Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As soon as she had the male in her grasp, she was quite pleased that she’d found a new plaything for the moment. She wondered what his next move would be, even though he didn’t stand a chance in the least. She listened to the racing of his heart, knowing his mind must have been racing just as fast. However, Kieran’s movement had caught her attention and she frowned immediately, releasing the male as Kieran ripped through him. Looking down at the body she continued to frown, pocketing her daggar carefully again before crossing her arms, almost a pout upon her lips.

“Well now, clearly you’re no fun...” Clara murmured, tapping the now dead body with her toe along with a little huff.

She hadn’t paid much attention to the two deciding to feed either, brushing past them again as she rolled her eyes at the show of affection between them. Again, she couldn’t help but feel that little twinge of jealousy that she brushed off immediately. Who was Ryanair to Kieran? She was already beginning to suspect that he’d been another one whom Kieran sired. And if that was the case, he obviously stayed with that one. What was the difference between them? How was it he had received the treatment that she once deserved?

Clara moved back over to her discarded bags, crouching down to lift them once more. “I’m beginning to learn it’s all business with you, isn’t it?” She asked, looking over her shoulder at Kieran. No matter, there had to be a moment that she could get the male by himself and then she could be done with the turmoil of emotions that continued to flood her thoughts. Perhaps it was easier when he was gone; all she had to do was brood and plot and plan on how to make him suffer as much as he had made her. Now - well, now things were different, weren’t they? He had a companion who entirely spoiled her plans, and Kieran himself wasn’t making it fun for her either.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Kieran didn't respond for a moment, his gaze shifting to the dead body and then away. With a sigh he pulls away and moves to collect their bags, they had someone to visit after all. With his free hand, he gently pushes Ryanair until he's walking. He half-turns to face his first fledgling, an unreadable expression on his face.

“Maybe, then again I know you want to kill me. So I'm not keen to stay too long with you, good day.” He bows before turning to follow his blonde companion, his strides quick and calculated. Reaching his fledgling, Kieran pats his back before turning to the left and down the street. He ignores the bond that buzzes at the back of his mind, he didn't have time to ponder it now.

“Will we go and see Gran, now?” Ryanair asks after their a distance away from the alleyway where the dead body lay. Kieran answered with a silent nod, his gaze glancing down to the hand he'd used to kill the male. He didn't much care for humans, but he did wonder from time to time how the remaining family members must feel. He shook his head and cleared the thoughts, turning a corner he focuses on his next destination. The person they're about to meet was an old friend, she had been asking him to visit for awhile and he had been putting it off until today. Madam Isabela was like a grandmother to him, and Ryanair as well when he finally met her. He didn't mind the babying as long as she was happy, a plus was Ryanair relaxed around her as well.

A tune begins to fall from his lips as he walks, Ryanair glancing over with a smile. It was a sign that he sire was happy, his shoulders relaxed as he joined in with his own tune.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

No; He wasn’t fun at all, now was he? It wasn’t as if she was looking for any redeeming qualities, but hell - the man didn’t give a damn! And why the hell should she care anyway? At the end of the day she was determined to stick to her initial plan, even if it would mean the death of her. She’d spent too many years wanting revenge - she couldn’t just jump ship now. Still, Kieran was not helping himself in any way, and the more she watched Ryanair cling to him, the more it pissed her off. She tried desperately to squash that sudden jealousy, knowing it was irrational; knowing she could give two shits about Kieran, but to see her sire treat someone else the way she should have been treated - it was as if he’d open new wounds and splashed a bit of lemon in them.

Her jaw was set as she watched the two walk away, dismissing her without too much of a thought. “Well fuck you than!” She shouted out after them, a little huff falling from her lips in return. “And you’re welcome, you piece of shit." Clara glanced back down to the body once more with that same frown and she readjusted the bags in her hands. Son of a bitch - he knew full well how to get under her skin; something she wasn’t quite used to. Christian knew how to piss her off, that was true, but he’d never gotten under her skin.

She needed to get her frustration out one way or another. But first, she needed to get herself away from that body before some other stupid human came wandering about. Rolling her shoulders she’d stepped over the male and headed back into town, her steps falling heavier than she intended to. Perhaps she wasn’t hiding her anger very well either, considering no one wanted to end up in her way.

She’d tried not to pay attention to the bond that continued to buzz, ignoring it with as much willpower as she could while she wove in and out of the crowds in town. She needed to get away - she needed to run. It wasn’t long at all before she’d ended up at the end of town, headed straight for Christian’s estate once more. Hopefully the male wouldn’t be home.

Of course - she wouldn’t be that lucky.

“Clara - I was just looking for--”

“Fuck off, Christian.” She suddenly bit out, stomping her way back upstairs. All he could hear was the audible slam of her door moments later, and the male let out a slow sigh. “Pleasure to see you too, darling... As always.” He murmured, slowly shutting the door behind him again before heading off to the study.

It wouldn’t be until sundown that Clara had left her room again, silently slipping out of the front door to head straight towards the shoreline once more. This time, however, she dropped herself into the sand close to the ocean’s edge, drawing her knees up to her chest as the breeze played around her. She needed to get her mind clear; she needed to get her head back on her shoulders once more. She couldn’t allow herself to get wrapped up in all of this silly emotion and drawn into that god awful pull - No, she needed to think about things and remember her initial plan...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Neither of them were in the mood to leave.

They'd arrived hours ago and had immediately been ushered into a room, Madam Isabela waiting for them with a smile. Her crimson hair was tied neatly atop her head, her grey-blue eyes warm and inviting. Now they were laid out on the carpeted floor, a warm fire dancing merely in the stone fireplace. Kieran was content to bathe in the affection of the older woman, Ryanair seeming to share his feelings.

“I'm gsd you came to visit. It's been awhile since you have, I thought you'd forgotten me.” Kieran lifted his head enough to regard the vampire seated in a cushioned armchair. Ryanair shifted under him and spoke with a frown clear in his tone.
“We haven't Gran, we've just been busy and have lost track of time. We'll visit more, right Kie?” Kieran nodded and laid his head back down on his fledgling’s stomach. It wasn't a lie, they'd been busy dealing with separate projects that included remodeling their home and teaching the kids within the town. He felt bad now, she always welcomed them with open arms and yet he hadn't made time to come by. Ryanair’s hand rested on his hair and began to soothe though his bangs, Madam Isabela chuckled softly and sipped her cup of tea.

“It's fine pet, I know how busy you've been busy. I'm glad to see you whenever you visit, how are the kids doing?” That topic had Ryanair talking about the kids that came by, they weren't teachers but the kids loved hearing their stories. Their visits usually ended with story sessions that had the kids napping on the carpet of their study. Kieran nodded off and awoke with a soft sound of annoyance, A cool hand soothed across his forehead soothingly.

Lifting his head and then sitting up, Kieran yawned and stretched. An aged hand fell on his cheek then, waking Kieran up fully. Madam Isabela stood before him, her head tilted and a smile on her painted lips. His head tilted to the side in silent question, Madam Isabela lifts a pale finger and Kieran tilted his head to follow it. Ryanair was fast asleep, his head tilted to the side with a smile on his features.

“We'll take our leave now, Ma’am. We'll visit with the kids next time if we can.” He said with a smile tugging his lips up, Madam Isabela nodded and smiled in amusement. She reached forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek, her nose wrinkling when she glanced down at Ryanair.

“I'm glad you chose him, Kieran. He's a good boy, and he seems attached to you. He asked me to ask you if you'd be willing to teach him hand to hand.” Kieran blinked when the words had a memory filtering across his mind. He nodded and lifted Ryanair until he was half-upright, Madam Isabela deeming it the proper time to kiss his cheek as well.

“He's asked me before, it just slipped my mind. We'll visit soon Madam.” With those words, he lifted his fledgling into his arms and rose to his feet. Exiting the room, he made his way down the stairs and towards the main door. Ryanair only shifted once as they exited into the cool night air, Kieran adjusted his hold before jumping. Reaching their home, he opened the front door by shifting a hand free and kicked it closed behind them. Kieran slipped his own shoes off, before moving to go to the second floor. He had no desire to go the distance to Ryanair’s bedroom, so he headed to his own with his charge still asleep in his arms.

Setting Ryanair on his feet, Kieran opened his bedroom door and ushered the other inside. Too tired to protest, Ryanair allowed Kieran to guide him to the bed. Fingers working quickly to shed them both out of their clothes, Kieran shifted Ryanair into the middle of the bed. He closed his door after tucking the other in, his fingers finding the light switch and turning it off.

He climbed into bed and instantly had an armful of Ryanair. He huffed fondly and curled around the other male, the blonde humming softly.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara remained on that beach for a long while, thinking about too many things and yet unwilling to think at all. Her lips were pursed into nearly a permanent frown and she pulled her legs tighter to her chest as the breeze picked up. Emotions were such silly things, and she'd told herself she would never get so wrapped up in something ever again. Her plan had only been to find her sire, make him suffer, and be rid of him and all of the pain. However, Clara was coming to find that such a thing was not that easy. Not only did others complicate the situation; Kieran alone had turned the tables. She'd never expected to be met with such disregard; as if he wanted to pawn off that piece of jewelry and be done with her existence entirely. The thought alone troubled her, even though she knew it shouldn't. What did she care, anyway?

Eventually, the girl lifted herself slowly from the sand and dusted off her skirts that had collected bits and pieces of it along the way. She'd stared out into that ocean for a long while before she decided to turn, still deep in thought, and yet she followed that pull once more, mindlessly, as if she were supposed to all along.

She just didn't understand – in all of her brooding; all of her planning; she'd never been ready to deal with the fact that Kieran showed no remorse let alone no care that she'd even existed. Surely any normal person would feel a twinge of guilt – and if he had, he hadn't showed it. No, she supposed it was easy to forget about the fledgling he'd made so long ago – he had the new one to keep him company, and it was clear that he'd taken such care of him as well.

She bit her lip carefully as she moved throughout the dark town silently only to come to a quick stop as she'd heard shuffling up ahead. Clara turned to conceal herself behind a corner of a building close by, her fingers carefully tracing the grain of brick beneath her hand while she studied the scene ahead of her. She'd not realized her steps had eventually led her straight to him, and what she could assume was his home, but she wasn't fully prepared to see him carrying his other fledgling along the way.

Her frown deepened as she studied the two until they disappeared, once more feeling that familiar twang deep in the pit of her stomach that she so desperately wanted to ignore. As the door closed, Clara stepped out from behind her cover, crossing her arms as she approached the house, taking in every detail. Surely he'd made quite the home for himself, and she had wondered if he'd been here all along; if Christian really did do her a favor by keeping her away. He'd told her to drop the past; forget about her sire – no good could come of it.

Perhaps he was right.

Her brow furrowed, Clara carefully walked around the house, taking note of the lights that switched on an off. It was within moments that she'd found herself on another balcony opposite of Kieran's home – if only to get a look into what was going on inside. And yet, when she was met with the image of the two of them close in bed, she didn't quite know what to expect. The frown on her lips had deepened in that moment as she watched them, unhappy with the feelings going through her and fighting them all in the same.

What could she have expected?

Kieran made it painfully obvious that he'd wanted to stay away from her and yet he gave all of his attention to the other so freely. The more time she'd spent around him, the more she was realizing that, perhaps, she had been a mistake all along. All of her suspicions, all of her thoughts that she'd just been a quick lay and a quick meal turned into one big mistake were coming to fruition, and although she expected all of her rage to grow from that realization – it hadn't.

She'd only felt a sudden emptiness that she was uncomfortable with.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

“May I ask something?” Ryanair’s sleepy voice jostled Kieran from his thoughts, he blinked and rolled onto his back. An hour or two had passed since they'd arrived, Kieran hadn't been able to sleep. Ryanair hummed softly and shifted until he was against the headboard, Kieran turning his head to regard his fledgling. “Why did you bite her?”

The simple question brought with it a tangle of emotions and blurry memories.

Kieran rose onto his elbows and leaned back until his head met the headboard, a soft sigh escaping his lips. He'd expected this and for once he had no clear answer, freeing a hand and lifts it to the crimson canopy above. After a moment he licked his lips and closed his eyes, he needed to answer as best he could.

“I honestly didn't know I bit her. There was a time were I had been hunted, and due to that I hadn't been given ample time to feed. My control was beyond weak and I don't remember entering a town. The memories are blurry and the only emotions I remember is pain and a bone-deep exhaustion, finding her just confuses me. I never thought of siring anyone, I'm four hundred years old damnit. I hadn't felt the bond with her until the day before yesterday, and I wonder why.” Kieran flexed his fingers and released a breath through his nose, Ryanair was silent beside him for a fee moments.

“Do you regret it? Finding out you have a first fledgling while you have a second?” His tone was neutral, Kieran glanced over and found a blank expressions on the others features. Their bond was still, no rage underlying it thar Kieran could find. He remembered warm skin and the smell of sweat, the sound if crashing waves and cool sand. He'd hadn't purposely ignoring his first fledgling, he just didn't know she existed.

“No. Gran has given me tips on how to remember just what happened, but I don't regret turning either of you. Your cases were different but I'm fine with having two fledgling’s, I feel as if I've failed as a sire though. I've unconciously ignored one of my fledgling’s and have kept the information from my second. Now when we meet I feel both the urge to hug her and try to mend what is clearly non-mendable, on the other hand I feel the urge to hide away. She clearly doesn't want anything to do with me, and the fact that her personality is different then yours is off-putting.”

Ryanair sighed and Kieran jumped when a fist gently met the side of his head. He turned to face his second and found glowing emerald eyes watching him, Ryanair’s face still carefully blank. Still no anger filled their bond, Kieran arched a silent brow and waited. The feelings had faded and the blurry memories vanished until Kieran felt tired and raw.

“I'm not in a position to give you advice, but I think starting small would be the best option. I don't much like her but then again I've only known her angry aide, she clearly hates me so I guess it's neutral. Anyway, the half-bond you feel with her will help and hopefully things settle of you take it slow. I'm new to this so don't take what I say to heart but it's what I'd do if I had a fledgling. Now can I stay here or should I go to my room? I don't feel like moving” Ryanair huffed and a yawn overtook his features, Kieran blinked and rolled onto his side.

His second fledgling had a point. With little effort he tugged Ryanair down and curled up on his side. This was confronting and he wasn't going to have Ryanair get up, his second fledgling didn't protest and settled with a pillow hugged to his chest.

Tomorrow he'd start, it shouldn't be so hard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Clara had watched them for a few more moments – longer than she'd intended to. However, once she'd seen the both of them shift, the girl suddenly lurched back should either of them see her. What was the point of eavesdropping? It would only dig the knife even deeper, and she wanted no more of that that evening. Carefully, she'd jumped down from where she'd been concealed, brushing herself off as she straightened once more. She did not look back to the window above, nor did she want to. Perhaps she just had to come to terms with the realizations that were hitting her with their full force. Christian had been right, and she hated him for it at that moment. Yet, all of the anger that she could have sworn she'd feel in that very moment ebbed away – overthrown by that harrowing emptiness that filled her.

Her arms crossed upon her chest as her steps eventually had taken her home. She had not noticed her surroundings; had not paid any attention to the people she might have passed. Even as she approached Christian's estate, she seemed almost surprised that her steps had taken her there. Still, Clara moved silently to the door and shut it just as soundlessly behind her. She stood in the foyer for only a moment longer, looking around slowly before she headed towards the kitchen.

It was only a moment before she'd found what she'd been looking for – her steps had taken her immediately into the wine cellar where she grabbed whichever bottle of white she could find first. Carelessly grabbing a glass, she already had uncorked the bottle and was pouring it into her glass as she headed up the stairs.

She'd taken a long sip as she reached the top of the stairs, soundlessly shutting the door behind her with her leg before she moved throughout the house towards her bedroom. Christian had to have been lurking around, she knew, it wasn't like him to be out late either. What a bore.

"Clara?" Ah – right on cue.

The girl sighed as she stopped at the doorway of the study, taking another sip of her wine, the bottle hanging from her hand at her side. "…Yes, Christian?"

Christian eyed her carefully from where he'd sat, the book he'd been reading had been slowly dropped to his lap. He wasn't met with her usual attitude, which had been odd considering how irritable she'd been the past night or so. "Are you alright, love?"

She eyed him momentarily, almost mulling over the idea of venting; actually telling him how she felt, but what was the point? She'd probably receive an 'i-told-you-so' in response, and she really wasn't in the mood to hear it at the moment. "…I'm fine, Christian, really. I'm just going to go to bed." She murmured.

His brow furrowed in response, unsatisfied with her answer. Still, he placed the book beside his chair on the end table and rose slowly, approaching her in long strides. She'd been caught off guard at his sudden grasp, pulling her smaller form into his. And yet, Clara remained still, her hand holding her glass to her chest, trapped between his and her own, and her other limply hanging and holding onto the bottle at her side. For a moment, she felt a tight sting in her throat and she shut her eyes tight, willing to push her emotions away and stomp them down.

"Don't worry about me, Christian." She murmured into his chest.

"You know that's impossible, darling. I've made it my job to worry." But it wasn't his job, Clara reminded herself. She swallowed the small lump in her throat and pulled away from him slowly, just as he gently kissed the top of her head. "I'm going to bed." She repeated, and Christian sighed, letting her go. "I'll see you in the morning." He called after her, his brow furrowed in concern. His suspicions had risen once more, and he was beginning to put a few pieces together – ones he had hoped wouldn't fit.

Clara had moved away from him without another word, her steps carrying her to her room where she sat on her bed. It wasn't long before she'd finished the bottle she'd taken and her smaller form had undressed into only a large shirt and curled up in the middle of her bed. She'd pulled the blankets up all around her, willing herself to try and push everything away and just go to sleep.

Even late into the next day, she hadn't come out of her room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

The next morning had both male's rising on either side of the bed. Lower bodies clothed only in silk boxers, Kieran yawned and rose to his bare feet. Ryanair was more reluctant and only moved when Kieran tugged him to his feet, he blinked sleepy when he was ushered into the hall.

“Shower and get dressed, we're going to wander town for a bit.” Kieran stated softly, pale fingers lifting to soothe away blonde bangs. Ryanair nodded his head and turned, his own hand rising to scratch at the side of his neck. Soon the two-story home was filled with the sound of running water, then silence after thirty minutes. Ryanair stepped out with a towel wrapped around his waist, he moved to his dresser and tugged it open. Pulling out a pair of black trousers and boxers, he slips them on before reaching for a shirt. He pulls out a gray long-sleeved shirt and slips it on, a pair of socks and then boots follow.

Kieran was dressed only in a pair of brown trousers, when Ryanair entered his room. The blonde settled down on his bed, Kieran continued with dressing after a slight pause. A white shirt was slipped on before a pair of socks and a pair of boots, Ryanair remaining quiet where he sat. Reaching the other with a brush in hand, he combs the still wet locks until he'd satisfied. Doing his own hair and then tying it, Kieran moves to his bedroom door and enters the hall. Ryanair closes the door behind them and follows home after his sire, if he knew anything of today it would be filled with laughter. Exiting their home and moving down the road, the sounds that tilled the air was that of people waking. The vendors move sleepily to their stalls, the shoppers already moving about. Their destination was the center of town, where a water fountain stood and a group of mothers gathered.

Upon reaching the fountain, both pause when the sound of laughter reached their ears. The four mothers that stood talking around the fountain, turned to look at them. The four kids that were running around stilled at the hello’s their mothers said, their small faces splitting into smiles.

“Kieran! Ryanair!” They shouted in unison, running forward until they stood before the vampires. Ryanair crouched down and ruffled each child's hair, Kieran moving to converse with the mothers for a bit. This was routine as well, it didn't happen everyday but this group of eight was glad for the help their two offered them. The mothers could attend their bookclub in peace and shop, while the kids were kept entertained and out of trouble.

Plus, neither male minded the loud, hyper company of kids. It was a win for everyone when the day came to a close.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It was going to be a long day, Christian felt it. It was already mid-afternoon and Clara had not emerged from her room as of yet. He had let her sleep for a while; told himself not to bother her, but then again – she couldn't stay in there forever. The man had eventually gone and taken a shower and dressed for the day, determined to get the other female up and out for the day. He'd seen her like this before, although these days had occurred once in a blue moon anymore. At first, he'd allowed it so many years ago. She needed to grieve, she needed to work her way through everything. But now – no, now she had no excuses and she needed to get herself out of bed. There was no point in moping around- it would do her no good.

Once he'd gotten dressed, Christian headed towards Clara's room, pausing outside the door. With a slow sigh, he ran a hand through his hair and knocked quietly, waiting to hear any form of life within the room. He'd been met with silence, just as he expected, so he slowly opened the door and made his way in.

There she was, buried in a mess of blankets and pillows, her long hair tossed around as she buried herself further at the sound of his entrance. He received a little grunt in return as he eyed her, moving to open up her curtains one by one.

"Come on, love. Time to get up."

"Leave me be, Christian." Clara mumbled, burying her face into her pillow as she tried to block out the light. "I want to stay here."

"I know you do, but what good does that do you?" He asked as he reached the last window before moving to the side of her bed. "Come on – come into town with me."

"But Christian – really, I—"

"No buts – I'll take you to the book store – I know you still enjoy a good book from time to time." He commented, sitting down on the edge of her bed. She'd stuffed herself in the middle of the king-sized bed, making it difficult for him to reach her. Once more, he was only met with a little grunt. "Clara – I'm not going to leave until you get yourself out of this bed. "

When he was met with silence again, the man gave a huff. "Suit yourself." He murmured, and slowly climbed on the bed, yanking the blankets from her. Her smaller form curled up tight at the sudden assault and chill that hit her, and she tried tucking her bare legs under her shirt. "Stop!" The girl nearly whined, and she reached over to grab another pillow before swinging it at him.

Christian grinned and grabbed the pillow, tossing it aside before he pulled her legs out to pull her away from the pillows. She gave another whine at his actions before she finally gave a puff and slammed her hands down on the mattress. "Fine." Clara glared at him. "You win. But only for a little. I'm really not in the mood."

Christian only smiled and brushed her excuses off before he stood back up, straightening out his clothes. "Get dressed. I'm only giving you twenty minutes." And with that – he headed out of her room, pleased with himself.

Clara groaned as he left, staring up at the ceiling for a moment longer before she forcefully pushed herself out of bed. Going into town was probably the least exciting thing for her at the time. She didn't want to run into them again, nor did she feel like interacting with anyone at all. Christian was in too good of a mood and it only irritated her further. Still, she owed everything to him and if she needed to entertain him once in a while then so be it. Not to mention she knew exactly why he'd been trying to get her out – no sense in brooding and crying all day! What good would it do her?

It wasn't long before Clara was back downstairs, her hair down in loose curls this time. She'd managed to dress in lighter colors that morning, creams and browns to her corsets and skirts. And yet, she still hardly looked pleased to be out of bed. Christian only smiled at her pout, offering his arm which she took reluctantly as they headed out the door. "Now darling – please try to enjoy yourself today." He commented, carrying her off into the middle of town – where she'd already begun to notice that pull again. No; she'd ignore it this time. If he wanted to be away from her for now, so be it.

Even as they entered the center of town, Clara made sure to keep her attention only on the shops. She would not have it today; Of course, Christian couldn't help but notice both Kieran and Ryanair entertaining a few children – who could miss both large males with a group of them laughing and running around. It made him raise a brow, wondering just how long they'd been living in that town. After all, Clara and Christian had only returned for a temporary amount of time just the other day.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Kieran smiled and waved as they mothers bid their goodbyes and moved away, he turned and placed his hands on his hips. The children were excitedly telling Ryanair stories that the other male listened to with a smile. They had calmed and we're taking turns telling a sorry, Kieran moved closer and crouched down.

“Where shall we go today?” He asked the group at large, the kids turned to him and tilted their heads. They had grown slightly in the few days that had passed. Isaac had grown at least an inch, Wythe looked darker, Tyre had gained a few pounds and Sena looked taler as well. Kieran noted this with interest but allowed the four to think, Ryanair moved to his side and waited.

“The shallows!” Wythe and Sena coursed as one. The two boys blinked and then nodded in agreement, Kieran frowned in thought. None of them were dressed for a day at the Shallows, they were dressed more for a day around town. Ryanair hummed softly and glanced down at the smiling faces, Kieran voiced his concerns.

“I don't mind but we're not dressed for an outing. Though we can buy clothed if you'd like.” He knew the answer and turned on his heel, several pairs of excited feet followed him. Twenty minutes later and bags in tow, all six exited and moved to the right. The shallows was nothing more then a small lake that was kept hidden by a barrier of rocks, they'd found it a year before and it was the kids favorite place.

“How long can we stay with you?” Were the words that Isaac asked as they moved away from the center of town to the quieter area. Kieran thought for a moment as Wythe grabbed his hand. It was surprising sometimes how they've known these kids since they were six, now their ages ranged from eight to ten. Sena and Tyre walked ahead of them, Ryanair in between the cousins with his arms relaxed at his sides.

“Till dark I'd imagine. Your mother didn't say and nether did anyone else, why?” He asked with his gaze focused on the youngest of the four, Isaac blinked his brown eyes and grinned. The eldest vampire sometimes questioned how he and his fledgling become caregivers, then he remembered how they met this group of kids and he vanishes the memory.

“Just curious. Did you hear? Ty’s mom is pregnant again!” Kieran blinked in surprise and turned his attention to the third eldest of the group, he was the more timid of the four. He hadn't noticed when he'd spoken to her, then again he hadn't really been paying attention. At the mention of his nickname the little blonde turned and tilted his head, his hand reaching for Ryanair’s for support.

“She told me last night, Mama said she was happy.” He said with a smile, Sena was instantly hugging her cousin and Wythe had moved to congratulate him as well. Kieran shook his head and stilled when he felt the buzzing in his mind pick up a notch, he ducked his head and resumed walking. None of the kids noticed but Ryanair did, the blonde arched a brow in silent question.

Kieran didn't say anything as he brushed passed the other, only trailing his fingers down his right cheek. He'd hadn't expected her to be near today, when an excited shout filled the air he shook his head and focused on the kids.

If Clara came close then he'd attempt to talk her. He wasn't going to make the first move yet, and judging by the numbness that came from the bond she wanted nothing to do with him.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh, she knew full well that they were there, both of them were there, of course. Clara was beginning to suspect that Ryanair never left the others side – although, it could have worked the other way around just as well. Idly she wondered which was which, but then again – she hadn't wanted to know either. Her nose scrunched at the thought and she shook her head, peering into one of the shops that held quite a few dresses in the window. Clara had acted as if she didn't notice Christian watching the two – hoping to god that he wouldn't bring them up.

"Clara – aren't they the ones you were talking to the oth—"

"Hush, Christian – I'm not up for other company this afternoon." Clara quickly cut him short, only confirming the answer to his question. It was odd, though – clearly the two were established well enough in town if the women were allowing their children to run off with them. Not to mention, the children were more than comfortable with them as well. He raised a brow as he watched them only momentarily before turning his attention back to Clara.

"Don't you have enough dresses, darling? It's not as if you go anywhere to wear them." Clara gave a little hiss as she looked at him quickly. "A girl can never have enough dresses – occasions or not." She reminded him. Christian only rolled his eyes. "Oh yes, how could I forget?"

Clara continued through the town, weaving in and out of the shops while Christian lingered at his side, willing to do whatever to keep her happy, even if for a short moment that day. Yet after a little while as Clara stepped out of another shop, she'd noticed the voices of the children trailing off, and glanced over to see the two of them headed elsewhere. Once more a little frown fell upon her lips and she turned away.

"Christian – I'm growing tired. Perhaps we can do this another time?" She'd asked suddenly and Christian shook his head, hooking his arm with hers once more. "Nonsense. It's good that you're out of the house. I don't need you to go back slinking into bed like I know you will." That frown soon turned into a little pout as he moved her through the crowds of townspeople and deeper into town. By then, he was almost positive those two were the cause of her mood, and at some point, he needed to get to the bottom of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

By the time they reached the Shallows, both boys were nearly undressed. The moment all four spotted the water, Kieran and Ryanair moved to block their path. They leaned from the last time that allowing them to run off meant wet clothes and disapproving mothers. Raising the bags in silent reminder, all four deflated slightly but stilled and nodded.

“Ty and Sena are with me. Wythe and Isaac are with Ry, now once your dressed you will wait until we're all at the shoreline, understood?” His tone was firm but gentle, he was glad he knew their temperaments by then to know how they'd respond. Four nods had them splitting up, bags handed off and clothed switched for another. Kieran nodded when both were changed and moved his two towards the shoreline, Ryanair and his two following after a fee moments later.

“Now, the rules apply like last time. You stay close and don't go too far. And no Wythe even if your uncle taught you to swim, your to follow our rules our your out of the water.” The brunette’s arm fell but she nodded, Sena giggled softly at her friend. Rolling of the ends of his trousers, Kieran moves forward after removing his boots and socks and guides the kids into the water. Ryanair remaining on the shore with a smile on his lips, he follows after removing his shoes and socks.

The water fight began almost immediately. The two vampires wisely stepping in before someone lost thirty temper. After that, both vampires convinced the children to practice swimming techniques. They paused long enough to grab lunch and watch a crab scuttle to the water, before they were back in the cool embrace of the small waves of water. By the time either male noticed the sun's desent, the kids were close to falling asleep as they played.

Getting them all out and changed was a task, all four more asleep then awake. As they made their way back towards town, Kieran had an armful of Wythe and Isaac on his back. Ryanair had Sena and Tyre and followed a few paces behind him, the silence relaxing. Entering the town and moving towards the center, they soon found each child's mother waiting. Handing the kids back, both male's waved them off before turning to head home. Only then did Kieran remember the letter Lady Esther promised to send, he paused and sighed.

“I'll meet you home Ry, I have to collect Esther’s letter and I'll be there.” Ryanair had turned to look at him, at his words a frown settled onto his features. After a moment the blonde nodded and turned to continue walking, Kieran turning to head towards the Postal service. His strides slower as he moved around the people milling about, his gaze focused forward.

Just this and then he'd be home and asleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Christian had kept true to his word and had kept her out the entirety of the day. Not only had they continued shopping until he knew Clara had enough, he made sure to keep them busy with a few drinks through dinner time. Anything to keep the girl distracted – that was Christian's goal at the end of it all. With how busy he'd kept her, Clara had eventually lost track of time and track of her distracting thoughts. No, there hadn't been a second thought at all to where Kieran and his little pet had run off to. For a moment in time, Clara was able to just enjoy herself- not to mention, the alcohol over dinner had helped quite substantially.

Once the sun had begun to fall, the town was beginning to clear once more and Christian had decided it might be best to return home. He hadn't quite caught site of Kieran or Ryanair just yet, and thought it might be best to get her home before she noticed the two of them.

"See, Clara? I told you today wouldn't be so bad." Christian chided as he looped his arm with hers, carrying all of the bags that the two of them managed to collect. Clara only gave a little huff in return, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Yes, well – you're not always right, you know." She commented, giving him a little nudge. "Sometimes a girl just needs her space."

"You need it too often, my darling." He corrected her as they moved from the restaurant and back into the center of town. Their steps were slow, mainly enjoying the cooler evening air – lagging on their way back home. Christian had been a welcomed distraction, she had to admit, and he was right at least that day. Although, Clara never minded being alone. If he hadn't come to drag her out of bed, she would have stayed there for most of the day – content to both sleep it away and simply remain alone with her thoughts. He'd been right to collect her this time, however.

Clara idly toyed with the fabric of his sleeve as they walked, but it wasn't long at all before she'd felt that familiar itch coming back to her senses. Her lips curled into that familiar frown and she straightened back up as they approached the center of town.

"How about I meet you home, Christian?" She looked up at him as she pulled away slightly. Christian raised a brow as he studied her for a moment, wondering if he should fight it and unravel her positive mood for the day – or if he should just allow it and count his blessings. "…Alright, Clara… But not too long, alright?" Clara had only shrugged in return. "I won't be late. I just want to go on a walk is all."

Christian had only nodded before he finally separated from her with a sigh, although he looked almost comedic with the amount of bags he was carrying. Most were hers, and he'd drop them off in her room for her to sort through on her return. Anything to keep her happy…

Clara watched him go for a long moment before she continued through town, her hands idly playing with a strand of loose curls that fell in front of her. She didn't know exactly what she was planning – perhaps she only wanted to see if he was avoiding her just as much as she'd been avoiding him…
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

After finding the small shop, Kieran stepped out after speaking with the elder woman who owned the shop. She'd been both surprised and happy to see him, he rarely visited and he gladly accepted her words. He'd received his letter and had opened it right there, his stomach dropping at what met his gaze. Pure will had him refraining from ripping the parchment into pieces, his jaw clenched hard enough to grind his teeth.

They were moving again. The damn bastards had been spotted a few towns over, and seemed to be coming to this town. Somehow managing to pass the letter off for unwanted business information, he left after a few more minutes of chatter. He wondered if the information had changed, they were humans but were persistent and quick. The cool air outside was a relief, now he could go home and sleep-

The sudden stinging pain that uncurled in his chest had Kieran staggering, a hiss escaping his lips. His eyes scanned the now empty streets, I'll to find no threat within sight. Fingers moving to abdomen, he pulled the arrow that found there, his posture rigid and on alert. He had to keep calm or Ryanair would seek him out, the was the last thing he needed.

He was able to see the arrow that was aimed at him, Kieran jumped and was glad he'd made it away from the shop. He turned to take off, only to duck and kick a leg out. The figure before him smoothly dodged it and lashed out with something that glittered off the moonlight. This one wasn't alone it seemed, the one holding the crossbow was behind them somewhere.

A hiss escaped his lips as he dodged another areow, his reflexes helping him dodge what he now knew was a dagger. His abdomen ached as he jumped back and crouched, his now glowing eyes scanning the darkness.

This was a problem.

“It's time to come quietly, Kieran. We won't attack you if you agree to come without a fight.” A smooth voice pierced the air and had Kieran spinning to find the owner. A familiar figure came into view and with it rage filled him entirely, an enraged hiss left his lips in answer. This was the man that had found him, that had chased him and drawn him near insanity.

Like hell was he going to be captured again.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Her steps were quiet through the town as she had glanced up to watch the sky’s light fading away for the evening. Perhaps it would have been better if she headed straight home with Christian. That way, she could simply distract herself with her purchases, and sit down with a good book for the evening. What good could really come from seeking Kieran out again? Each and every time she hadn’t received a response even remotely close to what she’d expected. Hell, she’d even gotten him out of a sticky situation without even as much of a thanks in return. Regardless of the fact that she’d only done it since she was determined to be the one to cause him harm - no one else had been allowed that privilege...

Clara had felt him close by in no time and suddenly became uneasy; unsure of what exactly to do should there be a confrontation. Surely he would ignore her and pull along his other little pet to leave her -- that’s how it’s been all along anyway, hadn’t it?

Yet, as she continued to near him, she’d noticed the air had changed. She’d heard the tussle before her and instead of rushing into it, she’d stayed back, pressing herself against the closest building to conceal herself before she managed to peer around the corner.

She’d seen him remove the arrow from his chest, and all at once her gaze was lifted to find the culprit. She peered into the darkness, surveying the area carefully, slowly -- Lord, it seemed this man had many more enemies than just herself, hadn’t he? Well, that just wouldn’t do. It was her job, and her job solely to bring him to his knees.

Her jaw had been set as she noticed the second male who was occupied with Kieran. Her attention still remained above until she’d seen him. Slowly, she’d crouched and lifted her skirts, carefully slipping a dagger out from the garter that she wore. A girl could never be unprepared, after all.

Silently, she leapt from balcony to balcony to slowly approach her target - once more slipping behind him with the dagger to his throat. “Hello, love.” She whispered with a grin, loving the thrill that always came with a good kill. “Now - what is it that you’re after, hm?” It was more of a question for herself, knowing she wouldn’t receive an answer from an unwilling captive.

Still, she held onto him carefully for a moment longer. “Let’s go then, shall we?” And with that she leapt back down, holding onto the male as they hit the ground, the dagger pressed tight enough against his skin to draw blood.

“Hello, darlings.” Clara purred, eyeing both Kieran and the other male before her. “I’d suggest you’d leave now if you want your friend here all in one piece.”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

The male before Kieran laughed and twirled both the daggers he held with ease. His face was covered but his eyes were visible and narrowed, Kieran remained still and on alert. He'd managed to calm down enough for Ryanair not to come running, he could handle these two so long as he kept his head.

“Go ahead leech, we all know that in this line we face death on a daily basis. Isn't that right Traver?” He asked with an almost teasing note in his tone, the male below grunted softly in agreement. Kieran released a breath and lurched forward, the male met him half-way. An arrow whizzing past his ear had him reacting without thought, he ducked and pressed himself flat on the shingles.

“There's another hidden that has a crossbow, please take care of him.” He stated as he rolled away from a boot aimed for his head, his own legs lashing out in retaliation. Kieran hissed when a blow landed on his side, his arm lashing out and catching the other by the back of the neck. The older assassin didn't like that and with speed equivalent to a vampires, his daggers slashed across his chest. Searing pain rippled through the new wounds, Kieran swallowed and swayed backwards.

Something didn't feel right, his knees felt wobbly and his vision blurry. He blocked a blow with his arm and aimed a misguided punch at the blurry figure, the only answer was a laugh. Another slash ran along his chest and this time, Kieran didn't falter backwards. A hand grabbed his hair and a cool blade was held at his neck, a weak hiss escaped his lips.

Something was in his bloodstream. It was slowing him down and he felt weak and lethargic. He didn't like it and as the blade teased his pulse, Kieran wanted his bed and warmth.

“You've grown weak since we last met, pity really since I was expecting more or a fight.” The words were said into his ears, Kieran swallowed and struggled to move away. The world was spinning and his stomach burned like a trail of fire was searing his skin, he struggled harder to get away. The grip on his neck tightened as if to hold him in place, it wasn't really like he could really get away.

“Screw you....Emre…” He manages to hiss out between his teeth, his mouth tasting like copper. The blade was suddenly in his chest, twisting slowly and sending new waves of agony throughout his body. His arms slammed backwards and the grip loosened enough for him to move away, he did just that. He didn't get far before his legs gave and he slid down the roof, he kept himself from falling by griping the edge of the roof.

The sound of boots drawing closer had panic filling his chest. He didn't think twice as he consumed him, he could feel his fingers twitching and his grip lossening. Either he was going to fall, or he was going to be killed.

Neither was an option he wanted. He unconciously called for both his fledgling’s, his eyes closing as a hand grips his hair. Kieran couldn't feel his body anymore, his energy non-existent as he was hauled upward once more.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Quite frankly, she’d been surprised by the male’s reaction - so willing to toss one of his own aside. Who the hell were these people, and how the hell did Kieran get caught up with them? She narrowed her gaze at the other as he spoke, the grip on her dagger tightening. Fine - if they were so willing to die in the line of duty -- without a thought she quickly dragged the blade against his throat and tossed him aside. She’d heard Kieran’s words and turned her attention back to the other rooftops in search of where the new arrow had come from. Fuck - she hadn’t been involved in a good fight in a very long time -- Christian tended to stay low and had far more friends than enemies - Clara didn’t dabble much to create those same enemies.

With a grunt she’d headed towards the other rooftops, bounding towards the one with a crossbow. She’d heard the arrows already whizzing past her as she ran, one grazing her arm as she let out a quick hiss. “Bastard.” Clara bit out, the dagger flipped outwards so as she passed the other male, she sliced out towards him. Her first attempt was a miss as the male bounded towards her and caught her off guard - both of them tumbling on the rooftop. He’d at first thrown his weight atop of her and she growled as she swung a fist up, making contact with his jaw. It was enough to startle him and she lifted her hips up to knock him off balance and off of her.

Once more, the man had run after her, his bow discarded in the tussle. She had met him head on again, slicing wherever she could. Who the hell were these people -- especially since they knew how to keep up with both of them? Another growl fell from her lips as he landed a kick to her stomach and she was almost thrown off balance, but in one swift throw, the dagger ended up landing in the other male’s chest. “God damnit!” She hissed with a long huff.

Yet, within an instant she knew something was wrong - something suddenly had her on high alert and had lifted her adrenaline and anxiety to new heights. She’d turned sharply to see Kieran holding onto the edge of another roof, the other male headed his way, and she let out another growl. Son of a bitch - how many times did she have to save his ass before she killed him herself?

Running towards the edge of the roof she’d been on, she scooped up the bow and grabbed another arrow from the gurgling male that she’d discarded before she stopped suddenly to shoot. “Hey! Asshole!” Clara yelled out towards the male headed towards Kieran before she let the arrow fly his way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Emre dodged the arrow and with a twirl of his dagger, he tossed it with accuracy. Kieran rolled his shoulders and grit his teeth as he gathered his strength. With a deep breath, he drew his legs up and slammed them into Emre’s chin. The smell of blood filling the air had the elder vampire lurching away and kicking out. The vampire hunter grunted and managed to block his kick, while his other hand held his jaw.

Gathering a breath in his burning lungs, Kieran lunged forward and spun a roundhouse kick at Emre’s chest. He missed and an elbow met the back of his skull, a pained hissed escaped his lips as he pulled away. He could vaguely feel anger in the bonds he had with his fledgling’s, he knew one was close but the other was far.

Why was that? His mind shifted to the problem at hand, just in time to duck another slash. Kieran grunted and kicked out with his left leg, his right curling close to his body before it too lashed out. Emre hissed when one leg met his shin, the sound of breaking bone filling the air. Emre growled and slashed downwards with a flick of his wrist, Kieran didn't feel the slash this time. He grabbed the arm as it pulled away, his right arm gripped it hard enough until he shattered.

“Did you notice your pet hasn't come yet? I have others watching your home...shame if anything were to happen to-” Emre’s voice was choked off as a pale hand ripped put his throat, his narrowed eyes clouding over as his heart lurched. Kieran flexed his hand and let the other male drop, his eye closing as the world spun around him dizzingly.

“Can I ask for you help? I know you want nothing to do with me but in the condition I'm in I won't stand a chance. I'd be grateful if you did.” He breathes out as he shifts his attention to his first fledgling. His mind was clearing but his reactions were slow, he swallowed and moved around the body.

He had to get home, his mind unconciously calling for both of his fledgling’s once more. Steps feeling heavy and his lungs aching Kieran moved across the roofs with will alone guiding his speed. He needed to get to Ryanair, if any of the bastards hurt him they'd pay. He was glad that the children had gone home with their mothers just hours earlier.

This wasn't something they shouldn't see. This he'll thar was the life of some vampires.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by earlymorninstar


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She’d instantly spotted the dagger flying her way and she dodged it quickly, but she did not have to follow through with another arrow as she saw Kieran up once more. Clara had turned quickly and yanked her own dagger from the other man’s chest where she’d left it; his struggle to hang onto whatever shred of life he had in him had died off moments before. She’d wiped the blade on his shirt to clean it before turning once more to check on Kieran. As she suspected, he’d finished the job just as she’d replaced her dagger back from where it came.

The girl had lingered for a moment longer, preparing to take her leave before his voice had given her pause. He had wanted her help? What with his other fledgling left alone at home? It was one thing to save Kieran’s ass for the sake of killing him herself, but why the hell should she help him protect the other? Immediately she had wanted to refuse - but instinct had her doing otherwise. She’d nearly groaned, but held it back as she made her way towards him - noticing that he’d already headed off. The man had resilience, that was for certain...

Clara glanced down at the body he’d just left with a frown before she followed after him, the sting of the cut on her arm gaining her attention for a moment. Son of a bitch, one of them did manage to get her, didn’t they? None the matter - Kieran was worse for wear. “Clearly you have far more things to worry about other than me..” Clara murmured as she stepped over the body and moved a little quicker to match his strides.

“Who the hell are they anyway and what did you do to piss them off?” There it was again - she’d felt the pull suddenly sharpen, something she wasn’t necessarily used to. All of these feelings; it was so foreign and odd to her. And even still, she couldn’t believe she was about to go and help him protect his little replacement for her...

She knew full well where he was headed- she was only just there the night before, after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

The pulled told him Clara was following. Her questions were good ones and he took a fee moments to answer them. His eyes blinked to clear the persisting black spots that refused to leave his vision. His took a breath and then another, the pain in his lungs distracting him for a moment. The wounds were healing, though slowly and his blood was still seeping from the wound. His arm stung like a bitch, though he ignored it as he focused in answering.

“An old family of vampire hunters that are out for my blood. I haven't done anything except exist, though for them that's the problem. Their ancestors seeked my assistance in the elimination of a group of mindless vampires, I denied and apparently that's cause for this now. I don't intentionally make snipes Clara, I prefer peace and quiet to be honest.” It wasn't a lie, he been alive long enough to just want an easy life, then again with these bastards it wouldn't be possible.

“I might have killed a few or their members when I'd gone too long without feeding. That might also be a cause, though that was a century ago.” He offered after a moment, talking helped him focus on staying awake. Their bond was uncomfortably numb and that pushed Kieran to move faster, the quiet town left behind as his gaze focused on his home.

The sudden spike of fear that sliced through him had Kieran staggering. Ryanair was frightened but an underlying anger came simmering forward moments later. Kieran grit his teeth and forced his heavy body to move faster, his eyes scanning the darkness. The sudden light of the front door slicing into the darkness had him stilling, a familiar blonde head xme into view as Kieran moved behind a tree trunk.

What met his gaze had fury filling him. Four familiarity figures were huddled behind Ryanair, their hearts slow and sluggish. Kieran pushed away the pain as he moved forward, his words towards Clara a soft hiss passed his lips. “Help me, my fledgling.” He lunged forward and impaled the closest male though the heart, his body discarded with a flick of his wrist. Ryanair had spotted him, if the elation that fills the bond is any indication. Ryanair backed away and aimed a punch at the male that lunges forward, the kids kept safe behind them. Kieran noted their eyes were glassy and he was glad he'd taught Ryanair how to use his convulsion.

His next target manged to pierce him with an arrow before his windpipe was crushed between pale fingers. There were more here, Kieran moved away from another arrow and lunged for another hunter. They were outnumbered as long as-

The sudden blonde blur that passed by was his answer. The sudden darkness was his second answer, Ryanair had manged to close the door and plummet the terrain into darkness. Three against the small army might do better then two with one of half-useful as Kieran was.
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