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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 2 days ago

@Double Capybara Oh come on, how can I be the demigoddess of waifu this way!

Waifu you say....

As it is, my whole character oozes Weebness. And it will only increse. (With my next post)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Welp. That is it, I'm claiming Beauty (Chinese Cartoons).

Done. Now you are all forbidden from being such weebs.


1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 1 mo ago


What? Whaaat?

Mate, Meimu, Notte and Piena. That is like 7 might into waifus. Next one will make it 15. I can literally claim waifus as a domain.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 2 days ago


What? Whaaat?

Mate, Meimu, Notte and Piena. That is like 7 might into waifus. Next one will make it 15. I can literally claim waifus as a domain.

I got mine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hygswitch
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Hygswitch Educational Witch

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Double Capybara

Yes the Goddess of Waifu, but not the Demigoddess. n_n also I dont even remember who brought this up for Kinesis.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago


What? Whaaat?

Mate, Meimu, Notte and Piena. That is like 7 might into waifus. Next one will make it 15. I can literally claim waifus as a domain.

Meimu best girl
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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<Snipped quote by The Irish Tree>

Well I mean, he isn't gay....He is Sin, he swings all ways. And he steals more than just eyes. But tacos and tequila, thats just evil.

Meruem a savage.

Burritos and whiskey is the combination of the just and righteous.

Meruem a sexy beast
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

So much spam... -.-

Anyway, I remembered something else I wanted to ask.
@Frettzo, back in Turn 2 Astarte gave Teknall a bottle of her essence to scientifically analyse. Soon I should have the means to do that. Did you still want me to do that?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

So much spam... -.-

Anyway, I remembered something else I wanted to ask.
@Frettzo, back in Turn 2 Astarte gave Teknall a bottle of her essence to scientifically analyse. Soon I should have the means to do that. Did you still want me to do that?

Yeah, that's cool. You're free to do whatever you want to that bottle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Ohn hon hon hon ;^))))
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Ohn hon hon hon ;^))))

*wing, wink, nudge, nudge*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

So much spam... -.-

Hmmm...define this 'spam' you speak of.
All I could find was this:

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 2 days ago

This is spam.

The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

The FitnessFitness™ Fitness Test is a multiFitness Fitness capacity test that Fitnessly gets more Fitness as it Fitness. The 2 Fitness Fitness test will begin is 30 Fitness. Line up at the Fitness. The Fitness speed starts Fitnessly, but gets Fitnesser each Fitness after you hear this fitness. [Fitness] A single Fitness should be Fitness each time you hear this Fitness. [Fitness] Remembet to run in a straight Fitness, and Fitness as long as possible. The second Fitness you fail to complete a Fitness before the Fitness, your Fitness is over. The Fitness will begin on the word Fitness. On your Fitness, Get Fitness, Fitness.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

This is spam.

The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

The FitnessFitness™ Fitness Test is a multiFitness Fitness capacity test that Fitnessly gets more Fitness as it Fitness. The 2 Fitness Fitness test will begin is 30 Fitness. Line up at the Fitness. The Fitness speed starts Fitnessly, but gets Fitnesser each Fitness after you hear this fitness. [Fitness] A single Fitness should be Fitness each time you hear this Fitness. [Fitness] Remembet to run in a straight Fitness, and Fitness as long as possible. The second Fitness you fail to complete a Fitness before the Fitness, your Fitness is over. The Fitness will begin on the word Fitness. On your Fitness, Get Fitness, Fitness.

*Vietnam flashbacks to being a chubster in gym class intensifies
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago


How shall I ever catch up with the IC thread if I cannot even go to sleep without three pages of animu appearing OOC?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hey, do the Pronobii still exist? I don't know if the player for Raethos is around, but I remember him posting that he was quitting the RP. If they are, I wouldn't mind picking them back up in his absence.


Imagine the pickle they must be in right now. The god of death.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago


How shall I ever catch up with the IC thread if I cannot even go to sleep without three pages of animu appearing OOC?

Y-you read the IC thread rather than the OOC?

Silly humie
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hey, do the Pronobii still exist? I don't know if the player for Raethos is around, but I remember him posting that he was quitting the RP. If they are, I wouldn't mind picking them back up in his absence.


Imagine the pickle they must be in right now. The god of death.

With Reathos not there to save them, they were wiped out by Vestec's horde. There are still corrupted Pronobii, but they probably aren't what you want. Possibly there are a few survivors hiding in the south pole, but their morale and culture would be shattered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by poog the pig>

With Reathos not there to save them, they were wiped out by Vestec's horde. There are still corrupted Pronobii, but they probably aren't what you want. Possibly there are a few survivors hiding in the south pole, but their morale and culture would be shattered.

Perfect! That sounds like lots of fun, the Pronobii remnants attempting to survive out in the now corrupt frozen hovels they had fondly inhabited; before hordes of strange invaders took their homes. I got dibs on writing short stories about the attempted reformation of the Pronobii culture.

I think I may try and use the old hero of death, or politely ask somebody to appoint a new hero.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ok, the last post I wanted to have out of the way is done.

Now I need to rest, read stuff, grab some references, and all that.

I will be detailing a lot of stuff in the human areas as the group travels across the land. Hainland seems to be a bit harder to deal since I have to wait for the latest posts.
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