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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When he awoke Henri spent about 15 minutes stretching his muscles before descending to the ground with his back pack empty except for his water filter an binoculars.

He moved carefully among the trees but out in the open her jogged to cover ground knowing that he hadn't seen any of the Horrors do more than stagger along at a walking pace.

Then when he saw a group of about six moving as a group he tested their perceptions first by visibly exposing his presence to them at various distances. Next came their sense smell as Henri moved up wind of them. He concluded till farther study that they had poor eyesight and rudimentary olfactory senses making them poor predators.

Of course he was only beginning his observations and could find he'd just found a poor group to study.

Next Henri headed for a cell tower that stood perhaps 45 to 50 meters tall which he planned on Climbing. It was typical of it's type an made with an open lattice and surrounded by a 3 meter metal cloth fence topped by barb wire
For Henri it was simple effort to scale the fence and then begin scaling the tower. Five minutes later he was drinking a bit of water from his camelback while scanning the area with his powerful cannon digital binoculars

He was looking for water first and potential food sources. He was pleased to see that there were at least three pools an two ponds within two kilometers and with the number of businesses and stores bound to be food. If he had to he supposed he could risk raiding the houses

His water situation figured out Henri began focusing on movement and watching the groups of horrors make their patrols.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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'Refusing's your choice too.'

Levi cut her off, a soft chuckle in his voice trying to diffuse his agitation.
"Just put the bloody thing in my mouth!" he snapped. The pain and tension caused his words to come out more aggressive than he planned. Too late now. He opened his mouth as he still hadn't separated his hand from his injured finger.

He heard Darius get into position and mention something about being ready.
"Oh god. Oh god OH MY F****!"

If any of the zombies had lost interest in their location, Levi quickly brought it back. A sudden loud sharp yell broke through his gritted teeth and echoed from building to building as the glass was torn out and the bandaging begun.
He soon after quickly broke out in a sweat as his face grew noticeably paler.

After many painful gasps, after the wound was dressed and the drugs had kicked in, Kain closes his eyes and softly speaks.
"Hey guys, I'ma, I'm just gonna rest a while...K.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erin Hyde McGarth

A swaying motion told the lighter half she was being carried by someone though the rest of the day was missing from her mind. All she could remember was a strange feeling flooding through her body. As if someone had sawed the girl in half, never bothering to put her back together again, just for their amusement. No. It was more like someone had decided to make Erin their own personal Frankenstein. With a twisted plot in order to get a laugh or more even more amusement. Trouble the teenager was alive and not already dead. More swaying with more lights shining upon Erin’s eyelids causing the darkness inside to lighten up, if one looked closing they could see the rapid movement, if one was inside her mind they would see the dream. It wasn't truly a dream more like a memory of life before the outbreak turning into a new nightmare. A nightmare which the girl would never speak about. A past she was willing to leave behind, forgotten in this newly made world in order to protect herself, so that nothing would hurt her ever again.

” Is she awake?”” Clara could be out for another hour or so. I'm more worried about her leg. It's starting to puff up and there's redness starting to form.” two voices whispered to each other.” Clara? Who is this Clara person? Who are you two? Where am I? Am I at home? Did I lock myself inside my bedroom and I'm just going mad from being isolated from others? Or am I imagining this? What wound are you talking about?” the tenanted thought to herself.” So what does the redness mean?”” Doesn't it mean an infection? I'm not trying to sound gross up once that starts having pus inside then how are you going to fix it?” Two females commented.” Depends on the degree of the wound and if it was cleaned out right away or not. Though I don't know what wound your talking about. Why does my head hurt?”” You don't remember Clara? Are you joking?”one of the men asked” My name is Erin Hyde McGarth. I'm 17 years old. My parents died in an accident and I have been living with my Aunt since I was 10. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder when I was 11. The medication that I am on is keeping my anger in check. Now I have questions of my own.” Erin said as she slowly opening her blue eye.

” Okay. I'll introduce myself first. My name is Raven Lillian McGarth. I worked for the airport before everything happened. I have a twin brother and my mother was in love with someone before kicking them out of her life from a stupid misunderstanding. Which has haunted her since. I'm your older half sister Erin.”” You said too much Raven. Haru it looks like we’re almost at the nurse’s office. Since my sister placed that much weight on your shoulders I'll have to add more. My name is Vincent James McGarth. I was in with a bad crowd until I was 19. I was arrested and decided to follow our father’s footsteps. I was drafted into the AWM in Ireland. I was a decorated hero so when I got a letter in the mail from a law firm in San Francisco I asked for an honorable discharge. Who would have guess I would arrive the same day as the outbreak. I'm also the oldest and twin to Raven.” the youngest sibling stayed quiet. Not knowing what to say or even do for that matter. That wasn't try. She knew what she wanted to do yet she couldn't. At least part of what she wanted to do. Turn back time then run away. Run away from all of this mayhem, chaos, and violence which was created in order to test your will to survive.

” Alright. One. Two. Three.” the other teenager said as he lifted the lighter half onto the cool bed.” You're not going to hit me again for checking the wound right?” he asked receiving a head shake as a response.” I take that as a no. Vincent can you place Raven in the bed beside Erin. Well I guess it's my turn to reintroduce myself. My name is Haru Sento. I'm Japanese and had a twin brother who drove me nuts. I used to go hunting with my step dad so I'm good at tracking and stuff. My brother had gotten sick as well as my parents so by the time I got home from a friend's house they had already turned. I nearly got chomped until. Well you helped me. Spray can and lighter is able to truly be actually make a into flamethrower.” the boy stated in an uncomfortable voice at this while the girl shot him a questioning look before glancing towards the person moving away from the doorway.

” Hey Haru I hate to ask this but is Erin going to be okay? I mean is okay for her to be like she is?”” I'm not sure. I've never met anyone with this disorder before yesterday. Though it looks like Erin has a problem. Only time will tell what's wrong. Until then I can't do much I'm afraid. Please look into the light.”Vincent and Haru said to each other. Erin’s did as she was told just to be released. Though the young man mentioned about the bandage would be tighter this time in order to keep the stitches from being ripped.” Raven did you still have father’s letter?”” It's inside my pocket. Hey! What's with the blinding light?” Raven shouted as the lighter half got off the bed. She wanted to curl up into a ball and just die after finding out it was more than a day she was missing. The girl wanted answers now and the best people who would be able to asks was the ones outside of the room. Mainly because they may have some answers to her questions then these people. Erin slowly walked out of the room, stopping inches away from the two outside, before realizing they were siblings. When the girl left the lighter half walked beside the man keeping quiet in case he was thinking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tina woke up after sleeping about four hours then she walked the roof top checking her perimeter for anything out of place. Once she'd secured her area Tina let the big ladder down and was soon back in the Beast having a breakfast of rehydrated beef stew that while it tasted like hospital food still met her daily requirement.

She then stalked her way back to the office with a plan. She was happy to find it. Was empty an showed no signs of struggle. She then found the facility golf cart an drove it back to where there were about five RVs parked. A quick search later and she found a nice Onan generator and dismounted it from it's vehicle an loaded it on the golfcart.

Two hours later she had scrounged two five gallon marine tanka from the boats with about 8 gallons of gas and matched them to the generator and the generator to the power panel of the office.

Once she'd finished the power supply issue Tina cranked the generator then fired up the computer. Ramona storage obviously didn't worry about passwords so she began checking on who rented what looking for any connected to local contractors an businesses. She found five renters that showed promise and decided to go check them out.

First was Ortega electric who rented three 10x25s and Tina cut the locks an couldn't help but smile as she saw how neatly the small electric company kept their shop.

She didn't enter an randomly toss the place because to her that would have been an unspeakable act of sacrilege. No instead she did a quick inventory and collected a few tools and parts necessary to make her generator tap safer in operation.

Her next stop was Carmichael designs and it turned out to be a kitchen remodeling firm with little to offer for her needs

Then Tina's third stop proved to be a treasure chest called Natural solutions and honestly when she first saw them listed pictured a mail order holistic vitamin distributor.

Inside the four 10x30 storage spaces were roof top solar water heaters, solar electric panels and even two 6 kilowatt wind turbines. They were missing wiring and electrical panels but she knew just who could provide those things.

Her next stop was Henshaw's new earth and looked like what she'd expected to find in the last which made her laugh. Sure the vitamins would prove useful in the near future as balanced nutrition became an issue but it was still funny

Her last stop was Crazy Larry's Hobbies and while the smallest of the five held things that she'd not thought of till she saw them in there. It had drones, and two looked to be of a Caliber to be of use in scouting.

They were pretty little things and appeared well manufactured so she loaded both boxes on the golf cart then searched for extra battery pack and chargers coming up with two extra batteries but no extra chargers and headed back to the office.

There Tina cranked the generator and put two drone batteries on charge then sat on the bench out front of the office and thought of her next move.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 30 days ago

Felix Standfield

Felix nodded at Nikki's request. Other than that, he didn't say anything. He was more preoccupied with observing the newcomers. The moment he laid eyes on them, he already felt that they were an unsavory bunch. Or at the very least, they were the kind of people that only knew how to work cordially among themselves. The core members were family, or close friends, judging by the way they acted around each other, but the rest of them were just muscle, and they held no other meaning asides that.

If he were Nikki, he'd be a bit more worried. In normal circumstances, Nikki's claim over the school could be challenged, and easily. They had more men on their side, and he could see that they frankly couldn't care less about each other so long as they survived. The only ones' who's safety would be a real priority would be their leaders, and that meant that if they fought, they'd do so with reckless abandon. That would spell the end for Nikki and her group.

Normally, anyway. So long as he were here, even a whole army wouldn't matter. He would still win, and it was just too bad for those newcomers that he'd chosen to side with Nikki.

Felix grinned as he turned and walked with Jenna to break open the desks of the teachers. Now things were starting to get more interesting. For now, a tentative peace brought on by necessity had been established, but how long would that peace last? The two groups angles for survival were different, not enough that it would cause conflict outright, but given time, differences in their methods were sure to show up, and that was when lines would be drawn.

He wondered, Nikki's ownership of the school was unchallenged for now: she found it, and more importantly, secured it, but to what lengths would she got to keep it? He wondered if she even knew the full gravity of what it meant to claim a territory such as the school as her own, because the school was more than just a temporary refuge now, it's become a place that could possibly weather the storm of the apocalypse and become a true and lasting fortress. People would flock here, lusting for its comforts and safety, and not all of them were willing to share, and it would be up to Nikki to decide what course of action to take.

For now, he'd avoid bringing that up, and simply watch as things developed more, but if things were proceeding in a bad direction, he might have to talk with her and see if she's ready for the responsibility.

Going back to the present, Felix raised a brow at Jenna. The two of them entered the nearest class and he began inspecting the teachers desk. "All over the world huh? What'd you do? Airline attendant?" he said, half-jokingly, half-questioningly. "Ah, wait a moment."

Inside the classroom, Felix got to the teachers desk. It was locked with a padlock, and with no key in sight, he proceeded to just yank the thing off, breaking a bit of the desk in the process.

Inside he found a bunch of confiscated junk, and some notes, but nothing useful. Tossing the broken lock to the floor, he moved on.

"Eh, nothing here, let's hit the next class."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nikki Hyatt

Nikki was in the cafeteria pulling tables out of the wall. She only pulled five down. There weren't enough people in the school to warrant more. This did give people plenty of room to sit by themselves if they wanted to. She was sitting at one of them making a list of things they needed. She was preparing a trip into zombieville. They were going to have to go soon or there wouldn't be anything left to get. Looters would take it all if they didn't get what they needed fast.

The door opened up and she saw her favorite little person, Grace. "Hey guys! Did you sleep well?" She eased the baby, who was trying to fly like Superman to get to her, away from her mother. "Take a look at this list. Add what you can think of. I've got diapers down and what size but the question is what if the size is gone. Get the others and we will tape them if we have to. Baby food, motrin and anything else baby related, clothes girl size 6 months and up etc etc. Oh guess what I found? There is probably 6 months worth of powdered milk in there. They must have gotten a deal on it to have that much on hand."

Nikki wiggled her jacket off and danced with the baby making her giggle. Grace started laughing harder and harder when she twirled her around. Nikki could almost forget and pretend that it was just her and Grace at home in the living room. When she stopped it was to hear Matt clapping and Grace giggling like a happy little camper.

Nikki handed Grace off to her daddy who tickled her immediately. Grace bent over double laughing and Matt kissed her on the forehead. She cooed and stuck her thumb in her mouth. Nikki looked at the things Kat had added. "Yes definitley, Oragel, gallons of it. teething toys. Basically raid the baby section of everything they have."

Nikki turned to leave the room and stopped and went back to them. "I know you guys aren't together right now, but I want you to keep Matt in the room with you for now at least. We don't know the people that are here yet and I don't want anyone bothering you and Grace." She looked at Matt and he nodded. "Nobody is gonna bother my little Gracie. Daddy will beat them up, or he could just sic Auntie ninja on them." Nikki made the traditional face for annoying brothers and she went to go find the others to see what they had found.

Nikki decided to check out the metal shop and see what was in there. Just tools and at least the sawdust was off of the floor as was the oil that was normally staining the floor. Nikki locked that room back up.

She had to figure out who was going and were they driving? How far would they get? How bad was it out there now? She was concerned about leaving the new group there with her family. She was going to have to go talk to Vincent and see who was going to go.

@lpfan@Demonic angel @Rumikoohara@thehangedman@Belle
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jenna Connor

Jenna chuckled, "No not an airline stewardess. Up until yesterday I was making my living as a model. You don't recognize me? Jenna Connor, Cover of Cosmo last month." She looked at him expecting something by way of recognition. She was after all, one of the most famous models on the planet til the world blew up.

"It all seems rather useless now. Being pretty won't fix any of the real problems that have shown up in the last 24 hours. I have suddenly realized that I have no skills to survive on. It's pretty disheartening. First thing that happened was Nikki taught me how to kill a walker. She saved my ass. I just hope she doesn't regret it. I'm hoping she will teach me how to fight."

"What about you?" She asked using her crowbar to open the next teacher's desk. "Not much in here. Wait, there is a couple of old prescription bottles that are almost full. Amoxicillan. Yeah we are taking that. I think that girl who came in hurt needs antibiotics. I hope this will work for her." Jenna opened the cabinet and found a good full first aid kit. She smiled. "They have a nice couch in here."

When they got to the teacher's lounge they went in and pulled all of the soda's out of the machine and all of the junk food machines. Jenna found an AV cart in there too and piled all of the stuff that they had so far on it. With the sodas there was a good amount of stuff. "Let's take this stuff down and tell Nikki that there is more to find up here. There are still 2 more floors."

@thehangedman@Demonic angel
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wished he'd thought to bring his camera to set up an observation of what he'd named Alpha pack which was ambling around pretty much in a large subdivision south south-east of his present location. He would be able to then divide his attention from observation to tracking but alas 20/20 hindsight was useless.

That's when he heard two distinct booms followed by the crack of a rifle.

He went from sitting to standing his powerful cannon digital binoculars focusing in the vicinity of the origin of the sounds. While he was looking he head the Shotgun go off twice more and the rifle twice as well.

Then he saw the source of the gunfire or so he surmised. It was a toyota tundra 4x4 flying as if pursued by the hounds of hell. It came out of a subdivision and on to Main st nearly flipping as the driver took the turn too hard.

The three men in the truck were desperate to get away from where they'd been and even though not under pursuit drove at breakneck speed like a stampeding animal. Too bad they were too scared to think because the street they were rushing down began to fill with the dead who were obviously attracted by the sounds.

The idiot behind the wheel was not familiar with the laws of physics or crash test studies for if he had been he would have avoided trying to run over the creatures in the street.

They say no mechanical disaster happens because of one thing and this truck was proof. The first bodies slowed it a bit, one bounced up and shattered the wind screen but the seal was when a Deadman weighing perhaps 350 was struck causing the powerful truck to succumb to the forces of physics.

It turned off course long enough to run the passenger side wheels to run up the hood of a Honda prelude which threw the truck on it's side causing it to slide to a stop.

Henri's first Instinct was to go to their aid but as they were 200 meters away he'd never make it in time other than to attract attention to himself. So he was forced into the observing Biologist mode where all he did was watch and remember the events which he'd soon write into his journal.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

(Adah + Levi + Darius)

"Right, then." Adah clasped her hands together as things calmed down, and Levi drifted into a deep sleep. With a grunt, she stood up and began sifting through her meager belongings, tossing the now-empty flask and purse in her messenger bag of paraphernalia. As she made her way along the diagonal incline of the roof, she got a raised eyebrow from Darius, who had taken a break from the morbidity to enjoy a cigarette.

"The hell you going?"

Allowing her long hair to fall to one side as she tilted her head toward the man, she gave a snarky grin in response, "Geez, mom. I don't know, out?" She slung the hunting rifle over her shoulder.

The man blew out a stream of smoke, turning from her to face forward. Facing the sky above and the walking death below. "Now?" The moans of freshly roused shamblers underscored their conversation.

Adah's smile faded a little as she followed Darius' gaze-- half-looking at the crowd of the infected masses, all clamoring for whatever made the noise of a man having nearly a foot of glass torn out of his shoulder. She shuddered.

It was like the most corrupted version of a painting she had seen once. Some asshole's mansion, an art collector-- most affluent Californians collected some kind of art, something about this state made those with want to capture beauty-- she didn't remember his name, but she remembered the art he claimed was his. He had bought it from someone who hadn't painted it, but they were his he had kept saying-- this beauty is mine-- Adah had remembered that much about this man. Anyway, she remembered his paintings vividly, and one in particular stuck out to her now. It was from one of the French revolutions, depicting a sunset from one of the palaces-- some royals ate a brilliant dinner while millions of peasants crowded, sick, dying and hungry below. She could see her, where she stood now, above the seemingly dead and hungry masses, in the painting.

Adah sighed. She wondered what the people below her felt? Why did they seem to cannibalize without thought? "How did everything get fucked so fast?"

Darius chuckled hard enough to cough up some smoke, "Asked the drug-dealer of the terrorist."

"Former dealer," She corrected quickly, "I thought you said you were a guerrilla? I didn't know you were an eco-terrorist too..."

"I dabbled," He took a slow drag, "and I wouldn't be so quick to abandon the world."

"You think?"

"No one stands to profit from this, kiddo." He explained, squinting through the cloud of smoke encompassing his face, "I think we'll be seeing the agents of capitalism soon enough."

"The military?"

He nodded, and Adah's smile completely faded. The two were quiet for a time after that, with only the sound of the dead and dying to keep them company. Martial law wasn't preferable to this-- she could survive this, she was smarter than the shamblers and faster than any violent looters... Adah breathed in. She was getting ahead of herself. Of course things weren't going to get that bad-- they would get better sooner than later. What mattered right now was getting off this damn roof for a minute. Alone time would clear her head.

"Again," She cleared her throat, mostly in a vain attempt to clear the air, "Right, then." Now to get down. She could jump roofs if \needed-- they weren't that far apart, but that came with its entire own department of risks she'd rather not take. She waled on the other side of the roof, hoping to see that the shamblers hadn't gotten past the week fencing, and that they were mostly hanging around the front of the house...

"I figure I can't stop you," Darius announced, interrupting Adah's search for a place to drop down into the alley, "But I also figure I should remind you how cold it gets at night," He looked up at the pre-twilight sky, "You don't got much longer 'till it's completely dark, that's when shit really hit the fan." He gestured toward his backpack, "Take off that thin, bright shirt and wear one of my hoodies."

"But I like this blouse..." She pouted, "But you're right-- all black is a good look on me, anyway, thanks Mom." As she slipped on the hoodie, she spoke more, "I'm going to go see if can find us something with actual nutritional value to eat-- we'll need it if the goal is to get to the mountains... right?"

Darius gave a neutral grunt.

Adah rolled her eyes as she set all her gear in place, she rolled up the sleeves on the over-sized hoodie. She sat on the edge of the roof now, her feet dangling just over an almost clear alley. She pulled out her phone-- 67%-- she'd need it's flashlight if things got hairy fast. Putting in an earbud and setting her playlist to shuffle, she prepared for the drop-- right onto the head of the only inhabitant of the alley.

The shambler's head was crushed under the weight of Adah's calculated fall as her music began.

"When you walk without ease
on these streets where you were raised
I had a really bad dream
It lasted 20 years, 7 months and 27 days
Alone, I'm alone
And I never, ever.. had no one ever"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

James Harris & Zachary Harris

James's red Chevelle was roaring down the Interstate 5. James was looking left and right occasionally seeing stopped cars and walkers. He was glad to be out of San Diego and was determined not to get in another big city again. From now on he and Zach would stick to just small towns or suburban areas for shelter and scavenging. Then all of a sudden James enters a large suburban area with some huge skyscrapers in the distance. "What the hell is this? Zach you idiot, you've taken us straight into Los Angeles." Said James as he punched Zach in his left shoulder angry. As he stopped the car, James attempted to turn around and leave but undead started piling up behind him so he pushed forward.

"I'm sorry man, I told you I can't read a map. You should've let me drive and you read the map." Said Zach not protesting about James's punch and looking shocked on the map of California, realising the mistake he made. "How hard can it be to read a map damnit, you don't need a degree in science to do it. FUCK!" Said James in a rare display of anger as he slapped the steering wheel violently. "From now on i'm reading the map got it?" He continued pointing his right index finger at Zach and taking the map from his hands, throwing it in the back of the car. "I'm sorry! I really am sorry! Forgive me!" Said Zach as he took off his cap, slammed it against the dashboard and put it back on.

James took one mean look at him, then turned his view back to the road as he nodded his head in dissaproval. "Well there's no turning back now. We gotta find a safe place to stay and figure out how to get out of this hellhole. We'll stay away from the freeways which are probably filled to the brim with cars and stick to the smaller streets." Said James as he was driving through an industrial complex. Then he took one more look at Zach. "I'm sorry for lashing out at you like that earlier. But you've made a really dumb thing you know that?" He said while looking forward. "Yeah!" Said Zach with half a mouth as James drove out of the industrial complex.

As he got into the city itself, undead began to be a more and more frequent sight. "Dude we really should stop somewhere. Hey look over there!" Said Zach pointing James to some high school, well contained and with some guards outside. "Well I don't know about you but that place looks safe enough." Said James as he drove in that direction. "Listen no matter what happends you let me do the talking alright? I don't want you to screw this up too." Said James as he pulled up in front of the gate as one of the guards turned to him and gave him a mean and serious look. James lowered the window. "Hello there, ummm listen we are just survivors looking for shelter. We saw you guys guarding this place and thought that maybe that's the place we seek. Are there any more survivors inside?" Asked James trying to be as diplomatic as he possibly could.

"Maybe!" Said the man with a thick irish accent. "But why should I let you in?" He continued. "Listen, we are good people okay? We mean no one no harm." Responded James. Still unconvinced, the man opened the gate anyway as James drove inside, stopping the car in the parking lot as the guard quickly locked the gate behind him. James and Zach got out of the car as they took their backpacks from the trunk and with James grabbing the duffle bag with his "special" stuff too. James stopped in front of the entrance to the high school and tried to get inside but the place was obviously locked. Then he knocks four times on the door. "HELLO? Is anyone inside? Please let us in. Were just survivors looking for shelter." Shouted James as he knocked another four times after the end of his statement.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nikki Hyatt

Matt was walking Nikki and Vincent to the door to let them out for the food and necessities run. That's when they heard the banging on the door. Nikki opened it and spoke to James and Zach. She got a good vibe from them so she let them come in. She looked out at the car they arrived in and smiled. "Nice car. Vincent and I are going on a supply run. Would you like to come with us?She asked James. She smiled when James nodded and Matt said to Zach, "I've got some stuff for you to help me with." Nikki grinned, "Have fun with that."

Nikki gave Matt a knowing look and he started talking to Zach about taking out the trash. He had found a couple of shovels and they had some digging to do. He had left Kat with one of the walkie talkie's from the front office and his gun, while he carried one of the other walkies in case she needed him. Jenna was in the room with Kat playing with the baby.

Nikki went straight for her car. It was about five years old and it was reliable, roomy and it was good on gas and it was quiet. James car was all of those except quiet. Nikki didn't want to attract walkers so no one asked about the car choice.

@lpfan@demonic angel@belle
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 30 days ago

Felix Standfield

A model huh? Well, that explained the good looks. And though he never paid attention to fashion trends, he had an ear to the ground for everything, and that meant that he did, in fact come across her name several times. It was the first time he's placed a face to that name though. Sad it was under less than ideal circumstances, but it is what it is, so he wouldn't complain.

In any case, he continued their conversation on the way back to Nikki.

"I've been doing nothing but odd-jobs my whole life," he stated, "mostly because I liked moving around a lot. I get bored easily, you see, so I do whatever seems the most interesting at the time. Who knows, maybe if the world hadn't ended, we might have come across each other in the modelling business," he said with a cheeky and completely confident grin. "When the apocalypse started I was a delivery man. I made rounds pretty much cross-country, and I just happened to stop here when things when to hell for humanity. So far, I haven't really had a hard time living out here; you learn things as you travel, you know?"

Normally, he'd stop there, but there was something that he wanted to bring up, however. "So it was Nikki that saved you huh? You know, I've got a good feeling about that girl," he said, "she may be able to do something big in this crisis. Anyway, given all her responsibilities, I'm not sure if she'd have time to instruct you . . ."

He mulled over his next words, as though he were unsure about saying them. It was, after all, a pretty big proposition.

"If you'd like, I could teach you how to fight -- actually, scrap that, fighting isn't all to impressive at the moment. Better yet, I could teach you how to survive, if you're up for it." Well, that was his sales pitch. It had come to him suddenly, the idea of teaching her, because he had never taught anyone before, and he decided that now was as good a time as any. And with her fairly peaceful background, Felix reckoned she'd make for a pretty interesting pupil.

Of course, if she refused, he could understand that. He suspected that Jenna might be developing a sort hero worship for Nikki, though admittedly, the other girl made it easy to be admired, and if that were the case, she might not be considering but Nikki to be an option, if it came to learning how to deal with the current apocalypse, especially since she saved her life.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Henri continued observing even when he had a bit of water and ate half a protein bar. With his free hand he scribbled in his note book everything he was seeing. He wasn't actually sure who would ever read his notes but as a good scientist he knew that wasn't the point. Some in his profession seemed to believe themselves writers first and scientists second; hell he knew more than a few had publicists.

He had a good chuckle thinking about Darwin's publicist urging the man to do Letterman or some other ridiculous talk show.

~Charlie, Charlie it's me your biggest fan; How you gonna get your next grant if they forget who you are?~

Of course at the time he'd do a hundred talk shows if it meant things would flip back to normal.

" Ah passion douce qui dérive dans la vapeur vêtement et murmure le désir le plus profane.
Revenez à moi cœur, mon âme perdue faute de vous
me brûler dans les flammes de joie , enchaîner moi dans tes yeux

Hélas , je suis comme le soir gris de la vie et vous un rêve de mon passé

Je jette maintenant sur ​​la côte rocheuse frappé par des tempêtes de folie perdu sans toi
Comment dois-je survivre à savoir de ne plus jamais boire le vin dans votre voix a été trouvé
Je vais durer dans la vie , il est encore de l'espoir , il y a encore des rêves"
whispers Henri his hand scribbling yet another poem in a book meant for science

It is an odd habit that often amused his peers which was passed down from father to son which he explained as a safety valve to loneliness.

Henri knew a great deal about isolation and it's emotional effects. How a man or woman with no one to share their emotions with could become a pressure cooker that eventually exploded. He used poetry to expel his pent up passions whether they were anger or longing and endured.

~How much more lonely could one man be than here and now~ he mused as he watched the pack that had attacked the men in the truck disburse
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Adah inched her way around the buildings, only taking quick quick glances around the corner to confirm the crowd was still braying for Levi's blood. She had decided to take her time in her slow forward progression-- and she found the lyrics 'Racing against sunbeams' to be particularly apt to her current situation, her caution in moving from building to builging had cost her daylight. Hell, she'd even administered a type of soma to Levi-- and she'd even drank more of her liquor to numb the pain of... everything. She couldn't lie to herself about that, nor could she lie that she was prepared to go steal some more.

She opted to put her long hair in a more practical pony-tail before hopping the fence. She proceded to follow a back alley and pushed her way through a light underbrush onto passion-- what a name for a street-- and from there cut onto 10th street. It was eerie-- at this time of day, streets like these shouldn't have been empty-- this was a busy urban area, she had seen a few schools before becoming marooned on a roof, restaurants, shops... There was plenty here , pre or post-apocalypse. There should be more people here.

Adah pulled her rifle to a resting position as she made her way along the sidewalk. She knew this wasn't a major metropolitan area-- the garbled radio she had managed to hear spoke of LA and Sacremento as places people should flee. The open doors of the homes to her right showed that indeed, most of the populace had probably fled, either to the cities or higher ground. But that just meant that a place like this-- some resources, not many infected, plenty of places to hole up-- would be where... she supposed it'd be where people like her ended up. But why weren't there more?

She cut across the street once she saw the sign of the Ramona Sentinel. Apparently this town had been around since the 1800's, otherwise the sentinel's boasting being around since 1886 was a big fat lie. She could only assume someone might have come here for refuge after the attack, if they were really as important to the community as they seemed to think they were.

"Hello?" She knocked on the door with her gun, "Coming in, I guess..." Adah pushed the front door open with her gun, pulling out her iphone flashlight to illuminate the darkened interior. Either power was already out or someone had cut the fuses-- because try as she might, she couldn't find a functioning light, or, honestly, anything of functional use.

That wasn't entirely true! She had found a map of the town, which she figured might come in handy, knowing where all the restaurants and gas stations might be useful for quick food. The supermarkets would be overrun-- restaurants had supply closets of food people wouldn't immediately think to raid, and gas-stations...

Well... They'd be prime targets, too, actually. But all the suppliers she knew worked at gas stations, maybe she could find a stash? Honestly, she'd settle for some prescribed spliff at this point.

Adah was finishing a final sweep of the newspaper offices when she stopped dead in her tracks in front of a room she either hadn't thought to check, or hadn't even noticed the first few times. The editors office had a fogged glass door, and the simple words "editor-in-chief, Justin Daniels" inscribed in simple black font. It was an inconspicuous room, but as the song she had been listening to ended, she swore she could hear it, coming from just behind the glass.

Slight as it was, she could hear sobbing.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vincent JamesMcGarth

” Is she awake?”” Clara could be out for another hour or so. I'm more worried about her leg. It's starting to puff up and there's redness starting to form.” Vincent and Haru whispered to everyone in order to keep information flowing while allowing the youngest sister to sleep.” So what does the redness mean?”” Doesn't it mean an infection? I'm not trying to sound gross up once that starts having pus inside then how are you going to fix it?” Raven and Maria commented with worry across their faces.” Depends on the degree of the wound and if it was cleaned out right away or not. Though I don't know what wound your talking about. Why does my head hurt?” A sudden voice caused all heads to turn toward the young man though a questioning look was placed and the older brother's face now.” You don't remember Clara? Are you joking?” he asked trying to figure at what was going on.” My name is Erin Hyde McGarth. I'm 17 years old. My parents died in an accident and I have been living with my Aunt since I was 10. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder when I was 11. The medication that I am on is keeping my anger in check. Now I have questions of my own.” Erin said as she slowly opened her blue eye leaving the green closed. The man went to say something before his twin beat him to the punch.

” Okay. I'll introduce myself first. My name is Raven Lillian McGarth. I worked for the airport before everything happened. I have a twin brother and my mother was in love with someone before kicking them out of her life from a stupid misunderstanding. Which has haunted her since. I'm your older half sister Erin.”” You said too much Raven. Haru it looks like we’re almost at the nurse’s office. Since my sister placed that much weight on your shoulders I'll have to add more. My name is Vincent James McGarth. I was in with a bad crowd until I was 19. I was arrested and decided to follow our father’s footsteps. I was drafted into the AWM in Ireland. I was a decorated hero so when I got a letter in the mail from a law firm in San Francisco I asked for an honorable discharge. Who would have guess I would arrive the same day as the outbreak. I'm also the oldest and twin to Raven.” the guy said before silence filled the room." Had I said to much? Did I not say enough to at least peek her interest? Is she scared to say something rude or just frightened of the truth? What is our youngest sister thinking?"

” Alright. One. Two. Three.” the other teenager said as he lifted the girl onto a bed.” You're not going to hit me again for checking the wound right?” he asked receiving a head shake as a response.” I take that as a no. Vincent can you place Raven in the bed beside Erin. Well I guess it's my turn to reintroduce myself. My name is Haru Sento. I'm Japanese and had a twin brother who drove me nuts. I used to go hunting with my step dad so I'm good at tracking and stuff. My brother had gotten sick as well as my parents so by the time I got home from a friend's house they had already turned. I nearly got chomped until. Well you helped me. Spray can and lighter is able to truly be actually make a into flamethrower.” the boy stated in an uncomfortable voice while the older brother did as he was told.

” Hey Haru I hate to ask this but is Erin going to be okay? I mean is okay for her to be like she is?”” I'm not sure. I've never met anyone with this disorder before yesterday. Though it looks like Erin has a problem. Only time will tell what's wrong. Until then I can't do much I'm afraid. Please look into the light.”Vincent and Haru said to each other. Erin did as she was told just to be released. Though the young man mentioned about the bandage would be tighter this time in order to keep the stitches from being ripped.” Raven did you still have father’s letter?”” It's inside my pocket. Hey! What's with the blinding light?” Raven shouted as the lighter half got off the bed. The man watched keeping at his twin side. One part of himself said to follow Erin. Another part rather fear what she could do." Raven will be alright. To bad we don't have any ice or something cold to keep the swelling down." A sigh of relief passed the man's lips as he decided to go find Nikki. After a while he went outside and saw her by the car. He walked towards the woman deep in thought before leaning on the car door." I'm worried about my youngest sister. Any advise on how to protect a girl with Borderline Personality Disorder?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Jenna Connor

Jenna left the baby with Kat and went to the nurse's office. "Felix and I found some Amoxicillan when we were scavenging. If you think it might help her take it." She said looking at Erin's wound. "Other than that I found some over the counter stuff in the cabinet's in here."

Jenna saw Felix and decided to accept his offer. "If you want to teach me to survive in this mess I would be appreciative of anything you can teach me." She looked over and grabbed the AV cart. "Two more floors to check out desks and cabinets, you ready?" She smiled and pushed the cart to the elevator and hit the up button.

Matthew Hyatt

Matt and Zach had taken a large cart from the loading dock on the back of the school and loaded it up with the dead that needed burial. Matt sighed, they had gotten several of them buried over by the tennis courts. They were burying them farther away from the school so there would be less likelihood of disease spreading as the bodies rotted. When Zach looked up Matt tossed him a bottle of water.

Matt said with pride in his voice. "You believe it? My kid sister killed all of these things on her own. The girl can't cook to save her life but put a sword in her hands or just piss her off and she'll kick your ass. Kind of funny actually, most of the time she is more the grown up and taking charge than I am. Hell, I'm a marine and she is still a better leader than I am." Matt said with laughter in his voice, "But I can cook!" They both laughed.

Nikki Hyatt

"Come on, let's go!" Once James and Vincent got into the car Nikki said, "If your sister has a personality disorder she is still your sister. It's like you have two sisters in one body. Figure out which one is out and deal with that one. If she goes by different names address her that way. There isn't much we can do about that. The best we can do is try to get her meds whenever we can but the side effects coming off of that stuff could be more dangerous than just learning how to deal with her."

Nikki drove them out to an industrial area. "Okay, I hope you boys are packing some crowbars or tire irons." She pulled up behind a building that had no signs yet except one small sign on the door. There were semi trailers all over the place some locked up and some open. The sign read Walmart Distribution Center.

She turned to face the guys. "We have a list, let's hope some of this stuff is on it and that this isn't full of cat food. This was just opened up about six months ago. We are taking the sign down." Nikki got out of the car and broke the sign and shoved it into the bushes where it wouldn't be seen. "Stay close there could easily be 100 walkers in here." She gave James the list. "You guys start grabbing stuff, we need everything for a 6 month old baby girl. Plus all the other stuff. I'm gonna go kick some ass and try to cover yours while you get what we need." She broke open the lock and listened. She put her fingers up to her mouth signalling to be quiet. She opened the door all the way and slipped inside.

Nikki covered Vincent and James when they came in and saw a warehouse setup with everything in bulk boxes stacked up to 50 feet up on shelves. If they were to look behind them Nikki was using her Martial Arts to keep the walkers back as she used her sword to decapitate them. She was starting to get used to the ache in her arms and at how hard she had to swing to take their heads off. She was channeling her anger about Nolan. She vowed that she would never let Walkers take someone she cared about again. Nikki was keeping an eye on the guys but more on the walkers. There were a lot of them, more were showing up the longer they were in there. "Hurry up guys there are a lot more coming!"

@Demonic Angel@lpfan@thehangedman
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Tina heard gunfire north of her so she checked her weapons to assure that as she already knew they were fully loaded. Then she went upstairs above the office to give her advantage point over any invaders that might try her position.

She waited for nearly two hours before she came down and cursed herself for leaving the gas powered generator running knowing that even as quiet as it was it could have given up her presence. Then she checked the battery packs for the drone happy to see they read full.

She popped in the battery of one of her two drones and gave it three simple commands to check it's ability to fly hover and turn. She was very pleased to find out the drone was a fairly quiet machine which would aid in keeping her concealed as she scouted the lay of the land.

Her next trick made her smile because by using her navigation map and setting GPS way points in it she was able to use the second controller to pan the drone's camera separately as it flew along it's preprogrammed flight. She was also clever in her flight by setting the little device return only after landing it on what looked like a warehouse's roof and waiting an hour. She could see the warehouse about half a mile off which might draw any pursuits out and expose them to view in there surrounding fields.

Then once preped she did a perimeter check to make sure no one was around to see the launch.

The coast clear she launched the machine grinning as it flew about 8 feet off the ground towards a construction site to the north west. Once she reached the construction site the little drone popped up Climbing to one hundred feet where it committed to a one minute hover while Tina swung the camera back towards the storage buildings then did a 360 pan.

Feeling safe Tina waited eagerly for the next maneuver that took it on a course to the west till it joined back up with Main street and stopped to hover another minute.

Her map showed she was at intersection of Main and Pala. The camera showed an O'Riley's, an Autozone, Kmart and a Stars gas station. The gas station an Kmart showed the signs of destruction and the parking lot of the Kmart was teeming with shambling former Kmart shoppers but the two parts stores seemed fairly untouched.

Next the little drone flew up Main stopping where it crossed 16th. Once more Tina panned the camera and wasn't all surprised to find the Stater brother's market parking lot populated by the former remnants of it's customers.
The same was true of almost every business parking lot all the way to Second Street near the outskirts.

Then she overflew the Municipal Water equipment yard and took note of three portable construction lights, a front end loader and a track hoe.

Then to save on flight battery the drone flew down A street and kept going even after it ended to land under her control atop Brunch construction's warehouse.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erin Hyde McGarth

Before Matt had reached the cafeteria Erin had doubled back toward the nurse's office. For some reason she had to find out if the twins were lying or not. The girl walked inside and stopped right in front of her older sister causing a smile across the girl's face." I was wondering when you were coming back. You missed our big brother. It seems that he has a crush on that female leader."" I want to see that letter." this caused the other girl to lose her smile." Why?"" Because I want to read it. I want to know why my father never told me about you and Vincent. Truthfully I want answers from someone I know than a complete stranger." a sigh passed the woman's lips as she gave up the letter.

Erin quickly read it before passing it back to Raven. Slowly she moved to past two beds before getting up on the third." You want to talk about it?"" Nope. I have my sister and brother around so it's cool. I don't need anymore." the girl said as she ripped the bandage off. The cut started at halfway on her leg then traveled toward her ankle. So far there wasn't any blackness to her veins which was a good sign yet there was some puffing and redness." How's the stitching?"" Aunt Vivian would have been proud. Though next time there should be a huge loop. Could get caught on something." the teenager stated as a woman and guy walked inside.

"Felix and I found some Amoxicillan when we were scavenging. If you think it might help her take it." A voice said making Erin look up. "Other than that I found some over the counter stuff in the cabinet's in here."" Now where did you find that beauty? I wouldn't risk using it Haru. At least if it's the liquid." the girl said as she took it. Thankfully it was just pills." I'm very grateful to you both. Though I would like to come with you guys now."" Easy on the leg. Take one now please then I'll get you on a schedule." with that the teenager quickly took one pill and followed the two with her sister behind the three.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vincent James McGarth

"Come on, let's go!" Vincent sighed as he got into the passenger side. Once they started to drive off Nikki spoke up again."If your sister has a personality disorder she is still your sister. It's like you have two sisters in one body. Figure out which one is out and deal with that one. If she goes by different names address her that way. There isn't much we can do about that. The best we can do is try to get her meds whenever we can but the side effects coming off of that stuff could be more dangerous than just learning how to deal with her." when Nikki had said this the man just stayed silent. Mainly because he was pondering on what the woman had said as well as waiting for the other person to speak. This was whole new thing to the guy which caused him to worry more.

Vincent didn't even notice that Nikki had stopped. Though it was clear that it was somewhere to be plundered. When she turned to them the man had a bad feeling. Yet he didn't speak up thinking it was just his imagination running wild."We have a list, let's hope some of this stuff is on it and that this isn't full of cat food. This was just opened up about six months ago. We are taking the sign down." the woman said before getting out of the car. The guy quickly jumped out after her watching out for the undead as she tore the sign down. "Stay close there could easily be 100 walkers in here."[i][orange]" No. I though I would run out and scream robbers to the world. That way we could all get eaten alive. Of course I'm not going far! I have a family to protect after all!"[/color][/i] She stated as gave the other male something.

"You guys start grabbing stuff, we need everything for a 6 month old baby girl. Plus all the other stuff. I'm gonna go kick some ass and try to cover yours while you get what we need." Nikki called out. Vincent didn't go inside right away due to scanning the area, yet he saw nothing, a shrug then he walked inside. There was a cart by the door along with empty boxes. The guy grabbed two and placed boxes inside them for the loose items. The man started in the back away from the other two. This wasn't because he hated them. It was because there might had been useful items in the back, which there were sports stuff. He pulled them inside one cart though he stopped suddenly when Nikki called out. The man grabbed the three boxes of balls and went beside her throwing to contents forward. This forced to balls to hit the zombies forcing many to clash into others and the ones to slip on them to hit the pavement hard. The guy then ran back to the carts and brought them up, grabbing one out of the bottom, and helped with the walkers." In the back there's more balls. Do what I just did with the baseballs. Use the softballs to throw at their heads. Once the door is clear I'll shut it and come up with a better way to kill them." he shouted as he swung at a Walker's head, smashing it in a pin at the trailers wall, then swung at another one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Henri was scanning the town from his tower when he saw several strange events occur. The first was a high end drone, possibly an Inspire pop up in an area cleared for construction. It hovered for a short span it's camera swing round under it searching but for what then it sped off towards the southwest five minutes later it reappeared flying above the main street till it disappeared to the northeast.

Next came a car driven by someone with self control that disappeared into a warehouse area an didn't come out. They were likely scrounging among the businesses there and if they returned the same way they'd driven then they would likely be based nearby.

~ Well looks as you are no Crusoe Henri~ he thought with a grin

Then it was back, the drone and it flew over towards a construction company's yard and landed on it's main building's roof.
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