@Lord Wraith Mate, you can have any Dick you like. I'd prefer him still as Nightwing considering taking up the cowl at the start of the RP, but he can definitely work towards taking up the cowl himself. After all, who's better suited than Dick?
I believe I shall express my interest as well!
Also @Lord Wraith...... HEY o/
Does this mean you are back? I hope so, would be nice to interact with you again, and @BlackSam3091 as well!
Now if you can convince Hillan and the others to pop over we can have a reunion!
This just might be the perfect Rp to get me back into the feel of roleplaying and writing. Since we do need heavy hitters I'm thinking of either bringing back my Super, who may have been friends with Wraith's Dick and is also struggling with the idea of coming into the mantle. If it's cool with him. Or a newly created champion by the Greek gods after the disappearance of Wonder Woman.
Yeah, we do need heavy hitters. Like Shazam
<Snipped quote by Polyphemus>
I dunno, you'd have to be pretty desperate to send an old man out to fight. >.> <.<
<Snipped quote by Rin>
What you did there, I see it.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>
But, in the New 52 he's called Shazam.<-- says so on the packaging.
Personally I'm hoping the sheets end up being a nice balance of canon and OCs.
Would be nice to see people line Doctor Fate, Zatanna, Jon Stewart/Guy Gardener/Simon Baz/Jade, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Metamorpho, J'onn J'ozz, etc show up