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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

~ ~ ~ Listen to the music our hearts are making together. ~ ~ ~

Genkai's Notes:

This is inspired by a Korean Drama called You're Beautiful. It was once streaming on Netflix but I don't think it is any longer. This is merely based on the premise, the actual roleplay itself will differ so do not feel intimidated, concerned or uncomfortable if you have not seen the series. Of course I enjoyed it (it's a drama, there are some flaws) so I'd recommend it if you're bored and have nothing to watch, you can probably find it through our Lord and Savior, Google.

Now because this is inspired by a Korean Drama, I am picturing our characters as Korean, however if you want us to take it to Japan or London, I'd be fine with that. America? You may have to sell me. Given the political shit show, I want very little to do with my country at the moment. Plus, I love other cultures and think it would be fun to explore that with someone. Again, if you're uncertain about something, Google is our friend. I'm going to be Googling as needed too, oh my that may sound naughty!

Lastly, I am looking for commitment. Posts don't need to come every day but maybe every few days to keep the pace, progress and motivation flowing. It's summer so I do think people have more free time but every situation is different. I only have two roleplays going on so I have some free time, I also have one or two off-site but again, this is something I've been wanting to do for the past month and only now have I gotten time to fully articulate this idea. I am seeking advanced writers, people who can play both genders and develop relationships and plots.

Genkai's Final Warnings:

This will involve cross-dressing but the romance is strictly heterosexual.

Of course there is fun in characters having to question their feelings/sexuality if unaware someone they like is cross-dressing.

If you're not into smut, we probably won't work out. Smut should be tasteful and properly timed. I don't see sex happening until after a long while of characters getting to know each other. Still, skipping it seems a little anticlimactic.

This roleplay is meant to be playful, fun, dramatic, suspenseful, romantic.

I want to encourage zany side plots and complicated interpersonal relationships, just because this is slice of life, doesn't mean it has to be stuffy and dull. Slice of life gets a bad reputation but I find it very endearing.

While I am happy to play either role below, if you do approach me with an inability to carry your weight and play male roles as well, I will not write with you. Honestly, it's so grating to see people refuse to write outside the box and try their opposite gender.

The group band name can be decided between us, I left it open as to which archetype the main male is, so that can be decided between us as well. Also, the ages will be in their mid to late 20s.

Also feel free to pick whichever archetype you'd like, I left it open ended. But this roleplay is meant to carry different plots and conflicts and twists, I'm hoping we can have a balance that pleases us both. Feel free to tweak or toss character or background ideas too.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

His whole life has been filled with lavish trips around the world, private singing lessons, unforgettable meals at the most exclusive of restaurants. And yet...life has not been fulfilling for him. He was left at the hospital he was born at and put up for adoption. A wealthy couple took him home and no one has been able to track his birth mother or origins. Though he's made great strides in the music world and is part of a very very popular pop group, he wanted to become famous in order to get the attention of his birth family in hopes of reconnecting and finding a piece of him that's always been missing.

The pop group is made up of three males. One is hyper and happy, always willing to stop and cheer up fans. Another is very smart and sweet, the best of both worlds in terms of edge and softness. And the final member is a typical cool guy, often serious and a loner but still very close and protective of his fellow band members. The group goes on tours, goes on talk shows and game shows, photoshoots, commercials and rehearsals. Their lives are busy and they all live together in a swanky house that's close to their studio. Fans can often be seen crowding around either venue, hoping to see or even touch one of their handsome idols. But the manager has decided to bring in a fresh face, much to the apprehension of the other three boys who have know each other for well over a year.

Her whole life has been ordinary but pleasant enough. She grew up as an only child, befriending many animals and neighbors in her small town. While she graduated university with a good degree, she lacks the confidence to move to a big city and start the next chapter of her life, so she's confined herself to her hometown, preferring to tend to her elderly parents, as she's all they have. But when a man comes knocking at her door, saying she has a twin brother who looks exactly like her, who needs her help. As it turns out, her mother did give birth two twins but had to give him up for adoption due to financial reasons. To her knowledge, the twin went abroad and calls on the holidays. The girl is shocked but thrilled to know she has a brother.

The dilemma arises when the pop band's newest member falls ill and cannot join the group yet. But the manager devises a plan to pull in his twin sister to take his place until things are straightened out. The band is on track to introduce its newest member and cannot delay any further. Without telling the other three members, the manager helps the girl disguise herself as her long lost brother in order to properly sell the press conference. Upon moving into her new home, thing grow complicated as she gets close to each member and begins to have a special connection with one who is secretly trying to find his own family. She can relate and soon feelings blossom. Will someone find out about her? Will his birth family finally reveal themselves or is he too late to meet them? What other secrets are being hidden? Will the pop band be able to endure the multitude of paparazzi and rumors?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 6 days ago

I swear, not stalking you. I'm just strolling through the 1x1s to fill time. :P BUT! I loved that drama - one of a handful that I loved. You should check out, if you like historical pieces, Sungkyunkwan Scandal if you can find it and haven't seen it. It's FANTASTIC and not too terribly serious, but just right. Unlike Boys Before/Over Flowers - which made me very angry. I still get mad thinking about it and it's been years since I saw it. :P Secret Garden was okay, but still just weird as he stalked her until she gave him a change - I did like what I call the 'side' couple though.

This is a fabulous idea for a RP, but I'm trying to stay committed to one and then work my way up. I tend to be very busy outside of RPGuild, and days pass by before I notice it. I'm horrible. ^^;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 6 days ago

@Genkai I'm interested. I've seen the drama, know pretty much everything Korean, and I've always wanted to rp this drama. I don't have a problem with any of your conditions.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@silvermist1116 My friend used to be really into k-dramas and recommended it to me one night I was bored. I'm glad she did, it was really sweet and something highly entertaining which I wish most shows were these days. But anyway, shall we talk here or via PM? Though as a heads up, I'm not that reliable with PM exchanges.

@Faded Memory As above, my friend introduced me to k-drama but thanks to her, I've developed a closet crush on Jang Keun-suk and Lee Hong-gi. There are some other new dramas on Netflix I may check out but I'll have to add Sungkyunkwan Scandal to my list for this summer because who doesn't like feeling feels? I think I tried watching Secret Garden but found it a little too weird to get very far.

Back during my spring quarter, I was the same way. It was awful. I had zero time for personal writing or roleplaying so I can understanding needing to set limits and pace yourself with commitments. I only have two more hellish quarters left and then I'm off to Japan (fingers crossed). But my point is, you're more than welcome to drop me a line should you feel up to doing this. There's a certain...charm about k-dramas that I can find comfort in. And though it's a Japanese drama, Atelier was a fun show to watch, some of the twists I didn't see coming.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 6 days ago

@Genkai We can talk here if it's more convenient for you. There's also a Japanese version of it called Ikemen desu ne. I love that one too. I've yet to watch the Taiwanese version. Don't know if I'll ever get to it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@silvermist1116 I know there is a remade Japanese version, I may give it a watch just out of curiosity about any differences though I think one of them may have a cameo in the Japanese version. That would be nice to see.

But anyway, which role were you hoping to play and any changes you'd like to make?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 6 days ago

@Genkai Yeah, one of them made a cameo. I won't spoil it for you. Hilarious scene though. I don't have a preference role wise. No changes I can think of right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@silvermist1116 If I can pry myself away from Dragon Age, I'll have to watch it. Any streaming site you'd recommend? I can't decide either, as either role would be okay with me. If I did play the male, I'd probably go for the "Jeremy" / happy-go-lucky type. What about you? Also, did you have any writing samples (it's okay if you don't) just wondering, since you're new and haven't had a chance to dive into any IC Threads yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 6 days ago

@Genkai Sorry, I don't. I watched it when it came out a few years ago and the site it was on is gone now, unfortunately. And it's not on Dramafever. If I play the male I'd have to be Hwang Taekyung character. I've loved Jang Guensuk since, though I follow his music career more than his acting career. I rp regularly on another site. I can give you a sample of one of my replies:

The line was moving too slow for her taste. She understands everyone that came today are just as enthusiastic as her. Scratch that, she more excited than anyone else in line. Doesn't mean everyone can take up all of Im Jaebum's time. She'd like to see him before the sun goes down. Of course she's being dramatic. It was almost two. The sun wouldn't go down for another six hours and she doesn't hunt until twelve-thirty. She has all the time in the world today, but chose not to acknowledge it.

The line moved a little faster than when she first stood in line. Guess he wanted to get all the fans out of the way, since it was almost time to close the event. That didn't mean much to her though. She's going to have her fair amount of time with him. Or not so fair. By the time her turn came around the clock on the wall read she only had five minutes. One of the coordinators called out the time left and they officially locked the doors to the venue, so no one else could get in. Some were even taking down the decorations and cleaning up whatever mess they needed to.

Smiling, she stepped up the table and held out her hand to grab his. "Hello. It's nice to finally meet you too." Placing her purse on the table, she handed him the book. "My name is Song Gain, and I have to say I've enjoyed all your books so far Mr. Im, especially Murder University. Something about school murders fascinate me. Or perhaps it's the setting." She leaned forward to get a good look at him signing her book as she spoke. "And I absolutely love Shim Haeun. She's a funny and strong female character. Something I think is rare in today's literature. If she's not gushing over finding her soulmate, then she's a /badass/," She rolled her eyes. "With something to prove. Haeun brings something different to the table, so I appreciate her as a character."

This is my best when I'm really into a plot. I usually do one to two paragraphs for regular replies.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@silvermist1116 Thanks for the sample, and I can't blame you with your choice there. He's pretty much a full package and I hope he does more recent things. Though to be honest, I really am looking for more advanced writers and to me 1-2 paragraphs is casual and while I have nothing against casual, I just know when my life gets hectic again, I'd rather get/give longer posts that would make up for delay and push things forward without a lot of needless back and forth with shorter posts. Would you ever be willing to try to have three paragraphs or so, as opposed to maybe one or two?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 6 days ago

You're welcome. I can write more than three paragraphs. One to two is my usual when I'm getting out fast replies. If we rp with delays, then I can definitely give you more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@silvermist1116 That sounds fair then. I've just had partners start to give less and less and it becomes so discouraging and makes me fear they're no longer interested, you know? Would you be alright if I took the role of the female? Then the other two types left, you can pick which one you'd like or we can always share the other two between us as needed, if that helps.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 6 days ago

@Genkai I understand. I can't stand when that happens and they don't give notice either. That's fine and we can share the other roles. Are we using OCs?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 6 days ago

I'm so glad you're gonna try Sungkyunkwan Scandal. It's fantastic. I mostly watched because I shipped a pair of guy friends so hard, and then they ended up winning 'best couple' at the awards that year - which was awkward for the actors apparently, but eh, it was fun. One of them handled it well, and now they're friends again in actor terms, so yay. (Their relationship wasn't canon -- according to not-fan-girls, anyway). I'm a fan of Soong Jun Ki, so I understand the celebrity crushes that can go along with watching the dramas. :D Jang Keun-suk actually stole the 'Flower/Pretty Boy' title from Soong Jun Ki while I was in S.Korea. So sad. :P

The only reason I continued Secret Garden is because I went to S.Korea when it was all the rage, and my students swore it got better. It really didn't - like I said, side-couples are the best. Haha. And the songs just kept getting stuck in my head. Well, the melodies - my Korean isn't that good. ^^;

If you find anything good, let me know. I've not watched any dramas since You're Beautiful because I'm a picky drama watcher. I did like ... something about Coffee ... It was cute. I googled it - Coffee Prince. If you haven't seen it, you should check it out. Man, this really makes me want Korean food again. Sigh~
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@silvermist1116 Sorry about the delay, life got the better of me. :/

@Faded Memory Korean food is great. I have two Korean brothers so I grew up on it, well it was cooked on special occasions. XD I think Korean and Danish are two languages I want to learn next, I already am pretty fluent in Japanese and plan to teach there when I graduate. Maybe I can go vacation in Vietnam or Korea. I hear Thailand is pretty sweet too. I've been to China, would love to go back.


But from what I hear, the idol-worship in Korea is really really bad. I feel for those guys. My friend used to go on and on about how crazy fans could be and how oppressive it was to be an idol. I am sure You're Beautiful only showed a small fraction of it but the mention of fanfiction did make me giggle a bit. Like...they're onto us! I'll let you know if I stumble upon anything good. I hear Jang Keun-suk may do another drama soon, which would be fantastic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 6 days ago

@Genkai That's okay. I've been backed up on replies and busy with other stuff too.
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