You were invited to a party, but when you arrive you are told to draw a number from a basket. The paper has a number written on the outside, and inside the folded scrap is a name of something and, in many cases a description. You are told that all you have to do is tear the paper to get what it says on it. In the case of illnesses, you need to focus on someone else first or you will get it.
There are 10 cursed items, 10 illnesses, 10 animals, 10 magic weapons, and 10 normal weapons. To join, just send me a PM titled "devil's party favors" followed by your name, and tell me what number you drew, 1-50. I'll tell you what you got.
The game resets when every "special guest", ie, player, is dead, but you can rejoin if you die. There are many normal guests, and you can even be one of the staff if you want, so if noone meta-games it should be hard for the characters to know who's a special guest and who isn't. Also, there are guards, so if you are caught killing, they will look for you and the others will freak out about it.
If someone activates a trap using your item or is effected in a special way, then just tell them the effect.
1) Don't metagame. This is big, as the NPCs and PCs have to be treated differently.
2) No auto-hitting.
There are 10 cursed items, 10 illnesses, 10 animals, 10 magic weapons, and 10 normal weapons. To join, just send me a PM titled "devil's party favors" followed by your name, and tell me what number you drew, 1-50. I'll tell you what you got.
The game resets when every "special guest", ie, player, is dead, but you can rejoin if you die. There are many normal guests, and you can even be one of the staff if you want, so if noone meta-games it should be hard for the characters to know who's a special guest and who isn't. Also, there are guards, so if you are caught killing, they will look for you and the others will freak out about it.
If someone activates a trap using your item or is effected in a special way, then just tell them the effect.
1) Don't metagame. This is big, as the NPCs and PCs have to be treated differently.
2) No auto-hitting.