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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leoven
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The crown... so close I can taste it; I see what's mine and take it

N A M E:
Victoria "Tori" Bauman

A P P E A R A N C E:
At five foot five and clad in the common attire of scraggly and oil-stained clothing that marked the Wreckers, Tori doesn't stand out much. During times when she would tie her sable hair back in a messy ponytail and tuck it underneath a snapback bearing the gang's emblem, most people could mistake her for one of the boys, albeit only a little bit thinner. There had even been moments while working at the yard when she would borrow one of the ratty tops worn by the other Wreckers and little else underneath, allowing her to show off her rather athletic build. She isn't a big hunk of muscle like some of the others though, as she had never really given much time to working out.

While not in the yard, Tori opts for a more casual attire with graphic tees and ripped jeans. She's always seen with the handkerchief bearing her gang's emblem slightly peeking from one of her back pockets, and a silver chain necklace around her neck with a key dangling from it. What this opens, no one knows, not even her.

P E R S O N A L I T Y:
+Adaptable +Dynamic +Persuasive -Compulsive -Fickle -Impatient

Tori has always seen herself as a survivor, using the resources around her to the best of her ability, but the truth couldn't be farther away. Tori is a scavenger, sniffing out dying animals that she would stalk and lull into a state of comfort before she lunged and devoured him one rotting piece of meat at a time. The way she uses her environment and the circumstances to her advantage is purely selfish and for the ambitious goals that dangle in front of her like a carrot on a stick, perpetually out of her grasp.

Time has taught her the methods she uses to tangle the situation between her fingertips, but it has failed to teach her patience. Like a child, Tori is subject to her whims. Perhaps the time spent chasing after her goals had actually fostered this, and Tori finds herself at the end of her rope. She has the tendency to jump into situations blindly and, while she has always found ways out of trouble no matter how bad, it would no doubt catch up to her and finally find her accountable for her actions.

G A N G:
The Wreckers

J O B:
College Student (Undeclared) | Part-time Mechanic

B I O G R A P H Y:
Victoria Bauman was born and raised in Meridia. Her nineteen years of existence had been spent memorizing the maze-like alleys of the city and offering whatever services she could to the local mechanic's auto shop for some extra cash. The shadow-filled nooks and crannies of the city became her home.

She grew up playing with the local kids on the rust-filled scrapyard that marked the Wrecker's territory, and her initiation amongst their ranks when she reached the age of sixteen had been nothing but natural. The gang resembled a makeshift family, but like her own, it seemed that many of the gang's members preferred to fill their minds with thoughts about the ongoing gang wars and their own respective lives inside Meridia. None of them ever thought about the bigger things they could achieve outside the city limits and they were content to continue playing pretend like a bunch of kids. Of course, Tori played along. After all, to get anywhere in Meridia, you had to live with a gang. They would take care of you and the Wreckers had certainly done as much for Tori. Lucas was helping pay for her education and inadvertently funding her one-way ticket out of the city.

Tori hated that she had to spend her days either boring herself out of her mind at the community college or labouring in the auto shop. She wished for nothing more than to get enough cash to finally get the wreck of a motorcycle tucked at her corner of the scrapyard to work so that she could ride it out of the city. Suffice to say, a part of her was beginning to lose hope. There was no way she would get out; Meridia had taken her as its prisoner.

Although, the rumours of a group dead-set on turning Meridia into a zombie town like it had done to three cities prior have piqued Tori's interest. They were obviously a powerful bunch and who knew what kind of help they needed. Maybe, just maybe, they would be her ticket out.

S K I L L S:

Despite what her looks might make people think, Tori is strong. Working at the auto shop has allowed her muscles to grow and she's one of the Wrecker's most powerful members. She could knock a man unconscious with one blow, and she's pretty damn proud.


Tori knows Meridia like the back of her hand, from the places one could use for a quick get-away to the people that she could talk her way into helping her. Her time scouring around the alleyways have also gotten the less than trustworthy faces to leave her alone as they knew her well enough to mess with her.


Much of Tori's survival has been thanks to her ability to use her surroundings to her advantage. Her skirmishes had been won by using whatever had been lying around as an improvised weapon. Having no formal training, she's also able to change her tactics in fighting to find holes in the fighting style her opponent is using.

W E A K N E S S E S:
No set fighting style

Tori has never had formal training in fighting. She doesn't specialize in anything other than swinging her fists or whatever improvised weapon she can find. While this is sometimes advantageous, there have been moments when her lack of training had gotten the better of her.


Tori doesn't set decisions in stone. She lacks the loyalty that some people have and her actions are based on what impulse calls to her at the moment. This attitude has already caused her to lose the trust of some people, and perhaps even more should she continue.

Low stamina

Tori is a glass cannon. She hits hard and she hits fast, but she tires easily. She can't sustain herself for fights that last longer than she's used to and she can also be knocked out easily by a well-placed hit.
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