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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The world is hard, the world is mean
It's hard to keep your conscience clean...


It was such a futile thing and yet it held such power all in the same. It had the capability to consume the soul; to engulf a person entirely and control every little move and action that they could ever think to make. Hatred was a driving force that no one could hide from, no matter how hard they tried. At least, that’s what Clara believed...

It had drifted through her veins and heated her with a flame that would possibly never die out. It forced her out of bed every single night; forced her through the town and down to the very spot where it all began - where she re-lived every bit of what drove her to its existence. She would never hide from it, nor could she manage even if she tried. It lifted off of each breath, dripped off of every spoken word, and existed not only on her gaze, but also dwelled deep within whatever heart that she might have had left. Yet, maybe her hatred was not as futile as it could have seemed. Hers had reason and meaning behind it - a hard and heavy meaning; One that only her, her sire, and the man who had brought her in had known. To everyone else, she was the hard bitch in town who disassociated herself with nearly everyone and mistreated her tutor everymoment she could.

Her steps fell heavy on the cooblestone beneath her as she breathed in the salty and warm night air. It was all so very familliar and left a horribly bitter taste in her mouth. ‘We’ll only be here for a short while,’ he said... ‘Don’t get worked up, Clara, darling...’ Fuck him. Leave it to her tutor to bring her right back where it all began, as if she could simply move on and ignore the hard truth that lingered and haunted her down every street. He promised her that he only needed to retrieve a few odds and ends from his estate and to ensure that the land had been taken care of in his absence. Once he was satisfied, they could go.

If only it was that easy.

Why the hell did he think she would be able to keep herself in once piece there? Why the fuckdid he think she would be alright; that she wouldn’thold on to a false hope that was heldsomewhere deep, deep inside; a hope that even she, herself, denied? To her, it had only been a hope to get her hands on that bastard once more and rip him into as many pieces as he had done to her heart that night -- But then again, perhaps it was something much, much more than that.

Her heels clicked much more loudly than she’d ever expected, but it had been late enough that no one other than the street rats and the young party-goers of the night would hear; if they even could through the haze of liquor and booze that hung off their bodies. Her lips twisted in distain as she brushed them all by, headed deeper into town and towards the border - where cobblestone met wood and where wood met sand. The salty air blew through loose tendrils of her hair that had been continuously held tight in pins and curls. For that one moment she allowed her eyes to shut as that same breeze englufed her, lifting her skirts from her ankles. It felt so wonderful and so horrible all in the same, for it was that very breeze interlaced with the sounds and smells of the ocean and sand that had sent her back immediately. It had been that realization that had caused her to roughly kick her heels off and sink her feet into the cool sand as she began her decent onto the beach.

The sea is calm, the sea is gray -
it washes everything away.

Clara Emerson... Sweet, sweet Clara Emerson. Where had that girl gone? WHere had she been lost to so very long ago?

It had been there, right on that very beach. It had been there where she’d been robbed of her innocence in those few simple and fleeting moments. There, where she believed every lie that he could have told her, all because she had once been yearning for an escape. Oh, and what an escape he had given her. And yet, even then she was left alone with nothing but turmoil -- she still could not find the answers that she sought desperately.

”You listen to me girl. I have given you ample time. I have given you the freedom that other girls your age would never dare to dream of. You are going to allow the Duke to court you beginning tomorrow, and you will marry him.I will not have our family disgraced any longer. Do you hear me?”

She’d been a daughter of priviledge, it had been true. Clara had at once been given the world, but it was not enough for her; it had hardly been enough. She had dreams that no other girl could imagine; dreams of far off places; dreams that were held within books that no one else would read. The girl had been found more than once, stealing away in her father’s library, keeping herself up for nights on end reading and absorbing any exciting new ideas that she could. And yet, there was no one to share it with; no one to speak to about it, because the fact of the matter was, she wasn’t supposed to speak. No matter how many boys had some along, no matter how many men had come along, each were more content with her silence than her words. What man would want their wife to have more of an opinion than they do on any subject? It simply was unheard of.

And the years came and the years went and Clara had found no one suitable enough for her. Yet, in the very end it wasn’t her decision. The townspeople had begun to tak; she’d heard the hushed murmurs of the wives and girls, wondering what was wrong with little Miss. Emerson - that she could not fetch a husband for herself.

”Well, she is quite odd, do you not think? The poor dear locks herself away at night.”
“Do you hear what she talks about? She lives in a man’s world... No one wants that!”
“Perhaps she’s barren... She is getting old enough. No one wants an old wife!”

It was a disgrace and her father had all at once left her in shambles that very last night; so much so that she felt the need to finally find her escape. She would rather run away and feed herself to the wolves than to be subjected to silence in a marriage that she did not yet want. So, Clara left; she stole away into the darkness that night under a heavy cloak with nowehre to go and no plan to follow. She simply walked and kept walking until she felt that she could walk no more. No one was around; no one had been there... She would be fine and she would be safe - no one would miss her.

Her steps had eventually slowed sometime along the night while her thoughts and heart had begun to race over what she’d actually done. Should someone come and find her, Clara had no idea what her father would do - nor did she want to dwell on it. She didn’t have time to dwell on it either as a shape came into view up ahead of her and her heart had practically stopped. Someone was there; perhaps someone to come and take her home...

Yet, what had confused her the most had been the fact that she’d felt that overwhelming fear for only a fleeting moment before she was consumed with an odd sense of calm; she had felt drawn and curious - something she couldn’t quite explain for the life of her. The man before her, as he drew closer, had been not only mesmerizing, but it was as if he consumed her soul all at once and she had let him.

Clara would eventually regret everything that happened that night, but she could have never known. All she knew in those few hours were of the conversations that she’d always wished she could have with the men in town. They spoke of distant lands, of sciences and math, of things she’d read and theorized about, but was never able to express. Everything she could ever want, she saw within him in those short hours. Perhaps that was why she had given herself over so very easily; why she suddenly felt the sand beneath her in a heated tousel of skin and fabric. She felt herself lost in him more than she could ever become lost in a person; from the sensations he gave her, to her racing heart, to the aching in her belly - she needed him and she wanted him.

And he gave her every bit of it... But he took much more than she could ever give him.

The pain had been fleeting before it became blinding, laced with the pleasure that still surged throughout her body. She at once became weak before she became overwhelmed, writhing on the sand before she felt him leave her... And he would not return.

Sink into the deep, cool and blue and kind-
Then drift off to sleep; let the past unwind.

Had it not been for her tutor that night, she would have died on that very beach come morning. Her sire had stolen away every bit of her innocence within moments and left her with an immortality that she had never wanted. Her fingers came up to trace the velvet ribbon held tightly around her neck before they clasped the emerald that hung carefully from it. Other than her immortality, it was the only fucking thing she had left of him; his mark. No matter how much she convinced herself to throw it in the ocean and be done with it all, she never could. He was still alive; something within her knew it very well.

And she would fucking kill him herself.

The question was, did he even remember her? And furthermore... would he ever reveal himself to her again?

Leave the hurt behind.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Life is an endless cycle,
The same routine day in and out,
It was exhausting as well as interesting


He was sick of the repetitive motions of life. Pale fingers reached up to card through silky black strands. It was night and with it the clock on the farthest wall seemed to mock him, it's constant ticking filling his ears. He had no desire to rise from the chair he sat in, his head falls back against the cushioned padding with a soft sigh leaving his lips. His home was silent and for that Kieran was grateful for, the sound of the front door opening had Kieran frowning.

He preferred solitude then the company of others.

Sky-blue eyes opened as the door to the room he was in opened, a soft snort drawing his attention to the left side of the room. Standing in the doorway was a young-looking male, his glowing emerald eyes focused on him. Kieran rose to his feet in one fluid movement and arched a silent brow, his guest raised one right back. Clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth, Kieran moved forward to exit the room. The hand on his shoulder still him for a moment, sky-blue locked with emerald-green.

“I'm going to wander around for a bit. Can I trust you here alone, Ryanair?” Kieran asked with a tilt of his head, the blonde vampire before him snorted softly and nodded. Kieran remained still for a moment before moving out of the doorway, his guest moving to sit in the seat he'd just unoccupied. As he made his way down the stairs to exit the house, Kieran wondered briefly why he'd bitten the male three years prior. Ryanair had been dying in an alleyway when Kieran had found him, he hadn't thought about it until after it was done. Exiting the front door, the vampire took a moment to scan the empty road. He didn't mind the small village he and Ryanair had moved to, it was silent and allowed them to move about as they wished. With a blink, Kieran began to walk down the cobblestone path.

He could feel the bond with Ryanair relaxing at the back of his mind. A small smile twitching his pale lips upwards as his mind wandered to the night he'd bitten the other.

It had been a rainy night. Kieran had just finished drinking from someone when the smell of blood reached his nose. His pace slowed as he tired to pick up where the scent was coming from, his eye shifted to the right as he began to walk. His steps were quiet and quick, his cloak billowing out behind him as the rain lashed around him. Three streets down and two corners later, Kieran found where the smell was coming from. The male was curled up on his side, his wheezing breathes reaching his ears even with the rain pouring around them both. His body was barely clothed and several different wounds littered his skin, Kieran had paused for a moment. Taking the few steps left between them, Kieran crouched down and reached for the other male. Pale fingers gently parted wet blonde bangs away from the others face, Kieran noted that the others lips were blue and trembling.

His heartbeat lurched at the touch, before slowing and returning to it's slow rhythm. Kieran moved his hands until a hand was holding the males neck and the other arm held his torso half-upright. Lashed and cuts were visible as Kieran brought the male closer, he stilled when a soft sound filled the air. Blinking and pulling away slightly, sky-blue eyes met glassy emerald, neither moving for a moment or two.

“I can help you.” He whispered softly, a memory tugging at his mind of sand and sea-water. The male tried to pull away, only to still with what Kieran noted as pain raced through his body. The other blinked slowly as if trying to concentrate, blue lips opened as if to speak. A streak of lightning and boom of thunder had the male trying to curl up into a ball. Kieran noted then how small he looked, he must have been younger then seventeen.

“How…?” Were the words that drew his attention from his musing, Kieran allowed his fangs to retract and his eyes to glow. The heart he'd been unconviously listening to, leapt into a jack-rabbit pace that Kieran knew wasn't good. He smoothed his features and with it the male relaxed in degrees, after a few minutes Kieran decided to answer.

“Do you wish to live?” Was all he asked as he gently tugged the male closer, the smell of blood wasn't tantalizing now. He felt the other shiver and the sudden grip of fingers on his shoulder had him stilling. The flex of the fingers told him the others response, with a gentleness he didn't ponder until after, Kieran bit the other. The taste of his blood reminded him of someone else, the smell of sand and sea-water returning as he drank. After a moment, he pulled away and glanced down at the male. He was still now, his eyes blinking as he turned his head and nodded. Kieran removed his right hand and with at flick, he bit into his own wrist. He pressed it to the others lips and lifted the head in his other hand, the male bit and began to drink.

Coming to a stop where the road changed to grass covered fields, Kieran glanced up at the sky. After that, they'd moved and with it a new life had started. They were family to those who asked, cousins that hasn't seen each other in years they said. With a shake of his head, he checked the bond and found it lax which told him that Ryanair had fallen asleep. He began to walk once more, the urge to go down to the beach he found a couple years back filled him. His hands moved to his pockets, where he found a small necklace. With a roll of his shoulders, he leapt up and continued his journey on the rooftops. The necklace acting like a honing device, he remembered the girl he'd met all those years ago. His first fledgling, the thought filtered across his mind as he continues forward.

As he makes his way out of their town and headed toward the place where he met her, he allows his mind to relieve those moments. They'd been desperate, Kieran more on the hunger side then what his fledgling had needed. He hadn't meant to bite her, though his limit had been reached and she was there so he did. As he neared the town that they'd met, he slowed his pace and jumped down from the current rooftop he stood on. He wondered how she'd react, with a shrug of his shoulders he began to walk.

He could feel her here, maybe she could feel him as well.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Her steps were slow and calculated, feet dipping in and out of the cool sand carefully as she neared the water. Both sights and sounds were enough to take her immediately back to that night - something she would have like to have avoided and yet she was drawn to it all the same. If Christian had known where she’d wandered off to she knew she’d be in for an earful upon his discovery of her.

Christian had never approved of her rather unhealthy obsession with finding her sire. He was ‘a lost cause’, as Christian liked to put it. It had been centuries upon centuries that Christian had found her upon the shore, and if that man had truly wanted her again, he would have come back a long time ago. Although, she doubted Christian would even allow it. An elder himself - he frowned upon the abandonment of fledglings, calling it irresponsible and dangerous. He would never approve of whoever had left her that night - his actions far too wreckless for Christian’s taste. Had Clara been truly left alone she would have either died of the upcoming morning, attacked the town out of her new thirst and desperation, or had been killed by anyone in town defending themselves. Not only that, but her careless change had allowed the possibilty of the townspeople discovering the existence of vampires among them.

No, she doubted Christian would even blink before he allowed her sire anywhere near her.

But then again - that wasn’t his move to make.

As the cold water suddenly came up around her toes, Clara had been startled from her thoughts momentarily. A long sigh fell from her lips as she crossed her arms to look out along the expanse of neverending ocean before her. No; Christian would not approve of her brooding, let alone her venturing off to where it all had begun. He’d rather her let it go and move on than remain in the past, controlled by her unending anger.

Hell, what did he know, anyway?

Her frustrations had come to a halt momentarily as she stared out into that ocean - something nagging at the back of her mind; something familiar that she couldn’t quite place. She was quite certain she’d been alone there out on the beach, and none of the drunks had wandered out just yet. Surely Christian hadn’t even been aware of her disappearance either, and yet - it was there, itching and tugging at her and she couldn’t quite fathom just what it was. No; it wasn’t Christian, she was certain - he’d never made her feel so on-edge before. Hell, she’d never quite felt this pull before either...

She remained where she was, brushing the curls out of her face as the wind lifted them around her eyes. Her head tilted so she could glance over her shoulder, peering into the darkness with a skeptical glare. She was on alert, and her anxiety was suddenly heightened, and yet she still did not move. Someone was coming. And something told her that this wasn’t going to just be a normal night of irritability and aggravation...

“Who the hell is there?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Kieran’s pace slowed when he felt a familiar presence coming from behind. He tilted his head but kept moving forward, the wind around him swaying his free locks of ink-black hair. He felt Ryanair’s frustration before he felt arms wrapping around his shoulders, he stilled and blinked his eyes.

“I couldn't feel you anymore and that made my edgy. You jerk, don't-” Kieran halted his fledgling’s rant before it began, he could feel fear underlying hiss frustration. Raising a hand and placing it on one of Ryanair’s hands he squeezed once, the blonde vampire relaxed and sighed heavily. He'd forgotten that even after the years, Ryanair hated being alone for long periods of time. Able to turn now, Kieran placed his hands on either side of Ryanair cheeks.

“Sorry, I just meant to stay within town. A pull brought me here though, would you like to accompany me?” It was a simple question, he knew the answer but wanted Ryanair to answer. The blonde nodded and relaxed further as Kieran’s fingers moved over his cheeks. After a moment Ryanair nodded, Kieran pulled away and turned to head forward once more. He knew others would belittle him for leaving a fledgling alone and changing. He couldn't of stayed however, his mind hadn't be stable and he'd been hunted then. He relaxed when he felt Ryanair walk at his side, their bond buzzing softly at the back of his mind. They walked in silence as they continued down the cobblestone road, their postures relaxed.

They soon reached the end of the cobblestone road, Kieran pausing to guide them to the right. The smell of sea-water filled the air as they drew closer to the ocean, Ryanair pausing just before reaching the sand. Kieran slowed and half-turned to face his second fledgling, his mind being pulled forward to his first fledgling. The blonde looked uneasy, Kieran remained silent as glowing emeralds eyes fell on him. He'd always been an observant one, Kieran sighed softly and moved forward.

“Who?” Was all Ryanair grit out. Kieran placed a hand on the others shoulder and squeezed. He'd forgotten about the girl he'd bitten, the memories blurry and distorted. Their bond was like a angry horde of bees now, Ryanair’s anger and confusion loud and clear. Giving another squeeze, Kieran pulled the other closer and pressed his nose into the side of Ryanair’s neck. His fledgling stilled and then relaxed fully, nudging twice he pulled away and turned to where his other bond was calling him.

“A girl I met and bit. It's a story I'll tell you another time, come now the sun will rise soon.” He felt Ryanair move to stand behind him, their bond relaxed now. Moving forward the reached the pier and stairs that lead to the sand below, Kieran came to a halt as a voice filled the air.

“Who the hell is there?” He heard, Kieran couldn't help a smile as it filtered across his features. Ryanair’s stiffened behind him but didn't say a word, Kieran decided to answer after a moment. Moving forward he made sure to keep Ryanair behind him.

“I can to return something of yours, and to pay you a visit “ Was all he offered as he and Ryanair made their way forward and to the left. Coming to a halt, Kieran pulled out the necklace he'd been keeping. Now it was time to see how she'd react, if she was on edge now, how would she be with his words? His eyes closed for a moment before they opened and they shifted to silver, he felt Ryanair move closer to his back. He wasn't seeking comfort, he was curious but wary and was content to let Kieran stand in front of him.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara wasn’t quite sure what to expect, and it had been a bit brash and careless to yell out as she had. No; she knew better than that. Lord, Christian had taught her endlessly how to act, how to be stealthy, how to take care of herself and all because something was setting her off, she’d thrown caution to the wind. Her hands dropped to her sides as she had turned to face the steps that led towards the beach, a frown falling upon her lips as she peered into the darkness to try and get a glimpse of who was lingering so far away. The breeze suddenly felt like electricity on her skin and she nearly shivered at the adrenaline suddenly pulsing through her.

This was no normal person just ahead of her, she understood that... But, it couldn’t be who she thought it might be; who she truly knew it would be although she continued to deny the possibility. He wouldn’t be so stupid. Hell, he wouldn’t be so foolish to show himself after all of that time and expect a warm welcome. No; he was gone long ago, she knew that.

Yet, as both figures appeared on the beach and his voice suddenly fell upon her ears, it was as if something had suddenly awakened within her; something that had died so very long ago and she’d forgotten about.

And it only pissed her off.

It felt as if her blood had run thin over that tone of voice; each note carrying along the wind, not lost to the crashing waves around her. Her lips had parted at the sudden surprise; the sheer shock that this man had the sheer audacity to suddenly appear -- after all of those fucking years. And, no matter how many times she’d played this scene over and over again in her mind and in her dreams, nothing prepared her for this very moment.

She slowly took one step, then two, carefully watching him, studying him, taking him in as if he would suddenly evaporate and she would wake up from one of those never-ending nightmares that only added to her anger. Her steps came to an immediate stop when she’d seen the figure behind him and her eyes narrowed for a moment longer.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Clara suddenly hissed, her hands balling into little fists at her sides. If he did remember much of her at all, he had killed that sweet girl so very long ago. In her place was a bitter, angry female who wanted nothing more than to rip him to pieces one at a time. She wanted to make him feel every single ounce of pain and desertion that he’d left her with. She wanted him to writhe beneath her and beg for mercy. Of course - whomever he brought with him would pose a problem for her, as it would not be easy with another one in the way.

“You dare to show your face after all of these years? And you don’t even have the sheer decency to come alone?” She spat out. “Need someone else to fight your battles as well?” He clearly needed someone to take care of his mistakes for him. Clearly he wasn’t man enough to confront her all on his own.

Christian better stay the hell home or she’d make sure he’d get caught in the crossfire as well...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

After taking a moment to enjoy the sound of crashing waves, Kieran moved forward with Ryanair behind him. When he came face to face with the person the bond was pulling him toward, he stilled and tilted his head.

“I came because I wanted to, shrimp. He doesn't need me to battle for him, though I wouldn't mind-” Kieran halted Ryanair’s words with a click of his tongue. Kieran watched the girl before him, his eyes slowly blinking as he tried to comprehend the blurry memories racing in his mind. She seemed familiar and yet a stranger to him, he tugged out the necklace from his pocket and held it out. The crashing waves brought with them the smell of sea-water, he sighed and answered after a moment.

“You know who I am so I won't go about introducing myself. Or I think you might know me...I wasn't really myself at the time.” It wasn't a lie, he remembered every other time in his life with crystal clear clarity. This part, the moment he met this girl and bitten her, it was all a haze. Ryanair shifted behind Kieran, their bond flaring with a mixture of concern and uneasiness. He could feel it now, the need to run and not give a damn why he needed to. He'd managed to hide away from the family that had been chasing him, with a sigh he holds out the necklace with a shrug.

The nagging in the back of his mind, settled as he unconciously listened to the two hearts in front and behind him. His body relaxed slightly as his eyes scanned the edge of the ocean, the feel of the wind around them bringing with it the blurry memories. He'd been on the run for the longest time, only taking breaks long enough to feed and move on. He never really fed until he was full, with the family of hunters right at his heels. He'd come across the small town after three days of running non-stop, his control waning and body aching. The rest refused to make sense, Kieran gritted his teeth and raised a hand to rub at his temples. The necklace felt like a brand against his skin as he waited for it to be taken.

He wanted to go home now. He didn't want to deal with anger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She hadn’t moved an inch as Kieran headed towards her, her eyes studying both of them as they neared. Clara was on alert, unsure of what exactly was happening, consumed by both confusion and that same blinding anger over both the fact that she’d been abandoned and betrayed all at once. Everything was stolen from her in a careless instant - and he’d just vanished - left her for dead. And now he just suddenly decides to reveal himself with another in tow. No; none of this was how it was supposed to happen. She was supposed to hunt him down; take out her anger and frustration; give him every ounce of pain that he bestowed upon her and then she would walk off - happy and content and she could move on with her life.

No; that wasn’t how any of this was going.

As he approached her, it took every ounce of patience not to lift her arm and swing; not to lash out in that blind anger that bubbled within her. But then again, something about him just standing there, in front of her, close enough to reach out and touch had her feeling something else. Maybe it was a fleeting moment before it had all happened that she remembered; before he stole off never to be seen again.

Ryanair’s words were just what she needed to end that disastrous train of thought.

Her nose scrunched with a look of disdain as she eyed the other man and her arms came to cross once more. She would not look at what Kieran held out to her; she knew full well what it as. “And who the hell do you think you are?” Clara bit out, a bit of amusement on the tip of her tongue. “You better be careful, darling. You have no idea who you are dealing with... And I doubt this one-” She glanced back to Kieran. “-has even told you who I am.”

Her gaze slid momentarily to what was in his grasp, but she still refused to take it. “So what, is that it?” She asked sharply with a little shrug of her shoulders. “Want to get that out of your possession so you don’t have to deal with me again? Because, love, you could have simply stayed away just as you have after all of this time.”

It was late; later than usual and the woman hadn’t been back yet. Christian had tried to do his best to leave her to his own devices. The woman nearly begged for isolation no matter how many years he’d tried to fight against it. It wasn’t healthy, this obsession she held to find the one man who had slighted her years ago. No; he understood her anger, but he did not condone the need to hunt him down. What good would it do her? All of these years she’d spent writhing in her own anger; refusing to live. Some days he wondered if she even wanted to continue; if once she’d found him, she’d somehow manage to do what she wanted and kill him or be killed. And if she succeeded, would she feel empty after the fact?

No; Christian tried to distract her to no end. He constantly took her from country to country; tried to show her the best of things that he knew she’d once dreamed of - but she was always distracted. She never saw places for what they were; only saw them as another place to turn every stone in her search.

She was one hell of a frustrating woman, but he would never take back his choice to take her in so long ago.

It had just so happened that he was in town for the month to check on his estate. He’d been out for a walk when he’d smelled the blood first. It had drawn him straight to the beach where he’d seen the small, writhing figure. She was worse for wear, covered in sand and blinded to the pain of what she was going through. It was only hours until daylight, and whoever had done this to her had been nowhere in sight. Clearly she was someone of money; someone would be looking for her come morning...

He couldn’t just walk away.

What followed after that were centuries upon centuries of training; trying to deflect her from the entire memory of what had happened to her. As Christian looked at the clock knowing full well they were in the town where it all began, he knew his attempts were futile. She would search until her end.

With a huff, Christian ran his hand through his black hair and rose towards the door. He knew exactly where she would be...
He just didn’t expect the company with her.

“Clara?” He called out as he headed out onto the sand.

Clara did not look from Kieran as she awaited an answer, however, it took all of her composure not to turn her head to see Christian headed her way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“He has, shrimp. I know who you are.” Ryanair stated with a bland tone. Kieran half-turned to his fledgling and blinked, their bond flooding with pride and amusement. Ryanair stilled and relaxed slightly, his head tilting to the side. Kieran focused on his first fledgling and signed softly and answered with truth coating his words.

“The bond was calling me here. I was out for a walk and all of a sudden the itch and pull to see you lead me here. Ry followed me and so here we are, also I don't wish to get that out of my possession so I don’t have to deal with you again.” He said blandly, mimicking her words with little effort. He really just wanted to go home now, Ryanair’s fingers probing the center of his back had Kieran relaxing slightly.

His control wasn't weak, but the adrenaline and unease of this place had him really wanting to leave. He had a meeting in the morning and keeping Esther waiting would only end with him suffering. She wouldn't hurt him no, she'd just complain and demand his attention for the rest of the day, something he couldn't afford at the moment. The feel of someone else joining them as both of the males tensing, the continous breeze brining with it the scent of another vampire.
They really should of gone home. With a click of his tongue, Kieran positioned himself before Ryanair.


Esther moved through the quiet of her home, her bare feet silent on the wooden floors. The nightgown she wore that night billowed as she turned the corner that would lead to her own room. The slow heartbeat just out of reach tempting her resolve, reaching her room door she tugs it open. A familiar figure sits on the edge of her bed, Esther smiles and enters her room. Her blonde hair falls freely down her back as she reaches the figure, her eyes shifting to pink. Turning the slender neck to the side, she bites and begins to drink. For tomorrow she would need the energy this feast would give her, being out in the sun didn't hurt them, it was more of a discomfort.

Hopefully her prey wouldn't bring his shadow with him. The blonde male was snappish and remained beside Kieran like a lost puppy. She would marry him, she'd decided that much when she'd found him years earlier. The blonde fledgling would become her plaything when the wedding was finished. Though to be fair, Kieran hadn't seemed interested in her advances….teeth sinking in deeper, Esther drank further.

She’d marry him. No matter what. She was rich and got whatever she wanted, and what she wanted happened to be Kieran.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ryanair’s response was only met with a blank stare in return. Really, this was who Kieran had chose to keep company with? Not only was she annoyed by him, she was eager to rip into that one just the same as Kieran - if not only for sport. They clearly had a bond, and if she could get her hands on that one and make him suffer in front of Kieran - well, that may just add to the fun that she’d had in store. Still, she would not entertain him with a response as Kieran finally spoke, her gaze shifting to the taller man once more. Her hands lifted to cross her chest as she did not allow emotion to pass her features over his comments; no, she wouldn’t give him that pleasure either.

“Well, fuck you too.” Clara murmured, her form still tense as she knew Christian would be upon them in a matter of moments. She’d noticed how Kieran constantly placed himself in front of the other male and she couldn’t stand the sudden feeling that washed over her. Was it a twinge of jealously? Hah - she wanted nothing of the male in front of her, other than his blood on her hands. Her nails bit into her arms as they remained crossed, her jaw set firmly as she grit her teeth, fighting the urge to simply lash out in the rage that she felt. “I’m not taking it.” She added quietly.

“Clara? It’s getting late - what are you still doing out here?” Christian spoke as he quickly approached her, his attention solely on the two males that were with her. He knew the answer - but the new question was, just who were these two? One clearly was much older than the other, he could sense the sheer power about him. The other was nearly attached at his hip - his fledgling he supposed.

“Nothing, Christian.” Clara suddenly bit back, her voice laced with annoyance. Not again; he would not come dragging her home again. “Just go home.”

Christian eyed her carefully as he turned his attention to the other two males. “Gentleman - I apologize; Clara clearly had forgotten her manners this evening...” He reached out a hand to carefully shake whomever’s would offer in return. “Christian Nicolai -- And whom do I have the honor of meeting this evening?”

“...Fuck off, Christian...” Clara warned beneath her breath again and he didn’t bother to look at her, his hand still outstretched. No; He would get to the bottom of this one, although he had a sneaking suspicion...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Manners alone had Kieran shaking the others hand, Ryanair following his example with a stiff smile. “Kieran McCain at your pleasure.” Ryanair shifted and after a moment opened his mouth to offer his own name.

“Ryanair Dyes” He offers before returning to his position behind Kieran, his posture tense. The older of the two offered Christian a small smile, he could see the sky around them lightening above him. He raised the necklace with a blink of his eyes, he really just wanted this over. The buzzing in his mind that belonged with him and Clara wanted him to get closer still. He forced a smile and jiggled the necklace once more, the mocking tick of the clock from his room beginning in his mnd.

“I fear we've gotten off on the wrong foot here, I've come to return this to Clara and she refuses to take it when I know it's important to her.” He offers softly, his fingers twitching at his side as he waited for something to happen.

Hopefully they'd resolve this without a fight, so far it hadn't gone so well. Fingers tugging at the loose ends of his hair had Kieran sent a calming wave through their bond. He was glad both of them had eaten the night before, he had no intention of leaving Ryanair behind when he went to see Lady Esther come morning.

Ryanair watched the other two with a mixture of suspension and curiosity. He'd have rather stayed at home, though he rather be with his sire then staring at a blank wall. Clara was a mystery as well as an open book, he could piece information together. She was the girl his sire had bitten, he couldn't deny she was beautiful. The calming wave though their bond had Ryanair rolling his shoulders with a nod. He wasn't new to situations like these, Lady Esther always put him on edge.

A flex of his fingers had the blonde remembering he wasn't weak, he just felt comfortable with Kieran protecting him. The other had helped him when the world had left him to die, he'd do anything for the one who'd kept him living. He shifted his attention to the new male and felt the power coming off of him. They matched in power and probably age as well, he'd forgotten how old his sire was. He waited for the other to respond, his gaze lifting up to the sky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Christian offered a smile as each male took his hand, although the suspicion still lingered. What Clara was doing with these two was beyond him, although he never quite understood why the girl did half of the things she did. A lot of her actions were solely to piss him off by the end of the night, that he learned. She was definitely a female that tested his patience beyond the limits that he knew of. She knew how to push nearly everyone’s buttons if only for her own amusement. Still, Christian understood the root of her behavior and although he did not let all of it slide, he was able to ignore most of her antics.

“Kieran; Ryanair - “ Christian repeated politely before the older male spoke again. His brow raised as he caught sight of the necklace before he looked back to Clara. There was a ridiculous amount of tension in the air, and he could not deny that Clara wanted him long gone and far away from any interaction. Yet, he couldn’t leave her be this time. No; not with the possibility that this male could very well be...

“Oh?” Christian began as his gaze shifted to Clara. “Clara, darling - Don’t be so rude. This gentleman is kindly returning something of yours - you should be thankful.” He chided, waiting for the onslaught of verbal abuse that was bound to fly from her lips. He’d seen the twitch of her eye, the hard glare that she was shooting his way. Honestly, part of him basked in it, amused that he could irritate her so despite the fact that it probably was not the time, nor the place.

“Just keep the damn thing. I don’t want it.” Clara suddenly hissed out, pushing past the younger male, and only brushing past Kieran to get to Christian. “It was a waste of your time coming out here.” She assured him, turning to glance over her shoulder. As she’d moved away from him, though, she felt that odd sensation pulling at the back of her skull - almost luring her right to his side even though she fought it. Christian hadn’t quite touched up on what it might be, probably because he hadn’t wanted her to go looking for Kieran at the end of the day...

“Now Clara-”

What, Christian? Isn’t it time for you to be going home anyway?” Her glare was hard as she brushed past him as well. Her heels dug into the cold sand beneath her, skirts kicking up bits here and there as she headed straight for her heels that she’d left behind. All the while she felt that pull tugging and tugging, almost begging her to go right back to where she was. Fuck that. She’d find him again - alone - even if she had to wait until the time was right. Now that she knew what that damn feeling was... It was only a matter of time.

Christian watched her go before he had let out a long sigh, looking back to the two ahead of him. “I’m very sorry, gentlemen. Clara can be... quite the handful, as you can see. I regret that you had to see her like that.” He spoke quietly, “I trust that you two reside in town? Perhaps there may be a better time... If that is as important as you say...”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

At the contact of Clara brushing passed him, Ryanair tensed. Kieran watched her go with a tired expression on his face, glad that it was over if he were honest. Glancing down at the necklace, his pale fingers curled around it before he placed it in his pocket. At the question, Kieran glanced at Christian and offered a shake of his head.

“We live further away from here, I doubt she'd be willing to go that far for this. I'll try another day, if you'll excuse us I have a meeting to attend to in the morning.” He bowed his head, Ryanair following his action with a stiffness that he knew well. The other had told him how he'd ended up dying on a rainy day, he's been taken from his home and beaten to death. He'd had no enemies as far as he knew, though that incident had left scars. Kieran knew the signs and dealt with them because he felt an attachment to the male, now it was time to go home. With little effort, he spun them both around and took off. Ryanair shaking off the old fright as they moved away from the town, Kieran smiling softly as exhaustion and gratefulness that filled their bond.

Arriving home had never felt so refreshing. Entering the front door, both took their shoes off and made their way upstairs. Their home was a simple two-story brick building, with a balcony. It held two bedrooms, a library, and kitchen. Moving to his door, he felt Ryanair pause before his own room, the elder rolled his head and opened his arms. Ryanair stepped into them and took a moment to relax, his nose coming up to touch the left side of Kieran’s neck. Kieran sighed softly and returned the gesture with gratefulness, his own nose touching the mark he'd left on the right side of Ryanair’s neck. Pulling away he patted the blonde head before entering his room and closing the door. He managed to shed his clothes before slipping into his bed, his eyes shut as he head touches the pillow.

Ryanair closes his own door, moving to his bed with measured steps. He slips out of his clothes and lifted a hand to the side of his neck, his fingers caressing the mark there. After a moment he laid down and curled up on his side, sleep tugging at his mind. They both had to wake early if they wished to keep Lady Esther happy, though he knew his presence alone would bother her. Emerald eyes closing as a yawn escaped his lips, Ryanair pushed the events for tonight out of his mind. Tomorrow was another day, and hopefully this time he wouldn't end up with a slap to the face and a fuming sire after their meeting with Lady Esther.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Hn. You’d be quite surprised at that girl’s tenacity, quite honestly. If it’s important enough, I’m sure she’ll come find you.” Christian responded with a short sigh, glancing back to where the girl was headed off of the beach. She was quite the firecracker, and that night had been no exception. Whomever the men were before him - it seemed their very presence had set Clara off. Either way, he would get to the bottom of it.

“Well, it was nice to meet you both, but I’d better be going as well. G’evening.” He nodded and turned away from the two before quickening his pace to meet up with Clara who had covered much more ground with her long strides. She’d all at once slipped on her shoes once she’d reached the steps that led back into town, and her heels could be heard echoing throughout the alleyways.

“Clara - wait up!”

“Go away, Christian. I’m going home - aren’t you fucking happy about that?” Clara snapped, pausing only momentarily to grab at some of her skirts to walk a little faster. Her knuckles were white and she was drowning in the irritation that was all around her. Now that she knew what it was, the pull of that man was aggravating, and it took quite a bit to keep herself from running right back there. Asshole - that’s what he was. How dare he suddenly show up after all of this time - wanting to give that damn thing back - wanting to just be done with it all? No, it wasn’t that easy and Clara wasn’t about to allow it to be that easy either. She just needed to get him alone- away from that other man who was practically hanging onto him.

“Cut it out.” Christian suddenly bit as he caught up to her and grabbed her suddenly by the elbow. The girl paused only for a moment before she yanked her arm back with another glare, her lips pursed in that all too familiar anger. “What’s your problem tonight? I knew it was a mistake to bring you here...”

“Oh stuff it, Christian. I’m in a mood; deal with it.”

“You’re always in a mood, Clara. Who was that guy anyway, Kieran- what’s his name?” Christian asked as he shoved his hands in his pockets. The girl was waking briskly enough and he could see his estate just ahead at the end of town.

“He’s nobody. Just drop it.” The girl huffed in response, not daring to look back at Christian. A part of him had to have known.

They both approached the manor quickly and Clara was the first to throw open the door and head straight to the staircase. “I’ll be in my room.” Was all that was heard before she was gone, a door slamming in her wake.

Christian sighed as he stepped inside and shut the front door soundly behind him. He watched the stairs for a long moment before he turned to head to another room in the meantime. “I know, Clara... Like always.” He murmured, dropping himself down onto one of the armchairs. If he knew Clara well enough, he knew this mood was bound to last.... especially if his suspicions were correct...

Clara had locked her door behind her and headed straight for the four-post bed, tossing herself back onto a sea of pillows. Her gaze lie only on the ceiling, trying to drown out her thoughts; drown out the sudden feelings that overcame her. It was as if that night played over and over again in her mind; the betrayal suddenly felt fresh; the wounds felt open and oozing. Her hand mindlessly came up to graze her own neck, fingertips causing shivers to run down her spine. Son of a bitch - she would find him tomorrow and she would put a goddamn end to it all...

Her eyes slid shut but all she could think about was that night long, long ago. No matter what she had done, she couldn’t hide from those feelings - not with him that close... She needed to sever that tie -- she didn’t want to feel him; didn’t want to know he was in town; didn’t want to know that he was reachable - and had no inkling to want to see her either.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Morning brings with it daily routine. Both hop into separate showers, dressing in their best clothes before heading for the front door. Kieran is at least awake enough to halt Ryanair’s half-awaked walking. It was only seven and yet the sun was already up, the carriage the pulled up was a welcomed relief. Moving forward and slipping inside the darkened carriage, he glanced over when Ryanair slipped into the seat beside him. Knowing that they'd be stuck within the smell compartment for an hour at the most, Kieran reached for his fledgling and guided him until he was flat on his back.

Glassy emerald eyes blinked up at him quizzically, Kieran offered no response as the carriage lurched into notion. He simply began to card his fingers through drying blonde hair, Ryanair humming softly at the continuous motion. Soon he was asleep again, his head resting comfortably in Kieran’s lap. By the time they arrived at the Myanmar mansion, both sire and fledgling had managed to sleep for a few moments. Upon exiting the carriage both were led forward by a maid, neither saying a word as they followed. They came to a stop at a familiar set of oak doors, the maid bowing her head before turning on her heel and walking down the corridor. With a sigh Kieran opened the doors and stepped inside. The weight of someone latching onto his left arm has him tensing, the over-priced perfume that fills his nose has him shuddering. Lady Esther giggles happy and presses herself against Kieran, Ryanair looks away and rolls his eyes.

“Good morning Lady Esther.” He offers in greeting, subtly moving out of the grip the woman had in him. Ryanair kept a smirk off his face as Lady Esther frowned, their host sighed and turned to lead them further into the room. It was well carpeted and had a fire going in its stone fireplace, Kieran and Ryanair moving forward hesitantly. Cups of tea were sitting on the mohagany table before them, steam wafting lazily into the air. Both vampires took a seat and watched as Lady Esther took her cup, before lifting their own.

Now, how long would she last? Ryanair thought with a blink of his eyes. Kieran remained quiet but took a sip of his tea, the young heiress taking a sip of her own tea. She'd been silent for thirty seconds so far, a new record if Ryanair remembered correctly.

“So, shall we begin?” Her tone is overly sweet, Ryanair taking a sip of his tea to keep his mouth busy. Kieran nodded and set his cup down, his hands folding across his crossed knees. It was time for business then, Ryanair set his own cup down and leaned back against the cushions.

“Yes, let's begin then.” Kieran responded with a tilt of his head. He'd rather finish this before it took up the rest of his day, he had other plans and don't want to waste time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The rest of the night and well into morning had brought Clara another restless sleep. She’d tossed and turned, her pillows all strewn about come morning, and she awoke with a small frown. Yet again, not enough sleep- riddled with dreams and nightmares that she couldn’t escape. Clara had reached over and grabbed a pillow, hugging it to her chest momentarily as she stared across the room at the closest wall. No; there was no time for brooding this morning; no time to feel sorry for herself. She needed to straighten up and take the day on yet again. After all, she had someone to find, and this time, she needed him by himself.

Oddly enough as she lie there, she had noticed that pull did not seem as close; No; it had drifted further and further out, creating much more distance between the two. Part of her despised the sudden sensation of needing to close that space. Now that she knew what it was, it both helped her and hurt her all in the same. Yes, she wanted to find him to destroy him all on her own and yet there was something else there - the primal need to be at his side. Idly, she wondered if she killed him - would that leave her with more of an emptiness that she’d already felt?

Perhaps he did not remember that night as she had; Every moment of it had played out over and over again nearly every day since it had happened. What had she done wrong? Was she just a pawn; a plaything? Had she been so foolish to think that that night could have meant anything else? Or was she just a stupid girl that had been a quick meal and a quick mistake?

Ah yes; she was almost certain she’d been a mistake, and that thought haunted her for years to come.

With a huff, Clara had pushed herself from her mount of pillows and sheets and headed towards the shower. Through her normal routine, she’d gotten dressed - back in her usual corset and skirts, before sitting down to work through her curls into another messy up-do. A hint o f makeup came later before she surveyed herself in the mirror with a frown.

Another day...

She turned on her heel to slip on a set of heels to match her black skirts before grabbing a coat to cover up throughout the day. Christian was probably still in bed.

It wasn’t long before her steps led her to a carriage and she was mindlessly following the pull that called for her - no, she didn’t quite have a plan or excuse this time. She just needed an opportunity to seize.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Kieran was at his wits end. He smiled as Lady Esther continued to talk, though the expression was tight and forced. The blonde noble didn't seem to notice of care, her musical voice continuing to fill the air of the small room they'd been led to. Ryanair could feel the growing tension in their bond, he shifted his left hand until he could touch his sire’s arm. Kieran stilled at the touch, glancing to his right with a crease in his forehead. Ryanair made sure to keep his movements slow and under the folds of gray silk Kieran has worn that day. Fingers trailed up his spine until they settled at the nape of his sire’s neck, Kieran relaxed at the touch.

“Do pardon me, lady Esther. I hate to bring this fascinating discussion to an end but I have other things to attend to today.” His voice was hard and he didn't regret it, Ryanair hide a smirk as he removed his hand and returned it to his lap. Lady Esther blinked her hazel eyes as the words processed in her mind.

The flashing of her eyes had Ryanair tilting his head. He remembered their last encounter, the sting of her palm against his cheek. He'd overstepped his boundaries by questioning why she seemed to fascinated by his sire. Kieran hadn't said anything other then they'd return another time. It had been when the bond was settling and Ryanair was still learning his new fate, Kieran had led him out with a hand on the small of his back. Lady Esther remained silent except for the brightness of her now petal-pink eyes, Kieran rose and Ryanair followed suit.

Lady Esther rose and moved toward them, her face expressionless. She paused before them and after a long moment, she reached forward. Instead of slap them like Ryanair thought, she kissed their cheeks before stepping back.

“I'll send a message later with the information I've aquired about the Moral family.” At the mention of the name, Kieran atiffens and grits his teeth. Ryanair moved toward his sire and quietly took his arm, the name rung a bell but a faint one. Kieran allows himself to be guided out into the corridor, his posture relaxing when it's just them and silence. He sighs and takes the lead, his strides quick and quiet has he navigates through the mansion. Reaching the main doors, he pushes them open and strides forward, Ryanair matching his pace. They reach the carriage and slip inside, the horse moving as soon as the door is closed.

They really did have other things to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara hadn't gone too far into town, allowing the carriage to drop her off in the middle of its busy streets. She knew Kieran was still far off – she hadn't wanted to make herself known just yet nor look too eager over the whole ordeal. She would soon realize that he was on the move again, and it almost frustrated her that she now understood what that sensation actually was. There was no hiding from it; he was on her mind now more so than ever before and it had gotten under her skin.

Her gaze mindlessly trailed the townspeople, milling about – purchasing goods from each passing cart; each tiny little store; going along with their short little lives without a care in the world. Oh, if only hers had been that simple. On more than one occasion she found herself wondering what it would have been like. She wondered if she'd just listened to her father and complied, how would her life have been? Sure, it would probably have been silent for the most part, but at least it would have been a secure life, and she would have grown old and happy enough. But of course, she wanted more than that- and lord, did she receive much more.

Her lips curled into a frown once more as she brushed each person by, occasionally mulling around to eye a piece of jewelry or fabric. She needed something to get this off of her mind - Since it was still early, she doubted Christian would come looking for her – no, he only grew concerned through the late hours of the night. The nights that she didn’t even bother to come home always sent him in a flurry of worry, and she was always chided the next morning. Lord, she wasn't a child – she was a woman who could come and go as she pleased, and he needed to understand that.

With a small sigh, Clara continued through the town, trying to ignore that nagging feeling; trying to keep him from her mind at least for a moment. She needed to come up with a plan to isolate him, and yet, she knew nothing more of him other than what she'd learned that first night, long, long ago. Back then, he didn't have that other one following his every move. No; back then, it was just the two of them, she was certain.

Steps idly carried her throughout the town, almost with boredom. The morning was never as interesting as the night, that was for certain. During the day, the townspeople were simply people, getting through another day in their lives. However, at night time – the real demons came out to play. The ones who roamed the darkness were always the fun playthings, she'd learned. Perhaps that was another reason Christian wanted her in. He knew of her rage, and he knew how she enjoyed taking it out on those who would not be missed come morning.

The thought alone caused a small smirk to cross her lips as she took careful steps deeper into town, brushing off the pull of Kieran at least momentarily.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Stepping out of their fourth store, Kieran offered a wave and a smile towards the shopkeeper. Ryanair followed behind him with a soft scoff and follow his emerald eyes, they'd been running errands since their departure from Lady Esther’s mansion an hour ago. Kieran moved down the cobblestone sidewalk and scanned the shops with his sky-blue eyes. These weren't things he'd usually buy, but the elder thar had asked him the favor was a friend and he couldn't deny her. Shifting the bag in his hands, Kieran rounded a corner and slowed his pace.

He found feel it, though it was thin and slipped between his mental fingers. The half-bond he held with his first fledgling, it was like an itch he couldn't scratch. The feel of fingers tugging on the loose ends of his hair, has Kieran blinking to clear the haze his mind had slipped into.

“Are we almost done?” Ryanair asked after they'd entered the street ahead of them, the elder of the two tilted his head in thought. His mouth opened as if to reply, only to close when something is pressed into his side. He can feel the hiss escaping from Ryanair’s lips as Kieran lifts his gaze drom the other and focuses it on the threat. It was a rather tall man, skin bronzed with brown eyes narrowed. The gun was pressed firmly into his side, sure he could use his speed and dodge the bullet but that would lead to problems. He was more worried about Ryanair then himself, the blonde had great control but still needed his guidance to remember his sanity.

Even now he can feel it, the cyclone of emotions that sing through his mind. The human hasn't moved, though the gun is pressed deeper into his side nonetheless. He'd never been one to back down, so with a tilt of his head he arched a silent brow and waited.

His mind sending comforting waves through the bond in an attempt to calm Ryanair. It works and Kieran almost breathes a sigh of relief, until the humans mouth opens.

“Follow me and keep quiet.” He demands after a moment, his head herrington the side. Kieran reaches behind himself to grab Ryanair’s hand, before doing as told and moving forward. The gun was normal and probably only had regular bullets, Kieran had been shot with enough of those to know that much. Ryanair presses himself against Kieran back, his face nuzzling into the fabric of his coat. He was calm and that was a good thing, Kieran continued to follow the human his mind working double time.

Just the thing he needed. To be taken hostage by a human. When he let his guard down, Kieran would strike. For now he'd play along, his main concern was keeping Ryanair in control.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Her purchases were mindless – a little bit of jewelry here, a couple of new corsets there – a few trinkets and whatnots. Christian would surely not approve of her spending so carelessly, but she was certain he wouldn't chide her for it. Anything to keep her distracted was enough to keep him happy. If she wanted to go on frivolous spending sprees, then so be it. The girl hummed quietly to herself as she sorted through different fabrics, having been able to ignore the feeling of her sire up until that point. He must have been close, if not within the same little town that she'd be in. The thought frustrated her and her brows furrowed in an attempt to push it all away. Judging by the way that other male was around him, she doubted he would be alone…

Still, as she weaved her way in and out of shops, she couldn't quite ignore that feeling much longer, and her curiosity had gotten the best of her. A couple of bags in tow, she continued throughout the town, following that little feeling in the back of her mind; following the need to know just where he was at – and furthermore, if he was alone, how wonderful would that be? She'd have such wonderful luck that day!

Her steps eventually carried her closer to the edge of town where the groups of people had thinned and ebbed away. She'd almost expected to see him wandering, but eventually she'd approached a side street. Brow raised, the girl lingered behind a little further before peering into the alleyway.

Damn; of course that little nitwit would be there with him again – did the man ever leave the other alone?! Still, she peered into the alleyway and all at once an amused look fell on her features. Well, well… No one was going to maim her sire without her permission; she would make that very clear.

With a little roll of her shoulders, Clara left the few bags on the side of the alleyway, strolling along silently behind the human, who quite frankly had been twice her size. Still, with her heels and a quick step up on her toes, she'd retrieved a dagger from her coat and wrapped her arm around the human's shoulders, the blade just teasing against his neck.

"G'afternoon, love…" Clara murmured against his ear. "Now, if I were you, I'd take that little pistol of yours and put it away." Her gaze did not stray towards the other two, focused solely on her prey.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

His opportunity came in the form of his first fledgling. Tired and irritable by then, Kieran stepped forward and with little thought raised his right hand and tailed down the front of the male's chest. The male was still and seemed to have a hard time in deciding who he should focus on, Kieran sighed softly and rolled his shoulders. Ryanair stood where Kieran had been, his head tilted and a grin spreading across his features.

Now the question was if he should kill the man or not. With a flex of his fingers, he pressed them into the indent that separates the lungs and heart. The sound of heels echoing in the air has both sire and fledgling glancing to the left as one. A chesnut-colored woman stood frozen in the alleyway that led to another side-street. Her hazel eyes were wide and her heart hammering in her chest, Kieran really had had enough.

“Ry.” He breathes the name as he steps away from the male, he can tell they both need to blood pulsing through the female's veins. With grace that made the older vampire smile, his fledgling dropped the bags and lurched forward. Rolling his neck until his bones crack pleasantly, he appears before the woman within the span of a second.

He wasn't even thirsty if he was being honest. Though he felt drained and he knew this little snack would give them both a boost. Fingers trailing along the pulse-point in the woman's neck, Kieran bit into the tender flesh. The woman stilled and he felt the moment Ryanair bit into her neck as well.

Her blood was sweet and coated his tongue like strawberry jam. Ryanair hummed softly and Kieran smiled at the pleased sound.
It had been a day or two, with little effort Kieran pulled away and crossed his arms. He allowed Ryanair another few moments, before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around the other. His fledgling didn't offer much of a fight, Ryanair huffed a breath but relaxed against his chiest.

The woman blinked and turned on her heels, her face blank and confused-looking. The good thing was she wouldn't remember and the wounds would heal.
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