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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was not having any of it from Aito, how he was trying to be so casual about everything was just annoying him over and over again. Giving him a glaring at he let out an annoyed sigh as Aito tried to make up excuses for himself, looking away and shaking his head. “Who the hell cares if you’re a Super Saiyan. Practically every Saiyan on Earth that’s connected to Capsule Corp before you was a Super Saiyan…” he grumbled, shaking his head, “You think it’s something amazing to be a dumb Saiyan with yellow hair…because that’s what matters out of all your traits…” Aito was certainly full of himself, typical really. If he was always going to be like this then he would be pretty happy to get away from him once he was better. It felt like everyone he knew was just a vast distance away from him and Yumi being big-headed and way too proud of herself where it bordered on Takeshi levels.

“If you’re not willing to get over the fact you’re needing to practice on your Beastman abilities then fine, keep doing what you do!” The problem was she was capable of fighting like every other warrior out there, but she knew nothing about being a Beastman or if she could even fight like him either. Feeling overall annoyed at everything, coming down to the shore was hardly anything he cared about other than where any possible threats might be. He knew there was large creatures, he could still remember the leviathan Takeshi and Shu killed, but he wasn’t seeing any of that here. Looking over the water he folded his arms, giving Yumi a quick glance before looking away again. “Not everything is quick and easy. I’m not putting this down as just some dumb monster screwing around with the water! Besides, Mister ‘Super Saiyan’ over there feels he’s incapable of protecting himself, meaning it won’t be as easy as you think it is. Never think an opponent is easy just because you've won so many times before".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 9 days ago

"I never said it was all that matters. I'm simply implying that looks can be deceiving, that's all," Aito answered back, "And really my power pales in comparison to that of my grandfather, or my father. I haven't quite reached the level they did." Nor was he certain he ever would. In a generation past there were so many powerful warriors, even the meekest of the bunch boasted immense strength. Now however he might just well stand among the strongest, something which felt quite odd. Watching Viral and Yumi head off to the waterfront Aito went to the filters himself, having gotten a brief glimpse at them the day prior. While the machinery wasn't identical to anything on Earth its function was much the same, all he needed to do was figure out what component did what and work from there. Just putting the chemicals into the machine could do it, but to be safe he'd best flush the entire system.

Yumi knew she needed improvement on her Beastman abilities, if she had any. "Other than better senses I've not gotten any abilities, that's the point. There's nothing for me to even practice," she pointed out, sighing as she rolled her eyes, "I'll fight how I fight, you fight how you fight. I don't have to practice anything." She wasn't a fully fledged Beastman, she couldn't do the things Viral could do. Nor was she human anymore, she was something in between. Yumi wouldn't waste time trying to be something she wasn't, no matter how she might look. Stopping at the edge of the water she looked down at her reflection, her mouth pulling into a slight frown as her fingers rubbed at the tips of her ears. Still not used to the change in appearance, she didn't know if she ever really would be.

"What's wrong with being optimistic? And maybe he just wants to focus on working, that's why we're here. Either way I'm not going to worry about it too much. And believe me, I'm not thinking there's no way we can lose here, we've been through enough to know that. I just refuse to think we don't have a chance." It was a lot easier thinking their ability as fighters meant something, that they had the potential to really do something great today. Whatever was in this lake right now was probably going to not like Aito's work and try to stop them, she and Viral had to stop it in turn. Giving her knuckles a crack Yumi lifted her arms up over her head, smiling as she glanced sidelong at her friend. "Who knows, we might just be here for no reason too, we could be standing around and nothing will happen. Sounds pretty dull, doesn't it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t care about what Aito had to say, it was all pathetic anyway. There was little to brag about when it came to being a Super Saiyan in his side of the family, not to mention he had someone train him to that level when he was very young. All this ‘Super Saiyan’ nonsense was just bragging rights over being a Saiyan and having access to that power, it was the same thing when he tried to threaten Krom with it. He didn’t know how he might do it but he wanted to grow to become more powerful than a Super Saiyan, if that was possible at all. He didn’t know the limits of someone like him, he also had the limitation where he couldn’t fly after his opponent or blast them out of the air with little care towards energy levels. He was really quite a flawed being, it was hardly fair in reality.

Yumi, on the other hand, was making him feel pretty annoyed. She wasn’t wanting to do anything or try anything new, she was more concerned with doing what she already knew. “The point of you coming was for practicing…otherwise Aito would’ve not taken you after what he found out about this situation! You can obviously do something, you’re just being stubborn…” He was probably wasting his words. Maybe she thought there was no point in seeing if she could do anything he could do because what he could do was inferior to what she already knew. It was probably a case of her not really liking what he was and just wanted to pretend she didn’t have that part of her. Sighing, Viral folded his arms and gazed off elsewhere. “I would rather something happened, I’ve been too lucky lately…even with that Elite, the bastard…” he grunted before shaking his head, “…Either way, the water here…I doubt that it’s just a simple case of nothing happening here. It already feels strange here…like I really don’t want to be here…”

The lake was quiet other than the sound of the water and the sound of the wind. Everything seemed normal, however, the sound of nature was fairly absent. There was no animals or whatever bird-like creatures making any noise. There was nothing going on, it was as if all the animals had fled. As Aito continued to work there was nothing happening, the lake seemingly quiet and void of sound for a simple moment before there was not even the sound of the water or wind. Within the few seconds that all sound seemed to vanish there was a sudden yank from an external force. A large mass of barely solid darkness reached out to grab Aito to lift him into the air, aiming to bind him and stop him from trying to clean the water.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
Avatar of GambolMuse

GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Viral could argue all he wanted to, but Yumi knew she didn't have any special abilities. Did he think she hadn't tried since she'd been changed? She couldn't use that solar energy, she certainly couldn't form one of those machines like Viral could, nor could she transform. If she really did have some kind of ability as her friend claimed then it was latent, and probably not all that impressive. "You didn't get lucky with the Elite, you beat him fair and square," Yumi interjected, looking out over the water and tilting her head to the side, "You really think so? I'm not picking up anything, it's weird. Maybe my senses aren't nearly as good as I thought they were..." What was he noticing that she wasn't? A smell? Sounds? Despite trying her darnedest to pick anything out she couldn't get a single thing, so what gives?

The filtration systems weren't terribly complex, even if a few components were irregular by comparison. After just a moment of examining everything Aito was able to pick out what he needed and promptly got to introducing the purification into the machine itself. Three cylindrical tubes that ran along the piping, once activated it should gradually move through the piping and then be released into the reservoir itself; safe for consumption and capable of rendering those strange cells obsolete, a perfect solution. Popping one of the tubes back into place the doctor moved to replace the final one, pausing when he noticed a shadow behind his own. Assuming it to be Yumi or Viral he casually glanced back and let out a gasp as he was suddenly swept up, being slammed into the wall of the dam and pinned, a black tar like substance restricting his limbs and movement. What in the hell was this?!

Yumi was bored to tears at this point. Crouched down on the shore while drawing circles in the sand with a stick, it wasn't the afternoon she'd imagined when brought out here. At the very least Aito should be almost done which meant she could go and do something else for the afternoon, with Viral if he was willing. "Do you have anything planned later Viral? After this I mean," she asked, focusing down on her sandy doodles as she spoke, "Not that sitting here waiting isn't a blast, but I figured we could do something fun." Of course trying to have fun with Viral was easier said than done, but she wanted to give it a shot anyways. Getting up and throwing the stick in the water Yumi frowned when she noticed a subtle yet pungent odor, sniffing at the air and wrinkling her nose at the scent. Looking around for the source she finally turned around, eyes widening seeing a black mass up where Aito had been working. "Aito!" she called, racing back up the slope to try and help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
Avatar of Mogtaki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral would feel a lot better if he was able to relax a little more, but in truth he was struggling to do such a thing around this lake. He felt like he needed to flee from here, like some primal instinct was taking over his confidence. Yumi and Aito probably didn’t feel it, neither of them had any primal instinct when it came to environmental hazards. There was a real fear of poisoning even if he knew better than to drink it outright. It was as if he might accidentally forget and drink it, even if he knew better. It was hard to explain, but probably was the same as the fact that there was no animals around here who probably had the same thoughts and feelings as he does. Frowning, he looked to her momentarily before away again, shaking his head. “Even with your little additions I am still more animal than you. Water is one of my natural environments but I don’t want to be anywhere near here”.

It was certainly fairly unsettling and hard to concentrate on anything else other than the feeling of dread. He would feel a lot better if he wasn’t going to end up fighting so hopefully it would end with him not having to get into any sort of conflict by the time Aito finished. He shouldn’t be around this kind of place anyway, especially when he was part-shark. If it ended with him having to fight in the water he didn’t know how the toxic chemical or whatever it was that was in there would affect him. Looking back to Yumi when she asked if there was anything he was planning later he couldn’t help but feel confused, as if he had never been asked such a thing before. “Planned? What? I don’t make plans for later…” While he could feel confused all day there was definitely something that was distracting him from thinking about these so-called plans that Yumi was wondering if he had, like it had been here the entire time but was only just now making itself known. Looking around briefly he jumped slightly when Yumi called out to Aito, his eyes going to him immediately. The hell is that thing? Whatever it was he wasn’t going to waste time. Immediately he began to run towards him, looking to Yumi as he noticed her approach to the much needed haste. “Fly to him!”

The substance was determined not to let Aito go, keeping him in place as if the thought of killing him didn’t come to whatever it was. It was if there was an observation of strength going on first rather than trying to kill him immediately. It was obvious Aito was caught, but it wasn’t doing anything to destroy him other than hold him tight. As a strange hiss sounded out as if observing Aito the sound of Yumi’s yell caught its attention, causing it to shift slightly as if part of it was on the move. It only took a split second and without warning the sudden mass emerged from the ground without causing it to break up as it tried to attack Viral and Yumi, Viral managing to avoid it as he jumped back through instinct.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 9 days ago

"Well you should! No wonder you're so grumpy, you don't do anything fun," Yumi pointed out bluntly, "You should do something after this. We should do something after this! Go for a hike, maybe explore the forests outside of this city, do something." They had nothing terribly pressing to do after this, and with the Beastmen starting to settle in with the others she and Viral had some free time to themselves. It could be spent with others as well but it had been ages since the two of them did something together. Pulled from her musings by a noxious odor Yumi looked around for the source of it, thinking perhaps for a second Viral had let wind rip. After seeing what was responsible she'd wished that were the truth, it would be far less worrisome. Just what in the world was that thing attacking Aito?!

"Hang on Aito!" Taking off from the beach Yumi dashed up to reach the doctor, kicking sand up as she raced along. At Viral's shout she jumped up and took off in flight, closing the gap in but a brief second at that pace. Closing in on Aito she didn't have much of a plan admittedly aside from grab him and yank him free, they could work on it from there. She didn't get close enough however as a mass of black goo swung at her from above, nearly knocking her into the ground as she darted ahead and narrowly avoided being swept. Flipping over she landed up against the wall, squatting down and trying to blast away some of the goo off of Aito with Ki to no avail. "I've got you, just give me a second!" Reaching down to try and pry the goo off Yumi had to instead duck to avoid being smacked away again, raising her arms and being knocked through the air by a second attack.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
Avatar of Mogtaki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t have time to be arguing with Yumi over what he did and did not do, there was no point in complaining that he wasn’t grumpy like everyone constantly called him. He wasn’t expected to be understood by people who spent so long away from him, always on their own adventures while he struggled to get back to normal again. He didn’t have time to go places, even if freedom was up there in his top desires. He greatly disliked being forced to put his health first but he didn’t want to be feeling mentally disturbed all the time. For now that kind of thought was needing to be put aside, something had taken hold of Aito and not letting him go. Making an attempt to rush off he was suddenly put on high alert when he felt shifting in the earth and made to jump away, landing on his feet after a flip. “The hell??” Not having much time to contemplate over it he had to immediately jump again before dashing away as the stuff continued to try and grab him. Whatever this stuff was he could feel it moving under the ground, shifting as if it became gas-like underground before forming again as a solid mass. Aiming to avoid it and get to Aito he continued to jump and dodge, throwing his claws around when the stuff got too close for its own good.

The mass was pretty content with attacking Viral, even if he was so far away and not looking like he was going to be able to get to this nuisance. While there was an attempt to attack Yumi as well the fact that she took up and flew meant there was no point on wasting energy. As she came flying straight over without no problem it didn’t even move as she tried to attack it and free her friend. How laughable if admirable, seeing how she was trying to pull at it. Just when it had enough of her grabbing it immediately started to attack again, a hissing laugh coming from somewhere as she was batted away. It was obviously aware of what it was doing, it also enjoyed it too. Keeping Aito pressed up against the wall it broke off all while keeping a part of it binding him down, instead throwing itself at Yumi to smack her down as if she was a fly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
Avatar of GambolMuse

GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Yumi tried desperately to pull the goo from Aito, yet it was about as successful as grasping at water. There was nothing to it and despite somehow holding the doctor down when she tried it slipped right through her fingers. A Ki blast didn't do anything either and she was left hovering over the man trying to figure out how to free him. Hopes of freeing him any time soon were quickly squandered when the creature took a swing at her, with Yumi barely reacting in time as she raised her arms and tried to block the strike, being smacked away from a surprisingly powerful blow. Struggling to find her footing she dug her heels into the dirt, sliding along the ground for a few meters before finally coming to a halt. Her arms were stinging from that one blow and she was pretty sure her shoulder nearly popped from its socket from the force, giving it a roll gingerly to see if it was alright.

"Viral, Ki doesn't hurt it at all!" Which meant as far as energy attacks went she was useless. When she tried to tear it apart too she'd been unable to do so, meaning physical attacks could do nothing as well. She couldn't blast it and couldn't hit it, what could she do? If Viral's attacks did nothing either than they were in some real trouble here. Still determined to fight and save Aito regardless Yumi ran back towards her friend, ducking as a limb swung out at her and jumping up onto the fence, using it as a platform to propel herself up towards the creature, using Ki to propel herself even faster as she threw a punch aimed for center mass. Surely moving this fast and striking this hard would do something right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
Avatar of Mogtaki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was trying to get around the mass but it was proving difficult when it was determined to cut off his paths around and try to kill him at the same time. The mass continued to sway around and try to swipe him out of the air whenever he tried to make a jump or pierce him from below whenever he stopped for just a moment. He was trying his hardest to work his way around and as he swiped his claws it simply disassembled itself and conjoined back together to lash out at him. He was definitely at a disadvantage as he tried to destroy it, the mass was simply too slick and shifted too quickly for his short ranged attacks. Looking briefly in Yumi’s direction he stared at her when she called out about the Ki, but in the brief moment it took to look at her the mass immediately threw itself at him. Moving his paws to try and stop the mass it instead rammed him into the ground with such blunt force that it knocked the wind right out of him.

Despite being completely rammed down Viral continued to fight against it, the mass trying to squash him from both sides. Despite turning into what could only be described as tar before, the mass was in a physical state so tough that it felt like rubber. Pressing down hard as it tried to crush Viral the fact that it constantly missed Yumi had brought its attention back to he, trying one last time to grab her; however, with one quick movement she slipped right through its grasp and hit it with such force that it shook under the shockwave and released Viral as it fell into a pure liquid state again, allowing Viral to scamper away.

Well this was an interesting development, seems the girl wasn’t totally useless after all. She had power in there and it was interesting to see her combine it with her life energy. When the liquid retreated away there was another laugh, followed by a sigh. “How cute…it seems one of you can fight, after all…” sounded out an echoed tone as a mass formed and bubbled on the water. As the mass’s bubbling grew more violent out of it a more solid form rose out, growing tall and lanky with large spines protruding out the top of it. The brief moment it took for the solid mass to show itself there was a sudden burst of light as its head and chest seemingly lit itself in purple fire as more than several purple bright eyes opened, illuminating the creature to show just how disgusting it actually was. Its body continued to warp yet kept its shape, as if it was bubbling away in a whole different realm. “Now I remember you two…you were the ones who destroyed the experiment! Fancy meeting you here…can’t say the same about the Saiyan, though. His life force and face isn’t familiar to me…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
Avatar of GambolMuse

GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Yumi tried not to be too disturbed by the fact this creature was laughing, or the fact she swore it talked earlier. This was unlike anything they had fought before, it almost seemed to be intelligent. Smashing into it she'd caused the creature to collapse and lose its shape temporarily, smiling as she lowered herself onto the ground. "Cute? Call it what you want, I suppose. You won't be thinking its cute for long." She was only just getting started and if one punch did that much then this... Whatever it was wouldn't be too hard to dispatch. That was thr sentiment right up until the creature began to take form, growing from a non-uniform mess of goo into something more humanoid, something right out of a nightmare.

Yumi's smile wavered slightly at the sight of the creature, a look of disgust conflicting with it as she couldn't tear her eyes from the grotesque being. "Experiment...? What are you talking about?" What experiment? Who knows, they had disrupted loads of experiments as of late, and who particularly cared where this creature came from? He was threatening the people of Uuonoe and that's all that she needed to know, it had to be dealt with. "It won't matter for long, Viral and I are going to take care of you here and now," Yumi threatened, assuming a fighting stance as she got ready for another attack. Aito just had to hang in there, they couldn't help him until this thing was beaten. Strong enough attacks could hurt it, she just had to pound away until it was no more. With the creature up in the air she used Ki to propel herself again, twisting her body around on approach and swinging out a hard kick, trying to knock it down towards Viral.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
Avatar of Mogtaki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The creature was all too amused by Yumi’s exploits, seeing how she was now trying to stand up for herself as it called out. After forming all of its eyes remained on Yumi, its expressionless face giving no indication as to what it could possibly be feeling. The eyes were barely an indication, especially when they were so cold and glass-like. Staring at her as she questioned its out loud thoughts it chuckled, shaking its head a little. There was no time to bother with these creatures, it was best to get rid of them before they caught out too much. There was a lot more of them last time so this should be no problem, seeing how the tailless Saiyan was restrained pretty quickly. Watching her carefully it narrowed its eyes before hissing a laugh, watching as she came right at it before it dissolved into gas as she attempted to kick it. ”I don’t think so! I’m not so easily taken down…” So they were both quick to act before thinking out a plan: this was going to be easy.

Viral didn’t know what to do about this thing when it constantly came out of the ground and now that the creature that was controlling this gunk had appeared he was lost and confused about his next possible attack. He couldn’t fly like Yumi and the more stayed on the ground the more he was forced to watch where he was standing all of the time. That thing was eventually going to attack in rapid succession, he knew from experience that it would take advantage on him being grounded. Growling in anger he stared up at the creature, clenching his fists angrily before noticing it had disappeared. The moment it spoke out again his angry glare widened, his fists momentarily shaking briefly before he let out an angry yell. In a fit of anger and frustration Viral immediately began pounding at the ground wildly, throwing punches so strong that they blew the rough beach sand away with each one. “Don’t touch me, you disgusting creature!! I will tear you apart!!” he shouted before finishing off with a hammer attack, the entire area around him being blown away by the sheer force. Growing in anger while puffing in temporarily exhaustion he stared at the ground, trying to listen out for the creature before he immediately rose up only to uppercutted by a sudden tar-like tentacle and grabbed at by the leg and slammed down into his own crater.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
Avatar of GambolMuse

GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 9 days ago

She and Viral could beat this, they had to beat it. They'd bring down whatever this monster was and save both Aito and the city from the abomination. Refusing to even consider otherwise she took off again, speeding at the creature and throwing a high velocity kick to try and knock it down in Viral's direction. It might well have worked too had it not suddenly turned to gas and causing Yumi to comically spin around in air, forcing herself to halt as she ended up a ways off. Gritting her teeth she darted away when a swipe was made at her, going down towards the water in the process. Knowing Ki had no effect she wasn't too certain how to proceed, figuring physical attacks now would only phase through as well. What else did she have? She didn't have any abilities like Viral, how could she hope to fight?

Neither of them had any real plan if Viral's thrashing was any sign. Watching her friend in surprise Yumi winced inwardly when he took a blow to the jaw, too far to help as he was grabbed and slammed back into the ground. This thing wasn't able to be struck and was all over the place, just how did you fight an enemy like that? Then again... Maybe she did have an idea. Simply to keep the creature back she fired a handful of Ki blasts and darted down where Viral was left lying, grabbing him under the arms and dashing away a little to give them some space. It might be a long shot, but she may have already figured out how to fight this beast.

"Viral? Listen, I might have an idea..." Yumi explained as she set him down, knowing that single attack alone wasn't going to put him out of the fight, "It dodged me by turning to mist, right? But it can't attack while its mist, its got to be physical to do that. So... We just need a window!" That had to be it! The creature had turned back just in time to strike Viral down, surely it couldn't do both at once. "I'll attack it and make it have to avoid me, then you can hit it when it changes back!" At the very least it might be too distracted to keep Aito pinned and he could escape, having another person in the fight wouldn't exactly hurt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
Avatar of Mogtaki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral had the hope that he was possibly going to be able to ambush the creature before it could attack, but instead it ended up with him completely destroyed in just two hits and shown just how terrible an idea that was. He didn’t know what to do about this thing and what was worse was it would take time to charge up an attack and even two seconds was too long to wait with this thing. Remaining on the ground for the moment after he was struck down he felt himself moving before realising Yumi had grabbed him and was taking him away elsewhere. Letting out a groan as his eyes focused again, rubbing his head as Yumi set him down to recover. That thing hit him pretty hard for a not quite solid mass and slamming him down like that felt like he was being thrown into a brick wall. Rubbing his head slowly he let out a groan, feeling more stunned than hurt. “…What? It changes shape and consistency in a split second’s notice! How is that supposed to surprise it??” he growled in annoyance before slowly getting up, regaining his balance, “I need to hit it with a sunbeam…but I can’t get the time to do that with it underground so much…”

Assaulting these creatures was certainly proving to be fun and what was even better was they were not exactly stopping its job. So long as it was here itself the water was never going to get purified. When Viral was taken away from his little crater the priority was to go straight back to the process at hand and kill that Saiyan before he could break free and do whatever he was going to do to the water. It guessed he was going to purify the water, seeing how much it was fiddling around at those pipes. While those two were having their little blabber it immediately headed under the ground and straight for Aito, thinking it could take him out before they had a chance to recover. They were certainly full of themselves if they thought simple tactics would beat it, especially when they had already proven to be less skilled and too hot-tempered to think straight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
Avatar of GambolMuse

GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 9 days ago

There had to be some way to deal with this monster and Yumi was sure she was on it. No way could it avoid them and attack them at the same time, that had to be its flaw! Confident as she was it was a little disheartening to hear Viral so skeptical of it, or rather not at all on the same page as her. "If I stay on it though then its going to have to keep avoiding me, and that's the opening you need for it," she said with certainty, looking up at the creature before nodding to Viral, "I'm fast enough, let me handle it. Work on charging your attacks and I'll do the rest." Getting back to her feet she hopped on her heels, watching the monster to see what it would do next. When it vanished beneath the ground she could only guess what it was after, gritting her teeth and taking off again after it.

"Oh no you don't!" She could almost smell the thing even as it shifted beneath the surface, able to track it decently well as it went after Aito again. Managing to reach him as it was emerging she used Ki and threw a blast down at the outstretched limb, not harming it but at least managing to hold the attack off. Hovering just before Aito, Yumi growled threateningly as she gathered Ki in both hands, throwing two blasts down at the ground and creating a cloud as she turned back to the goo constricting him again. "Hang on Aito! I'll get you out of there!" Struggling again to pull at the goo she finally managed to grab a handful of it, yet just as she was tearing it off a limb smashed into her side, winding Yumi as she was smashed through the fence, groaning in pain once she finally came to a stop. Grabbing her side gingerly as she felt the bruise from the hit she got back to her feet, firing a few small blasts at the creature. "Stay away from him!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
Avatar of Mogtaki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral knew how much time he needed to fire off a beam, but maybe a few seconds was overestimating it. It would take a little more than that to charge it up. Trying to clear his head he listened to Yumi, frowning when she wanted to use herself as a distraction for him to fire up his beam. The problem with that was the possibility of hitting Yumi by accident because he would need to be so far away. He was aware of how hot it could get whenever he fired it off and if Yumi happened to be near it she could get seriously burned. Here’s hoping he wouldn’t miss the creature and instead obliterate Yumi. Growling lowly as his own confidence wavered he looked up and off in Aito’s direction. That thing was moving in again, probably to finish off Aito. Growling lowly he gasped lightly when Yumi immediately went straight for the creature again, watching as she immediately tried to get ahead of it and attack the thing before it got to him. Running after her to try and get into a good position he raised his paws to attempt a charge up, staring at her as she moved to get at Aito he gasped when she was instead smacked away. He couldn’t stand back like this, he was just placing everything on Yumi and endangering her.

The creature was pretty amused by Yumi’s attempts, it was pretty funny how they were all willing to help each other when it put them at even greater risks. Laughing as it struck her again the mass slowly moved towards her, almost taunting her as the other part of him moved to smother Aito. This was too simple, it was strange how these creatures managed to take down the experiment on that other planet if they were this easy to hit around. Barely wobbling when Yumi threw some blasts at it it simply hummed, shifting as it moved towards her again. ”Well aren’t you a pain in my side, but no matter. I’ll just kill you now…” Just as it was about to strike again it was instead splattered across the other way as Viral came in with a flying punch. Well that was just infuriating, being ambushed like that. Forming quickly again it immediately threw a limb at Viral, getting caught at first before it became semi-liquid based and tried to smother Viral. ”Filthy, insignificant creatures! Your energy does not affect me!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Just what was this thing? It seemed sentient despite being some form of liquid, and he swore it was speaking. This was vastly different than other creatures encountered, was it evolving? They would have to share this with the rebels later, this had to be known. Damn it all that he was incapable of fighting right now however being bound like this, the material was surprisingly strong and it felt as though it was sapping his strength by the second. Watching as Yumi threw herself over to protect him he tried shouting at her to leave it be, not wanting her to be harmed for his sake. Furious, Aito managed to adjust his hand just enough to reach into his pocket, finding a vial of the solution he'd use to purify the lake. Just one vial, would it be enough? Struggling to turn it over in his hand he managed to do so, and with a few attempts he pushed off the cap, feeling the liquid drain out and trickle down his leg. For a moment nothing happened, yet a second later and the liquid began to quiver. With a hissing sound steam began to pour off of it as its grip loosened and soon it collapsed, dropping the doctor to the ground gasping for breath. He was free now, this was good, but he felt utterly exhausted. He couldn't fight even now, it was still up to those two.

"Just try it, you freak," Yumi retorted, getting ready for an impending attack. It never came as Viral threw himself into the fray, smashing the creature against the wall and causing it to fall apart. Wait... So they could strike it? Maybe she was right! Watching as it began to form again she glanced briefly to Aito, noting he was free but looking rather in a sorry state, he wasn't going to be fighting then. Now that Aito was safe for the moment they could focus on fighting this thing, and just as well. Viral was now in danger of being smothered and they may not be able to break him free, she had to do something quickly. "We don't need energy you freak!" Yumi shouted as she took off again, not bothering with Ki as she tried to make use of after-images for a change, circling around the creature fast enough that when she kicked it would appear as though four of her were doing so, just trying to keep the creature from attacking her friend.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was trying to make himself useful but he couldn’t sit around and wait for the charge up while Yumi was in trouble. He didn’t know what to do in this battle and was acting on instinct rather than tactic which was probably going to ruin everything. All the needed to do was sit still for a short time and fire off his attack, but at the same time he needed to protect Yumi whenever she got struck down as to not have her end up being used as a shield. He was being completely reckless, but he didn’t want to screw up and have to deal with killing Yumi accidentally. Running in with a flying punch he managed to catch the creature when it was mostly solid, sending it splattering across the surface. Growling at it he threw another punch when it tried to hit him, managing to stop it but soon became engulfed by it. Being forced to the ground he tried to throw his limbs at it but nothing was working, instead he was being forced closer to the ground with near crushing force and unable to breathe. Trying hard to break free he found himself panicking slightly through a combination of the suffocating darkness and the toxins this stuff was made from.

The creature had just about enough of this one always interrupting it, always trying to stop it from doing its job. Trying to smother the annoying creature with its tar it pressed down hard on Viral and hardened, attempting to crush him as well before Yumi started throwing insults again as well as attacking once more. The tar substance was slapped away gradually by the multiple attacks, forcing it to become less solid before spiking its form out. Now this one was becoming more annoying, probably the one to slap around for a bit since the other one was all punch while she was instead firing all sorts of stuff at it. ”Is ‘freak’ all you lower beings can come up with for an insult? How cute…” it spoke, grabbing Viral and lifting him up, ”Since you’re not worried about your energy, howabout using it instead you go use it elsewhere, away from here!” Even while Viral struggled in its grasp it threw back its form before throwing him hard, aiming to throw him over the dam and off the other side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 9 days ago

If they continued pressing the attack then the creature couldn't fight back, that was how they would win. Keep up the pressure, give it no openings, sooner or later it would leave itself open and they could land a decisive blow. While a sound plan on paper it wasn't a guaranteed succes, and doubtless there would be bumps. All the same it was all Yumi had going right now and she'd try it until something else came up. Making rare use of the after-image technique she darted at the monster and threw a kick, managing to strike it but not deal any real damage. Wanting to keep on the offensive Yumi halted in mid-air and was about to strike again when Viral was lifted up, eyes widening seeing what was about to happen.

"Viral!" Reaching out towards her friend she watched in shock as he was thrown over the side of the dam, racing over and trying to grab him, finding only air between her fingers as she missed. Helpless as he rocketed towards the water Yumi watched in horror, lowering herself down to the dam itself and peering over it in shock. That fall wouldn't kill him, it couldn't. He had to be okay, he was strong enough to survive that. Trembling at the sight as he hit the water she turned around to face the creature, her eyes burrowing into it as her pupils turned to slits. Letting out a snarl she stretched out her hands, her canines growing larger as she hunched over. "I'll kill you for that! I'LL TEAR YOU TO SHREDS!" The ground at her feet cracked and caved in, her energy spiking as she began to go rampant. Letting out a shout the water seemed to almost part at the sound itself, waves crashing to the sides as the sound raced towards the creature. As soon as the sound hit it she was upon the beast, slashing down with her claws to try and tear it apart. She'd send it to the same demise it had sent Viral, she'd send it careening over the edge and chase it down, she'd kill it!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was trying hard to release himself from the consuming tar-like substance but he couldn’t get a grip on it. He tried his hardest but he could barely move his arms under the weight. He couldn’t breathe but that was hardly a problem for him; however, the toxins were certainly getting to him when they were right in his face. His natural instincts were being kicked into high gear, all of them telling him to get out or face death so concentrating on a plan was out of his understanding. Panicking and using way too much energy than he should he soon found himself being pulled out of the mass by the creature itself, barely managing to get a breath in before he was suddenly thrown through the air. Still panicking he flailed his limbs, the world spun around him but the sight of Yumi remaining focused. Reaching out to her he found that she wasn’t fast enough as the dam wall soon passed him and very quickly he was heading down towards the shallow depths below. There was no way to stop this, he couldn’t fly like the others and Aito wasn’t coming to save him so he was as good as doomed. Trying to do his best to brace for impact he landed in the water with a hard smack, sinking straight to the bottom with a solid thump against the shallow lake bed.

The creature watched as Yumi ultimately failed to catch her friend, watching as she instead watched as he fell to what would be certain death for any other creature. How horrible that must be, to watch your friend suffer. Hissing a laugh as it watched her stare down at her friend’s possible demise it watched as she instead turned around, looking like she was trying to threaten it. Staring at her as she came speeding towards it in an odd fashion it let out a hiss, moving immediately to attack her but when the soundwave hit it instead shook and became unable to move before it was once again slashed at. The goop was torn away at the longer it remained unable to move, its hisses soon turning into growls as it decided to instead drop into a liquid state and go underground. ”You annoying little creature! You should never had come!!” Immediately it started to throw itself up in spikes at Yumi on the spot, its form solid as to try and pierce Yumi.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 9 days ago

Was Viral dead? Was he okay? Whatever his condition was that creature had tried to hurt him, it had tried to kill him. Yumi felt unusually livid at that revelation and turned back to the creature with a burning fury unlike herself, eyes fixated on the monster. It even seemed smug at what it had done, she'd tear it to shreds for that. Shouting at the creature she created a concussive wave, the scream near inaudible yet quite high frequency, causing the water to part as it collided with the beast. In the blink of an eye Yumi had taken off from where she was, water rising up in her wake as she slashed at the monster, cutting away pieces of it in the process. Sliding along the ground she lowered herself on all fours, her upper lip curling back as she snarled furiously. Feeling the ground beneath her shift she darted to one side to avoid a spike that surged up, dashing again and again to dodge them. All while evading the attacks she dove in further and further after the creature, getting close enough to let out another howl before charging in, trying to pounce on top of it and maul it.

Well this was slightly unexpected. Up until now Yumi's change hadn't yielded anything of significance, save for some heightened senses. Aito was almost beginning to believe she'd not gained anything out of the experiment and perhaps she truly was still her old self. Yet the child he remembered never went on a blind fury like this, and she certainly didn't have the ability to part water with her voice. It was highly unusual and worrisome, was she unstable as well? Trying to push himself up the doctor found his arms shaking beneath his weight, only able to drag himself. The purification, he could see to that now! At the very least he'd stem the creature's spread here and let Yumi handle the situation. With luck Viral was okay from that fall, he should be hardy enough to survive without much damage. Pulling himself with some exertion Aito began moving across the ground, trying to get back to the machine to finish his part.
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