@Azereiah Have you tried growing out a little bit more in the center of the beard? You might be able to get a sick braided beard there.
white people hair = devil
@Hillan we established that on skype, but thanks.
You bring me a step closer to banging Keemstar.
Found a few
@POOHEAD189 Whoever your barber is, they're A+ at cutting it the same style every time.
@Hillan Shit son, we boutta get this school shooter x Keemstar 1x1 RP going?
@Hillan K-keem senpai... don't touch me there, aaaa, Keem senpai! uwu
@Hillan you need to look more clinically depressed + more pointy beard + snapback and hire me as manager and we can go give tours as the Keem impersonator with the white school shooter sidekick