Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Brand
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

This is a reboot of Sherlock's old Irregulars thread. While i'm not a master of art by any stretch of the imagination, I feel like I can offer some helpful insight and I believe there are members here who can do the same for me. This is just a place to share your work, critique and be critiqued, and hopefully a place where we can all improve. I just copy / pasted Sherlocks old intro and rules, except for rule 6. Sorry if this page looks uglier than Sherlock's setup, but deal with it. I'll post some work too once I figure out if anyone is interested in this.



This group is for those who are wish to improve their art skills through hard work and lots of studying. Only serious candidates need apply! Now, that said, this group is open to ALL SKILL LEVELS -- from only being able to draw stick figures, to being able to paint like the great masters of old -- all are welcome -- you just have to have the desire to better yourself and the discipline to make it happen.

1.) Be respectful. All critiques, while honest, should be done in a courteous manner. (There's a distinct difference between being constructive and simply being rude.)

2.) Keep all non-art-related chatter to a minimum. This thread is specifically for art -- if you wish to socialize, there are other areas on the forum designated for such purposes.

3.) Post all images at a decent size. Make sure it's large enough that it can be viewed properly, but do try to scale it so that it can fit on a screen without scrolling. (It just makes life easier for everyone.)

4.) Post regular updates. I understand that life can be busy, but do try to be an active participant -- you'll only improve if you dedicate the time to do so!

5.) Artistic nudes are allowed. But please post such works behind a properly labeled hider. (This will allow those who do not wish to view the material to simply skip over it.)

6.) Maintain an even critique to post ratio. In other words for every piece you share you should be critiquing someone else's work, and vice versa. So if your posting you should be critiquing and if your critiquing you should be posting.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Brand
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Going to bump this once, and If still no responses i'll let it die.

C'mon guys, do art with me.

do it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Waxnova
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I've been desperate for some honest critique/feedback for a while. I'll join if you'll have me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Brand
Avatar of Brand


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I've been desperate for some honest critique/feedback for a while. I'll join if you'll have me.

Yeah for sure! Just post and we can get to critiquing!

I can start.

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