Once upon a time a little kitten starred up at the moon, and and in admiration of its majestic glory it meowed to the stars twinkling in the night sky. Following the light of the moon the Kitten sat out on an epic adventure to save the land and all the small creatures born to the mother of all.
A Thousand years later, the moon cried out for help and for heroes to rise again. Seeking out the heirs of the KittenZ and to the children of this new world she descended from the night sky. And spoke to him who so bravely watched the night sky and didn't flinch in her presence...
"My Dear child if I may pry, please hear my cry. A task you must try. Walk in my brilliance my sacred light, to evil fight... in this endless night. To you I myself lower, to plead you for thy power, go best and evil tower. " She spoke to the KittenZ And in return for their help, she gave them the powers of the Stars to banish evilZ from the land.
Good Morning little KittenZ, or as you can see its still dark outside... sadly the sun won't return to you without your aid, as an endless night have fallen over the world. The Sun Goddess have been captured and everyone older than a year or so have fallen into a deep slumber... however you as a KittenZ, are immune to this spell... you are too young to be deemed to be a threat... and thus its now up to you to show them Baddies that your waaay more than they can handle.
The Fate of the Entire world now rest on you, walk in the brilliance of the moon... children of the stars.