Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"The reason I have no guard, simply put, is they're dead," Nymira shared through a mouthful, wiping at the corners of her mouth before looking to Zander, "I had four guards with me when I first set out. One died to a pack of wolves, another took an assassin's arrow meant for me, and I don't know what happened with the other two. An enemy clan attacked us on the border and they gave me time to escape, we were sorely outnumbered. I can only assume they're dead as well." For a moment there almost seemed to be a pang of regret on the Dimuran's face as her features crumpled, though as quickly as it had happened it was gone, replaced with her generally emotionless visage. Pausing to take a swig of her ale she let out a sigh, staring at the liquid inside thoughtfully. "So that's why I was traveling alone, without guard. None of the others know about that, consider yourself special."

Zander sat stunned at the Dimuran unsure of what to think of all of this. She had opened up to him even if just a little and part of him felt important for that knowledge. He downed the rest of his second glass of wine, and the two ate in silence for a short time. His gaze followed Geoffrey on his hurry out the door and again as he ran back up towards wherever he was in such a hurry with the flute clutched to him.

Sipping on his third glass of wine he stared at his dining partner with a somewhat serious expression on his face, "I'm a Starsion. I know that means so little to you, but my family is a well known Church affiliated house. Renown in our own ways of healing, barrier making, and remedies used throughout most of this part of civilization." He stopped talking for a moment, cleared his throat, took another swig of the wine and let out a soft sigh. "I'm the spare. Second son born into what nobility is left of Church Names. Mind you the Church isn't even noble anymore. Finding out their second son has the Gift of Healing." His voice was filled with scorn and hartred. "Cast out for having the natural gift..." He let his walls down a little more, shook off the morose thoughts and slipped his cracked mask back into place. The cocky second son, weakened by his own honesty. "It must be nice, for you. Living with a people who do not scorn their own."

He tossed the rest of his wine down, and started into his own meal. "A tale for a tale is what my Grandmother taught me, before she passed. If one opens up, it is only polite to return the favor."


Geoffrey, his flute in hand, stood outside the doorway unsure of himself for a moment. The young girl seemed distraught when she came back in, with red eyes and downtrodden steps. Now that he was hear, he ran through most of the songs he could think of in his head that he could play for the girl who wanted to hear music what seemed like days ago. He didn't realize he had knocked again, didn't even feel himself walk forward into the room. He did feel himself play softly for a bit, to calm her nerves. When he stopped to catch his breath and to fan himself a bit with his shirt, playing was heated work, he looked at Amune and grinned.

"Nope," he said popping the p in nope but smiled still. "You should hum the first song, it sounds fitting for a lass such as yourself. Though, I think the cat might give chase if ya was a true Ladybird." He winked at her and shot the cat a teasing grin as if Wyth was capable of retorting. "While ya hum a few bars, and I'll take over, wanna explain what's got ye upset? I gotsa good ear set from all da time at da Inn. People work, makes ya a good listen person." He put the flute to his lips, and waited for her to hum. As soon as she started he grinned around the wood piece and started to play as well. Before he played on a quieter level, now he raised the tone so if anyone passed by, the song might uplift them as he was trying to uplift Amune and her spirits.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 2 days ago

The child was clearly disappointed that he didn't know the songs, but not particularly surprised. It had been a long shot, asking for Ydran tunes from a Muran man, even if he did work at an inn. "No, it's...it's fine, I was just asking." Amuné didn't feel like singing nor even humming, and the ballad in particular was complicated. Half tragic love story, half a story of hope, she didn't want to hear it if it wasn't done well, and she knew better than to think she could teach it properly. She fell silent again for a while, turning Geoffrey's question over in her head and trying to decide if she wanted to bother answering.

"She shouldn't have said that. Not to Cecil." The quiet words were spoken slowly and without much energy. Amuné wasn't looking at the man, instead focusing on Wyth. "Being alone hurts...and he's been alone...." She trailed off, her tone upset again. There was more to it, but this was someone new, not Ethan. The girl had only just met him and he might be nice and maybe he hadn't said anything after seeing the others were Magi, but he wasn't Magi himself and he was Muran and she just didn't trust him the same way she trusted Ethan. She had no intention of telling him about her own gift, particularly since he seemed to be Zander's friend and she did /not/ trust the healer. And she didn't want to say too much about Cecil, either. That wasn't her secret to share. Amuné lifted her head enough to look over at the flautist. "I hope Ethan can help with that...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 8 days ago

"And why does it matter what you are? I'm a Muran, Nymira is a Dimuran, Amuné is Ydran, we're all different Cecil. Heck Wyth isn't even a person, he's a moorcat! And we all get along well enough, there's no reason you're any different," Ethan argued in turn, refusing to be deterred so easily, "And since when don't I like you? I don't think I ever said that. I don't think I ever said once I don't like anyone here." Even with the recent hiccups he couldn't say he disliked anyone, everyone made mistakes and it wasn't fair to judge someone solely on those. The majority of what he'd seen of Cecil was a good person. Confused maybe, but good, he was proud to be traveling with such a person.

Ethan's smile weakened slightly when Cecil mentioned his purpose, casting his eyes downward for a second before shaking his head. "What if your purpose isn't to kill though? What if it's just to protect people? Like stories of Magi, fighting to save everyone and defeating evil. You had an accident, that's all. I think you were made to protect someone and you've been doing an amazing job at that so far! I mean you've saved us twice so far, and who knows how many people we've saved by fighting those things earlier. You're a hero already Cecil, and the fact you're a Machina doesn't change that."

Despite all of his attempts to cheer Cecil up it appeared that the Machina was still dead set on leaving them. All things considered their time together had been positive and they had a lot of exploring still to do, not to mention answers to find. If Cecil did leave now he may never find what he was after, or even worse he could end up hurt for it. The way that Cecil talked about himself was downright painful to listen to, he didn't value himself at all. Sure he may not know what it was like to be a Machina, to have been built like that, but he was still alive. So what if he didn't breathe? Or eat like they did? Who said all life had to be exactly the same?

"You're wrong Cecil, I'm sorry but you're wrong," Ethan said, smiling as he approached his friend, "I don't know a lot about machines, but I doubt anyone can program emotions. You act like you're alive, and I doubt any machine can ever do that. Maybe you were built a certain way, or made to behave a certain way, but you're more of a person than some of the bandits we've fought, and some of the folks I've met traveling. You're more Muran than some people even in my own town!" He absolutely refused to let Cecil go on thinking this way, it hurt way too much to believe such a thing. "Do you think when we get hurt it doesn't cost money? Because it does, so you're no different from us there. Or food? We have to eat, you don't, so we cost more money than you do already. Besides moneys never a problem, we'll always find a way to get by, that's never going to be a reason to leave you, or anyone."

Ethan had gotten so engrossed in his debate he'd forgotten he was slightly intoxicated, getting a reminder as he tried to approach Cecil and stumbled forward, having to catch himself on his friends shoulder and giving him an apologetic smile. "Heh... And you know what? I doubt you'll forget everything. You seem to remember how you started this whole adventure right? And we'll always be making new memories, and we've got a lot of things to still do and see. I know Amuné's scared right now but we just need to talk to her, she'll remember you're a good person. Then we can go and travel together again, just like we have been. I know you'd rather be with us than alone, and we want you with us too."

Nymira didn't completely know why she had revealed that to Zander of all people. It hadn't exactly been bothering her either, she accepted death as an inevitability of her work, a necessary risk. Yet even as she reminded herself of that she noticed her fingers tighten uncomfortably around the handle of the mug, pulling her mouth into a hard line before taking the final few sips of her ale. That's right, it was expected. People died for her, for the clan, for the future that her people were seeking. Just like some of the people around her now may well die she had to accept that as a fact and a possibility. Becoming sentimental and allowing herself to be trapped in the past would mean she could never move forward. There was no time for mourning, only progress.

"I wouldn't say I'm free from scorn, far from it really. Just because we are one clan does not mean we are of one mind, or one will," Nymira pointed out as she took pause from her meal. Folding her hands together on the table she sighed, glancing at seemingly nothing off to the side before refocusing her gaze on Zander. "My father sees the chance to find allies out here and to grow our clan stronger for it, and I agree with his vision. It's the only way for our people not to fall behind, especially seeing some of the things out here. I've never encountered a Machina before really, and I hear there are all kinds of incredible machines in the larger cities. We'd be fools not to try and befriend some of these people, especially if other clans might try the same thing. We can't afford not to try."

"And yet... There are some within our clan that resent the idea. That we should require help from anyone other than our own kin is foolish and somehow a betrayal of who we are. Ralthor demands honor from us, and some argue that by associating with other people we lose that honor. I believe it's more honorable to be able to seek help though, however reluctant we might be. These... Leaders, clan elders and warriors, they act like children, throwing fits and growing angry over change. If our clan wants to fade into obscurity then we can follow their lead and enjoy our existence coming to an end. Or we can follow my father's ideal and work towards strengthening ourselves."

"I suppose that's two stories from me, but spare me another, I don't care for what you have to say," Nymira added in as she fetched her utensils again, "I don't know why of all people I've shared that part of my life with you, a perverted, lying healer. Consider it a form of trust I suppose, you must know those you travel and with fight in order to succeed. That being said, tell anyone what I've told you and I will leave you bedridden for a week, understand me?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil was certain his decision was the right one, he just had to make Ethan see the light. Ethan knew he was a walking killing machine but was denying it at every step, trying to ignore what his purpose was and what ultimately made him different to organic lifeforms. He didn’t care that they were different races, it didn’t mean anything because he didn’t understand it. It may mean something to them but to him it was just another name for different kinds of organic being. The problem was he wasn’t organic, he didn’t get a name like they do. Everything to do with machines were all just Machina whether they could move like he did or something simple like carry round a person like Norman. It wasn’t as simple as Ethan thought it might be, he was still just a pile of parts put together by someone else. They had people they could relate to, he just had a bunch of soulless parts to relate to.

Staring down at the ground Cecil remained quiet, feeling that Ethan was just wasting his time. It was obvious what his purpose was, he was told what his purpose was by a professional. Ethan wasn’t a professional of Machina, he was a Magi who could look up to those stories of other Magi and become a saviour. Some accident if he was simply doing what he was supposed to do, if that was an accident then his whole purpose and function was an accident. He was basically being told that he was malfunctioning. Only way he would be able to do that again was to malfunction again but possibly kill them in the process. He couldn’t relate to Magi, he wasn’t one and didn’t even know who they were and why it was apparently a named role.

He was really feeling awful now, even if Ethan was trying to make him feel better. He felt completely alienated and foreign to them with all their claims, like his actions were always going to be regarded as an accident or a mistake. He didn’t know what he was supposed to be if all his actions were either going to be an accident or some sort of miracle. It was all that which should had told Ethan that he was a combat Machina and that those mistakes and accidents were what he was made to do. He was always going to be alone in this and should be left alone before he might end up causing another ‘accident’.

Continuing his staring at the tiled roof he simply thought about how little Ethan’s reasons for him to be a part of them meant in the long term, how these emotions that he apparently had weren’t programmed into him. It was impossible to say that they weren’t put there for a reason, it was something Ethan literally couldn’t explain because in his own words he ‘didn’t know a lot about machines’. Who was he kidding? That was just him trying to bring him down from this funk. It made no sense to him. Frowning deeper he didn’t notice Ethan stumbling at him, gasping when he placed a hand on his shoulder. Looking up and staring at Ethan he moved a foot back, still frowning at him. That was all incorrect, it was like he hadn’t paid attention to his past words.

“I don’t remember…where I came from…” he spoke slowly before trying to push Ethan away as he stepped to the side, “I don’t remember how I was activated or where I came from! That means I’ve forgotten that, doesn’t it? A Machina can only remember a few months and I’ve only been awake for a few months! At least from what I can remember!” Backing off along the rooftop he shook his head, raising his fists. “You’re not listening to me and I don’t know how long you’ve not been. You’re only saying things to better suit you to make me come back….”

He didn’t know why Ethan was so persistent, especially when it had only been a few days. He had seen how deadly his attacks were, how one slipup would spell the end. “Muran, Dimuran, Ydran, moorcat…they’re all different, all unique filled with unique people and unique names. I’m just a Machina, just like how Norman’s invention was and how your sword was. Machina are mass-produced to be used by others whether it be for convenience or for doing jobs you don’t want to do yourselves. I’m just a…drone…pretending I have feelings and emotions…just to get close and kill others…”

Looking like he might as well be crying he just couldn’t seem to do it, simply displaying the actions that would be similar to the act of crying. There was no tears or choking, just shaking and the expressions associated. “What if I was made to kill Magi, huh? What if the reason they want to disable me and pull me apart is because I don’t function correctly? I’m not a Magi, I’m not alive or functioning like you are! I fall apart, I’ll be tossed aside. I run out of power, I get dismantled and used for spare parts…” Raising his gauntlet the palm opened up, the now exposed crystal in the centre charging up with electricity. “Stop trying to make excuses for me and go back to your friends. All this is fake just for me to get close to you and blow all of you through the walls. All of you have to sleep sometime while I don’t. I could end up having another ‘accident’ during the night…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I think you told me simply because," Zander mused as he sipped at his wine. "We find it easier to tell those we trust but do not exactly like, what has happened in our lives. We get neither pity nor awe from them." He shrugged and set the glass down again. "Not free from scorn, but able to be who you truly are must be freeing within itself, I'd assume."

Zander threw his head back in laughter as Nymira threatened bodily harm on him. He was intrigued, he wouldn't lie, about the inner workings of the Dimuran Clans structure but only because it seemed so odd from what he was use to. He also wasn't sure what to add to anything, and he definitely didn't comfort her worries about her people's social structure falling into the dust. He just sipped at his wine, nodded in the right places and filed everything away for a later date.

"I'm sorry," Zander said finally. "For the loss you went through at the start of your journey. I am sure, that is your biggest driving force now though. So for what little this perverted, lying Healer can give you, I find it intriguing how you are going to go about this. As for me returning a story, no. I think you'd find my life tame and boring compared to yours."

He chewed on his food after he spoke, having taken another bite finally and thought deeply for a moment. Why exactly was he following Nymira anyway. The way they were heading was the opposite direction of his own wayward walk. Away from his families estate in the major city a few towns away. He wondered how his nursemaid fared and how Nymira would feel if he ever told the woman, his nurse maid was a Dimuran. He'd save that shocking detail til much later in their travels.


Geo titled his head to the side, "You aren' alone naow. Dat's wha' matters, ya? Ya gained friends 'sides your beastly friend, ya?" Geoffrey played a few notes on his flute as the young girl seemed lost in her own thoughts. He just smiled around the wooden instrument and kept playing a softer melody as she contemplated and organized her thoughts.

"As for Nymira," Geoffreys eyes went serious. "Can' really blame the lass, she'sa Dimuran. Hard folk those lot, me ma dealt with 'em back when she was a pirate." Geoffrey looked over her head and shook his thoughts to clear them. "Anyroad, the lass be tired and for all dem intents I'm a retainer in 'er eyes. A guide if ya can call me une."

He wasn't sure if he was helping her, or confusing her more with how he was talking. He blamed Zander for his shifts between "normal" speaking and street talk. He looked down at the floor where he sat cross legged on the worn rug and put the flute down finally. He traced a few faded patterns with his head tilted to the side. Moonlight beamed in from the window and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"If ya like, instead o' music I know me some decent bedtime stories... the Barmaids at me mum's Pub and Inn has a kid or two, use ta talk tales to em til they beady eyes couldn' stay wake... Or shall I play ya an ol' tune the Mayor taught ..." He fell silent and sucked in a breath. He hadn't meant to mention that name. Coughing slightly and drawing his eyes from the rug, he watched the moor cat and the girl as their breath's rose and fell together. Had she fallen asleep!?


Zander sat in silence enjoying his meal when a thought seemed to slam into his mind, "How hot can you make flames?" He muttered keeping his eyes on his plate as he rummaged in his pouch pockets for the "corrupted" Seal Paper. "I tried to burn this in a candle stick, and purify it, with no luck. Perhaps you could end it for me?"

He kept the grim smile from his face and his expression showed nothing. He doubted she would help him, but he wanted to gage the woman's flames. How powerful she really was, just in case. He should probably do the same with Cecil and Ethan. Learn their strength of power, and use his Seals against them if need be. Insurance. Where this thought came from but it hit him like a brick against the forehead. It felt foreign and not his own, but he brushed it off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Ethan was trying his damnedest to cheer Cecil up but it was equivalent to banging one's head against the wall. He knew nothing of Machina, he'd not even seen his first until just days before meeting his friend. He could stand here and argue all day for Cecil's sake and yet it made him no more of an expert than he was now, which to say was he had no expertise whatsoever. It was a worrisome feeling, knowing that someone leaving or staying may potentially hinge on what you said in the moment. They may or may not be okay without Cecil while traveling but that was hardly the point he was making here: they had traveled together so far and should keep doing so, it was not only safer for everyone but most had grown accustomed to each other.

"I don't remember where I came from either. I mean... I do, but I don't remember being born, no one does. I remember some things about being a kid but not much, and that goes for everyone. So just because you don't remember doesn't make you that different, loads of people don't remember." Though perhaps it wasn't the same thing, again he couldn't be sure. What Ethan was certain of was that he didn't want Cecil to leave them, he was concerned for his friend if he struck off on his own. Watching as Cecil backed away and became defensive Ethan stopped in his tracks, a sad smile on his face as he was accused of ignoring Cecil. "I'm listening loud and clear, I am. I just don't have the answer for you or the right words to say, and I'm sorry I don't. But leaving us isn't going to help anything, I'm just worried about you if you go off alone again."

It didn't appear as though anything he might say would convince Cecil to come back. Ethan was trying everything he could think of, saying anything that he thought might help and it only seemed to make matters worse. What was he missing? He was sure he was listening to Cecil, his friend felt like he didn't belong and he was a threat right? So all he needed to do was convince him otherwise.

"And you're a Machina," Ethan said in agreement, smiling slightly as he pointed to Cecil, "A Machina named Cecil, with thoughts and feelings and things he wants to do, and friends. We saw other Machina, remember? You're nothing like them, you're your own person. It doesn't matter if you were born or made, you're in the world like we are, experiencing it like we are. And I don't know about a lot, I know that. I'm just some idiot kid from a small town and most of this is new for me too. But I do know you can't pretend to be happy, or sad, or to want things or to have dreams. Those are yours Cecil, you're experiencing those, it makes you alive in your own way. We've never thought of you as a drone or a tool, we've only seen you as a friend."

All of that and still Cecil appeared to be too distraught to listen. How could he make the Machina come back at this point, when he argued against everything and still had no success? He couldn't just turn around and leave like Cecil was telling him to, leaving meant they would likely never see each other again. Looking at the roof beneath his feet, utterly beside himself, Ethan was about to plead again until an idea finally occurred to him. 'Your friends...' A knowing smile crossed his face as he looked up at Cecil, putting his hands up and nodding towards the edge.

"How about this... Let's go back down, together, and go see everyone. I can't be the only one that doesn't want you to leave right?" Ethan posed, slowly approaching Cecil as he lowered his hands, "If the others want you to stay too then don't you think you should stay? I think its only fair you hear everyone else out first, if you leave before telling anyone else about this then... I mean they would be upset, right?" That had to work, if more people wanted him here then he'd see it was all in his head, that the others wanted him around too. Now he only had to hope that Nymira wasn't going to be her usual curt self and say something off-putting, or that Amuné could forgive Cecil enough to have him stay.


For the first time since their meeting Nymira couldn't offer rebuttal or argue with what Zander had said, he was right. Telling these kinds of stories to the sort who you couldn't care less for made it easy, you didn't need to concern yourself with judgment or opinions. Funny, that, she was pretty sure it implied she bothered to care about what the others in the group had to say. People she'd known for barely a handful of days at that, what a ridiculous notion. "I've always truly been myself, that doesn't change. I don't waste time putting on masks like people here do," the Dimuran remarked, "Negotiations and agreements should be made on trust, and you can't build trust when someone's playing another part."

Zander's laughter threw her back for a moment, she hadn't expected him to burst out like that. Thinking for a moment he may be laughing at her story she was tempted to hurl a well cooked potato at his smug face, refraining when she figured it was over her threat. An odd thing to laugh about yet she had to commend him she supposed for not cowering. The faintest of smile's played across her lips for a second before she grabbed her cup to conceal it, watching as the healer collected himself from his outburst.

"I'm not looking for pity for what happened. They are merely a reminder to me of what I am trying to accomplish here, I wouldn't say they're my driving force." No, her driving force was the very future of not only the Rumia clan but other Dimuran clans as well. If her kind continued to isolate themselves they would die out eventually, they couldn't let that happen obviously. This idea that they could ignore the rest of the world was idiotic, it was a decision only those who had never been outside could settle on. It was obvious even from her brief time away there was so much her people were missing and ignoring this would be fatal.

Nymira and Zander settled into a comfortable silence for a time as they ate, the former somewhat surprised no one else had come back yet. Had her comments really been that shocking? For a machine it seemed that Cecil had rather thin skin, and Amuné was behaving as a child, not too surprising, that. It would be inconvenient if everyone were to split up now just after they had begun moving, she'd hate to have to find a new group to travel with. That aside she had become accustomed, somewhat, to this group. To Amuné's naivete and simple outlook of the world, of Ethan's idiotic view that there was good everywhere you looked and Cecil's unique company. It was hard to say if she enjoyed Zander's presence yet, or Geoffrey's for that matter, but it was easier to retain what she had now than to start over again.

When a question was posed to her Nymira paused in her eating, glancing up at Zander with an emotionless stare. For a moment she simply looked at him, her eyes drifting once to the paper in his hand before finally casting her gaze back to her food. "I could reduce it to cinders in a heartbeat no doubt. Unless some powerful magic is preserving it," the Dimuran answered simply, taking another bite of her food, "But you're asking me, in the middle of an inn, to perform magic. I know enough of this place to understand the state of magic, and how foolish it would be for me to cast anything right now. I'll have to respectfully ask you to refrain from being such an idiot from now on Zander, can you do that for me?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil didn’t know why anybody would want to be near such a dangerous machine once they found out how destructive he could be, especially to living beings. He could take a life so easily and yet Ethan was trying to convince him that he wasn’t a combat Machina, that he really was like them. There was just nothing that told them he was anything like them other than the way he acted, but all that was still a prolonged lie he was living. He was exactly like those other Machina, the only difference was he was just lying to himself that he was anything like normal people. He couldn’t understand why Ethan couldn’t accept it, that the only thing that made him anything like anybody else was his vague outward appearance.

Cecil barely knew what Ethan was talking about when he tried to explain memories, especially when he was unaware of the process of being born or being a kid. He might as well be speaking in code for all he knew, the very thought was definitely dividing him further from their kind. He was always going to look the way he did unless he found a new face or a replacement for his eye. He may not know what he looked like but he felt comfortable with the look he had, even if it felt manufactured. He wondered what it was like to be a kid though, or maybe he could be classed as a kid because of his size only to never become anything more.

Feeling rather alienated by everything Ethan was talking about he slowly moved his gauntlets back towards his chest, remaining in realisation that there wasn’t much more to him than what he already knew. Ethan was really trying to find something, instead going ‘that’s not true’ everything he said. It was hard to believe anything he was saying with that kind of logic going into everything. Feeling like he might just leave now at the rate this was going at he frowned when Ethan decided it was best to make him an offer instead, looking to him with sad eyes as he slowly moved a foot back as Ethan approached him. If he suddenly lashed out accidentally then Ethan probably wouldn’t be able to defend himself.

Closing his eyes tight for a moment he started shaking as he found he was struggling to come to a decision, slowly shaking his head in response. “What makes you think they won’t lie and just want me around because I’m good at destroying and killing…? They don’t know me…they’re right about that…” he frowned, giving his normal eye a wipe as if something might be there, “All they know is ‘Cecil’, all there is to know is ‘Cecil’…but…what else is there for them to judge me on? I have nothing they can like me for! Are you-…are you certain they would be honest with me…? Because…because I don’t think they’ll have anything nice to say about me other than I’m good at killing…” Pulling at his cap he frowned, raising his shoulders. “I don’t even know what I’m good at. I wouldn’t want to be around me after what I’ve done…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 2 days ago


"No, I have Wyth. And Ethan...." Amuné shook her head, not having much trouble understanding Geoffrey's rough accent. "But you can be alone even with people, you can! And we're doing that to Cecil -- why do you think he ran off?" She frowned, pulling herself to a sitting position. "A few days ago, that could have been me," she added, her voice very soft. Why had Nymira accepted her, but not Cecil? Was it because he could fight and so she expected him to be rough and never cry, like the boys back home? That wasn't right either.

"Just because she's Dimuran doesn't mean she gets to be a meanie." The girl folded her arms and glared at the Muran. "And I'm not going to bed, not yet. I want to be up when Ethan and Cecil get back." Her gaze dropped to her hands. "I want to make sure they're okay."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the silence between the two became comfortable and relaxing, Zander had to have his moment of paranoia and ruin it with his careless words. If anyone had heard him, it would be the Mayor's Office all over again. He had the right state of mind to give Nymira a sheepish look and actually apologized to the woman his face beat red. He felt.. He was shocked to realize, he felt bad for asking such a thing. For feeling like what little ground the two had gained he felt he had taken two steps back. It was his childhood all over again.

Leaning back and looking, REALLY looking at Nymira he tilted his head to the side. He spoke finally, "I promise to not ask such an asinine question of your being again. I forgot myself for a moment, I know all too well what it's like to have them turn on you for a simple thing as..." The full statement died on his lips as he turned his eyes to the stairwell. "Neither here nor there I suppose. When do you suspect the others to return. T'was going towards the night as we all arrived here. I would suspect they wouldn't want to be out too late."

When the silence reigned again he let out a sigh, drained his third glass and placed it off to the side. Three was his limit for the sickly sweet red. He knew if he drank more, he'd regret it in the morning and have a major headache. He leaned back into the wooden chair, placed one leg to cross the other and rested his hands on his lap. He stared off into space, taking in a few of the other patron's and their meals. It seemed, quiet in here for some odd reason. A smaller din, than what the Golden Coffer Inn always had, with Geoffrey playing music, the Barmaid's shouting out insults and flirtations, the bus boy running food to tables, grabbing ale and sneaking a few coins from pouches. No Olga to laugh at the bar, at some random story she knew was too good to be true.

Letting out a soft, yet content sigh he refocused his eyes on his food, "Geoffrey hardly ate... Amune seems to have decided to skip her meal. Knowing Geoffrey though, he'll bring her down with platitudes and a sweet smile." Zander chuckled at this and went back to people watching, keeping one ear on their shared table, to see if the Dimuran wanted to speak of anything else.

When Geoffrey was posed that question he tilted his head to the side and thought on it for a moment. "I only know the pieces of what happened... Zander says he's got agument... aquamen..." Geoffrey chuckled as he kept mispronouncing the word. "Special bits to him. Summthin' 'bout 'im felt off, says the boy saved 'is an' da Lady's life. If I 'ad ta guess, 'd say 'e felt slight'd by 'er words. Maybe 'e need'd ta clear 'is 'ead? Ethan wen' 'fter 'im though so tha's summthin, right?"

He slurred a bit more with his words as he thought them out carefully, he also felt himself chuckle to the young girls next words, "Aye, she ain't got no need to be rude, but I think that's just 'ow she is. Rough and 'ard on those, she's use to 'er people. Them few Dimuran's we got at da Inn... Rough with the barmaids, but kind 'n their own way. If ya ain't goin' ta bed, howsabout we go get some food in your stomache." He looked at her seriously for a moment eyes tracing up her chest and pinning into her sides. The shirt she wore may hide some of the effects of some of the time, but the eyes and the arms gave some of it away to him. "Ya look like ya don' need to pass a meal, ya?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 8 days ago

"Well... You said they wouldn't want you around because of that right? Because it's all you're good at? If they want you to stay then that's not the reason right? I mean if they don't want you to stay because of that, but they still want you to stay, then they want you to stay for a different reason." Ethan sure hoped he'd said that right, it made perfect sense in his head. Cecil had effectively just contradicted himself after all so he was convinced at this point his friend was just trying to find any reason for them to leave him. It wouldn't be easy but he refused to let that happen, and Ethan was self-assured that even if it seemed hard now Cecil would be happier for staying later.

"There's only one way for them to learn more about you and that's by sticking around, right? If you think about it we've only known each other a few days, that's not much time to learn about someone," Ethan said with a smile as he walked towards the edge of the roof, taking it especially slow as he was liable to trip over himself. Peering over the edge he saw a family of three walk by, smiling as the child looked up and pointed his way, waving back with a goofy grin. "I'm certain they'll be honest with you, and I'm very certain Nymira will be honest if nothing else," the Magi continued with a chuckle, glancing back and motioning for Cecil to come over, "Hey uh... Mind helping me down? I really don't want to land on my face again..."

Were Nymira and Zander not on opposite ends of the table she'd have given the healer a good smack for such an idiotic question. Perform magic in the middle of a tavern, as if she'd do something so stupid; the smallest of flames would cause smoke, and even if people did not see the spell they would surely see the smoke, that was liable to raise some eyebrows. If the paper was indeed magicked too there was no way of knowing what might happen if it burned, it was too risky. At least Zander was wise enough to recognize his own absurd question and apologize for it. So long as he didn't go requesting that she burn anything else down today she might have to excuse his idiocy entirely.

"Geoffrey will return if Amuné does, and she'll only return should Ethan return. For a child so young she has far too much on her mind," Nymira commented with a frown, placing her utensils on her empty plate and glancing about, uncertain what to do with it now. "She's not unlike many Dimuran youths back home. I had my first taste of war at only 5 years, many have it even younger than that even if they can't understand it. She has that air about her, though I don't know what she's been through. I know this journey has not been kind to her yet either." Yet the child would be stronger for it, most were. It would be hard now while going through it yet given some time she'd become stronger for it, nothing made a person grow quite like adversity.

The sound of doors swinging open and disgruntled shouts pulled Nymira's attention towards the door, rolling her eyes seeing Ethan stumbling back inside and nearly knocking another patron over. To his credit however Cecil was at his back, not at all seeming like he wished to be here. Not expecting them to be back quite so soon she arched an eyebrow as the pair approached, sitting back in her chair with her arms folded across her chest. "Welcome back, I trust some fresh air helped you clear your heads?"

Ethan had to smile at Nymira, if only because he didn't want to potentially get her to snap and upset Cecil again. Even he had some limits and the fact she wasn't apologizing irked him just in the slightest. "Yeah, did a bit for me anyways. Heads still spinning a little," he admitted with a sheepish laugh, tapping the side of his head before pointing back to Cecil. "But there's someone here who might need a little helping hand clearing his. Nymira, when you said we weren't friends earlier did you mean it? We're only servants to you?"

"I did not say servants, I said retainers, there's a difference," Nymira pointed out with a frown, glancing past Ethan and at Cecil, noting his distraught appearance. Letting out a silent sigh she sat upright in her seat before rising to her feet, circling the table and standing before the Machina. "But yes, I said we are not friends, we've hardly known one another long enough to be friends," the Dimuran pointed out as she met Cecil's forlorn gaze, "That being said it's not impossible we become friends. Nor am I wholly opposed to it. I realize what I said earlier was unwarranted, and I realize how it could be taken the wrong way."

Ethan breathed a sigh of relief hearing that Nymira did in fact acknowledge her mistake. At least her pride wasn't getting in the way of anything, he had to give her credit for that. "So do you want him around then? You don't want him to leave right?"

Nymira nodded in confirmation, glancing briefly before looking again at Cecil. "I never wished you would leave us Cecil, and I apologize if I gave that impression. Combat prowess aside I can tell you're a good person, and I've met very few along my journey here who I would count an ally, and fewer still I think I could befriend. It would be a shame if we were to lose you."

"And Zander, you feel the same way too, don't you?" Ethan urged with a hopeful smile, wanting the healer's input as well. The more people who supported Cecil the better a chance he would stay, they only had to convince him. There were two people notably missing from the table as well he was now realizing, and one of them desperately needed to speak with Cecil. "Uh, hold that thought, I'll be right back!" Hurrying through the room Ethan rushed up the stairs to the bedrooms above, searching briefly until he found Geoffrey stood outside one of the rooms, appearing to be speaking to someone. Going over to join his guide he smiled and put a finger to his lips, rasping against the grain of the door with his knuckles. "Hey Amuné? You in there?"

He truly was a simpleton wasn't he? As if it would have been completely missed as to what Ethan was trying to accomplish here. Give Cecil a sense of belonging and prevent him from leaving, it was something that had to be done with troops now and again. Make their accomplishments and contributions feel bigger than they might be, give them a sense of worth. In some cases it was false to simply bolster morale, to get troops to continue to fight. Nymira supposed she had to commend the fool though for trying this, it was the best way to keep Cecil with them.

"And we will never give that buffoon liquor again," the Dimuran muttered aloud, having noticed Ethan nearly trip on the first step on his way up. Rolling her eyes again she looked back at Cecil, seeing his still uncertain appearance. "It's none of my business to ask what you two discussed, I'll let that remain between you and Ethan. I'd like to know this much though: Do you wish to stay with us? Even if we want you to stay we shouldn't force you to, that isn't right. People are led best when they want to follow, anything less and there's turmoil and dissent. So I would suggest letting us know now, honestly, if this is what you want."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 2 days ago

The girl grumbled something indistinct in response to Geoffrey, but at the knock on the door she leapt to her feet. "Ethan!" She opened it and caught at his shirt, half a hug and half a tug. "Ethan, where's Cecil? Did he come back?" It seemed he had, and the Muran wanted her to come downstairs to talk to him. Conflicting emotions played across the child's face. "But...I don't want to stay with Nymira right now. She's mean!" Even word that the woman had apologized didn't completely mollify Amuné, but she at least allowed herself to be persuaded to join the others.

She was glad to see Cecil back, but her eagerness turned into something more awkward when she got closer. She was glad he was back, but she couldn't keep herself from being nervous, and it showed. The girl pressed close to Ethan's side for reassurance, and with him to give her courage, she gave the Machina a brief and rather shy smile. She wasn't willing to be the first to speak, so for now she stayed silent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil didn’t feel he had much to lose with Ethan’s offer, he didn’t know if it was going to help him either. He didn’t know how the others felt about him in reality or if they would just end up lying about their feelings towards him. They barely even knew him at all, all they knew about him was his name and his abilities, he wasn’t even sure if the extent of him being a Machina was known to everyone apart from those who saw him when he got his battery changed. Ethan’s offer made him scared that he was just going to be fed lies to keep him around, but that was up to his own judgement and to see whether they were willing to lie to him so openly. Despite how naïve he seemed at the best of times he was still able to tell when someone was telling him a lie just to please him. Ethan had done it before already, so spotting it more times was not going to be difficult.

Once he finally agreed to Ethan’s plan he did help him down when he was asked, even if he wasn’t entirely happy to do so. It was a case of using his arm and the chain he had obtained to let Ethan get down that way, but when it came to him he simply dropped to the ground and landed on his feet. There was very little reason to worry about his legs, he didn’t really care about his body that much. Heading back to the others was starting to feel like a rather difficult act to do, he didn’t know how the others were going to react or if they were all going to put on false faces. Everybody was going to be annoyed for wasting their time with his nonsense, if they didn’t he knew they would definitely be faking their disappointment in him.

Upon arriving back Cecil remained behind Ethan, only looking up to see where the others were before looking back down again. He could tell immediately they were annoyed that he had vanished just by a quick glance at their faces. This was awful, he was never going to be able to get a true honest answer from them with them all so annoyed at him for running off. Frowning, he slowly followed after Ethan until they stopped, his gaze low as he felt completely ashamed of his actions. It would be better to just run away now, but he said to Ethan that he would hear them out so that’s what he was going to do.

Raising his shoulders when Ethan pointed him out he waited for Nymira to speak, but quickly found that her words were telling him nothing but the same that she said before. Frowning, Cecil was simply starting to imagine the conversation going exactly the way he expected it to with everything going back to square one. Unable to understand why Ethan thought this was a good idea he dropped his shoulders and head, continuing his gaze downward before slowly looking up to Nymira as she decided there was still a chance for them yet.

While it did sound like she was being honest he was finding it hard to justify staying with everything being left up to a simple case of ‘possibly’. As Nymira gave him an apology he lowered his gaze, holding his hands together in a nervous clasp as if he was going through a slight bout of confusion. He didn’t know if he really was a good person or if she was saying that to make him feel better, especially after what he did. A good person would never make others scared of him, especially when they were supposed to be his allies.

When it was Zander’s turn to say something Cecil couldn’t help but wonder just what he could possibly say. The guy didn’t know him at all apart from his destructive moments so any honest moments from him were just going to be about that. Looking to him quickly he gasped when Ethan decided to make him wait until he got back, probably going off to get the others. Staring awkwardly at him for a moment he soon looked down, sighing lightly before his eyes slowly went back to Nymira when she spoke to him again, frowning when she asked him an awfully difficult question.

Thinking about the answer he slowly reached up to the side of his head, rotating his false ear a little. “I will…probably be destroyed if I went out by myself now. I never had a problem with attackers until I was exposed by my own fault. There is only a small chance I would not be caught now that they know what I look like...” He muttered, letting out a sigh, “But if I stay with you and everyone else, I will likely severely injure or kill one of you. I am dangerous and I know I can’t control myself sometimes…but that is exactly why I feel it would be best if I leave. I have a goal just like everyone else, but I don’t want to end up killing any of you as I try to get there. It is either one of you all or me and I know what I am; I’m expendable…but all of you are not. Ethan says I should be with you all, but I am too dangerous and unpredictable to be around others who have people in their lives who care about them. I just…don’t know anymore…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Geoffrey chuckled as Amune jumped over his prone form on the ground and ran to the door. He gave a small wave to Ethan and watched as they went down to the the group. It would seem that Cecil and Ethan had returned which was well enough, even if the leaving part still confused him. Stretching on the ground he looked to the moor cat and shrugged from his position. He felt like taking a nap here himself, but his stomach complained for more than the small bites of the dinner Nymira had gotten them. Red eyes stared up at the ceiling, and his slightly tanned hand ran through redder hair. He was content to lay here for now though, that was, until he thought the better of it. He didn't want to give the others a reason to wonder where HE had gotten off too.

Flipping himself up and rolling his head to crack his neck, he shuddered at the feeling of the vertebra popping back into place. Reaching down he gripped his flute, stuck it between his lips and slowly played a few notes as he headed down the stairs. Days of Gold polayed softly as he made his way downwards, his eyes intent on their table, slightly secluded from the rest, the soft roar went silent at the song he was playing. Giving a nod to Zander when he looked his way he figured he'd give them privacy for their talk. He continued to play, louder now and grinned around the wooden instrument as a few patrons let out a whistle to the music a few humming along to the beat.


Zander chuckled as Nymira didn't fully help the situation and yet didn't back down from what she meant. She was right of course, they all hardly knew each other to call friends within the group of travellers. Each with a goal in mind if anything could be gathered from it. Nymira with her want to strengthen her clan, that was the only one he really knew. He traveled to somehow regain his family name from the tarnished remnants that his "life donors" had done to it. Perhaps he traveled for himself, but he didn't focus on that too much. Ethan's words pierced the haze in his mind.

"And Zander, you feel the same way too, don't you?" When Zander went to answer as honestly as he could, Ethan was off up the stairway to gather the guide and the brat. He picked up his empty wine glass, and swirled liquid that wasn't in there. His eyes piercing into Cecil. "Yes, I fully agree Nymira. However, it does bring some entertainment to watch the young one drink. Will you not sit Cecil?" When his question was ignored and Cecil spoke Zander didn't remove his eyes from the boy. He did look to Geoffrey as he played a song he hardly recognized and nodded with a small smile on his lips. Words passed between the two and Zander felt himself relax a little more. Should his words seem to make things worse, Geoffrey would keep the masses entertained.

Zander stood slowly and walked up to the smaller Machina that looked completely Muran and scowled down at the young boy, "If your life is so expendable boy," Zander's voice wasn't cold, nor was it comforting. "Explain something to me than. When the pirates and those Demicite Users were upon myself and Nymira, did you not protect us? Had you thought yourself expendable then? Perhaps when the Void Beast would have torn myself and Geoffrey to shreds, did you think yourself expendable then as well? Perhaps you think to sulk yourself into oblivion and ignore the world around you."

At this point he pointed directly at Amune, "The brat was most upset you went off on your own without so much as a word. Nymira, for all her attitude sees you as someone to journey with us. The Nine only know as to why you look to them for comfort in your moments of turmoil. The leader here," Zander's finger landed on Ethan. "Went out after you and brought you back. You say you fear you will kill us, I ask you why did you return if you did not think you could stop yourself? Are you that strong for one so young that your little hands could strike me down? The gauntlet may seem massive, and the little sparks you make may sting, but look me in the eyes little boy. Look me and Amune and Nymira and Ethan in the eyes and tell me for one moment, you would not stop yourself."

Zander's blue eyes were hard and firm, his voice filled with his own conviction in his words, "I think, you should continue on with us. Be that as it may, it is YOUR choice to make. A silly one, to run off and be slain, when you have a group here, who would willing protect you, and you would willing protect as well. Or perhaps," Zander tilted his head to the side and let out a sadistic smile. "you fear that you might actually enjoy their company after a time. That the memories you make at such a young age may help shape you into someone you could be proud of."

Zander's grin slide off his face, as water slides downstream. He said his piece turned to Nymira and bowed to the woman with gratitude in his voice as he spoke, "Thank you for the meal Nymira. Perhaps the others should sit and join us before it becomes cold as the breeze outside, no?"

With that, Zander with little grace plunked himself in his seat, and stared down at the hardwood floor. His words still ringing in his own ears, his throat dry from the emptiness he had sprouted out. Who was he to tell someone else how to live their life? A Magi who hated his own soul, and Zander could see that in Cecil. Could taste it in the air around him. The fear and worry and strife of fighting against who you truly are and what and how people expect you to react. He heard the music grow louder, as a barmaid brought out a harp to join in with the flute's noise. He blocked it out, and kept his ears open for the voices in the group he had joined.

Hopefully... The young boy sees reason...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 8 days ago

"Woah, hey Amuné, nice to see you too!" Ethan laughed as he was tackled, barely keeping upright as he gave her head a patting, "Yeah Cecil came back. He's downstairs and I'm sure he'd be happy to see you. And Nymira isn't mean, she's just uh... Blunt. Plus I'm sure she didn't really mean it." In fact he knew she hadn't seeing as she'd cleared things up seconds before he had come upstairs. It was obvious there was going to need to be some work done to make her comfortable around the others again but Ethan remained optimistic it would work out. Bringing Cecil back was the hardest part of today, monster dogs aside, everything else should be relatively smooth sailing from hereon out.

"We risk harming one another every time we fight, especially every time we cast a spell. Mine are fairly controlled but with Ethan I have to wonder sometimes," Nymira said, glancing towards the stairwell before looking back to Cecil, a smile playing on her pale lips, "And why are you expendable? Because you aren't made of flesh as we are? Excuse me for saying but that is an absolutely idiotic way of thinking. Someone took the time and effort to create you, and whatever reason that was for you exist, you live just as we do. Nothing that is alive, machines or flesh, is expendable. Life is precious in every form. So no... I cannot accept that answer from you. If there is risk traveling with you then so be it, I won't be dissuaded just because there's a small chance we may or may not possibly harm one another." Besides they had the foolish healer along for the ride now, so long as no one was blown up Zander could help them with any injuries.

Nymira let Zander say his piece as well though Ethan had yet to return, curious what he thought of Cecil. The way he was speaking to Cecil now reminded her an awful lot of men back home, elders who posed questions that had no clear answer. In some small way it irked her that Zander would phrase things the way he had, as though he were toying with Cecil's issue like it was some curiosity. While his phrasing left something to be desired his message was sound, she supposed; Cecil may come to enjoy their company before long and not wish to leave, even if there was worry he may hurt someone in the process. Herself, Zander and Ethan all seemed to accept that potential and wished him to stay regardless, all that remained was Amuné's input. As though on cue the young girl and Ethan returned from the rooms above, Geoffrey notably absent from the group. Their guide was behind them in a moment's time, the sound of his flute drowning out the minstrel's, a barmaid taking up her lute to join in the song and the minstrel soon after.

"Well you're still here, that's a good sign! Glad you decided to stay with us Cecil," Ethan said with a beaming grin, looking down at Amuné who was clung to his pant leg, "I think someone else here is glad to see you too, even if she won't say it. Maybe after we get her belly full of something hot she'll warm up to you." Ushering his little Ydran to the table he pulled out Amuné's chair for her, grabbing her under the arms and setting down in her seat before dropping himself down into his own. His food was definitely a bit cold by now but his grumbling stomach cared little, food was food. Grabbing his mug he tried to take a sip and frowned when nothing came out, shaking it before turning in his seat. "Oh bartend-"

"No, no more drink," Nymira snapped as she pulled the mug from Ethan's hand. Leaning back as he reached up for it she flicked him on the forehead, rolling her eyes as he pouted and placed the mug on the far end of the table by her own things. "You've had quite enough, no one wants to watch you for the night if you get drunk. Eat your food." Sometimes keeping an eye on him was like watching a child, even Amuné was easier to handle for the most part. Speaking of her, the Dimuran figured she should try and make amends for her comments earlier. Going to Amuné's side she smiled as she lowered herself slightly, grabbing the girl's plate and holding her hand over it, "If you'd like we can get your food warmed, it's a bit cold now," she whispered, winking as a single spark formed under her palm. She wasn't too opposed to using magic really, she just didn't want to help Zander.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 2 days ago

When Ethan said she was glad of Cecil's return, the girl nodded emphatically, though she still said nothing. She was still scared, and having trouble getting past that. Food sounded good, though, and made for a welcome change of subject. Amuné squeaked in surprise when Ethan picked her up, hands grabbing for him when her feet were quite suddenly no longer on the ground. But the action earned him a sheepish smile. She'd been startled, that was all. For all that she trusted him, he was still a new friend. Displays like that, while not unwelcome, were not expected either.

She agreed wholeheartedly with the bossy princess when she took Ethan's mug away. He was already acting drunk, he should know better than to have any more. For sure he would regret it in the morning. The town drunk back home always complained bitterly if he had to be up and about before noon. Her mother said it served him right, even though she didn't refuse him a draught to ease the hangover, but neither did she spare him a clearly unwelcome lecture each time he wheedled one from her.

But when the Dimuran approached Amuné she pulled away, her expression turning into a scowl. Ethan could say what he liked, but Nymira hadn't apologized as far as she knew and Amuné hadn't forgiven the woman. Even worse was what the lady said. Magic? Here? Where everyone could see it?! "No!" The girl's eyes widened in shock and fright, and she shoved herself backwards so forcefully that she toppled her chair right over, yelping as she went over with it. Chair and child landed in a heap on the floor, and only Wyth's quick reactions kept him from being part of the pile. He was at his girl's side immediately, nosing at her to make sure she was alright and to reassure her that nothing was the matter just then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil didn’t know how long it would take for him to end up killing someone but he reckoned it would be pretty soon given his current track record. He was destructive and didn’t know how to hold back when his programming told him to go all out. He couldn’t fight what he was made to do and everybody else couldn’t change what he was either, even if they tried their hardest. He wasn’t like them, he recognised he couldn’t do anything else if he wanted to and would have to continue fulfilling his purpose. It was hard enough explaining himself to the others too, it wasn’t as if they understood what it was like being built never to change. Everything he was feeling was just building up to the point that he didn’t want to end up killing the others over, hoping they might understand and not become angered over and dismiss everything he said.

Hoping that maybe they would understand where he was coming from he kept his head lowered, raising his shoulders a little when Zander gave his opinion he let out a sigh, looking to Zander when he was instead given a harsh look. He didn’t understand the question, he was the one who brought all those things to them in the first place with the men in suits following him and running back to the camp with the Void Beasts instead of dealing with them himself. It was a stupid thing he had done, he should had been covering himself up too by the end of the day so that he didn’t stand out like a sore thumb. He would be fine in the city where he was heading, but right now he couldn’t hide himself with all these augmentations he looked like he had.

“But…I was the reason all those things happened…” Staring down at the floor for a moment he frowned as he glanced over at Amuné before looking away again, wondering what he was supposed to say about that. He didn’t know anything about ‘the Nine’, he was just a machine. None of those things would ever matter to him because he had no ties to any culture they had. Zander and Geoffrey were the only ones who didn’t realise he was a Machina and he knew that, but he was really beginning to feel alienated when those factors were mentioned. He wasn’t young, he only looked young and he most certainly didn’t have little hands when these gauntlets were his hands. Staring down at his gauntlets for a moment he gasped when he was told to look up at him again, his eyes quickly going to the others before he looked down once more, feeling like he was being cornered more than anything else. “But I-…”

Cecil was barely able to get a word in, nor a reaction. Zander was set on seeing him as a living being who was capable of stopping himself, but he had programming that nulled his free thinking and had him set on causing destruction. This talk would be great if he was actually a Muran, but all these points he was giving him didn’t help him fight his inner programming and stop him from destroying everything. Looking back up at Zander he watched as he seemed proud of what he had said, his eyes slowly dropping again as he struggled to think of something to say. He couldn’t tell Zander he was a Machina in front of all of these people, even if everything was so loud he would still become startled and might cause a scene.

Looking rather lost he remained where he was with Nymira who soon talked to him as well, his eyes looking elsewhere for a moment as if to see if others were listening. It was too dangerous talking about how he wasn’t flesh in an environment like that but Nymira didn’t seem to care, she never really cared about what he was. Somebody was going to overhear, maybe even Zander. This was too difficult for him to process properly when none of them had the same problems he faced or had encountered them before. Everybody seemed set on telling him to stay despite the problems he created whenever he was around them. “Life is precious…even when it’s pretending to be alive…?”

Cecil didn’t understand much of what was said but he did understand that they didn’t want him to leave, even if they barely knew anything about him. Gasping when Ethan suddenly spoke up he looked up to him, staring at him when he made the decision for him before looking to Amuné. He didn’t know if Ethan was simply speaking for her or had made her decision for her instead of allowing her to say what she really thought. He was so confused, he didn’t know what he was supposed to think but he did know none of them were going to let him leave. If he tried to run away they would just find him again or chain him down every night so that he didn’t leave, maybe they would eventually get into the habit of having him switch off at night just so he didn’t. Thinking it over for a moment he remained where he was, staring at the floor as the music was drowned out by his own thoughts before being suddenly snapped out of it by a loud noise.

Looking up he saw Amuné pushing away her chair, gasping as he jumped slightly to the side when she came down with it. Panicking briefly he went to pick up the chair, paying no heed to Wyth before freezing as things went a little quiet regarding the chatter that had went on before. Dropping the chair again he quickly stood up straight again, looking around. Despite Amuné being the one to cause the noise it was Cecil who was once again becoming the centre of attention, his eyes quickly looking around at the people who were now staring at him. It hadn’t been his intention to get everybody’s attention by trying to help, he had also been hiding well enough from their attention before so it wasn’t as if he was asking for it.

Backing away from Amuné and the chair he gasped and looked away in fright, being all too quickly reminded of what happened back at the village. This was the part where people would get suspicious over him, possibly call someone that wanted to come get him to take him away. He didn’t know how the men found him, there could had been one in here right now and he didn’t know it too. Panicking internally he almost stumbled on his feet, feeling like he should go to their room before ultimately deciding to go the other way. “I-I’m…going outside for a little bit…” he muttered, quickly turning around and heading out, feeling like he needed to get out of everybody’s sight, where he wouldn’t be cornered and where he definitely wouldn’t cause trouble; it’s not like he needed to eat or drink, he wasn’t like them anyway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Because you aren't made of flesh?" Zander's ears perked up at that and lifted his gaze from the floor. So that was the the final nail in the coffin for that. The lightning charged fist, the refusing help where normal flesh would have been burnt from the Vazra beasts. His feeling of being expendable, or maybe it was a turn of phrase from Nymira. Zander looked at the Dimuran trying to gauge what she truly meant by those words. The gauntlets would make sense if he was a machine, but wasn't that such a far stretch, an abnormal leap to make from what he said earlier? Cecil, to Zander's eyes, acted very "people" like, for lacking of a better term. He showed emotions, showed them well like anyone else. Not like the Machina that he had seen in other towns, or even at other inns or shops. Automatons. Lifeless with just a touch of life to them.

He grinned at Ethan when Nymira cut him off from ordering more ale, and Zander actually felt cheated from a good show if their leader would just drink. His mind turned back to Cecil, his gaze locked on the younger, almost as if sensing it he could see Cecil fidget and decided to give the smaller a break and looked away his thoughts running wild. Opening his mouth to voice these words he stopped when Nymira used a small bit of her magic to warm the food, and couldn't help but laugh when Amune pushed herself away from the table at the act. He kept laughing when Cecil went to help her and watched his movements closely. Perhaps he had just misunderstood Nymira's words. The music and the chatter was possibly making him hear things. For now, he'd remember that phrasing in the back of his mind and keep closer tabs on Cecil and the others. His laughter turned to chuckles when others turned to look to see what the youngest of the group had shouted No about. He went to raise his voice when he heard Geoffrey's call out.

"Ethan," Geoffrey called pulling the flute from his lips. "Can' get 'er to eat 'er greens again? Mayhap the grand lady shou'd try, eh?" Zander looked at the flutist shocked, and Geoffrey sent Zander a wink. He had been paying attention to their group and doing what he did best, or at least tried to be his best. Draw attention away from what was really going on. Zander chuckled more at this and couldn't help but add to it.

"You should eat the food Amune," Zander grinned at the girl on the ground. Cecil backing away from being helpful made Zander chuckle more. That, was almost a Muran thing to do. Help but think better of it with that blasted beast by the Ydran's side. "Might helpo you grow stronger."

Zander's eyes followed Cecil out the door as he used the excuse of needing air. Calling out to him though, "Don't think of going to far, Cecil. I don't think Nymira would appreciate her companions trying to travel on their own." He'd leave that, at that and went back to staring at the ground. He had a lot to think about.


After Geoffrey had called out to the group he grinned when everything was being handled and bowed to the minstrel and the lute player waiting for one of them to start the next song. He'd have to ask Zander what happened later, but grinned as his bed partner seemed to be laughing and letting down a few of those walls around his being. Before the next song, Geoffrey looked at the barkeep and motioned to their table. He was playing for free after all, might as well get a few extras out of the stingy man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Nymira figured she would offer to help Amuné, reheat her food so the meal was a bit more palatable. All it would take was a quick flash of flame, barely noticeable to the naked eye and warm enough to lightly sear the top of anything it touched. It was but a split second and she'd reheated the meal with little effort, her magic being too small for anyone at a distance to even see. Compared to what she had done before it was scarcely registered and yet somehow it caused Amuné to nearly go head over heals in fright. Blinking once the Dimuran looked down at the young girl on her back, glancing up then at Cecil who appeared to be coming over to help. The Machina had barely picked up the chair before he dropped it and turned tail, running outside for the second time in a matter of minutes. Letting out a sigh she shook her head, leaning down and getting the chair as Ethan helped Amuné.

"Easy there, you'll hurt yourself if you do that!" Ethan warned, hoisting Amuné to her feet and kneeling down to straighten out her clothing, dusting her off gently as well, "It was just a little bit of fire, nothing to be afraid of. You know Nymira won't hurt you." Seeing Cecil going for the door he nearly chased after their friend but stopped himself, figuring there wasn't much chance he'd run off after all of this. Besides there were other things to see to, namely the little girl in his arms. Helping Amuné back into her chair Ethan caught the glances of several other patrons still staring at them, smiling awkwardly as he waved before placing a hand on the back of his head.

"Don't mind us! Just a little accident, that's all! Uh... Go back to your stuff!" Most people turned back yet a few kept staring, a few particularly rough looking individuals. Smiling in their direction Ethan turned back around and pulled his chair up beside Amuné's, setting his chair beside hers and dragging his food across. By this point he couldn't care less if his own food were cold, he was just hungry at this point. With music now resuming as well it was his hope everyone would go back to their thing and they could eat in peace, it was late and they should be turning in before long. Before digging into his own meal Ethan reached over, using Amuné's utensils to cut up some of her food for her and handing her the fork with a smile. "You should eat up, you'll sleep easier on a full stomach!"

It must have been a combination of a large meal and liquor but Ethan didn't wake until the sun was hanging just over Warren. He may well have remained asleep past that point were it not for Nymira waking him up too; dreaming of a giant fish of all things he didn't hear her voice as she told him a dozen times to wake. Only when a hand slapped him in the face did he stir, blearily at first as he sat up in his bed.

"'M up... 'M up..." Ethan groaned, lifting a hand to shield the sun's rays from his eyes. Man that was painful for some reason, not to mention his head felt like someone was drumming against it with a shovel. Was this what a hangover was like? Never again would he ever have a sip of liquor if this was the result.

"Well hurry up then, everyone else is ready to go," Nymira chastised impatiently as she stood by the door, hands at her hips as she waited, "We're going to the markets today to get some things, and I suppose to have some fun. Since there doesn't seem to be any of those men after us here I think we can afford a day off." They hadn't been followed on their way into Warren, she had made doubly sure of that. The town itself was abuzz with activity already which mean finding them among the crowds would be challenging enough, and it was densely populated to the point only a callous fool would attack. Those Magi had been loathsome but she doubted they were so cold as to risk innocent lives.

"Shopping huh...? Mmm... Okay, okay..." He really would just like to climb back under the covers and hide from the sun but he knew better than to try and argue with Nymira. Sliding his feet out onto the cold floor Ethan grabbed his coat off of a nearby hook, sliding it on over his shirt before shuffling over to the restroom. After splashing some cold water on his face he glanced at his reflection in the mirror, his hair even more a mess than usual and some rings beneath his eyes, though he swore he had slept. Smiling ruefully at his appearance he smacked his own cheeks, trying to slick his hair back to no avail and giving up ultimately. They weren't going anywhere important, his disheveled appearance wouldn't be so bad. Fetching his shoes he got those on finally and reached down at the side of his bed for a sword, only to remind himself he no longer had it.

The rest of the group was downstairs and waiting, being the only ones in the dining hall so early in the day. When Nymira made her way down she had to glance back to see if Ethan was following, narrowing her eyes at the Muran slumped partially against the wall, yawning into one of his hands. So much for always being a morning person. Reaching into her cloak the Dimuran drew out a small cloth bag secured with a bit of rope, stopping before Amuné and smiling as she offered it over to the young girl. "There's some money inside of there for you to buy things with. I don't know how much it is but it should cover whatever you wish to get. I'd give it to Ethan but..." Nymira paused, glancing back to see their 'leader' sat at the bar, head on the counter, "He's about as useful as he is sober right now, I wouldn't trust him with it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 2 days ago

Amuné regretted making a fuss the moment she realized she'd attracted attention, but it was too late to fix it. Wyth snarled softly at Cecil's approach, and she had to shift her attention to the moorcat, grabbing him around the neck and scolding. "Hush, he's trying to help." She felt even worse when Cecil left, and felt like maybe she should go after him, but would that even help? Things were so confusing.

At least Geoffrey had a good way to explain away the commotion, though Zander adding his two coppers was unwelcome. Ethan helped the girl back up and brushed her off as she flushed red. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," she mumbled, looking at the floor. "I know she won't...but /they/ might." She hugged herself, looking even more upset for a brief moment before she tried to clear her expression. She sat down again and poked at the food. If she'd been in a better mood, or less angry at Nymira, the child might have thanked the Dimuran, but as it was she just ignored the woman. She was hungry, and at the same time she wasn't really. It was a strange feeling, not a pleasant one at all, but she let Ethan convince her to eat most of what was on her plate.


Amuné's sleep was mostly untroubled, helped by the warm presence of Wyth at her side. She'd decided not to pester Ethan that night -- his breath was stinky and made her nose wrinkle, contributing a great deal to her choice. Morning found her up early, quietly frowning at a few small items from Ethan's pack. The girl had chosen to work on her magic until they had to head out, though she worried Zander might sense something, but he didn't seem very smart and if he said anything she'd just lie to him. "Shouldn't have had so much to drink," she said primly, when Ethan groaned a protest to being roused. Mommy always said those that drank to much deserved what they got. She left Ethan to get ready and headed downstairs with the others. Amuné was rather tired too, after the attempts at using her magic, but not so much that she was falling asleep. It was just a heaviness in her body, and she could deal with that.

Nymira's approach was greeted with a frown, and she almost turned the money down. But the comment about Ethan was far too accurate, and the child accepted with a sigh. She immediately frowned up at the woman after taking it. "Don't think I forgive you just because I'll help Ethan," she said, her tone sulky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Geoffrey didn't want to get up. He was lazied in his own bed, Zander snug against his side and refused to believe the world outside had begun it's usual routine. He had stayed up later than the others, playing his flute and trying to catch whatever gossip he could of Warren. Little was being said, but he had vowed to find his aunt in all this chaos of a town and tell her what was going on with his mother. Speaking of his aunt, he somewhat recalled telling Nymira he would take her to a seamstress to get new clothing for her and Amune. Nudging the healer off his arm and getting a disgruntled sigh and more snoring in response.

"...Seriously..." Geoffrey scowled. "Ya stay in bed all day, an' 'mma make ya regret it! Up ya fool!" Geoffrey pushed him off the bed to make his threat sink in. A loud thunk, a scream and yelling could probably be heard downstairs. Geoffrey ignored Zander's whining at him and went about waking himself up.

"Do NOT ignore me when I am yelling at you," Zander hollered his voice devoid of mirth when he heard Geoffrey chuckling. "I swear to the Nine Geo, I will make you regret that myself!" Realizing he couldn't head into a separate room to go about his own business he waited outside his foot tapping in annoyance.


Geoffrey, more awake than what he was headed down to meet up with the group. Spotting Nymira next to a pouting Amune and looked for Cecil and Ethan. Not spotting Cecil his eyes landed on the still slightly sleeping Ethan and sat next to him. Patting him on the back and smiling slightly, "Mornin' boss! Ya gonna hold down da counter?" He didn't wait for a response as he headed over to the two ladies of the group. Grinning at Amune he bowed to the girl and winked at her, his words directed at Nymira however, "To da Seamstress? Getcha new getup if ya like? Perhaps someplace for finery if it be to ya likin'?" He stood up straight, stretched and reached his fingers for the ceiling as he did so.

"Zander can keep the boss man busy," he added and grinned at both parties rolling their eyes at that. "Give us da time ta look without 'em complainin'."

"That works JUST fine with you, and PLEASE stop talking like a gutter rat. Nymira can probably understand so little of what comes out of your mouth when you can't speak like an EDUCATED individual," Zander sneered at Geoffrey and rubbed his slightly bruised side. Casting the three a look of uncaring he turned on his clogged feet and went to sit next to Ethan.

"You look as alive as I feel this morning..."
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