Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 16 days ago

Alright. I've pretty much been away from 1x1s for a bit. I feel like taking one last stab at it before giving up on it entirely, so lets start shall we?

About me:
- I am 20 years old. Will be turning 21 later this year.
- I do not attend college, and am currently out of a job.
- I may seem cold or uninterested when talking in OOC, but with time I will warm up. So please do talk to me.
- I will be very understanding of needed absences (life, exams, just bought Deadpool and must watch it 5 times), or loss of interest. Please tell me. That said, I do not have a set posting speed, and do not require one of you.
- I enjoy gaming, pretty much my other pass time. This can distract me for half a day, or even a whole day in some cases. So do please take that into account if I haven't responded right away.
- Along with the above point. I am forgetful. If I haven't replied to your post (Forum or PM) for a few days. Don't just wonder off. Please poke at me. Nothing has upset me more on this site than people who don't try to get my attention when I become forgetful. There is no warning for this forgetfulness either.
- My posting size varies. But I prefer to stay within a high-free/low-casual post size. Typically around a paragraphs size. But don't feel restricted to that.
- I am perfectly fine with most dark themes. Horror, vore/heavy gore. That kind of stuff. This also means I'm ok with most darker mature themes.
- On the subject of mature themes. I have only a few limits.
- I tend to play females. Though I may play a male from time to time. No MxM though.
- I am also willing to do 1x1s that do not include mature or romantic themes.

Three quick notes:
You must be 18+ for mature 1x1s with me. No exceptions.
I really do like working with my RP partner when it comes to making a plot.
I don't do Canon characters in fandoms. You can do it, but I will only play OC in fandoms. (Will make a list of Fandoms later.)

I am open to pairing suggestions.

I will edit this in the future with pairings I like or want. Along with any story ideas I come up with. So for now, it will look quite empty.

PM me or leave a message here if interested.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 1 day ago

Curious as to favored genres and fandoms. @Slypheed
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 16 days ago

My favored genres are: Modern, Sci-Fi, Alternate History, Military, Fantasy, and Apoc/Post-Apoc.
Though I am perfectly fine with most, if not, all genres.

As for fandoms, I am compiling a list of Fandoms.
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