You are an inhabitant of EDEN, a land of SWORDS and SORCERY. You have found yourself in a TAVERN with a few WILDLY DIFFERENT and FLAMBOYANTLY QUEER looking characters, forced to sit together in the LAST REMAINING BOOTH to take shelter from a storm. Throughout the night, you have grown CLOSE and now are all planning to go on an ADVENTURE tomorrow morning. How CONVENIENT FOR THE PLOT. The ragtag band of accepted misfits assembled is as follows:
SVENLOTH the ELVEN BARD, GAGIBLOX the AWFUL FISH-PERSON MAGE, KRUM the HALF-ORC RANGER, HISH the LIZARDMAN ROGUE, and HOPEFULLY some kind of SWORD-WIELDER with a STRENGTH STAT worth a damn. I'm looking at you, lurkers. Don't think I don't SEE YOU. I ALWAYS see you.