slot.
6.) Final rule and probably one of the most important, please stay active, each character means a lot to the roleplay. I understand there are bumps and humps in life that delay us from hobbies like roleplaying, but if you do have to leave please give me a private message and we will see how we can work things out. But I am looking for long term roleplayers.
2.) Remember to take hold of common roleplay etiquette such as no godmodding, controlling other characters without permission, no Mary Sues, so on and so forth.
3.) This will be a high casual roleplay, quality will be expect far more than quantity, but five hundred words per posts is appreciated.
4.) Keep all language, romance, and even violence within the roleplay and within the OCC PG-13.
5.) Once you finish your character, send me a private message of it for approval. Only approved characters go in the character slot.
6.) Final rule and probably one of the most important, please stay active, each character means a lot to the roleplay. I understand there are bumps and humps in life that delay us from hobbies like roleplaying, but if you do have to leave please give me a private message and we will see how we can work things out. But I am looking for long term roleplayers.