Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Al
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Al True North, Strong and Free!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Brother Kaerell was far too occupied with ensuring that all the Xenos were sufficiently slain (which in his mind meant that none of them had heads remaining) when the vox communications from both ally and enemy came streaming in.

Removing his black Mark Six helmet for a brief period of time, he more or less allowed his facial expressions to speak for himself during the Chaos Lord's speech... There were not many emotions, just varying states of murderous rage. However, he maintained his composure rather well, if anything he seemed almost pleased to hear that yet more foes of the Imperium were baying to have their blood spilled.

Finishing his grisly work of removing the heads from the aliens, he threw the remains into a ditch which was a short walk away, given the power-armoured strength of an Astartes he managed to drag all the bodies in a single trip. He returned chuckling to himself, a stark contrast to a previously dark and brooding exterior. With an oddly, happy tone, he spoke.

“Come now, brothers, unwillingness to fight in the Emperor's name is the first step on the path to damnation, no matter what misconceived logic is placed behind it. We have a duty to do and we shall do it, no matter what this damnable world wishes to throw at us. We are Space Marines, the sword of the Emperor, think of this execution as if the very fate of the system was placed upon our shoulders. That should be ample inspiration enough to make you want to fight....” His voice becomes rather venomous towards the end as his gene-seed mutations become readily apparent once more as his voice slipped into a horrific, yet darkly inspiring, booming sound that seemed to fill the very forest with his words.

Grabbing his chain sword, which had until now been hanging from the chest of the Kroot chieftain, Fellwalker gave the bladed teeth a quick brush over with a soft cloth before raising it high. “Onwards brothers!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MaxxRocker
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MaxxRocker I don't like my coffee shaking.

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Moros in spite of complications with his armor and weapons in the heat of the first battle stood forward at the speech and began to furiously try to get all systems back online and working for he would not miss an engagement with the heretics. he would not miss a battle against those who had fallen so far and corrupted the very essence of what it meant to be a space marine. His focus though was still intent on the Tau if a chaos commander was there it allowed them an advantage to get their mission done and get out while the wild heretics slaughtered all else. Once that fighting was over perhaps it would be sanctioned they could destroy the weakened remainders of the heretics.

Moros assisted Kaerell in all efforts to mangle and dismember the bodies letting Kaerell discard them like the gutter trash they were in the ditch. He was drenched in blood from the grotesque affair. He looked to the change in Kaerell and his change in demeanor both a sense of curiosity and amusement that the man would change when the taste for violence began to be filled, but he had known many like that who thirsted for the fight for the kill and in fact he did as well though for him some of the joy had faded his fight and watch had been so long and the list of dead brothers had grown beyond counting and there was a toll that incurred on him. The grim thoughts and feelings of a hopeless endless war that would not stop till all of one side or all of the universe were dead. He shook his head as the others began to speak clearing himself of those thoughts.

As the speech was finished Moros raised his sword in unison and screamed "To death or victory! For the Emperor!" He quickly took step his systems back in order his suit functioning properly he would not miss the next blood letting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

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"Patience, Brother," Dominous stepped forward from the corpse of the fallen Wolf, his genetic remnant stored securely in the Apothecary's care. Despite all that had occured, Dominous kept his mind focused and clear- though the thought of heretics weighted heavily upon the back of his mind. Even now, he wondered if the blight of his chapter had followed them here, forever cursed to hunt those who had fallen from the Emperor's grace. Still, the man would shake his head, his gaze focusing on the Librarian.

"I stand by my previous assessment, even with the new development. Let the Son of Russ take point and report back his findings. We still have the body of his fallen Chapter-brother to attend to." Dominous added knowingly, glancing back to the corpse that had been spattered by the blood from the eviscerated xeno from before, "I have extracted his holy seed, but still his body sits idle amongst filth. We have a chance to properly dispose of the body, as well as tend to the wounds we have sustained- superficial as they might be."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MaxxRocker
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MaxxRocker I don't like my coffee shaking.

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"Agreed Dominous." Moros said with a nod and a smile. There was a strange detachment in his voice and posture when his dead chapter brother was mentioned as if it had not bothered him.

Moros approached the Dark Angel and patted him on the shoulder "You're chapter and you're brothers mistakes do not define you. You have done your duty continue and you are free of their burdens." Moros said it with a remarkable amount of compassion in his often cold and somber voice. As he removed his hand he moved past the dark angel and knelt down to his brother crushing his skull into fragments and ripping the brain from the stem. As he did this the blood messy was devoured by him with a disturbing amount of ease. He wiped the gore from his face and said nothing before turning back and preparing for his scouting expedition.

He pulled his wolf pelt tighter around him then readjusted the wolf head to cover his face. He placed his sword again on his back and underneath he smiled wildly. With a sudden burst he was sprinting off into the distance with remarkable agility. He vaulted obstacles and moved quietly thanks to his light Mark VI suit. It had been designed to fit the body and lend to scouting or stealth operations. No surprise was found that it had always been his choice suit and this one had many stories to tell from it's scratches and dents some kept just a reminder and a memorial to the battle it was from.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dominous's eyes widened beneath his verdant mask, giving no attention to the flickering displays of the vital signs of his brothers-in-arms. Instead, his attention was set fully upon the Wolf as he departed. Firstly, the act he committed against his own kinsman was atrocious, an abominable act that left nothing but a sour taste in the Apothecary's mouth. Yet, even that bitter taste was a minuscule distraction to what now flooded his mind.

'How does he know?! The thought echoed within his cranium as it threatened to consume the Dark Angel. It was no secret to other chapters that the Dark Angels guarded their pasts with an almost fanatic zeal- dwarfed only by their overwhelming desire to appease the God-Emperor. And this was for good reason, as a heavy number of their kindred fell to the taint of chaos shortly after the vile treachery of Horus. Even now, he resisted the urge to audibly condemn their souls and pray for forgiveness from their Patriarch... Yet all that secrecy had been for naught, as even the Wolf had heard tale of his chapters plight.

"By the Throne," Dominous swore inaudibly under his mask, watching as the wolf disappeared into the treeline. At this point, he swore he would make the Wolf pay for ousting his chapters darker history- and bring honor back to his chapter. Yet, he could not openly display this- instead merely giving a heavy sigh as his attention back to the Librarian as he awaited his input.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeChap
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Librarian Artenius was largely impassive to all the gallantry and zealotry that was going on about the kill team, he knew too well the fragility and erstwhile fragments of happiness that even the most verdant of emotions could bring. No, the soul is tempered by the unwavering march of steel, not by the weak temptations and corruptions of the flesh that emotions ended up becoming. Instinctively, Artenius lightly flexed his mechanical arm before allowing it to become relaxed once again. He muttered a short prayer of thanks to both the Emperor and to his Primarch, whom in his falling blessed his sons with the knowledge that the flesh was, in all ways, weak.

“The Son of Russ shou-...” Brother Artenius began, though his gaze was soon transfixed by the sight of the mentioned Space Wolf cracking open his brother's skull and consuming the brain within like it was some manner of barbaric delicacy. “By the Throne...” the Librarian spoke, though he knew too well that all Astartes could consume cranial matter the sheer thought of those contained memories constantly shrieking about the mind was...disturbing, to say the very least.

Shaking off his revulsion, Artenus began once more. “While the Son of Russ scouts ahead of us, we should form a tactical formation and retain a swift movement speed. Nothing overly complicated, and remain sparse in our grouping, these Xenos have immense firepower.”

He paused a moment, allowing himself a moment of pondering. “No doubt the arrival of the heretics will cause one of two outcomes. Either our target will flee like the dogged coward he is, or he shall stay and try to fight against the coming storm... Neither is ideal, as such haste is advised here.” The librarian spoke with what seemed to be great wisdom for someone who hadn't actually held command rank in all his hundred year plus of service.

“Brother Bacara should remain in the second rank, where his heavy weapons may serve more useful to us – it is vital he does not get bogged down by the grind of melee., as always. Brother apothecary, you shall remain also in the second rank, your medical talents are far too useful to simply waste due to random luck on the enemy's part. Besides, you carry the sacred lifeblood of the gene-seed, that alone may not be allowed to fall by any means. Brother Fellwalker, you are to serve alongside me in the front, as such it is your duty to ensure that foes are no permitted access to those brothers who talents are at distance.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Al
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Al True North, Strong and Free!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Brother Fellwalker was practically vibrating with barely contained excitement and zeal at the prospect of doing battle with the traitor Astartes, an elusive foe that Fellwalker had yet to add to his list of kill honours – to slay them would be akin to the highest award.

Clutching his sword in an armoured fist, he moved forwards with all the grace of a half-drunken butcher, but there were deliberations in his movements, as each move was carefully calculated despite the lack of grace or poise. Turning back to his battle brothers, he watched as they argued tactics and formations. Little of that mattered to Kaerell however, he just wanted to feel hot xenos' blood upon his bare skin once more. That was all he sought from life at this point.

Swinging his, inactivated, sword around in murderous arcs about himself – he was far enough away from the kill team to where the monstrous weapon could deal them no harm, While he appeared to simply be stretching and moving the musculature of his arms and torso, he was mentally bringing steely death to those enemies of the Emperor that sought to fight against them on this world and on any other.

“The enemy will not abide by any sort of tactics akin to our own brothers! Surely we should just focus on pure extermination of their miserable lot?!” His voice, while exceedingly loud, was in a jovial perhaps light-hearted tone. Though since his helmet was on, no one got to see the murderous smile he was giving.

Upon hearing where he was to be stood in this so-called formation, Kaerell marched with some slight negativity to where he was to be placed. It was grudgingly at best, as years of chapter tactics clashed against one another, the conservative nature of the Iron Hands versus the blood thirsting assaults of the Space Sharks. “It is with honour and duty that I serve.” He kept repeating to himself at a sibilant whisper. “Brothers! We shall move with haste, yes?!” This last part was, not nearly as quiet, however...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeChap
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SomeChap Top Hats and Tea From Here On Out

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With the orders set in place, and the tactical formation having been dealt with, Brother Artenius sheathed his ornate power sword, ensuring that the destructive energies that powered it were quite silent before placing it in the sheath. His bolter was already held at ease by his side, no doubt the xenos would try their hardest to fight the heretics descending on the world, but an ambush was forever a prevalent thought in evne the most zealous of minds. "Remain vigilant brothers, the enemy walks in shadows" He uttered, barely registering the effort it took to speak though his voice carried a stoicism that had endured since the start of the elimination assignment.

As almost an afterthought he questioned, "I do not suppose anyone here has knowledge about the heretics that assail this blighted world? Their ships seem perhaps, blank, compared to the more common barbarism of the fallen brothers. If I was to hazard a guess, I'd say...Lunar Wolves? Seems too tactical for the bloodthristy ones, and too loud for the backstabbers. Wouldn't question that the latter already has agents on this world, maybe the human population needs a severe looking to..."

The Librarian was now more or less just trying, perhaps vainly, to make any sort of conversation with his battle brothers as he drew his combat blade to slash his way through a patch of denser foliage. The blade was a full double that which a normal human would consider 'excessive' and it's handle was wrapped with thick alien-hide leathers, the sheer size alone would make many assume it to be more along the lines of a machete than anything else - perfect for the job at hand as it tore through bark and thick branchs as though they were nothing more than wet cardboard.

With deft motions and haste the Librarian cut, and generally crushed, his way through the flora that blocked the path. Though he pondered just how the Kroot had managed to run off so easily, his thoughts were drawn to the immense chasm that was not a stone's throw from where they now stood. The tracks the Kroot had left, shown them to quite clearly follow into the chasm's murky depths. "It'd seem that those avians finally learnt how to fly...that or there is something greater afoot here..."

The Librarian paused a moment, then resumed. "However, the Tau leader's stronghold seems to be just on the other side of the chasm... It's either we find a way across, or we go around. The latter takes more time and we may well find foes, but the former is quicker...and far more dangerous... In either case, we shall allow Brother Moros to rejoin us."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

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Dominous fell in line behind his brothers-in-arms, all the while seeking shelter in the silence that befell the group. He heard the words of the Librarian as he spoke, attempting to process the given information as he had made a habit of doing. However, his attention could not deviate away from the earlier words of the Wolf, outing the Angel's most guarded secret of their chapters like it had been common knowledge. The suppressed anger that still resonated within the Astartes was ever present on his mind, but he knew that there were better times and places for his rage- pushing back the emotion as he began to process the information given.

"Their brazen nature is either a blessing or a curse. If they are only aware of the Xenos presence, we can use that to our advantage. Let the enemies of man turn on one another and ensure the downfall of both blights upon this planet. Either way, those orbital defense guns could pose too valuable an asset for either of our enemies... Perhaps our first task would be to disable or destroy the platforms, which a direct route would be best suited. But if we wanted to keep our element of surprise, we should skirt around the chasm." The Apothecary vocalized his thoughts as he began to mill over possible outcomes of their approach.

He thought back to how quickly the Xenos fled after the guns began to fire... It was almost as if something about the ordinance foreshadowed something ominous of the ilk, all but reaffirming Dominous's assessment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MaxxRocker
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MaxxRocker I don't like my coffee shaking.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Moros covered in fragments of the forest and what appeared to be fresh blood was panicked in thought at what he had seen. He moved without regard to stealth any longer there wasn't time for that. He was on approach back to his brothers it was sure they would hear him coming he could only hope they would not fire upon him. He came from the left side and called out to them with a labored tone.

"I've found a way forward..." He took a deep breath and gave a look to the librarian. "The Word Bearers are here Librarian Artenius." Moros seemed upset as the words he was speaking, but he was certain he recognized that mark their symbol..He knew them well the day they crushed a world he was meant to guard a day he should not have survived. His blood boiled and a great anger began to consume the calm that usually commanded him. He gripped his sword tightly it was coated with red liquid which dripped as he gave a nod to his brothers before looking upon the chasm.

"I care not what we do next, what I know is that the Tau are fleeing in droves. The damned come for this world and they are not likely to stay and defend it such is the cowardice of these Xenos. Haste may be our best ally so that we make sure their leader dies here." Moros was trembling with rage as he spoke.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Al
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Al True North, Strong and Free!

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Brother Fellwalker was quite envious of the Son of Russ, Moros. He wished, and if the company were not what it was he would have demanded, to be the scout of the group – though even he, as much a butcher as they come, could see sense in sending the Wolf Brother off on his hunt. Kaerell knew himself well enough to know that he'd sooner run off into the hordes swinging with perverse glee than do any sort of stealth and or subterfuge of note. It physically pained him to see the battles go on about them and yet not to be included in them, to see the epic piece battles against the most loathed of foes, to slay them and ensure their obliteration...Such would be as sweet a music to Kaerell as even the most verdant of pleasure worlds thrice over.

With reserved movements he followed the footsteps of the Iron-Hands Librarian, he'd grown to be fond of the man, if for no other reason than he seemed to go against the normal trend of Psykers having exploding heads and generally being warp-crazed sorcerers as opposed to the vaunted warriors that the Emperor wanted them to be. Kaerell had a, perhaps creepy, smile on his face as he followed the footsteps of the Psyker, he was as protective as he was willing to spill blood. A most dangerous concoction.

At the summit of the chasm, he stopped to bear witness to the spectacle of the Tau base. Finally, after the travels and the slaying, there was the sight of their true target. The Tau Shas'O commander, fearsome foe and pathetic Xenos alike. However, even he was not stupid enough to charge off a chasm into his doom, “I agree with the Apothecary, we should skirt around, all the better to take the foe by surprise.” His voice clearly bore some manner of excitement as his normally booming voice became almost sibilant, a sure sign – for whatever reason – that Brother Fellwalker was indeed most pleased about the situation...

He gave only passive notification of the Wolf-Scout however, his mind too busy with the prospect of slaying the Tau once and for all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeChap
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SomeChap Top Hats and Tea From Here On Out

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Brother Librarian Artenius was ponderous about the current situation for several moments, he was not nearly as willing to simply dive into action and risk death, though he was loyal as they came. Kneeling, he moved to better observe the clawed footprints left by the retreating Kroot carnivores, the sheer fact that they went off the chasm's edge suggested to the Librarian that the creatures probably hadn't even existed in the first place...though the blood on his sword and armour did not agree with that conclusion in the least. Standing once more, his armour's fibre muscles squeaking at the action, he turned to face brother Kaerell and brother Dominous as they joined him at the chasm.

“I would most agree with you, Apothecary. Skirting about the edges seems a far better solution that simply...jumping. I doubt that even the jump packs of our assault marine brothers could propel them across such a distance...” He spoke with a reserved tone, he had never held command of anything save for the allocation of knowledge in his Company's libraries and the induction of new initiatives into the Librarian ranks. “I would agree, however, those guns do seem to be troublesome, especially if the Imperial Guard wish to risk their presence in this world later on. There does seem to be a road that leads from the Tau's bunker up to them, however. No doubt the Xenos probably have some manner of override in that structure anyway. ”

Artenius held his tongue or a moment, looking over the same road that, did indeed, lead up to the orbital gun arrays. His pondering was cut short by the bloodied form of Moros stepping free from the grasp of the forest's flora to freedom once more, it was just as well that Artenius did not doubt the skills of the Sons of Russ like others. “Brother Moros, you return to... The Word Bearers? On a world so devoid of those loyal to the Emperor? Hmm...I had not foreseen that it could have been them. Though no doubt that means this world will swiftly become a war zone. We best move quickly.”

The Librarian took little note of the blood that coated Moros and his armour, he simply assumed the Wolf had slain those who deserved it. Not those who were innocent of crimes. “You are right, brother. If the blue-skinned aliens are as cowardly as you say, then no doubt their commander is in that structures we speak right now. Let us be off.” With that, Artenius began the walk that could take them to skirting about the chasm's lofty edges, his walk took him, and Brother Bacara through a dense patch of foliage, however...

With an inhuman screech of primal rage, a blue-shelled insect slammed into Brother Bacara with all its might, the combined weight of the dense Xenos and his heavy weapon took the devastator off balance...and plummeting into the depths below. His armour cracked and moaned as he crashed into the murky abyss below, no doubt his bones were shattered and his innards pulverised.

Artenius reached out with all the speed granted to him, but even that was not enough, as the battle-brother slipped from his hands off the edges. With a solemn voice, the Librarian spoke to his remaining brethren. “Another one gone from our world to sit alongside the Emperor. Pray not for his soul, brothers, but for our own. I feel we shall need it...”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MaxxRocker
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MaxxRocker I don't like my coffee shaking.

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Moros looked into the chasm his eyes wide and entranced by its depth memories flooded him, but a crash broke him free of that. As he turned and rushed with all agility he saw Bacara flung across his field of vision as a helpless heap of broken man. The insect beast with its blue shell violently hurled itself without regard to its own life. It was a strange sight its shell marred with cracks from blade or bullet some shrapnel glinting in the light still embedded. A sturdy beast it unlike the fallen brother might just survive that fall to prey upon more who traveled this land. Moros made little attempt to save Brother Bacara it was to fast he could see that. He watched the Librarian try valiantly and he respected that, but he would not waste such energy on a man already dead.

Moros took to the rear guard as he saw Fellwalker move intent on guarding Brother Artenius he seemed to have taken a liking to the Librarian the brute and the brains Moros chuckled lightly to himself. He respected all who had survived thus far and that was a comfort to his mind when he thought of what lay ahead of them. So far they had collectively shown with most things in mind to be a tactical and thoughtful group with the raw muscle maintaining his ability to follow command until he was unleashed it was despite losses not as grim as other encounters Moros had survived.

As the Librarian spoke words of peace of the fallen Moros whispered to himself. It sounded like no more than mumbles to those around. Though near the end a few words could be heard. "Emperor grant him a quick death." As he finished speaking and watched others move in front of him and continued following his blade firmly gripped and ready. They could not lose another man or be caught unaware again they were close and the time was slipping away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Al
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Al True North, Strong and Free!

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Brother Fellwalker was thumbing the activation rune on his chain axe long before the giant insectoid creature swooped forth to claim the life of Brother Bacara. Fellwalker had tried to vain hopes that he could perhaps aid his battle brother as he leapt forth to try and intercept the giant blue monstrosity that was carrying away the devastator marine like he was nothing but a child's' toy. His chain axe roared to life as he tried to swat at the Xenos monster, the blades barely clipping the creature's lower leg and gliding off the rough chitin like a bullet upon power armour. Kaerell roared with primal rage at the alien as he saw it, and Brother Bacara, plummet off the chasm's edge and into the depths that would so surely kill any creature that fell within its walls.

Brother Fellwalker was now, unlike eve before, frothing at the very mouth such was his vile repulsion at the creature which he just witnessed as it so casually murdered his brother in cold blood. He ranted and raved, spewing curses as readily as they came into his bloodthirsty mind, he loathed everything about the creature and all its bastardised kindred of which is called a species. He would destroy them utterly and without remorse, to seem them wiped from the face of existence like ants before an all-consuming flame that would obliterate all that stood before it.

His blood boiled, and would not stand for the death as it refused to abate and instead it simmered, his anger kept just under the surface of his scarred and battered face, his helmet itself seemed to warp into that of a snarling predator as he announced his rage with all the vilest of curses he knew. He damned the creature to a death more horrid than its senses could relay, to see its nerves frayed and its very body wrought bare into nothingness, atom by atom, particle by bloody particle.

It did not last, however, as his anger gave way to something far more benign and perhaps odd. Calmness. His abrupt stop and regaining of posture were almost unnerving, as he ceased the motors on his bloodied axe and simply stood there staring at the floor as though it was to swallow him whole. A near deafening sigh enveloped him, as Fellwalker simply shrugged it off with nothing so much as a casual annoyance. He gave one sentence to those about him, utterly uncaring to what was happening around him, be it the Librarian's courageous and valiant attempt at saving the doomed battle brother, or even the melancholy that seemed to radiate from brother Moros.

“Keep moving.” His words were not strained nor stressed, his voice being a threatening whisper that promised never ending pain to all those that would stand before him and his target. He would not rest until he saw every last Tau on this world burn for their actions. Their loss would be nothing compared to the defilement of the holy construction that was even a single battle brother, who had been perfected for thousands of years before their pathetic society even crawled from the muck of their paltry world.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeChap
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SomeChap Top Hats and Tea From Here On Out

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Brother Librarian Artenius was solemn about the loss of yet another battle brother to the insidious Xenos that plagued this planet. He vowed that he would seek out the target and slay him, even if those around him would not do as such. The librarian marched onwards however, they were ever nearing the alien stronghold and where their target resided, no doubt they would be in high alert and in a state of panic at the massive chaos fleet above them. “Wonder how long the Tau will last on this world, that fleet up top seems huge compared to the normal fare.” His words were bleak and monotone, cycling out all emotions from his voice.

“We are nearing the Tau stronghold, be ready brothers for the enemy draws near, we must remain vigilant lest we lose another to the whims of the enemy” The Librarian spoke to his battle brothers, though no doubt they could already see that the fortress was swiftly becoming closer due to their rapid pace. “I hope you are all ready for the incoming storm.”

You are now at the gates of the Tau fortresses, no sentries nor guards come to ward you off and there is an eerie quietness about the place. A quick auspex scan shows that this is indeed the place you were to go to, however there is not a single Xenos in sight. Outside the gates, a single pulse rifle is resting neatly alongside a full suit of Tau combat armour – it bears no damage of any sorts, and has been laid out neatly as though someone took time and patience to fold so neatly and so precisely. Even the warrior's grenades have been left out in an organised little row next to the rifle. Something is most certainly not right here.

"Careful brothers, the taint of the warp dwells within..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MaxxRocker
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MaxxRocker I don't like my coffee shaking.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Moros moved forward following his brothers the uncharacteristically calm Fellwalker simply trudging on behind the sullen and emotionally defeated Librarian. As the keep came into view over the ridge and Artenius mentioned the commotion Moros could only think of what he saw scouting it was not Xenos it was simply the overwhelming hordes of Chaos flooding in wreaking horror upon this world preparing to decimate all life. He felt a foreboding sense of doom await them and the overwhelming silence made him unspeakably uncomfortable and unsure of what await them ahead. Only the distant hums of ships and firing of weapons with shrieks of the dying broke the sense that they were utterly alone.

There it stood at the precipice a fortress unattended yet it was not broken nor assailed by a legion of horrors no it was left an unsettling monument of emptiness like that of the void. As Moros moved forward he brushed passed the others a flood of emotion came to his face and before long he had sprinted to the gates and with a panicked look he turned to the others. He looked as if he wished to scream something anything, but words would not come. It was a wretched brutish memory clutching to him for all these years it clawed its way to the surface now with flashes of blood and the screams of the closest friends he ever knew their dying breaths haunted him.

He could feel the familiar knots and twist in his stomach the aching of the hairs standing at attention on your neck the taint of the warp was in fact near. It was the armor though that was what had sent him into this spiral so deep into the recesses of himself in those dark corners he wished never to visit. It felt like a madness encroached each time he brushed up against that part of himself one that wished to consume and devour all he fought to preserve. His honor, his valor, his loyalty it was a twisted and deluded mimicry of it that tried to justify against all these things his survival over those who fell.

Moros regained some semblance of composure after agonizing, mumbling, and scratching at his face. Slowly with heavy heavy sullen steps he approached the neat and untouched suit of armor and all the pristine items about it. He looked at them and turned to the Dark Angel and looked at him intently almost peering into him. He had been acutely aware that Dominous was not pleased and may not even like him though he suspected it was much of the rivalry all their kind had, but in fact Moros often made missteps and offended those around him if they were not cut from the cloth of the wolf.

It was then he finally spoke.

"Cargrim Karrane...you know that name don't you Dark Angel?" Moros spoke with hatred in his voice and struggled to keep from screaming the words.

He inhaled deeply and continued. "Madness took hold and an aberration in the shell of what use to be a man polished and cleaned armor endlessly for maddening hours. No sleep no food just the same task endless till perfection. That was what they discovered before they were slaughtered. My brothers ten of them torn to shreds by a single beast on a world far from home without any light. Oh the creature died, but I remember that day still." Moros then looked back at the armor and if one believes the Astartes can cry they may just believe a tear fell from his face.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dominous's eyes narrowed harshly, returning from his perpetual haze as he attempted to comprehend another lost brother- whose seed he was not able to recover. To see the death of not one, but two Battle-Brothers to random happenstance, it was a fact that taunted the man's confidence as his hand idly clutched at his chapter's insignia that adorned his chest. Yet it was the Wolf that garnered his attention now, speaking of past conquests of his chapters as if it were nothing but a mere fact. But the name that he spoke, and how openly he addressed Dominous about it's origin...

With a frustrated groan, Dominous stepped forward as his heavy greave creaked and groaned under the pressure, the saronite holding strong despite it's audible strain. With an outstretched hand, he placed a hand upon the pauldron of the Son of Russ, resisting the urge to follow the motion with a strike against his unarmored visage.

"You insult me no longer 'Wolf'," The word spoken as if bitter to the Astartes, "These accusations of my chapter and myself being linked to such abominations as the ilk of Heretics, I'll hear talk of it no longer." Roughly, he pushed off the metal, attempting to stagger the Wolf as Dominous staggered back to his position in the formation. He fully expected an act of reprisal, flexing his fingers as he attempted to prepare himself for whatever the Wolf had to offer. But even still, he made it a point to hide his true motives, merely attempting to keep the secret of the Angels just as such. If it had to come to blows between the two rival Astartes so be it, but his chapters honor must be upheld- and it's secrets guarded.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Al
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Al True North, Strong and Free!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Brother Fellwalker was still deeply set within his silence when he and his battle-brothers moved upon the Tau fortress. In his mind, he was forever battling with the idea that he could have saved both brothers that had died already. Both the devastators had been lost, two soldiers who could have had their lives been spared from the grip of death, but instead were simply permitted to die due to the whims of creatures that weren't even human in nature. The whole series of events made Kaerell's blood boil but he kept it under wraps enough to keep up his semblance of control, for the time being.

He walked with his brothers up to the very gates of the stronghold, he marvelled at just how...quiet the place was. Where mighty guns would once be firing upon them, there was not a single gunner, and where stalwart defends would seek to fire upon the space marines, there were no soldiers. This left Kaerell perhaps, disappointed. He expected the Tau to stand their ground against their advance, not to hide away like cowards when the storm finally arrived.

Stepping over a neatly set aside pulse carbine, Fellwalker was baffled by the neat rows of uniforms and Tau weapons which were simply arrayed out like the Tau left peacefully. “Something can't be right here, surely?” He muttered, his voice still stuck in a sibilant whisper barely above a muttering. Any further musings were cut short when he heard the Son of Russ and the Dark Angel begin to bicker, however.

Rushing towards them, he posed himself between them to attempt to block out further physical violence. He was used to disputes like this, but at least his own chapter, for all their reputation, was more content to talk out their differences rather than begin a brawl. “There shall be no fists here... Speak, if you must, keep some semblance of civilisation!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomeChap
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SomeChap Top Hats and Tea From Here On Out

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Brother Librarian Artenius simply gave a drawn out sigh when he heard the two battle brothers begin to argue with each other. The Librarian was too occupied trying to figure out what actually occurred to even care about the two brothers and their petty bickering. Gently picking up one of the Xenos firearms, he gave it a general look over to confirm that there was indeed no signs of battle nor damage upon its surfaces. The weapon's drab olive colouration was unblemished as a whole if anything it seemed factory new, even lacking any sort of paint chipping that was so common when stationed in the battlefield.

Setting aside the gun, he remained kneeling for several seconds, reaching out into the warp to deliver a very clearly precise message into the minds of the Son of Russ and Dark Angel, it went as such: “Cease this petty squabble, at once.” With luck, neither of them would come to blows. Turning his mind from either of them, Artenius grabbed hold of a Tau uniform and looked over it, also ensuring that it held no battle damage upon its surface, which it did not as the surface was totally lacking in blemishes.

Roughly dropping the armour before him before standing himself up with some effort, the Librarian motioned for the kill-team to follow him into the depths of the Tau fortress, though it seemed as though they had other ideas. Given his chapter of origin, he repressed the emotions he felt towards the pair, their bickering was not impressive to the Librarian, but he wouldn't voice these concerns, not yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MaxxRocker
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MaxxRocker I don't like my coffee shaking.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Moros stepped back as the others intervened and sunk into his armor hanging his head down before deeply breathing in and out. "Forward it is." He said quietly.

His eyes averted from his brothers he scanned the land it was barren and silent he wished for something to crash to break it to distract him, but no such kindness was offered. Instead he trudged forward into the facility behind the Librarian. He stayed close to him and kept distance from the Dark Angel. His sword was carried at an angle pointed towards the ground ready to swing up at a moments notice. His hands gripped it tightly every so often a strained sound from the metal could be heard from the pressure.

"Do we still intend on disabling the array for the guardsmen?" Moros asked seemingly to break the awkward silence as they moved forward.
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