Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by New Generations

New Generations

Member Offline since relaunch

CS Bin | Collaberation site | Weekly Breakdown | Databook&Timeline | Bingo Book | Starting Guide | Limitation System!

Head GM



Fieryfly, Roran Hawkins, FoxSVK, J8cob, Chromehound, Little Alice and Lesli.


Welcome to the Naruto RP : The Rise of the New Generation. We hope that you will like your stay and wish you the best while being part of the RP. Any questions? Then please take contact with the GM's of the RP.
Also, ever since the last time that RPG went down, we have decided to keep what we call : The Back-Up Forum. It's the place where we keep information, CS's and more stored. In case that RPG is having a time-out, so to say, then we will likely just progress further on the Back-Up Forum until RPG is back up again.

The link to the Back-Up Forum :

The Back-Up Forum

* Note : It's not needed to join the Back-Up Forum to join and be part of the RP, but we recommend it.

A good day to all of you.

The Rules

Information, history and such!

At each link you will find the information you can use and that is used for the RP. If you have any questions regarding something about it, then please leave a question in a PM to the GM's.

Character Sheets

There are currently two ways of posting a CS. Either you use the RPG CS sheet and post it in here for reviewing or you sign up at the (back-up) forum and post it there in the review thread. To you the choice, though we recommend to store the CS on the back-up forum in case RPG might have a lights-out moment in the future, again.

CS sheet for RPG posting!

CS sheet for Back-Up Forum posting!
(Thus not posting here!)

*Keep in mind that every shinobi that has been to the Academy has learned every Academy jutsu as well Walking on Water and Tree Climbing Technique/Practice!*

The Roster

In the nearby future, we will host a roster on RPG as well.For now we keep the roster on the Back-Up Forum. We hope to be able to host a roster here on RPG as soon as possible, probably within two weeks!

Village/Character Roster

Clan Roster

Jinchuriki Roster

Geography and Diplomacy

Link for a larger map.
The diplomacy, thus treaties and such, can be further read into the thread :
Map and Diplomacy

Note :
As we are setting things up, please note that we're working on expanding the OOC and such. We're grateful for your understanding and hope it's so far a place of your liking. Any questions? Please PM or leave one behind and we will happily answer them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Nadra Shizuka
Nickname/Alias: --
Gender: Female
Age and date of birth: Thirteen (1/1/463)
Age Appearance: Pre-teen
Sexuality: Heterosexual, but rather undefined.
Parents: Heishi Kurai & Junko Shizuka
Length and build: 4’11”, toned.
Weight: 102lbs

Village: Kumogakure
Birthplace: Kumogakure
Organization: Kumogakure
Clan/Bloodline: Shizuka
Rank: Genin
Chakra Nature: Water (has not been discovered or utilized, however)
Combat Style: Chakra-infused Taijustsu – as a clan that is primarily compromised of medical-ninja and close quarters specialists the Shizuka pride themselves on their taijutsu and chakra abilities. Nadra as such takes after her mother who is one of her village’s medical-ninja who in her pre-chunin years focused heavily on dealing heavy amounts of damage at close range.



“The most important thing in this world is being ready.”

As a Shizuka clan member, Nadra is psychologically determined and loyal—qualities that were more or less programmed into her since a young age. However with such programming, Nadra also has plenty of disorder among her psyche as she struggles emotionally as the only people she has really known is of her own blood minus minor interactions of the academy. This introverted and quiet personality has of course created friction amongst her peers but either Nadra doesn’t care or she doesn’t show it because of comprehension issues. In addition to this, emotionally Nadra is a bit beaten as the harsh training and her mother’s distant mannerisms towards her own daughter has affected her deeply which is part of the reason her “shell” could be said to exist. It is unclear how her personality will develop or change now that she has passed and become a genin.


The Shizuka family has a history of devotion to Kumogakure since the clan has existed, an existence that has always demanded excellence and obedience out of each generation born to bear the family name of Shizuka. Nadra, a child of the current generation of the clan is no different and the effects on the daughter of Junko Shizuka and Heishi Kurai. Nadra never knew her father—Heishi Kurai, as he was a casualty in some event some twelve years prior to the current date which mostly left Nadra to be educated by her mother and in the spirit of the Shizuka clan (and perhaps an obsession forged out of grief) Madra was inducted into a somewhat vicious cycle of training and expectations that one should never have put on an adolescent, ninja-in-training or not.

With such conditioning it was no surprise she was admitted to the academy. Her mother and grandfather would effectively prepare her for the progression between academy student and genin; and while her exam scores we’re moderate, her practical exam scores were among the top of her graduation year’s class.

Theme Song: “Hyperion” – Light Bringer


Taijutsu – Although a hybrid that is infused with potent chakra to do high-level damage as seen in certain medical-ninja like Junko Shizuka and Orosaki Shizuka, Taijutsu is Nadra’s focus and her core.

Ninjutsu – Not her specialty, but her secondary focus; Ninjutsu is important for her combat development and she well knows that.

Dexterous – “No medical-ninja shall ever die until they are the last of their platoon.”, as the third law states Nadra is capable at dodging and deflecting (kunai) enemy attacks and while she has much to learn in this field, she is probably one of the most agile of her class.

Stamina – Nadra due to Shizuka Clan-style training has developed decent levels of stamina to properly sustain such training (and combat scenarios).

Special Traits:

Great Chakra Control – While it is unsure if it is the result of prodigal comprehension of chakra or simply a talent for it that is achievable if only due to her Shizuka Clan-style training is unsure, but what is clear is that Nadra shows great control of her chakra and the movement of it.

Perceptive – A talent for hearing and noticing the environment as well as having excellent senses makes Nadra quite useful in variable scenarios.

Mental Fortitude – Similar to her perception, Nadra has a good mental focus where she is keen to analyze a scenario, the opponent, or the environment; checking for weaknesses, flaws, or gains. This also in addition notes her ability to think quick and efficiently.

Neutral – Emotionally, due to the training and her personality; Nadra has a sort of numbness to combat scenarios (as she hasn’t found herself attached to anyone yet) and situations. This is not to say she’s not emotional as she can be when she doesn’t understand something or something insulting resonates with her, but for the most part she is neutral in her emotional stability.

Kekkei Genkai:

Name: Jikan no Kankaku
Clan: Shizuka

As a Shizuka clan-member Nadra possesses the ability known as Jikan no Kankaku, an ability that hones in on focus and fluidity of the individual ninja to react faster to incoming enemies and their attacks. It's been improperly assumed as a time jutsu when it actually more heightens the senses and reflexes more than anything. Advanced forms of this technique have not been seen in two generations. A negative trait of this is of course its strain on the stamina and theoretically the vitality of the ninja using it. When Orosaki Shizuka (Nadra's grandfather's brother) used it in advanced capacity he strained his body into cardiac arrest at the age of twenty-two as an example of the dangers of reckless use on advanced levels.

Jutsu List:

Kumo Daisenpū
Dainamikku Entorī
Shunshin no Jutsu
Kumo Senpū
Kumo Reppū

Academy Jutsu(s)

Weaponry: Standard Ninja equipment such as kunai, etc.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
Avatar of Gerontis

Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Great CS Gowi. The personality and history are great to read. Little problems with it, but here is my review :

1.) We don't use soldier or chakra pills in the RP. They just tend to lengthen the fights out until it just becomes more than bothersome.
2.) The Cherry Blossom Impact, as it : demands the ability to concentrate and minute chakra control. Though you noticed that it's a very novice version, I wanted to point out that maybe some other GM might not want to accept it.
3. ) Body Flicker is a non-combat jutsu. Just a little note, nothing against you having it. :)

Just wanted to point those three things out, but if no other GM has a problem with it, I accept the CS.
Just one more acceptance to go before you can post her in the CS Bin. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aw... no 5 page fights? Dang! :3

I am more than willing to minimize (or even remove) the utility/skill of the variation of Cherry Blossom Impact if it is a problem; I just didn't want to come up with custom taijutsu techniques and as you know the existing techniques are so damn low in number. I'm also deciding to see if I can clean up the backstory as well (why she doesn't have her father's family name for example).

Oh, okay.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
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Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

No, 2 pages fights ftw! :)

And if you want to remove it, I think it would be better. Could become a future goal for her to train, to learn the Chakra Enhanced Strength. ;)
Else you can just keep a slot open and later ask me if you can have another jutsu in it's place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yeah, CBI is removed for future shenanigans.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gowi, After going through the CS, I am very pleased to say that if you change in her CS the single thing of the Soldier pills, much like Gero said, then I would happily accept it.

Besides that, I wish to welcome you to the roleplay and hope you have a lovely time with us :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I forgot to even edit the equipment, doing that now...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
Avatar of Mr Nim

Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, now thats done, you are officially accepted, having 2 GM's accept you!

Go throw the CS in the Char Bin and welcome! I once again wish you happy travels and enjoyment with us :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LJN92


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Time to rock again.

Welcome every new person to the RP. ^^
Nice to see some new CS's, but here is a Format (that was offered in the OP of the OOC) here


It will look like :

Age and date of birth:
Age Appearance:

Length and build
Favorite weather and season




Chakra Nature:




Theme Song:


(What are the skills that make your character good at some points or bad. Chakra control, reflexes and such are needed to be placed here.)

Special Traits
(Place unique traits like "High Chakra levels" or "multiple limbs" here. If it isn't here it won't be counted, even if you come from the Uzumaki clan, high chakra won't be accepted unless here.)

Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai:


Custom Jutsu


Not a GM here btw, but pointing out in case people have missed it. Somehow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

That just looks jarring to my OCD eyes, yo.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LJN92


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yeah, I took that stuff off. I didn't feel it was necessary.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Was just a suggestion and thought it would be good if I would point it out. ^^
Anyways, a GM will likely review your CS soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: (last, first) Suzumori, Haruhi
Nickname/Alias: Haru or Suzu
Gender: Female
Age and date of birth: Fourteen years of age. 03/14/462
Age Appearance: 15-16
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Parents: Hanoko, Mai and Suzumori, Shougo
Length and build 5'0 and Skinny
Weight 101 pounds
Favorite weather and season She love's the rain. Spring showers always seem to bring her joy.

Village: Kirigakure
Birthplace: Kirigakure

Clan/Bloodline: Suzumori Clan

Rank: Genin

Chakra Nature: Lightning


Personality: Haruhi is a very mysterious girl. She is logical, original, and a creative thinker. She can become very excited about theories and ideas. Exceptionally capable and driven to turn theories into clear understandings. Highly values knowledge, competence and logic. Quiet and reserved, hard to get to know well. Individualistic, having no interest in leading or following others.

History: Haruhi hates the spotlight but has not been able to avoid it since birth. When her mother Mai gave birth to her she nearly died and she has been rather weak and easily sickened since then, often spraining her wrist or injuring herself otherwise very easily. At the age of 8 her father passed of natural causes and she took an oath to become an ever better Shinobi that he was. Her mother does not support her decision to become a Shinobi in fear of her dying or being severely hurt. It was a pleasent surprise when she was accepted into the Academy for her quick thinking and ability to read and understand situations easily. She hopes to meet some interesting people and learn more about herself during her journey.

Theme Song: (None yet, I need to think of one.)

Weapons/Items[u][/u]: She has a chainmaille Cat of Nine Tails whip that she keeps with her at all times.

Skills/AbilitiesShe prefers not to fight in close combat, as her opponents are undoubtely stronger than her. She is very good at long rage strikes, with nearly perfect precision even on moving and/or multiple targets. Her quick thinking allows to her swiftly locate places in her surrounding in which to escape or hide and rethink her strategy if need be.

Special Traits She is small and agile, very quick on her feet. She has a talent for manipulating people to do whatever she wants them to.

Kekkei Genkai: None

Name of Kekkei Genkai: None
Clan: None
Description: None


Custom Jutsu

Name of Technique: Ground Shock Jutsu
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Range: About 50 yards.
Nature Type: Lightning
Handseals: Mi, Ne, Tori, Saru, Tora, and U then done backwards and repeated twice ending with Mi. (Total 24 hand seals.)
Description: Upon the completion of Mi on the 24th hand seal, a stream of lightning is released, scortching across the ground like a snake at great speed. It attacks the enemys at the feet in varying degrees of intensity according to her prefrence. It is currently only weakly used on her classmates who give her a hard time. It amuses her quite a bit.
Weakness: This technique works only if there is a direct source of liquid in the ground. Therefore it works best in the water and on grass. It does not work at all on mud, clay, sand, or any kind of stone. She has only ever done it on no more than 5 people at once and does not know if it can target more than that. It will leave her vulnerable as it requires a lot of concentration. If she is not hidden or covered by an ally she could be wide open for any other attack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blandman
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Raion Torikumu
Nickname/Alias: None
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 13 (19/06/463)
Age Appearance: 14
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Parents: Habi and Kasun Torikumu
Length and build 5'3", average
Weight 124lbs

Village: Kumogakure
Birthplace: Kumogakure
Organization: Kumogakure
Clan/Bloodline: None
Rank: Genin

Chakra Nature: Lightning


Young and full of energy, Raion has a rather blunt personality. The positive spin is that he's confident, with the downside being that this can sometimes come across as being tactless, even obnoxious sometimes. But he doesn't mean it, most of the time. His good heart and generally pleasant demeanor almost makes up for it. Almost.

Long before The War and even longer before Raion was born, his family originally resided in the Land of Iron, making them adept at Kenjutsu. But due to some family dispute (the story changes depending on which family member Raion is asking), they emigrated to Kumogakure and learned how to fit in as ninjas. Since this moment of slight turmoil, the Torikumu family has known relative peace. Raion is especially blessed in the fact that both his parents survived the war and have gone on to have two more children, Kiri and Uteko (girl and boy respectively). Though there were family members lost, they usually still manage to pull in a strong group when it comes to celebrations.

Raion followed in the footsteps of all others from the Torikumu family since they moved to Kumo and joined the Academy as soon as he was able. Though, as with most of those who had gone before him, he was not particularly gifted in the art of ninjutsu, barely scraping through the bare necessity in order to graduate. This along with his pitiful chakra control and low stamina meant he has barely made it to Genin rank, and so therefore is very proud of the fact.

However, his immense physical speed and above-average strength almost makes up for his other lacking qualities. Almost.

Theme Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a9CaThAzlE



Kenjutsu: Raion's family has always been especially effective at this form of fighting, and the young boy does not intend to break this tradition. His kenjutsu is his primary ability.

Taijutsu: Coming a reasonable second, though still rather sloppy and unrefined, his natural speed still makes Raion a formidable and unpredictable taijutsu user.


Stamina: Low is one word for it. Raion relies on ending a fight quickly, looking to overwhelm opponents in one initial blaze of glory or risk becoming exhausted.

Chakra Control: What chakra control? This kid still struggles to walk on water, let alone form any sort of meaningful jutsu.

Special Traits

Speed: Raion is fast. He always has been. Fastest sprinter in the school, quickest to react. This, however, is slightly undone by the fact that he can't quite channel this speed into an effective force. His swift attacks are usually done to the detriment of his own defence. And while he might be able to charge an opponent quickly, that doesn't mean he'll be able to land a decent blow.

Instinctive: While lacking unique perceptions or much wisdom, Raion seems to have a knack for acting instinctively. It's whether he listens to these instincts or not that's usually the problem.

Custom Jutsu
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by fattwan
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fattwan F E M T O

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Shizumi Uchiha [Ao]
Nickname/Alias: Umi
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 14 (April 3rd)
Age Appearance: 15
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Parents: Shizuo & Umi Uchiha
Length and build 5'4/Athletic
Weight 105
Favorite weather and season Hot & Sunny/Summer

Village: Konohagakure
Birthplace: Konohagakure

Clan/Bloodline: Uchiha

Rank: Genin

Chakra Nature: Katon


Personality: Shizumi has always been quite the cocky kid. You would expect this from a kid that tended to get anything he could possibly ask for within reasonable standards. He's always shown great pride and unmeasured amount of appreciation for the things he has in his life. Needless to say, Shizumi can be quite the brat given his "momma's boy" upbringing. No matter the tone, Shizumi maintains a genuine smile and a golden heart of fire. He's grown to be quite the scrapper and Konoha's star shit-talker. There's nothing more exciting than a fiery competition as far as Shizumi knows. 99.99% percent of the day is spent talking on and on about nothing. The kid's a talker and he ain't changing it for no one. Great conversation and honest friends are worth more than anything to him. He's known to be a hard-worker. If the kid ain't training to be better, he's running his mouth and vice-versa. He's also known to have quite the "green-thumb". You can surely catch him helping his mother around her garden on any day.

History: Shizumi is a natural born citizen of Konohagakure. Shizumi's mother was a mere housewife, raising Shizumi, cooking meals and cleaning. His father, on the other hand, was a respected shinobi under the 3rd Hokage's rule. He was rarely deployed on face-to-face attack centered missions. He instead specialized in the field of Espionage on behalf of the Hokage. Uncovering the intelligence of other villages was his sole purpose. When he got word from his wife that they'd be having a son, he rightfully resigned from his position in order to settle into the life of a father. Upon resigning, Shizumi's father opened a Floral Shop for the villagers. He felt this would be a giving way to settle down, yet still provide something for the village. He also went as far as changing the surname of his family to further the discretion of their existence. From Uchiha to Ao, Shizumi's father used white lies to cloak his family and himself from looming danger. Shizumi and his mother were told not to speak of his past work in order to protect their identities. Just as his father did, Shizumi came of age and began to help around the shop when he could. Menial tasks here and there, also learning to plant and harvest flowers from his mother. Shizumi knew of his father's hard work and would sneak into his father's office from time to time, reading over letters from the Hokage and other Captains. His mine would turn constantly, wondering why his father was so nonchalant about his works. Shizumi felt that being rewarded for such work was to be expected. He never expressed his thoughts on what he would see and he see. He instead took it in stride and developed a philosophy for himself. "Be the best and let the world know. They'll have no choice but to believe it." This could be harmful to him in his later years but nonetheless, he had his pride and he had inspiration from his father's past work.

Theme Song: [urll=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtqR4hF71pM]![/url]



  • Strength beyond what's expected of a child his age, still reasonable for a Genin.

  • Incredibly tough.

  • Skilled in Taijutsu. Uses a wrestling like style.

Special Traits

Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan
Clan: Uchiha


Custom Jutsu

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
Avatar of Gerontis

Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Accepted. :)
(Though the nickname Suzu wouldn't be preferable in Kirigakure, due te Suzu clan demise.)




Though nothing much wrong with the CS, I had made a note that we first want to see more people in the other villages. If you want to join Konoha and are active enough, I would be very happy to see two more CS's for the other villages before I will fully review your Konoha genin. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LJN92


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Why the hell doesn't this show up as a recent post?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Gerontis said
@ShadowcatcherAccepted. :)(Though the nickname Suzu wouldn't be preferable in Kirigakure, due te Suzu clan demise.)@BlandmanAccepted.@fattwanThough nothing much wrong with the CS, I had made a note that we first want to see more people in the other villages. If you want to join Konoha and are active enough, I would be very happy to see two more CS's for the other villages before I will fully review your Konoha genin. :)

Wooo! *happy dances* the nickname can be just Haru or Haruhi, whicever is fine really. Thanks so much. Just one more OK from a GM right?
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