Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlueRose


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Over the next two weeks Iris will most likely be researching spells, and practicing. Practicing to raise her essence levels, because she was dissatisfied with how little she could do with her magic as it stands. She shall go to libraries, read up on the internet, and figure out new ways to use her magic.

One day, as she visits a library, she'll see a little kid with scratches on her face who seems sad. Approaching, Iris asks what happened. The girl says she got in a fight with a kid at school because the kid stole her doll. The girl had the doll back, and was clutching it in her arms, but she was still upset. To cheer her up, Iris shows her a tiny mana barrier. The child is so excited and asks for Iris to teach her how to do that. Iris attempts to teach the child some basic magic, but unfortunately the child is just not skilled in the disciplines of magic. Iris herself had to go to a fancy school to learn how to use magic. The girl almost leaves the library, upset at her inability to use magic, but before she does Iris grabs her hand and puts a hand to the girl's cheek where some of the scratches are.

"Smile, don't be upset. I'm sure you'll learn magic one day. It took me years to learn even what I can do today. Magic is a fickle mistress." Iris smiled and the girl perked up, nodding.

"I'll keep trying!" she smiled.

Iris removed her hand, and the scratches were no longer there. "Good, now go on home. You don't want your parents to worry."

The girl nodded and ran off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Munk


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

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I am gonna kill Crossbones.

So, we're down at the Chatsubo. Everyone knows it's a runner bar, but we'd never been there, so I figure we keep a low profile and check out the biz. What's the troll do? He asks the barkeep for their strongest kind of booze and buys an entire fragging bottle of the stuff. Way to keep from drawing attention to ourselves.

Lotus does manage to spot a Johnson, though. He's pretty bland-looking, the kind whose face you'll forget an hour after seeing him. He's obviously a fast-tracker. People coming and going pretty quick. Of course, security catches us listening in. Bones tries to play it off as him being a drunk. Lotus and I helped out, though, and amazingly, it worked. Credit where credit's due, I s'pose: when it comes to diverting attention, there's nobody like Crossbones. So I sit down at the table, and of course the Johnson knows that Bones ain't drunk. I slip him a line about some Ares access codes, and konnichiwa, we've got work. Wetwork.

We're supposed to take out this 86'ers bigshot, make it look like the Halloweeners did it. There's a cache in a dumpster somewhere with SMGs, Halloweener colors and all, that we're gonna use for the hit. We even get a fraggin' car, really drive the illusion home.

And then, on our way to the drop, who you think shows up? ACTUAL Halloweeners. Open fire right away.

And I guess this is why we put up with the drunk: Bones just runs up to one guy, caves his chest in with his bare fist. Fraggin' adepts. I try to get a shot or two in, but I'm not a triggerman and everybody knows it, so Lotus and Crossbones get to work while I waste my ammo. Bones takes some serious punishment from the gangers. It's lucky for all of us he's so big. Takes the heat while Lotus smokes the rest out. Cowards run off once Bones and Lotus take down a couple of 'em.

Idunno what we'd do if Lotus weren't a healer in addition to being a grade-A spellslinger. Does some of her mojo, patches Bones right up. Always freaks me out a little bit to see wounds closing, bullets popping out by themselves, you know, so I pop on the 'trix, ask a few questions. See if anybody Whaddayaknow, this kid on ShadowSea's got the deets on the 86ers. Old hotel, penthouse. Even throws in the blueprints for the apartment. Whoever's behind the handle, I make a note of it. Gonna owe this kid a favor or three.

So we pull up to the hotel in this drek-ugly yellow car, right, all decked out with yellow armor vests, yellow SMGs, whole shebang. We pull up the plans, notice this maintenance shaft that leads to an elevator, take us all the way to the top. Glad we didn't have to take the window cleaning platform up. Right past all those windows wearin' Halloweener colors, frag no.

Once we're in the elevator Lotus gets a call from Machete, or she calls him, I don't fraggin' know. Turns out, he's in the neighborhood, and Lotus, bless her soul, gets him to come over, give us a hand. However much I trust the two, I think we're gonna need more firepower. Crazy son of a bitch actually takes the fraggin' platform all the way to the top and doesn't get shot up. Frag if I know how.

We get up, there's a fraggin' party going on up there. Booze, ladies, you name it. Makes it real easy to take out the old guy. Goes down like nothin'. Then we're in deep drek. Four, five guys, guns blazing. They think we're Halloweeners, all right. I forgot how good Machete is with a gun. This time it's my turn to take the bullets. The 86'ers go down, but by then I'm in real bad shape. We gotta get out, fast. I spot the window cleaning platform. Looks like monofil, should be able to take our weight. So we jump on the thing, punch the button and go down. Then Bones, who's otherwise actually been sober, decides that now is a good time to take a swig of that bottle of Death Gin he bought. I am seconds from strangling him.

There's gunfire everywhere, even out the fragging windows, and out of nowhere two fraggin' hellhounds drop on us. Suicidal bastards. Bones punches them three ways into oblivion though, and I lay down some suppressive fire. We try to keep the 86'ers on the ground off our hoops while Bones—that's right, Bones, who's just had a nice big sip of astral booze—gets behind the wheel and pulls the car around. This car's gotta be armored, omae, it's taking bullets no problem.

All of a sudden we're in a fraggin' car chase, got three, four 86'er cars on our hoop. Lotus and I are shooting out the windows, doing fine, and Bones, who I'd like to remind you is both drunk and driving, decides to join in on the fun, leans out the window to shoot at the 'sixers. Damn near crashes the thing a couple times. I have no idea why I'm not beating the drek outta him at this point. Well, I do, he'd cave my fraggin' face in with his little finger, but you get the point. This chum is literal seconds from getting us killed. I'm bleeding on the seat, thinkin' we need to throw some fraggin' bleach on this thing when we're done, trying to lay down some fire on these fraggers behind us. And we actually manage to get them off our back! I'm not sure how, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's Crossbones who does it. However he manages it, he keeps the car, which is pretty shot up by now, on the road and shoots down the last one at the same time. No great explosions, thank the heavens, so we can pull into an alley and make the call no problem. Get five thousand each for the run, baby. Even Machete, although the guy's only been here for the fun part. Still, well deserved on his part.

So yeah, we did good. Lotus couldn't manage to fix me all the way up—I don't blame her, throwing lightning bolts around must be one hell of a drain—so I'm still hurting a bit. But I'm up five thou, so I can take it. As for Bones, I think we need to talk some serious sense into him. He still owes me for that time with Renraku. Had to lay low for two fraggin' months. But hey, at least we're not the Halloweeners. Those guys are gonna be takin' some serious heat for the next couple weeks.

Well. That's it, I guess. Another day in the life of the prettiest face in Seattle. Maybe next time we can actually plan things out before shooting things up. Hudson out.

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Munk


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

> opening private chat window...

>PORKCHOP: hudson
>HUD: hey pchops, thanks for the help the other day
>PORKCHOP: That's what I wanted to talk about actually
>PORKCHOP: your team is certifiably insane
>PORKCHOP: and you're insane if you keep running with them
>HUD: come on, they're not that bad
>PORKCHOP: you literally almost died. still in recovery, right?
>HUD: yeah, but it's not too bad. Machete lost a fraggin' arm! I just gotta stay in bed for a while.
>PORKCHOP: that's my point
>PORKCHOP: machete lost an arm
>PORKCHOP: you nearly died
>PORKCHOP: lotus nearly died
>PORKCHOP: if I'd been there instead of the drone I'd probably be dead
>PORKCHOP: you just run straight at the things trying to kill you
>PORKCHOP: ever heard of tactics? cover?
>HUD: cmon chops, you know i'm not a gunbunny, I'm a grifter
>PORKCHOP: so what are you doing with a bunch of sadistic psychopaths like these? the mage pulled out a fraggin arrow AND STUCK IT BACK IN. YOU GUYS TURNED ON A ROCKET ENGINE AND KILLED PEOPLE WITH IT
>HUD: they're my team, porkchop
>HUD: what do you want me to do? ditch my team?
>PORKCHOP: might not be such a bad idea
>PORKCHOP: at the very least you need to consider what you're gonna do if you keep running with em. you're not built for that action
>PORKCHOP: i sure as drek ain't running with you guys again
>HUD: come on chop, it was one run
>PORKCHOP: and you're gonna have to lay seriously low for a while considering the damage we just did to Ares
>HUD: hm
>HUD: you may be right
>PORKCHOP: tell you what
>PORKCHOP: if you're gonna survive your next run
>PORKCHOP: at the very least you have to gear up
>PORKCHOP: I know a guy who makes some pretty good cyberware. with the money from this run you should be able to afford some good stuff to keep you alive
>PORKCHOP: talk to me tomorrow
>PORKCHOP: and then I don't wanna hear from you again, chum
>HUD: ...
>HUD: fair enough, chops. talk to you tomorrow

> closing private chat window...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlueRose


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Iris had been searching for a way to sell the two drones she had gotten from the last mission for some time. Having called her Rinraku friend, Elliot, she was given a list of three people/organizations that might be interested in the drones. Top on the list was Rinraku, and the second was some other company, but the third one intrigued her. A man by the name of Dranz Stevan.

Getting in contact with him was a little more difficult than expected, but she found a way. Elliot directed her to a place where a friend of Dranz typically hung out. She met the friend and after some... "coercing" she got him to help her. Unfortunately, the only way he could get her in contact with Dranz was via letters which the friend, James, would deliver. Iris huffed and wrote the man a note.

"Thanks, come back in two days."

So she did. Meeting him at the same dark little bar, Iris asked if Dranz had considered her offer.

"He has... He wrote you a letter back." The friend handed her the letter, which she opened.

Dear Lotus,
It's nice to meet you. I would like to purchase your drones, but I've been very bored lately. I'll purchase your drones if you'll play a game with me. You may send the small one as it is, give James your address and he shall come and pick it up and pay you for it.

However, the large one shall be sent in parts. Monday, I'd like left two legs dressed us as giant drumsticks and left on top of the Venchari building downtown, preferably hung off the side if you can manage that. Tuesday, the right two legs I'd like sewn onto a giant baby doll and placed in the park in the north corner of the city, the one with the trees. I'd like the body covered in bread and left at the duck pond near Quacker's Crackers restaurant on Wednesday. Thursday, deliver the guns to James' house dressed as a bride and groom. Friday, pack the bullet storage unit with honey mustard and onion pretzel bits, you know, the good kind, and
send it to my address in a box full of packing peanuts, real peanuts, and the bullets. Once this is done I shall pay you.


Iris looked up at James, who was drinking Death Gin. "So, you up for it?" James asked.

Iris looked back at the paper and then back to James and was just like "Nope."

She then left, and sold her drones to the second organization on the list of three, who just accepted them in some empty parking lot swap in the night. She got her $60,000 and was happy.
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