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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kalani Solle

Bride of Cuwarr Naxremis and Sister-bride to Sorici Amberra

Kalani listened to Cuwarr's story and could feel some sort of tension. He clearly did not view his father in a positive light. The idea of honor, whether to maintain it or restore it, was something Kalani understood well. She did not necessarily pity him but she empathized with him. "And will we have a role in restoring that honor?" she asked quietly, as if she was simply talking to herself.

She was still painting when Cuwarr began to walk around and inspect each of their paintings. She tensed a little as she looked at her own painting. Would it be to his liking? She hoped so.

When he came around to her painting, she surprised by his words and actions. He had sensed her hesitation simply by looking at her painting. She wondered if his interpretation of Sorici's painting was correct as well. She glanced at her sister-bride's painting and indeed saw that streak of crimson. It did look a bit violent for such a dark, quiet scenery. She turned back to Cuwarr who had taken a step back. He had told them to get some rest and had soon laid himself in the large bed.

Kalani had heard horror stories about Drakken men who are quite barbaric with their Gem brides on their first night. But to see Cuwarr, calling them to sleep beside him, she was relieved and grateful. She took his left side as being his second bride, it seemed proper. The bed was comfortable and she realized how tired she was. It was a long day after all.

She thought about her parents, wishing she could let them know that she was doing fine. They must be worried sick about her. And it would be with good reasons too, if she was chosen by a more brutish Drakken. She closed her eyes, hoping that she could send her warmest thoughts to them. Perhaps she would be allowed to write to them.

These were her last thoughts as she began to drift asleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Rya Mira

"Wife/SisterBride" of Aeila Snowblood@NarcissisticPotato and Azilon Dantanath @WeepingLiberty

”Azilon Dantanath,” murmured Rya tasting the name as she watched the male gem zip around. Trying to attend to, what could only be described as, a very difficult patient. Either that or the man was hurting much more than he was willing to let on. Which, after a few very poor displays of trying to hide it, made her think that the second was probably more correct.

After that, the Drakkon…her ‘husband’ passed out. Had the male gem not been there, Rya would have woken him up to demand more answers. She didn’t like to make big choices without having all of the pieces to the puzzle, and right now she felt as though she only had the pieces she didn’t want. The pieces that didn’t solve the problem.

This ….Azilon seemed very indifferent to their presents, to her and this…Drakkon woman. The girl hadn’t said much, or anything, since they walked away from the main hall. Rya wasn’t sure if it was through fear, indifference, or she was simply…uninterested in making conversation. Or…perhaps she thinks less of you for being a Gem. There was very little information on how female drakkons felt about the whole ‘marriage’ arrangement. From what she could tell, most of the Drakkon’s seemed to think of their brides as pretty little play things. Did they think of their own females in such a way? For Gems, there was such a small chance of being selected that they could dream of living other lives. Was the same true for female Drakkon? Or were they always fated to be the play thing of their males.

That life style seemed too sad to spend much time thinking about.

Trying to banish the thought Rya turned to this male Gem, reaching out to shake his hand. “Well, Scoot, if you ever want me to call you Kushniryk Sol, I will do so,” Rya then looked over to the bed, eyeing with longing. It had been too long since she had had a proper nights sleep on a proper bed. ”Well, there is no reason to make the choice tonight. I doubt I’d get very far at this hour, anyway,” With that, she turned and crawled into the bed, never minding that she was still wearing her families second best dress. But, as tried as she was, sleep did not come as easily as she would have liked. Thoughts kept swirling around her head, trying to find the…correct answer, but it kept escaping her.

On one hand, she knew that she was sent here, no one expected her to return, or to hear from her again. And even if she did, would it be kind of her to ask her family to protect her? What would her life be like, even if she did get home? Rya doubted very much that Gem families who had lost daughters of their own would be…warm towards her, as their own children never came home. And that was if she even made it that far, which seemed less and less likely as each second passed. Besides, the male Gem didn’t seem to hate his life with Azilon. Either that, or the man was so cruel that Scoot was simply mad or too scared to be any thing but loyal.

For leaving, the only argument on that side was that…well…Rya wanted to go home.

It was a restless sleep, full of nightmares and shadows. Once the light in a room was a dull gray color, Rya was up, sitting crisscross by Azilon’s side, waiting for him to awake.

Once the injured Drakkon awoke, the questions started pouring out again. ”If…I choose to stay now, is it a forever choice? Not that the response would change what she was about to say. ”Because, I guess, for now…or…ever, I am staying with you,”

Husband of Nadia (@Vesuvius00) Saisri (@RomanAria)

Exon let out a long breath, he had closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling of the smaller warm bodies next to him. It took a few minuets for him to realize it, but his little wife, Nadia, kept getting warmer. Opening his eyes, he glanced over at the Gem when she spoke up.

Exon kept his face neutral as the Gem spilled her story. He let the silence build before carefully unwrapping his arm from Saisri and grabbing Nadia just below her injury, examining it. In truth, it held no danger, other than a painful, ugly bruise, the girl would heal just fine on her own. No, the problem here was the lie. He rose up from the bed and yanked one of the heavier blankets off of it. Grabbing a pillow, he draped both of the object on one of the couches in front of the fire. It was then that he pointed to a spot directly in front of him where he expected his wife to stand.

”I do not tolerate being lied to, little one, no matter what your intentions might be,” He crossed his arms, a look of…disappointment clear in his eyes. “As my bride, your obligation to me outweighs even your obligation to yourself and however you might feel. When I ask you a question, you will be honest,” He then pointed to the couch. “For now, you have lost my trust, and I will not share my bed or my ears with someone who isn’t worthy. I will also not allow your lying tongue to poison the ears of your sister wife. Had you been my wife for a longer amount of time, the punishment would have been much more physical. Keep that in mind if you ever choose to lie to me again. Your privileges are reduced and you will be silent until I believe you have paid proper penitence. You may nod to show you understand,” he waited for his wife’s response before beginning again.

“Break any more rules during this time of your punishment and I’ll will make that bruise look like nothing,” with that, he left the Nadia without a second glance, crawling back into bed with Saisri, pulling her close.

With any luck, they would be able to get an early start in the morning.

It might need fixing in the morning. But I'll deal with it...well...in the morning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Nadia Parnel
Bride of Exon (@Ellion) and sister-bride to Saisri (@RomanAria)

No tears, not now. Nadia flinched slightly as Exon grabbed her wrist, terrified that he hadn't said anything yet. He spent a moment to look at the bruise, judging its severity, and while he did she watched his face to try and gauge his reaction. Soon enough he got off the bed, dragging a pillow and blanket over to a couch with him. He motioned for her to come over then, and she stood where he pointed to before listening to his explanation of her punishment.

She nodded solemnly, keeping her eyes downcast as Exon delivered his final threat and walked away. She was grateful that he'd been merciful, a punishment of silence was not so bad, and as far as privileges go she didn't know she'd had any to begin with. Her life was no longer her own, not since she'd been taken, but now she couldn’t help others? Or even intend to? She watched him get back into his bed with Saisri and decided that she'd done the right thing. It would have been so much worse if he'd found out later. From now on she would be as open as possible, and never lie to anyone, not even to herself.

She stood for a moment, looking at the fire that was still burning warmly in the fireplace, oblivious to the events taking place around it. She thought about what Exon had said. The strangest part of his speech was when he said that he didn't want her poisoning Sisi? She couldn't understand what she'd done to cause that statement. She hoped that Saisri wouldn't get in troubLe at all, and Nadia certainly want going to be one to lead her sister bride into any.

Nadia shook her head slightly and grabbed the blanket off of the couch where Exon had put it. Wrapping it around herself tightly, she lay down on the couch and buried her face in the pillow, carful not to lay on her newly-tattooed shoulder as she tried to get comfortable enough to sleep. She was actually glad not to be sleeping next to Exon and Saisri tonight, and as she started clearing her mind she realized that she'd finally reached her limit. The past few days she'd done nothing but cry and wish that she'd wake up the next day and it'd all turn out to be a nightmare. Now, she only felt tired. So much had happened today that she couldn't cry anymore, and now as she lay staring at the shadows the fire played across the inside of her eyelids, she felt numb.
Sleep claimed her in seconds.

Zane Parnel

The night was so far uneventful. The Drakken in the area weren't interested in Gemminite wares it seemed. Only in the Gemminite women who were currently being treated like cattle within the walls of the Worth. Zane fought to keep the grimace off his face, it was scaring off anyone who was even bothering to glance in his direction at the moment. Well, except for this horn-head. A rather large Drakken was approaching him, an extremely frightened looking Gem girl in tow.

“Greetings Geminite curr.” The Drakken smiled and Zane could see he was missing quite a few teeth, some had been replaced with gold or silver and others were just left as open spaces. “Wha’cha sellin’ here?” The Drakken pulled the girl forward to stand in front of him as he waited for Zane to respond. Zane sighed and stepped behind his cart, motioning vaugely at the things he'd put out. Trinkets, mostly. Small things that the girls could take, hide in the palm of their hands until they could put it somewhere safer, or articles they could wear, things they could cling to so they can help keep their sanity and perhaps, find the hidden use of, to help them to freedom.

Whatever freedom they choose to find.

Many of the items could be used as a weapon, though they were just ordinary items. The fact was that if you needed a weapon badly enough, you could find it in whatever's within reach. Zane knew that much from his travels. Of course, the blade he always had concealed on his person was his first choice in any situation. Whether as a weapon to defend oneself or to take one's own life, both paths would lead to freedom in some way.

Another way the items could lead to freedom was the insignia on all of them. Known publicly as his merchant guild’s crest, it doubled as a sign the cult could use as a way to help girls escape back to Gemmina. Showing an agent of the cult this sign, whether one knew what it meant or not, would get them put on watch, and from there the agent would act on their own discretion. Rescuing those needing rescue, destroying those needing destruction, and protecting as many as they could. Zane had already handed out a dozen or so items to girls passing by before the current brute had approached, and he smiled lightly at this next girl before answering.

"Everything you see before you, and some more within the cart if none of these trinkets catch your eye." Zane grimaced slightly at the term as he realized this Drakken was wearing an eyepatch, and now frowning slightly at the merchant. "That, was not meant as a pun at all. Just a term of the trade, I swear. The, uhh… these are just the small things, toys and jewelry and other such items I thought the girls might like to have as one small piece of their past before moving on into Drakka. The rest is mostly fabrics, maps, a few oddities like swords and a painted shield, and imports like food and spices." His smile grew into an all out grin as he reached into a woven basket tied to the side of his cart, and pulled out a native Gemminian fruit. "Care for a Llaka, miss?"

Well that did it, the Drakken placed a hand menacingly on the girl's shoulder and pulled her into him before practically growling at Zane. “No. There was food inside, it's her own fault she didn't eat any of it. Right?” He shook the girl roughly on his last word and she squeaked out a small “yessir” before he stopped. Zane let the sadness he felt show on his face for a split second before putting the fruit back in the basket. He didn't want to cause the girl any trouble she didn't need, though going hungry through the night was a cruel add-on to whatever other horrors she would endure. Vivari give strength to them all.

The Drakken glared at the items on the cart for an uncomfortably long amount of time, long enough that Zane almost spoke up to say he didn't need to buy something. Plenty of jerks come up just to see if they can waste a merchant's time. Before he could say anything though, the Drakken pushed the girl forward before grunting, “You pick something out, and then you,” He paused to indicate Zane, “Name your price.” The Drakken then let go of the girl completely and stepped back a little.

Oh, he’s testing her. Zane nodded calmly to the girl as she stepped forward, picking up a small locket on a chain after a moment. The front had a carving of a bird on it while on the back was the merchant's guild symbol. Zane knew that inside was a small piece of paper listing a three-ingredient poison, that would only fall out if the girl broke the hinge, and otherwise could be taken out by dainty enough fingers. “This, please.” She said after a few seconds. Out of the corner of his eyes, Zane saw the Drakken nod slightly and he mentally let out a sigh of relief. She'd passed his test, she's that much more likely to survive now.

The Drakken looked to him after a second and Zane feigned deep thought. He did actually have to come up with a reasonable price. Normally in Gemmina that kind of locket would go for thirteen or fourteen silver pieces, and in Drakka it would be eight or nine gold peices. So, if five silver is one gold, five gold seems a good price. "Normally it'd be nine, but for five gold pieces and a small promise you can have it." Zane looked the Drakken in the eye as he spoke. "The promise being that you'll never take this away from her. My goal here is to give these girls, no, these women, a small piece of where they're from to remember who they are, and why they're here now."

The three stood in silence for a moment while the Drakken seemed to think about the offer. “Fine then. I promise not to take this trinket from you, Emma. I wish for you to enjoy your life with me. And while I may be strict at times, I shall leave you your past, which ends now.” The Drakken handed him the coins and the two walked away, the girl looking as if she were about to cry.

He looks like a brute, but even the scariest Drakken could be reasonable if given a chance. Zane thought after the two dissapeared into the building. He was sure she would still go through some bad times, but hopefully she had the strength to pull through, and maybe one day return to Gemmina. He hoped that for every Gem here tonight, and for his daughter most of all. She'd always been fragile, and soft spoken, and was still afraid of… Things long past.

She may not ever have the strength needed to fight back.

Onyx Briyll
Bride of Lady Siadamkiru Beneni @RomanAria

The night was going by quickly, but every second that passed made Onyx feel more and more like she could be living a story straight out of a book. Kaivor was amazingly well-read, and had a knack for picking out people from the crowd who fit the character of many people from the books they've read. One Gem girl was a dead ringer for Jesaphi out of the old Gemminian folk tale “Jesaphi et Llaka” where the girl Jesaphi was tricked into killing herself by eating a poisonous Llaka flower. Unlike the fruit, which was tart and delicious and very healty, the sweet Llaka bloom was deadly unless you were to boil the sweetness out to create a watery syrup, leaving the sour bloom safe for consumption and the syrup to be boiled down into sugar.

Jesaphi’s childlike belief in the trickster spirit‘s words was what truly brought on her downfall, but the girl they pegged for her was also alike in the way that she altered her actions and habits to accommodate those around her. She was blending in, she was unextraordinary just like Jesaphi had been. And yet the spirit chose her life to ruin, and the Drakken chose this girl.

Kai and Onyx had been eating and talking with each other animatedly, barely even noticing what was going on around them. It wasn't until the sound of a flute rang through the room did they look beyond their bubble of worlds and stories. Both were silent as the girl played, and both jumpped up at the sound of clapping from the table next to theirs after the song had finished. It was the Jesaphi girl, and the flute player had been the spirit. The Drakken that snapped her neck then became the Llaka flower. As the girl's body hit the floor, the Drakken shrugged and looked around, locking his eyes on Onyx.

Of course, Kaivor went to stand between the brute and her, but before he could even say anything the other Drakken stabbed her husband in the neck. He fell to the ground, and Onyx knelt beside him, everything else around her turning into a dim blur of colors until she realized she was crying. She could see the life leaving his eyes as they locked onto hers. He said nothing.

She felt a tug on her head as the Drakken dragged her to her feet by her hair, and bit her lip to keep from yelling every insult she knew at the brute. Once she was standing, he knelt down so he was eye level with her, a cruel, toothy grin on his ugly face. “Well girlie, it seems tha’ I just lost my wife, and seein’s you've just been widowed by this ‘ere man-child, how you feel ‘bout us bein’ together?”

His grip on her shifted from her hair to her shoulders, and as he spoke next she wasnt entirely sure that her arms wouldn’t break under his grip. “Not that you're gettin’ a choice girlie.”

"I could explain exactly how I feel about your offer, but, " His grip tightened, "Heh, given the vocabulary and disposition you've shown yourself to have, you would likely only understand that what I say is directed at you, Gargantuan brute."

She wasn't actually sure what to do next, she was still practically blinded by her tears. This feeling, was love mixed with sadness, though not romantic love. She'd never met anyone before who had such an interest in books and stories as she did, as Kai did. She did love him, though they'd only known each other for a few hours. An hour was an eternity in a story, and though their story together was brief, multiple hours ment more than an eternity had passed for them. May you find peace, Kaivor.

After what must have been only a second but felt like minutes, Onyx realized that the Drakken was about to attack her. As his hands reached for her neck, she prayed to Vivari and stepped back, the floor before her rising up in a spike to stop the Drakken’s hands. Blood dripped down the sides of the spike and onto the floor as Onyx saw that the spike had stabbed through the Drakken’s hand. He roared and reached for her again with his non-injured hand, but she merely summoned another spike beside her, breaking off the tip to use as a weapon of sorts.

She didn't get to use it however, as the Drakken stood and charged at her, lifting her off the ground by her neck and causing her to drop the rock spike. Even though she knew it would be useless, she cried out before his hands could stop her breath. "Help! Please!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Saisri “Sisi” Tyalanthe

Bride of Exon Xe’Jah @Ellion, sister-bride to Nadia Parnel @Vesuvius00

Saisri gasped in sympathy as she saw Nadia’s bruised wrist. The poor girl…

What happened next took a moment to get through her sleep-addled brain. Exon had… flung her off the bed, indicating that she was to sleep on the couch and remain silent until instructed otherwise.

She supposed she should be grateful that it wasn’t a physical punishment… She doubted Nadia would be able to handle such a thing. But still, it was rather unnecessarily cruel, to keep the girl isolated, unable to speak for herself.

When Exon tucked himself back into bed, Saisri did not snuggle to his side as he intended. Sure, she let him pull her close, but held still—not forming to the shape of his body as he seemed to want. In that momentary altercation with Nadia she’d seen how ruthless Exon really was and now she felt as though she couldn’t trust him.

Lack of trust or not, sleep still called to her. In moments she was breathing deeply, already lost in dreamland.

Sorici Amberra

Bride of Cuwarr Naxremis @Cubix, sister-bride to Kalani Solle @karamonnom

As ever, Sorici listened without saying much – or anything, in this case. She felt a bit of a rush of pity-respect-sorrow for Cuwarr, but did not express it, and did not even look at him.

When he looked at her painting she kept her eyes downcast, not speaking even as he addressed her directly. Her heart gave a little flutter, however – she tried to ignore it but his words kept fluttering around her head. “change her hatred towards him.”

She hated the Drakken people, that much was clear… They’d killed her family, her best friends who weren’t “pretty enough” to be brought here, all the little children. Every single person. She hated them.

But… Did she hate this Drakken who spoke of moonlight and purpose and art?

The Drakken beckoned her to the bed; she waited for Kalani to choose which side she was to sleep on. She was glad that Kalani took the left; she took her place on the right. A warrior always stood to the right of their lord—

The rebels were dead, but… maybe fighting for her new husband’s honor was a suitable cause.

Siadamkiru “Sia” Beneni

Wife of Sorrin Lucielle @WeepingLiberty and Onyx Briyll @Vesuvius00

Sia smiled a razor’s smile as the small lord agreed to accompany her. She was glad to have Zakroti’s help, though she was still rather wary of the lord—there was no doubt that he was full of tricks and would stab her in the back without a second thought.

“Three miles north of the divide in the Great Road. If you would like, your household can ride with mine in the morning—we will leave at dawn.” The woman hesitated for a moment, not sure of any other details to impart. As she hesitated she listened to Sorrin and the other bride talking, laughing about the lizard who was apparently named Leo.

The watchmen’s bell began ringing, twelve times. It was the sign of midnight, of course. Sia hesitated for only a moment more. Finally she curtsied slightly to the shorter lord, and turned to leave. “If you will excuse me, my lord; I am going to escort my bride back to my chambers. While I am accustomed to riding on no sleep, I doubt that my lady Sorrin is, and I would rather not make this transition any more stressful for her.”

She couldn’t resist a faint chuckle as she took in the sight of Sorrin and Kasari playing with Leo the Lizard. “Sorrin, come along. You’ll have time to talk with Kasari tomorrow, but we’ll have an early morning.”

The woman took Sorrin by the arm, Sorrin’s right and her left. Her right hand remained on her sword hilt – after all, drunken Drakken didn’t always have a good sense of personal boundaries.

As they passed the great hall, all but deserted, Sia heard a desperate cry for help. She whirled, hand clenching around the hilt of her sword, and peered around the half-closed door, using one hand on the collar of Sorrin’s dress to keep her close. It seemed as though some drakken lord was throwing his bride around – Sia knew she shouldn’t get involved.

Buut…. That desperate cry for help. The spikes where it seemed the very floor had grown up against the Drakken.

Sia hesitated for only a second longer, just long enough to pull Sorrin close and whisper, “When we go into that room, you hide under the first table we pass. Cover your ears and shut your eyes and don’t come out until I come for you.”

With that, she pushed the doors open with a bang. The lord turned to face her, the purple-faced Gem still clutched in his hand. Sia recognized him immediately, and rage caused her eyes to burn gold and flames to dance across her skin. The drakken who’d snapped the girl’s neck because she’d clapped. And she recognized him too—enough to put a face to a name at least. Vilyn Hilevus. Oh, this man was a brute. He’d had a Drakken wife once, and seemingly been too rough with her, killed her on choosing night.

“Lord Hilevus, whatever are you doing to that poor gemminite? Put her down, you’re going to hurt her.”

“Why would I do that?”

Sia was coming close to him, long strides eating up the ground. She stopped a mere few inches away from him, close enough to see the Gem girl’s feeble struggling. That poor thing.

“Because I’d imagine there are more worthy playthings around here.” She thinly smiled up at the brute. As she held his gaze her hand flicked out and slammed into the underside of his elbow. Causing his hand to relax and his entire arm to go numb—also causing him to drop the Gemminite girl, who collapsed in a heap on the floor and sucked in a deep breath, coughing weakly. She’d be alright.

Sia curled herself into the Drakken lord’s arm, eyes half-lidded and smoldering. “Playthings such as me, milord.”

The lord growled with desire as he began clawing at her dress, fumbling with the laces. Sia pulled him close, hand gripping the loose collar of his tunic. She smiled up at him even as she pulled him down, even as the heel of her other hand slammed up into his jaw. The lord’s eyes rolled back in his head and he fell, thumping hard to the floor where he lay motionless. Stunned, if not unconscious.

An indignant shout came from the doorway, and she turned to see four angry berserkers wearing the Hilevus colors charging at her, swords at the ready. She drew her own blade and stepped onto the dais, intent on using whatever extra height advantage she could get – and luring the combatants away from Sorrin’s hiding place and the fallen Drakken and Gem. These guards really were idiots, though she was slightly worried about the fact that there were four of them. Then they were on her, and she quit thinking about anything other than the fight for a moment. One of them, probably still a youth judging by his lack of horns, went down in seconds, having forgotten to block her very first strike. She wrenched her sword out of the body in barely enough time to block an overhand blow that could have split her in two, and then hissed in pain as another combatant’s blade whisked down her back.

She thought she’d be a goner for sure, because they’d closed around her, but then there was a whistling sound and a juicy impact, and a shriek of pain abruptly cut off. She seized the moment of distraction to whip her sword around, driving it through one guard’s heart, then whirled in time to see a glaive take the one remaining guardsman’s head.

“You’re getting sloppy, milady. You’da been a goner, had we not been walking by.” That wry voice came from the pretty, blue-eyed Aldar Drais, one of Sia’s many guardswomen and protégées. She was leaning on her glaive, panting slightly.
“Aye she would’ve. Sure a good thing we were here.” The girl’s younger sister, Acadea, said, also leaning on her glaive, absently digging the point of it into the floor.

Sia rolled her eyes. She loved the twins to bits but they were so annoying sometimes. “And dare I ask where you lovely ladies have been all night?”

Aldar shrugged. “Fucking men, drinking ale, collecting secrets, gossiping with the underlings. The usual.”
Acadea giggled. “More of the first two than the last two. Well, except for Meiya. Rizan put her in time-out, said that she was too young to be doing such things. Rizan tried to say the same to me but I played deaf.”

Sia snorted, but quickly was serious again. “I know I gave you the night off but since you’re here you might as well help me clean this mess up. Aldar. That lump over there” she jerked her thumb at the collapsed drakken lord. “is my prisoner; take him to camp and chain him somewhere where he won’t cause a ruckus. Gag him and blindfold him, too. When you come back, you lot come up to the room—remember we have an early start tomorrow.”

Aldar hesitated. “Milady… are you sure that’s wise? Taking him prisoner, that is. People won’t be happy that you broke the truce of the night…”

Sia glared at the girl and she fell silent, with only an “of course, milady”, and shuffled off, all but dragging the massive lump of Drakken.

The woman sighed heavily as she looked at the carnage that had become this side of the room. She dimly recognized another fallen Drakken as lord Kaivor Igvrius, then did a bit of a double take. So it hadn’t been a drakken and his bride. It had been a drakken who’d murdered another, more honorable drakken, and stolen his bride. After having killed his own bride. Or at least, that was the impression she got.

“Acadea, have the servants collect Lord Igvrius’s remains and deliver them back to his family—they need to know what happened here.”

Acadea saluted and trotted off, to the kitchens, probably, to find someone to help her.

Sia looked down at the Gem girl she’d just rescued. The girl was still gasping for air and probably too weak to talk, much less walk. So she, with a mumbled apology, scooped the girl up, wrapping one arm around the girl’s back and the other under her knees (and draping her so her arm was around Sia’s neck), and proceeded to walk towards the door on legs that were (quite embarrassingly) shaking. She spoke quietly to the girl in her arms, not sure if she’d be able to hear and process or not.

“My name is Siadamkiru Beneni. I don’t mean to hurt you, child, so stay calm and breathe and gather your strength. That would have killed almost any other Gemminite. Kaivor Igvrius will be laid to rest by his family, and Vilyn Hilevus will be dealt justice – do not worry about them.

She paused by the table beside the door and knocked on the surface, carefully balancing the gem girl to avoid dropping her. “Sorrin, you can come out now, but look right at me, child. Just look at me.” She realized too late that her dress was torn and bloodied. She also realized that the gouge in her back hurt fiercely.

Oh well, nothing to be done about it now, except get up to the rooms and away from all this bloodshed. Sia took Sorrin by the hand and led the girl upstairs, still awkwardly cradling the other Gemminite girl.

Aerienna “Aery” Cassiel

Bride of Lugft Huron @agentmanatee, sister-bride to Atallia Faeron @NarcissisticPotato

Oh, good job, Aery. the girl thought to herself. The Drakken had yanked Talli out of the kiss (Aery forced herself to pretend that she wasn’t at all disappointed by the sudden separation) and then done something to her, before flinging her limp body up to the head of the bed.

When the Drakken reached for her, his massive hands nearly wrapping around the small girl’s body entirely, she went completely limp, mind going blank and eyes going wide. As the Drakken kissed her she weakly pushed at him in a futile effort to make him stop—of course that wouldn’t happen.

The lord gave her a vicious grin as he ripped her dress off, casting it to the floor. The girl whimpered faintly in fear, internally begging her gods to have mercy and let her pass out before things got too painful.

Aymiria “Miry” Cassiel

Bride of Zakroti Unalim @darkwolf687, sister-bride to Kasari Liesma @WeepingLiberty

Miry choked, jumping to her feet indignantly as Vain tore the paper in two. She tried to talk back to him but it only resulted in an indignant squeaking. In anger the girl went limp and nearly cried again, but forced herself to stifle it. He’s right, I am acting like a child. But… wait, he says I can actually do something about it… I have that right? No one at court ever said anything about gemminite brides having rights

The pint-sized girl took a deep breath and wiped at her eyes, reaching for another piece of paper and the pen. She began writing again, though was careful to hold the pen tightly to not let her hands tremble all over the page like they wanted to.

You say that I have power to command people? That I have power to change things? You must forgive me, this is a strange notion. They say that girls aren’t supposed to take an interest in politics, and as a commoner I have almost no exposure to it anyway, so I’m unfortunately not experienced at all with this. So forgive me if I overstep my authority.

Send one guardsman to collect Astrae’s remains and take her to be laid to rest in the gardens. I will bury her myself if need be, unless there’s a Gemminite priest who can be here before morning to do the rites. I will write to my elder brother – he managed the family’s finances – and ask him to use mine and my sister’s savings to provide schooling, food, and a home for Astrae’s family – and bring them under the royal house’s protection if possible.

Send however many you think is necessary to detain the lord who killed her. I want him brought before the justice of, if not the courts, at least someone who’s powerful enough to judge whether to sentence him to death or to lock him away forever.

She read over her words again, then placed the quill back in in the inkwell and handed the paper to Vain. She wiped at her eyes again, and was shocked to realize they were dry—having a purpose was a rather empowering thing, she supposed.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Valence the Cultist

Valence yanked his knife out of the eye of his third Drakken that night.

The damned, blasted, arrogant motherfucks kept raping people. Why do that? Why not, he didn't know, they just be polite, civil intelligent beings that wooed and tried to impress fair Gems, instead of stealing them away from their homes and shoving their faces into their beds while they had their way with them.

Valence, as he knew, was in a slight bloodrage. That is, a rage to spill Drakken blood because of their injustices against the unalienable rights to any living being. As such, they invalidated their own rights to live. And while the Creator, the Fates, and all other godly entities didn't seem intent on upholding the natural rules- Valence had no mind doing it for them.

He slammed his sword into the Drakken's head, brutally sawing at the beast to cut off one of its' horns. The lady the beast was raping sat curled, naked, desperately trying to cover herself with the sheets, to stem the blood from a few cuts that the Drakken gave her. She watched on fearfully as Valence took his proof of his kill- but she seemed to approve, a little.

Two more girls peeked into the room, from the hallway. Both of them were sort of used to the gore, by now. Valence had already done this once in their presence, each. Where else had he rescued them from? Walking out would be easy, anyhow.

So he dragged the corpse into the beast's washing room, leaving a rather nasty trail of blood on the floor, before beckoning the two well-clothed Gems into the room. They promptly set about helping their fellow, cleaning her up, comforting her, as Valence glared at the bloody floor and cursed the Drakken again.

He hid the horn in an inside pocket, next to four others. Guards were surprisingly lax around here, in the fortress interior.

Having finished his final kill for the night, he approached the three Brides he decided to save. He hadn't asked their names; they hadn't given them. He hadn't offered his own, either. Instead, he knelt down at the bedside, watching the recovering Bride and the two he had already saved sitting on either side of them.

"Alright, ladies. We're heading out. Do any of you want to stay?"

An obvious shake of their heads, vigorous and pleading.

"Anything you want to take with you?"

Again, more shaking of the head.

"Sir, we don't want to stay here any longer than we must," stated the first one he saved, firmly.

"Anywhere is better than here," stated the second, just as resolute.

"Where are you taking us?" asked the whimpering, somewhat cowering one. It seemed that she was a little afraid of males at this point. Understandable enough.

So he gave a grim smile, and then replied, "The mountains. People like me have an outpost there. To prepare for an eventual Drakken attack. To counterattack, even. I'm here, after all. Now wouldn't it be nice to keep other girls from getting kidnapped from their homes to satisfy these beasts' perverse needs?"

Naturally, firm, resolute nods. A little shaky on number three's part.

"Well alright then. Get some cloaks, keep your heads down, and follow me."

It was then that Valence replaced his horns- such a stupid requirement, but one that allowed him to pass right through a Drakken checkpoint- and marched out of the door, shutting it firmly behind him. There was a little blood on his torso, but he covered the majority of it with his own cloak. Pulling his hood up, he lowered his head and started marching.

Three Hours Later

Walking out the gate had been easy.

Walking down the road had been easy.

Keeping three tired, part-raped women going down the road after a couple hours wasn't.

Curse their stamina, or their lack thereof!

So be it, they were far enough away and it was dark enough for it not to matter if there was a fire or not.

This had led the four to sit around a small fire in the wilderness, wrapped in cloaks and huddled about. Incidentally, all three of them had decided that Valence was their savior and had begun treating him like a big brother- respecting him, using him as shelter, bickering with him, and giggling behind his back about the last thing he said. He'd say he found it annoying, but there was something about three Gems in horrible circumstances clinging to something good that left him feeling a bit better.

In addition, all three decided that they'd use him as a heater, and were huddling in towards each other, around him. Valence just hoped no Drakken or mountain lion decided to stumble into their camp- the three bodies using him as a pillow (apparently he was the savior of their lives as well as their sleep) would get in the way. Gah!

But then again, they felt warmer and safer with him. That was good, even if it might be problematic if they really do join the cult.

Should he really describe his own people as a cult? That suggested they were conspiratorial and a little crazy, believing in improbable things. Then again, they believed they could stop a Drakken attack on their homeland. Cult seemed like a good word, now.

He sighed, leaned against his tree, with three women leaning against him, shivering slightly, all of them, and closed his eyes. He listened to the forest, and awaited the night to end so they could continue on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Onyx Briyll
Bride of Lady Siadamkiru Beneni@RomanAria

"H-help..." Onyx’s cry cut out as the Drakken's grip tightened again. She could feel herself losing consciousness.She closed her eyes, giving in to whatever Fate would bring. Sounds around her blurred together until they faded out, and then she was on the floor.

Air filled her lungs again as the world started coming back. For whatever reason the Drakken had dropped her, and she wasn't about to waste this chance. She tried to move away from the Drakken, only managing to scoot herself up against the leg of a table. She concentrated on her breathing, and her groggy mind raced to try and understand what was going on. People were fighting, and the Drakken who'd had her by the neck only a moment before was lying motionless on the ground not far from her. Everything except her seemed to be moving in super speed. After a moment, she was able to pick out words being said nearby, though not connecting them to any meaning.

That was, until she heard her late husband's name said.

She looked back to where his body lay, and found that she didn't want to leave him. She started to try and crawl back to his side, but her efforts were stopped before she could even move by someone picking her up off the ground. Even though she was still struggling to breathe, she tried to protest the sudden capture. "n.. no... I.. wan..to...stay... Kai..." Even the few syllables she could get out were a battle in themselves, and after a second she gave in to her rescuer’s hold as they explained what was going on.

"My name is Siadamkiru Beneni. I don’t mean to hurt you, child, so stay calm and breathe and gather your strength. That would have killed almost any other Gemminite. Kaivor Igvrius will be laid to rest by his family, and Vilyn Hilevus will be dealt justice – do not worry about them.”

From a glance Onyx could tell that her rescuer was a Drakken lady, and as odd as that may have been, she wasn't exactly able to comment on her situation anyway. Her head was still swimming, and so she merely tried to hold on to Lady Sia as best she could as she carried her. "Thank... you..." She whispered, hoping the immense gratitude and sincerity she felt could be heard in the two simple words. She lost consciousness shortly after speaking, falling into a dreamless sleep.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 25 days ago

Zakroti watched as Siadamkiru left. How curious; Something was definitely wrong here and he wasn't sure he liked the sound of it; Whoever he was to be meeting must have been unwelcome to be meeting so far from the Wroth; the walls may have had were but even here there were private places, no they must have been either plotting something treasonous - or were a foreign power. She had mentioned flirting with treason...

Zakroti paused to consider the implications; He had heard tell of Gemminite resistances before and there were whispers of a rather well organised group, perhaps Siadamkiru was meeting with someone from said organisation; It would explain why she wanted back up. Zakroti glanced towards his entourage, approaching them and turning towards Gaikus.

"Oeiz una kynd, epe kala o zo rahtankor ad odzi zan vithze." Zakroti said and the Blackguard nodded, leaning in towards him and whispering quietly. Zakroti nodded in response before turning towards the hallway as Ayltam came down with the remaining Blackguard in tow, she looked up towards Zakroti.

"Vivyent sunna wre, Lalyent-Seru. I was just returning to rooms." Ayltam said as she came to a half before him, glancing to Kasari and giving her a warm smile before looking back to her uncle

"Vivyent sunna wre, Seru-Wel." Zakroti replied with a thin smile "It is the middle of the night by now; we should all retire"

He glanced towards Kasari and cocked an eyebrow at the lizard. He motioned for everyone to follow him and set off down the halls before speaking directly to her. "What is that species? I dont think I have encountered it before- And how did you come to have one as a pet, anyway? I would hazard a guess that a lizard is not the usual pet in Gemminia. And what did you think of Lady Siadamkir and her Bride"


Vain paused for a moment as he read the piece of paper before nodding and turning his attention towards the door.

"Kaani kree! Hilyat!" Vain barked; There was a racket from outside as the two sentries spun and threw the door open, marching in with spears in hand.

"Gais, Norkaan?" The guard asked as he glanced towards Aymiria, then back towards the Blackguard with a curious look. This one was Aurien, a Buro Za Mishaxi; he had served the house long and faithfully, since before Vain had been born.

"Aymiria gaiarew nit wre shanta wus lal e fathisew Vilyn Hilevus." Vain said as he pointed towards Aurien who gave a swift nod and placed his hand to his chest as he looked towards Aymiria

"Na wre gaiar." He said before turning around and leaving the room, barking some orders into the hallway; The sound of replies and boots on stone could be heard, fading slowly into the distance. The second man at arms waited for his orders patiently as Vain turned to him.

"Astrae Rosalin Silverheart, an bride Lord Vilyn edeoz; Shantaew geheiz dilon e ulven ta zo an cheydinmu odaew..." Vain commanded as he showed the warrior the piece of paper. The soldier looked towards Aymiria and placed his hand against his chest.

"If such is your will; I will send for a priest." He said to her before turning and heading towards the door, closing it behind him. Vain turned towards Aymiria and smiled, nodding to her politely and seating himself into one of the chairs, awaiting the return of the warriors.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lord Cuwarr Naxremis

Husband of Sorici (@RomanAria), his white lotus, and Kalani (@karamonnom), his auburn rose.

With his wives snuggled beside him, Cuwarr took a moment to relapse. Just a few hours ago, he was shooting down some rebels-- spilling blood. But, now, he laid beside two of the most alluring gems he had ever laid his eyes upon. As he heard their breathing slow down, signalling that they were now asleep, the warlord stole some glances at them. Beautiful? Attractive? No. Divine. Before he gave up his consciousness to the much awaited abyss of rest, Cuwarr pulled them flush against him until Kalani's head rested at the soft of his neck and collarbone and Sorici slumbered on his chest. His arms snaked themselves around their curvaceous waist as he breathed out a sigh of contentment. If anyone saw the drakken now, they would clearly think him delirious for being too obviously happy at the presence of two insignificant gems cuddling against him. A goofy smile that stretched across his lips signalled the giddy spirals of emotions churning inside him. It's been too long, far too long since he had felt the authentic warmth of another beside his. Specifically, it has been fifty years. After all, it was his mother who comforted the drakken after his young body was subjected to the wounds of training. And, even if Cuwarr swore that a part of him was lost to the aether after Stezius desecrated the Naxremis name, perhaps, the parts which he were riven lived inside these two gems near him-- to be with them is to be whole again. At least, that's what his mother used to say.

Then, reality spun out of focus as his eyes gave in to the fatigue of the day. His body, wounded and bruised, might have been exhausted but his heart and mind have never been this happy since he lost his mother centuries ago.


In the blink of an eye, morning had already came. Cuwarr had already awakened for the day as he finished bathing himself clean. The warlord sat on a stool in front of the window as he began to wear the pieces of his armour. With deft movements, he slipped his hands through the gauntlets and arm guards, securing them to his arms. His greaves and chainmail as well as plate mails were next as he, once again, tied the piece of cloth around his eyes. Cuwarr combed his hair with his hands, avoiding his horns as his golden locks were slicked back. Finally done with his attire, Cuwarr hoisted his longbow from the stand before slinging the quiver over his right shoulder.

Cuwarr strode out of his room, noticing a slight chill in the air and, probably, a sanguine scent. The stench of blood emanated from a room a few blocks away from his. Notching an arrow upon his recurve, Cuwarr swept his gaze side to side, wary of any sign of an assailant. With footsteps as silent as a lion on a prowl, Cuwarr reached the room, kicking it open in one fell swoop before aiming his bow at the area. There was none... except the crimson trail that led to the shower. The drakken was not new to the sight of blood, but there was something about the murder that made him conclude that this was not the work of his kin. The dead bloke was sprawled on the floor, horns and eyes cut from their places. There was also something graceful about the way the drakken was slain: there was purpose to this murder other than just pure bloodlust.

"Not that I care, but..." Cuwarr tilted his head in wonder as he grinned. He had no intention of reporting this event. If anything, this slain drakken was one of his critiques, and a death such as this was fitting for a swine. "Who knew that there were other races capable of this artwork." Gems were the least of his suspicions; they wouldn't even hurt a fly that was stinging them. If anything, these were the rebels that the drakkens had slain from afar. Or, the forces that they repelled from Gemminia. "Rest in pieces, swine."

The warlord closed the door before sauntering off to the dining area. He noted the different viands and treats before grabbing a few bread rolls and heading back to his room. He placed the bread rolls on a wide plate, setting it down on a nearby dresser. As he looked at his wives, he remembered how the slain drakken's wives were nowhere to be found. So, whoever killed the drakken also took the wife. If this was a mere squabble between two drakken lords, the murder scene could not have been that messy. It would have been a quick strike that decapitated. But, the mere fact that the horns were cut, the eyes were pierced, and overall, the body was ruined... would mean that the killer hated the drakkens and sought to liberate the wives. So, were the killers... gems?

"N-no," Cuwarr mumbled. "Unlikely." A pattern had to be seen before he could conclude anything. Even up to now, the gemminites never ceased to pique his interest.

As he swept those problems to the back of his mind, Cuwarr set the plate down as he sat on the bed, smiling at how his wives slept peacefully. A strange, humming sensation filled him; an odd urge to protect these fragile creatures. "I pity the poor soul who would dare hurt the two of you." Cuwarr whispered under his breath before taking a breadroll and softly biting down on it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Worldbuilding – An exercise in writing by darkwolf687 and RomanAria.
Seriously, don’t force yourself to read all the nonsense unless you want to—it has absolutely no bearing on anyone else except for @weepingliberty – and feel free to skip to Part 5, Libby. For anyone who’s interested in getting the information without reading the novella – Read part 1 and then skip to Part 6 – that’s Miry’s journal entry summarizing the rest of the conversation.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kasari Liesma

Bride of Zakroti; Sister-Bride to Aymiria Cassiel

In the short time they had gotten to speak the two girls had hit it off quite well, sighing with disappointment when the clock struck midnight. Waving goodbye to each other, Kasari watched after the small blonde with a smile, glad she had been chosen by what seemed like a kind woman. Falling into step beside her own Drakken partner, Kasari felt the small lizard return to his place on her shoulder, staring up at the man cautiously. Leo showed no signs of aggression towards Zakroti but she could tell the critter was worried about his friend, something she wasn't going to leave to chance as his presence was noted. Scooping the lizard up in her hands, Kasari beamed with pride.

"Well, you're not wrong. These little buggars make terrible pets in the more traditional sense of the word. He's what we call a Horn-Crested Desert Dragon... Or Desert Dragon for short. They thrive best in harsher conditions found in deserts, which Gemminia isn't quite known for, however there are a small chain of mountains just a few days ride out from where I grew up. My father used to tell me they were Pyrus' contribution to the physical world, a way for him to turn fire into stone for the Great Mother Vivari to mold into the lands we see today. But despite having not spewed fire in generations, they still give off enough heat to warm the air considerably. It was there that I met Leo, or rather, he made himself comfortable in my food bags..." Kasari laughed as Leo snuggled up to her hand, trying to look as cute as possible.

"I let him go of course, but my brother was adamant about catching the little thing. Saw him chasing Leo around, acting all sorts of mean to the little guy... So I did what any normal person would do, I scooped up the little lizard and kicked my brother's butt. After that we couldn't be separated, he followed me all the way home, and now from home all the way out here. I promise he won't be much trouble." Realizing she had been rambling on about the lizard, Kasari took a moment to think about an answer to his final question about Sorrin and her Drakken bride.

"I didn't have the pleasure of speaking at all with Miss Siadamkiru, however Sorrin seemed comfortable around her. If someone that sweet can be in her company, I don't think she can be all that bad. Why, what's this about?" She then shook her head with a smile, laughing her own question wrong.

"Nevermind. I know a business deal when I see one, if it were something I needed to know you wouldn't have stepped away to speak to her. I can respect that, but if you're trying to gauge how trustworthy a business partner she is... You're asking the wrong person. Follow your gut on that one, relying too much on others opinions can lead to failure and in this territory failure doesn't sound all that safe for anyone." Kasari shrugged, a motion that seemed to say 'but what would I know?'. It didn't take them long to return to the room where they would be staying, Miry already inside speaking to another of the Blackguard. Internally Kasari sighed with relief as it seemed Miry was doing much better now than she had been earlier. Before she knew it Zakroti had disappeared again, leaving her and Miry in the room together to hash out their own sleeping arrangements.

"Goodnight M'lord." She bowed her head respectfully as he left for the evening, then turning to her Gemminite sister with a tired smile. A little surprised by the written speech, Kasari took the paper and read it carefully with a quiet giggle.

"These walls don't do much to keep the warmth inside so it would probably be more comfortable for the both of us to sleep together in the bed. I could sleep through just about anything so just climb up whenever you're done writing in your journal... And don't worry about it, it seems I've brought one of my own as well. I'm sure they'll be great friends, right Leo?" She asked the small lizard who had curled up and fell asleep in her hands.

"Oh, well maybe they can get to know each other some other time. That's alright. You finish writing in your journal, I'm going to try and get some sleep before tomorrow's festivities. Goodnight Miry." Squeezing the girl's shoulder lightly, Kasari climbed up onto the bed with Leo snuggled up right next to her neck. It took less than a few breaths before she was sleeping soundly, obviously wiped from the day's events.


Sorrin Lucielle

Bride of Siadamkiru Beneni

A little disappointed that her meeting with Kasari was being ended already, Sorrin waved her goodbye, though her face lit up at the promise of being able to speak with the Gemminite girl again soon. She giggled as the small lizard ran down her body and scuttled across the floor back to his master, a shiver running down her spine as her now exposed neck met the cool air once again. While she continued to keep pace with Lady Sia, Sorrin began noticing how tired she really was, the excitement that was the last few days finally catching up to her in what could only be described as the squeakiest yawn to ever echo the stone halls they walked. Her fatigue however was broken by a rush of adrenaline, fear striking her as Sia hesitated at the sound of a scream. Glancing up at the tense Drakken, Sorrin nodded her understanding of the instructions.

As soon as the door had been pushed open and Lady Sia had walked inside, Sorrin scurried beneath the closest table she could find. Curling her body up, she folded up neatly beneath the furniture, safe from whatever force might be thrown about in the conflict... However she was far too curious to leave herself completely cut off from the situation, plugging her ears as she had promised, but peeking out from her hiding place to watch the scene unfold. At first everything seemed to be going just how Lady Sia had planned it, or at least within her ability to control, however that changed just as quickly as the lord's own guards arrived, surrounding Sia menacingly. She had to cover her mouth to keep from screaming as they ganged up on her, one of them slicing up her back pretty badly while she was blocking a blow from another. Deciding that she could watch no more, Sorrin withdrew beneath the table waiting for whatever might happen.

What seemed like an eternity later, a knock on the top of the table signaled it was safe for her to come out from hiding. When she emerged she was surprised to see a few other female warriors in the room, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as she pieced the scene together silently. Falling into step, Sorrin kept glancing up at the Gemminite girl being carried in Sia's arms. She could sense her trouble breathing, not all that surprising with the amount of strength a Drakken had in a single hand. Closing her eyes, she let Sia guide her toward the room while she focused on the air entering and leaving the other Gem's lungs. It was jagged, forced, and sounded somewhat painful. Lightly pushing a little more air into each breath, she focused on making the intake a little smoother until her unconscious body corrected itself and began breathing normally. Wanting to be helpful, Sorrin rushed into the room Sia had led them too heading straight for the bag she recognized as being her own.

"We should wrap her neck with some of this ointment my aunt sent with me. It's to prevent swelling and is supposed to help calm the nerves. I think she could use it more than me right now." Sorrin glanced over at the girl, worry etched into her features as she pulled out a small glass jar filled with a yellowish/green paste. She then reached in and withdrew a small leather pouch filled with various flowers. Picking out one of the blue ones, she pulled the roots off and offered them to Lady Siadamkiru with the same worried glance.

"That looks painful, you should chew on these... It'll help a little." She added, feeling bad that she couldn't to much more to help other than offer a few herbs and a warm smile.

Azilon Dantanath

"Husband" of Rya Mira and Aeila Snowblood

He had only been awake for a few short moments before his ears registered that he was being spoken to, hie eyes groggily finding the source of the voice. Naturally the questions were pouring out of the small Geminite girl he vaguely remembered helping him back to the room. It was at that moment that he realized he had passed out on the floor of his own room, a low growl escaping his chest as he raised a hand. Covering the girl's mouth with his hand, he locked sleep filled eyes with her and responded with a curt "shush" before attempting to push himself up. He had made it to a sitting position, working on stretching out his stiff limbs and yawning loudly. Shaking the fog out of his head, he returned his gaze to the small Gem.

"Oh yes, that's right... The Choosing Ceremony was last night." He recalled, running a careful hand over the already healing wound on his back. Shaking his head at the memories flooding in from the previous night, Azilon sighed.

"In a way, I guess it is permanent. After all, Gems caught trying to sneak back across the border are captured and often times killed without a second thought. I can offer you protection seeing as I owe you for not slitting my throat in my sleep, but do not expect any further kindness from me. You'll earn your keep like everyone else in my estate, that goes for you too Sprite." He called out, not seeing her in his line of sight but sensing her presence in the room. Working his way up to his feet, the Drakken lord appeared much steadier on his feet than he had been the night before. It was almost as if the events had never taken place... All except the obvious wound that was still there, but it seemed the rest had done his body wonders, moving almost normally about the room. To those familiar with him he might have come across as quite sluggish, definitely not back to 100% but well enough to impress those that had witnessed the ordeal. Letting loose another large yawn, Azilon glanced at the small girl before cocking his head slightly.

"You didn't get dinner did you? No I suppose not with all that went on. When Scoot shows his face be sure to tell him what you want for breakfast. It's a long way back and you're going to need every ounce of strength if you're unfamiliar with the terrain." And with that he disappeared into the bathing room where a giant tub sat in the center of the room. Filling the thing with hot water, Azilon sunk into it gratefully, the heat pulling all the tension from his muscles. Perhaps it was a little too comfortable, though, seeing as he fell right back asleep in the arms of the soothing heat. Snoring softly, his head barely shifted, hanging only slightly off center.

As was expected, Scoot didn't take very long to show up after Azilon mentioned him. Poking his head in cautiously before letting himself in.

"Oh good, it looks like he's up. I told you he'd be alright, all things considered. I supposed I should collect breakfast for everyone then before it's time to leave. How about it Miss Rya? Would you like to join me, I can show you all the different foods commonly eaten in the Drakken culture. Help you choose one that suits your tastes best?" The small man smiled warmly, oddly chipper for it being so early in the morning.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Lugft Huron

Master Husband to Aerienna Cassiel @RomanAria and Atallia Faeron @NarcissisticPotato

Lugft sighed happily as he stared out his window into the morning sun... it was good to be him this morning. He turned back to look at his bed, his two brides were there, both still asleep and no doubt recovering from their... nuptials. He chuckled quietly, but did not have the time to wait for them to awake for he was hungry. He quickly dressed, a pair of breeches, a loose and open chested shirt and his boots. Her flung open his door, whistling happily as he walked down the hallways and corridors of Castle Drakenhof. As he did however, he noticed a somewhat higher number of guards than usual, as well as several open rooms, with bloodstains about them. Clearly a few Drakke had decided to attack their enemies during their time with brides, how clever Lugft thought. He supposed they would be at their most vulnerable then... it only made sense. Regardless he moved on, no more than a cursory glance to the guards.

It wasn't long before he arrived in the banquet hall, smiling as he sat down at one of the large tables, the servants quickly moving to provide him with a morning meal. He smiled, drinking th wine they provided him. Today he would take his brides back to Huron manor, their new home for the rest of their lives. He leaned back in his chair, and wondered if the other Lords were as satisified as he was with their choice of brides.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kalani Solle

Bride of Cuwarr Naxremis and Sister-bride to Sorici Amberra

When Kalani woke up, she was surprised by how rested she felt. One would think that spending the night with a Drakken would be a lot more fear-inducing or stressful or even painful. She opened her eyes slowly, and was facing Sorici, her sister-bride. It seemed that her husband was already up and about. She rose up and stretched her arms, soothing the tensions that were built up in her neck and shoulders. She let out a loud sigh of relief. She could not deny that so far, it was a good morning.

It took a moment before she realized that her husband was standing in front of the bed. Had he seen her entire display? No matter, they were husband and wife now. There was no need to feel embarrassed. She offered him a gentle smile and said, "Good morning, mi'lord. Did you sleep well?"

After greeting her husband, Kalani got off the bed and went into the wash room to clean herself up and prepare herself for the day. It was going to be the start of her new life at a new, strange place. She had put on a airy dress that was nice but practical enough. There was no point in being uncomfortable throughout the entire journey. She combed her hair and tied it up in a loose side ponytail. Satisfied with her appearance, she returned back to the bedroom.

"So, mi'lord, are we going back to your home today? Will it be a long trip?" she asked, walking up beside him. She placed a hand on his shoulder. She let her hand feel his shoulder before running it down his arm until it reached his hand. She intertwined their fingers. His hands were much larger than her own. But it was not uncomfortable at all.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Sorici Amberra

Bride of Cuwarr Naxremis @Cubix, sister-bride to Kalani Solle @karamonnom

Sorici awoke, slightly confused as she realized she was alone in the massive bed. She feigned sleep for a moment while she tried to get her bearings. So Kalani was awake already, as was Cuwarr… Both were standing at the foot of the bed, talking quietly.

She sat up, sleepily stretching and yawning, and rose to her feet, walking to Cuwarr’s other side. Taking her cues from Kalani, she folded her fingers into Cuwarr’s other hand, though the move was not nearly so graceful and natural as Kalani’s had been. She kept her face carefully blank, listening to Kalani questioning Lord Cuwarr.

Siadamkiru “Sia” Beneni

Wife of Sorrin Lucielle @WeepingLiberty and Onyx Briyll @Vesuvius00

Sia had applied the salve that Sorrin had offered to Onyx’s neck, then taken and chewed the leaves offered to her. Instantly the pain had dulled, then gone away entirely. She gave a smile of thanks to the little Gem girl. “Thank you, Sorrin. I will have Meiva look us over in the morning, when we regroup, but I’m sure your sister-bride will rest easier thanks to your medicine. As will I. It is a very useful skill you have – I will do my best to get you an instructor in medicine, if you would like.” Her eyes were suddenly finding it hard to focus.

Sia couldn’t help but yawn. “Sleep now, Sorrin. You two could share the bed, if you wanted? I’ll take the sofa. We have an early start tomorrow.”


It was just past dawn when Sia’s eyes snapped open. She quickly dressed in breeches and a soft wool tunic, donned her mail armor, fastened her cloak, and then went to rouse the girls, gently shaking their shoulders. First Sorrin, then Onyx.

“Girls, it’s time to wake up. We’ll go to the great hall and grab raisin bread and turnovers to take on our way, but then we must leave.”

Aerienna “Aery” Cassiel

(Former) Bride of Lugft Huron @agentmanatee, sister-bride to Atallia Faeron @NarcissisticPotato

Aery rolled over groggily, trying to free herself from the tendrils of sleep. Of course, then pain shot through her and she jolted fully awake, choking on a cry. It took a moment for things to catch up to her, at which point she curled back over on her side, tears streaming down her face. Hazy thoughts of the previous night were filtering back in through her head. Very unpleasant ones.

She shifted, cringing as her bruised body folded, and squinted at her sister bride who was seemingly still passed out. Lugft was nowhere to be seen but –

Wait. Nowhere to be seen…

She dragged herself off the bed, legs crumpling under her and sending her down onto the flagstones. Faintly crying, though she bit her lip to muffle the sound, the girl pulled herself back to some semblance of standing, wobbling to her basket of clothing. She quickly pulled on the softest sweater and skirt she had, cringing as the gray wool chafed and stuck against the raw, burned-in handprint on her stomach.

As quietly as she could, she picked up her basket and wobbled to the door, easing it open. She looked back to Tal’s sleeping form, tears coming to her eyes. “I’m sorry, Tal…” she whispered, and then slipped out the door. “I will come back and set you free.”

She hurried down the hallway as well as she was able, stockinged feet making little sound. If it wasn’t for the bloodstain on her sweater top, or the panicked, wild look in her eyes, one might have mistaken her for a bride simply sent to fetch breakfast.

She somewhat had no idea where she was going, but she headed away from the thick smell of blood, and away from the noise in the great hall. Up flights of stairs, looking back and making absolutely certain there was no one following her. She darted around in the shadows, finally ducking into another corridor, and breathing a sigh of relief, slumping against the wall.

Then she was startled by a loud voice saying “Who goes there?”

She whirled, stumbling and nearly falling, as she turned to face the guard who’d spoken. He seemed to do a bit of a double-take. “Lady Aymiria? How in Drun’s name did you get past me?!”

Er… wha? “I’m n-not Miry.” Wait, that wasn’t what she was supposed to say. “Erm, I am Miry. Yes. Totally so.” Her brain was not cooperating.

The guardsman frowned, suddenly suspicious, but was saved from answering by the door to the girls’ room bursting open.

Aymiria “Miry” Cassiel

Bride of Zakroti Unalim @darkwolf687, sister-bride to Kasari Liesma @WeepingLiberty

Miry woke up, a little disoriented. She was snuggled against something warm, a bit larger than her. Then the events of the previous night caught up to her and she panicked for a moment, then relaxed as a little lizard opened one eye and grumbled at her.

Right. She was sharing a bed with Kasari and must have snuggled up to the taller girl in her sleep. It was awfully warm and cosy, what with Bunny pressed between them and Leo draped across both of them. She couldn’t seem to think of what had woken her up so suddenly –

Oh. A sharp insistent… tugging at the back of her mind. Wait. Tugging? That meant… Aery was either nearby, or in danger. Or both. Another tug and Miry carefully extricated herself from Kasari and Leo and hurried to the door. Another tug, sharper than the last one, as she heard the raised voice of a guardsman and what sounded like – her sister’s voice?

Miry flung the door open, entirely not expecting to see her sister. She shoved past the dumbstruck guard, adrenaline making her motions a lot stronger than usual. Then she flung her arms around her sister, which caused the slightly-bigger twin to cry in pain and stumble against the wall.

In horror Miry recoiled, terrified of hurting her sister, and then wrapped her arms around her again, more gently, taking the basket and carefully guiding Aery into the room. She glared at the guard, who had moved as though he was going to argue. “Do not disturb us until my lord Zakroti comes.” The words surprised her, and apparently surprised the man-at-arms too. She took advantage of that stricken moment to slam the door shut in the guard’s face.

The moment they were inside the room, Aery broke down, sobs wracking her small frame. Miry caught her, carefully holding her twin, taking the few steps to the couch before helping Aery down onto it, curling her body so that she was still cradling the bigger twin. She inadvertently trailed her fingers over Aery’s burned stomach, who choked, biting her lip to stifle the cry.

Miry tensed, hands going to the faintly damp fabric at Aery’s stomach, carefully starting to undo the buttons. Aery shook her head, whole body trembling, but Miry was insistent at undoing the buttons. When she was confronted by the burned area, she just stared for a long moment, rage making her go pale. Finally with a flick of her hand she called the remaining water from the pitcher, spreading it over the wound which caused Aery to tense up, but then relax as the area numbed itself.

Miry carefully buttoned her twin’s blouse again, then wrapped her arms around Aery slowly, pressing her lips against her sister’s forehead in a tender way, carefully rocking her. Aery whimpered again, nuzzling against Miry’s chest as though trying to hide.

Miry didn’t know what to do, there was nothing she could say… well…

She started humming a tune, the lilting melody that had been the theme of the girls’ favorite play. Aery fell asleep sometime during it, thankfully, but Miry just kept humming and rocking her, waiting for the inevitable knock on the door and the need to explain herself. And plotting, of course – always plotting. That burn on her sister’s stomach, the tears and the way she’d folded herself up… whoever had hurt her so badly would need to pay. In blood and tears.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lord Cuwarr Naxremis

Husband of Sorici (@RomanAria), his white lotus, and Kalani (@karamonnom), his auburn rose.

"Hrm, yes." Cuwarr hummed in response as Kalani asked about his rest. And, indeed, he enjoyed his sleep which was probably the best one in a long time. "A bright morning to you, too, Kalani. I see that the two of you also enjoyed your rest." A slight chuckle escaped Cuwarr's lips before tracing Kalani's steps towards the washroom where, he assumed, she would change for the day. As he watched his wife vanish behind the door, Cuwarr let out an amused sigh before turning to Sorici who had just recently fluttered her eyes awake to the morning sun. "A bright morning to you, Sorici." Cuwarr grinned, happy that, perhaps, his wives hadn't heard the brutality of last night's symphony. If anything, when they would go down to meet the other lords, they might, no, will see the bruises that their sisters have sustained during the moon's bloody light. Cuwarr twisted around, grabbing the plate of raisin bread rolls before handing it to Sorici. "Come, eat while your sister is preparing. Then, she can also eat while you get yourself ready for the day. After the both of you are done, we shall descend and partake in the banquet prepared for us below."

After a few minutes, Kalani came out of the washroom. The bright gem chose to wore a white, airy dress that fluttered softly upon the winds' whispers. Whenever the gale swept by, the dress would be lifted just enough to quickly flash a spot of her smooth legs, just below her thighs, before the dress brushed down again. A unique mix of innocence and seduction that had Cuwarr skip on a breath once his covered eyes landed on her figure. In fact, he had to pull up his eye-cloth just to get an eyeful of her luscious form. "My, my," Cuwarr smirked, pulling down the eye-cloth once more. "At this rate, I might have competition." Cuwarr tilted his head as Kalani went over to him, sliding her fingers between the spaces of his left hand. "You do not disappoint, my dear rose. You will forgive me, however, if I am forced to use violence against some lecherous stares." The warlord lifted their interlocked hands, gliding the back of Kalani's palm against his face before planting a soft kiss in the centre. Then, even Sorici walked over to him, taking his other hand in hers in the same manner as Kalani. And, although he sensed a split-seconds' worth of hesitation, a warm tug strummed at Cuwarr's heart to know that this stubborn lotus is really trying her best. So, he squeezed her hand gently before also planting a kiss on it.

Mind you, he learned the gesture from observing these gems. In Drakka, there was no such thing as kissing the hand of others for that meant being subjugated. But, in Gemminia, it meant that 'you treasure them'. And, Cuwarr does. He really does.

Then again, he wasn't used to such 'mushy' and emotional moments. Thus, Cuwarr deftly stood up and patted the top of his wives' heads. "Yes, we shall be going home to my fortress in the east. My domain as warlord extends to the eastern side of Drakka where I am currently tasked with suppressing the rebels there. This will not be an easy journey, my dears. My fortress is carved into the mountain there where the harsh and biting winds blow for a good portion of the day. It is only warm during the sun's initial rise, the point where the sun is closest. But, worry not. I assure you, you will get used to it." He smiled at them before kissing their foreheads as his finger traced the outline of the mark that forked near their ear. "Now, go on, prepare for the day. Once you're done, meet me in the banquet hall." He playfully shooed them off before he went over to one of the side tables and pulled out an ornate, wooden flute which he placed near his lips. As he blew on the embouchure, his fingers pressing on one note after the other, a familiar melody filled the room as Cuwarr faced the open window which spilled the melody upon the meadows that lay in front of him. Although raspy, broken and a few shrill sounds pierced, Cuwarr mimicked the same symphony of the Gemminite royal family. Why he suddenly began playing it from memory, even Cuwarr himself didn't know. But, the crisp staccato notes that blended with the upbeat melody gave a sense of rebellion and change within him. However, like every song, it ends with the silence of an unchanged reality.

The warlord turned around, his lips still playing the same fanfare albeit now soft and stuck in a rondo. His absent-minded steps led him to the banquet hall, not minding the stares of the other drakkens who found it weird for a drakken of his status to be doing this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aeila Snowblood

Who even knows what's going on with Aeila? @Ellion & @WeepingLiberty

Aeila hadn't slept one single second that entire night. After the events of the day, sleep would have been a welcome release and it would have allowed her to recharge most of the energy that had been spent travelling to the castle and then unsuccessfully fighting off a trained Drakken. Most of the night, in fact, was spent beating herself up over the fact that she couldn't just get rid of him herself. She needed her older brother to even stand a chance. And now, he was gone, and the Drakken who had claimed her was quickly healing up which naturally meant a great deal of trouble for her. The serated dagger she had silently placed in her belt was a quiet reminder that she still had a choice but she knew she would never use it. Killing was something she could never do, even if it meant escaping from a horribly inevitable fate.

And so, when the dawn brought the other Gem girl to life, she sat quietly in the chair that she had claimed as her own. The girl herself seemed a gentle thing with way too much curiosity. Oddly, she reminded Aeila of herself, or the half-cast girl that had entered the castle only a day previous. That girl held on but Aeila knew she would have to drop her soon. She was permitted to be weak because the strong protected her but now, she had no protection.

Shifting in her seat, her hand ran through her red tufts of hair as she watched the other girl. She seemed much more... hopeful. It was completely irregular in her position but Aeila understood why it was there. If she didn't have hope then she would break. Content that there was no clear threat around her, Aeila'a defences slipped and her eyes slowly blinked closed.

She must have slept for only an hour or so before a familiar voice woke her from her slumber. "In a way, I guess it is permanent. After all, Gems caught trying to sneak back across the border are captured and often times killed without a second thought. I can offer you protection seeing as I owe you for not slitting my throat in my sleep, but do not expect any further kindness from me. You'll earn your keep like everyone else in my estate, that goes for you too Sprite." Her eyes widened as she looked up to find Azilon in relatively good health. Rynek had practically left him for dead. How he evaded that death was beyond her but she began to feel her heart pound in her chest. She was practically useless - how could she earn her keep? Naturally, her mind took her back to the day previous when he had grabbed her hair and for a second, his eyes were filled with a dark lust to slit her throat before anger took over and his lust changed utterly. She had a feeling her work wouldn't be a physical one.

Shivering at that thought, her eyeshaking narrowed at his back, constantly watching as he disappeared into another room to run a bath for himself.

The other Gem had disappeared in the meantime, taken off by the strange man who had spent his night healing Azilon. Aeila knew that she had a window and she could do something with it.

Slipping up onto her bare feet, she stretched lightly before carefully withdrawing the serated dagger her brother had left with her. Her breath became shaky and she remembered the fear she had the day before. She remembered how they slowly surrounded her and closed in, baying like wolves. He saved her but he was dangerous. She knew it wouldn't take much to kill her and he wouldn't be above it. Plus there was the other girl - he would hurt her too. Throwing her earlier thoughts out the window, she gently edged the door open and peered through to find him asleep in the bath. It would only take one quick slice.

Holding the knife in her two hands, pointing in front of her, she advanced slowly, her feet barely even producing sound as she padded towards him. In no time, she was on him and her heart was beating so fast she was beginning to worry it was audible. She had to do it. He would kill her just like he had made that man deaf. He would beat her and humiliate her. She didn't want to do this and tears formed in her eyes but her hand slowly advanced forward, finding a good position to press it into his throat.

Atallia Faeron

Bride of Loofy@agentmanatee & sister-bride to Aerienna Cassiel@RomanAria

Golden eyes flickered open, capturing the soft light of the room and savouring the silence of the world around her. Then reality came crashing back to her, shattering every semblance of peace inside her. Her mind went back to the night before. She was trying to knock Aery out but the girl was stubborn and the last thing she remembered was... Her vision going black. She let out a choked splutter, her eyes going wide as she reached down between her legs. No pain, no numbness. She hadn't been touched by Lugft. But Aery. Aery didn't blackout.

She sat up, her eyes hunting the bed sheets for any sign of the other girl. What she found was a small spot on the sheets; so small she nearly missed it but it was clear what it was upon further inspection. Her stomach curled at the realisation that what caught her eye was no less than dried blood. She felt the sudden urge to throw up.

A short time later, she was curled up against a wall, her eyes already dulled. She had one reason for her existence, one simple job - to protect the innocent. And yet, she wasn't even capable of that. Aery had been defiled while Atallia slept peacefully. While she wept and screamed, Atallia was dreaming of home. Her breaths were shaky, her mind too full of panic. What use was she? She was meant to be strong, to sacrifice her life so her people could be happy and here she was, thoroughly untouched in place of a weaker girl.

Talli didn't remember picking herself up off the ground. She didn't quite remember slipping on her shoes and leaving the room. Nor did she remember the long walk towards nowhere but she did remember wandering into a large dining room and picking him out easily from the crowd. A frown etched into her features. Where was Aery?

Stumbling forward, her eyes went wide before a rumbling fire began to form in them and the gold suddenly became molten hot. Her fists began to heat and a single spark would have been enough to ignite her.

Finally, she rounded on him, her eyes dark and fiery as she curled her hands into fists. "What did you do to her!? Where is she!?" She exclaimed and the tables around her went silent as she stared down at him, unflinching and not caring that nearly every eye was on her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 25 days ago

The Man At Arms turned to his comrades patrolling the hall and approached them, calling out for their attention. They came to a halt and turned to face him as he approached

"Acta Gemminite hilyatoz, O ulma geh a Aymiriaeiz seru." He said, causing the other two to look at each other for a moment before one turned towards the blackguard at Zakroti's door

"Kilio, runisze Muth Zakroti, Aymiriaeiz seru a hilyatoz." One of them called out; Kilio nodded and turned, opening the door and stepping inside. Zakroti awoke with a start as the door swung open, jumping to his feet.

"Muth, Aymiriaeiz seru a hilyatoz, geh a zo an uuj." Kilio reported to Zak, who nodded in response and waved his hand to dismiss him. He approached the bedside table and lifted his sword, placing it into his bed as he dropped his clothing on, fastening the sheath of his sword to his belt with a heavy sigh.

The rest of the household was not idle from the disturbance, however. But a few moments later, Ayltam exited her own room and, after a short exchange with one of the guards, opened the door to the girls room and stepped inside. She examined the sight before her silently for a few moments before speaking

"Vivarieiz varlas, what happened?" She asked as she approached the pair, reaching out to offer a small cloth for the newcomer to dry her tears on. A pair of figures appeared in the doorway, a hastily clothed Zakroti and a half dressed Qeynate looking in on the scene. The pair exchanged looks before Zakroti entered the room and stood silently as if awaiting an explanation.

Qeynate entered behind him and spoke directly to Aery with a stern tone, glancing to Zakroti out of the corner of his eye "Who's your husband?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kalani Solle

Bride of Cuwarr Naxremis @Cubix and Sister-bride to Sorici Amberra @RomanAria

"Mi'lord, you are flattering me," said Kalani, a slight blush reaching her cheeks. She never courted back in her homeland, so she was not used to being looked at with such desire. And now she was already married to a Drakken. When she writes her parents back home, they probably would not believe how quickly she learned to care for her husband. She did not sigh or show any signs of emotion when she thought about her parents, but she felt a slight pang of sorrow. It has only been a day, but she missed them as she may never see them again. She must embrace the new life ahead of her.

When Sorici got up and took her place beside Cuwarr, Kalani offered her a smile. "Good morning, Sorici," she said politely. The gem was a quiet one, but Kalani saw no faults in her. Perhaps they will learn to be friends soon. Kalani would love to have another gem to talk to.

Her husband began to tell them about the journey to come. It did sound like a rough one and a land where there is little sun did not sound very pleasant. But as he said, she will probably learn to get used to it. "I look forward to seeing y-.. our new home." she said, correcting herself mid-sentence.

She was caught off-guard by the sound of a flute. Her husband was playing the Royal Gemminite fanfare that the gem from the night before was playing. She was impressed by his abilities to play the flute, but was unsure of how to feel about his song choice. He then waltzed out of the room. Her husband was a strange one... but it was better to have a strange husband than a cruel husband, right?

She turned to Sorici who must have also witnessed the scene. "He is charming in a way, isn't he?" she said with a small smile. "The washroom is all yours, Sorici. I will wait for you to finish getting ready so we can both head down together. Even though our husband is gentle, doesn't mean the other Drakkens in this buiding are. We should stick together."

She then walked over to the wardrobe and began to pack her things. It seemed these past few days are all about packing and unpacking. Once she was finished, she noticed the plate of breads that Cuwarr had gotten for them. She grabbed one and began to eat a little. It would be a waste just to leave it there anyways.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Azilon Dantanath

Husband of Rya Mira and Aeila Snowblood

Azilon's nap was short lived as movement behind him alerted him to danger. He had plenty of time to react to the intruder, but he could tell right away who it was and why they had come. Curious as to what she would do, Azilon continued to feign sleep until she had all but pressed the blade into his flesh.

"That brother of yours has quite the grip on you, doesn't he Sprite?" He asked as he slid his eyes open slowly. Azilon didn't look at Aeila directly, keeping tabs on her out of the corner of his eyes as he directed his gaze toward the ceiling. He could smell the salt of her tears, the air vibrating with the trembling of her hands. He couldn't blame her for being afraid, after all the crowned prince of Drakka wasn't exactly known for being the most chivalrous of guys... He was Drakken after all. But somehow, he had his talons sunk so deep in this girl that she stood behind him ready to kill him with the blade he had given her as he had abandoned her. Exhaling slowly, Azilon sighed, finally tilting his head to look at Aeila.

"Let me give you a little bit of advice that might help you survive this wretched world. If you are going to kill something, you shouldn't falter for even a moment when facing them. If you are weaker than your intended target then your attack should fall swiftly and without hesitation. It is only if you are stronger than your target that you can afford to take your time, which is why from the moment you stepped into this room you lost." The whole time he spoke Azilon's features maintained a neutral expression, his voice calm even as he threatened the girl that stood armed behind him.

As the last word slipped past his lips, the water from his bath sprung to life under his command. Swirling around in a snake like pattern, the mass of water launched itself in an arch over Azilon's head to Aeila's where it dropped over her like a waterfall. Chuckling to himself, the Drakken stood up from his empty bath tub and turned to face the girl.

"I have no intentions of harming you... To be honest I couldn't care less about you and that Gem girl if I tried. However, if you're going to kill me then it had better be your decision and your decision alone. And you had better be prepared for whatever comes next." He stood for a moment longer, looking at her now soaked clothing.

"I have an extra cloth tunic that you can wear if you want to change out of that. It'll keep you from getting sick while we're still in the mountains." He didn't even wait for a response, but instead exited the room and returned with the mentioned shirt in hand, offering it to her. Despite it being just a shirt, the sheer size difference between him and her would have made even the smallest of his shirts fit her loosely as a dress.


Scoot scurried along at a quick, and unusually energetic pace for such an early hour. Walking beside Rya he chattered on about trivial things, such as Drakka's weather patterns and various food dishes commonly served in the country. It was his hope that Rya would find comfort in the home had had lived in for the past 30 years, so he was trying his best to shine some light on the better things about Drakka. He was quite nervous, though, seeing as Azilon had never taken brides before but considering he didn't seem to see either woman as such he was confident they would be allowed to integrate to the house with minimal strife. That all depended on the girls however.

At the pace he had set, it didn't take very long for the pair to reach the dining hall where the previous night's banquet had been held. There were a few Drakken lords already seated around the table enjoying breakfast while their brides recovered from the night's "festivities" but there were just as many servants flocking to the room to bring their masters breakfast in bed like he was. He was quick to begin putting a few plates together, gratefully accepting a serving tray offered by one of the manor's servants, and urging Rya to do the same for herself.

"So Miss Rya, if you don't mind my intrusion... How are you feeling after all of this? I know it must have been very stressful for you, being dragged into all of this, so I'm sure you're still processing things... But I wanted to hear in your own words how you were holding up. And don't worry, you don't have to hold anything back. I may serve m'lord Dantanath but even us servants are allowed our privacy." He chuckled as he loaded up the tray with foods he knew to be to Azilon's liking. Somewhere off to the side of the room a small commotion was being made by a Gemminite bride, screaming something at one of the lords he suspected to be her husband... From what he could tell someone had gone missing in the night, which wasn't at all unusual, but Kushnyrik knew that it wasn't any of his business so chose to tune the ordeal out as he finished filling up the tray and awaited Rya's response to his question.


Sorrin Lucielle

Bride of Siadamkiru Beneni; Sister-Bride to Onyx Briyll

Nodding her head vigorously, Sorrin's eyes sparkled at the offer. She had a basic grasp of medicine, as it was necessary to know how to take care of one's self when living so far from larger populations... But she had never had any sort of formal training. She wondered what amazing things she could learn from a proper instructor, and was doubly excited to learn specifically about the foreign flora that existed in Sia's country. Despite her excitement, sleep was quick to weigh the small girl down. Skipping merrily over to the bed, Sorrin climbed in and gently snuggled up close to the other girl for extra warmth.


Sorrin groaned as she was roused from a dreamless slumber. Sleep clung to her like moss to a rock, disorienting the small Gem in the unfamiliar space. The low light didn't help her either as she forced herself to her feet and shuffled over to her stuff. Mouth opened wide with a yawn, Sorrin clumsily changed out of the dress that she had worn the day before and into a pair of leggings. She slipped on a long sleeved tunic that draped down to her mid-thigh, the belled sleeves swishing with ever motion. Tying the small leather pouch around her waist Sorrin then completed her outfit with a pair of flats. Stuffing everything else she owned into her luggage, Sorrin turned to Sia with a sleepy grin.

"Are we really meeting with those people? Not that I'm against it... Just why does it have to be so early in the morning?" Her words were punctuated with another large yawn, a tiny squeak escaping at its peak.


Kasari Liesma

Bride of Zakroti; Sister-Bride to Aymiria Cassiel

Snuggled up to Leo, Bunny, and Miry had allowed for Kasari to sleep peacefully, void of ill dreams that might have plagued her like so many others that night. Her mind had transported her to a beautiful landscape unlike any she had ever seen before. Jagged rocks jutted up from the ground like teeth creating a circle around the centerpiece, but rather than seeming imposing each piece was decorated with carvings and offerings dedicated to each of the gods of Gemmenia. It was here that she felt at piece surrounded by wild flora and fauna, the most connected to her heritage than she had ever been before. She could have stayed like that forever had something not been nagging at her to return to reality. Drawn to the center structure, she gazed into a jewel encrusted mirror embedded in the rock. Moving of its own accord, Kasari's reflection held out her hand to her as if to beckon her forward. Passing through the mirror as if it were not but rippling water, Kasari found herself falling through the darkness.


Eyes fluttering open, Kasari was quick to note that the bed beside her was empty of her sister bride. Pushing herself up to a sitting position she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, squinting to focus her vision before her.

"What's going on?" She groaned groggily shifting her gaze between Miry, who held a familiar looking girl in her arms, and her new husband who looked as stern as ever. Even in her fatigued state, Kasari was able to make a couple of connections for herself. From what she could tell, the girl in Miry's arms must have been her twin sister that had been chosen by the brute at the previous night's ceremony. Her heart went out to the poor girl, seeing as something must have happened to her for her to have ended up where she did. She sensed that the girl was in great pain, but this only made her worry more considering Zakroti's locked gaze on her. Kasari doubted the sister had any sort of permission to be in their room, let alone one belonging to another Drakken lord. No matter how one looked at it, this was trouble.

Doubtful of either girl's ability to explain the situation, Kasari slid to the edge of the bed and hopped down with a yawn. She moved to approach the two girls to ask what happened but stopped dead in her tracks before she made it too close. It was faint, but Kasari was sure that she could feel the heat of Pyrus radiating from the sleeping one's skin. Biting back bile, Kasari took a step back instead, knowing that her own aura would only cause the girl more pain.

"I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding, right Miry?" She turned concerned eyes toward her sister bride, urging her to cooperate. Miry wasn't a fool, naïve maybe, but no fool. She had to have known that her sister's being there could spell trouble for the whole lot of them. Should her sister's husband find her missing and track her down to a room belonging to Zakroti, his life could be at risk... Meaning their lives could also be in jeopardy... Or at least their physical well being. The last thing either of them wanted was an angry Drakken taking revenge by taking one or both of them away to do with whatever he wished. The thought alone was enough to send a shiver down her spine.


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aerienna and Aymiria Cassiel

Former Bride of Lugft Huron @agentmanatee and sister-bride to Atallia Faeron @NarcissisticPotato
Bride of Zakroti Unalim @darkwolf687, sister-bride to Kasari Liesma @WeepingLiberty

Miry glanced up to Ayltam for only a moment before focusing on Aery again, taking the handkerchief and gently dabbing at the tear tracks on her sleeping sister’s face. “I don’t know. All I know is that she’s here, and she’s hurt…” she murmured.

At Qeynate’s harsh question she tensed, arms tightening around Aery and pulling her close. Her eyes flashed up to Qeynate and she snapped, “It doesn’t matter who he is because she’s NOT going back to him!” The noise and motion was enough to startle the sleeping twin awake and she flailed for a moment, eyes going wide as her gaze settled on Zak and Qeynate, before she looked back to Miry and went limp again with a quiet whimper, snuggling closer to her twin and trying to hide her face.

Anger completely forgotten, Miry ran her fingers down her sister’s cheek, trying to get Aery to look at her. Purely for everyone else’s benefit she asked the question out loud, “Can you tell me what happened, Aery?”

Aery shook her head violently no, but she spoke weakly, her voice breaking and raw.

“His n-name is Lugft. Lugft H-Huron.” She said first, to answer Qeynate’s question. “He… hurt me. B-both of us, maybe, but I don’t know, I—I p-passed out, after he… after he marked me. Her hands went to her stomach, over the burned-in handprint, and she winced as though remembering the pain. "But w-when I woke up he, he was gone, and the d-door was open, and there w-weren’t any guards, so I just… left.” Her voice cracked and she pressed her face into Miry’s shoulder. “I.. left. I l-left her. Miry, I l-left Tal there with the b-brute who hurt us and he’s going to k-kill her or worse. H-He’s g-going to…” and then her words dissolved into sobs, Miry wrapping her arms around her protectively and rubbing her back, whispering soothing words.

Still possessively clutching her sister, Miry looked up to hear Kasari’s words. So the commotion had woken her up, too. It took a second for the girl’s statement to process. A… misunderstanding? Is that what she called it?

Miry knew as well as anyone how risky this situation was. Lugft could break down the door any second, demanding his bride back. Assuming he knew where they were, of course – though he might just kill /everyone/ until he found the party who took his bride. And even though Zakroti had a number of guards with him, he was so small, as compared to most drakken, and Lugft was so unbelievably large…. It would not end well if it came to a fight of brute force.

Miry kissed her sister on the forehead again and then shifted her, settling the injured girl down on the couch and rising to her feet to face the four others in the room. She kept her eyes away from Kasari and Ayltam, looking between Qeynate and Zak as she spoke.

“Lord Huron will not be pleased, I know, Kasari. But I’m not letting Aery go back to him either.” She focused her gaze on Zak, scrutinizing his reactions as she said, “If it will make it so that no blood is spilled, I intend to go in Aery’s stead.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 25 days ago

"If you do that then believe me, your sister will be no better off with my brother. Lugft will get his brides arms and legs back; We need her womb but that's it. Do not press is." Qeynate replied menacingly, glaring down at them with a look that could cut

"Vivpre, vivpre. (Peace, peace.)" Zakroti said with a heavy sigh, turning towards Kilio "Runiszeew Kzaar a Vain. (Wake Kzaar and Vain)"

"Na wre gaiar, Muth. (As you desire, Muth)." Kilio replied before turning and dashing towards the door and down the hallway, calling out. Zakroti turned towards Aurien as the Drakken entered the room, casting a concerned glance towards the twins before looking to his lord

"Buro Za Mishaxi, shantaew dzi kaani e kaan an torzeivre a an regak. (Serjeant At Arms, take two guards and guard the bottom of the stairs)." Zakroti ordered. Aurien nodded and placed his hand against his chest before marching out of the room, gesturing to the two men patrolling the halls to follow him down the stairs and closing the rooms door behind him. The trio arrived at the bottom the two guardsmen with their two speeds flanking the entry way to the stairs with Aurien standing a few places behind them, blocking access to the stairs.

Qeynate gave Zakroti a disapproving look before taking a step forward towards the two twins and reaching out to seize Aery from her twin "Come on. This is not the Unalim Shelter for Run Away Brides."

"Give her a moment for pity's sake!" Ayltam cut in, stepping in front of her uncle and raising her arms in exasperation "The pair of you can't seriously give her back."

"What do you expect us to do, start a fight?" Qeynate said with a heavy sigh. The door opened behind him as Kilio reentered with Vain and Kzaar in tow, already wearing their armour as they observed the scene before them. They were deathly quiet as Vain shut the door behind them and approached Zakroti. Vain carried his helmet in his hand and although he was silent his face quite clearly read 'You have got to be taking the piss.'

"A niz... (Is this...)" Vain began, only to be cut off by Zakroti

"Aymiriaeiz seru. (Aymiria's sibling.) " Zakroti confirmed as he shrugged his shoulders and spoke again "Lugfteiz bride. (Lugft's bride.)""

"Vivarieiz varlas, gais zara wre jusla o roew? (Vivari's blood, what would you have me do?)" Vain asked as he placed his helmet over his head. Zakroti paused for a few moments before replying

"Zelaew doon kros. (Let time leave.)" Zakroti said. Vain nodded and stepped to the side, watching the other occupants of the room. With that he sighed and spoke again "Kilio, take Ayltam back to her room and bolt the door. There's no need for her to get caught up in this." He turned his head towards Kasari "Kasari, given that this is not your mess and that it could get bloody, if you wish to move as well, so be it."

"I am not leaving." Ayltam said defiantly, folding his arms and remaining rooted to the spot as the blackguard approached her. Zakroti let out a heavy sigh and shook his head, looking up to the twins and murmuring an expletive to himself.
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