Aight, this was supposed to be up last night, but someone gave me two more beers than I'd intended on drinking, and we stayed up much later than I was expecting. Gonna be a good summer up here! XD
Name: Ariette “Vagrant” Forge
Age: 17. Though when asked, she always claims older.
District: 13
Occupation: Pick-pocket, smuggler, full-time low-life.
Physical Description:At first glance, Vagrant is hardly what anyone would consider to be intimidating. She is young, and she looks it, standing at only 5'2" in height, including the soles of her shoes. However, looking a little closer, one can see she is more powerful than she initially appears. Though she is small, Vagrant is heavily athletic, and carries herself with the confidence of a giant. She is sturdily built, with muscles defined through her arms and shoulders, and a solid core.
The one weakness to Vagrant's powerful build is her left knee. An accident several months ago left the joint shattered. With the choice between months of natural recovery followed by months of physiotherapy, versus a buggy prosthetic, she chose the latter. The majority of her knee was replaced with a rudimentary cybernetic. Just advanced enough to allow normal function to the organic lower half of her leg, but well behind what New Ancora is capable of today. The joint moves less-than-smoothly, and occasionally locks up on her.
She typically wears her hair short, strands of dark red often falling into her face. Vagrant’s expression is often one of easy confidence, often bordering on arrogance. She has pale blue eyes, capable of turning icy when her temper is evoked.
Clothing and Equipment:Vagrant's attire leans towards solid, comfortable clothing. She wants to dress in things that are easy to move in, and that will hold up to her rough lifestyle. Tank tops are her go-to, and dark cargo pants. She used to enjoy wearing shorts, but now chooses instead to hide her prosthetic knee. Her clothes are often stained with dirt and grime, but never blood. Vagrant hates blood. Her feet are protected by a pair of steel-toed boots, a size too large and stolen from a street fighter several years ago.
She lives out of her backpack, an old leather object that never leaves her shoulder. It contains her most prized possessions. Her changes of clothes; a crumpled photograph of her and Austin, taken when they were 4 and 11 years old; a set of spiked brass knuckles, previously owned by her brother; strips of cloth for wrapping her knuckles; and whatever money she happens to be in possession of, usually very little.
Personal Details:Ariette Forge was born in District 15. Her family consisted of parents Scott and Jeanine Forge, as well as her brother Austin, seven years older than her.
From the time Ari was born until she turned four, the responsibility of looking after her fell largely to Austin. Their father, Scott, was a heavy drinker, and was constantly trying to find work. When he was at home, he was either drunk or hungover, and abusive to his wife and children. Jeanine, their mother, often committed acts of infidelity, cheating on her husband with other men. Austin saw his family disintegrating, and swore to save his sister from a life of domestic violence. When she was four, and he was eleven, the two of them ran away.
They stuck to the lower districts for the following years, losing themselves in the immense city. Austin quickly learned how to be streetwise. He mastered petty thievery, lying, arguing, and fighting. As Ari grew older, her brother became her hero. He was everything to her, best friend, brother, and father. He taught her how to survive, how to steal, and above all, how to fight. By the time she was ten years old, petite little Ariette could hold her own in a fight against an adult. Even her brother, a giant of a man by the time he was seventeen, would lose a fight against her on rare occasion.
She began to go by the nickname of Vagrant. It was the name people spat at her when she begged for change at street corners. It was the name that shopkeepers hissed when they realized that she had left with some of their wares. And it was the name that Austin laughingly called her whenever she completed some impressive task.
Despite the skill that the Forge children had, Zone Beta was still a massive slum, heavily populated with all sorts of shady folk. People died. Deals went wrong. No one was really safe. Not ever.
Vagrant was sixteen years old when her brother died.
Austin was a giant, nearly 6'6" in height, and weighing in at 250lbs. His build was solid muscle, and his icy gaze could strike fear into the hearts of those who tried to cross him. But even the strongest man has little chance when the fight is three on one. It was the simple result of a deal gone wrong. Weapons they had stolen for money to be spent on food. The deal turned sour, and a fight broke out.
Two of the men held Ariette roughly, and a devastating kick to the side of her knee sent her down. Bones shattered, and the injury would later result in a rudimentary prosthetic. The other three took on Austin. His life ended with a knife in his throat. Everyone ran before his heart had even stopped bleeding. Ariette’s brother died in her arms, bleeding out with her unable to do anything.
Months have passed, and Ari still mourns her brother. She knows they got away, and if she sees any of their faces again, she's promised herself that they won't walk away. In the meantime, she continues the daily struggles of your typical street urchin. Finding food, stealing coin, scamming and smuggling.
PersonalityVagrant is a confident person, to the point of arrogance. She tends to overestimate herself, and will take on tasks above what her skills allow her to do. However, she is fiercely determined and always performs to her fullest. Backing down from a fight, to Vagrant, is the highest level of cowardice.
Though she is instinctively sceptical and distrusting, Vagrant is loyal to the death when she becomes close to someone. The only one this has ever happened with before was her brother.
Vagrant is clever, though not intelligent. She likes to pick a fight against larger opponents, if only to prove that she can take them on. Her fiery temper is easily sparked, and she can hold a grudge.
Surprising, for one so prone to violence, Vagrant suffers from terrible hemophobia. She hates the sight of blood, and a nosebleed is usually enough to make her useless in a fight.