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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vincent James McGarth

" Dea-beannacht deartháir." Vincent said while closing Vinyl's eyes. This was hard for him mostly because this was the one person who always looked out for the guy in Ireland. Though after joining the ARW this mobster had practically stayed away as order yet no matter what they told his brother to do there was always a brotherly connection between them. The guy leaned down as spoke a prayer while the door opened and a sigh passed into the air.[color=00aeef]"Come on, let's get him onto the flatbed here with the others. Nikki is checking the building for how these creeps got in." Matt stated making Vincent give the man a cold glare while speaking into the walkie.

"Nik? Vincent just killed another one in the stairwell on the southwest corner. No idea how many there are. I'm going to start searching from this end and I'll meet you in the middle." the prayer resumed while Matt continued to talk to another person and once that was done his eye glared at the other male. It would have been clear this moment was bothering the guy." Please leave this one away from the others. I would like to bury him properly after you all get done doing what it is you do. I'll just need to borrow a shovel than I'll be out of your hair." Vincent almost pleaded to the newly arrived man. After saying this he followed behind Nikki's brother. So far they couldn't find were the man got inside which only added to the man's frustrations. After a while the walkie squawked to life making the guy feel like a bother yet he waited just in case he was needed.

Once the man was allowed to leave he started toward the front running into Jenna right away."Didn't Nikki say you had guys watching the school from the outside? You might want to see if your guys are still alive and if they are why they didn't see them breaking in." when the woman said this his hand ruffled his hair before groaning and hitting the wall breaking his hand on contact. Raven run down the hallway toward them, tears running down her face, as the woman tackled her brother in a hug." I just saw Vinyl's body. Are you okay? I know he was like a brother to you. What happened?"" I… I gave him a chance to get out. I told him to not come back yet he just got back up and swung. I… I just want to find Erin and keep up the second floor." he said hugging Raven back rather tightly while trying to fight tears back. Vincent just wanted this day to end now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erin Hyde McGarth

The blue eye was wide opened while her head lingered down, not daring to look away, as her grip released the board. The weapon clattered to the floor splattering upon what used to be a living human being. Blood began crawling away from the origin toward Erin by the time Kat had walked out, her breathes were uneven and hands even shaky not showing any signs of stopping. The cloths were sticking to the teenager due to the blood not helping to calm her in the slightest."Thanks for the help," caused the lighter half to just nod a little before the mother left completely. Erin's eye focused on the crimson, head turning from side to side, then the flashback to her Aunt bitting Ava's arm causing a blood curdling scream." Guys we have. Never mind. Erin? Are you alright? Come here sweetheart. It's okay. Let's get you out of here." Maria said in a calm voice while trying to calm the teenager curled up in a ball on the floor. Her hand touched the youngest sibling's only to force her to retreat into a tighter ball.

" I'm not going to hurt you. I just want company while I search for Nikki." Erin uncurled and grasped the woman's hand while her head slowly inched toward the body." Hey. Keep your eye on me okay. I'm going to carry you that why you can't see." The teenager allowed Maria to do what she wanted, seeing the body once more on the way up, flashing back to the kitchen as she closed her eye tightly. The woman's boots gently thumped as she walked out being greeted by Haru at the door." What's wrong? Is the girl hurt? Is she alright? What happened?"" Calm down kid. Erin is fine. We have a problem in the back and I don't want to alarm the others about it. Clara had saved a life today yet it seems that everyone fears this child. I want her to talk to these people's leader. Hopefully it will help." The two said to each other while Erin sighed. No one was more fearfully about this thing inside her than herself yet the young woman tried to that fact.

" It's worth a try. I'll keep this a secret best I can from the others though we both have to agree. Whatever is behind this door stays buried between us three. No one will ever know what happened. And we will never tell in order to keep Erin safe and secure inside these walls. One of us has to be by her side constantly no matter the cost Maria."" I was going to do that no matter what Haru. Besides I have I need to tell Nikki and Vincent how they got inside." They both nodded before parting ways. It took a while but Maria had finally found Nikki by a set of doors inside the gym. The woman set the teenager down on the floor before sighing at the door." I wouldn't open that. Nor would I do anything to the door just yet. It could be booby trapped or there could be others behind it just waiting for a signal. It's better to have someone look before messing with it."" Hate to say it but Erin's right. They hit us with our own flash grenades and smoke bombs. Guess they were able to scavenge from our camp or other Army vehicles for the gear. The guards never had a chance. Me and another were getting the guards water when they hit. All of them are dead." Each of them said trying to help out a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Six pm or so on Day 2

Nikki Hyatt

Nikki was waiting for James when two of Vincent's girls came in. "I already have. There is no one on the other side but the guys Vincent had guarding us appear to be dead. So everyone needs to be alert." Nikki had chained the gym doors and she was watching Grace playing near Kat.

Jenna jumped when Vincent punched the wall. Before she could say anything Raven jumped between them and hugged Vincent. Jenna went to the gym to look for Nikki. She was looking for Felix along the way but he seemed to have disappeared. She worried about him with these guys having broken in. When she got to the gym she went straight to her, smiling at the baby along the way. She said, "Nikki? Vincent is really upset about something. He punched a wall and I think he broke his hand."

Nikki closed her eyes for a moment. "Jenna could you play nurse for a while?" Jenna was surprised. "I guess I could try." "If you see James tell him I need him in here, please." "Sure thing." Jenna went back to find Vincent and to take care of his hand.

Nikki sat down next to Grace and laid back on the floor. The laughing baby crawled up on top of her and gave her slobbery kisses on the cheek. Nikki let her and kept her mouth shut tight. When she had had enough of the drooling kisses she picked her up and that caused the baby to laugh harder. Nikki wiped her face off and hugged the baby tight while thinking about all that they had lost.

@thehangedman@lpfan@belle@Demonic angel
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

James Harris

James got out of Nikki's room, not wanting to bother her sleep and imidieatly noticed a woman with a baby shouting for Matt and Nikki. The woman came close to him saying that they have intruders. Then all of a sudden three men came from around the corner. James imidieatly pulled the woman behind him and pulled out his kukri, pointing it towards them. "You boys are not from around here are you?" Said James in a threatening manner. Just as he was ready to pull out his gun Nikki comes out hellbent on destruction and after a couple of exchanges of words she kicks their asses hard with only one surviving. James put his kukri back in the sheath as Nikki proceeded to call for Matt through a walkie then told him to look after the one guy that survived as she continued to play with Grace.

Then Matt came and took the dead bodies after Nikki told him what happened and gave him instructions on what to do next. After Nikki went away to check the doors James remained with the surviving guy. As everyone went away James leaned next to him and slapped him over the head. "I bet it sucks dosen't it. To get your ass kicked by a woman. SIT DOWN!" Said James as he grabbed the guy on the shoulder and planted him on the ground because he wanted to get up.

Then Matt returns with a couple of chains and locks and tells him to go chain some doors, slapping him on the back, as James was leaving Matt stopped him, telling him that Nikki wants to see him in the gym. James nodded and went away as he chained the doors that needed to be locked and went to the gym, seeing Nikki playing with the baby there. "You wanted to see me?" Said James startling Nikki as she was concentrated on the baby.

Zachary Harris

The good athmosphere that Matt and Zach created was broken all of a sudden as Matt took a walkie and followed the instructions of a woman that called him out. As Matt was walking away he suddenly turned around and told him that he needs to come too. Zach followed him but stopped in front of the door after seeing the dead guards. "Oh man what the hell is going on in here." He said as he pulled out his bowie knife and got inside the school. As he was climbing some stairs, he sees Matt together with another guy he hasn't seen before. He put his bowie back in the sheath and takes the dead bodies outside one by one as Matt instructed him to do. Then after taking out the last body he sees a woman coming, handing him a walkie, telling him that it's for communication. "Thanks darling!" Said Zach smiling as the woman walked away.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nikki Hyatt

Nikki got up smiling and gave Grace back to Kat. She was still wiping baby slobber off as she spoke to him. "Yeah, I'm guessing you have some metal and mechanical skills. It's almost a guarantee when you own a car like that one outside. Let me show you what needs fixing." She knelt down and showed him where the metal had been bent. "So I figured this is in your realm of skills. Am I right?" She grinned at him. "I know where there are more tools if I didn't get the ones you need."

Nikki picked up the walkie and asked Jenna if she had heard her correctly. "I could swear you said you know how to cook." Jenna was heard chuckling and said "Vincent's sister is looking after his hand so I'll head to the cafeteria and see what I can come up with. Hey Nik? Have you seen Felix?" Matt jumped into the conversation. "Yay! Nikki is NOT cooking!" His laughter could be heard. "You are so right. We would starve if it was left up to my cooking skills." "What skills?" Matt said laughing. Nikki teased her brother, "Hey I make up for it in other ways!" Jenna laughed and said "Yes you do." "No I' haven't seen him but I'll send him to you if I do."

She looked at James who had been listening with a grin on his face. "Matt's right though, My cooking is aweful! However, dinner IS being started." she smiled and stayed with James while he worked on the door. She chained it so it couldn't be yanked open but gave him enough maneuverability to fix it. After he got through fixing the door and reinforcing it Nikki tightened the chains on it.

@lpfan@Belle@Dark Light@Darcs@Rumikoohara@thehangedman@demonic angel
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

(Adah, Day 2: Early evening)

"Fuck!" Adah smashed through the glass doors of the 7/11 she had just snuck into-- she had successfully snuck in, too! She just didn't know there were people inside.

"You little bitch!" The big one shouted. The big one, that was the guy who had caught her. He was at least 6'5", had muscles in places that Adah didn't know you could have muscles in, and sounded completely roided out. There were two more-- tanned skinned greaser looking dudes, Vagos rejects looking motherfuckers-- why they were hanging with a stretched out leprechaun was beyond her.

"Fuuuuuck..." Adah groaned. The fucker had nearly broken her ribs with that wrestling shit. They'd had a brief skirmish when he had heard her snooping inside a supply closet. Coughing as he approached, Adah spat out a bit of blood. "Fucking Christ, dude..." she groaned, "What kinda shit did your mom do to you growing up...?"

"Shut up!" It got a chuckle out of the Vagos looking assholes-- which was good-- she needed them to like her. She could hardly move right now, the only way she was getting out of this was by convincing them what she wanted and what they wanted were the same thing.

Adah managed to roll away from the boot as it swung toward her face. "You're already kicking me out?" Adah breathlessly asked, "We haven't even done the fun stuff!" The man moved to kick again, and Adah instinctively held out a hand, "For the love of Christ, wait!" To her relief, he didn't just follow through with the kick. He'd gotten a good hit on her eye earlier and she could already feel the swelling begin over her left eye. "Look!" She made eye contact with the leader, "This is your mark-- I get that," She glanced from the roided out leader to his strung out companions. They were clearly drug users-- she could use that. "I was just trying to get to a stash I kept here--"

"Thought I told you to shut the hell up, bitch!" The man kicked again, and Adah rolled out of the way again-- narrowly this time, she got dust and gravel in her mouth. One of the slick haired men who had been staying back, mostly chuckling at Adah's words stepped up.

"Declan chill out," He placed a hand on the roided out XL leprechaun's chest, "I kinda wanna hear what she's got to say." The man approached her-- he was oddly handsome, and actually taller then the orange haired man, he was probably related tot he other Vagos-looking Latino, he was more confident in how he moved, his charisma made up for his lanky figure. He was probably the 'leader' here. It felt odd to Adah to view the world through that lens. He squatted down and looked square into her eyes for a moment-- snapping his fingers for the big man what couldn't have been two minutes later. "Get her out of the damn dirt, Declan. She's cute."

"You're thinking with yer dick, Pardo," Declan grunted as he lifted Adah to her feet, from under her shoulders.

"Please." Pardo waved the comment away, "Maybe if you hadn't roughed her up so bad... even then, she'd be perfect for breaking in Angelo" He teased the man that Adah assumed was his younger brother, "No... I'm more interested in what she has to say."

Adah tilted her head, smiling at the man "I'm sorry, I've taken a few hits... what specifically?" This immediately rewarded her with a slap across the face. "Right, then," She spat out, blood spilling out of a corner of her mouth, "The stash? I'm a... pharmacist-- look in my bag over there if you need proof. I just wanted to get some grass I had left here."

"Grass, huh?" Pardo unholstered his glock, cocked it, and pressed the barrel against her temple. He gestured to his brother to check her supplies-- it only took a moment for the younger man to discover the bottles of stimulants, downers, hallucinogens, and other recreational drugs. She almost felt Declan drop her in the dirt at the sight-- all of their eyes seemed to go horribly wide.

"Feel free to take whatever you want from that, of course," Adah began, not missing a beat, "I know of a storehouse near here, actually-- it's be safe from the shamblers, and more of everything than you could ever hope to use."

The wanderlust began to fade from Pardo's eyes, "Where?"

"Right across the street, actually!" Adah gestured toward Ramona Self Storage across the darkened street from the gas station, "I just need some supplies for the road, and honestly there's more there than all of us could carry." She gave another smile as Pardo holstered his weapon, "Let's help each other..."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nikki Hyatt

Day 2 8pm

Nikki was looking at the baby food supply and there was only a jar or two left. Not enough to feed Miss Grace. After eating dinner which consisted of mashed potatoes, gravy and chicken fried steaks she was set to veg out but she pulled her boots back on. She went in search of a few people. When she saw James and Zach she asked them to watch the place. "Come on Matt. We are not done for the day yet." "What? Where are we going?" "To go get baby food. I know where it is. but we are going to have to be fast and there are a lot of walkers there." "Ok" He went to give Grace a kiss and he hugged her mom tight. "I'm gonna go and get you some nummy stuff with Auntie ninja. Take care of mommy for me squirt."

Nikki had James let them out and lock back up. At least the gates were still closed. "Come on lets take the truck." Nikki looked at it and she was flooded with emotion and shook her head. "I can't." Matt watched his sister quietly. She put up a good front. No one who didn't know would think that she just lost her fiance. She was really good at pushing her pain down. He knew it would come out in her fighting and for those purposes he was glad she wasn't letting it eat her alive. They took Nikki's car and went back to the warehouse and they went in together flipping the lights on as they went. At first the walkers seemed to have to adjust to the lights and that gave Nikki an edge she put to good use and Matt went to fill the cart with baby food and formula and bottles. They were a good team. Whenever it looked like there might be too many for Nikki to handle Matt would jump in and help her out. They did this for about twenty minutes. "Ok let's get out of here." Nikki said. Matt had filled two carts and he got them to the car and Nikki got out and shut the door. As walkers appeared while loading the car up Nikki took them out while Matt filled her trunk with baby stuff and the backseat with other stuff, blankets, ibuprofen, T-shirts and toothbrushes and toothpaste. When they got finished there they were on the way back and Nikki looked at the 7/11. "I wonder if the slurpee machines are still working?" "Let's stop and see." Matt said.

Nikki parked on the side of the store and saw that the glass had been broken and that there were four people inside. One looked like a giant musclebound roidfreak and two other guys who were harassing and beating on a girl. Matt was not fast enough to stop her. "Nik" Nikki pushed the door open and went towards the Slurpee machine. She got a cup and made herself a slurpee. All four of the other people seemed to have lost their voices or were in shock. No one made a noise until Nikki turned to them smiling and drinking her slurpee. "Oh hey, have you had one of these? I'm thinking it may well be the last of it for all of us. Want some?" Matt stood in the doorway and watched grinning at her.

"What the hell?" The shorter guy made a run at her and Nikki sidestepped him and tripped him. He went into the full shelves head first. Nikki was still sipping her slurpee. Matt kept an eye on the guy who was down. The second guy took a run at Matt and he knew how to fight. Matt had his hands full with him. Nikki wasn't worried about Matt she knew he could handle himself. The military taught you that. She was heading towards the big guy who was still holding the girl down. Nikki looked at the girl. "Would you like to get up? That doesn't look comfortable." Nikki took her silence as a yes.

"Here," she handed the big guy her slurpee. "Have some." The big guy still seemed like he was trying to figure out how tiny little Nikki was going to make him let the girl go. Nikki was looking at the guy and said. "Yeah, you ready for this?" "For what?" "This!" Nikki took her foot and kicked him hard enough for his granchildren to feel it. As he started to double over Nikki laid into him with an uppercut to the face and then he grabbed her waist and Nikki was off the ground and flying through the air. The resounding crash had Matt yelling at her while ducking the meaty fists of his competitor. The short guy had run over to the big guy and started laughing at Nikki when she climbed out of the shelving and food containers. She narrowed her eyes on him and said, "You Bitch! You cut my lip." She attacked him with a kick to the head and then another and another. "Huh, nothing up there." He appeared to be getting angry at the repeated face and head shots. He went to punch Nikki and she grabbed his fist and swung around him so that she was now behind him. As she came around she kicked the short guy in the head knocking him out. While she was doing that the big guy grabbed her arms which at that moment were around his neck. Nikki yelled, "Matt hurry the fuck up!" Just then Nikki went crashing into the refrigerated section doors. She got up and shook the glass off of her. She had considerably more knicks and cuts. "Son of a bitch!" Nikki uttered with exhaustion. She looked around. Her sword was in the car. There was a baseball bat on one of the display cases. A nice metal one. Nikki wasn't sure where the girl went right away. Then she saw her on the other side of the giant who not for lack of trying seemed to be doing fairly well.

Right about this time Matt finished with the other guy. It looked like they had gone through hell but the other guy went down. "Hey sis. Ya ok?" "I'm great" she said bent over and spitting blood out onto the floor. "Okay. you ready?" "The bar thing?" "Yeah" Together they charged him and and while Nikki started to make headway with beating the crap out of the guy she had Matt to thank for it. He had gone behind him and grabbed the guy's arms behind him so he couldn't throw Nikki again. At some point he struggled enough to get one arm free and Nikki took a direct hit to the face. It sent her backwards and she landed on her butt on the floor. "What does he weigh you think?" "350-450" "All I know is he is bigger than the gorillas on Animal planet." Nikki ran and landed a flying roundhouse kick to the face and the giant finally went down. "I'm taking tomorrow off!" Nikki looked at Adah. "Do you have people or are you alone? We have a safe place and supplies if you want to come with us."

@Darcs@Dark Light@Rumikoohara@Belle@Aerandir@lpfan@demonic angel@thehangedman
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
Avatar of Demonic Angel

Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erin Hyde McGarth
Day 2 earlier to 8pm

Erin just walked away while the others were talking mainly because she could see the fear inside their eyes. The girl knew something was wrong the day she had killed Ava. Though the teenager had not even told anybody and now there were about two other whom were trying to hide that fact. Without any comment about repayment which just added worry. One of these days they would ask, it was just a matter of time, she thought before hearing a oomph. The girl looked up just to be greeted by her brother's corny smile and his twin shaking her head.

" Hey where's the fire? Are you alright Erin? Is there something wrong?" Raven asked while holding Vincent's injured hand." Leave her alone Raven. Why don't you play the silent sidekick for a while."" I'm fine. What's wrong with your hand Vincent? Did you get hurt?" Erin asked as she grasped it carefully." Just an Irish temper is all. I was angry about something so I just decided to hit the wall. I felt something give and there you have it my dear youngest sister." the man said before trying to take it back." Don't. If you move your hand than I can't help you. Now hold it still."

The teenager slowly moved her hand around the guy's. When the girl hit what she believe to be either a fracture or a fissure the man finches and groaned." Ouch! Dammit that hurts." Vincent shouted." Quit acting like a baby please. I think you have either a fracture or a fissure. What a fissure is... It's like a very fine small break on your bone. So I'm going to have to place something under your hand and wrap it up. This will help keep you from moving it." she said while dragging him to their room.
Vincent James McGarth

Raven didn't speak a word before she turned and started walking while trying to hold his hand still. Vincent noticed that her eyes seemed almost completely empty now which worried him." So I would like to talk to my twin if that's alright. I mean unless you have somewhere else to be." still there was no answer." Fine. Be that way." he said waiting for a "oh grow up" from her. Yet there was still nothing. The man sighed deciding to give up since it was no use. After a while something ran into the guy causing him to to call out a oomph sound.

" Hey where's the fire? Are you alright Erin? Is there something wrong?" Raven asked while holding Vincent's injured hand." Leave her alone Raven. Why don't you play the silent sidekick for a while."" I'm fine. What's wrong with your hand Vincent? Did you get hurt?" Erin asked as she grasped it carefully." Just an Irish temper is all. I was angry about something so I just decided to hit the wall. I felt something give and there you have it my dear youngest sister." the man said before trying to take it back." Don't. If you move your hand than I can't help you. Now hold it still."

The teenager slowly moved her hand around the guy's. When the girl hit what she believe to be either a fracture or a fissure the man finches and groaned." Ouch! Dammit that hurts." Vincent shouted." Quit acting like a baby please. I think you have either a fracture or a fissure. What a fissure is... It's like a very fine small break on your bone. So I'm going to have to place something under your hand and wrap it up. This will help keep you from moving it." she said walking him back to their room.

Haru Sento

Haru slowly dragged the body outside. It was rather difficult to do since he was the only one doing this. The young man sighed before trying to figure out how to dispose of it quietly. He dragged it farther away from the entrance and somehow managed to hoist the body into one of the dumpsters farthest from the school. Once that was done the teenager walked to back inside, acting like nothing had ever happened, while trying to find the three siblings.

Once he did he noted that Erin was bandaging Vincent's hand, using a wooden board from the wood shop as a splint." I would try and find something to use as a sling. That way you aren't making it worst. Though I will have to ask Nikki if she could bring cast matters and such back here. If me and Erin are going to play doctors we need the right things." he said before leaving the room. The kid just wondered from different rooms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

James Harris

It turned out Nikki wanted James to repair the door in the gym from which the thugs got inside. James took the tools she gave him and started repairing the door. As he was doing that he also payed attentioned to the hilarious discussion that Nikki, Matt and another girl were having on their walkies. By the time they finished James was also done with the door. Although they didn't have the chance to talk thoroughly since he and his cousin arrived, she seemed like a very nice person, as long as you didn't pissed her off.

After finishing the door lock James went with Nikki and others to eat at the school's diner. He had french fries with cheese. After dinner Nikki went back at the warehouse with her brother to get more baby stuff, leaving James as sheriff. James took the keys from her and after she and her brother went out he locked the doors behind them. Then he turned around and went to see where he and his cousin can kick in fopr the night but he didn't get to make too many steppes because somebody was slamming at the door.

"Who is it!" Asked James with a serious tone. "Open up man, it's me!" Said Zach from the other side. James opened up the doors as his cousin got inside half-naked and all sweaty and dirty and with his t-shirt and hooded sweatshirt in his left hand and a shovel in his right hand. "God I'm so tired. I finished burying all them undead suckers. Now tell me. Where are the freakin' showers cause I'm sweaty, dirty and I just wanna take a relaxing shower." Said Zach as he leaned the shovel against a wall and threw his clothes on his right shoulder. "The showers are in the gym. Come on, I'll show you where they are!" Said James as he headed back to the gym, followed by his cousin.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

(Adah, Day 2: Evening)

The younger of the the two brothers was tending to her wounds while the older of the two continued to vet her-- his confident demeanor was now starting to show a few cracks. He spoke to Adah a bit about his past-- apparently the three men were mercs who had been stationed nearby. They'd clashed with both the dead and the army a few times. Their company had fallen apart pretty soon after shit hit the fan, with Pardo, his brother, and their giant of a friend branching off on their own. She'd managed to get him speaking about his plans-- go as south as possible. His family owned an island off the coast of Mexico-- he planned on stocking up on anything he could get his hands on and heading there ASAP.

Lucky for her, right? She'd run into a rich boy who wanted to quit playing soldier and just get high. The started off rocky, but she could get out of this, she was in the perfect position to. She just needed to keep them talking, keep them distracted, keep them charmed. She didn't need acid to do that. Yet.

The little brother, Angelo was his name, dabbed the cut wounds around her eye with peroxide. It stung like a motherfucker, but she could already feel the swelling going down-- and that was something! She smiled at the younger man and he blushed back as their eyes met. Christ, what a virgin. What the only thought going through her head as she stifled her laughter. Sex appeal was good though-- she could use that to get out of this.

Apparently Angelo was the only one of the three jolly former-private armymen with actual army experience. He had joined the reserves straight out of highschool and got trained as a medic, he'd even seen some time in Afghanistan. Adah glanced from her chair to the blushing boy as he wrapped bandage around her now bruised midsection. She wondered if there was a way to get him to take a look at Levi?

"So," Pardo transitioned the conversation, "What were you up to before... you know... all this shit?"

Adah shrugged, "Molly ball."

"What the fuck is a mollba--" Adah saw the man first-- Declan-- he had seen something and he was angry at her in particular. The energy with which he entered the gas station convenience store was enough to cut Pardo off, and shock Angelo in quitting his work.

"You BITCH!" Declan stormed in, fuck, "YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING BITCH!"

"Declan, what is it?" Pardo asked, any amusement previously held on his face shot out fast, Angelo went to the door.

"I'll tell you what it is," Declan pushed past Pardo to Adah, "This bitch right here..." He wrapped his hands around her neck and slowly lifted her out of the chair, "Somehow..." Adah couldn't even get enough air into her lungs to gasp as he tightened his grip, merely mutely claw at the man's arms as she was lifted off the ground, "Someway..." He held her a foot off the ground now, water welled in her eyes as her kicks and punches did nothing to break the veneer of sheer brutality beset up on the man, "Called up her pissy little friends for company."

If he was losing joy before-- now Pardo held the exact antithesis of it on his face, the expression he made shocked Adah. It seemed like an extreme mixture of disgust and betrayal. She slapped at Declan's arms-- If she could just speak she could explain this away! Levi wasn't in any condition to be walking, and Darius was too much of a softie to leave him-- as far as they knew, she was alone! She just needed to speak; she didn't know these people! "I thought you said you were alone?" Pardo spoke to Adah.

She tried nodding her head no. She didn't know these people! She tried as hard as she could without breaking her neck herself. Adah unconsciously stopped clawing at Declan's arms, stopped kicking, it all was taking too much energy for her oxygen deprived brain. Thinking is all you're good for, idiot! Get out of this! She couldn't do anything. Her vision was fading and blurry-- she could barely make out Declan's face, let alone Pardo's as he continued to say things, laughing... or something. It didn't matter.Her very feeling was leaving her as the blood trying desperately to pump sounded in her ears.


Everything was going dark.
Why was everything going? She didn't like the darkness, so why was it happening?


She wanted the darkness to stop.
Was there fighting going on?

Why was this surrounding her??

Was this a lightness sea of her tears?
She could make that fighting stop if she could just get out this heavy blackness, this all consuming syrup she was drowning in?


Was she crying?
I can't think of the words to say to that, Adah.

Why, huh?

Why was she crying these
T e a r s ?

Why could she not feel her tears?

She was crying and in an unending umbra. She was presently being chocked to death t o d e a t h t o d e a t h. . .
She didn't want to come back from death though.

. . .

Why could she hear his voice?

"Hope you e n j o y e d . . .
t h e
m o l l y

b a l l."

Adah passed out as she was slammed against the ground.

(Adah + ??? + ???, Day 2: Later...)

She didn't remember the exact moment she hit the floor-- but she remembered getting up. Practically hacking up her lungs and hiding behind a counter as her brain rebooted. She could barely make it all out-- but apparently an absolute savage of a woman and her boy scout had come to rescue her. Adah stood mouth slightly agape as the woman wasted no time in giving a sales pitch-- not even giving her name-- offering to take her, Levi, and Darius in. Adah took a moment before she spoke, to let herself process all her thoughts, and to let her trachea recover.

"Sorry for spacing out..." She began, shaking her head too and fro, as if to pull her back in the situation. "Well..." Adah hacked out, still adjusting to being able to breath again, "I kind of had it under control until the big guy saw y'all walking up..." Hands on her knees, she spat out mucus and blood onto the gas station floor before recovering enough to that, and actually get a proper look, at her 'saviors.'

The man was definitely handsome, for a man, but getting a good look at the lean woman before her caused Adah to perk up a bit. Her demeanor shifted to the positive, and almost immediately she recanted on her grumpiness. "I-I mean...! I was trying to talk some sense into them, but honestly they needed a good beating." Adah's eyes met the lady's and without thinking, she answered her questions without thinking, "I've got two friends a few blocks over, hanging out on a roof. One of 'em's beat up pretty bad and the other one's stronger than Declan here minus the roid rage-- we can pick them up if you're seriously offering to take us in!" Adah gave a characteristic smirk, "I wouldn't just feel safe with someone like you around..." Adah winked, possibly due to her better judgement not being 100% since all the blood hadn't yet returned to her brain, but she winked at the woman she just met who saved her from the mercs who were literally going to kill her as the dead walked outside.

Adah not only prided herself on her impeccable priorities, but also her insanely cunning charm.

"... But I'd be honored to go with a woman as beautiful as the one before me." Adah finally broke her gaze away from the woman and looked to both of her saviors. "I'm Adah-- charmed."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tina had finished her grisly task then made the decision to engage in a bit more reconnaissance. So she launched the drone. She had linked the GPS navigation control of the little device to the Beast's computer which gave her a higher resolution and a larger screen giving her the advantage of remote scouting as she drove. It showed it's value from the start by helping her avoid the road blocks formed by wrecked and abandoned vehicles as well as clusters of the inflicted horrors.

It was while navigating down Main that she spotted movement near a 7-11 so she stopped the Beast and took control from the computer an flew the drone closer an was surprised to see living people exiting the store and among them women.

It was a promising sign so she flew the drone back towards the Beast finding the best path which meant she'd have to knock down a wooden fence between herself and them.

~Oh well guess I'll need to scratch the paint~ she thought with a sigh

She didn't approach the fence like a charging bull but like an elephant creeping forward till the bumper and winch made contact. Then she dropped the transmission into granny low and used the torque of the powerful machine push down a section with a loud crash. The other side of the yard she repeated her effort knocking down the fence an appearing about 150 feet from the group lead by Niki.

Then before she exited her truck Tina used the drone to clear the area of any shambles or surprises.

Then she swung the door open and thought better safe than sorry as she couched her Browning in a relaxed but ready manner
"Well howdy folks, names Tina Lancaster good ta see livin folks after all that's been"

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nikki Hyatt

Nikki heard Adah but she was preoccupied enough that she did not catch the underlying tone to the words.

Nikki looked at Tina and walked over. "Are you all on your own?" She glanced back at Adah and Matt. "We have a couple more to pick up but we have a safe place. You are more than welcome to come with us Lancaster." Nikki grinned. "I'm Nikki Hyatt, that is my brother Matt and Adah. We are picking up her other two down the street. If you follow us you'll be okay."

Nikki got back to the car as it was dark and the walkers were coming across because of all the noise. The streets were fairly passable and when they weren't Matt got out and moved whatever needed to be moved. He had noticed that Nikki had taken a pretty good beating not by fighting but by her unscheduled flying and landings. He was glad she wore that trenchcoat most of the time or she would be in a lot worse shape. As it was she was starting to stiffen up and if she let that go unchecked she was going to hurt something terrible tomorrow. Nikki followed Adah's directions and pulled up to where she said they were. Nikki and Matt got out and took on the walkers in the street. "Hurry and go get them." Nikki told her.

@Rumikoohara@Darcs@Dark Light@lpfan
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Tina laughed softly before answering
"I'd sure love to join you of course if I could get a little help in loading the Beast I have a few supplies and what not that will cut the edges on survival.

Shouldn't take moren three maybe four trips

After saying that the blonde woman climbed back inside her truck and followed them

When the tiny convoy stopped Tina hopped out an climbed in the bed of the huge blue truck leaving it idling
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Henri arrived back at his camp safely and hooked up the solar charger to his Camera batteries then had a rough meal of cold canned chicken breast and yellow corn. It wasn't much and he planned on supplementing it as soon as he had the not so dead figured out.

After his meal he lay back in his sky Tent and wrote his notes on his observations. His task took him some time to conclude to his satisfaction.

His biggest problem was what to call them. He toyed with Zombies but disliked their supernatural connection, next he thought of the living dead but that to held supernatural connection.

Then while he was looking at what he'd recorded with his binoculars and noticed his subjects did little more than stumble around in haphazard fashion it dawned on him so he named them "Mortui Ambu" which was just the shortened phrase Mortui Ambulantes that meant in Latin the walking dead.

He chuckled as he said to himself a few times "Mortui Ambu" trying it out and liked how simple and descriptive it was.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

(Adah + Darius + Levi + Matt + Nikki, Day 2: Later...)

Adah noted the pair's silence as the drove to pick up Darius. Neither Matt nor Nikki seemed to want to talk much, aside form an off comment every now and then, it was mostly Adah telling them when to turn, stuff like that. She wondered if they were nervous? If they'd only spent so much time outside in the last few days-- the pair could clearly handle themselves, at least physically, but again, they weren't really... speaking. They were asking questions and giving commands-- and that was mostly Nikki. Were they military? Perhaps. If that was the case she might have to decline their hospitality.

The car pulled up to the townhouses, Nikki leaned back and spoke to Adah, unlocking the doors, "Hurry and go get them."

She glanced over to her bag and gun next in the backseat. She considered leaving them there-- if these two wanted to hurt her she'd already be halfway to death's door by now. Maybe sex? But then they wouldn't want two men. They probably didn't mean her any more harm than Pardo's gang. Still... as she left the car seat, she made sure to grab her gun, and sling her messenger bag back over her shoulder... better safe than sorry. She gave a sweet nod to Nikki as she set foot on the sidewalk, "Sure thing boss."

With the skill of a limping cat, Adah scaled the side of the building, pulling herself up with the experienced ease of a regular mountain climber. Darius' eyes widened as Adah climbed onto the roof, "Ada-- What the hell happened to you?"

Adah brushed past him, kneeling down to Levi, "We don't have time Dare bear-- get your things, I found us some other people willing to take us in." Adah leaned in closer to Levi, his lips brushed against her ear as she listened for breath, before quickly shooting back to the still stunned Darius, "Is he okay?"

Darius shook his head as his shook wore, "O-of course he's okay, Adah, but slow don for a second, what happened out there?"

"Not right now, Darius." She said in a more serious tone, returning her attention to Levi, trying the whispering method to wake him up again, before giving up and snapping at Darius, "Can you carry him down? I don't know how long they're willing to wait."

Darius sighed and got moving, "Fine." With Levi on one shoulder and his bags on the other, he paused to ask, "Just one question before we go-- these people-- you trust them?"

This halted Adah's jump. She contemplated the question in the silence of the night for as long as the situation would allow before responding slowly, "They..." She inhaled, "This might have been worse if they hadn't shown up..." A breeze blew between the two, Adah looked down at the car... wondering what they saw when they looked at her, "Still... I don't know yet."
She jumped down. Darius sighed, following behind her shortly.

Adah landed as nimbly as ever, despite her fresh bruises. She allowed Darius to land as clumsily as ever, and put Levi in the back, sitting squeezed in the middle, as Darius got in next to her she spoke, "Welp!" Darius slammed the door shut, nvisibly nervous, "These are my friends, guys. Matt, Nikki-- this is Darius--" She paused, allowing Darius to give an awkward cough and a wave, "Rip Van Winkle over here is Levi-- Darius, these are my heroes Matt and Nikki."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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A subtle mumbling escapes Levi's barely moving lips as his head sways from side to side. He had since broken out in a sweat, his face draught and pale, his skin burning up and his wounds growing red.

"oh, C'mon. I'm noch rea'y a hero, jus a nice guy." he says while wearing a stupid grin. A deep heavy cough soon rids it from his face.

Levi blinks hard as he slowly forces his eyes to focus on that around him, the cars movement wakes him and he soon gains some level of awareness.
"Hey, where are we taking me?" he asks with slurred words and a tone of concern and worry.
"W-what's going on?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

9:30PM Day 2
Nikki Hyatt

Adah said "These are my friends, guys. Matt, Nikki-- this is Darius--" She paused, allowing Darius to give an awkward cough and a wave, "Rip Van Winkle over here is Levi-- Darius, these are my heroes Matt and Nikki." Nikki chuckled lightly at the term heroes. "What's wrong with him? Is he bitten?" She checked him out before getting back into the car and sighed. "It will heal, we have meds back at the school." She put her hand on his forehead and she announced. "He has a fever. Matt when we get back he needs to go the nurse's office." He nodded. "Yeah, I locked up some antibiotics earlier from the first run out."

Nikki took them back to the school and unloaded them into it. Tina had pulled up behind them and she had a few more loads to carry she had said. Matt took Levi's temperature and gave him some ibuprofen and antibiotics and tried his best to set the foot that was broken. Next he encased it in ice to decrease the swelling. Jenna had watched and done everything Matt had said to do. She smiled and promised to keep an eye on him while he was helping the others.

After the car was unloaded they decided to take as many vehicles as they could so they would be able to make it in one trip. Nikki was taking her car, Matt was driving Nolan's truck, Tina had her truck and Nikki had asked James to bring his car and help. She got her keys back from him and Jenna locked the doors as they went out. The convoy headed out following Tina back to the storage unit.

@Rumikoohara@LPfan@Demonic Angel@Darcs@Dark Light@thehangedman@Belle
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Clara Jekyll Moon

” You're not leaving this school! I'm the one who is suppose to protect our family! I'm the head of this family! Not Erin, not you, and certainly not Clara! It's me! My job! Your’s, Clara’s, and Erin's job is to obey my orders!” this caused the darker half to snap awake, adding pressure to his newly wrapped hand while glaring, causing the oldest sibling to scream in pain. A snicker passed her smirk as the teenager slowly moved her green eye up to meet his.” You want to run that by me again? Because I thought you said that me and Erin has to obey what you command? Well think again Mr. McGarth. I'm the only one that can keep Erin safe and you better remember that well because of you don't I’ll kill.” Clara said as she got closer to the man’s face causing him to back away.

” Hey that's enough. I'm still going away and that's final. Not I would like it if the three of you would get along well I'm away thinking everything over. I'm feeling trapped inside these walls as I'm sure everyone is so you all need to learn how to work together in order to survive. Nikki’s house so technically her words are the final say so there.”” Just a pack of scared kids inside what they assume is a safe place. No wonder Erin never knew about you two. Maybe it was because your father was ashamed of you or just wanted to forget what was holding him back.” the darker side taunted before someone clearing their throat caught her attention.” Why don't you go to the basement and check it out Clara? I think we have everything under control here. Raven could you go with her please?”” Whatever.” Clara said as she walked out of the room. She walked down a flight of stairs and turned a right toward the nurse’s office heading forward in a huff.

Haru Sento

Haru went up to the third floor just searching for things to scavenge just for something to do. He hadn't even noticed that the others had even left due to worrying over what could be inside with them. Since the three siblings were just a floor below what could possibly go wrong? Thump, thump, thump his heart sounded as the steps creaked and groaned under his weight. Shuffle, creaking, crash! forced the young man to stop.[b]” Squeak.”[/i] a mouse sounded causing the young man to jump back.” Wahhh! Really? Is this some sort of prank in which a higher lesson will be revealed or just you saying hello world I'm still alive?” the guy asked the small animal, whom looked at the human like he was stupid, before speaking once again.” Squeak.” the mouse retorted.” I hate you. I mean really hate you Mr. Mickey Mouse.”

” You want to run that by me again? Because I thought you said that me and Erin has to obey what you command? Well think again Mr. McGarth. I'm the only one that can keep Erin safe and you better remember that well because of you don't I’ll kill.” Vincent’s voice seemed to scream before another pained scream followed.” Now what is going on with those three? I swear I'm like a nanny that is babysitting three children instead of working with a teenager and two adults. I better go see what this is about before Nikki gets the guts to throw us out.” he thought as he went down the stairs in a hurry, almost falling down the last ones, trying to beat the school group’s leader to them.” Just a pack of scared kids inside what they assume is a safe place. No wonder Erin never knew about you two. Maybe it was because your father was ashamed of you or just wanted to forget what was holding him back.” Erin’s voice sounded.

” Great. I wonder who was the one to awaken the slumbering beast. I really need to keep a better eye on this family. I'll talk to Nikki after this see if there isn't a way to separate them so that way there is peace inside the school.” Haru thought to himself. He decided to walk in before things got even uglier in order to talk to the oldest first. A cleared throat sound seemed to worked in getting everyone's attention.” Why don't you go to the basement and check it out Clara? I think we have everything under control here. Raven could you go with her please?”” Whatever.” Clara said as she walked out of the room.” I'm not her nursemaid. I'll see you all later.” with that Raven went out of the room as well leaving the males alone.” I'm going to find Nikki. See if we can't straighten this out.” he said following the one of the girls toward the nurse’s office.

Vincent James McGarth

” Raven I'm begging you please talk to me. I want to know what I did wrong so I can fix it.” Vincent pleaded to Raven.” You can't fix it Vincent. I need to get out of here and find Lex. That's the whole point of coming here.”” You're not leaving this school! I'm the one who is suppose to protect our family! I'm the head of this family! Not Erin, not you, and certainly not Clara! It's me! My job! Your’s, Clara’s, and Erin's job is to obey my orders!” the man screamed at them as his temper flared up as the youngest finished wrapping the injuries hand. Sudden pressure in his hand caused a pained sound to escaped with snicker in front of the guy.” You want to run that by me again? Because I thought you said that me and Erin has to obey what you command? Well think again Mr. McGarth. I'm the only one that can keep Erin safe and you better remember that well because of you don't I’ll kill.” Clara said as she got closer to the man’s face causing him to back away.

” Hey that's enough. I'm still going away and that's final. Not I would like it if the three of you would get along well I'm away thinking everything over. I'm feeling trapped inside these walls as I'm sure everyone is so you all need to learn how to work together in order to survive. Nikki’s house so technically her words are the final say so there.”” Just a pack of scared kids inside what they assume is a safe place. No wonder Erin never knew about you two. Maybe it was because your father was ashamed of you or just wanted to forget what was holding him back.” She said back with what looked like devil eye staring back. Oh how the man wished that this side wasn't around or at least heavily medicated right about now. Someone clearing their throat caused the heads in the room to turn toward the doorway.” Why don't you go to the basement and check it out Clara? I think we have everything under control here. Raven could you go with her please?”” Whatever.” Clara said as she walked out of the room.” I'm not her nursemaid. I'll see you all later.” with that Raven went out of the room as well leaving the males alone.” I'm going to find Nikki. See if we can't straighten this out.” he said following the two sisters out of the room.[color=orange]” These people are impossible to figure out. He said to himself.@Wick
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tina lead the little convoy back to the storage facility then once they were all safely in sins the fence she started showing them site maps that showed the layout of units which she used to explain what she'd found in those she had opened.
"Here in units 117, 116 an 115 is all the electrical tools wires an parts we might need till we make a Do it yourself run; please don't ransack them take tools wire. 12 to 15 gage " she show the unit.

Next in order is the local park's storage which has about 107 cases of energy bars .

.She giggles

They're real chewy but filling.

Then the Plumbers units, the concrete contractor, natural supplements store's storage of vitamins
Then once she gets them squared away Tina hooks up her personal trailer because all it contains.

If anyone goes to find her after that they find her unhookimg generators from the camping trailers and less desired RVs..

( I'd say you can find clothing, bed covers, cribs, baby cloths, washing machines, BBQ grills, entertainment int the form of TV an dvd/blueray; Beds, couches EZ chairs, pits pans an the list goes on)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Day 2 11:45pm
Nikki Hyatt

Nikki grinned and nodded her head. "Put the washers and Dryers into the monster truck's bed. I know that there are too many of us for that set at the school. Let's get to it guys." They tackled the job and got back to the school as quick as they could. Nikki walked into the school about as exhausted as she could be. They unloaded the vehicles after locking the gate back.

Nikki was on her way to her room to sleep when she popped her head in to say goodnight to Kat and Grace. Kat was able to see the bruising on Nikki's face and see that they were new and darkening. The look on her face made Nikki stop and wince when touching her cheek. "Note to self, don't pick a fight with the Incredible Hulk. It's bad for my complexion. Night Kat."

Nikki saw Felix and smiled and Jenna came out of the nurse's office. She heard the group get back and wanted to tell Matt that Levi was doing well and was asleep. She saw Nikki and ran back into the room and came out with an ice compress. Nikki was already in her room and laying on the mat ready to go to sleep when Jenna knocked. "Who is it and what?"

Jenna opened the door and came in. "I saw your eyes. What, did you get into a fight with a mack truck?" "Almost, Matt and I guessed he was between 350-450 lbs and a roid freak for certain. Pretty much Matt fought the only one of the three who knew how to fight and I got tossed into isles of bottles and canned goods oh and lets not forget the glass door I went flying through. Most of my bruises are from landing on things. The big guy only got one good punch in but my jaw won't stop hurting." Jenna put the ice pack on her jaw and Nikki winced a little.

"I'll be right back?" Jenna got up and went to get her some ibuprofen and some water and another cold compress. She gave Nikki the pills and water and she added another compress to her busted lip and cheek and Nikki laid back down and went to sleep. "Thanks" murmured Nikki. Jenna made sure Nikki was comfy and asleep. She hung up her coat and lay her sword close enough to reach if needed and far enough above her head that she wouldn't cut herself in her sleep.

@Rumikoohara@Demonic Angel@thehangedman@Belle@Dark Light@Darcs@lpfan
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