Exclusive to Old Fucks and New Fucks. Ask if you want to know if this includes you.
The Project
After a group of social-oriented scientists ran a test trial using college students, a new method intended for counseling, relieving stress and dealing with depression came about. Of course, whether anyone actually cares to believe that or not, it's the story that they gave to the school board that caused the counselors from your high-school to ragtag forces with the English department to create a new project that is being slapped down onto your desk on the third day of school.
This project -- "Dear Anonymous" -- is exactly what it sounds like: you will be sending and receiving letters anonymously. Well, okay, not letters, but e-mails and IMs. And this "anonymous" person is someone from your school who is chosen at random: gender, age and class aren't taken into account: anyone who is in a English class will receive this assignment.
The rules and regulations of the project are simple: you are to stay in contact with your partner throughout the entire year and log your conversations in a journal. At the very end of the year, your journal and a final feedback sheet will be submitted as your final grade for the entire year. A student will receive a zero if he or she does not stay in contact with his or her partner or even worse -- if said student or their partner break the rule of anonymity. Students are required to use a screen name and fake alias when talking to their partner that must be used at all times. This means that you can be paired with your brother, your best friend, your girlfriend or your worst enemy without even knowing about it -- the possibilities are endless! And so are the potential romances, drama and so on.
The project is intended to be used as therapeutic use, with hopes of self-discovery and possible inspiration! Of course, that could easily be a bucket of trash that your English teacher tries to sell to you, but you never know what might happen. . .
Out Of Character Information
- The Roleplay will begin on a Friday, which is the third day of school.
- The first assignment will to be e-mail your partner over the weekend and start your journal.
- Why am I even keeping this, you already know how this Roleplay goes.
- The setting will be a small town where everyone knows each other. Said town is named Wellbridge. It's fictional.
- Spoilers, it's in Maine. Because it's coastal, it's cold and because inb4 Jordan is a character.
- If any of you losers are interested, I have two Co-GM roles open. I doubt we'll need them.
- Feel free to reuse your characters or make new ones. I don't really care.
- No character limit is currently in place.
- If you have any questions, recommendations or suggestions (which I doubt you will), just PM me or leave it here in the thread.
- No smutting, pls and thank you (Luci).
- Don't be edgy.
- Don't be an asshole.
- Use Roleplay common sense - no meta-gaming, no powerplaying, not godmoddoing, etc.
- OOC drama is only allowed if it's in the OOC chat or if it's directed at Vari.
- Do not post if you aren't invited. The logical step would be to send me hatemail instead.
- Don't be desperate - aka, do not force romance onto another player's character.
- dunt wr1te liek dis unless it's in IMs or e-mails.
- There is no "I" in Dear Anonymous (unless I'm blind). So don't add any.
- Zodiacs are the only important thing. Ships are the only other important thing.
Character Sheet
On the third day of school, after you learn of the project's existence, you are given a simple sheet by your English teacher that you are required to fill out. Apparently, they're going to keep it in a folder for the entire year and give it back to you at the end to submit with your final project. Whether or not you take it seriously, well, that's up to you.