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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"All aboard! Last call for transport to Lustre Academy!" A pilot called from the docking station, the large Atlesian transport ship docked behind him, doors wide open, ready to accept students on their voyage unto their new home in Lustre Academy. The docking station was near to the south end of the kingdom of Vault, on a raised plinth to accept multiple dockings. Their passages were on regular schedules, so it was easy to go back and forth from Lustre to Vault and from Vault to Lustre.

Students began filing into the ship and taking up space, seated or standing, all could find room for the start of their first school year. This was their first step into their new lives, their futures and their further education... and for some, it would just be getting on some boring old ship. Whatever the case, it was boarding time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Asher Brandt

Docking Station

"You know you didn't have to come along to see me off Bluebell. I'd have been fine on my own",

"But big brother, is this not what we do as family? Father and mother are busy with the mining company and at a meeting this morning, and sister is training hard to become a huntress too and also join the academy", the little girl identified as Bluebell spoke in a rather eloquent manner. In front of her stood her older brother by adoption, Asher Brandt, and behind her stood the family butler who drove them off here. The docking port was bustling with other families seeing their own children off to the Academy where they will be living as well as studying and training as hunters and huntresses, Asher was no different, he was almost 17, so he qualified to join this year.

"Yeah that's right, I just don't like sappy moments. Still, you sure you're not just here because you'll miss me? Sister's going to get busy with her training so you'll be alone more often when I'm gone",

"No worries, I'll just sneak out and play with the other kids",

"Hah. Don't let mum and dad catch you", he chuckled, ruffling her hair with a pat on the head. She shrinked back before batting his hands away and fixing her hair up.

"And be careful. Taylor, keep an eye on her", the young butler responded and bowed.

"Of course master Asher".

"Now, I'll see you all later. That ship's not going to wait much longer, so I'm off", he said, tucking his bag up and turning, waving them goodbye.

For a good portion of his life he lost hope in having any kind of family. Seeing all his friends be picked up one after another and move to another country crushed him, the angry outbursts he'd had as some of their last interactions still stick with him. Maybe he'll see them at the Vytal festival? Who knows, they should be around the same age as him now after all. He stepped onto the ship with the other students and waited for it to go as he watched his little sister and butler walk off back to the car.

"And now, Lustre Academy. Wonder what that's gonna be like...", to be honest he was looking forward to it, just a little nervous.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 1 day ago

Julio Taiyou

"Take care Julio and call us when you have the time. Keep us posted alright and try not to get killed alright? Bye~" Hm, there were better ways to see him off but he wasn't going to complain. He wasn't related to them in any way at all.

Today was the day that he was finally going to Lustre Academy, after years of waiting. The family who had essentially adopted him had dropped him off near the docks. They had to hurry after all. The parents had work and the young daughter had other things to do that morning, something about a get-together with her friends if he remembered correctly. However, he kept to the sides and wasn't willing to charge in with the rest of the crowd. It was unnerving.

When it was time for boarding, he quickly entered and found a space where there weren't much students and then let out a breath to calm himself down. Seriously, having claustrophobia is probably the worst thing to have when you're a student in a Hunter Academy. He sat down and then leaned on the side of the ship. He could hear students talking in the distance. Probably already mingling and making friends. After all, they might get lumped into the same team after some time. He'll worry about that when the time comes.

"Now let's see why my father sent me here." He knew fully well that his father sent him there for the reason of training him to be a Hunter and help Vault with their defenses but he could've just continued in Atlas for that. So there was probably another reason or he was thinking too much into things. Either way, he was quite excited to see this new place; a bit nervous considering that he was still being berated on his old habits that stuck with him even after Atlas but he could work around that. He hoped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chamoisee Lacaune

Docking Station

Chami sighs quietly as he pushes his way out of the taxi, eying the crowd swarming about the ship. Last thing he was looking forward to was pushing his way through the crowd, though he should have figured that was a forgone conclusion. The first day of school is never a clam one, as much as he’d hope. The drive struggles to pull his bags from the trunk before finally managing to drop them at Chami’s feet with a heavy thunk."That'll be-" the driver begins to ask in a chipper tone, before being immediately cut off as the young sheep boy seemingly turns on a dime to glare daggers at her. Chami pulls out a scroll and there is a soft booping noise as electronic currency is transferred to the driver. "Thank you." he says, quickly lifting the bags with nearly no effort and pushing his way (some what literally) into the crowd, leaving the driver to discover the modest tip on her own.

A few minutes (and a few more bruise elbows) Chami manages to make his way onto the ship, dropping into an available seat like a sack of bricks and dropping his bags onto the floor. Lazily, he pulls out his scroll opening the messaging tab, reading his the message he got from his dad earlier this morning. "got work. Call when at there. Love you." . He quickly closes it, opting instead to watch as the remaining hunters try and filter into the ship.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The green haired girl sighed as she tried to push her way through the crowded docking station, the slightly translucent green ears atop her head swiveling this way in that as they tracked the many sounds through out the docks. Behind her, poking through her father's altered lab coat, was a similarly tranlucent tail following behind her, constantly the move as it helped to maintain the girls balance, a mighty endeavor given the times she had been bumped and shoved trying to make her way to her own airship. Despite all the discomfort, she had a huge smile on her face, shtaring in awe at the airship that was set to take them off to Lustre. If one listened closely, they could hear a high pitched "Eeeeee," as she stared up at the vessel, hoping she could talk one of the staff into taking her into the inner workings of the beast.

As she stepped through into the mechanical marvel, she worked her way past the other students back to the storage area, planning on dropping off her luggage, the door to the area slide opening allowing her to go in. Seemingly as quickly as she entered, the door slid closed behind her. Fluores's eyes then shot open, he's ears standing straight up as she jerked to a stop, a metallic crunching sound shooting a lance of panic through her mind. Ears flat against her head as she turned around,"Please no, nonononon-," her mantra cut off as Fluores's face dropped when she saw her mechanical tail had been caught in the door, her ears dropping in defeat as she saw a joint clearly cracked where the door was closed on it, the hardlight flickering now as the tail attempted tried to move itself with her own. Giving a defeated sigh, Fluores steadied her self by grabbing the wall as the families filling of dizziness came over her, flicking a switch on the harness. Behind her, the tail fell limp, now seeming to be a simple cable attached to a simple harness. Opening the door, she threw the whole setup over her shoulder, using the walls of the shop to try and steady herself, relief flooding her face as she finally found a spot to sit down.

As she was now in no danger of falling face first, Fluores retrieved a small set of supplies from one of the many secure pockets within her coat, laying down the tail across her lap as began the repair process, working replacing the cracked joint, buying her lower lip in concentration as her tools want to work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aquaknight
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Aquaknight Back from the dead!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"We are so proud of you Gale, I can't believe our little boy is going to become a Huntsmen, it felt like just yesterday we moved to vault." A woman with light blue hair was gushing over her young Huntsmen in training who stood across from her with a sheepish grin and a small blush crossing his cheeks and nose. "Aw shucks mom, you don't have to go and make me blush like that. But I will make you and dad proud and all of Vault too!" Gale responded with excitement and a slight bounce in his stance, he is so excited to finally go to Lustre Academy to become a full fledged huntsmen!

Suddenly Gale was pulled into the hugging embrace of his mother, who when Gale look up to in confusion had a proud yet melancholy expression, "I know you will dear, I know... But please be safe out there." Gale's mother said with a shaky voice, which left Gale confused and worried, he didn't understand the sudden change in his mother's voice and expression. But before he could respond with a question the intercom voiced that the last transport ship will be leaving soon which caused his mother to let him go while wiping a tear out of her eye and letting out a soft smile as she noticed Gale Perking up at the announcement but before he walked off he gave his mother a worried look which she quickly responded with "Don't mind me Gale Darling, just a mother being a mother, go, go, you can't miss your first day at Lustre Academy." After hearing his mother telling him not to worry he gave her an excited smile which she responded back with a warm motherly smile, before he ran off to get onto the transport ship while waving his now smiling mother off. But once Gale was out of sight his mother's smile vanished and was in place replaced with a sad longingly express hoping that her son would change his mind and return to her but once the ship took off and he didn't returned she knew he has went down a path neither her nor her husband can follow, and that was a horrifying thing to go though, but she and her husband will always be there for him even if they can't help him.

While on the ship Gale arrived just in time before the ship took off. Gale had a skip in his steps as he was just so excited to go to Lustre Academy and become a skilled and honorable Huntsmen, he was just giddy thinking about all the adventures he will go on with his follow students. Gale took a seat near a window on the ship, when he sat down his feet didn't even reach the ground since the seats were so high up but he didn't care about that he was just far too excited to think about the inconvenience of his shortness will cause him if every seat in Lustre Academy will be this tall. Gale studied each and every Huntsmen and Huntress in training as they arrived and took their seats, he was also kicking his legs as they hung over the seat a few inches off the ground freely, to most people he would looked like a lost child but his large weapon case next to him would prove otherwise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Cassius Alexandros Lumya Svent

"You'll do fine Cas. Besides, your mother has been waiting years to see you again." A broad voice spoke to the armored male, the two of them moving sarcophagi like contraptions around that displayed large suits of armors. "Nervous people will pick on you...?" There was silence despite the crowd. "Too old...?" There was an amused chuckle at the last response. The Speaker wore tattered robes, having a large spear on his back, a gray bow band around his head to hold his gray hair back. His ruby eyes staring at the shorter male beside him.

The male turned to him as he exhaled. "If you Really want to know, you need only ask what is bothering me rather than guessing." He shot rather coldly before brushing his ponytail back. "Besides, you should be worrying about yourself. After all, far be it for me to know what is going to happen to you." There was a grin that was seen forming at the lips. The eyes being completely invisible to even the most trained of eyes. "But if I did have a fear? 'Take off your mask young man.' Yeaaah... No." The male chuckled as he felt himself bump into the side of the ship, it was mostly just a seat he bumped into. His armor let off a slight clank.

"Man, you really don't change too much, do you." The older man chuckled.
"What's the change if it isn't skill? No point in changing who I am, the skill just refines what I am capable of." The younger male responded as he shook his head, he was taking a seat in the back. "Anything else?"

"Well... Cassius, just promise you won't go back into hiding again. Contracts might be good for you, hunting Grimm and all, but I don't want you to live a lonely life." The older male gave a smile, his right arm flexing as he gave a thumbs up. "I guess what I'm saying is.... Hail To you!"

Cassius sighed as he rested his face in both hands. "Mathias, get out... Now please..."
With that, he was saluted as the spear man left the ship. It was simply an empty experience seeing as his ward would be separated from him. Yet this piqued interest to a certain girl... Before Cassius even knew it, a women was standing next to him.

"Quite the trick you did there... Do you live in everyone's shadows." Cassius joked before turning to the well dressed women.

She stood quite tall for a female... But there was something uncanny about her... She was entirely black and white... it even went as far as her lipstick. She lowered her shades somewhat, her eyes staring at the individual in question. "Quite a bold appearance you have, yet there is an air of mystery... Perhaps you'll indulge my curiosity?"

"The only thing bold here is your appearance. It is like if I was to use a Typewriter, and had it draw a women with text, Somehow... Like those dumb faces everyone post in comments on Bluetube..." Cassius retorted.

The women in question let out an amused chuckle as she took a seat next to him. "Allow me to formally apologize. My name is Noir Black... I know little of anyone on this ship, yet I seen quite an interesting movement of Sarcophagi... I just had to see.. And look what I see...? A man with a mask that spells vanity, with armor, fur on a shoulder... and even a waist cloth of a sort... It is a sight to behold, wouldn't you agree? But it begs the question... Why do you wear all that? To intimidate, to conceal...? You're not a female pretending to be a man... are you?" She leaned in inquisitively as she had a note pad out, sketching Cassius as if she was making a dossier of a sort.

Cassius huffed and let out an agitated sigh. "I can conform I am a man, but I can also say I wear this armor the same reason you wear a shirt; to cover up... But before this... 'Interview' goes any further... Why don't you give me a name?"

The well groomed women smirked as she set the notepad she had down on her lap, her arms folded over her chest, head was tilted back, the light shining on her. "You may call me... Noir Black!"

"Oh wait... You already stated that... But thanks for the silly pose." Cassius chuckled before joining in, he had over hand under his beast area, somewhat over the abdomen, left hand at a slight diagonal going to the right. head somewhat tilted down so he'd overcast to Noir. He must have looked quite silly with her... "Cassius Alexandros Lumya Svent!"

"Yeeess! You did the Bizarre Adventures poses with me!" Noir cheered before the two broke out into laughter.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

It was a sickening sight for Sable. It truly was.

So many dotting parents accompanying their children, if you could even call those who would be attending Lustre with her such, on what would be their final day together in the coming months. The affection they shared, the tearful goodbyes, it was all so... foreign to her. She hadn't so much as spoken to her own family in months, only barely getting word to her mother that she chose attending Lustre to finalize her education. Yet, there Sable stood. Alone among crowds of her peers and their damnable families with nobody to see her off. It bothered her, almost as much as the very fact it bothered her also bothered her. It was an inner conflict she wished not to face, especially not with all she would be doing in the coming days.

So, she did as she always had. She decorated her face with a scowl and marched onward onto greater things. Or, in this case, towards the vessel she would ride towards Lustre. Bare feet smacked along the pavement as the tattoo clad woman maneuvered her way past man, woman and child alike, garnering a couple of quizzical glances from some of the more nosy occupants of the port as she slid by. Yet, it did not phase her. The lion cared not the opinion of the sheep, after all. Prideful as ever, the brunette made way up the ramp and towards the door, shoving past a couple of slower students who dared to impede her with their slow movement on such an important occasion. Within seconds, she had passed through the large, sliding doors and was greeted by the passenger compartment.

Dark lavender eyes scanned analytically through those present, looking for anybody of particular interest. She saw few, if any, worth her time. A couple of fairly standard looking humans, a couple of scruffy looking faunus. All par for the course, among hunters in training. She hastily beat a retreat from the doorway as to not impede any further traffic. Her journey brought her in a path which crossed in front of an odd looking girl, tinkering dutifully on some kind of device in her lap. Thinking quickly as she moved by, Sable quickly hooked a leg around and aimed to bump it, quite forcibly, into the girl's own legs. It was a fairly cruel action, one meant to send the girl's device and tools sprawling across the floor.

Nothing but a quick 'oops' would follow from Sable, as she continued on her way, showing none of the malice she had done the action with. Accidents did happen, after all.

That would show her for not showing up to say goodbye.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Blaine Ambrose

Damn, the big move already. Stood in the middle of the crowd was a young man with blonde haired slightly pushed up by his goggles, his hand cupped to his ear, holding the large single-ear headphone in place which blasted music into his ears. Blaine Ambrose was bobbing his head in time to the fast paced EDM song playing through his headphone as he carried a suitcase with all of his personal belonging and a long kind of metal bar suspended into place between his arm and body. This however, was not his weapon, yet something very close to him. Blaine had already said goodbye to his parents before making his way into the standstill queue that finally began to get shorter.

People flowed into airship, and Blaine would have been oblivious to the instructions over the PA if he had a full headset on. In all honesty, this was pretty crazy. He finally gets to become a hunter, and will actually be doing some good for the world. And it will all start at Lustre Academy, honestly not a bad choice since the move from Vale. His constant fighting in Signal... it didn't go down well. However, his parents said that this would be a fresh start from all of that.

Hehe, yeah. Right...

Once boarding the airship himself, he stepped inside to the large passenger area. He noticed a window seat that was a pretty good view. Blaine decided to try and sit over there, when he noticed a rather small guy sitting in the same area. Blaine slid his headphone so it sat around the neck, the loud music being very obvious now. "Yo! Mind if I sit here?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Virid Slate

Virid had arrived alone. His parents were on a mission, so he recieved a ride from a family friend. As he approached the waiting ship, he smiled. He had expected to be scared, nervous at the very least. Maybe he was, but such feelngs were easily overpowered by his excitement. He was going to Lustre. Lustre! If what his parents said about Academy was true, he'd have a blast. He'd find friends, adventure, and knowledge. Or, so he hoped.

He stepped into the ship and was slightly unnerved by the sheer amount of people in the ship. He panicked as he saw all the different places to sit.

Or should I stand?

Yeah, you should stand. It'll make you look tough.

Or it could make me look like I'm trying to hard to look tough.

He stopped his internal struggle when he realized he was holding people up behind him. He panicked once more as his head rocketed to and fro, searching for a place to sit. Finally, he set eyes on a girl who appeared to be working on something.

Perfect! If she's busy, there's no pressure to talk!

Or, you can strike up a conversation by asking her what she's doing.

Either way, it seemed like a good idea to sit next to the girl. He started walking towards her when another girl bumped into her and the tools she seemed to be using spilled over the floor. If he sat by her, he'd have to help pick up the tools. Picking up tools certainly wasn't his favorite thing. Then again, part of being a Hunter was helping people. I he couldn't pick up some tools, how could he help an entire country? Plus, he would look like a nice guy. Or, perhaps he'd look like a guy who was trying too hard to seem nice. He sighed, struggling over his choices. Finally, he decided it was worth the risk.

He gulped and stood next to her, gripping the swords sheathed on his hips. Finally, he exhaled and spoke.

"E-excuse me? Do you need help with that?" He said, gesturing to the tools on the ground.

@The Fox Without
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

With the last of the students mingling their way to the interior of the ship, the flight crew got onboard and shut the outside doors, locking the ship up, airtight from cockpit to tail. The engines roared as they were fed with power, the ship slowly rose off of the ground and hovered into the sky. With a slight listing forward, it began to fly forwards, ascending upward into the skies and above the kingdom of Vault, leaving the station behind and onward to its destination. The academy.

Now that the ship was airborne, the students inside were able to settle a little bit, enjoy the stunning birds eye view of the city below them or mingle with one another. It wouldn't be a long ride to the academy, but passing the time wouldn't exactly be a problem for teenagers. There were many other noteworthy individuals hanging around. Standing beside a window, a short fox eared Faunus in a green jacket peered out the window at the city below. In the corner, a copper haired girl with particularly muscular arms was chatting it up with a large stocky fellow in a leather stetson and a broad smile on his face. Squared away in a corner, a silver haired boy with silver fox Faunus ears was keeping to himself. Similarly, a girl in a yellow raincoat with the hood up, sat quietly by herself. An elegant looking maiden in a flowery yellow dress was conversing with a tall gentleman in a high hat, a white mask over his eyes. A violet haired girl sat alone, but unlike the others, she seemed quite content.

For the time, the students were unleashed and unrestrained.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Cassius Alexandros Lumya Svent & Noir Black

"Mr.Svent, care to demonstrate a few tricks of yours since you caught onto mine earlier?" Noir seemed rather eager to see this mysterious masked man in action. Yet there was a sigh of reluctance... The girl wasn't taken with him in a way a lover would be taken to their significant other, yet she did feel he was quite significant to her Bizarre adventures that her life would entangle those around her like a spider's web. Yet seemed to lower her glasses... Yet she noticed the eye holes for Cassius to peer out of... Seemed to have something blocking the view of others seeing his eyes... She so dearly wondered.

"What was the saying... A Magician never reveals his tricks...?" Cassius teased before rotating his shoulders.
"Pleease? I want to include it into my story... For inspiration." Noir blatantly made up any excuse she could, even if it was a complete lie.

"Noir, was it? Listen. Are you this way... for everyone you meet?" Cassius faced her general direction briefly before looking about to the uncanny and unsavory girl... He shrugged... It wasn't his business who she was being an ass to. He simply exhaled.

"Yes." Was the shorthand response he received.
"Safe to assume I'll get little out of you if I ask much of anything, right?" Cassius stood up.
"Well... Yeah, that is about right." Noir grinned before following suit.

"Then do me a favor, and keep those lips sealed when I show anything off... but... I can show quite a few tricks... Let's just hope we don't scare the living shit out of anyone on this flight..." Cassius grinned slightly before drawing circle in the air, a bit of light and dark into each.

"Sir... I hope you don't speak like that at the academy..." Noir commented at the vulgar response before seeing quite the most unusual surprise...

Two beings seemed to pool out of the glyphs... One seemed to be some form if Quadruped. This one was quite bulbous and round, yet seemed fluffy and friendly. The colors of this being seemed to be mostly white, the orifices seemed gray for the most part, white pearly teeth, and a happy lapping tongue. "That is amazing!" Noir responded as she was greeted by a lick... She found herself giggling.

"That is Kaldr... Ready to... What is the childish expression many use... 'Scare the pants off of'? Eehh... Here is Fenrir!" Cassius grinned as a black manifestation appeared from the other Glyph... Despite the stance it had, it seemed to only need to walk on. The frame was very ebony like, the claws seemed very sharp, long and razor like. The maw seemed quite twisted as it had the face of anger and agony... Chains were embedded around the arms as it stood on all fours, it seemed like fire was coming from it's mouth; but it was actually light seeping between it's teeth. The bending of the light gave the impression it was fire, but it was just the elements holding the two together.

Noir found herself stroking the fur of each, Fenrir growled slightly, suppressing his individual happiness, where Kaldr simply lapped at her happily. It was clear they were both very expressive.

"They are so cute!"
"I know, right?" Cassius commented before walking out to the aisle. He looked to the women in her flower like dress. "Did you enjoy the magic show?" Cassius bowed his head to her, as well as a few other, such as the two foxes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Fluores let out an cry of suprise as the large girl basically kicked her legs out from under her, sending her tail and tools scattering across the floor of the airship. A sharp jolt of fury coursed through her as someone basically had flung her tools , her pupils narrowing to thin slits. Sending a withering glare at the tattooed offender, Floures waited for the girl to apologize, focusing her attention on the girl.

"Oops," was all she got, the condscending tone of the burnette almost dripping it was so thick. 'I am going to tear that bitch's fucking tattoo's off one by one,' the green haired girl thought with pure rage as the half-faunus shot up from her seat pointing her arm towards the offender, a small shimmer appearing along one of her arms as she tried to bring up her semblance. The translucent aura covering her arm quickly dissapated almost as quickly as it had appeared, a wave of nasuea washing over heras her sense of equilibrium was compromised without the tail to work in tandem with her ears. Putting a hand over her mouth as she tried to sit back down, she missed the seat she'd been on and landed solidly with her backside on the floor of the airship. Dazed by the whirlwind of unpleasantness, she groggily took notice the new arrival, a brown haired boy seemingly trying to talk to her, "...you need help..." being about all she caught in her state. Trying to both nod to the boy as well as snake her head to clear her mind, she somehow managed to mumble out a quick"That'd be great." After that she took a few deep breaths, clearing her head before trying to pull herself back up on the seat slowly, doing her best not to set off another fit.

As she watched the target of her ire simply walk off, almost unconciously her mouth moved of its own accord, seemingly without asking her for her own input, "Fucking bitch."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chamoisee Lacaune

Chami remained quiet as he felt the familiar lurch of machinery ooze through the ship as it got underway. Despite his method of choice for hunting, the faunus never cared for flying. There was something wholly unnatural about standing in a floating metal tube with the (considerably unlikely) risk of falling and killing surely everyone on board in a horrific fireball of unescapable agony that made him slightly anxious whenever he was forced into travel.

His fellow students had also not put him in a much better mood. His warm and welcoming personality had gone over about as well as a nuclear holocaust, resulting in the seats adjacent to him being empty…save for one, across the aisle from him. He silently stews for a few moments, trying to think of situationaly appropriate small talk as he glares holes into the head rest of the seat in front of him. Vaguely he remembers reading one time that compliments are a great way to break the ice. "Nice….coat." He offers suddenly and slightly louder than he intended. “Looks…warm?...” he offers weakly after a moment. Chamoisee Lacaune, ace small talk extraordinaire.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"My my... quite the impressive little magic trick you have there." The elegant woman complimented with a slight giggle emitting from her lips. She had something of an Eastern flavour to how she looked, her black hair bunched up behind her head, her face a little pale with makeup and cherry red lips. Her dress was a beautiful little number with flowing sleeves and a pinkish red band around her waist, the skirts split slightly for easier movement and showing her legs beneath it. The yellow dress was covered in spiraling flowery patterns, curling and uncurling stems and small leaves. It looked expensive.
"Do you seek to impress all the ladies you meet on public transport like this, or are we just a special exception?" she joked with a sly grin, looking to his two familiars with a curious look in her eyes.
"W-who let a wild animal on board?!" The fox Faunus in the green jacket said in surprise spotting the two animals and their owner. The silver haired lad turned away and chose not to look.

The girl in the raincoat was quite the oddity in comparison to the rest of the people on the ship. Along with her raincoat, she had red wellington boots on and blue shiny waterproof trousers, dressed for a rainstorm on a sunny day. Upon being spoken to, she tilted her head up slightly, showing the soft face beneath, pretty eyes and a sharp nose, a little of her hair, which as far as he could tell, was dyed at least three different colours. She blinked a few times as she looked at him.
"...thanks." She replied, audible enough for him to hear as an awkward silence descended. She too seemed to possess his incredible level of skill in the arcane art of conversation.
"...nice horns." she came out, suddenly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chamoisee Lacaune

"Thanks. I uh…grew them myself." He baahs quietly. Another awkward silence descends on the pair. "…so are you excited?....” He adds after a moment. "….I mean about attending Lustre. Not my horns. Being excited about the horniness of a person after just meeting them would be weird.” he says, rambling and not realizing what he just suggested. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat for a few moments, pushing a floppy ear out of the way and nervously scratching his head."I’m uh…Chamoisee Lacaune, nice…to meet you.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

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Asher Brandt

Transport Ship

There were certainly a lot of interesting characters here. Then again that was supposed to be the norm for a hunter academy, it didn't occur to him until now that the safety of the people against Grimm relied on such eccentric individuals, and it was then he would realize he would be among them. Still, it looked like this was going to be a fun ride either way.

He found himself a place to sit down as he didn't have much reason to speak with anyone right now, he even now still tends to keep to himself unless something strikes him as interesting but so far it's just fun to watch, though not moments into that, he heard someone yell something about animals. He looked that way, and well, it looks like someone did summon up some animals... Were pets even allowed on board? Still, it looked to him the one in green might be starting something, so he was paying attention to this little scene.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CadenGallic
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CadenGallic Pepsiman's apprentice, Pepsimaxman.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Yes... I am a little bit excited." The girl admitted to Chamoisee as a stray strand of hair flicked in front of her eyes. As she focused on it, she puffed up from her lips to flick it aside. "It's April... April Showers." she looked away from him, as if embarassed by her own name... even with the naming that had gone on in Remnant, hers would stand out a bit.

Finally, the large Atlas ship touched down gently into the docking area and its rear doors swung wide open, allowing the passengers in its interior to depart onto the large campus that made up Lustre Academy. From this distance, the students got their first glimpse at the campus that would serve as their new home for the next 4 years.

A long pathway led up toward the inner courtyard from the grounds, lined with diamond shaped tiles of white, grey and brown, halted at both sides by a short line of bricks. Large stone lanterns lined the path, a pair of them every 20 paces or so, lit with what looked like a simple flame, but in reality it was a light projection on behalf of Atlas, the appearence of a flame and the light and power of a full electrical bulb. Surrounding the main stone path was a large grassy bed, distinctly made up of ruby red grass that shone slightly in the sunlight, grown from the semi volcanic soil of the area. It was fairly unique to Vault, however it was known in other places.

The main courtyard itself bore a black marble plinth, complete with four statues standing at each corner of it, a small pool of illuminated water surrounding them with small curled spouts shooting out from the bottom of the plinth. The path formed a large circle that made up the courtyard with a few simple benches surrounding it. Surrounding the courtyard itself were a number of small trees, still quite young as they had only been planted for a few years, but they provided the courtyard with a little natural shade.

Beyond the courtyard laid the main building of Lustre Academy. Even from all the way at the docking port, they could get a clear view of it. The simple way to describe this grand design would be as a cubic castle. The entire building was set at a 45 degree angle, so its corner faced the courtyard. It's walls were solid white over a slight greying beneath, metal plated concrete to provide exceptional structural support. It bore large tall walls and ramparts, tall towers with rounded corners, the entire think reeked of Atlas design, mixing old design with their modern touch. The front doors were opened to them.

It'd take a while for them to walk there...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

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"...'s cute name.” He says with a shrug, feeling the familiar lurch of machinery as the ship touched down. "well uh...guess this is the stop..." he says with a small cough. He grabs his bag, throwing it over his shoulder and heading towards the doorway. He let his eyes take in the court yard. The crimson grass looked...remarkably nice and he could easily see himself grazing there for hours. Wait. No, thats silly. Stop that nonsense this instant!

Shaking the thought from his head he looks up at the castle. He sighs as he begins to walk with the throng of students to the main entrance. "...got to wonder if the dean just decided obscenely long courtyards were absolutely necessary to a full hunter education or if it was simply a way to spite students....” he grumbles to himself, never having been a fan of the almost insanely spacious architecture some residents of Remnant (his father included).
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Julio Taiyou

Julio opened his eyes as he felt the ship touch down on the docks. That meant that they had arrived at Lustre Academy. He groaned and stood up. He then stretched his back until he heard a familiar cracking sound and then placed his hands inside his pocket. He looked around and noticed that a lot of the students had already began talking with each other, familiarizing with them while they haven't arrived at the Academy yet. The blond figured that he shouldn't worry too much about socializing yet. While they all will be in the same classes, there's still no assurance that they'll be in the same team. Besides, sleep was more important right now. Last night wasn't the best night he's even been in.

The gates opened and the students rushed out. Julio was one of the first who had gotten off and then quickly took to the side to avoid the mass of people rushing out of the ship. He then slowed to a walk once the crowd wasn't as thick. The distance between the ship and the school itself was daunting. He didn't understand exactly why someone would design it like that. But he can't complain now. While walking, his eyes had been on the ruby red grass that grew around the walkway. Wow, that looked comfortable to lie down on. Perhaps one of these days, he would be there, perhaps not, who knows?

Reaching the courtyard, he found yet another place to nap in. Under the shade of the still young trees, or on the benches while no one is around. He tended to get up early. Maybe he could sneak out and sleep outside when he gets the chance. Maybe he should try that out next time if it's not against the rules of course. He passed the courtyard and finally saw the entirety of Lustre Academy; and it admittedly made him frown. He was reminded too much of Atlas from its design. He might love where he was born but he thought that it would be different. He should've expected this, the architects were from Atlas after all.

However, he quickly shook it off and entered the Academy. This was the start of a new life, he supposed. He reminded himself that it was different, that this was not Atlas, and he would enjoy his time here greatly.
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